Jesuits Global
Jesuits Global
Jesuits Global
Official Channel of the General Curia of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits)

The Society of Jesus was founded in 1540 by St. Ignatius Loyola with the approval of Pope Paul III. Ignatius Loyola had gathered around him an energetic band of well-educated men who desired nothing more than to help others find God in their lives. It was Ignatius’ original plan that the Jesuits be travelling missionaries who would preach and administer the sacraments wherever there was the hope of accomplishing the greater good. Since its foundation the Order has grown from the original ten to more than 16,000 Jesuits worldwide.
Women - Adding value to Jesuit mission
4 месяца назад
UAPs - Fr General issues an urgent call
4 месяца назад
Fr Sosa: Christmas plea for peace
6 месяцев назад
Padre Sosa: alegato de Navidad por la paz
6 месяцев назад
@NobleWolf33 2 месяца назад
The Jesuit Order and all other Illuminati secret societies will fulfill the NWO Beast System. The Satanic Elites are the actualization of (Revelations 17:17) "For Elohim has put it into their hearts to carry out his purpose by being of one mind and handing over their royal power to the beast, until the words of God are fulfilled."
@Future.Trunks220 4 месяца назад
Jesuits 🤓🤡
@AzraelIlluminati9 2 месяца назад
Fanatics and Hypocrites 🤮🤢🤡
@Future.Trunks220 2 месяца назад
@@AzraelIlluminati9 nice pfp
@AzraelIlluminati9 2 месяца назад
@@Future.Trunks220 😂🤣😅🤡🤢🤮
@Future.Trunks220 2 месяца назад
@@AzraelIlluminati9 online way too much try going outside and having fun in reality, honestly
@AzraelIlluminati9 2 месяца назад
@@Future.Trunks220 🤡😂🤣😅
@heatherblackie8465 5 месяцев назад
Omg the jesuits have an app, does it tell us how your happy to crush the heads of babies and have innocent people drink from your cup of poison, or how you have to Rob the people to keep your pathetic heads above water, or how your involved in child trafficking and sacrafice. Judgment has been called, God is about to show you lot who's really in control.
@Ed-of1jo 8 месяцев назад
I can’t wait till we control the world “The one world jesuit order”, too bad we can’t see the truth 😮
@KamilKartal 11 месяцев назад
Kamil KARTAL'ın 14 (bugün)-18 Ağustos 2023 tarihlerinde ABD'nin Illinois Eyaleti Chicago kentinde gerçekleşecek olan Dünya Dinleri Parlamentosu Toplantısına Gönderdiği Mesaj. ULU ÖNDER ATATÜRK'ün huzurunda diz çöktüm, boyun büktüm Bu kişi oradaydı, buyruğu alırken gözleri yere, yüreği göğeydi Yanına çağrıldım, masada haritanın üzerini işaretledi kalemiyle Solundaydım, Sol Dirseği, sağ dirseğime değdi Başını çevirip bana baktı ve görüyor musun, dedi Aman efendiler, buyurdu BAŞBUĞ; TÜRKÇE, dedi, Güneş dilidir! O kutlu günde ant içti, kanından ve yaşından akıttı bu kişi ATAMIN sözünü işittim, tanıklık ettim ve ben, daima oradayım... ----- Ben ki Şaba Ka Taşının yazıcısı, dillerin ve sözlerin efendisi; başlangıcın yar atıcısı ve sonun yok edicisi; gecenin aydınlığı, Kuzeyin kazığı, Günün ışığı; Ben ki tanrılarınıza ad veren, sözler diyarının büyük hükümdarı, Nil'i akıtan; Ben ki sandalın dümencisi, kürekçisi, yolcusu; yolcuların hancısı, ölümün adı; Ben ki Anubis'in hançeri, terazinin tüyü, senin yüreğin, Toth'un kalemi, Horus'un sesi ve Osiris'in buyruğu; Ben ki ciğerlerinin soluğunu üfleyen ve alan; solukların dumanı, gözlerin yaşı, damarların kanı; acunsuların tuzu, nehirlerin yatağı, yükseklerin karları, yamaçların uğultusu, denizlerdeki ve çöllerdeki kum; Ben ki, toprağı sulayan, tohumları yeşerten, ormanları yapan ve yakan; Ben ki gerçeklerin sığınağı, bilgelerin başı, arayanların bulduğu, yalanların sonu; Ben ki taçları giydiren ve tahtları yerle yeksan eden kadim TÜRK DİLİYİM! ----- KARA DİL'e ve şahsında KARA BABA'ya, onu temsil eden karanlık dinlerin bütün misyonlarına sözümdür: Binlerce yıl boyunca sınırsız ve doyumsuz kötülükler yaptınız. Hep yalan söylediniz; birbirinize yalancı tanıklık ettiniz ve kendi çıkarlarınız için insanlığı aldattınız. Gerçekleri tahrif ederek saptırdınız. Uydurduğunuz ilahların temsilcileri olduğunuzu veya onlar adına konuştuğunuzu ileri sürerek sahte cennetler vaad ettiniz. Masum insanların akıllarını dumanladınız, soluklarını çaldınız. Yalanlarınızla insanların ve toplumların varlıkları üzerinde tahakküm kurmak amacıyla sinsi planlar yaptınız. Korkunç bir hırs ile hesabı olmayan miktarlarda can aldınız, zulümler yaptınız, kan ve göz yaşı akıttınız. Bütün bunları SÖZ ile yaptınız. Şimdi, o döngü tamamlandı ve vadeniz bitmiştir. Zifir karanlıklarla dolu bir çağda KARA DİL'in ve karanlık dinlerinin hükmü artık yoktur! İnsanı insana, kardeşi kardeşe düşman ederek bölüp parçaladığınız pislikler kuleniz başınıza yıkılmıştır. Horoz öttü bir kez ve vaktiyle. GÜN ithişamıyla doğmaya başladıktan sonra, bunun dönüşü yoktur, iyi bilirsiniz! Hızlı olacak ve kısa sürecek. Birbirinize korku dolu gözlerle bakamayacağınız, çığlıklar bile atamayacağınız kadar. Derinlerdeki mağaralarınıza kaçıp saklanamayacağınız, kurtulamayacağınız kadar. Bu defa çağlayarak akan, doğru sözler olacak. Bu defa, yerin ve göğün rengi kızıl değil, mavi olacak. Bu dediklerimin sesini, tam ve doğru tınısıyla işittiniz... Ben ki GÜNEŞ DİL ORDULARI MÜTTEFİK BİLGİ KUVVETLERİ BAŞKOMUTANI ve BAŞBUĞ ULU ATATÜRK'ün VASİYETİNİN BAŞMUHAFIZI, Kamil Kartal! ------------------------------- Message Sent by Kamil-Kartal to the World Religions Parliament Meeting to be Held in the City of Chicago, Illinois, United States, from August 14th (today) to 18th, 2023 In the presence of the Great Leader Atatürk, I knelt and bowed. This person was there, receiving orders with eyes lowered, heart soaring high. I was summoned beside, as he pointed on the map with his pen. I stood to his left, his left elbow touching my right. He turned his head to me and asked, "Do you see?" "Oh, gentlemen!", declared the LEADER; he said, "It is TURKISH, the SUN LANGUAGE! On that sacred day, he pledged, he shed his blood and tears; this person, from his blood and soul, flowed. I heard ATATURK's words, bore witness, and I, forever present... ----- I, the scribe of the SHABA KA Stone, master of languages and words; initiator of beginnings and vanquisher of ends; the brilliance of night, the spike of the North, the light of day; I, who bestows names upon your gods, sovereign of the realm of words, the one who pours the Nile; I, the helmsman, rower, and passenger of the boat; innkeeper of travelers, the name of death; I, the dagger of Anubis, the feather of Ma'at, your heart, the pen of Thoth, the voice of Horus, and the command of Osiris; I, who breathes in and takes away the breath of your lungs; the smoke of breaths, the tears of eyes, the blood of veins; the salt of oceans, the bed of rivers, the snows of heights, the roar of slopes, sands in seas and deserts; I, who waters the earth, makes seeds flourish, creates and burns forests; I, the sanctuary of truths, the head of the wise, the end of lies for seekers; I, who crowns and shatters thrones, the ancient TURKISH LANGUAGE am I! ----- To the DARK LANGUAGE and, through it, to the BLACK POPE, representative of all the missions of dark religions, I speak: For millennia, you have perpetrated boundless and insatiable evils. You consistently lied; bore false witness against one another and deceived humanity for your own gain. You distorted truths and led astray. You promised false heavens, claiming to represent your fabricated deities or speak on their behalf. You clouded the minds of innocent people, stole their breaths. Through lies, you plotted to establish dominance over individuals and societies. With insatiable greed, you took countless lives, committed atrocities, shed blood and tears-all through the power of WORD. Now, that cycle is complete, and your time has ended. In an era cloaked in utter darkness, the reign of the DARK LANGUAGE and dark religions is no more! The filth of dividing and tearing brothers apart, making humans enemies to one another, your tower has crumbled. The cock has crowed once and for all. Once the DAY began to dawn with its grandeur, there is no turning back, and you know it well! It will be swift and brief. You won't be able to gaze into each other's fearful eyes, not even to utter a scream. You won't be able to hide in your deep caverns, nor escape, you'll find no refuge. This time, there will be truthful words flowing like a waterfall. This time, the color of earth and sky will not be crimson but blue. You have heard these words, in their perfect resonance and pitch... I, Commander in Chief of the Allied Knowledge Forces of The SUN LANGUAGE ARMIES, Chief Guardian of the Will of GREAT LEADER ATATÜRK, Kamil-Kartal!
@bogusawwieczorkowski8338 Год назад
J.H.S global very greats
@gabrielewentzlik743 Год назад
Dear Father General, this video with your conservation with Jesuits in formation showed up today again, almost one year after. It was interesting to listen again, after one year of this process you started, or should I better say you brought new into consciousness. And if I look at the UAP’s today, having made many different experiences with people 😊of different cultures here in Germany, who for example are eager to care for our common home, I think the consciousness being a sinner and dependent on the mercy of God, if Jesuit or not, is one of the most important habits one should have. And thanks be to God , He sent a Saint, St. Ignatius, who taught us a lot about that. So I wish you all blessings of God, to help us, who also are on those ways, to learn better, how to go this path, in the light of catholic faith. 🙏
@briendoyle4680 Год назад
The Bible is One, Single, Solitary book, and that is the total extent of your evidence to prove your god? The Bible is Fiction, a Historical novel - ie a Fictional story using Historical events and peoples : This 'Bable' book is backed up by absolutely no facts and no evidence for gods! As a 'historical Novel', It is not proof for any god(s) The fables are intertwined within historical places and people... eg Egypt and the Pharaohs existed, whereas Moses did NOT exist, and the Exodus did not happen ! That David/Solomon are fables... Jonah swallowed by a fish.....Hhaha! A 'global' flood never occurred on Earth! [btw - any objections to these historical facts must be accompanied with evidence to prove the existence of any gods claimed]
@festusedeh9616 Год назад
Good job guys👌🏼
@gabormagyar1485 Год назад
Why Rome killed Jesus?
@StoneCrow189 Год назад
God willing in the next inquisition the Jesuits will come under scrutiny…
@Emanueljivosport Год назад
@metildajoseph5265 Год назад
Greetings Fr.Robert Mallecer, Thoughts : - Immersive Ignatian Spiritual Exercises. - Interesting Photographs of Ignatian Way in Different Landscapes. - Thanks with Prayers for Team Digital Jesuit for Great, Informative, Concise, Illustrative Content in every sense in all aspects. With regards, RanjithJoseph (R.J)
@jonathanfrieze8497 Год назад
how is that the founder of the order of illuminati was created by a jesuit something sadly ignored in his story. the military arm of the Catholic church who took the place of the knights templar president Lincoln once said if it were not for the sinister hand of the jesuits there would have never been a civil war. the jesuits we're also created to help counter the 95 theses and caused a partnership between Catholics and Jews they have been in power in America since the start of this nation they were here before the our government was created and if you really look you can clearly see that all roads lead to Rome and they never lost there power the roman facies hang on our house of representatives Roman architecture every you look wake up people don't fall into the just believe narrative a word that mockingly has the word lie right in the middle of it...... no accident they created our language and our calander and it was synched together and they use a kabalistic practice of gematria on a daily basis sacrificing your loved ones to get your big break or to become a huge sports star it never fails that death and tragedy's follow these explosions in ones social status and money becomes all that matters fame and money nevermind who is sacrificed from sports to the news there scripted and by using gematria you can clearly see this look into Zach Hubbards work and his channel gematria effect news 22-25 and gematria effect sports 25 channels because that's how many channels he has had deleted and censored calling Kentucky derbys world series you name it he predicts it way in advance and it's no pyschic power it's threw gematria the coding of letters into numbers in the beginning God created the universe with letters numbers and words these are the opening words from the book of kabala you know you always hear that the evil people in charge are the kabal research and learn and have your eyes opened or continue being a blind sheep there's only a couple years left before all the poisons they've been spraying out of the planes that lay checkerboard patterns in our skies that have turned our skies into a grey white dirty haze when do you ever see a truly blue sky anymore these toxic metals ranging from aluminum graphene barium micro fibers our ground will not grow food all of Earth's animals will die right along with us as we bring down the whole planet with us it will be another Venus by 2030 why has the church not stood up to this evil you can see clearly it's spraying particulates because you can see were it's being turned on and off you can turn of a real contrail there chemtrails you freaking moron's please wake up before it's to late because we're nearly there and they do everything they can to keep the news about just how severe and how bad Earth's life support systems our failing and are going to come to a complete halt and with it the dead oceans will lead to the death of every other creature on our once beautiful planet
@svetlana-yn8ir Год назад
În limba română va rog dacă se poate .
@idamwid3343 Год назад
Jesuits well known as extraordinary organization of God, save so many souls GBU all
@spilledinfinity8652 Год назад
Who were the moundbuilders?
@rickdeckard1075 Год назад
good question
@ruthgoldbergives6945 2 года назад
My Country Feedback 🇺🇸♥ Greetings Wednesday July 27, 2022 Today's 🎥 film offering "The Unsinkable Molly Brown" Marvelous performance of Irish dancing. 80% liked this movie Google users Molly Brown (Debbie Reynolds) is determined to rise from her country roots and marry a rich man. She finds one in Johnny Brown (Harve Presnell), who's just sold off his lucrative claim on a Colorado silver mine. With the cash hidden in a stove, Molly accidentally burns it. But Johnny soon strikes it… Release date: June 11, 1964 (USA) Director: Charles Walters Starring: Debbie Reynolds; Harve Presnell; Ed Begley Distributed by: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Adapted from: The Unsinkable Molly Brown
@handpanhenry2139 2 года назад
I feel tge Holy Spirit when I see the Father General. I'm grateful for each and everyday!
@grapheneoxideisinvaccinema5321 2 года назад
The face of evil disguised as Christian organization 🤦‍♂️
@ivansaric33 Год назад
Edward Mandell House is the Jesuit conman that enslaved mankind to the global banking elite via the US Federal Reserve. Look up "Justinian Deception" and the video posted there called "New World Order Fraud" and see what the filthy Jesuit Conman has done to you and your children.
@matthasl4164 Год назад
They created the Illuminati and the freemasons. It's funny how the real history gets left out of history books. You can find quotes that tell you the history of the Jesuits though
@@matthasl4164 you are spot on !
@matthasl4164 Год назад
@@grapheneoxideisinvaccinema5321 Unfortunately they killed Lincoln and took over our education system. That's why they are able to hide in plain site. If you knew what they are planning for the FEMA camps during the man made food shortage you'd crap your pants. Most people think I'm crazy but I just studied a lot
@@matthasl4164 Trust me, I am very aware of all what you said. It took bout 15years to unmask them and how they pull the string behind the string behind the scene
@nicholascassar1140 2 года назад
Joseph's comment on creativity in formation is a theme I have close to heart. As a young Jesuit coming from a scientific background, I feel more and more that today's society (at least in Western countries) and especially its youth no longer takes the faith seriously because it sees it as being distant from the intellectual - particularly scientific - advances of humanity in the last centuries. People, and especially youth, no longer come to us and are no longer interested in what we have to say (not even to prove us wrong!) - traditional pastoral approaches (prayer groups, youth movements) cater for an ever smaller niche of youth who are generally already interested in the faith. I feel it is rather WE who need to go to them, meet them where THEY are, 'start' the conversation ourselves. Nowadays we have many men who join the Society after significant academic and/or professional formation in 'secular' areas. Why not send some of these same men, whether formed or in formation, back into these areas of intellectual and scientific advances in ways which are creative and truly missionary? I see in this possibility a particular expression of the 1st UAP (the Spiritual Exercises teach us, after all, that 'God is in all things'), the 3rd UAP and Complementary Norms 253 §2, 254, 277 §3. Many thanks for the whole process, and God bless! In prayer, Nick
@DigitalJesuit 2 года назад
Thanks for the question Nicholas! It's a good consideration to have in discernment. - I would note that there are many Jesuits who are doing exactly this: Off the top of my head I would think of Fr. Viet Tran (UWE) who works as a electrical engineer at Boeing, Brs. Mackey & Consalmango who work in astronomy, and myself - working at a secular tech network in San Francisco for 6 years. We're out there! :)
@eddybollardirakoze6465 2 года назад
1. Commentaire : J'étais touché dès le premier instant par le type de réponses du Père Général. A propos des questions exprimant les inquiétudes que nous avons sur l'implémentation et la juste appréhension des enjeux en question dans les préférences apostoliques universelles, il nous a invités à vivre notre questionnement d’une manière profonde et non de se demander d'emblée ce qu'il faut faire au niveau technique et méthodique! 2. J'ai cependant une question: "Comment envisageons-nous la formation des futurs jésuites qui permette une ouverture sincère au point de vue de l'autre (dans la conversation spirituelle notamment), un déplacement assumé de ses propres perspectives vers celles de l'autre, et donc en tout une meilleure flexibilité dans la considération des autres et des appels du Seigneur?" Autrement dit : « comment le dialogue spirituel devrait érigé en pierre angulaire pour servir de moyen privilégié pour l'ouverture au discernement en commun dès le noviciat, étant donné que c’est un point essentiel que nous redécouvrons aujourd’hui et dont nous sentons tous les enjeux. Merci
@diannegazzola1957 2 года назад
Authentic to who you are but more importantly, who you are serving and to do it for the good of God's people in the world.
@d2dolan 2 года назад
It would appear that “business casual” is the new uniform. That does not make anyone associate you with the poor to answer your question. You might start there. You might also review your use of styrofoam and plastics in your institutions as a start to UAP #4. Love you guys! Keep leading the way! 😎👍🏻🙏👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@d2dolan 2 года назад
Business Casual looks like the new SJ uniform. You could start there for UAP # 2. Love you guys!😎👍🏻🙏
@pierrecharles3176 2 года назад
@victoriadriscoll3890 2 года назад
God Bless our Beloved Holy Father Pope Francis, inspiring the Jesuit community to continue to approach the peripheries. Amen🙏🙏🙏
@johnkevinyanga1295 2 года назад
AMEN 🙏😇💙
@SuperSamirb 3 года назад
Thanks for this very original cantique... (an ex alumni of the Gesù) :) :) :)
@MartinZalba 3 года назад
Bravo! HNY!
@CarlineFrancois 3 года назад
Love Gaudete. Sung in Latin.😇🕊😇💕
@JDSJDUBLIN 3 года назад
Well done. Bravi!!
@fabrizio9240 3 года назад
Bravissimo Benoit!!! Bravissimi tutti!!!
@garrettgundlachSJ 3 года назад
@yohaime8018 3 года назад
Joie 😀!
@dansze4578 3 года назад
Miło Cię widzieć Ivar!!!
@st.ignatiusloyolaparishsac9312 3 года назад
Grazie, ed Auguri, Confratelli! Dalla Chiesa di S. Ignazio Minor, Sacramento California.
@filipemartinsj 3 года назад
Muito obrigado ! Grazie mille !!
@Mia-pn6ey 3 года назад
So Cool...Beautiful..❤️
@jenniferswales6178 3 года назад
Beautiful for Gaudate Sunday
@wako-chan. 3 года назад
What a beautiful Christmas Gift of Music ! 🎶🎁  Thank you very much for uploading precious video. ありがとうございました。🎄
@woosukmario 3 года назад
Bravissimi! Che bel canto~
@silvijajuhnevica5357 3 года назад
Super! Re, kur labākie dziedātāji!!!!
@ivarjuhnevic8856 3 года назад
O, mia cara mamma. Grazie! Привет из Рима!
@pascalmeyersj9818 3 года назад
Bravo, i miei cari compagni! Congratulations dear Companions!
@leonorgomezsanabria2076 3 года назад
Maravillosa oracion y llamada de toma de conciencia de cuidar y querer nuestra casa común GRACIAS DIOS LOS BENDIGA. BARQUISIMETO.VENEZUELA
@coraliaolivo 3 года назад
Poderoso video. No estuve en la vigilia, pero vi el video y estoy ganada y sensibilizada con la situación de los pueblos indígenas
@Lore6771 3 года назад
La Amazonía un regalo del Amor de Dios, lugar de aprendizaje, de encuentros, de amigos, devolver a las raíces, de vida. Somos corresponsales del cuidado de nuestra Casa Común desde cada uno de nuestros países, invitados a cambiar nuestro estilo de vida para privilegiar el cuidado de lo esencial, la vida de los más frágiles animales y plantas. 🙏🏽
@antonio95lapiz 3 года назад
Estos actos, son muy interesantes y ayudan a comprender a través de los diferentes mensajes, la importancia del cuidado del planeta. Sería estupendo hacer una calendario y realizar nuevas vigilias, tan interesantes como esta.
@sjesrome7998 3 года назад
Thanks to all for attending this Global Ignatian Prayer Vigil "Breathing Together". Let us continue praying and acting for ecological conversion and social and ecological action worldwide
@savekids3923 3 года назад
In the parish church of Manickpur under Bombay provice there is a memorial to a paedophile. The man, a lifetime bachelor was employed by the church for almost 5 decades as caretaker and lived in a cottage in the church compound. Over 3 decades, he abused teenage & pre-teen boys in the cottage. The parish authorities overlooked this although it was quite obvious what was going on. The parish authorities held him in such high esteem that he was recommended for a "Bene Merenti" medal which he received and proudly displayed. This further compunded the situation and made it easier for him to prey on innocent kids/ teenagers & subdue them into silence. After his death, a large cultural centre has been erected in his name where a large number of teenagers/youth gather. Hence his legacy of abuse is likely to get continuity. Please conduct an Inquisition and remove the memorial which glorifies a paedophile and goes against the Jesuit mission, vision and values.
@yunitatan2675 3 года назад
it's very sad :'( I hope the community can encourage state and church authorities to investigate the case and assist the victims. don't pass on the cycle of violence...