hey if you bothered to read my about you better subscribe :^)

i like to draw and listen to myself talk

Programs I use:
ToonBoom Harmony (For Animation)
Paint Tool Sai (For Painting)
Photoshop CC (For Drawing)
Premiere Pro CC (For Editing Videos)
4 года назад
just your average sketchbook tour
4 года назад
a very late hazbin hotel review
4 года назад
reading my old webcomic and dying
5 лет назад
The Curse of Overcomplicated Designs
5 лет назад
Furries Are Pretty Weird
5 лет назад
How to Stop Art Block and Burnout
5 лет назад
The Real Issues with Birdie
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
Scary Hour Halloween MAP Part 20
5 лет назад
Should You Get Into Animation?
5 лет назад
Lash Out MAP Part 16
5 лет назад
My Take On The She-Ra Reboot
5 лет назад
Business Man PMV Part 12
6 лет назад
Is 2D Animation Dying?
6 лет назад
Jaigantic Anything MAP Part 3
6 лет назад
@kwingle День назад
honestly I found an oc I LOVED and i recieved it for totally free, but I agree with the oc disconnect thing. If i didn't make it, it feels like it's still the creators and i feel bad having this character that i had 0 process in making.. like i stole it even tho i didnt- i just dont have the same attachment :( and i wanna SO bad
@Koi_The_Fox 3 дня назад
*who's watching this in 2024* 👇
@hyrulehero2773 6 дней назад
I just hate that they’re called animation memes.
@mauriciorepartidoryt6490 15 дней назад
Albuquerque: THE MOVIE from RWappin It is truly the first animation meme.
@petitsmacarons2373 19 дней назад
I had my adoptable phase where I got quite a few designs, and I will explain partialy, at least to what I've seen, the "buying a character, letting it sit and then reselling it" Of course I can't talk for everyone but here is 2 reasons I see 1) Some people view characters and designs as collectable, not much characters, so they keep them because looking at them make them happy, the day the character no longer make them happy, they resell 2) Some other people (myself included), buy characters because the design is cool, and inspiring, and we do plan to do something with it, but life comes in the way, and we don't have time to do all the 40+ projects we imagined and therefore have to let go of some, and instead of letting some collect dust, we rather sell them. Same reason I don't "use" most of my characters, they all have a story, and existence, I love them, but I don't have the time to do the stories and art for everyone lmao About the very expensive adoptables, some people are character designers per job, so doing adoptable is kinda their bread and butter, generally these are well designed, well drawn character, so selling them for 10€ would be silly, especially if it is their job About the revoking of design, this is absolutely revolting, as you said, if you sell a character, it's not yours anymore, you can't claim it back, sold is sold. I have the same pet peave too that I can't add accessories or alter the design slightly once done, like okay I bought a pretty horse, if I want to make it badass and change the hair style, and add clothes, I can't? It's mine now so ye no I do what I want with it. but to nuance, some people sell design, and the new owner change the design to make it a 100% different design, which is... why did you buy it in the first place ?
@coal9205 21 день назад
Ive recently been selling adoptables at a low price to help me get by Ive always said "once its your's its YOURS! do whatever the hell you want with them!"
@usagi2076 23 дня назад
Honestly, there's a lot of people who specialize on Character design, and they ended up making more characters than they can actually use, having a way to sell characters and profit from them is a very positive thing for both the buyer and the seller.
@kentan69 23 дня назад
Before 2009 people called animation memes "parody"
@SevenDaEpicKitteh 24 дня назад
Im sad you got the speedycake thing wrong
@kyupiangel90 24 дня назад
Not liking the rant vibe this video has, but as the comment from other person suggested, you bring interesting points to the table, so i liked your video. Not gonna give a like bc you sound really close minded in this video tho.
@-nj2zu374 26 дней назад
"The pink room was attacked last night " Everyone survived
@-nj2zu374 27 дней назад
Breaking news i repeat breaking news. Scary Larry's body has gone missing after his defeat. Now a few weeks later ,there has been breaking in on our secret evil base by a group of intruders. They look week and it should be easy to defeat. We are preparing 3 waves of backup and for all. The first wave is leaving now.
@penguin22penguin22 Месяц назад
i had this question also lol. This video is so old now but it's interesting to know how long ago it started
@ramenaddict1676 Месяц назад
im thinking flipnote hatena i guess
@CottenVee Месяц назад
Adoptables are usually $250 at the starting bid. Why would you pay even above 100 dollars for a character. I know the artists take so much time into the art. But it isn't physical media that you touch in the real world with your hands, you can spend that money on a iPad (for art) or a samsung tablet. Seriously.
@CottenVee Месяц назад
Don't cancel me, it's my opinion.
@CottenVee Месяц назад
I have some adopts, but they were free.
@croatianfemboy Месяц назад
It was always shit and always will be
@theflotingheadproduc Месяц назад
Cool history video! ^u^ /gen
@Shadowthevampire Месяц назад
Also I dont use sai 2 because the brush feels smoothr and nicer in sai 1 it like dose what I Want it to do.
@Shadowthevampire Месяц назад
I just wished Sai existed om iPad. I own it on pc [bought]but never use it because i dont like drawing on pc when I have Apple pencil. Also everyone ukes paintballspill sai but Thea never but it most perpleks pirate it so the poor guy probobly thinks his program is not likes when in reality its loved. But he Coldplay Benefit Of making comercials and maby making a more modern website it look shady ASFk xD
@scribblecloud 2 месяца назад
wow i did not realize this video was 5 years old until a full on uncensored r slur slapped me in the face 😂 (not offended or anything it just gave me whiplash LOL)
@VapourElectric 2 месяца назад
I am mad late to this, but I wanna put uh.. context to anyone finding this video and going UGH IM NOT GONNA BUY ADOPTS NOW 1. first few points are strictly the video makers opinions (tbf, arguably all of them are) 2. Some people sell adopts that mean a lot to them for high prices because YES they do like the character. But as an adult money is more important than a character I like, and if someone is gonna pay me what I believe the character is worth? Cool. 3. Saying "I could buy ____" is a bad faith argument to not buy a character. Mentally you should say that to yourself whenever you are buying ANYTHING. "I want ___ but can I afford to spend __ right now" is important to tell yourself. But just because you have other things you need to use ur money on doesn't mean this character you want is all the sudden over priced. That's a self absorbed mind set. lol 4. I DO agree that you SHOULD NOT. Say you are looking only for specific character designers, just because they are popular. That is stupid and you ARE GOING TO WASTE YOUR MONEY. Cause cool, you spent 200+ on an ugly, bad design just because it is popular. You aren't the artist, you are gonna have a REALLY hard time selling said bad character when you realize later that you didn't like it. 5. A character "not being used" does not mean they aren't valued by whoever bought them. Maybe they don't have time to add art to them, maybe they can only commission artists and don't have the money. A character not being HELLA used doesn't = it isn't cherished/the buyer regrets the purchase. 6. Character designers DO have pretty bad/shakey TOS sometimes, it is important to read them. HOWEVER. If you bought a character and their TOS says "I can revoke the character" they actually cannot lol. A lot of TOS' I have read are not legally binding or sometimes just not something the law would even take seriously. Idk if on TH they can delete YOUR character, but if they do? Repost it yourself. It is not legal for them to take it back, hell most designer TOS' have nothing legally binding within them. Do whatever the fuck you want, their TOS should really just be seen as a "do's and don'ts" obviously if you are a good person. You will listen to most of the rules. Worse case scenario you will be put on a blacklist. Truth be told people on TH are on a hairs trigger to blacklist you so it doesn't really matter. If you are REALLY concerned about them taking legal action (they wont) slightly edit the design when you repost it. Because legally speaking if the character isn't a 1 on 1 of the adopt, nothing can be done. Because it isn't the same character. At the end of the day. Support artists lol. But be smart about it. My personal suggestions: -don't buy characters on bases unless you REALLY like the character DESIGN -When you like a character ask yourself: "do I like the CHARACTER or do I like the ART" I have bought characters I just liked how they were drawn in a piece of and I have always regretted it lol -don't buy for over 100 UNLESS buying for over that amount gives you more things/art of the character. -Double check ur finances before throwing money at a character (artist tip, doodle the character before purchase to make sure u click with the character) THIS WAS LONG SORRY, BUT VIDEOS LIKE THIS SCARE ME CUZ I SEE PEOPLE USE THEM AS REASONS TO NOT SUPPORT ARTISTS FDSAGASD JUST WANTED TO GIVE SOME TIPS.
@dorkenspache8353 Месяц назад
I think if an artist has that in their TOS of purchase (the "I can take back my design at any time" one), it should be a red flag to not buy their shit at all
@VapourElectric Месяц назад
@@dorkenspache8353 oh 100% that shit is HELLA a red flag; but its also not legally binding at all lol. You cannot take something back that you sold, even if you offer a refund the buyer can just refuse lol. Idk why you'd have that in ur TOS at all cuz red flag + not exactly legal lol
@celestailthecosmosdragon430 2 месяца назад
Im using this as what not to do when making adoptible. Number one: make it cheap Number two: if i want certain rules on it then make it cheaper Number three: make it interesting enough but not to complicated
@FoxInCreek 2 месяца назад
*"No one is going to pay $300 for a design"* ** One minute later ** *"And people will pay $300 for an adoptable-"*
@FoxInCreek 2 месяца назад
Totally get where you're coming from! (I prefer to design my own characters as well) Just found this funny lol
@NeonBeeCat 2 месяца назад
before clicking on this i know that Nya Nya Dance has to be in here, its our national anthem
@ds3i27wonghiuyanp7 3 месяца назад
I price my adopts at 70-100 points and make them simple tho-
@ufa_chel 3 месяца назад
0:01 о привет мирби
@user-zn2zb4vp3r 3 месяца назад
Do you just genuinely hate every part of the art community? Well let me tell you something, SEEING JUST A SMALL PART OF A COMMUNITY DOESNT MEAN THAT EVERYONE IS THE SAME. And your opinions are all so trashy, like you think you're able to talk about art and designs when you literally draw like a 9 year old? That's just sad. And spreading misinformation for people that dont know much about a subject it's just straight up disgusting. I'm not even ginna start on the fact that every comment that shows other points of view that doesnt support your trashy opinion, you just ignore those. Its people like you that ruin every community thete is.
@Butterfle_on_toast 3 месяца назад
Only 19 seconds in and i know this is gonna be great‼️‼️ Seriously I grew up on animation memes, and the main way I chose to indulge myself with my fandoms was animation memes ^^
@deaths_enigma 4 месяца назад
As someone who, on the outside it looks like the ocs I buy just sit there- I use them for rp! I make messy traditional sketches of them I might not feel like posting, they are being used... I just get lazy with posting their lore xD
@Ash_IsntHuman 4 месяца назад
I’ve done adoptables some, but it’s mostly the payment is an art trade
@commentbot9510 5 месяцев назад
So you're telling me I didn't have to put up with all the features SAI was lacking for the past 4 years?
@ChaoticGremlin-yw1ju 5 месяцев назад
I have seen nirami. *I am engaged.*
@kai_sky_venturer8002 5 месяцев назад
As someone who sells adoptables I can agree on some of these things although it just makes ppl frown upon adopts just bc of the thumbnail itself. But as a seller and how much ive seen in the adopt community, just a huge tip for those buying(hence most ppl who buy adoptables are usually people who don’t draw or find it hard to learn, heck I even get parents buying adopts from me for their kids or fam as presents) DO NOT BUY ADOPTABLES FROM SELLERS IF IT HAS A TOS SAYING “I have the right to take this adoptable back without any refund” first of all those are scammers all the way up, second, you may return it to them and when you ask for a refund don’t act surprised if they blocked you bc thats what most of those do when they put that type of TOS, there is no excuse for them to even take the character YOU payed for especially without refund which I think its very lame of them to do that, just don’t sell it if you know that you became attached to the character :/. Second tip for those specifically selling adopts, if you feel like you’re not sure about selling a adopt/character then don’t even try to sell them. Give it some days to see if you do use them first anything or if you became attached to it THEN decide if you’re selling it or not.
@kai_sky_venturer8002 5 месяцев назад
Another thing I don’t understand is the TOS of some sellers tht Ive personally seen, biggest one is “you can’t use it for XYZ” if its to credit design or original artwork then that’s fine but why would people buy a character who can’t use it for lets say a game or stories and what not? Why would I myself sell something that’s no longer mine and refrain someone to use it? I wouldn’t do that personally, I find other sellers doing that a bit iffy…
@MrPillowStudios 5 месяцев назад
I kinda hate these memes but the hyakugoiyuuichi 2003 ones are a staple
@jsmithy643 5 месяцев назад
@See_The_Stars 5 месяцев назад
Me who just offered four scenes, five customs, two busts, four headshots, two wiggle animation, two blinking animation, animation meme, mini pmv, and nitro basic plus someone helping me out with 3 more customs and an icon (To co-own the character if we won.) for an adoptable who I connected with- Majority of mine are rendered also-
@Whiteout.0 5 месяцев назад
this is so amazing even though i'm watching this 5 years later, i wouldn't have thought the og animation would be caramelldansen (Edit: as a fellow warrior cat's fan i was surprised that the og animation meme animator was as well)
@wolfieolfie 6 месяцев назад
0:44 Oof. Pkrussl in the top search results was a punch in the gut And the comments talking about furries being cringe. God this entire video is a time capsule.
@rakua5373 6 месяцев назад
If you dont like adoptables then just dont adopt them. Quite simply I adopt one if I really like the design and/or concept. Also I can add onto the design later and give them more meaning later, make them personal
@rakua5373 6 месяцев назад
Also, I havent directly sold adoptables (yet) but I have helped design lots of friends ocs and given them characters and seeing how they evolve the characters and how much it means to them is amazing :D
@HarperNavassa 6 месяцев назад
I found out that No Mercy's "Where Do You Go" became popular for animation memes, but you can't find my old video anymore. 10 years later when Void Queen made a MAP about Nya Nya Dance, which is still up to date. It was the most expensive project that seems to be nothing. I discovered more and more animation memes during the late 2010s and early 2020s.
@SlyFox64GD 6 месяцев назад
They should rename them to something else, because now that the definition of the word meme has changed, they don’t really seem like memes anymore.
@wolfieolfie 6 месяцев назад
Any suggestions?
@poumybeloved 5 месяцев назад
I dont care, we own it now
@cheese__cake 2 месяца назад
​@@wolfieolfie amv i guess
@mothrastewart1163 7 месяцев назад
flipnote hatena i feel like is an essential part of animation meme history. i know its not youtube but it was a platform where you could create, upload, and remix animations all under 2 min long and was huuuge for amvs, warriors/other furry mvs, and all sorts of animations paired with trending songs or other audio samples. its what got me into animation as a 3rd grader and i feel like the animation meme genre is a renaissance of that 2010-2013 era.
@Aswhy_Artist 7 месяцев назад
Is none gonna talk about the cute little Percy x Annabeth piece holding hands while they're in hell?
@manulittle 7 месяцев назад
@greghoffnar 6 месяцев назад
@CamarasaurusLover15346 8 месяцев назад
I love ivypool so much and I’m so happy she became deputy
@safarithereal 8 месяцев назад
they are so low rn it’s sad
@Eddisdedd 8 месяцев назад
2023, I'm in a discord server and I saw someone pay 1k for a design based off of draculora
@2fortune 8 месяцев назад
The oldest animation meme I found probably was La Di Da by a "moved to Void Queen" or something, and it was around 13 yr ago Yes. Yes. Yes.. the first time.
@dj-um7el 8 месяцев назад
Danjo and Just A Bit Crazy are classics imo, and really inspired them. Oh, and same woth Chu Chu Lovely, if you consider that one of them. And yes, Caramelldansen, Haruhi Suzumiya, Leek Spin (late 2006 upload, not the later 2007 one) and Caiprahina are classics too!!!
@geet9830 8 месяцев назад
adoptable buyers when I right click+save image the png they paid $50 for:
@MCB_2 7 месяцев назад
That ain’t the point of adoptables tho the point is a free oc design that you get permission to use for anything
@sandraplatt2.0 2 месяца назад
You may have downloaded the image, but you don't own the character design they paid 50$ for. Once one buys the adoptable, it is their character, meaning they own the rights and stuff to the design itself.
@CottenVee Месяц назад