Sam and Chill
Sam and Chill
Sam and Chill
@JanurNB 2 дня назад
Twilight (Sparkle?) Princess... pretty funny bc i writing fanfic about MLP to this music
@sugarlolishelby8704 3 дня назад
I use this playlist to go to sleep at night and it always relaxes me! Thank you so much! I love it! 💖
@sofiavillanueva4219 3 дня назад
Thank you this is great
@Soprano1638 5 дней назад
No idea how I acquired my second hand copy of Silver, back in 2002. I was an only child back then and noone I knew played Pokemon. I had a wonderful extended family, but lived with my violent, abusive stepfather. What I do remember is my very first experience of adventure, bewilderment and surprise. There's a red Garydos in that river just chilling, wdym I can catch him (or her!). I don't have to buy crappy super potions any more, I'll go by the farm and get a Moomoo milk that'll restore 100 of my HP. And I can always drop by the kindly elderly couple's house, I really trust them to take care of my little mon. And what's this, an Egg?!... Then to realise that the little river in my hometown is the gateway BACK TO KANTO?! Best of all: oo, what's this mountain, better go explore. *Red appears with an awesome, menacing stance and level 88*. I white out, and don't think I've ever been so genuinely, and pleasantly surprised by anything since then! Such a treasured game, I'm so glad that the remakes are favourites of the newer gen, that everyone got to enjoy
@oxtim2432 6 дней назад
Lost Woods - Ocarina of time >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
@Slap_Battles728 6 дней назад
Me thinking of lost woods when Blarret plays-
@mtlvrn 6 дней назад
2:40 🔥🔥
@samandchill577 6 дней назад
JJK!!! :D
@Okjoap_ 10 дней назад
24:50 💓💓
@Okjoap_ 10 дней назад
oohh sdds, véi!!
@Okjoap_ 10 дней назад
Pokémon diamond/pearl
@unobtainableone2533 10 дней назад
Everything is just so... NOSTALGIC
@raflamar4146 11 дней назад
While I never got close to finishing it (I don't think) and our copies of Heartgold and Soulsilver are gone... plus me primarily growing up with Black&White and their sequels I'll always have a place in my heart for these games. In fact, I'm currently replaying Heartgold! And I've made it to Ecruteak City! Fully intend to finish it this time
@madcat0559 11 дней назад
Not many things can bring a grown man to cry, this is one of the few
@soyjennieferrer 14 дней назад
ROUTE 209 and LAKE THEME ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
@lilymaple_ 15 дней назад
ruins of alph does NOT belong in a "relaxing" music compilation >.<
@timeread3099 15 дней назад
Professor rowan theme just gets me emotional.
@WFM 16 дней назад
Take me back
@Redkitt3n14 17 дней назад
<!-- 35:39 THIS IS NOT RELAXING ;-; -->
@ceoofd4c 21 день назад
I understand the problem with episode delta but oras was a damn good remake.
@DreamyChillLoFi-V 21 день назад
Hope your day is filled with love and laughter! Let the gentle melodies of Lofi music lift your spirits and warm your heart
@SaveGvme 26 дней назад
Ahhh... simpler times, running home in 2nd grade to play this game and uncover the secrets behind the Ruins of Alph, summoning Lugia / Ho-Oh, and staying up trying to beat the Elite Four... I miss it...
@cherub3624 27 дней назад
I love how the most replayed is the Maze theme.
@user-ch2jw6bf6b 28 дней назад
If sinnoh is the most intense region and alola is the most unique then johto is the most beautiful
@SaiBuuX666 29 дней назад
@AlistairHig 29 дней назад
It's funny reading all the comments. Makes you realize each generation gets connected to a different Zelda game for memories. A lot of people seem to be nostalgic for Breath of the Wild. Which to me is like a brand new game in the scope of things. It's odd to be nostalgic for something that happened very recently. For me the connection to memories is Ocarina of Time/Majoras Mask. Those came out when I was in high school, then Wind Waker is my next jam. That came out when I was like 16-20ish. Those were the best years. I truly feel sorry for the younger generation growing up with social media at that age, because they are all riddled with anxiety and awkwardness. For me 16-20 was no real responsibilities, just college and gaming. Let me tell you, if you're struggling with life at that age already doing things like school and college.. the world is gonna smack you real hard. Life doesn't even start to get difficult until 30s, when your body starts to feel aged, you can't do the simple things you could.. you have kids, a mortgage etc. (Not saying it's bad, it's just not as care free as it was back then). Relax kids. Life is long. Don't stress it. Play some Zelda, eat a snack.. smoke a doob. Just... chill.
@WolfWriterL.P 29 дней назад
revalis theme hits hard... its better than all the zelda songs in my opinion. Great video!!!!
@matthewierapetritis212 Месяц назад
I miss these days ❤ luv to all the inner children here
@NevieDUD3 Месяц назад
@NevieDUD3 Месяц назад
The NOSTALGIA OF THIS GAME…it brings me back to to my favorite parts
@Zlazor1 Месяц назад
End of 2009, I was 5 years old and i got into a store and saw this game in a large box that contained the game and the additional Pokéwalker, grabbed chikorita since i didn't even know how to switch pokeball in the starter choosing menù and got blocked into the bell tower because i couldn't find the place to hop on because of the giant wodden pillar in the middle blocking the whole vision and gave up, after I don't know how many years I remembered the game and found out that i was blocked on a stupid place where i could have head out pretty easily, still continued the run and finished it on the league thinking that it was the end. Found out about Red and Kanto after another couple of years, so yeah, my journey on a single game was endless and lasted about 6 years in just a save file and I'm happy it was my first Pokémon game. (Plus note: I didn't even know how to use the Pokéwalker and gave up on it too, lol I was so dumb, but again I was very little and innocent).
@Kgame-Peterpoke45 Месяц назад
Thank you for this! So calming and nostalgic 🥰
@trinitywood08 Месяц назад
“1 hour of relaxing Pokemon music” … puts something super suspenseful?
@pineapplelofi3236 Месяц назад
As I begin this day, help me to remember that I belong to you. Guide my spirit through your wisdom so that I do not stumble or falter as I walk in your path. Amen.
@Krajzler. Месяц назад
Yup this definitely brings back memories, I didnt even fully understand English at this point when it was released to the DS, I know for a fact I got stuck on catching Ho-Oh on that creepy tower. Gonna find it and play it 100%.
@FenderJay Месяц назад
Was my favourite pokemon game when it came out and still is my favourite This game has a really deep place in my heart
@moonlightmando7163 Месяц назад
I enjoyed replaying all these games through this collection, but it was kinda disappointing how they left out SMG2. Thank you for this playlist however.
@TVACassassin Месяц назад
ORAS to me looked exactly how I imaged Ruby / Sapphire did as a kid in my head. Felt so nostalgic, also great video!
@ganbarunba237 Месяц назад
@user-hd9qw5wd1u Месяц назад
Whaou le niveau du gars
@user-hd9qw5wd1u Месяц назад
@izanaltozanogarcia3566 Месяц назад
I tried to sleep The third song: No
@simplymoki Месяц назад
i lost my pokemon diamond save that i beat in a week. i am not crying, you are crying. iam not crying. i am crying. 😭😭
@thebigcheese4495 Месяц назад
@noahfolk468 Месяц назад
Generation 5 gang!!
@MoonaiKiso Месяц назад
The help is made by himself...
@olgacarrillo9558 2 месяца назад
So relaxing while doing my homework😌
@arthusdu5441 2 месяца назад
Just 11:13
@SaltheSalleyface 2 месяца назад
00:00 - 我還記得是在去年高中畢業旅行的時候舒華和員瑛因為被鼠來寶電影裡花栗鼠美眉搭著熱氣球幫企鵝寶寶找媽媽的片段感動到已經同時把我抱在懷裡哭了,我在中間安慰她們兩個不但被坐在後座的HAERIN逮個正著,還被HANNI用可以用水清洗的油性麥克筆在臉上胡亂塗鴉,我知道MINJI跟我說君子動口不動手這個道理,可是HAERIN跟HANNI動手在先,我根本就沒有還手嘛 02:04 - 到了家門口我看到HAERIN跟HANNI因為在畢業旅行對我惡作劇的事外加遲交房租被房東給趕了出來,這時被房東趕出來的HAERIN跟HANNI還想含著淚水、手持行李和所有家當走過來投靠我,想到惡作劇的事就氣不打一處來乾脆將她們兩個拒之門外,結果被皮皮訓斥了一頓,無奈之下只能先將計就計了!看看她們兩個會不會再次對我惡作劇,下午我看到HAERIN跟HANNI在跟狼女依妮玩球的時候我露出了笑容,也許她們兩個終於不再對我惡作劇了! 04:28 - 到了隔天早上起來我準備要吃早餐的時候看到員瑛跟舒華坐在兩邊,而我就坐在中間像一個三明治一樣靠在一起,此時員瑛拿來了日期告訴我今天要上游泳課,於是我帶著泳衣、蛙鏡、泳帽、和一袋子的游泳用品跟著舒華和員瑛一起出門去上游泳課 06:26 - 上完游泳課之後,我跟員瑛跟舒華就去拉麵店吃拉麵來填飽肚子,好景不長我在拉麵店的門口就遇到了我國中的周主任,我看了也是非常的害怕,因為周主任看起來像一隻在夢中徘徊的夢之幽靈,我聽舜晴說之前去試鏡的時候因為自己的長相太過嚇人所有的面試官都跑掉了,除了國中的校長還留在原地之外! 09:09 - 還有一次是在山洞過夜的時候有幾隻野狗對我團團包圍狂叫不止,似乎是山洞不歡迎我想要趕我走,我想它們都非常自私,一氣之下就用幾顆石頭狠狠的朝野狗們的頭頂砸了過去,結果全部命中頭頂,讓它們知道對我態度差的後果,這樣還不夠解氣,還喝光了野狗們體內的血液後就睡著了 12:02 - 另外一次是我們全家和皮皮的朋友一起去吃鐵板燒的時候皮皮因為不滿牛排上的太慢就對著幾個慢吞吞的工作人員又叫又罵,還好皮皮的朋友即時攔阻,要不然我們要被店家告上法院了 13:23 - 到了隔天起床的時候看到皮皮站在廚房中央放聲尖叫,走過去並拿起法院傳票才知道只有皮皮因為當天的事情被店家提告了,提告者則是HANA鐵板燒店的料理長兼經理傅在宇,而且我昨天晚上已經教育皮皮一遍了,皮皮還是一樣不知悔改,這下可好了,我無奈之下只能將皮皮送去警察局自首了 16:18 - 另外一次是我跟皮皮在萊拉的家中作客的時候皮皮因為好奇就東拿拿西拿拿的亂拿萊拉的東西,我勸她把不屬於自己的東西都還給萊拉結果皮皮用手指指著我,說我多管閒事,還說拿不拿是自己的人身自由根本管不著,我聽了也是氣憤不已,真的講都講不聽,態度還非常的惡劣,眼看惱羞成怒的屋主萊拉要掏出手機報警了皮皮這才嚇得趕緊物歸原主並連忙跟萊拉磕頭道歉 17:32 - 皮皮跟我回到後我就懲罰一下皮皮,沒想到皮皮不但不接受處罰,還想叫警察來抓我,簡直就是惡人先告狀,直到我爸爸手持棕色的長藤條出現才乖乖得接受處罰 18:43 - 處罰過後皮皮還是不氣餒,堅持要打電話叫警察來,但很多次都失敗了,因為我爸爸對皮皮的管教越來越嚴格了,目的就是為了要讓皮皮從錯誤中學到教訓 21:48 - 還有一次是皮皮因為腿受傷躺在床上命令我幫忙倒水的時候我一眼識破她的謊言跟她說(自己的水要自己倒,不要什麼事情都要我幫忙做)結果讓皮皮情緒大暴走,直到我爸爸再次出現並查看皮皮的腳後發現一點傷口都沒有,代表皮皮這麼做是在利用我,要我當她一輩子的奴隸 24:35 - 我爸爸知道自己被皮皮欺騙後頓時就氣壞了,衝著癱臥在床上的皮皮就是一頓拳打腳踢,把皮皮打到住院為止,我才肯在家庭暴力中得到了解脫和自由 26:10 - 我不知道兩家湯姆熊的廣播音樂竟然都是寶可夢紅寶石和藍寶石的Route 101,是MINJI小時候最喜歡聽的寶可夢音樂,誰知道李建冶聽到這個音樂後也是怒氣沖沖的瞪著我,似乎是看我不順眼要衝過來打我一樣,讓我非常得害怕,還好許嘉文將李建冶給攔下來掩護我跟HAERIN逃到外面喘口氣,喘到一半MINJI跟HANNI走樓梯上來了,我去勸她們先不要進去因為李建冶正在生著悶氣,但HANNI走進去後衝過去給建冶一個擁抱後建冶的怒氣就全消了,我看到HANNI的舉動後也是驚呆了 27:34 - 還有一次就是我跟伊森熊本外婆家過夜的時候我看到夢犽在桌上弄黏土,走過去才發現夢犽是在做小小兵的玩具,而且重點是要當成禮物送給我,洗澡的時候我摸了摸小小兵玩具發現已經完全乾燥了就放在櫃子上,也就是讓小葵拿不到的地方藏起來 28:47 - 到了隔天,我跟爸爸一起去醫院探望皮皮的時候,皮皮一見到我爸爸情緒就開始失控了起來,還好護士急中生智又給皮皮打了一針鎮定劑恢復了鎮定
@SaltheSalleyface 2 месяца назад
30:41 - 我記得上週三跟皮皮一起去天母的SOGO百貨公司買衣服的時候皮皮突然拔下我的耳機要跟我說悄悄話,讓我因為這舉動感到害怕得邊連連後退邊大聲喊到(妳要幹什麼,不要過來喔)誰知道皮皮不但沒有把我的話聽進去,還動手打我的屁股,無奈一下只能認命了 34:03 - 還有一次是我跟員瑛在公園的小路旁散步、順便去路邊攤買烤肉串的時候遇到了LIZ,LIZ也是一見到我就跑過來跟我說悄悄話,LIZ的舉動跟皮皮的舉動有點初期相似,本想要扭頭就跑但被員瑛抓住了手臂,結果Liz是要跟我說金寶三因為辱罵我王八蛋跟垃圾被金媽媽掛在樹上吊打了好幾個小時,我跟員瑛聽了也是樂呵呵的笑了 37:51 - 我還記得我去洗翠澡堂洗澡的時候洗著洗著我突然看到HAERIN抬頭看著天花板,似乎是在想事情,我在一旁打幾個響指呼喚她但沒有任何反應,後來在吹頭髮的時候看到HANNI在畫冊上畫了一隻小狗才知道HAERIN想要養一隻小狗來陪伴自己,但MINJI因為怕狗的緣故死活不同意呀,然後我轉頭左搖右擺的狗尾巴就有個大膽的想法 40:38 - 讓我印象深刻的就是全聯超市跟內湖大賣場了,因為有各式各樣的貨物多到數不清 42:01 - 還有一次是皮皮去全聯超市(也就是我第一個跟郁琛去實習的地方)買東西的時候遇到了HAERIN的親生媽媽,兩個媽媽總是有說有笑的聊著天,聊到徹底忘我,但看到貨架上剩下兩盒布丁的時候也是快如閃電的搶到手了,這讓躲在草叢裡的我跟HAERIN都驚嘆不已 43:53 - 還有一次是我跟師傅在澳門旅行的時候我經過舞蹈教室就看到雨琦跟白鹿在跳TOMBOY就笑得樂此不疲,可不料舞蹈老師突然想到了什麼播放了TOMBOY的音樂,大家聽了也是有樣學樣的跳起舞來,下午四點舞蹈老師因為累了躺在公車上睡著了!而她的丈夫是開公車的司機,也是以前威尼斯人酒店的保安,但現在已一月一日元旦放假的時候已經退休了!成為一個十分專業的公車司機 45:25 - 自從我把小辛巴當成自己的孩子帶回家撫養後,感情越來越好了!我也是對自己非常佩服 46:53 - 還有一次是在上動物課要分組的時候我被動物老師安排到HAERIN跟HANNI一組並取名為小花貓組,而MINJI卻被安排在DANIELLE跟HYEIN的哈巴狗組,我就驚訝的意識到我跟小花貓組的惡夢才剛剛開始 48:21 - 下午4點10分我跟HAERIN和HANNI一起去寵物店看狗狗的時候HAERIN看到了兩隻跟BOO長得很像的小狗狗,一隻才30元,我買了兩隻總共花了60元有一點點便宜,我知道回家後一定會被厭惡小動物的皮皮挨罵,可是這是為了我跟HAERIN之間的承諾,我必須幫她完成 49:27 - 回到家後我還是逃不過被挨罵的命運,因為皮皮的情緒不太穩定,接著忍受不了噪音的哥哥終於忍無可忍再次將皮皮強制送醫並給皮皮打一針鎮定劑以穩定情緒 51:25 - 還有一次是參加挑戰日的時候我的畢業校友李淑臻因為情緒不穩定動手打了我一下,劉恆憶見狀跟我解釋了一番但為時已晚,因為HAERIN看到我被打後非常憤怒,那時候握的比賽項目好像是清道夫跟滾薯條 53:16 - 還有一次是今天韻律老師去參加一個月的演習活動,到了4月1日愚人節的時候就回來了,我知道這件事發布得非常突然,但為了愚人節來臨前好好的表現一番 55:22 - 我還記得去年萬聖夜在紫苑鎮的美食廣場吃晚餐的時候我為了給子瑜替天行道就用一把叉子把一個剛才去扯舒華頭髮的短髮女孩給挖出了雙眼,再把體內的血液裝進一個用玻璃製成的保溫杯裡保溫,讓短髮女孩永久失明,我知道公道是討回來了,只不過我覺得自己這樣做是在殺人,但是子瑜舒華跟幾個大學室友的仇恨和怨念很大,本想報復卻總是給我哭著回來並含著淚水跟我訴說事情的經過,就讓我替她們兩個膽小鬼出出氣,而且子瑜跟舒華誇我真厲害,我卻驚訝的表示自己從來沒有被稱讚過! 57:18 - 我對大阪表姐實在是太好了!尤其是在皮皮親爸爸的葬禮上我看到表姐哭得以淚洗面、淚流滿面,我耐心的在一旁用日文安撫著她,但她的情緒在我的耐心安撫下有所好轉,也許我跟她之間的感情從我遇到後就變得越來越好相處了! 59:54 - 還有一次是我的大阪表姐第一次在結婚典禮裡玩COSPLAY的時候,大阪表姐把自己打扮成一個高中教官讓我跟皮皮完全看不出來,直到大阪表姐在準備要吃飯的時候把教官的帽子摘下來才知道我像傻瓜一樣被欺騙了,但皮皮看到後也是不以為意
@KeiHard 2 месяца назад
Best game, best music, best atmosphere. Better times! Wish I could go back.