I. AM. NOXIDDAR! Welcome to my channel where I have recently begun reacting to the One Piece anime as a new fan! I hope you enjoy my reaction videos. I'm still new to it, but it's been a lot of fun being a reactor. Maybe one day I'll be the kind of reaction channel you recommend to your friends and family!
21 день назад
@Nastyn1nja808 День назад
13:36 so sad that video was taken down recently 3 yr run
@Nastyn1nja808 День назад
the Voice Actor for Eric is Frieza!!!
@joelhilljr 2 дня назад
Not especially notable and its not going to be brought up the in the anime but they defeated the Red Dragon this time on a full stomach and the Dragon on an empty stomach, mirroring their first lost encounter where they were starving and the Red Dragon had a full stomach. I think it's especially poignant BECAUSE they don't rub your noses in it.
@brandonchapman4532 2 дня назад
Fallin telling Laios goodbye gave me chills because with her strong connections to the spirits established earlier and even in this episode, it told me that they could be too late to save her. It crushed me even further when Laios held her skull. Sometimes, I like it when fantasies go dark. This legit impressed me because of feels.
@Noxiddar 2 дня назад
I think that parting vision between the Touden siblings rings especially true with what you said given where the story goes immediately after. I think in the moment, I saw it as just being delirious from his wound and using that as a way to steel his resolve (which he did), but then later on when we find out there is more to Laios and particularly his connection with his sister and the spirits, it makes me view and appreciate that scene in a whole new light. I like it when stories aren't afraid to go dark, either. Ryoko Kui, however, has definitely struck that balance here, though! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
@corvus6381 2 дня назад
what really makes this episode to me (besides the amazing animation and choreography) is the insane mood swing from the skull to the happy go lucky ending song
@Noxiddar 2 дня назад
Haha, that's so true! In fact, once I finished recording this series a friend and I sat in Discord and binged our way through it, and they demanded I skip the next episodes intro because it sounded too happy. Haha!
@zachanas4670 2 дня назад
This is a bad case of dub. Original dialogue: Namari panel: "I never said that" ("that" being that it would repel attacks. she only said it would withstand them) Dub dialogue Namari panel: "Was not" (I was not making it up that adamantite REPELS dragon attacks) In the original, the party misinterpreted what Namari said and reached a wrong conclusion. In the dub, Namari says "I didn't make it up" but we CLEARLY see it not working, so we're left in a limbo with why it failed, with the most likely scenario being that the equipment is faulty.
@Noxiddar 2 дня назад
Fair enough. I think either way is serviceable as the intended outcome still led to having to evolve and accelerate their plan. I enjoyed it for what it was. Interesting though nonetheless. Thanks for sharing!
@skittymudkip 2 дня назад
In most fantasy elves are stuck-up and holier than thou, which wouldn't really make other races like them. Marcille is pretty down to earth but that doesn't exactly stop assumptions. Also if I remember correctly in the original the convo about the pan repelling dragon fire went something like "I thought she said it would repel dragon fire!" "I never said that." It's always interesting what stuff gets changed in localizations! Not only do they need to have it flow well, they also have to have it match the charecter's mouths (and Japanese is a very different language). And when you were like "I've never fought a dragon..." I automatically said "yeah I assume so!" out loud lol.
@Noxiddar 2 дня назад
You're absolutely right about Japanese being a very different language. The number of times I had awkward encounters while I lived in Japan were innumerable. I remember one day in the teacher's office area (where I usually sat at an empty desk all afternoon after my lessons) the secretary was fanning herself with her hand saying it was too hot, and then something about an acorn. I couldn't figure out what heat had to do with an acorn at all, and was genuinely perplexed overhearing this. Until sometime later I made the connection that AC (Air Conditioner) was shortened in Japan to "Eakon". So I'm pretty okay with rough interpretations from sub to dub in anime. As long as it gets where it needs to in the end. I know some people take it pretty seriously when nuance is lost or altered, but to be honest, that happens all the time in communication across the same language. So I tend to not get too hung up on that. Once we have the technology to transmit complex ideas through thought in the blink of an eye though? No excuses! For now, we'll have to settle for sub-optimal speech. Haha. Definitely right about Marcille and in general terms about elves in fantasy. I definitely think people here are more concerned with the collective group of elves rather than the individual. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insight!
@tossingturnips 2 дня назад
This episode truly ushers in the darker points of the story moving forward, which only had been hinted at up until now. However, there's a lot of silly and lighthearted moments to help temper that a bit.
@Noxiddar 2 дня назад
It's true! I was actually quite surprised to be sure, but a welcome one!
@billlee3851 2 дня назад
While other characters seem pretty unconcerned about Marcille's... tantrums, Laios actually cares about her well-being and overall mood a lot. Unless he's in his monster mania mode, Laios would always go out of his way to make sure Marcille isn't too upset. He asks what she wants to eat, tells her she's cute with the frogsuit (though that's like manipulation), and tie her a little napkin for the kelpie bbq, and even remind Chilchuck to not be mean to her. Actually he's just genuinely nice and not racist to her at all.
@Noxiddar 2 дня назад
True. I kind of rationalize it like Elder Scrolls. Particularly Skyrim, where you have elves interspersed throughout the province, with certainly some xenophobia amongst the other races, largely to do with the political posturing of the old ties to the Aldmeri Dominion. Almost like the collective entity of elves has more prejudice against it than the individual entity that is an elf. That's partly why I felt like there was a wariness to it all, rather than outright hatred. But that's incredible detail I didn't pick up on that Laios had done for Marcille. I definitely know he trusts her, and I think there is certainly a proxy level of companionship due to her friendship with Falin and how much that friendship altered the course of all three of their lives. Out of the entire party, she is his closest connection to his sister. Which is why I think in the previous episode while he was thanking everyone, it was to Marcille specifically that he said it made him happy for her wanting to join him. And I do think that speaks a lot to what you said. Some of those small character moments can get lost when trying to juggle watching, analyzing, and speaking to provide commentary. That's why comments like these are so great for helping elevate the experience both for me and for others too! Thank you! *Chilchuck somewhere: Oh My GoD, yOu'Re So CrInGe, ToO!*
@mysticdigital5936 2 дня назад
Definitely had DnD battles that went like this. With half the party down and the rest of us coming up with something for the win/survival. Such a great episode after all the buildup. They make the dragon intimidating and don't at all make it less of a threat than it is. And of course that cliffhanger is wild!
@Noxiddar 2 дня назад
Those clutch moments are what I love most about gaming! (Had to edit this in because I didn't comment on it at first!) I'm admittedly envious of experiences like this. I've only played one D&D campaign back in college (half a lifetime ago now) and was more interested in the ad lib nature of the role-playing experience (basically I was the smart ass both in character and OOC using observational humor). It was a great experience, but I didn't learn a damn thing about how to play. Haha. I'm more of the MMO (albeit lonewolf solo player) style. Though the little bit of BG3 I've played felt like such a great way to bring the D&D campaign experience to a casual audience like me. Your perspective and experience must be such a fun way to view this show from. I can only speak from the storyteller, entertainer side of things, so I truly appreciate the insight and comments like this. It's how we elevate the experience for everyone. And why I'm so addicted to reacting these days, even over gaming! *slowly Alt-F4s World of Warcraft before posting this* Thank you so much for commenting!
@hyobro8392 2 дня назад
Looking back on the pot scene, i wonder if Laios would have been fine with gloves made of the remaining bits of frogs skin, especially if layered on a small area like this. But there's no way to check now 🤔
@Noxiddar 2 дня назад
It's an interesting thought. But I wonder if that setback ultimately worked in their favor. It brought them closer to Marcille sooner. Which could have been disastrous if they had all perished anywhere else within the city. But I'd be interested to see how that would have played out!
@hyobro8392 2 дня назад
​​@@Noxiddar Yes I agree. It's like that in real life too, good and bad experiences are linked and if you wanted to prevent something not going your way, you might miss out or end up somewhere worse. That's what we can get from the "what if" bonuses that Mrs Kui published recently 😊 and I think we also get this general feeling throughout the story, like when Laios thinks about how Falin being eaten has unexpectedly brought them together. Not all bonuses are spoiler free for where you're at, but for exemple Namari would have refused Senshi in the party if she had originally stayed, because his weapons made him shady and suspicious.
@embrefrosste6044 2 дня назад
Fun Fact: While the Red Dragon encounter is a three-parter in the anime, in the manga it spanned *seven* parts, almost an entire Volume of manga. I cannot tell you how intimidating it was to open up to the table of contents for Volume 4 and see nothing but Red Dragon all the way down the list.
@Noxiddar 2 дня назад
I look forward to experiencing that for myself soon. But I'm waiting (albeit not very patiently) for the box set, which is set to come out in Dec. And I will devour all of it!
@hyobro8392 2 дня назад
Oh I'm early this time
@Noxiddar 2 дня назад
Earlier than me, even! I just woke up! Haha.
@embrefrosste6044 2 дня назад
This was such an incredible payoff for the last ten episodes of buildup. I think the fact that this show isn’t super action-heavy really made this episode hit harder, because of how the entire episode is dedicated to it.
@Noxiddar 2 дня назад
I find the fact that the show is not focused entirely on action is what works incredibly well in its favor. Instead, when it arrives, it usually is complimented by serving an opportunity for worldbuilding, character growth, or comedic hijinks. Everything within this story feels intentional. Nothing feels like it HAS to be there. It feels like it GETS to be there. And that's a level of organic storytelling most writers, myself included, dream of. No matter how you cook it, Ryoko Kui has made something incredibly special, and we GET to enjoy it!
@hyobro8392 3 дня назад
If you like the narrator then you're lucky because they're definitely not leaving
@Noxiddar 2 дня назад
I'm happy to hear that!
@corvus6381 5 дней назад
about the background art: Its actually one of my favourite things about the anime that its going for so long you can actually track the style of the different animation generations. The manga has art style progression too of course but this watercolory style is so distinctly 90s and later on I can pinpoint the stlye of the 2010s and so on as well. Its really fun
@Noxiddar 5 дней назад
Yeah, it's going to be so interesting to see if I even notice the changes right away or if it's just something that comes to me at some point. But I really love the thought that I'm working through a time capsule of the evolution of animation through the decades!
@dmg4011 5 дней назад
cant wait for filler to be over
@Noxiddar 5 дней назад
It's funny you mention that. There's so much going on I thought about splitting each episode into two videos to cover it all and really explore what's left over the next few months!😜 Don't tempt me, Frodo!
@Matagu1 4 дня назад
Watch another RU-vidr. This one is kind enough to watch fillers!
@Noxiddar 4 дня назад
@Matagu1 It's no problem if people feel that way. I know that there are moments others are looking forward to, so I don't think comments like that are in bad faith, just a knowing excitement for what is to come. I think for people who have watched ahead, these filler arcs can feel exactly like the Calm Belt. It can feel like all momentum has stopped for a time. I like the fillers, not just for the story, but knowing they aren't viewed as much, it gives me more time to watch/record ahead in the show without people influencing what I'm seeing or how to see it. ...huh. it really IS the Calm Belt! 🤣
@Matagu1 4 дня назад
@@Noxiddar Lol yeah Calm Belt is right. xD Still it annoys me that people are watching your videoknowing you would not skip anything and still they are complayning just because they dislike fillers. Its not different from posting a Fanart of your favorite ship on Facebook and people hating it give their comment that it will never happen and that they hate it.
@Noxiddar 4 дня назад
I'm not totally sure the OP's comment is a complaint. Or, if it is, not an entirely invalid one. I'll explain One Piece has had the longest video drought while I stepped away to take care of personal matters. I started the hiatus leaving with filler from Loguetown and have picked it up 4 or 5 months later with the last bit of filler left for East Blue. So, I really do understand it. I initially took some time off from OP because people only seemed to comment about filler and whether or not something was important to watch. Trying to shape and influence how I think about what I'm seeing. It was a few weeks later, though, that I found out about my Dad. It wasn't my intention to let this break go on as long as it did. I really want to build up a community where authentic expression is encouraged. Even if it can be critical of what I'm doing and how I'm doing it. Nothing would feel less fulfilling than to be surrounded by "yes men" who think I can do no wrong or feel they can't say what they are thinking. So I appreciate all the engagement. Even yours! That being said, a comment made opens up a chance for me to reply, and I do tend to have a rather biting sarcasm. Haha. But it's all in good fun! Thank you for your support, and to the OP's support as well! I'm using this time right now to record as much as I can ahead, so eventually entire sagas will be available (likely through channel memberships first) and then we'll really ramp up all the number of reaction videos per week and this entire sentiment will quiet down. Every good adventure has peaks and valleys, and we can't get to One Peak before traversing the valleys! 🤣 Time to get to recording!
@UltimateGamerCC 5 дней назад
4:00 - One Piece began in 1999, with the manga happening probably just months beforehand.
@Noxiddar 5 дней назад
@joelhilljr 7 дней назад
I'm so excited for your next episode reaction, I just know it'll get you so fired up!
@skittymudkip 8 дней назад
I can't help but love Chilchuck's frog suit. His had to be made with the scraps and he looks like a sausage!
@Noxiddar 8 дней назад
I'm constantly wrestling with who my favorite character of the party is all the time, and I think I just adore them all equally because Ryoko Kui finds such great ways to give each character their moments to shine. The outfits cracked me up, as you saw. Absolutely amazing! 🤣
@tossingturnips 9 дней назад
The story is really ramping up after this. I can't wait to see your reactions to the coming episodes. Also, the buzzed hair looks good. I bet it's a great reprieve from the summer heat. I did something similar, though kept it long enough to comb, as my head resembles a sea urchin when my hair is too short.
@Noxiddar 8 дней назад
This story is positively LAUNCHING beyond this point up to what I've recorded so far. I'm hoping to finish all the episodes in the next few days! The short hair does feel pretty nice, though I'm so fair skinned I have to keep it covered at all times outside. I want all my tenderness to come from my words, and not from the top of my crown. Haha!
@corvus6381 9 дней назад
I love how the entire story plays out in this one place (the dungeon) yet it does such a good job in giving a picture of the grander world outside, the political issues and history
@Noxiddar 8 дней назад
I'm constantly in awe of how this world feels so rich and full of history, and yet, so personable and intimate at the same time. You only get that kind of magic from a brilliant storyteller, and it's clear to me that Ryoko Kui is just that! Almost finished recording the season! I can't wait to see and share all my reactions!
@ukaszgrzesik7231 9 дней назад
I really like how the very personal story of adventurers on a quest to save friend and family does open to broader geographical, historical and political setting.
@Noxiddar 8 дней назад
Exactly. I thought from the first episode I'd be on a cozy culinary quest with some good laughs and warm fuzzies along the way. And to be sure I'm still getting it, but holy cow does this Red Dragon Three-Parter signal a sudden shift in tone. I love it. I can't praise this story or its storyteller enough! I'm looking forward to finishing recording the season in the next few days. Then... it's a long wait until December for the Manga Box Set to come out, but I'm absolutely getting it and hurrying to the end of the story. It's THAT good.
@cartooncrazy9883 9 дней назад
Omg peeled noxiddar
@Noxiddar 9 дней назад
Just joining the halls of the greats: Ragnar, Floki, and Kratos!
@billlee3851 9 дней назад
Marcille's ears kinda stretch out the head of the frog suit, making it even more froglike 😂
@Noxiddar 9 дней назад
It was so good!
@skyuru 10 дней назад
Very much nostalgic filler of East blue w Now you see why Grand Line its not easy to go: Calm Belt! Note: the difference from the manga its that instead of Apis, Usopp was falling and Luffy catch him. PS: Eric's VA is Frieza XD
@wolfheartspirit97 11 дней назад
This show reminds me a lot of a WEBTOON I love reading. It’s not dungeon related but it is full of food and a good story. It’s called Gourmet Hound and I highly recommend it if you want some fun characters.
@Matagu1 12 дней назад
I am glad you didnt skip this arc. Thank you very much. <3
@Noxiddar 12 дней назад
Skipping is for rocks and RU-vid ads! I want the FULL journey. Not just the ones from the pages of the manga. I am very much looking forward to wherever this journey takes me next! Thanks for being part of that journey with me!
@Matagu1 12 дней назад
@@Noxiddar you are right. xD Im glad you want to experience all episodes! I am hooked for your reactions! >///< There is one Filler that is based on a OP video game. Its episode 220 - 224. I think its the only video game filler.
@corvus6381 12 дней назад
To purposefully make it so that the hair disappears mid reaction is definitely such a funny idea XD Honestly the only reason why I like to mention when an episode is filler is to not confuse the worldbuilding facts The type of dragon here doesnt officially exist in the world for example But with you reading the manga thats not a problem anyway and they are genuinely a lot of fun. I think the casualness of the crew in them even enhances the feel that they give the viewer during the canon episodes
@Noxiddar 12 дней назад
That's essentially what I thought as well. This is a good chance to be a complete crew for the first time this saga. I dont mind when people tell me if something is a filler, its more about the people that do it with the hidden motive of trying to persuade me to skip it. It reminds me of people that shout "phone" when it's ringing. I already said I was going to answer it and I don't need people telling me every time. Haha. 🤣 But I agree that fillers are a uniquely anime thing. And since I am tackling the story anime first, there are no "fillers" in that regard. That perspective only exists in the lens of the manga. To me, it's just episodes 54 and 55. You've got a great reason! I hope you don't feel I was especially targeting any misgivings I have about it toward you. It's more for the people with the sideways comments like, "You don't need to watch this. This is fine to skip. You won't miss anything if you just pick up at episode X." Imagine how long of a tagine Pokémon would be if it was like "Catch most of them, and you can avoid these ones specifically. I caught them all, however, and that's why I know you don't need to catch these Pokémon. I tell everybody I meet this information too, and I learned this from another pokemon master that I follow, and they are popular, so this is how it really should be now and forevermore." Haha. It's all entertaining to me. Just silly how some people put so much focus on trying to shape my experience to what THEY want to get out of it. Worldbuilding is great, though! I highly encourage that!
@corvus6381 11 дней назад
@@Noxiddar Nah I didnt feel like it was specifically targetted towards me don't worry^^ And I definitely know what you mean, some people really act like there is a secret rulesbook to approach te series and it really is hilarious if I think about it XD Glad you can take it in strive without letting them get to you. This is your journey first and foremost and honestly I'm excited to experience the fillers of the series again with you. Even with them not being written by Oda you can oftentimes see the love people put in them regardless
@gavin5724 12 дней назад
I like how you like the unique character design already. Even though these are filler characters, they still feel like One piece designs. Many characters look very odd and misshapen where the body proportions don’t make any sense, but that’s what Oda does, he doesn’t want to stick with a certain fit character style.
@Noxiddar 12 дней назад
I won't lie. The absurdity and exaggerated art style put me off for the longest time. But I've since learned how much my own ignorance had kept such an amazing story, characters, and wirld out of reach until now. So, now I'm just going into it full tilt and embracing it all. I want to experience it all. The same way that so many others have already!
@UltimateGamerCC 12 дней назад
19:00 - that pile of cigarettes is a prime example of filler, as Sanji only smokes to combat stress most of the time. he doesnt really just smoke to smoke, though he might on rare occasion.
@UltimateGamerCC 12 дней назад
14:45 - the Star Trek comparison you've heard is actually quite on the mark. huh, didnt think about that personally. would prefer a TNG comparison though, i'm more a Picard guy.
@Noxiddar 12 дней назад
To be fair, I had TNG in mind when I thought about the notion again, too! So it was kind of hilarious that episodes recorded months apart from each other both mentioned something about Star Trek (54 was remarking on the amalgamation of design that felt like it incorporated Geordi La Forge and 55 about the comparison of One Piece and Star Trek). It gave me a good chuckle while editing.
@emele669 12 дней назад
The fillers are not as bad people make them out to be.
@Noxiddar 12 дней назад
Yeah, I think most of the time people point it out isn't always from a quality of material viewpoint, but a quality of time viewpoint. There are certain moments they are waiting for as they know what's ahead, and so I think pointing out something is filler is more for their benefit than mine. In my mind, feeling like I COULD skip something that wasn't in the manga makes me feel strange. I like doing everything in order because that's how the anime was made. Otherwise, I'd feel like a Fallout Franchise (Fallout 1, 2, 3, 4, 76) 🤣 I think my biggest pet peeve about filler talk is that, for me personally, it feels like people are trying to take control of my experience instead of letting me have it organically. Once I start recording far ahead of what's being posted and people don't know where I am in the story anymore, it probably won't be an issue for me anymore. That being said, how could I not love a story with a dragon in it!?
@emele669 12 дней назад
Yea. It's your adventure, so you should be able to choose how you enjoy it.
@UltimateGamerCC 12 дней назад
13:45 - more like "The Hail Mary", since they flew like a Football during a Hail Mary pass.
@yellowlili221 12 дней назад
Please do the manga review video too 😁
@Noxiddar 12 дней назад
I initially thought about doing that over the last three months, but we'll see! Right now I'm focused on getting ahead in the anime. I'd like to be done with recording through Alabasta before I go back to work at the end of August!
@okukihar9182 12 дней назад
シシャモを美味しく食べられなくても嘆く必要はありません。 食卓の多様化が進み近代の日本ではあのような小魚を好む人は減少しつつあります。 あなたと食事を共にした子供たちも今は肉料理をメインにしているはずだ。
@riceandginger 14 дней назад
@FrancisPlamondon1982 15 дней назад
I love this episode as a turning point for Marcille: for the first time, she is the one to propose eating (well, drinking) the monster before Laios does. Also, why it's not explicilty stated, by keeping the remaining undine water for later, she essentially invented mana potions in a world that does not have those.
@Noxiddar 15 дней назад
I've really enjoyed watching her character develop, and learning even more about both her capabilities and personality quirks as the episodes go on! Getting ready to sit down and start recording Episode 15 onwards. I'd like to get to 19 or 20 today so I can wrap up the show tomorrow and finally be caught up with everyone in the comments as far as the anime is concerned 😅.
@joelhilljr 15 дней назад
Glad you're back in the swing of things, hoping things are doing well!
@Noxiddar 15 дней назад
It's good to be back, thank you! Things are going well here, thankfully. Just finished recording a reaction for Episode 14, and will try to finish all the remaining reactions for Delicious in Dungeon in the coming days! It feels good to be back and moving forward instead of standing still spinning plates!
@hyobro8392 16 дней назад
Welcome back !
@Noxiddar 16 дней назад
It's good to be back! I'm just getting ready to sit down and record The Red Dragon Part 1 and 2! Let's go!
@EChacon 16 дней назад
This might surprise you but the voice of Mr. Tansu is none other than veteran voice actor, Corey Burton who you may have heard in every project he’s done for Disney from voicing Captain Hook, Dale, Ludwig Von Drake, Yen Sid along with Count Dooku & Cad Bane from various _Star Wars_ animated series and games, Brainiac in the DC Animated Universe and Shockwave in the 1980s _Transformers_ cartoon. Honestly, it’s quite amazing and a big surprise to see Corey Burton in an Anime Dub considering outside of his participation in the dubs of the different Studio Ghibli films _(Castle in the Sky, Kiki’s Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke, Whisper of the Heart, and Porco Rosso),_ _Batman: Gotham Knight_ and the _Kingdom Hearts_ video game series, it's not often you see voice actors who primarily work in Western Animation like Corey Burton, along with Grey DeLisle, Tara Strong, Tom Kenny, Jennifer Hale, John DiMaggio, Bob Bergen (Porky Pig), Richard Horvitz, Fred Tatasciore, and Chris Edgerly, Keith David, Eric Bauza, and Nolan North (whom all three (Keith, Eric and Nolan) and Fred Tatasciore were in _Pluto_ which you should check out) work in a Union dub anime series cause when compared to the likes of Crispin Freeman, Kari Wahlgren, Yuri Lowenthal and Steve Blum who still continue to appear in the occasional Union Anime dub productions to this day (depending on schedules and the project they’re doing) after becoming Union-only voice actors, the majority of the voice actors who primarily do original animation (and they mention this in most interviews) they don't do Union anime dubs either due to the payscale (cause anime pays far less when compared to voice recording for a Western Cartoon, Commercial or a Video game) which is one reason they don't them, then there is their voiceover schedules, but the main reason that most voice actors like Corey Burton don’t do dubbing is that dubbing is a technical difference which means the voice actors have to match and be in sync with the lip flaps of the characters mouths on screen and that there is no preparation, as it's just listening to 3 beeps on the headphones and on the 4th imaginary beep they say their lines of dialogue through the script on screen. So literally most of these western animation voice actors including Corey would rather work on a Pre-Lay animation project that gives them more freedom in the recording booth (while also doing improv and ad-libbing) and work alongside the other voice actors in the same recording session instead of a dubbing session that restricts their vocal freedom and pays very little. Now even with the Netflix SAG-AFTRA deal (as Delicious in Dungeon, Pluto and many other Netflix are under that contract) that made the majority of their current anime dubs Unionized since July of 2019, which gives the voice actors $87 an hour with a 2 hour minimum guarantee, plus an additional 50% (in lieu of additional payments on the back-end.) leading to $130.50/hr. and eventually getting $261.00 at the end of each 2 hr. session according to Ben Diskin on Twitter, it's not going to reconsider the likes of Tom Kenny, Tara Strong, Grey Delisle-Griffin, Dee Bradley Baker, Phil LaMarr, Jeff Bennett, Rob Paulsen, Jennifer Hale, Richard Horvitz, Hynden Walch, Jim Cummings, Kevin Michael Richardson, John DiMaggio, Eric Bauza, Cree Summer, James Arnold Taylor, Corey Burton and among many other Pre-Lay animation voice actors to start doing Union anime dubs (including the ones done by Netflix), cause they previously already made their stance and decisions on not wanting to do anime dubs (Union or not), so I can't blame them. Of course, lately we have been getting the likes of some Pre-Lay animation voice actors like Andrew Kishino, Larissa Gallagher, William Salyers, Josh Keaton, Cissy Jones, Julie Nathanson, Chris Edgerly, Cathy Cavadini, Paul Nakauchi, Keone Young, Trevor Devall, James C. Mathis III, Kiff VandenHeuvel, and Lori Alan who mostly do original animation and video game voice work are now starting to make more appearances in the various Union Anime dubs at Netflix. Even some celebrity actors have been slowly appearing in some of the Netflix anime dubs like: • _Flavors of Youth_ (Evan Rachel Wood and Ross Butler) • _Ultraman (2019 anime)_ (Josh Hutcherson) • _Rilakkuma & Kaoru_ (Lana Condor) • _Yasuke_ (Lakeith Stansfeld, Ming-Na Wen, and Darren Criss) • _Eden_ (David Tennant, Rosario Dawson, Neil Patrick Harris, and Ruby Rose Turner) • _Bright Samurai Soul_ (Simu Liu) • _Cyberpunk: Edgerunners_ (Giancarlo Esposito) • _Pluto_ (Keith David) • _Scott Pilgrim: Takes Off_ (The entire cast from the 2010 Scott Pilgrim film; okay that Isn’t a dub, but still) • _Pokemon Concierge_ (Karen Fukuhara, Imani Hakim) • _Delicious in Dungeon_ (Emily Rudd) I hope that Netflix starts to continue utilizing some celebrity actors and Pre-Lay Animation voice actors in some of their anime dubs (anime series and anime films), regardless if the former (the celebrities) are too costly to get for a Netflix unionized anime dub or they are busy with their film and TV work schedules and/or they don’t want to do it due to the low pay.
@Noxiddar 16 дней назад
That's really awesome! It's been years since I've watched the Disney classics, but that's really amazing! I've been throughly impressed by the voice talent in this English Dub.
@patron8597 16 дней назад
Didn't the guy you replied to before posting this say the same thing?
@EChacon 16 дней назад
@@patron8597 And your point?
@EChacon 16 дней назад
@@patron8597 No Reason to be a kill joy and besides it doesn’t matter who posted it first and wether it’s the same response or not you don’t have to make a big deal on it.
@Noxiddar 16 дней назад
It's all good. Should check the comments on my first attempt at a series reaction with One Piece and they all say I talk too much. Haha. You would think seeing it the first handful of times would be enough. Some people have a thought and want to share it. I'm totally okay with that. But I appreciate you engaging as a community. I'm always happy to see it!
@billlee3851 16 дней назад
Fun fact, Tansu's voice actor is actually Corey Burton, known for Captain Hook, Smee, Dale, Scarecrow, Captain Cold and many many other roles. It's rare that a primarily Disney voice actor, and a famous one at that, is working on an anime. Senshi's voice actor, ProZD, is a huge Peter Pam fan, he practically memorized the entire movie. I can only imagine how he felt working with mr. Burton.
@EChacon 16 дней назад
Even I heard that the voice director of the dub for _Delicious in Dungeoon_ Lucien Dodge revealed in past interviews that Corey Burton was one of his voice mentors on how he got in the world of voiceover, and Corey showed Lucien the ropes on the craft of voiceover and being a good voice actor in general. So because of this, they maintain a good friendship with each since then, hence why Lucien casted Corey in the dub of _Delicious in Dungeon_ for this special occasion. On top of that, Corey is also on the Autism spectrum, like I am and same with Damien Haas (Laios).
@michaelwilliamybarra2409 2 дня назад
To add to Mr. Burton's credits to really gage at his range in my view, he's also done the voices of Professor Ludwig Von Drake and Yensid as well!
@EChacon 2 дня назад
@@michaelwilliamybarra2409 Don’t forget Count Dooku & Cad Bane from various _Star Wars_ animated series and games, the latter character he end up reprising in _The Bad Batch_ and _The Book of Boba Fett,_ Brainiac in various animated series from the DC Animated Universe and Shockwave in the 1980’s _Transformers_ cartoon.
@EChacon 2 дня назад
@@billlee3851 I highly doubt Corey and SungWon Cho (ProzD) worked togethec cause anime dubbing is mostly done separately considering it’s a technical difference compared to pre-lay animation where the majority of the voice actors are in the same room together. The only time that an actor will ever interact with another voice actor in anime is when they pass by each other in studio after he/she finishes their session and the next one comes in or during an series dub wrap-up party or at a Convention.
@Noxiddar 2 дня назад
Possibly. Though I've seen the Strawhat voice actors of One Piece each sharing 3 microphones and huddling around them to read their lines. I'm sure the differences in approach come down to studio design, flexibility/availability of talent, and studio's policies and procedures. But it's likely the case for Western talent. I remember things like Vin Diesel didn't really have any contact with the rest of the cast voicing Groot for Guadians of the Galaxy. It's possibly the same for Bradley Cooper. And then you have to wonder how many things changed during and after COVID that may still be in place. It's definitely speculation without hard evidence. Nevertheless, it is still special to share the experience, even if the closest some of the voice talent gets to one another is the cast list on IMDB. Haha.
@MilD_Voices 16 дней назад
Wow, I'm early. 11 mins. Woo!!!
@pritzenritz629 16 дней назад
1. I'm very glad to see you back ^^ a lot of people missed you already :D Welcome back :) 2. Luffy smiled in they brink of death and then the godly lightning saved him O.o fire fire fire 3. I absolutely agree the One Piece music elements are insane awesome * _ * 4. And i'm even more glad to see that you enjoy One Piece so much, that is really absolutely nice to see ^^ 5. The Beauty of One Piece storywriting never ends trust me it will get better and better with every arc :D
@Noxiddar 16 дней назад
I am absolutely both happy to be back, and thrilled to be back in this world. I'm still working on recording ahead, but I'll confess a lot of effort is centered around finishing up Delicious in Dungeon so I can really give this my full attention for the next arc. In the meantime, I've been thoroughly enjoying reading the manga (which I think I finally show off next episode as I recorded these months ago now). I find myself fortunate reacting to One Piece at a time in my life when I myself have traveled the world, tried my hand at writing and self-published, sang and acted on stage most of my life, and even tried my hand at drawing. I feel like I have so many anchor points (pardon the pun) to engage with One Piece, and I find there's so much more than one thing about it that is exceptional. It is quite literally like looking in a mirror and seeing myself. I suspect many other people feel the same, and that is among the finest magic of this show and a great story. Thank you so much for the welcome home. I couldn't think of anywhere else I'd rather be!
@tiagomacedo8025 16 дней назад
Many people do not understand that the main charecter in the show is One piece, the world of one piece