Amazing Polish History
Amazing Polish History
Amazing Polish History
If you're interested in inspiring, heroic stories, you'll find many here.
BEST Book about Poland! Amazing stories
4 года назад
Best Warsaw Uprising Documentary
4 года назад
One Second From Death
5 лет назад
He broke INTO the Ghetto
5 лет назад
Get the Vodka
5 лет назад
The Price of Life
5 лет назад
The Final Chapter (E63)
5 лет назад
Ready for the Next Fight (E62)
5 лет назад
A Tale of 2 Commanders (E61)
5 лет назад
Cross the River (E60)
5 лет назад
How Could They Continue? (E59)
5 лет назад
The Warsaw Sewers (E58)
5 лет назад
The Warsaw Sewers (E57)
5 лет назад
That's Your Friends (E56)
5 лет назад
We Will Obliterate You (E55)
5 лет назад
Breathtaking Duplicity (E54)
5 лет назад
Crossfire (E53)
5 лет назад
He Was 12 Years Old (E51)
5 лет назад
The Darkest Chapter (E50)
5 лет назад
Standing on the Graves (E49)
5 лет назад
Best Friends or Strangers? (E48)
5 лет назад
Nowhere to Bury The Dead (E47)
5 лет назад
Explode on Impact (E45)
5 лет назад
Blow the Bridges (E44)
5 лет назад
Even in Our Dreams (E43)
5 лет назад
@3489910 День назад
People these days are disgusting.
@bpresley08 2 дня назад
This happened when I was in Germany. I was disgusted as for me it was emotional journey to think of all the pain people went through.
@user-mk3er6no4c 5 дней назад
I went their and pissed
@amadeosendiulo2137 5 дней назад
If these people want an anamusment park, why don't they go to Energilandia (28-40 mins away by car) instead?
@CuntLucifer 6 дней назад
"If you can't behave in the right way when you go to Auschwitz concentration camp, or any other place where the mass extermination by the Nazi Germans during the Second World War took place, don't go." What is the right way to behave? who keeps track of it? do you? should I first call you and make sure that I got my list down of how to behave in these places before I go? OR can it be that people behaves in different ways and handles situations differently? Get off your high horse.
@jontancool9181 День назад
Come on, you cant be serious? there is a very widely understood default behavior that is expected in serious settings like this, similar ones apply to for example funerals. It is not appropriate to start kissing in a morgue where millions of jews have been cremated, neither is is appropriate to kiss during a ceremony when someone is laid to rest, how is this not something you understand? who decides what the right way to behave is? Society has been, since basically the beginning of mankind, its what makes us human: to have compassion and consideration, even for the dead.
@GermanHistoryGirl 7 дней назад
I was in Flossenbürg and the boys just talked how they rebuild it in minecraft and use villagers... Oh I don't wanna talk abt it. I was disgusted, because the whole time I felt I traveled back to time and the smell in the Krematorium was still there...
@robintate 7 дней назад
I completed a tour today. There are exhibits/areas where you are not allowed to take photographs. As of today, photos are permitted in the exhibit where the suitcases, glasses, shoes, and other items are stored. So perhaps they have become more lenient. Great point you've made. Someone in our group took a quick and "stealthy" selfie and I just stared at her. I honestly think people can't help themselves anymore.
@pcprinciple3774 8 дней назад
On the positive side, at least they learnt to disobey orders, unlike...
@user-yv1zu2yr6h 8 дней назад
We must remember!! Lest we forget!!
@user-vm6ps8xc7h 8 дней назад
It's ok to share information with the world
@ariannammason 8 дней назад
What’s wrong with this guy?
@jontancool9181 День назад
what? ellaborate?
@2ch.thenazaritelifestyle 9 дней назад
This is what I talk about. People who travel mostly are those who travel for fun and kicks, just to say they've been to these places. Only a few will visit certain places for learning purposes. Those who have & will visit Auschwitz for kicks and bragging rights are 'do do's'.
@minkokol4632 9 дней назад
You are absolutely right. God bless you, and God bless those souls who suffered and ultimately died may they rest in eternal peace.
@AlexanderTheCrusty 9 дней назад
Did they take pictures of the wooden doors?
@pektowanderlust 9 дней назад
Well, how can you tell the story if you don't show and document the horrors and cruelty of the nazi regime? Photographs and videos are powerful tools to tell a story that must not be repeated. That is why museums were built so we can learn from them. In America today, Gen Z and millennials cannot even tell where Auschwitz is... let alone what is a holocaust .
@wallacewestmeath 10 дней назад
I know its not the same but I visited the 911 memorial at Ground Zero in 2016 and everybody was very quiet , reflected and respectful . It should be same everywhere . I have wanted to visit Auschwitz and i appreciate your warning .
@Oldag75 11 дней назад
Thank you for your appreciation of the horror -- and your disdain for people who have no concept in the world of what happened there.
@hopeisit1347 11 дней назад
Most humans are scum
@danylleriley1498 12 дней назад
I want to go to visit where members of my family were murdered and tortured some of my family survived I saw the number tattoo on their arm I wish I could afford to go so my ancestors can see we lived on in freedom
@aurora_skye 13 дней назад
My boyfriend's Christian name is Maximilian, after this brave man. What a wonderful person he was ❤
@AdultThirdCultureKid1971 13 дней назад
Two years ago, there was a picture of some people visiting Auschwitz-Birkenau and one young woman sat in the sun as though she was posing for a fashion magazine. That's disrespectful on all levels.
@OlafurSigporsson 14 дней назад
Well said. Anyone who takes a photo of anything within Auschwitz should be escorted immediately.
@munyaradzimunodawafa7745 14 дней назад
Only westerners could be that inconsiderate
@janniechoquette8828 14 дней назад
I want to cry for humanity. We aren't evolving, we're devolving. I am scared for my children and grandchildren. I am devastated by this.
@kilroywashere123 15 дней назад
Can't they kick these people out?? Are there signs in place to remind the morons to be respectful? Thanks for this video.
@anm8001 15 дней назад
Was there just now. It's a difficult place to go through with a guide. At some points we would joke about unrelated matters with her, since the atmosphere there is so heavy. I wish peace to be upon all victims
@violinistvanessa0922 15 дней назад
It really breaks my heart very deeply a lot seeing the disrespectfulness of the people are giving to auschwitz by taking selfies and taking pictures in such a disrespectful way. It makes me sad,disgusted,sick,and angry and so many more negative emotions. Like seriously, people need to respect auschwitz and holocaust museums with maximum respect. Sorry, I had to let these two really long comments out. Anyway thank you again for making this video and spreading awareness about the holocaust because some people still claim that it didn’t happen nor it was real when it did actually happen because I have ancestors who experienced WWII and heard everything about it and yes, including the holocaust. Oskar Schindler would be very disappointed,upset,disgusted,angry,hurt and heartbroken if he found out that people were disrespecting Auschwitz and all the other holocaust camp memorials. This video should be shown at all holocaust memorials and camp memorials before people enter. Oskar Schindler would be very proud of you for making this video,also touring the camp and spreading the word that the holocaust was very real and it did actually happen. I hope that we as a good society of people, Will forever have the holocaust and all the horrific memories of it and everything about it permanently tattooed on our hearts and brains because the holocaust should never ever be forgotten so that people can learn about it,know about it and that it’ll hopefully never ever happen again and I literally mean never ever again. The holocaust is also why we should always be grateful that we were born in a different time because everyone in the holocaust and World War II would’ve loved to live the world and freedom we have today, Some people just take it way too much for granted because they were very lucky they didn’t experience World War I,World war II let alone the holocaust and they would’ve loved the peaceful world we have today and that there is no war happening except for two wars. But we’re very lucky it’s not in the USA but we’d do anything to help them even just by donating money and other essential items as people sadly can’t go out of their homes safely without risking their lives,possibly getting shot,getting captured and held hostage, and so much more. We all really have a lot to be grateful and thankful about especially since we weren’t the ones who had to suffer from WWII and everything with it. You are a very inspiring person and this video really captured my heart and brain and many people’s hearts and brains as well especially my family,friends and other loved ones in my life because we all are a big community together and should spread awareness about things that happened and things that need to stop and change. I feel so blessed seeing this video today, Thank you so much. :)
@MariUSukulele 16 дней назад
DANKE for your words
@laiaestevezmas6603 16 дней назад
I went to both Audchwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau on the last day of an erasmus when I was 12. It was me, two history teachers of my school and 5 of my classmates. I remember walking behind the group we were right beside the train tracks, and while me, my best friend and another boy walked quietly and honestly we were just terrified, the other two boys started to play on top of the train tracks, running and trying to keep balance as they laughed and made silly noises. My teacher got furious but waited to scold them until we were on the bus while me and my best friend cried to our parents on the phone. I will never forget how heavy the air felt as you got closer to the camp.
@robbyravenwoodandthefunhou4626 16 дней назад
Aptly put. I guess one can forgive people's ignorance and maybe even an empathic low IQ - that is hallowed ground. Sad to hear that
@Swanchsteir 16 дней назад
Now Jews themselves became Nazi and Genocidal Country
@user-qj6pl9nm8p 16 дней назад
Ticked off NOT ticking off!😢💔😡
@barrysullivan7336 17 дней назад
Some people are disgusting and unworthy filth
@shizzyshiznit59 17 дней назад
I can understand being disgusting at the kissing, but pictures are a form of memory. Taking pictures of the displays is a way to immortalize those who died within the life of the person taking the picture. I honestly couldn't understand why you wouldn't want pictures taken, as long as the pictures are for the memory of the photographers. Shame on you for judging how others commit those atrocities to their hearts.
@shizzyshiznit59 17 дней назад
There are literally people who dedicate themselves to documenting the atrocious of today's wars for the sake of those who suffer. Capturing pain, loss, disaster, and worse, to give everyone who can't be in that situation or place the ability to have a fractional understanding of those who suffered through those disasters themselves.
@zvezda4701 17 дней назад
Imagine if teenagers and adults caught being disruptive or disrespectful at concentration camp memorials were forced to do incredibly advanced and lifelike VR tours where they’re placed into the POV of a concentration camp inmate and made to live out just an hour of horrors of the Nazi death camps without the solace of being able to die and let it all be over then. The starvation, the executions by gunshot, the gas chambers, the forced experimentations, all uncensored, in full view. If they intend on being disrespectful, they should at least know what they’re disrespecting. Alternatively they could just be strapped to a chair and made to watch the latter half of “Come and See,” that usually does the trick. At that point, you could probably bet that they’d never do the Nazi salute as a joke ever again, for instance. Maybe my suggestion sounds a little sadistic, but if LGBT people everywhere and Jews outside Israel have to live every day knowing that far-right violence could kill them at any moment, if children in Gaza are old enough to see their friends and families blown up by bombs, then this isn’t “too much” for anyone.
@matthewhueston3084 18 дней назад
We as a species will repeat this, unfortunately. They are building them across the world right now. You won’t see it on the main stream media, it’s being done hush hush. But it is being done. Do your own research. Repent and come to Christ before it’s to late. Prep and pray, Godbless all of you.
@suejewell8656 18 дней назад
It is a memorial to the worst atrocities on a large scale ever and must be treated as such. No celebrations, no laughter, no kissing, etc . But I think taking pictures to show those who can't afford to go there is a good thing - the more people exposed to the horrors, the better. I wished I could go there, even though I know I would cry all the time and might even have to throw up a couple of times So, so, sad and unimaginable. How could the human race behave like this.
@Alice-ng2po 18 дней назад
If people can't treat these camps with the respect they deserve, then they should not be allowed to enter them.
@johnwatson5235 18 дней назад
There is nothing darker than the human heart.
@Alice-ng2po 18 дней назад
It sounds like the camps should be shut down to touring in person and only video pictures put out for the public.
@hylanddilligaf6023 18 дней назад
Do the math. 5 ovens, 4 bodies per. 2.5 hours per body using today's technology.
@georgegabritsch975 18 дней назад
I was given special permission to photograph the. Exhibit described in this piece why because i am crippled due to polio at age three and the quide say that i could and would shoot. Pictures with respect love and dignity dignity may the souls of the.million.250000 people murdered at. this horrible place in less. than 3 and one half. Years makes what the nazis did. even more frightening
@stevenpierce4359 19 дней назад
I believe you sir
@AnthonyGolden-de5go 19 дней назад
Well said !Sad part of our history but one we should never forget !
@vegxnvxmpire 19 дней назад
I suddenly feel very guilty about taking photos when I was there. Only did it where we were allowed to do so, and for the purpose of being able to look back at the pictures i took and remember what I saw and experienced. Can someone please tell me I’m not a horrible human being for this?
@terrieormonde2340 19 дней назад
This is what I believe as well. If you can not show respect, you do not deserve the honor !!!
@richardmartinez6057 19 дней назад
No respect for the dead and there family's 😔
@jowoodward1757 19 дней назад
So disrespectful and shocking
@patriciarose6371 19 дней назад
My late brother went there not long after War's end. Accompanied by 3.Americans who,like him worked for UNO. He said they were too overcome to speak and on leaving one of the Americans quitely exclaimed " JESUS WEPT!"
@jensmuhrmannlund9569 19 дней назад
I can hardly believe any visitor to Auschwitz would behave like described.......immensely sad 😢