Dan Henderson - I Am a Fighter
14 лет назад
@maxwelljacobfreedom 2 месяца назад
Simps in action
@Dabby_Lee 4 месяца назад
Gonne leave this comment to remind everyone of how much a bad ass Anderson Silva was! 👌
@CallmeBeanbutnocoffee 5 месяцев назад
I dont think dana ever liked silva. Liked him for business but anderson had a similar outlook as Francis. Look how his retirement went. Basically a F you to silva. Which is why anderson dudnt show up to his hall of fame induction. His final F you to ufc. Anderson was better than gsp but gsp was more marketable being in north america and being able to speak english and french. Dana didnt want that fight for George. Had nothing to do with that fight. Silva didnt want to beat maia. He wanted to embarrass and disrespect him because he said maia was disrespectful. That was for how they're viewed in brazil. That was personal for anderson.
@gusadico 8 месяцев назад
I will never understand why Dana got so mad with this fight. Anderson won fair and square amd gave Damian a nice beating in at least the first 3 rounds. Damian's game was all about bringin Anderson down, when he saw he couldn'y do it he just laid in the floor hoping Anderson would fell into the trap- that's the only ridiculous part of this fight. Anderson tauting him is just showmanship. Damian waked up only the fifth round and really try to go all in so he deserve some recogntion for that.
@arcanjobh 8 месяцев назад
Dana White, full of complaints about Silva in this fight, I seriously don't understand the reason for Dana's complaints, the fight was all within the rules, it was a show and that's it. If there was a mistake, maybe it started way back when someone decided that the two would have to fight and we know who these people were and they were neither Demiam nor Spider. Just a question, does anyone remember what the betting shops were like at the time?
@dt089 9 месяцев назад
Silva was just having fun and trying to embarrass Maia, which he did. I still love this fight to this day. It showcased how far, above and beyond Silva was at this time and ridiculous movement and offensive attacks/defensive counters he had in his arsenal. Clearly, the next Chael fight was some karmic justice and Silva learned fast to take fighting in the Octagon seriously. Unfortunately, that was a pretty quick lesson, as he would lose to Weidman a few fights later trying to showboat. Either way, one of the GOATS!
@EB-rz8zs 9 месяцев назад
Ohh remember this guys???
@travismaddox1515 11 месяцев назад
Silva could have ended the fight in the first minute. But he was trying to give the fans a show
@rileytodd4050 11 месяцев назад
He broke that leg later. Karma is a fucking pain
@codygruberg7083 11 месяцев назад
he new he could win by running, that simple
@SPQR21SEAL Год назад
sounds like this guy wants his fighters to kill themselves in the ring for his entertainment
@B1LLBILL Год назад
Dana was hurt hurt😂
He played for five rounds, bust a guy open and won. Y'all are just blood thirsty. Both fighters walked away healthy lol.
@jubeikibagamai5323 Год назад
I disagree. What he is basically saying "we want good entertainers, not good fighters". Show > performance - It has always been like this in the entertainment industry.
@jayskj2655 Год назад
My personal opinion, Silva was leagues ahead of everyone at his prime. To go into a championshionship fight, being underpaid, and having no challenge at all from your opponent, who is supposed to be among the best, is a complete insult to his skill and career. Multiple fighters have had issues with Dana White under paying, not getting them the contracted x number of fights a year, and even manipulating their careers in such a way that they dont get the fights they want, they get low payinf fights, or no fights at all, simply to do what dana white wants for money, is wrong. Example, Silva, Diaz, and even Mcgregor. Silve proved a point with this fight and struck at Dana where it hurts
@ericyoutube77 Год назад
dana is salty lmao
@nateliegeorge5196 Год назад
disgrace to the very existence of martial arts
@dcarlion Год назад
Let’s put Dana in the ring with Anderson, I guarantee Dana would be running around too
@alejandrosarasti5010 Год назад
So this means Mayweather wouldn't have a chance with Dana!
@timmojennings Год назад
Anderson Silva should you guys mercy
@Mwhbmnabjms Год назад
Upset losing money betting K.O on anderson silva??? Hehehe
@chazzwright2188 Год назад
What fight was this?
@AndrewWatson975 Год назад
What about Connor McGregor?
@MossyOak30 Год назад
Just watched the fight and I disagree Silvia beat the dude badly and didn't want to cause more damage then what he already done and the coaches and doctor should of called it . Long term damage is a real thing Dana white ...
@elishahwillock2934 Год назад
Gsp would of got his app whopped
@elishahwillock2934 Год назад
Silva beat the crap out of him
@lito3293 Год назад
Crazy how everyone show boats now… and throw call kicks uncle Dana
@smokemenace Год назад
This was not silvers fault this is your fault for making him fight an ufc person he could easy beat silva done the man a favour
@yuyaricuishagu2221 2 года назад
@muchodinero3947 2 года назад
Tell Dana get in the ring with Silva, until then stop acting like a little bitch, you can't tell someone they don't deserve something because of your expectations. You can not tell a man how to fight his opponent. I don't see how it's an embarrassment to Dana white, it's embarrassing that Silva had to fight someone so fucking trash
@jeneanh2471 2 года назад
I 4got all abt this Silva wz an asshole its nufn wrong w/ showboatn but wut he did was ridiculous n disrespectful n wuts crazier is he didnt c wut he did wrong hw can u fix an issue if the person causing the issue dnt recognize the issue pure ignorance
@TheresaBuccola 2 года назад
Anderson Silva and MVP must hail from the same annoying, obnoxious school of fighting. Can't stand either one of em.
@mandogarr 2 года назад
That was a good fight lol
@joescaletta9665 2 года назад
Demean Mia was shooting for Anderson’s legs so sloppy and looked like a total amateur Dana should of Cut Demean from the UFC after that fight not blame it all on Anderson
@grasshopperatlaw 2 года назад
I think Dana White is not correct on this issue...I thought Anderson Silva was GREAT...but what do I know!
@JME3699 2 года назад
How are you using current UFC ads on a 12 year old video? 😂 talk about milking it. Goon
@kwamecoleman5395 2 года назад
Dana white a bitch for not making that gsp fight
@kwamecoleman5395 2 года назад
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣he win this
@joshs6259 2 года назад
Not about a show its about winning. White wants to make money well so do the fighter. Silva seen an easy win without getting in harms way.
@rajithaabeykoon3068 2 года назад
dana what a hypocrite , didnt complain about rose fight or israel
@connormcdavid2203 2 года назад
@ionutnastiuc5636 2 года назад
I just commented to brake the 666 numbers of comments 667 now. Have a nice day 😅
@matiasperez6303 2 года назад
@leoesel1 2 года назад
12 years had pass and we still don't know why Silva fought that way
@Eyeofthetiger69 2 года назад
This rant was much more entertaining than the fight itself.
@ben9262 2 года назад
lol Dana is so stupid. Silva dismantled Maia
@DeckCollector17 2 года назад
If you’re that talented.. Be Mike Tyson. Go in and finish it in 2min! That’s the truth!
@kashmiralarcon3950 2 года назад
If the Maia fight was the reason that GSP and Silva didn’t fight then SMDH. Silva was only proving that Maia wasn’t on his level
@sager3388 2 года назад
Dana White must of ben super happy when Chris Weidman came thru! haha
@thesethreekings 2 года назад
Am I right in thinking Dana didn’t enjoy this fight?