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@Shubham_ambasta 15 минут назад
Most useless piece of tech "the ipad"
@tomslayton2319 22 минуты назад
I just don't see any good reason to upgrade. iPadOS is kind of meh, as well as AI. I used iPad Pros for 10 years waiting for something great. Nothing great has happened. Sticking with MacBooks from now on.
@agul. 28 минут назад
charging $200 for an extra 8gb of ram is a literal SCAM and it cost them only $30 wtf
@2cats1guy 32 минуты назад
Dual monitor and Mac OS support or it’s garbage.
@RLCFASolutions 35 минут назад
M4 is not compelng at all, its only making it more expensive , and the apps cant even keep up with M2 chip M4 would be just waste, no PRO Apps to take full advantage.
@trqster 46 минут назад
Apple will always lead, everyone else will always follow and try to catch up. It's just the way it is.
@MrEnoch-dy4tg Час назад
I’m gonna tell you guys why paying 10k for iPad makes a lot of sense 😂 pls stop
@frankspark Час назад
Would a laptop cooling pad make a noticeable difference with the 14"?
@indiekiduk 2 часа назад
@zabdielscoon3041 2 часа назад
This definitely makes the iPad Pros way more attractive for 2018 iPad Pro users. Especially knowing the longevity it will give the device.
@SanOcelotl 2 часа назад
Bro this is going to be expensive AF
@ericlung5086 2 часа назад
is wifi 7 a possibility?
@jarjissongs 2 часа назад
Lets be honest.. if u have the money, always go with apple
@tonkyboy8920 3 часа назад
iPad doesn’t need this much power unless it gets a major iPad Os update. They wont sell good until apple open the iPad for mac and web apps. Hopefully it wont sell good so apple will be forced to open it!
@noot_noot843 3 часа назад
bro chill why are we getting rumors on the iPad M4 chip when the M3 iPad hasn't even released bruh
@marceln2 3 часа назад
Definitely happy I picked the 14-inch MacBook Pro M3 Max-it's just so much more portable. The 14-inch size is already a step up from my old M1 Air, and anything bigger like my old 15.6-inch Intel MacBook Pro from 2019 just kills the portability for me. If I ever need a bigger screen, I just hook it up to an external monitor. The 14 or 13-inch models are perfect for mobility; I can easily get work done in cafes or on train rides without any hassle. I never really hit any performance limits with real-life tasks; my CPUs hardly ever max out. This 14-inch M3 Max is like a small miracle of technology-a portable laptop that packs a serious punch. Plus, I can always switch it to low power mode when I'm on the move, and it becomes as quiet and efficient as a MacBook Air. Basically, the 14-inch MBP is a transformer: it's a MacBook Air when I want cool, quiet, and long battery life, and it turns into a beastly M3 Max when I need to power through heavy tasks that would drag on forever on an Air. When you go for the 16-inch, you lose this transformer ability. It just won’t fit in your sports bag or a typical backpack. How do you even bike around the city with a 16-inch? With the 14-inch, I can always have it with me and use any 15-minute break to chip away at my projects. I bet the 16-inch owners just end up leaving it at home. And if you consider a MacBook Air, sure, it stays cool and portable, but it starts to throttle under heavy loads because it doesn’t have a fan. And then there’s the 16-inch MacBook Pro Max-much heavier, bulkier, and a pain to carry around, especially if you put it in a protective case (which you have to, if you don’t want it to break). And what are you really gaining over the 14-inch? Just a bit of extra theoretical performance? Which, in real life, hardly makes a difference. The M3 Max 14-inch remains the most versatile option. You get high power when you need it, low power when you don’t, and you can always connect to a bigger screen at home. You get the best of both worlds-a powerful device that’s still super portable. (proofread with chatgpt for reader's pleasure)
@marceln2 2 часа назад
I’ve been running the 14 inch hard with photo imports and processing for hours over the past three days, and I haven’t heard the fan kick in once. Plus, I’m getting about 9 hours of battery life on low power mode, which is incredible. For those worried about battery life while on the move, here’s a tip: just drop a power adapter or power bank into your backpack. It's still way more portable than lugging around a bigger laptop. This way, the size of your laptop doesn’t increase, but you still get all the power you need for extended use. Honestly, the 16-inch might offer a bit more battery theoretically, but if you're never going to carry it around because of its size, what's the point? That's exactly why I switched from the bulky 15.6-inch MacBook Pro to the 13.3-inch MacBook Air M1 initially. The Air was always with me because it was so easy to carry around. Now, the 14-inch MacBook Pro M4 Max offers the best of both worlds: it’s powerful enough to handle heavy tasks and still portable enough to take anywhere. It's perfect for anyone who needs the power of a Pro but wants the day-to-day convenience of an Air.
@Lakitha12486 3 часа назад
Can it be paired with Alexa if it does I would buy it
@VJ_7137 3 часа назад
Cleverly marketed Overhyped overpriced highly restrictive glorified tech ... inaccessible to the ordinary ...
@bball131523 3 часа назад
make me wanna give up the M3 MacBook Air
@josephlau8476 3 часа назад
I like apple ipad very much.
@mafazrahman1900 3 часа назад
a guy assumed ipad will come with m4 who isnt even from apple and this dude says it is confirmed. also unfollowing. also ipad hasnt even received the m3 yet and you believe apple will skip the laptops and give the ipad the m4 first! great man!
@77dris 4 часа назад
When none of this happens, Mark Gurman will say what he always says "I was right, but Apple changed their minds at the last minute because...."
@thebuildconnect3750 4 часа назад
If it comes with a M4 chip with a MacOS along with an aluminum chassis that would be worth upgrading and sell like hot cakes but if not then don't bother.
@shaneterrell 5 часов назад
I hope you're right! I'm waiting anxiously for Snapdragon X Plus/Elite and looking forward to being able to walk into any Best Buy to take my pick of numerous thin and light laptops and 2-in-1s with good performance, thermal management, and battery life assumed. An iPad Pro with a desktop-class operating system would be a compelling alternative and would at least get me to stroll through the Apple area first. 🤓
@bambu8 5 часов назад
wifi 7?
@arshadrazak224 5 часов назад
Too many sound adjustments on Homepod 2
@TheJerknoid 6 часов назад
I don’t know why people even bother watching your videos. You mislead every single time.
@I_like_science 6 часов назад
My iPad with the 12x chip in it is more than enough but an oled screen would make the new iPads an insta buy.
@bioglassmusic 6 часов назад
no it won't. marc is wrong. it is just a modified m3 for iPad
@jimtincher7357 7 часов назад
With the M4 Chip Apple needs to lead with a flagship unit such as the Mac Studio and not an iPad... it never makes sense to lead with low end units.
@Peterstarzynskitech 7 часов назад
And its gonna be overpriced. Lol
@ne0tic 7 часов назад
Just ordered the M3 Pro refurbished from Apple for $1699! Going to be my first ever Mac.
@aaronguo5128 7 часов назад
If there's no macOS, it's not gonna matter even if it has M40 Ultra or RTX6090 or 16K 360Hz MicroLED display.
@UnknownLamppost 8 часов назад
I hate the built in trackpad. It ALWAYS has problems picking up clicks when I'm not trying to click, and sometimes the click gets stuck and there's nothing I can do but wait a few seconds for it to unclick. SUPER annoying. In case you're wondering, there are no setting changes that have helped.
@canturkcivelek4896 8 часов назад
Remember, when these Russian brothers said "These Apple products will blow you away!" And then nothing happened 😊 this time they may be right though. Anyway I love to watch these Russian brothers!
@MorbidGod391 8 часов назад
Right, it makes cents not dollar bills yo lol 😂
@AC-lt5ro 8 часов назад
Next gen chip to run an outdated underperforming iOS per usual 🙄🙄🙄
@Joshylonstoky 8 часов назад
Now try on a macbook with a fan and use apps optimized for mac such a safari and final cut. 😂
@ciprianadrian21 8 часов назад
So the Ipad air will have the M3 ?
@user-fv9nl6bb8l 8 часов назад
It's not confirmed.
@Not-A-Woke-Liberal 8 часов назад
Why do people believe what this “leaker” says???
@victorcazares5524 9 часов назад
Where do I get those wallpapers? 😮
@jayvqz 9 часов назад
Is apple doing some serious business behind the seen to justify this kinda power under the hood of an iPad and making them bigger and with oled screens?…that being said I hope they implement more pro apps and unlock the full version of Final Cut Pro and DaVinci resolve to name a couple👍🍻
@marklosentes7988 9 часов назад
what is the mm thick size thermal pads you used for macbook air?
@techguypaul 9 часов назад
tl;dw it's not confirmed. Just more clickbait rumors.
@Jimmyfly215 9 часов назад
I have a M2 iPad Pro 12.9. there is nothing really they can do to get me to upgrade currently. iPads havent sold well the past several years. it is because there is no separation in the lineup really.
@5astelija75 9 часов назад
Lmao its just an android tablet with a screen mirroring software permanently on
@tukayz254 9 часов назад
apple boys are panicking
@RidingTheBadWeather 9 часов назад
Why do you say “it’s confirmed”?? Did you call Tim Cook and got his confirmation, or some email from him stating so?
@sy5924 9 часов назад
brroooo name your reasons or something please, i think thats the only thing missing from your vids