GrizzlyStik is founded on the concept of setting bowhunters up for success. Through research and in-the-field testing, we produce game changing products.

GrizzlyStik arrows are tapered from tip to tail with built in FOC (forward of center) for; tighter groups, better retained energy downrange, and much more resistance to cross winds.

GrizzlyStik arrows and broadheads are a system. Used together there are no animals in North America that you shouldn't expect complete penetration on.

GrizzlyStik gear has taken over 50 elephant, a few hundred Cape buffalo, and scores of Asiatic water buffalo. This is just to show what the system CAN do.

It is also killer on elk, moose, whitetail deer, and hogs. If you have ever lost an animal to a bone hit, like a shoulder blade on an elk, give GrizzlyStik arrows and broadheads a close look. We regularly blow right through elk and moose scapulae.

GrizzlyStik ~ Setting YOU up for success ~ Even when things go wrong.
Dr Ed Ashby High FOC System on Whitetails
5 месяцев назад
Bone Breaking Reel
5 месяцев назад
Bull Elk On A String
5 месяцев назад
GrizzlyStik Problems - Taxidermy
5 месяцев назад
Beach Bear #1
5 месяцев назад
Beach Bear #2
5 месяцев назад
Dead Under the Tree
3 года назад
GrizzlyStik System on Whitetails
4 года назад
South Taxas Monster
4 года назад
Unmatched Black Death Success
4 года назад
315 Grain Ashby from a Crossbow
4 года назад
Joe Brinker Bull Elk Success
4 года назад
"An Afognak Giant"
5 лет назад
"Like Butter"
5 лет назад
The Ultimate Broadhead Test?
5 лет назад
@scottwalmer9248 День назад
Class dismissed 🎯🩸☠️
@ryanholzhouser7739 28 дней назад
Thank u
@Kurtdog63 28 дней назад
Sound is low for intervewer...
@patsweeney4220 2 месяца назад
Lmao you and I have a far different definition of instant… you should look it up, I don’t think it means what you think it means 😂
@johnnyandnik2204 2 месяца назад
what state was this hunt in...thanks
@user-ye4se9pp4t 5 месяцев назад
A pootile video 🙄
@curtwatkins9520 5 месяцев назад
@Glaciershark 5 месяцев назад
No sound on the lot 😢 🤷‍♂️
@Glaciershark 5 месяцев назад
No sound 😢
@camerannC 7 месяцев назад
@wingersfan Год назад
how do you see that as "instant?" wft?
@jblanla Год назад
How far are you supposed to shoot from with a bare shaft out of a traditional bow before calling it a day?
@skyx9443 Год назад
Do you consider 20 seconds instant?
@mikeborgstr5188 Год назад
What is the best method for resharpening the mesai heads?
@kevinemard5370 Год назад
What was the bows poundage?
@marcelovillegas7531 Год назад
Innerloc devastation broadheds are simply the best in the world 🌎,between me and my brother hunting deer 🦌 and 🐻 black bear,we never lost any game,the blood 🩸 trail is like a red carpet in the woods 🌲 🌳.
@ChrisWilliams-nu1sf Год назад
that is not even close to instant.
@redneckcatfishing Год назад
What crossbow was you using in this video?
@theincredible9168 2 года назад
It didn't even pass through, great set up.
@deoreggie Год назад
Did you not see it hit the shoulder
@theincredible9168 Год назад
@hello otz Did I say it didn't hit the shoulder? I said it didn't pass through.
@troytownsend1730 Год назад
​@@theincredible9168 How close she was to the elk I think is another thing to take into consideration here other than what her poundage or set up was.
@tradmanmike3360 2 года назад
@MrRazorback1975 2 года назад
I’m curious what bow is being shot at 650 gr, 70/30, and producing 260 fps. This conversation seems to be grounded in preference. The argument that “things happen” is used to justify heavy, slow arrows. In the example given, point of impact was dramatically effected with slight movement at 8 yards. What do you think that would look like out west at 50 plus yards?
@MrRazorback1975 2 года назад
The Ed Ashby group has become a cult of sorts. The idea that there is only one way, their way, to take down large game, is highly inaccurate. They’ve convinced a lot of people that 650 grain arrows are necessary because Ed stated this is the “bone breaking “ threshold. If you listen closely, you won’t hear much about trajectory and it’s effect on accuracy in these discussions. Accuracy will always be #1 when accessing lethality of an arrow. There also isn’t much discussion about the individuals setup, draw length, poundage, etc. I’ve killed dozens of big game animals with mechanical Broadheads, something that should not be possible according to the Ashby camp.Different setups for different applications.
@southpawhammer8644 2 года назад
I'm sorry bro, who said it was ok to wear your hair like that in public.
@vincenzosobowl1030 2 года назад
do one where you arch the arrow so it comes back down like how they show in game of thrones an other show movies etc where the arrow is shot into the arrow a crazy amout of distance comin back down from the sky an some how still havin a lot of velocity it seems wouldn't its lose alot of velocity to make that archin motion in the first place even with weighted tips an such to come back down an hit the targets also seen some shit on history channel where they claimed these ancient warriors or some shit had bows that could fire an arrow over 1100 yards bein arched or what ever the term is were they shoot the arrow into the air makin come back down at an angel i see it alot bein portrayed in games shows etc an somethin about it just doesn't seem right cuz they make it seem as if the arrow gains speed when comin back down or somethin
@jigglysexymanlolpussy1175 2 года назад
Grim reeper
@jameshammond2079 2 года назад
I love the arrows …tdt 170s 1005 grains of death
@benbartch7894 2 года назад
Don’t like his actions after the shot. That is disrespectful to the animal.
@TheFlanman10 2 года назад
Badass... Im heading to Melina lake in a few days for my elk hunt. Awesome boar man!
@johnev1233 2 года назад
At 0:30 when it first moves after pausing, and its head is between the trees, notice the blood gush out the nose. Youch! It looks like a gallon came out.
@pensnut08 2 года назад
How come everyone posing with a buck is so far behind it? Holding it so far away... Are they afraid of them?
@Yaboifootchie 2 года назад
Forced perspective to make it look bigger
@derrickross192 2 года назад
Maybe the portion of the deer body is sticking out enough to where the hunter can only get so close. Or to help it look bigger... either way, not a big deal.
@seanjorgenson8064 2 года назад
You have to strengthen the front 3 in. Of arrow shaft or you can loose it all!
@nj-bz8pv 2 года назад
What about elk?
@singlestringstruggler1988 3 года назад
Can you explain why you can’t cut from the buck end on a grizzlystik?
@j2280 3 года назад
➡️ 18cams.xyz ⤵️ B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's -L-o-V-e-S-e-X---❤️😘 ..👍 !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1618203747
@ApexPredatorOutdoors 3 года назад
Can't get much easier to track than that!
@daveweaver61427 3 года назад
Very impressive videos please include type of bow and poundage and arrow weight and foc.
@greysigma 3 года назад
Distance? ( very impressive)
@XtremeBUZZ 3 года назад
What are the common weights for these arrow setups?
@caseymallach3596 2 года назад
These guys probably have a 650 grain arrow setup. I think it is to much weight for deer. All you need is a 400 plus grain arrow with a cut on contact for deer.
@torch1g3 2 года назад
XtremeBUZZ - Here are two good sources for arrow build information. www.ashbybowhunting.org/ and ru-vid.com
@XtremeBUZZ 2 года назад
@@torch1g3 I was trying to figure out what the set up was. I’ve already been watching ranch fairy, and read the Ashby studies.
@torch1g3 2 года назад
​@@XtremeBUZZ From what I have seen in a few of Ranch Fairy videos the "sweet spot" is 550 grain for 28" ~50lb draw. I have the test kit from Sirius along with four arrows (2EA of 300 spine and 2EA of 350 spine with 100 grain half out inserts) and have been running through the different weighted field tip sets with my bow. I called Sirius and told them my specs and they recommended those two spines for me to try out. I have found that the 550 grain area is good for my bow with bare shaft tuning. When it comes down to it you have to run those tests to see what your bow likes. Sirius Archery was very helpful in getting me set up for testing, if you haven't got anything going yet give them a call.
@XtremeBUZZ 2 года назад
@@torch1g3 I do, I got black eagle rampage, ethics half outs, 250 grain cutthroats. I’m sitting around 650ish TAW, might be over now due to going to a 250 grain broadhead.
@caseymallach3596 3 года назад
Hey guys I am 15 hunting big woods public land that is thick. I have to shoot through tight holes and my arrow has to fly relatively flat out to 30 yards. I have about 50 pounds on my Hoyt ignite with a 27 inch draw length. I am still looking for a setup that will hit hard but not be too heavy to weigh down my arrows and make them drop to much in flight. What broadheads would you guys recommend. I was thinking a samurai 125 grain.
@zeroedinwithzeke4059 2 года назад
Hey man, I’m 16 and I’m using the magnus stingers. Those are good heads and should do you well. Add a 100 grain insert and keep the shots relatively close. I had a doe at 15 yards last year and we found piece of bone in the blood trail. If you want to keep a flat arrow flight, just get a 125 or 150 grain magnus head and make sure it’s sharp. People kill hundreds of deer with mechanicals, including myself, but the magnus heads are the best in my opinion.
@theodorewood9784 3 года назад
Air resistance goes down as velocity goes down as well.
@jefflovesdogs9973 2 года назад
Once you’re subsonic yes, air resistance goes down, but transitioning from supersonic to subsonic drag increases exponentially. This of course is of no concern for arrows as they are always subsonic , but Bullets are a different story.
@danielcarter7657 3 года назад
Very cool and informative video
@foxtail1215 3 года назад
Why not cut from nock end?
@lancewoody6294 3 года назад
What arrow spine and length of arrow? How much weight up front
@mociczyczki 3 года назад
:D great shot ., and very bad explanation of kinetick energy you try to prove something be give argument which have absolutely no sense at all :x baseball ball also weight 150 grams and have 6,7 kg x m/s momentum vs arrow how much arrow weight ? let say 35 grams ? at velocity like 175 mph that gives 106 j energy and only 2,73 kg x m/s more than 2 times less momentum than baseball at 100 mph more than 4 times less mass ! you argue is ridiculous ., baseball will not penetrate buffallo because of shape =surface area /cross section area and "softness " now hear is some true research abut penetration www.eoht.info/page/Ball%20and%20clay%20experiment like you see they get conclusion that velocity is squered not like in momentum which is mass times velocity not squered what mean energy is true indicator of penetration for egzample 150 j arrow which have the same foc broad head the same felxibility and only 2 kg x m/s will penetrate better than let say 100 j arrow which have 3 kg x m/s so less energy higher momentum but if you put heavier arrow with the same broadhead and foc it will penetrate better from the same bow because it acumulate more both energy and momentum but more energy arrow with less momentum from diffrent bow penertate better with the same foc and broadhead period .dr ed ashby have right with foc and that heavy arrow from the same bow will penetrate better with the same foc and boradhead and flexibility however he never show hees test with arrow which have more energy but less momentum vs less energy more momentum arroow so from diffrent bow so hees statement that momentum si true indictaor oif penetration is in fact BULLSH.T ;) BUT WITH ALOT WHAT HE SAY im agree beacuse he have right with foc etc .
@markhess6061 3 года назад
@manojjayawardena9800 3 года назад
Danm it son of a bitch...definitely one day karma giving nicely fuck you ass 👎
@babalukumar5020 3 года назад
You are not human shameless you
@b_rad556 3 года назад
These are ethical ways of killing deer they are not suffering
@babalukumar5020 3 года назад
This is not good to much pain
@pburch08 2 года назад
Less than a coyote or bear...
@ilkertekinoglu9459 3 года назад
Son of the bitch
@ilkertekinoglu9459 3 года назад
May the most painful wrath of God be with you. Amine