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All the fruit
All the fruit
Rare fruit, exotic fruit, fruit tasting, foraging, buah hutan,
@kai_790 Час назад
You should try your hand at a breeding program with fruit/seeds farmed in Germany to try to create a more cold tolerant and hardy variety
@jfiekms 4 часа назад
4:01 Well if animals aren’t food then show me a single indigenous tribe that doesn’t hunt. Not trying to rude or anything, you can say „i like animals“ or „We can substitute meat with other stuff“ but animals are DEFINITELY good food. And it doesn’t hurt nature. We hunt sustainably, shit it out again, which fertilizes and indirectly feeds the animals again, to hunt them again. And so many animals are carnivores. But yeah nice foraging video!
@allthefruit Час назад
Ive never seen an indigenous or other tribe hunting sustainably if they have the choice. In Borneo bush meat is the main cash crop in the jungle. Feed a few big cities and there goes your sustainability
@jfiekms Час назад
@@allthefruit Dude even then its so much more sustainable then cutting down all nature to plant crops. Those borneo people might endanger the animals but not make them extinct like we have made so many species in europe. Even hunting masses of bushmeat is so much better then planting oil palms and living the modern life. But yeah there is some truth to that. Still better then our modern way of farming though. And with some regulation hunting becomes the most sustainable way to feed people. Together with foraging.
@theressomelovelyfilthdownh4329 6 часов назад
I have got myself four fig trees recently. Our main issue is wet, dull summers due to our maritime zone 8A weather, here in the northwest of Ireland. Thankfully, I have space in a poly for them. Since the breba crop is my best bet at actually getting something worth eating. I'm also going to need a back-up plan if we get a bad winter/spring. 10Th of May is our last frost date. Violette Dauphine / Grise de Tarascon Ronde de Bordeaux Brown Turkey Little Miss Figgy Those are the four cultivars I have at the moment.
@allthefruit 6 часов назад
Frost in May in Ireland? I thought you have 12 months of autumn. Quite a challenge for figs. Loose soil with a lot of limestone gravel might help
@lyonheart84 8 часов назад
That's a crazy banana collection. How fortunate to have a big enough garden and of course greenhouses AND a basement for overwintering 👍
@allthefruit 6 часов назад
And be willing to do all the work
@maxlindberg3711 9 часов назад
There is a gardener in Sweden, located in zone 7a, who built a large, unheated greenhouse buried about 1 meter deep. Even when the temperature outside drops to -19°C, it remains around 0°C inside the greenhouse. He harvests ripe avocados and mangoes by November. Additionally, he has a few banana, cherimoya and papaya plants connected to his house, which produce ripe fruit. He got 250 bananas in one year!
@allthefruit 9 часов назад
Great and i want to see that. Im trying to convince them to pile leaves around the greenhouse
@katipohl2431 10 часов назад
Yes, accidentally I drank Datura stramonium accidentally in Nepal and had a near death experience. Studied Biology in Marburg after an apprenticeship in gardening and traveling some parts of the world.
@allthefruit 9 часов назад
Im glad that you survived. When did you study there? Bet it was after me
@katipohl2431 8 часов назад
@@allthefruit No, maybe the eldest here - I am already 66 years old and studied beginning 1980 in Marburg, later transferred to Göttingen to study more Phytopathology and Agriculture. Having my own small plant production now besides starting a side job in my local nursery - officially retired.
@allthefruit 8 часов назад
Ok, you were there before me 😂
@allthefruit 8 часов назад
What plants do you produce?
@katipohl2431 10 часов назад
Highly interesting, as a biologist (specialized in phytopathology) and professional gardener I might give it a little try as well. But they need a lot of water as well as warmth. Am already growing a hundred yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) from different varieties outside. Think I saw some yacon in your video sitting inside the unheated greenhouse. A small greenhouse cover andheating fom compost (Jean Pain or other methods). Give regular watering and the tips of leaves might not dry out. Kind regards to Doro and I envy her great terrain with greenhouses.
@allthefruit 9 часов назад
Thank you a lot for the tips. When you grow yacon do you leave it in the ground in winter?
@katipohl2431 8 часов назад
​​​@@allthefruitNo, I store the rhizomes and repot them indoors in January. They get planted out in containers and directly in soil in May. Harvest per plant can be 10kg. This year I have so much material that I might leave some rhizomes in the ground. Here is Biosphärenreservat Elbtalaue in Northern Germany. An English company here on RU-vid has mild climate and has plants surviving winter ouside.
@allthefruit 8 часов назад
Thank you
@matthil9404 11 часов назад
Doro should consider to sell you an all you can it flatrate :D
@allthefruit 11 часов назад
Id finish it in a day
@ronnywenzel4410 13 часов назад
Where is the evidence that the seeds are covered with fleshy pulp? Maybe the hornbill just finds naked seeds.
@user-kk5eg1nn4k 14 часов назад
The perfect equipment for researching such plants would be a drone.
@allthefruit 12 часов назад
True but i dont have one
@lyonheart84 18 часов назад
I wouldn't worry about the old leaves half dying, avocados suffer badly from transplant shock and the roots don't work for a while so the leaves don't get the fluids they need and die back. Also most suppliers grow them in shaded greenhouses so planting in an unshaded greenhouse would result in leaf scorch. The new leaves being healthy suggests the roots have now settled and of course the new growth will also be adapted to the brighter light.
@allthefruit 12 часов назад
Where do they grow them in greenhouses?
@lyonheart84 10 часов назад
@@allthefruit I would imagine almost everywhere in Europe that has young grafted plants being prepared for sale, and once they go on sale. I've seen many videos of people that have visited nurseries in Spain, France, Cyprus, Greece and Italy where I've seen hundreds of potted avocados on display and they are always in greenhouses which are shaded. I myself have visited large nurseries on holiday and seen grafted plants on sale in the South of France and they were always displayed in shaded greenhouses. Young avocados just cannot handle full sunlight as young plants until they have been adapted to less shade
@allthefruit 9 часов назад
Thank you. Will keep this in mind
@lyonheart84 8 часов назад
@@allthefruit obviously I watch 90% of your videos and actually when you visit the warmer parts of Europe and film both private and public collections as well of course fruit foraging in public, I don't recall you filming many ( if any ) visits to garden centres which sometimes might make an interesting video. A friend of mine filmed a nursery in italy when he was there on holiday and they had hundreds of citrus and grafted avocado plants on display as well as tropicals such as white sapote, mangos, syzygiums, guavas etc. I'm surprised your friend has not decided to try some citrus as well as the avocados....
@allthefruit 8 часов назад
Sometimes i ask in garden centers. She has citrus and we are planning for more
@FreeRangeChiHuaHuas 23 часа назад
It is edible it’s the leaf that is poison
@howdyEB 23 часа назад
Just curious, have they tried to grow any olives in that area?
@allthefruit 23 часа назад
Yes and the primitive ones survive most winters but good big varieties are rare
@OsirusHandle День назад
good luck
@allthefruit День назад
Thank you
@jfiekms День назад
some black barrels full of water which heat up in the sun and release the heat at night seem to to wonders for „TheMillenialGardener“. He even uses christmas lights für the very vulnerable stuff.
@OsirusHandle День назад
very inefficient Christmas lights 😂 LEDs run too cold now
@allthefruit День назад
Im more afraid of long cold periods
@jfiekms День назад
@@allthefruit yeah true. Best would be a super super cold hardy variety ofc
@allthefruit День назад
Find me one
@TropicalGardeningCyprus День назад
Yes, there is pike there, but not the common northern pike Essox lucius, it's the southern pike, Essox cisalpinus which is restricted to that general area. A much prettier pike with beautiful patterns.
@allthefruit День назад
Pity i did not bring a snorchel
@kirbsking932 День назад
where is this located boss?
@allthefruit День назад
Ulu Baram, boss
@kirbsking932 День назад
@@allthefruit thank you boss! Is there any contact person that can help to go to that beautiful tree boss? 🙇‍♂️
@allthefruit День назад
Unfortunately i lost the contact with the people boss
@kirbsking932 День назад
@@allthefruit aww :( where is the base or city that we should start to go to Ulu Baram boss? 🙇‍♂️
@allthefruit 21 час назад
@GameMovieStudios2000 День назад
maybe put foil around it and set up a heating mat below it. On the lowest setting? And put it on a timer so it only works in the night? Or maybe not foil but just that white garden fabric so it can breathe.
@allthefruit День назад
Yes, sth like that. We will discuss it next week.
@TropicalGardeningCyprus День назад
That trout!!!!
@allthefruit День назад
Hey, dint leave your island r n 😂
@TropicalGardeningCyprus День назад
@@allthefruit nah, I'm stuck here since I got married 7 years ago I left the island only once 😅 I used to fish abroad, from Nubia to Khabarovsky krai... when I was single and freeeee 😂
@allthefruit День назад
Hope you got a farm from that marriage 😂
@PeterEntwistle День назад
The new growth on the Mexicola avocado is looking very healthy. I wouldn't worry about the old leaves. One of my avocados did the same thing after I moved it out of my greenhouse and into the garden, it's since dropped those leaves and pushed put new healthy leaves. One option for winter protection might be get get some large black plastic barrels and put them next to the tree and fill them with water. Then they could put up a simple wooden supports around it and the tree and put some frost cloth over the wooden supports during the cold spells. The water in the barrels should warm up during the day and then release some of the heat overnight. The frost cloth would be there to help insulate the tree and keep the heat from the plastic barrels from escaping too quickly. I'm not sure exactly how much protection it would provide in that setting though, but it might add a couple of degrees of passive heat without the need for power. I did something similar on a smaller scale in my garden last year with a clementine tree but used a large bucket of water. I did also have a brick wall behind the tree too, which might also have helped. But it helped keep the tree a few degrees above freezing when it dipped a bit below 0°C. After that though I got some incandescent lights to add some additional heat, but of course, I'm guessing you're not going to have access to power in there.
@allthefruit День назад
Thank you. Yes, there is power there. We definitely need to figure out sth
@PeterEntwistle День назад
​@@allthefruit I probably won't be able to post the link here, but if you search "Avocados and Frost in Europe (plus info on the cold-hardiest avocados and how to grow them)" you should find a forum about growing avocados in cold areas of Europe. There might be some more ideas in there. I occasionally post on it too along with some other guys that are trialling avocados in the UK and other parts of Europe.
@allthefruit День назад
Tropical fruit forum? Yeah, im on the discussion😂
@PeterEntwistle День назад
@@allthefruit lol, I didn't know there was one on the Tropical fruit one too 😂. This one is on the "permies" forum.
@allthefruit 21 час назад
Ah, thank you
Large five gallon blue, or black drums of water around the plants. It won't help much during overcast weather, but it is those freezing bright days when the night temps really dip. You could also stack bails of hay around it, just be careful you don't get mice moving in.
@GameMovieStudios2000 День назад
I didn't do this yet, so its just a theory, but it would probably be better if you would get a translucent bottle and fill it to the top with a dark tint liquid, and maybe spray it black on the back side (from where the sun doesnt shine) That way you are not just heating up the exterior but the whole interior.
@allthefruit День назад
We are thinking about bigger barrels
@GameMovieStudios2000 23 часа назад
@@allthefruit i was watching a video on a channel no-till growers. I can't exacly remember what he said but during the winter the barrels got cold and just postponed the season in the spring because they were cooling the greenhouse. But i'm guessing he had water inside the whole time. Also. I had this idea where you could pump hot water deep in the ground during the summer and then keep the greenhouse warm during the winter by pumping that heat up.
@allthefruit 9 часов назад
They dont have the funds
@theressomelovelyfilthdownh4329 7 часов назад
@@GameMovieStudios2000 Water is a very good conductor of heat. If you have a black bucket, fill it with cold water and leave it in the sun/greenhouse/poly on a sunny day. It will get to room tempt very quickly. I use a bucket of water to keep the milk for my tea cold. Still need to put it in the shade for it to work. Those blue, or black drums heat up pretty fast. Just put your hand to the lid of a dark-coloured wheelie bin on a hot day. All that heat will be conducted into the water, slowing down how fast it heats up, and cools again.
@maryfralixlanier35 День назад
I was told that a farm in Virginia, USA used rabbits in their greenhouse to keep the plants alive with the heat that the rabbits heat that their bodies produce!! I'm sure they turned around & used the droppings from the rabbits also. Would that work there? How tall does an avocado tree get.
@allthefruit День назад
Those are vegans so no animals but its a cool idea. R n im trying to convince them to use elephant droppings there
@howdyEB День назад
That's amazing. I am growing some cold hardy avocados, 'Joey' and 'Brogdon' that can withstand temps of about -8C for a few hours. I had no idea supermarket avocados would survive.
@allthefruit День назад
Where do you grow them?
@maryfralixlanier35 День назад
Good question! I'm in zone 8b with a son in-law who could save quite a bit of $$ of he can do that!!
@allthefruit День назад
@howdyEB День назад
@@allthefruit I am in zone 9a, In Florida,
@howdyEB День назад
@@maryfralixlanier35 I am in zone 9a, in Florida. I have read that the Joey and Brogdon have been grown in the Carolinas and Georgia too in zone 8. That avocado toast gets pricy! 😅
@AwesomeFish12 День назад
In Australia. People grow Ducasse red bananas as far south as Sydney and avocados even further south into Victoria. I'm not surprised, they tolerate a fair bit of frost, mostly Hass and Bacon avos.
@allthefruit День назад
Yeah but our frost periods can be long
@vineleak7676 День назад
adding big compost piles in the greenhouse in early winter can significantly increase the temperature during the winter...
@allthefruit День назад
I can get her truckloads of elephant shit but she does Not want
@meerfixe День назад
There is a farmer in America that grows oranges in a unheated greenhouse in a very cold place, what he uses for heating is actually Christmas chain lights wrapped around the trees. They produce enough heat to keep the leaves from freezing. Simple system
@allthefruit День назад
Yes, thats an idea
@meerfixe День назад
There is a farmer in America that grows oranges in a unheated greenhouse in a very cold place, what he uses for heating is actually Christmas chain lights wrapped around the trees. They produce enough heat to keep the leaves from freezing. Simple system
@allthefruit День назад
A farmer? So its commercial? Is it economically feasible?
@az55544 День назад
Pushing boundaries is awesome. And most necessary as the heat travels north. Go Doro!
@allthefruit День назад
She will be happy to hear that
@danziger9996 19 часов назад
@@allthefruit Could you heat up the greenhouse with some heaps of horse manure? And maybe near the avocado trees. Let's say 2 or 3 meters from the small trees. And also use some fleece protection. In Northern Spain they grow them in the coastal areas of the Basque country, Cantabria, Asturias and Galicia. And in London are several trees. Try to get some cuttings or seeds from those trees. And try to get your hands on many seeds to sow in the greenhouse and outside so that you can make selections of the hardiest ones. You can also use these as future rootstock. Mexicola's are definitely hardier.
@allthefruit 9 часов назад
Horse manure and elephant manure is available but she does not want it
@danziger9996 5 часов назад
@@allthefruit Even elephant manure. Do you guys live near a zoo? lol I guess she doesn't like it because of the smell. hahaha Or is she a vegan gardener?
@allthefruit 4 часа назад
I give them truckloads of food so they can give me shit. She does not like zoos
@gurkengamingpvz21 День назад
I saw them much bigger on social media. Can they get this big in a temperate climate
@allthefruit День назад
I saw 1.5 m ones in Bulgaria
@jonathanlee97 День назад
I grew up eating angled loofah stir fried with scrambled eggs. Its delicious and one of my favourite vegetables.
@allthefruit День назад
Yes, good stuff
@jfiekms 2 дня назад
Hahaha Doro should have specified WHICH fruit you can have. Not your fault😂
@allthefruit 2 дня назад
She almost murdered me afterwards 😂
@jfiekms 2 дня назад
@@allthefruit Oh man… She will have new ones soon. And she can order a loofah sponge for a couple euro 😭🤣
@allthefruit День назад
Dont worry, i brought her some rare stuff and she calmed down
@hardshengpizi 2 дня назад
chimeraes are awsome
@allthefruit 2 дня назад
@AnanasDoktor 2 дня назад
Wasser ist ein guter Wärme Speicher ich nutze Regenfässer im kleinen Gewächshaus zum überwintern der Oleander ,Oliven Japanische Wollmispel Kübel ohne zu heizen, klappt in milden Wintern gut.
@allthefruit 2 дня назад
Mich interessieren eher die harten winter
@AnanasDoktor 2 дня назад
Pflanzen Verkauf ist bei mir diesen Sommer recht schlecht gewesen.
@allthefruit 2 дня назад
@AnanasDoktor 2 дня назад
@@allthefruit Sind nur für selbst Abholer da schon recht groß . Die Leute gehen lieber in den Urlaub und geben ihr Geld aus !
@allthefruit День назад
Gibts was essbares was im Kalthaus überlebt?
@AnanasDoktor 23 часа назад
@@allthefruit Hardy Tamarillo ( Solanum Corymbiflora ) Ausgepflanzt im Garten über letzten Winter bei bis - 8 Grad überlebt extra als Test ohne Mulch Decke.
@allthefruit 21 час назад
Nice. Was kostet eine Pflanze?
@user-pn3io5oy3i 2 дня назад
Kalla Hercules yes yes very good for you!
@AnanasDoktor 2 дня назад
So viele Bananen Sorten, ich hatte Anfang Juni im Warmhaus 100 Dessertbananen geerntet.
@allthefruit 2 дня назад
Nice, wo? Und kann man das filmen?
@WeeSecure-uk 3 дня назад
@jfiekms 3 дня назад
Nice „tropical“ collection in bayern
@allthefruit 3 дня назад
@gurkengamingpvz21 3 дня назад
21:08 this IS EDIBLE. P. Incarnata x P. Coccinea It just barely makes any pulp because it doesn't have proper pollinators
@allthefruit 3 дня назад
Worth growing? How can we properly pollinate it?
@gurkengamingpvz21 3 дня назад
@@allthefruit it accepts a lot of pollen. For now edulis, caerulea, cocuyensis and incarnata have worked for me. Bumblebees will do the pollination themselves as long as there's any pollen rich producing plant nearby. It's not very hardy and very few pulp so not worth growing for fruit. However supposedly very tasty
@allthefruit День назад
@allthefruit День назад
Btw he had a huuuuuuge passion flower collection but it froze
@gurkengamingpvz21 День назад
@@allthefruit what species survived?
@user-xr3ft8qy8w 3 дня назад
Hey, i was wondering if you know of any Che fruit tree successfully fruiting in Germany, I always thought it would be possible and Heidelberg would probably be a good place for it to work.
@allthefruit 3 дня назад
Hi, never seen it here
@user-xr3ft8qy8w 3 дня назад
@@allthefruit interesting, thank you. I hope you keep posting this videos, they are amazing.
@allthefruit День назад
Thank you. And i keep looking for it
@kirbsking932 4 дня назад
What date was this boss? Best time to visit sarawak?
@allthefruit 3 дня назад
Hi boss, in February but it was an unusuall year. You must always ask the people in the area you want to visit
@jfiekms 4 дня назад
p4:04 The Dog from José‘s neighbor literally eats durian and also coconut😂. Always rummaging through the scraps when i throw them.
@allthefruit 4 дня назад
@@jfiekms clever dog
@arsjanaliaj1727 4 дня назад
Isn't wild blueberry but cultivated Blu Barry
@allthefruit 3 дня назад
Yes its cultivated
@xinglinjiang4952 5 дней назад
never tried red one
@jfiekms 5 дней назад
Don’t have to agree with everything the state does, just because you work for them😉. Luckily there is still at least some level of free speech in germany.
@allthefruit 3 дня назад
Yep, we enjoy our freedoms
@jfiekms 2 дня назад
@@allthefruit Well, some. I got beat up by Berlin police at a palestine protest. Thats why id rather live here in malaysia.
@allthefruit День назад
Be careful with the cops 😂
@jfiekms День назад
@@allthefruit They love me here😂
@allthefruit 21 час назад
Orang putih
@fishinaboxful 5 дней назад
Sink the unstoned ripe fruit in rhum or vodka with Brown cane sugar à d vanilla , leave in a cool dark piace for a few months shaking or turning. every week , lovely fruit liqueur
@allthefruit 3 дня назад
Yeah, i never tried with this one
@mihaiilie8808 5 дней назад
Ive heard there are tons of them now floating in the Danube delta
@allthefruit 3 дня назад
Yes, they are very common there. Do people eat and sell them there?
@mihaiilie8808 3 дня назад
@@allthefruit People eat them but they dont sell them. Its almost unknown in Romania but the locals know it.
@allthefruit День назад
In Bulgarea they sell them as souveneers
@welomoedia 5 дней назад
Maybe it is the variety Morus rotundiloba "Mojo Berry". This is selled in Germany. It produces fruits from June to September and it won't get over 200cm.
@allthefruit 3 дня назад
Great. Thank you
@kylecourtney8660 5 дней назад
needs more water, this plant is terribly dehydrated. Mine get watered daily in summer.
@user-pn3io5oy3i 6 дней назад
What kind of a church was that?
@allthefruit 3 дня назад
@user-pn3io5oy3i 3 дня назад
@@allthefruitlooks cool
@allthefruit День назад
Yeah, its quite popular