No The Robot
No The Robot
No The Robot
Let's talk animation! With over a decade of industry experience, including working at DreamWorks Animation and the Jim Henson Company, No The Robot is committed to sharing a deep understanding and passion for the world of animation.

Here you'll find a mix of educational and entertaining content, including tutorials, breakdowns, and discussions on software like Blender, After Effects, and Maya. Whether you're an aspiring animator, a seasoned pro, or just someone who appreciates the art of animation and VFX, there's something here for you.

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@WhiteAce3 4 часа назад
The pictures transport the story. But if the animation is good and the story is not, why spending money on a movie that does not entertain but looks good. If the story would be interesting with some twists and maybe tragic, and the animation supports this feeling then ot does not matter if the animation reminds on TV animations. But I think Disney ahould have gone a step further with their animation of wish. They should have ahow us something very new woth this style. Like for example the 3D animated sequence of the dance scene in Beauty and the beast. Something on top of the flat watercolor look that would leave the audience astonished.
@Baskl757 7 часов назад
I want to get into animation or just art im general. Ive just started and I can help but constantly feel like im wasting my time and i dont even have plans to make money off it.
@techcdrive1702 7 часов назад
10:00 Yeah, I can 10000 percent surely say that whatever been said in this part is absolutely true in case of INDIA and JAPAN (my friends worked there and left - squeeze the life out of them, many switched the Career paths with no returning Back, one way ticket to get out of it and those who were in 40-45 age categories got help in getting good career positions because of old connection they made in their 20's or 30's, guys with 5-7 year experience welllllll - may luck be with you for future )
@sharongillesp 8 часов назад
Stopped this video to watch “Nimona.” It is EXCELLENT! 👍👍UP!
@theproperenglishman 10 часов назад
We artists will figure this out. No more executives. We make our own movies, and keep 100 percent of the profit.
@makaheng 10 часов назад
Thank you sir for the eye opening revelation about the animation, the movie industry and the essential role of unionizing.
@johnnysawyer290 11 часов назад
@droobydoo1094 12 часов назад
Glad to see you mention the truth about Indian animation Industry.
@plebmcpleb5761 15 часов назад
I'm an illustrator but have a lot of friends who work in animation and this really echoes how bad they're doing now. Europe is in a pretty bad shape too. You guys are all very stubborn, I know you'll pull through. The next decade isn't gonna be pretty for any of us with corporate slop machine going at full steam. AI is the culmination of issues the art world had endured for years before, but it isn't improving at the rate people peddling it and their army of useful idiots would like you to believe. Keep up the good work ✨
@GioGio14412 17 часов назад
i dont think you understand what ai destroying jobs mean, they wont replace experts with amateurs using ai, they will have one expert using ai instead of ten experst not using it
@NeidlichesSchwert 18 часов назад
Could you be more annoying?
@NoTheRobot 11 часов назад
@hiss9989 19 часов назад
Who gives a fuck :D Fuck capitalism anyway. Fuck the industry.
@DasTamii 19 часов назад
Most people aren’t criticising the animation itself, but the style, that doesn’t look good. Beside the problem you mentioned with the motion blur etc, it also lacks colour, it lacks depth and compared to movies like tangled and frozen it lacks details in the background. That some people have to explain some things and choices in the movie to most other people is also a problem. For example the symbol of the rose, I didn’t even notice that this should be a rose, nor, that it’s a repeating element, like the much more obvious sun from corona (for example). I wouldn’t say it’s a bad movie, but tangled, frozen or Encanto were way, way, way better, and (except for tangled), they weren’t some jubilee movies. So it doesn’t matter how good and high quality the animation and the techniques are, if it still looks bad for the eye…
@UnselfishServiceTheater 19 часов назад
Disney said they couldn't do 2D animation anymore, but just before they released Wish, they released Once Upon A Studio... Which was 2D animated...
@Ziqver 21 час назад
The industry might die, but not the art.
@HoshiHikari 21 час назад
Stylistically, they pulled their punches and it shows in the rest of your critiques. I don’t consider Wish nearly the love letter to animation/visual art that I would consider something like Spiderverse or Mutant Mayhem. They should have committed harder to the watercolor style. Being timid about it made it look like a cheap filter washing over everything in flat lighting like you mentioned. Plenty of watercolor art evokes depth and contrast and their own Wish concept art book conveyed that better than the movie. Even Spiderverse was already successful in creating a cinematic watercolor look in Gwen’s universe. Regarding motion blur getting turned off to preserve the Snow White cel-painted style, they could’ve taken a Spiderverse print comic chromatic aberration approach and had watercolor bleed outside of lineart like it does in real life watercolor art in order to convey depth of focus or motion blur. It looked like the concept art and movie’s BGs did this a little but it’s a wasted opportunity in the character animation. To pay more homage to the rest of their century of animation, they could’ve incorporated other styles like their Xerox era. It could’ve provided a contrast with the crisp celluloid style and used meaningfully in the same way Spiderverse used framerates. What the artists created isn’t BAD. They made some great choices like you mentioned with the Star and the effects. It just isn’t as GOOD as it could be. It looks like they’re held back and I don’t understand why. Disney has so much power to be much more experimental. You already mentioned Paperman and Feast as stylistic predecessors, proving Disney can be daring in 3D, but Wish visually falls so flat in comparison I wouldn’t even consider them related.
@verilyze 23 часа назад
If you want to do this art and other nonsense dont earn with it Controlled by the shareholders so who else they invest the money so animators should control it's like a painter saying I will do what I want but you have to pay me Its a buisness and animators times are up Stop the hyp__ocrisy you get to doodle and earn now when there is a better way you are trying to boycott
@doorbox788 23 часа назад
I am genuinely scared that he will stubbornly continue making movies, and work himself to the grave. The man has created beauty, now he needs to rest and enjoy his creation. I’m terrified of what’ll happen once he’s gone to studio ghibli. Hopefully doesn’t go down the drain
@CharlesPonsford День назад
Looking forward to watching lots of non-woke independant productions in the not-so-distant future.
@WorldLie День назад
There is only one rule. Does it look good? The answer has to be yes.
@dragonninja3655 День назад
Instead of an incredible, fun shapeshifting starboy that paired so well with asha's originally more withdrawn, play it safe personality and would've given us one of the best disney couples of all time and would've vastly improved the story, we got the marketable plushie. Good thing the star is named after his shape because otherwise I probably wouldn't remember his name
@Aztonio День назад
So... would Wish look better if watched in 12 fps ? xD
@Aztonio День назад
2:46 This kind of technic was also used for Overwatch in-game character's animations ! The elongated shapes and silly deformed bodies to better convey movement, even in 60 fps style.
@lidattruong1105 День назад
IATSE was out of work during the entire WGA strike so they have no safety net or the stomach for another strike. We are screwed.
@Troulplay День назад
Pls talk about the problems in bad guys
@joeocampo1942 День назад
Let's get ready to go Indies!
@nuyynuyy День назад
Just dont forget that the people are the industry, they cant have film and cinema if the people trained in it refuse to cooperate, make your dream films and animations and the rest will follow, there is strength in numbers and leaving what exploits and ruins everything to them, let them who want AI to keep it but also work hard on your own passions and keep the culture growing.
@PaimonGoetiaaa День назад
If these CEO's start using AI to cut costs, the movies will be very boring and generic, because that's all AI is, generic and avarage. It can't make something new. Indie animation will always look better and have more passion and emotion, because they have artists who care. I think people will get fed up with the same stuff from Hollywood all the time and watch indie animation. These CEO's are digging their own grave by firing all talented artists
@Nicole-ze4vc День назад
Howl’s Moving Castle wasn’t really mentioned as an example of Studio Ghibli using computer animation (to move all the different components of the castle). So they do use it and the automation it offers, but never as a replacement for the difficult creative decision of hand-making everything.
@tahirturdaliev8518 День назад
Why not say you gonna spoil?
@C0smiccharm День назад
Tbh AI has brought the best out of all these Lazy artists, writers and screenwriters. Everyone got so confident and lazy with their work because no challenge was out there to benchmark a goal. It’s about time everyone is trying harder. They should have a long time ago. Many are salty about quality, but step it up then.
@justaguycommenting День назад
Really good analysis here! I'm a TV animator myself and was wondering why it looked so.... "TV-ish". I liked your explanation of wants VS needs a lot, i think an even more interesting comparison would be Hunchback Of Notre Dame, where Quasimodo wants the girl, doesn't get her, but ends up getting what he needs.... and what he REALLY wants.... acceptance. Unfortunately, i think executives were interfering too much with Wish and it seems to be a problem throughout current Disney media, hopefully they can course correct, I think Jennifer Lee got very lucky with Frozen's success, rode the coattails of that success a little bit and should make way for new leadership at Disney Animation. I hope they can go back to being the industry leader again, it's really cool that we have all these new entrants to the top level of animation, but there's just something about Disney where I love seeing it as the place we all want to be, and having the top animation talent in the world haha.
@peterxyz3541 День назад
I’m sympathetic; but, I sense the Force. The Force is telling me that there’s opportunities…the universe is inviting “you” to dance. “You” need to dance with the universe.
@ShelbyLikesStuff День назад
Animation is art, art shouldn’t be perfect.
@GraveUypo День назад
another risk this movie took was to have the villain be the main character and actually win over the good guys
@rizzilante9989 День назад
as a beginner in the field of animation i have been learning for almost a year right now and i have to telll you that when you watch a movie as an animator it's completely different as you actually appreciate the whole movie more than anyone else does because you get to see things that you know are really difficult to do and so hard to achieve in a visual creative way, you know that because you tried and you learned and you made things and know whow things are, you get to appreciate the effort and be amazed by the innovation of finding new ways to make things and animate them, imagine watching something now and knowing that it was not sketched, drawn, composited, edited, by a human being, to put it short i won't appreciate them, or at least not as much as i appreciated humanly animated movies, some shots made me cry ngl
@lcmiracle День назад
AI forever, AI is future, AI is glory
@lcmiracle День назад
@d.slifestyle3737 День назад
If you want to leave good life you need to save yourself right now to read the actual real money maker company owner and I will tell you who is its rothschild
@kiuche5607 День назад
I cant even start to explain how happy i am at seeing indie studios and animations pop up and not neeeing of bigger corporations, to put an example glitch studios. I've seen how nice the people are in these environments and how are their experiences working and its just makes me hope one day ill be able to be part of it maybe share my stories to the world, that just would be a dream come true honestly.
@devernepersonal3636 День назад
they'll go back to humans once the slop they produce isn't good enough for even the sheep to slurp up.
@Rich_1 День назад
This and Puss in Boots are one of my favourite animated movies cuz on the 3D style. I feel like I can relax in and watch it instead or trying to spot the bits that don’t look real
@alteredalley 2 дня назад
Helpful video 👏
@einzwei3364 2 дня назад
It is all about the stories and the characters that make or break the content. Mass production in the movie industry... Is exactly why all streaming channels are struggeling. When my time is limited I want to see a good story with interesting characters in it that make me laugh and cry. If VFX and ticking as many boxes for political messaging are the most important thing in your movie I do not want to see it. My hope is that Indie studios are going to rectify exactly that. Big studios are all in just for the money. Chris Gore has discussed exactly this a while ago on countless of YT videos.
@WallBracelet 2 дня назад
@mooncookies7803 2 дня назад
DUDE WHAT ABT ARCANE?? they actually started production i think a year before spiderverse and although soiderverse movies are some of my favorites- NOTHING can beat arcane. NOTHING
@personontheinternet-dz5oi 2 дня назад
@mishaelcalhoun1165 2 дня назад
The animation suck that are made today, that's a large part of the issue.
@kathe7086 2 дня назад
I have noticed, that even at the work i got, they seem to mostly care about what the AI does, in a sense that, IA it's so better than human work that the work I'm doing for them is simply not enough to overcome AI, litterally they want me to do something that IA would do since the AI the use can't do the work they need, and I'm not only bothered by what they ask me to do, I'm very bothered mostly about the fact that the "thing" they want me to do is not even professional, it's something that if someone with a lot of experience more than mine would see they would just go "WTF is this?". I can't even add that work to my portapholio, now I just use that job as an excuse to get money, wich actually, they should pay me more for all the trouble I've been going trough only to do something an AI would do in the end. They really just want a mindless zombie to work for them. Fun fact, I got the job 'cause I finished the test before anyone else, that's going to be a big red flag to me from now on. Sorry if this sounds like venting, but as long as this helps the engagement the better, also, the job I'm talking about is not about animation, but it is really realted to the topic in video :)
@mbunds 2 дня назад
AI generated crap will train future generations of AI to produce better crap.