I am an ordained Seventh-day Adventist pastor and these are my ministry videos and personal interest videos! Blessings 🙌
How? Wow! (Romans 10)
Месяц назад
Pacific Press
Месяц назад
The Call (Romans 9)
Месяц назад
The Celebration: Romans 8
2 месяца назад
Street Ministry: New Playlist
2 месяца назад
Northern Lights
2 месяца назад
Preaching in Downtown Boise 5/13/24
2 месяца назад
Dead to the Law: Romans 7
2 месяца назад
Under Siege: Romans 6
3 месяца назад
Much More! (Romans 5) New Plymouth version
4 месяца назад
Much More! Romans 5 (Payette version)
4 месяца назад
4 месяца назад
Quitting Time! (Romans 4)
4 месяца назад
Up from Under: Romans 3
5 месяцев назад
Clean Conscience (Romans 2:1-16)
6 месяцев назад
David's Key
6 месяцев назад
The Lamb Fire
6 месяцев назад
The Power of God: Romans 1
7 месяцев назад
Above the Law: In Christ
7 месяцев назад
House of Horrors
7 месяцев назад
The Test: Ellen White and the Gift of Prophecy
8 месяцев назад
@donaldingram1020 7 часов назад
Amen for that message, we need to hear the straight testimony, speak the truth with love and concern. Not condoning sin. But show them away out, of the sin pit. God bless
@davidinchcliff4560 5 дней назад
Get out of politics and focus on Jesus and him only
@michaelmirraministry8834 5 дней назад
I look at the world around me through Biblical glasses. Politics is inevitable. There's politics in the Bible too. See my talk entitled " Eternal Principles of Governance." But this situation, that I'm discussing here in this video, isn't necessarily a partisan political matter.
@rebeccabrown9249 5 дней назад
That's a good point about community.
@davidinchcliff4560 5 дней назад
Ellen white sauy don't vote.
@ambertracks 5 дней назад
@2364love3 10 дней назад
Hey Mike, I just preached on this very topic this past Sabbath July 14th at Jackson Heights SDA Church. The Sermon was entitled "Surviving Pride". I mention the petition being the motivation for the Sermon towards the end. Please check it out when you get a chance. You are not alone in exposing this diabolical petition to our church body. Keep doing what you're doing! The Lord is with you, have no fear.....For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7
@michaelmirraministry8834 9 дней назад
@@2364love3 thank you! I will check it out.
@michaelmirraministry8834 9 дней назад
@@2364love3 wow. That was an intense message. You really put your neck out!
@ltviriss 11 дней назад
@daviddechazeaux1386 14 дней назад
merci merci merci
@lindyroeske 14 дней назад
We need more pastors like yourself who are not afraid to share Present Truth and the straight testimony! PTL
@lindyroeske 14 дней назад
Thank you brother for this presentation. It is shocking how many pastors ect are signing this petition. My mind goes back to Desmond Ford who had around 800 Pastors who were willing to walk out of the SDA religion when he got disfellowshipped and he told them to stay and influence the people from the inside. Such heresy today and we wonder why. In this light it will be a glad day when apostasy is Shaken Out of the SDA Movement as Jesus does the separating. Blessings Brother
@gregcox6165 15 дней назад
As a former SDA Kinship board member who left the lgbt insanity, I’m actually shocked at what’s happening in our church.
@davidinchcliff4560 16 дней назад
Stop using new age bibles. Use the king of of bibles. The king james Bible
@michaelmirraministry8834 16 дней назад
The KJV is great, but has its weaknesses as well. Unless you are reading from the original Greek and Hebrew text there are always going to be shortcomings in translations to other languages. The NKJV is my preferred translation but it isn't a perfect translation either.
@davidinchcliff4560 16 дней назад
@michaelmirraministry8834 there is so much his about the king james Bible that most people don't know. God made sure that version doesn't have a copyright. So anyone can print it. It took 7 years to complete. 7 means perfect and complete. The pope and his Jesuits tried killing King james because of the bible. 54 men was picked to work on each verse. But the king separated them in 4 people in each group. Each group had to work on each verse and all the groups had to agree on each verse. Each of the people was scholars speaking at least 12 different languages at least. Also read ps. 12:6,7 note his word is tried 7 times. A time in the Bible is a year. Alex Jones did a documentary on the king james. Very interesting
@michaelmirraministry8834 16 дней назад
@@davidinchcliff4560 interesting. But once again, the original Hebrew and Greek is really what is necessary to know in order to say which translation is better in what area and I can say the KJV is a great version but it isn't without its weaknesses. Whenever a word is translated from one language to another, like English to Spanish, the translator must rely on some level of interpretation. There is no "Thou Shalt only use the KJV!" The Word was to go to all languages and peoples! To say that everyone must speak English and read the KJV is the opposite of this. Also the KJV came after the Geneva Bible which had much anti-Papal Commentary from the Reformers, and also properly put God's authority over that of earthly kings. The KJV obviously removed all that. King James' authority was threatened by the Geneva Bible. As the History website says in the article, "Why the King James Bible of 1611 Remains the Most Popular Translation in History", it states, "For the new king, the Geneva Bible posed a political problem, since it contained certain annotations questioning not only the bishop’s power but his own." So let's not make King James out to be above reproach.
@davidinchcliff4560 16 дней назад
@michaelmirraministry8834 Jesus never told us to learn Hebrew and Greek. He told us: 1. Read the word. 2. The holy spirit would lead us and teach us all truth. And he laid down principles how to study. Here's just a few. Mal.3:6, Isa. 28:9-12, 2corn 13:1, 1cor 2:12-14, Isa. 46:10. King James version big difference. Other translations says the opposite of the king james. How many ways are there to tell truth?1 or else you have many different bibles and religions. They can't all be right. The reformers based every thing that was taught and said with the Bible. Isa. 8:20
@davidinchcliff4560 16 дней назад
@@michaelmirraministry8834 I have some very good videos about bibles you are welcome to watch
@user-qd3pp1bj8v 17 дней назад
I'm am a long standing SDA member in good and regular standing. Also I love my church very much. You will notice that "each of the twenty-eight fundamental belief statements has an appended set of biblical texts intended to support at least some aspect of the statement". When you analyze these support text you will be compelled to conclude that they do not support at least the following Fundamental Beliefs: FB 8 (The Great Controversy); 13 (.The Remnant and Its Mission); 18 (The Gift of Prophecy) and 24 (Christ’s Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary). I truly believe that, we as a bible based church (and we are frequently bring accused of not being bible based on many fundamental issues with good reason) should re-evaluate our doctrines and align them to scripture.
@michaelmirraministry8834 17 дней назад
@@user-qd3pp1bj8v that's false. All 28 Fundamental Beliefs are totally Biblical. The supporting texts under each statement are by no means all the texts that can be employed to support each belief. Like I said, I preach them, I teach them. You need to study more. See my Playlist on them. Blessings 🙌
@meherh8542 20 дней назад
If a brother offends you, then go to them directly.... I have not offended anyone. Therefore, why would I apologize?!?! Nope! Plus a sin is a sin no matter how much you tell yourself otherwise!!!
@CountryLivingExperience 21 день назад
Thank you for bringing this to light pastor. This is truly the shaking time.
@hanssinger5086 21 день назад
I agree, next we must face and condemn ABORTIONS ON DEMAND, ECUMENISM WITH ROME AND WCC, SDA leadership SUPORTING POPE FRANCISES PHONY CLIMATE AGENDA LEADING TO SUNDAY LAW, JESUIT IGNAZIUS LOYOLAS SPIRITUAL FORMATION, ect ect ect. Are you willing to adress these horrifying APOSTECIES IN ADVENTISM? GOD HELP US, IT IS HIGH TIME TO COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE. Adventism is no different now than all the other corrupted church organizations joining with the PAPACY the ANTICHRIST!!!
@YouarelovedandIamlovedJn316 23 дня назад
I look forward to seeing you on Little Light Studios 😊💯🙏🫶
@YouarelovedandIamlovedJn316 23 дня назад
Thank you for this message of love and warning❤. May Jesus be our first, last, and everything. Please pray fervently for God's Spirit to move amongst His last-day Church. We have a call. Will we not listen? Or do we make void the Law of God by doing our own pleasure😢? I am overwhelmed and saddened by the current within my family of faith. By God's grace I hope to share my own life experiences, but my soul is heavy right now😢. Please pray for me and all those struggling with their various demons. I love you all and will be praying for the SDA church🤲🙏❤❤
@Matthew.Williams.coffee_chats 23 дня назад
Anyone have a list of all of the signers of this document?
@APatrice12 24 дня назад
Knock Knock. They are doing it for the MONEY. If ANY church organization operates under a 501c3 status ( tax exempt, etc.), THEN YOU ARE OBLIGATED....YOU MUST DO WHAT THE GOVERNMENT ASKS YOU TO DO. If not, dissolve your organizations, STOP taking up tithes and offering.....which is the business aspect of church..... meet in your living rooms and preach the word of your religion. You cannot expect to have tax expemptions...which operates with government funding and think somehow that what's going on in the political relm wouldn't apply to you. It doesn't work that way, people! If a drag queen FULLY DRESSED IN DRAG is allowed to come into schools and read to your babies, it's only a matter of time that the lgbtq+ community comes knocking down fhe SDA door.!!! My favorite thing is to meet with friends and have lunch/ dinner, talk laugh pray, sing hyms, talk scripture and enjoy each other's fellowship. Sad to say, but church nowadays- No matter the religon, is one big business deal.
@TheWatchman1888 24 дня назад
Because the SDA church accepts money from the government, they won't say too much to rock the boat.
@TheHolyAvatior 24 дня назад
What the heck? What conference was this letter coming from? This is disturbing 😳
@lookingforthetruth8478 24 дня назад
I already had to leave the GC SDA churches, i only attend home churches and self supporting sda churches, every sinful evil thing thing thats happening in the world, is being pushed and preached and taught in our churches now, too many are being compromised by thinking that if they remain in the building, they will be fine, imo, not so. It's obvious to those who have spiritual eyes to see, if you have called out the sin in your church, to leaders, and nothing is being done, leave, do not compromise yourself or your family, find a sda church that preaches truth. Even if that means starting your own home church, ive had many who say they want to leave, but are scared because they FEEL they will be outcasts, thats sad to me, that people will compromise integrity over fear of being an outcast, our motto should be the Lord and His truths first, not mans opinions. Our church is becoming so corrupt and full of sin, my prayers cant keep up, and way to many pastors preaching down on Ellen whites writings, she also said the voice of God, is no longer with the GC. Leave the GC church, find a pastor who is self supporting so they will not be compromised by the higher ups pushing an agenda. We are truly in the latter days, evil is good, and good is evil. God bless 🙏❤️
@gilbert2475 24 дня назад
Amen, your message was very clear and concise. This is truth.
@jg1238 24 дня назад
Where can we find this document and the people who signed it?
@michaelmirraministry8834 24 дня назад
@@jg1238 in description. There is a link.
@jg1238 24 дня назад
@@michaelmirraministry8834 Just saw your first comment. Thank you. Appreciate your video.
@melodiandryan 24 дня назад
There is no mystery here... we have been told all about this. There is a remnant within the remnant and although painful to endure, the church will stand. Don't leave it. This is that end time church spoken of in prophecy... it'll be okay. Don't take your eyes off of Jesus, he is the Author and Finisher and we shall endure! ❤
@delyntadeb3260 24 дня назад
Thank you Pastor. May we pray that God opens up our eyes within the church. We thank you for standing up. Will uphold our church and it's members to our Father in Heaven in prayer.
@rosenibabe4781 25 дней назад
Thank you pastor for bringing this up - alot of people are not aware of the impact of LGBTQ+ movement on our Church. I strongly believe that the SDA Church and Schools have being infiltrated by Jesuits as all other religious movements and secular organizations have been for a long while now. Please watch Prof. Walter Veith's lectures to understand all these. They're here to divide and conquer, and yes they can wear ANY garb possible to further the aims of the Papacy. Everyone on that list should be screened thoroughly now and dealt with before they lead everyone astray. Love from Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬
@teresamcnulty8471 25 дней назад
You are right and this is uber-disturbing! Where's the petition against this petition? How would one limit this?
@michaelmirraministry8834 25 дней назад
@@teresamcnulty8471 I think the main thing is conference leaders need to hear from members. The laity are key! Sadly members are not without fault in this matter. I know we are all busy with our lives, but praise the Lord we do not have a Papal system! Members need to remain vigilant and active and let their voices be heard. Such things would not happen if this were the case!
@uridavis2037 25 дней назад
Tovia singer has dealt with this passage in the past. Google it.
@michaelmirraministry8834 25 дней назад
@@uridavis2037 he dealt with it and came to the wrong conclusions just like the Pharisees in the New Testament.
@uridavis2037 24 дня назад
@@michaelmirraministry8834 yet the new testament says that the phrasisees are on the same level as Moses. The Pharisees rejected Jesus because he contradicted the eternal word of God (the Hebrew Bible).
@michaelmirraministry8834 24 дня назад
@@uridavis2037 give me your reference
@uridavis2037 24 дня назад
@@michaelmirraministry8834 Mathew 23:2 - the scribes and Pharisees sit on the seat of Moses. As for contradictions in between the old and new testament, we will start with two; God is not a man (Hosea 11:9) The word virgin is not present in Isaiah 7, despite what Mathew claims.
@michaelmirraministry8834 24 дня назад
@@uridavis2037 that doesn't mean they are on the same level as Moses. That's your interpretation. It doesn't say that. Secondly those aren't contradictions. Christ came in the likeness of human flesh (Ro. 8:3), but this in no way nullified His Divinity. The Messiah would be BOTH the Root and the Branch of Jesse (Is. 11:1,10). How could He be both Root and Branch and be a mere man? Therefore He is born within the house of David, yet its source. The LXX translates the word as "virgin" and was produced by Jews as well. This is the word used in the New Testament.
@larrybedouin2921 25 дней назад
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. To be born again is to die to self.
@larrybedouin2921 25 дней назад
{1 Corinthians 5}
@davidking2376 25 дней назад
The greatest want of the world is the want of men---men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to the duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall. {Ed 57.3}
@michaelmirraministry8834 25 дней назад
@@davidking2376 one of my favorites!
@mariopino5774 25 дней назад
Thanking God that there are still SDA pastors that are willing to speak up about apostasy that is being observed, and this video that is revealing truth about this diabolical petition of SDAs apologizing to LGBTQ people is timely and truth filled. May God bless you and your willingness to sigh and cry for the abominations that are being observed, and even providing truth in heartfelt to many that are dealing with this issue.
@michaelmirraministry8834 25 дней назад
@@mariopino5774 Amen 🙏 pray for me!
@davesmith3925 25 дней назад
The church is the body of believers, not the organization. While the GC is not directly involved in this, they are sitting by doing nothing to police their own because if they force conferences to comply, they lose members and $$$. Look at how the GC wouldn’t support member’s choice to not get the jab. Look at Jesuit Ganoune Diop leading us to the pope. My local conference (Potomac) allows women’s ordination and supports lgbtq. Conferences in California have gay pastors. The GC doesn’t care as long as the tithes roll in. We tithe to Adventist believing independent ministries to keep our tithes from supporting apostasy. Unfortunately, any SDAChurch that falls under the GC is funding evil. It’s time for more independent ministries and house churches. Each of us is responsible for our own salvation. Stay on the narrow path.
@motorhomem7579 25 дней назад
As the pin of inspiration wrote, the church is steadily sliding back to Egypt. But be not afraid for God has already seen this coming, and he will clean the Atkins out of the camp and purify the church with his mighty hand! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-JdWJxAbzySc.htmlsi=1J4qJuvRyOCHG3-l
@davidfyne8345 25 дней назад
These apostates will not succeed they will go away in darkness
@NOMADWARRIOR2007 25 дней назад
Me and my family are looking for a new SDA church because of what’s creeping in. We are praying to God to lead and provide a way.
@michaelmirraministry8834 25 дней назад
@@NOMADWARRIOR2007 there are many faithful churches and church leaders still in Adventism. This petition is definitely not representative of all Adventism. These are radicals.
@NOMADWARRIOR2007 22 дня назад
@@michaelmirraministry8834 We are looking but we are looking
@sarahcasal-moran2514 25 дней назад
Wonderful and so right pastors… Thank you for speaking up the truth. What happened to these pastors, apostates.
@4jesus4ever1955 25 дней назад
Is there a place where I can get a complete list of all of the signers to this petition?
@LovesSummer100 25 дней назад
The link is the first one in the description.
@susanhill833 25 дней назад
For a pastor you should know the Bible better, "Homosexual" is NOT in the bible, the word they used in that passage is "Effeminate" so according to you women, who are Effeminate are sinners simply for existing, in reality, that whole letter from beginning to end is about the sin of Hypocrisy. GOD, Christ, and the Bible teach us to grow, learn, and adapt, to expand our minds and to 1Th 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Here is the REAL TRUTH about Gay and Transgenderism: It is NOT about chromosomes (the XX or the XY) or the BODY, it is about the STRUCTURE of the human brain. A Doctor with a Ph.D. in Genetics and his team did research on the STRUCTURE of the human brain. They studied the brain of straight women and straight men, gay women, and gay men, as well as transgendered women and transgendered men. What they found is this, the STRUCTURE of the brain between a male and a female is as different from each other as night is from the day. They also found that there are two distinct and separate areas of the brain that deal with sexuality and gender. They found that the area for sexual orientation in gay men is STRUCTURED the same as in straight women, NOT straight men, and in gay women, that area is STRUCTURED the same as in straight men, NOT straight women. Likewise, the center in the brain that deals with gender identity is the same, in transgender women (male to a female) it is STRUCTURED the same as in cis-women, (born and identify as female) NOT cis-men, (born and identify as male), and in transgender men, (female to male) it is STRUCTURED the same as in cis-men, NOT cis-women. It has been STRUCTURED this way since BEFORE birth. Two other teams in different parts of the world doing the same study all independent of each other found the exact same results. When a baby is first formed in the womb it is formed 100% female. Then after a few weeks, a signal from the father's genes tells the baby's body, the body only, to change and become male. The baby goes on for a few more weeks this way until it can produce a massive amount of the male hormone testosterone, which then tells the brain to change into the male pattern, such a massive amount will never be seen in that Child's life again except at the onset of puberty. If for some reason that baby does not get that massive dose of testosterone in the womb then the brain, or parts of it, continues to develop in the female pattern. Or in the case of gay women or Trans men, at some time in the mother's pregnancy that baby received a small dose of testosterone at the wrong time, either the mother ingested it somehow or her body produced it or the baby’s own body produced it all of which can and have happened. When a baby is being formed in the womb, any variation, even in the slightest, of the chemicals can cause birth defects. You have seen these birth defects in babies being born all the time, some born blind, or deaf, born with missing limbs, or heart problems, or even with a spine outside of the body, and many, many others. So why is it so hard for the right to believe that a person’s BRAIN can be STRUCTURED in the opposite way from what their bodies say they should be? You can believe in all other birth defects so why not this? I will use transgender women for this example, even though the body is male she likes all the same things a cis-gender woman likes, her emotional likes, wants and needs are the same as any woman's, and the way she sees the world is the same. Her interactions are the same, everything about her is the same as any cis-gender woman except the body. Sexual characteristics (the body) are set by the genes (the XX or the XY) but Gender is set by the STRUCTURE of the BRAIN, this has been proven through sound scientific study. Gender is how one see themselves and their place in the world and how they interact with it. If your body is set one way and your brain the other it causes a disharmony of mind and body (gender dysphoria) it is not now or ever has been a DELUSION or a PERVERSION or a MENTAL ILLNESS. When someone is going through life with this Dysphoria their life is a living hell, when people tell them that they can't be WHO they are inside because that person is uncomfortable with it then you are forcing the trans person to live in severe PAIN, Anxiety, and Depression, a PAIN that having your arms and legs cut off with a dull rusty hacksaw without any anesthetics seem like nothing in comparison, a pain that kills, LITERALLY KILLS. Think of everything you like and want as a man or a woman, everything that makes you, you, and then think how you would feel if you were constantly told that you can't have it, or be it, or do the things you love, because you are the opposite of who and what you are now, that you must bury everything that makes you, you because other people don't like it because it makes them uncomfortable, If constantly you were told that you were evil and dammed because you are who you are, denied a job, or a home, insulted, belittled, assaulted and even targeted to be KILLED just because you exist, how would you feel? Women, think how would you feel if you were forced to live, think, told to feel like and be a man, And told that you MUST do what men do, how men do it, see things the way men see them in order to be a man and you MUST be a man and that something is wrong with you if you don’t? How would you handle that? Men, think how you would feel if you were forced to live, think, feel, and be a woman? Told that you MUST do what women do, how women do it, see things the way women see them in order to be a woman and you MUST be a woman and that something is wrong with you if you don’t? How would you handle that? A trans woman does NOT fit, in a man’s social circle the same way a man does and yet they are expected to if they do not go through transition, they are expected to think, feel, and act just like any cis-gender man in that circle, but they can’t because their brain is STRUCTURED differently, so they are insulted, belittled beat on ridiculed, and humiliated by these men, constantly, all because their brain is STRUCTURED the same way a cis-gender woman’s brain is STRUCTURED. With their brain being STRUCTURED that way they would fit into a woman’s social circle but with their bodies being male, again they don’t fit in and they are excluded. They want to wear the same outfits the women wear because their brains tell them they should be just like them. Everything inside them SCREAMS that they are just like the people who are of the opposite gender and yet they are NOT allowed to be because other people are uncomfortable with them doing so, so they are FORCED to live in severe PAIN, anxiety, and depression. Trans people just want to be accepted for who they are, they want and are deserving of the very same rights as everyone else, no more and NO LESS. Here is the truth about the road to transition: First, the person MUST go to therapy, no therapy no transition, they will meet with a therapist who has knowledge and experience with transgender people. During this time they will begin social transitioning, social transitioning is nothing more than changing one's name and pronouns, and appearance such as hairstyle and clothing. Then after a number of sessions with the therapist (usually about a year) if the Dysphoria continues, and depending on the age of the person they may be given puberty blockers, (which are reversible). Then after many more sessions with the therapist and again if the Dysphoria continues they may be given hormones, it is these that have irreversible effects. Last: when they reach the age of CONSENT (CONSENT, NOT A KID, NO ONE IS DOING SURGERY ON KIDS) and if the Dysphoria continues, and if they have lived in the gender of their choice for a MINIMUM of 1 full year, and have letters from two therapists with one having a P.HD in psychology with both therapists having seen the person over a period of time they may get a consult from the surgeon, and there is usually a long waiting list for that, after the consult if the surgeon agrees then you get on the long waiting list for the surgery. IF ANYONE TELLS YOU DIFFERENTLY FROM THIS THEY ARE LYING TO YOU. Definition of a woman: How you define a woman is by how she sees herself, a woman is one who sees herself as one in mind and soul. If a person sees themselves as a woman, thinks as a woman, acts as a woman, and lives as a woman, then what is the harm to treat and respect her as one? If you cannot have compassion for another human being then how can you ask others to have compassion for you? Show compassion, empathy, and respect by calling them the name they prefer and with the pronouns they prefer. It does NOT harm you to do so but it does great harm to them when you don’t. Definition of a Man: How you define a man is by how he sees himself, a man is one who sees himself as one in mind and soul. If a person sees themselves as a man, thinks as a man, acts as a man, and lives as a man, then what is the harm to treat and respect him as one? If you cannot have compassion for another human being then how can you ask others to have compassion for you? Show compassion, empathy, and respect by calling them the name they prefer and with the pronouns they prefer. It does NOT harm you to do so but it does great harm to them when you don’t. GOD made them they way they are, who is man to say GOD is wrong.
@rodrigoscustodio 25 дней назад
The gay part is bad but Ellen White is worst. At least you can bring a gay to Christ…Ellen white in the other hand.. well, the 28 damages are already done 😅
@michaelmirraministry8834 25 дней назад
@@rodrigoscustodio by 28 "damages" you mean the 28 fundamental beliefs? None of them are based on the writings of Ellen White. Which ones would you argue aren't Biblical? As far as Ellen White goes, what do you have against her?
@rodrigoscustodio 25 дней назад
@@michaelmirraministry8834 the “congregational” era in the SDA is coming. The LGBTQXYZ is the least concern in the GC… Ellen white’s authority is gone, without Ellen white there’s no SDA. So their hope is at least having Gays faithful to Ellen White. Just do the math
@annparram-cornwall6251 25 дней назад
I agree with you. May God help us all , Prophesy fulfilling right in our eyes. 🙏🇨🇦
@eyaelmesfin2478 25 дней назад
@LovesSummer100 25 дней назад
Manuscript Releases, vol.1, p.354 "Supposing this spurious message is the one everyone must hear for this time, 'Come out of her My people,' Where shall we go to? Where shall we find the purity, goodness, and holiness where we shall be secure? Where is the fold where no wolves will enter? "I tell you, my brethren, the Lord has an organized body through whom He will work. There may be more than a score of Judases among them; there may be a rash Peter who will under circumstances of trial deny his Lord; there may be persons represented by John who Jesus loved, but he may have a zeal that would destroy men’s lives by calling down fire from heaven upon them to revenge an insult to Christ and to the truth. But the great Teacher seeks to give lessons of instruction to correct these existing evils. He is doing the same today with His church. He is pointing out their dangers. He is presenting before them the Laodicean message." -Manuscript Releases, vol.1, p.354
@sassy24521 25 дней назад
The pastor at Lynchburg Va SDA and the Potomac conference, is supporting and encouraging the LGBTQ movement
@michaelmirraministry8834 25 дней назад
@@sassy24521 ultimately such conference administrations that know they have such pastors are accountable. They need to hear from concerned members.
@sassy24521 25 дней назад
Xisto was suppose to be my Bible study pastor when I was being baptized, need I tell you he ignored me pretty much. He went through the motions and that was just about it. He didn’t answer any of my questions. He didn’t go over any of the books that I read with me. Nothing he is actually a racist.
@michaelmirraministry8834 25 дней назад
@@sassy24521 wow... that's a sad account. We have to pray for him to surrender to Christ.
@LilinAjuma 26 дней назад
Satan is using some of our leaders to create chaos in the church. We are being shaken. Let's keep praying for our leaders who can still call sin by its right name. God bless you Pastor
@ycanimedia9320 26 дней назад
its very hard to love sinners extremely hard however love is a perfect fruit of the spirit
@michaelmirraministry8834 26 дней назад
@@ycanimedia9320 yes love, but not compromise.
@ycanimedia9320 26 дней назад
judas was kept by Jesus side for a reason but so was peter one changed one did not
@ycanimedia9320 26 дней назад
the fickle moves with every whim the member who walks with god cannot be swayed