
Tutorialfield is a website under development. Unfortunately, development has being putted on hold for some time. Tutorialfield.blogspot can be considered as pre-version. First idea of the website was intended for tutorials only, well name says it all, but over the time and my involvement with some projects, it kinda became something more than one idea. Website (blog for now) is mostly focused on opensource softwares, Blender3D is one with most attention.

@kaktae9627 16 часов назад
why would you waste all your effort on a tutorial video?
@TsuyoshiMatsuzaki 7 месяцев назад
Still works for version 0.21
@matteobarisione5773 8 месяцев назад
What a shame this series is not ended, it would be great to complete the mechanism at the end. Anyway, great tutorial! Watch out for this tiny flaw, however: the overall height of left and right part should be of 520 mm to be fit with the other parts in the assembly.
@lloydmutabharuka6934 9 месяцев назад
The reggae 4:50 min 🔥🔥🔥
@potvinr Год назад
shouldn't this use assembly?
@spirosnik2651 Год назад
i cannot follow the chamfer command on 2:11, using freecad version 0.20.2 I can do a chamfer of 1 or 2 mm, but if i choose 3 or even 4 as in the tutorial i receive an error "Resulting shape is invalid"
@AndarionCGart Год назад
Hi Spiros, sorry for the slow reply, I've been quite busy lately... Changes between the version might be the issue, for the last several years I've been working for a company but only using Solidworks, and I can't give a precise answer, mainly because I had to do all the projects in Solidworks and haven't been using Freecad for several years. Though, now that my experience in production is even wider and richer, I will have in the near future a lot more to add to this channel. Anyhow, I kind of forgot the steps, but, as far as I can see, the box and the cylinder must be separate for the feature to work, these two elements are not connected, at the moment. But, will be at 5:54. This could be the problem. But, I would probably use a different method now, there can be multiple approaches to the issue, and you can use any other to achieve the same result, if you are familiar with those, by any chance.
@spirosnik2651 Год назад
@@AndarionCGart thank you for the long reply and for the time of making these videos as well. I m not sure what is the issue with the chamfer not working for me as in the video. most likely the newer version of freecad doesn;t support it the same way.. I was working with creo parametric for a while, not knowing really good cad anyway, but now i want to return to freecad, thinking that it is a powerfull software overall that is also open source. So i m following tutorials to catch up many aspects of the workflow. I will understand, soon enough i hope, why this difference exist and how to overcome it.
@joskakanal Год назад
@lazerin1195 Год назад
@rolandmile4309 Год назад
1:00 doesnt make simetrics. i get fault codes..and the sketch color is full orange.. -Invalid solution from DogLeg solver. -Sketch Sketch has partially redundant constraints! what hapnesed ?
@spirosnik2651 Год назад
thank you for the effort to publish your useful videos! I m following the steps of this video, using freecad 0.20.1 and up until the point when i input the 2nd dimension (horizontal, 60mm) everytning seems to work as expected. After i import the 60mm value, i have 3 degrees of freedom at the solver. After i do the next step though, the symmetry of the two points, relevant to the vertical axis, i have an error appearing at the solver. It says "Redundant constrains: 5" and at the report view it says: Recompute failed! Please check report view. And a little bit previously at the report view history it says: Updating geometry: Error build geometry(9): Both points are equal Invalid solution from SQP(augmented system) solver. I am able to continue with the design, with the solver not following and stating there is a problem though. I wonder why does this function occurs..
@spirosnik2651 Год назад
Another detail regarding the prementioned issue is that when i press the symmetry constrain button, after selecting the two points and the verticalal axis, i have the prementioned messages appearing in the solver and the sketch itself changing color, but i don't see the sketch being placed in the symetrical position. Only after i click on the object and try to drag it, it goes and snaps where it should go, symmetrical to the vertical axis.
@spirosnik2651 Год назад
doing the next symmetry, also results in the solver an error an d now i have two redundant 5 and 11. When i try to define the 510mm vertical dimension though an error window pops up saying "Datum 510.00 mm for the constraint with index 23 is invalid", and by clicking ok on this pop up window the message disappears and so does the 510mm dimension i was trying to input.
@spirosnik2651 Год назад
only after i manually delete the previous two mentioned as "redundant" constraints i see that i have 1 degree of freedom at the solver and i am able to input the final (510mm) value and complete the sketch. There is also an option to check called "auto remove redundants" but to tell the truth i am not even sure these two constrains where redundant to begin with. In the end, the problem i described above looks like a neotirism of the solver of freecad. Maybe this "neoterism" can be helpful in some senarios, but for now it has been confusing.
@spirosnik2651 Год назад
i had to manually remove the same way the redundant constrain that appeared when placing the holes parameters and after then everything worked as the tutorial.
@patrickonen3752 Год назад
simply mind blowing.salute to you Sir!
@italianinkscapechannel Год назад
Just stumbled on, thank you. Question (min. 2:03) I tried the symmetrical constrain instead of construction line, seems me to works fine. Is it correct or there are hidden drawbacks?
@marcus.guitarist 2 года назад
This was a very fun tutorial. Good to hear your voice as well. Hope to see more like this!
@RussG 2 года назад
I could not deal with this video--too many things popping up on the screen at the same time and moving around too fast. I watched about 30 seconds two or three separate times, stopping it and moving along to something else each time. This is not the kind of video I can learn anything from. I like to hear somebody summarize what the video will about, what version of FreeCAD it relates to, state the steps involved and explain things along the way. This video assumes too much in terms of what the viewer knows or does not. The music is distracting and annoying (but that can be silenced, at least.)
@fishshipempoyee1273 2 года назад
First, Thank you so much!!! It was really helpful. Second, Cool music!!!
@Ponlets 2 года назад
ok so what about using black and white images/videos as a means to transition from one clip to the next
@Kotaztrafee 2 года назад
I can not change the positions x,y,z or anything. I have been trying for hours! I followed your instructions 20 times. I once was able to do this but now can not! Is There some setting I need to change?
@MoogieSRO 2 года назад
Don't bother watching. Works fine in the provided .blend file, but good luck getting it to work in your own project, even when taking a magnifying glass to every single node and checking 5 times that every setting is precisely the same.
@theguywitheyebrows 2 года назад
oh man you're gettin down! im not ready to follow along here yet, i got a librecad model ported over and can't get my bevels to stop where i want them to, you got any videos to help with that?
@brandywalters2271 2 года назад
Where is this shortcut video? I searched shortcut on your videos and didn't see it.
@talopine 2 года назад
At 5:14 I was unable to get the Sweep tool to select anything. I solved this by using Shape Builder > shell from faces to create edges on the Pad that could be selected in Sweep.
@kevingallagher4832 2 года назад
Good work. Some of your earlier work helped me understand FreeCads working more clearly. Now that you have added commentary, slowed the pace; this tutorial is just great for people new to Freecad and will hopefully alleviate some frustration for them. I was always impressed with the "Real look" you were able to apply to your models eg. the chrome caster wheel. A tutorial on how you achieved this would be welcome. Hope your new year is a new one. Cheers.
@yakdaymar6659 2 года назад
Thank you 😃😃😃 happy new year😄😄😄
@AndarionCGart 2 года назад
Thanks! Happy New Year to you!
@p.w.2149 2 года назад
Damn what a amazing skill on drawing. o.O
@sonik7452 2 года назад
You have great videos. Don't be gone for so long. Happy new year!
@AndarionCGart 2 года назад
Thank you! Happy New Year to you! I'll make sure to make a bit more space for the videos, hopefully really soon...
@ganapathym3664 2 года назад
Happy New year
@AndarionCGart 2 года назад
Thanks! Happy New Year to you!
@SerhiiFandiei 2 года назад
You can use "^" symbol for raising to a power
@leonardochiruzzi7642 2 года назад
It's been about a year since your last video. I thought you no longer had an interest in continuing. Glad to hear you. Happy New Year.
@AndarionCGart 2 года назад
Thanks! Happy New Year to you! I'll see if I can make the channel more active, I'm still under a pressure a bit, because of the active projects, always several at once, so that is basically the main reason I was away for all this time. A lot of things happened, so I hope to include many interesting materials for future tutorials. (Blender, Freecad, After effects, Premiere Pro, Solidworks, etc., as well)
@leonardochiruzzi7642 2 года назад
@@AndarionCGart The important thing is to feel good and have a job nowadays. Thank you for what you do and for what you will do.
@ganapathym3664 2 года назад
Please do some 3.0 tutorials
@AndarionCGart 2 года назад
Hello, @Ganapathy! I'll work on the new tutorials soon... I haven't uploaded any new video for quite some time...
@ganapathym3664 2 года назад
@@AndarionCGart Thank you for the reply, eagerly waiting. Your in-depth videos helped me a lot in many circumstances especially importing scenes in VSE
@solutionsforabrightfuture3579 2 года назад
I just started trying to use freecad this week and this is a start.
@MitzaGamer 3 года назад
Very well made and very useful! Thanks a lot!
@martinprinceton9858 3 года назад
I love your work
@alperg1142 3 года назад
@cybergameextreme4463 3 года назад
Thank you so much
@mitensakhiya4623 3 года назад
Hello i need freecad product designer who can work with me online (paid task)
@obligative 3 года назад
Nice work! I was able to use this tutorial to model a hand wrench for my son's balance bike - just made a hexagonal pocket instead of a threaded hole, and some concessions for printability.
@mladenjablanovic1838 3 года назад
@AndarionCGart 3 года назад
Da, Srbija
@mladenjablanovic1838 3 года назад
@@AndarionCGart Svaka čast, nadam se da uspevaš da naplatiš to znanje. Mislim da bi ti tutorijali bili još popularniji da imaš glasovni komentar, ali kontam da nije jednostavno kad nisi native speaker.
@AndarionCGart 3 года назад
Hvala! Samo sa industrijskim dizajnom nije baš za pohvalu, međutim pored toga radim dosta drugih stvari kao motion graphics, VFX, razne obrade, itd. pa sa svim tim i može da se cirkuliše, inače bih se posvetio više ovom kanalu, dugo nisam ništa postavio. U planu mi je da dodam i glas, čim nađem vremena da uradim opet neki materijal za kanal... neće biti baš fluent, ali nadam se podnošljivo za strance
@mladenjablanovic1838 3 года назад
@@AndarionCGart Ne znam koje su ti ambicije, ali mislim da sa ovakvim hands-on znanjem ne bi imao problema da nađeš isključivo dizajnerski posao napolju. Ne ustručavaj se da potpišeš klipove i nazoveš kanal svojim pravim imenom. Što se engleskog tiče, obično non-native spikeri mnogo lakše razumeju drugi non-native naglasak nego ljude kojima je engleski maternji. Bitno je samo da se dobro čuje, da nema šuma i da pozadinska muzika nije preglasna (kad imaš audio komentar čak je i bolje bez muzike).
3 года назад
Could you tell me the name of the tracking mouse movements software?
@paullong4086 3 года назад
I see in the comments a lot of positive feedback. I'm sorry, but I like tutorials with an instructor explaining what they are doing by using their words. I don't know how anyone can learn anything with that noise playing in the background. I'd hardly call this a tutorial.
@appabison8694 3 года назад
Miss you
@DanielLamHN 3 года назад
Nice music. Lesson is not easy.
@rafs9626 3 года назад
why can't I add rounding 4:05
@kadirayar8538 3 года назад
You save my life. thank you so much. Allah tuttuğunu altın etsin. <--- Translate it.
@BillyClever 3 года назад
That's best instruction. what a simple explanation. but I can't do this only with documents. :D
@SomeIsBest 3 года назад
How can I take 13 separate jpeg images and create a slideshow video that fades from one image to the next? I tried going the same editing route as with video, but the rendered MP4 video is choppy and laggy.
@AndarionCGart 3 года назад
Hi Thomas! For fade effect, this tutorial is not very helpful, but some steps could be re-used. There should be a crossfade filter effect available within the menu (CTRL+A), one way to apply it is to select two adjacent strips and add the effect (CTRL+A>effect), and repeat the steps for each adjacent strip. I was quite busy throughout the whole year, and I had to delay the whole plan for this channel. Otherwise, I would already have video sequencer tutorials in a greater number till now...
@etta777 3 года назад
Ни хуя не понял, но очень интересно
@omw9965 3 года назад
I wonder how you add audio mp3 file to blender 2.9.. years pass and no one is making vids for 2.9 so many things removed or changed in menu as compared to previous versions, blender has to stop doing this, I'm moving from Harmony to Blender but they keep on changing things for every version, counter productive for everyone in any level. It's like your favorite grocery store changing things from one ile to another without labeling the ile names with products or additions. People should request blender to stop re-moving tools around from the menu in every single version, only thing I hate about blender is that.
@AndarionCGart 3 года назад
Hi, general usage is the same or similar, I'm saying that from my experience, but yes, it is a bit required to stay up to date with all updates, the software is improving day by day... To add an mp3 file you only had to use the menu (CTRL+A>audio) within a sequencer, and choose an audio option, and then locate the file. Sorry for the late reply, I'm quite busy...
@supercurioTube 3 года назад
Fantastic! I'm just starting to learn modeling for 3D printing and after a couple very basic tutorials on FreeCAD, then some good ones based on Fusion 360, which is now rather expensive per year I was wondering how to translate some more powerful capabilities into FreeCAD. Thanks a lot for this excellent example at normal speed, I'll now try to redo it 🙂 I wonder why you designed the left and right separately however instead of only one then mirroring the whole thing.
@mai-ee2lp 3 года назад
in 1:22 it didnt show the same thing when i clicked that, why?
@SzymonWarunek 3 года назад
it looks very good,freecad is amazing,at least is free and open source - in 2020 year - it probably has changed a lot,since that time.