I'm Ron Ducats - I discuss Halo news, and create original animations! I also run Lightfire animations. www.patreon.com/lightfire

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Halo © Microsoft Corporation. HaloFollower was created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" using assets from Halo.
You won't believe this...
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The Next Halo Campaign...
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What the HELL is Xbox doing?
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343 says they listen to Halo fans...
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10 Things Halo 7 NEEDS to have
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What We Know About Halo 7
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343 just did WHAT to Halo?
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ODST vs HELLDIVER - (Animation) Episode 1
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Helldivers 2 devs should make new Halo game
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Halo 7 is Coming...
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Wow - this finale left me Speechless
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GUESS WHAT? - they finally pulled it off...
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They're TROLLING us now - it's official
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I can't believe they're doing this...
3 месяца назад
@ethanrobins6547 23 часа назад
Alright who wants to 1 boycott 343 to bring Joseph back and 2 somehow convince whoever is left at Bungie that worked on the original halo games to get into 343 and makes things right for halo
@Datalanche 23 часа назад
These stories may or may not be true. All I know for sure is as a guy who got an Xbox in 2002 after my mom brought one home for my birthday instead of a PS2, and never bought a Playstation in the time since and was loyal to and loved Xbox and Halo for years, I will for the first time not be buying the next Halo game at launch. They will PROVE to me that they can make a good game. After Infinite, no more "good faith". Either you make it right, or I'm not giving them a dime. Period. It breaks my heart, but enough is enough.
@343RuinedHalo 23 часа назад
"I'm so sick of this ... this drama blows my mind." *Has been Leeching off 343i+Halo Infinite Drama Since before the game was released* IMO NO ONE Should play this.. this Cheap Chinese Halo Clone known as Halo infinite, it is INFERIOR to ALL Bungie's games in Every Single Category, Anyone who says otherwise is Braindead or grew up with 343i knock-off Halo shit forced down their throats.
@joelschwartz4679 23 часа назад
why would they remake halo ce when it was already remade in 2011 when halo ce anniversary came out on the xbox 360 along with the halo ce playlist in halo reach
@TheSaladKing 23 часа назад
So let me get this straight. -343's first project is a lazy "remaster" of Halo 1, which they pawn off on another studio to make. -Their second and third projects (H4 & H5) utterly decimate the story, universe, and characters that Bungie handed off to them, tarnishing the legacy of Halo forever, all the while releasing books and comics that actively retcon nearly every aspect of the expanded lore. -They dump the responsibility of their one and only spin off title (HW2) on another dev team, (Creative Assembly) and shortly after kill support for the game, still not providing a Steam release to this day. -Their most recent project is a content void free-to-play cash-grab with a broken multiplayer that runs on an engine constructed with duct tape and hope, and an utterly pointless story in which nothing happens, and only serves to bait fans with nostalgic moments and sell future DLC, which is immediately cancelled. It loses 98% of it's player base within 2 months, and the head of the studio gets fired over it's disastrous state. -Meanwhile they greenlight a TV series that utterly shits on and ignores the themes, characters, and events that take place in the main timeline, in favor of a poorly constructed wannabe political drama with unrecognizable characters ripped straight out of a CW show. They lie to their audience about the second season, claiming that they will be more faithful to the source material and it will more accurately portray the main storyline. Now they plan to remake the iconic first game, with writers that either actively hate, or purposefully misunderstand the story and universe, and game developers that genuinely do not know how to create a functional game without pawning their work off on contract workers. HOW FUCKING DARE YOU 343. Your legacy is one of shit, and exclusively of shit. Failure after failure after failure after failure and now, you want to re-write history and replace one of the most beloved and influential games of all time with your own flawed version, so that you can finally retcon and erase Bungie's original vision and steal it for yourselves. You greedy disgusting talentless little goblin people do not deserve to even make new entries into this franchise, let alone remake the classic stories that made it so successful to begin with. Make 1 single decent game first. Just 1, I dare you. Prove to the fanbase you inherited that you are worthy of handling this franchise, and that you're able to create a game that has the same cultural impact as Bungie's trilogy before you go anywhere near re-making or re-telling the first game. What the fuck is Microsoft thinking keeping this studio open...
@c3d_ultra499 23 часа назад
Halo died with Reach.
@Blucifer-K 23 часа назад
Boycott Microsoft
@Relentless_Disruptor 23 часа назад
It's gonna be a reboot with Silver Team and Johnny Rings lmfao
@TheBluetiger5 23 часа назад
A lot of reason behind 343I's No Bungie policy comes from Frank O'Connor rewiting the Halo Lore with his weird Fan Fiction ideas that he put in the Greg Bear Forerunner trilogy the Precursors were based off his on Fan Created Alien Race while he worked at Bungie and Left after Halo 3 without telling anyone at Bungie, Bonnie Ross wanting to be like George Lucas and Make Halo into her version of Star Wars, and the Microsoft Executives that wanted Halo to be like Call of Duty after CoD 4 outsold Halo 3 and has always wanted that CoD money ever since.
@KaptifLaDistillerie 23 часа назад
So they are literally trying to rewrite the entirety of Halo...
@searburrito7456 23 часа назад
I know sure you hire 10 halo fans to lead 343 and halo would be amazing like it used to be.
@Ki11s0n3 23 часа назад
343 needs to be shut down and Microsoft needs to hand over the franchise to a Dev who will respect the series. 343 has had more than enough chances to get it right and they still haven't. I also agree CE is outdated and honestly the worst game in the OG Trilogy.
@John-Fallout45 23 часа назад
The last good halo game was reach. We went from the 2nd best halo game to the worst in a matter of years. Talk about taking one step forward and twenty steps back.
@Battered_Fanny 23 часа назад
If they cared about keeping things “traditional” they wouldn’t have changed it so much that it no longer feels like halo example the physics in halo 2 3 and reach vs 4-infinite the driving mechanics wasn’t the best but they’ve changed it so much “traditional” custom games no longer work in the newer halo games
@sparkthedragon 23 часа назад
i typically like 343 industries, i tend to see them as a group of halo fans trying to pave the way for halo in the future, but if this is true and 343 really treats bungie and former/current bungie employees the way they do then i think they really need to make an entire new company to take care of halo from scratch again, get rid of all higher ups, and replace them with genuine people who enjoy halo who have been working at 343 for a long time and dont hate bungie or their games, i think there should be NO hate between studios, especially studios who worked on the same game series, as this is just sad
@Savoritas 23 часа назад
Hailey is such a miserable person.
@ITzzMike96 23 часа назад
343’s inability to safeguard Halo was a colossal failure
@DayLateGamerWill 23 часа назад
343 has failed so hard at the one thing they exist for, its mind boggling. 343 NEEDS to be completely gutted and re-staffed with people who actually give a shit and like the source material. 343 continuly shows they not just dont like Halo, but they seem to hate Halo
@SergioTheSurge День назад
Oh Sweet Liberty with a side of T!
@SeRvSlaughter День назад
I’m just personally not interested in halo anymore, infinite was the last straw for me just let down after let down. Halo 4, Halo 5, Halo MCC, Halo Infinite, Halo CE remaster. How many times can you fail at making a game and Microsoft for some reason still doesn’t shut down 343. I’m not excited for any halo project that is gonna be under 343 and nor do I care what they do with the halo anymore. I’ll be happy playing halo online or playing Halo 3/Reach on my rgh with original servers.
@Battered_Fanny 23 часа назад
I hope gears doesn’t suffer the same fate I need at least one legacy to remain intact
@machineferret3359 День назад
343 are sour Bungie created a great game and franchise and have been boycotting it for years and kissing Microsoft boots Because Bungie didn’t want to be micro managed and are sucking up to Microsoft to think they can out do Bungie that’s my theory and 343 Suck they will never make a better Halo game then original Bungie
@Gmrz-lx4vz День назад
343's halo is all just fan fiction to me at this point. Halo has been nothing but a corps that 343 loves to parade around as their creation.
@PlebolaPandemic День назад
'marcus le toe'
@theredleesaint2603 День назад
Hailey never worked on Halo 2 😂 she was just a Competitive Gamer who Played in Official Bungie Halo Tournaments and got to meat and became very close friends with Bungie and many people who still work at Microsoft and is still close friends with and she has friends and contacts that either still work at 343I or used to work at 343I but no longer do now. A lot of 343 Halo fans Hate her as well as many of the 343 higher management who like to call her a lier. But I've meet and talked with many of her contacts and they are legit.
@tehfoxxo День назад
Someone needs to take 343i down they are going too far they need to be stopped before they ruin Halo forever Like i am all for a Halo game made with the latest unreal engine but that HAS to be the next Halo game not a stupid remake that no real Halo fan will like or want in a pathetic attempt to get people to like the terrible Halo tv series storyline
@Ragranok2147 День назад
Bro I do not want a jimmy rings halo game
@BulletSponge178 День назад
They don't like Bungie? They wouldn't EXIST without Bungie.
@user-mm1qm7fu4y День назад
Whats the source of the developing of that halo Surface ??
@RRtoiPPiotRR День назад
MCC aside, I could of gone without everything else 343 has ever made and as a fan not feel I missed anything.
@hailchristandmary День назад
I always hated 343 and their games and still do. Halo 3's ending is more powerful than the garbage 343 ever produced.
@z-man1237 День назад
A Halo game based on that absolute trash of a Silver Timeline is outright stupid and won’t make any money. I’ll take Doom and Gears of War thanks
@Halogamething День назад
343 should be banished to making RTS games for halo since to me Wars 2 was the best game they made.
@brandonpeterman9964 День назад
Makes me wonder if the change of leadership at 343 was partly due to the hostility towards bungee getting in the way
@JaredLB1990 День назад
It was revealed, a few years ago, that 343i didn't want to hire former Bungie employees because of their dislike of Bungie's Halo. They don't like Bungie.
@TexMackerson День назад
Bungietards trying not to be grown ass crybabies, level: imposible
@timmorin6657 День назад
Noble 6 is still alive
@war.helmets9636 День назад
No matter how good the remake is (it’s gonna be bad) it’ll never hold a candle to the original. Why focus on something that will always be looked at as worse than the original. They should just stop making halo at this point, they’ve had over a decade to make something good and they’ve failed time and time again. My only hope for good halo content are community made mods for the MCC on PC.
@sosigakaweinerman869 День назад
Screw 343 and everything they stand for.
@tomm0016 День назад
I think k 343 just say they took elements from halo 1 to sell
@shepardren8006 День назад
If they were going to treat the source team so badly Why didn't they just make a new franchise?
@DavidGonzalez-sg3nv День назад
6:36 Jeff Steitzer came out and publicly confirmed the allegations to which she is claiming. There’s a reason Marty left along with everyone else. Assuming she worked with them, she has a heart for her former coworkers and wants the world to know who the culprit is for sinking the game we love.
@TheUnknownD День назад
That democracy officer is ummm, FOR DEMOCRACY!!!
@Anomaly2 День назад
Dear halo devs if you’re watching this vid and see this messages please add assassinations back, and add custom games that you can just join learn from your mistakes with halo infinite .. take your time
@Bigvergbigverg23 День назад
Guys can we forget about halo for a while fr Halo wars was the only thing 343 did right Gears of war 5 was so shit they took 5 years off to announce a new game halo needs to do this they need to spend 5+ years developing a good game to bring it back to us We won’t see real news about a new halo game until about 2026 and might not get it until 2027 or 8
@tapewormrage День назад
Bro, those Infinite weapons in Halo 3 are tripping me up.
@AveryAwsomness День назад
Meanwhile Bungie just spectacularly ended their 10 year light & dark Destiny storyline albeit with hiccups over the years but they pulled it off.
I give them one more halo failing for them to be shut down, maybe then we will get a halo made with love. Right now it's clear 343 is not competent enough to uphold the halo legacy, shame on them.
@IComplainBecauseICare День назад
Those in charge of media hate the old media. They want to set a standard of mediocrity and destroy the past to maintain it forever. Look up the book 1 984, it talks about products being the same standard of bland quality being produced for a reason, mental control.