Welcome to my Channel. I try to do researched content about various topics ranging from history, anthropology, geography, culture and more and more and more. I have a long list, and yeah I actually have a list of videos that I want to make in the future. I constantly update that list and post it in the community tab monthly. My patreons then vote on which topic comes next. The process by which I currently work is to make a short video (about 12-30 minutes long) followed by a long video (about 1-2 hours long) and to try to do two videos a month. I hope you enjoy what I have made if you want to leave feedback or criticism and you want me to see it, there is a feedback tab on my discord server where I read and take note on what my audience believes should be changed,or what I got wrong, or take suggestions for topics.
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Estonia | The Digital State
3 месяца назад
Eastern Europe is not real
5 месяцев назад
The Origins of French Centralisation
5 месяцев назад
Why Postwar matters
8 месяцев назад
After the War: Europe and Ukrainian Agriculture
9 месяцев назад
Can Poland into Space?
10 месяцев назад
Neutrality in Europe after 2022
Год назад
A Critique of Realism
Год назад
What even is Europe?
Год назад
A Christmas giveaway with XPPen
Год назад
The Danube and Europe's Future
Год назад
The Ideology of Putin's Russia
Год назад
Why Saudi Arabia is doomed
2 года назад
The Folly of Liberal History
2 года назад
Kekkonens Nightmare
2 года назад
The Origins of the Greek debt crisis
2 года назад
How Denmark invented Social Democracy
2 года назад
Why Noam Chomsky is garbage
2 года назад
The Origins of Russian Authoritarianism
3 года назад
@damnbrosky 3 часа назад
Term Eastern Europe is used today to divide people and to show and decide on which said of wealth they are. Even if that show nothing real , some western European media, press, tv and also internet portals uses this term to discredit people from old soviet influence block and show that here we are and there they. Im from Poland and even when I realize that this little thing is just stupid man game , I getting angry about, because I know that on other side of table sitting person or nation that hate me and will do everything to show that Im smaller and weaker in this situation. West contra East what a nonsense , what a relict of dark ages and relict of pre internet times when people have limited access to knowledge. Yes that is just a small word, but did Nazi is not a word , historical and real but non wanted one by Germans, did we not stop already saying Nigg... to Afrikaners coz they didn't like that? We all do not want something to be said over and over because things are different now. So why we people from Poland, Czech , Lithuania, Romania, Hungary , Slovakia and many others have take it easy when all this MF cant remember that we are not East Europe anymore.
@AlexHristo 6 часов назад
Ok, he denies ONE genocide. Why should this reduce him entirely to garbage? Were it not for Chomsky, I wouldn’t even be aware of much larger Western genocides that I believe are worthy of more attention than Bosnia, or look at 40,000 dead Palestinians!
@kylo_ben 7 часов назад
2:35 a vision of outright c*ntery
@CondemnedInformer 8 часов назад
How's this going for you? A growing middle class in China will demand more and more of the commie government and thus, change, maybe...even democracy.
@SuperMaximus66 9 часов назад
Elon Musk is the new US oligarch 😂
@LawsonLynn-o9v 10 часов назад
Ortiz Island
@ziziroberts8041 13 часов назад
'Addiction is preconditioned on misery and despair.' Agree. It's a disease of the mind first.
@APELAPETSY 20 часов назад
@gameplayguru5805 День назад
What kind of crap is this video
@paulus7137 День назад
Next time ill just read the wikipedia article myself, no need for am 20 min Video doing it for me
@jlim003 День назад
Imagine dedicating your life to anti-US imperialism and anti-capitalism, only to have a fellow leftist call your lifes work "garbage". Going so far as to manipulate sources and quotes to fuel outrage. This is social media in a nutshell. Rather than rationally critique someones opinion, you make a bombastic hit piece trying to get someone cancelled over disagreements over whether a case of ethnic cleansing should be "slaughter" vs "genocide".
@phillipwombacher9635 День назад
I’m pretty sure Nebraska has corn fields bigger than some micro nations in Europe
@marcusestube День назад
I had no idea about this. Thank you for sharing this important information.
@phillipwombacher9635 День назад
As an American calling French police violent is adorable I mean the US has the most armed population in the world so I understand why our police are a bit skittish hell I once bought a rifle in a Walmart parking lot… legally lol 😂
@Whisk3yKnight День назад
27:20 went back and watched this series for the first time in a few years and…isn’t that conflict sorta (near)universal across the Islamic World? Or at least, certainly not unique to Turkiye
@bilyyj 2 дня назад
Enlisted is a game mad emy russian developers and supports invasion in Ukraine
@phillipwombacher9635 2 дня назад
So no the American surveillance system is much much deeper and much more sinister
@DamonWeil 4 часа назад
It's good to see Xi's biliteracy programs in effect
@stomodino5443 2 дня назад
Meanwhile in Germany: "Das Internet ist für uns alle Neuland"
@ShupekMan 2 дня назад
Boggles my mind to know commies exist when they can just see North Korea and witness what a shithole communism results in.
@marcusaureliusantoninus2597 2 дня назад
39:00 I see the ironic tone, but I've never heard any objections for this point of view. Russia IS in fact the same geopolitical entity as the Russian Empire and the USSR.
@marcusaureliusantoninus2597 2 дня назад
36:38 not a single country ever recognised Chechnya as ANYTHING but a part of Russia. So Russia was "free to do whatever it wanted to do with the Chechens" from both realist and liberal point of view.
@marcusaureliusantoninus2597 2 дня назад
Well, disdain for realism is pretty predictable for Americans, a deeply idealistic nation. However, to few American and more numerous Western European right wing nationalists/conservatives, my message has always been to beware the chihuahua spirit of many Eastern Europeans that seem to be overrepresented in white/"pan-European" right wing circles (as opposed to nationalists of particular peoples). Many (not all, not most) Eastern Europeans are too keen on rubbing their historical wounds and have irrational hatred of Russia based solely on historical grievances an not on the situation at hand. The very narrative that "the Ukraine is just the beginning, Putin will go deeper into Europe after he's done with the Ukraine" is pure hysteria and makes no sense.
@skyluke9476 2 дня назад
I just poured a drink of diet soda and vodka. RU-vid knows me
@EdvinasPuidokas 2 дня назад
@selfactualizer2099 2 дня назад
3:15 im not even religious and i agree with this. the harm its caused, the deaths, in my own personal life, and ive never even been a drinker but every modern tv show even anime in japan (i know funny to bring up but seriously, even many kids shows around the world popularize drinking) meanwhile most of the world demonizes far less harmful substances when im sitting here like, bro smoke or drink, but in moderation. and dont make it the butt of every conversation i smoke weed, but i dont really talk about it. i might have a smoke in an appropriate place. its not what im gonna talk about though. you dont need to convince others to do what you do, just enjoy life.
@Archi.x002 2 дня назад
This was a great informative video. 👍🏻
@tymonmaecki4276 2 дня назад
Im Poland we have this saying wróg mojego wroga jest moim przyjacielem
@tymonmaecki4276 2 дня назад
Korwin Mikke is extremist that losted his mind
@themikead99 3 дня назад
I think something you misunderstand about politics in the US is that politicians do not have our best interests at heart or are required in any way to tell the truth or follow through on promises they've made. The political system here is thus, get in power by any means necessary, keep that power by any means necessary. So no politicians here speak about how to implement such a system because they will not do that. They'll talk about it's benefits, sure, because if people believe that those benefits will come to them then they're more likely to vote for that person, but realistically that politician will never implement that system because of the difficulty involved and the potential public backlash.
@themikead99 3 дня назад
So I realize that the french are spending a significant amount of their budget to make their system work, but looking at 2022 numbers, Americans are still spending twice as much per capita on healthcare. So realistically even despite the massive spending the french do on their healthcare and the crazy level of that healthcare (that nurse that is assigned for example), Americans spend twice as much to get extremely little in comparison. Also dont forget that that per capita number is an average. Not everyone will get stuck with absurd healthcare bills every year but say you injure your wrist, something that happens to 182 out of every 100000 people here, you may be stuck paying a bill well over $15000 with no payment plan, no support from the government and no way out, and your insurance company may even claim that surgery to reclaim the use of your hand is not medically necessary, because there's barely any standards for what private insurance companies are allowed to cover or not cover here. So personally, if somehow my taxes went up by 6k per year and in exchange I get a regulated healthcare system that is not allowed to basically say "lol nope, we're not going to pay despite taking thousands of dollars of your money" then yeah I'd go for that. And dont forget that not only is part of our taxes already going to healthcare, but there are lots of things the government could do better to not spend our taxes on, like bailing out large companies that fail.
@AndrewChikin 3 дня назад
Are Dutch evil or smth? Why red eyes? Just curious
@sanchoohches 3 дня назад
Nazi superiority is still there. Focus on your own failing country Adolf.
@dariusEMPEROR 3 дня назад
And no, Hungary is not Serbia's best friend. Ask every single serbian from their country!
@dariusEMPEROR 3 дня назад
No, it doesn't go into Black Sea in Ukraine. Lets not be ignorant. It goes into the Danube Delta(most biodiverse area from Europe), which is in Romania, and then goes into the Black Sea.
@carefourcarefour2785 3 дня назад
Maurice Papon never was the "boss of the french police in nazi occupied france" nor "the general inspector on the jewish question" of france, but only in the Bordeaux prefecture (of wich he wasn't the chief). He never restructured, nor reorganized the french police, nor centered anything in paris, for he worked only in bordeaux. Papon wasn't "incapable" of deporting french jews, he wasn't willing to, and tried all he can to save french jews, so much so that the german ended up bypassing the french prefectures and giving direct orders to the police. The trial of Maurice Papon established that he had no will to murder, and was acquitted of complicity in murder. Under his tenure, only 1600 jews were deported from Bordeaux to Drancy (of wich, out of 8 convoys, only 4 could be attributed to Papon in the Trial), not 76 000. Drancy wasn't built by Maurice Papon. There is countless testimony by major resistants that Papon was in fact helping the Resistance. It is also proven that he sheltered resistant (and jew) Roger-Samuel Bloch of the reseau Marco-Kleber. He also helped and gave intelligence to the reseau Jade-Amicol. I couldn't find any proof of the forgery mentionned by Kraut. There is no proof of particular brutality against the corsicans (btw, in corsica, he facilitated the transfer of arm deals too... Blockaded Israel). There is no proof Papon organized torture in Algeria, he just let the DOP (wich were not under him, but under the army) operate. He gave rights to the algerian muslim in order to maintain order : he established the principle that the mayor of constantine would be a muslim. He created a court of appeal in constantine, he took at a sous-prefet mahdi belhaddad, a muslim.
@monsterexterminator 3 дня назад
i feel as if %50 of my history knowledge is just about turkey now (also 11,000 comments now)
@jdk9398 3 дня назад
Yeah, NO. Poland is Eastern Europe. Like you said, the West/East divide is not just based on strict geography. Poland was on the other side of the iron curtain, and even its industrial development came much later than Western European states. It is still much poorer today compared to First World countries, is culturally backward, its politics are still dominated by superstition and the church, and its people are Slavic. Trademarks of Eastern Europe. GDPPC: America = $85,000; Britain = $48,000; Germany = $53,000; Poland = $22,000. Source: World Bank
@atius8571 3 дня назад
Lev Gumilev was insane but it because he spent half of his life in gulag, and two people in court who were against him were both jewish. Also he spent part of his life in ww2. He was one of the first people who claimed that nomads weren't just barbarians, but they made influence on modern world as well. That is the reason why there is a university in Kazakhstan named after him. Not because of his political views, but because of his studies of Turkic and mongol nomads. Aside from that he isn't a good scientist. But i think your video misses his achievements but points out his flaws.
@eddiewhistler7472 3 дня назад
I'm sorry, but werewolves as a monster, legend, or myth don't come from the Baltics. It's a common type of folk belief that exists as far back as ancient Babylon, Greece, Russia, and the Anglo-Saxons. Modern European notions of werewolves come from a wide variety of folklore about men turning into wolves, and not specifically something that needed import from Baltic pagans.
@bilyyj 3 дня назад
7:15 most based werewolf Baltia
@zarazkribblez 3 дня назад
Noj Rants video does a pretty amazing job debunking this video, if anyone is truly interested in finding out more about the Rus and the Mongols.
@CecilliaZoe-d9q 4 дня назад
Lonnie Plains
@wooba4227 4 дня назад
The brits couldnt bring sapience to the subcontinent
@f_uckingo_ffensive7600 4 дня назад
@Kraut why you do not talk about the superiority of rejection of islam and lgbt?
@f_uckingo_ffensive7600 4 дня назад
eastern europeans are the ones that kept their sanity, they rejected woke culture, communism and islam, london and paris did not so they became shitholes
@EllenJulia-j2l 4 дня назад
Fisher Summit
@VegarTømmervik 4 дня назад
He sided with Stalin pretty much from the get go. When the war broke out in September 39, we declared war on Germany who had around 1,000 dead and 25,000 in work camps to their crime list. We turned a blind eye to the soviets when they also invaded and at this time Stalin had around 10 million dead. That’s the side we chose to back. Given the context of the time there is no defence. You’d have thought people would think more critically about decisions taken
@fffff2521 4 дня назад
Are you comparing Venezuela and Trump? Trump was governing 4 yours. Was it anyhow similar to Venezuela? On the contrary. With easing federal regulations, larger oil and gas production, lower federal subsidies, existing southern border his administration was promoting freedom and capitalism. This is a classical case of Trump derangement syndrome.
@CoLdPlAyEr1694 4 дня назад
I feel like, while his video on history is quite vivid in its presentation of historical contexts, at times has some left bias to it. Starting right off at the beginning with the "french joke" of who an animal is. I definitely do not think this is a french self insert, so it is very clear who this is pointed towards. However watching the video and the actions the people of what later becomes Prussia and the German Empire, is quite unlike what any "animal" could achieve or act out like that. It is an upfront insult if anything by the author, displaying a distaste for Germans in general, something that is not unheard in the leftist spectrum. I furthermore disagree with his "scale" on low vs. high trust society. While he only briefly mentions that low trust societies end up in failed states, he overaccentuates in what high trust societies CAN lead into, the primary example being Germany under National Socialism. I find his analysis convincing in how underlying historic circumstances shaped that development. However, what he implies is that a high trust society, regardless of what society it might be (shown by Japan on the scale), will lead into disaster. This sounds to me at that point that a low trust society is to be preferred, while yes, it may lead to a failed state but that would be still "better" than the alternative (obviously neither is desirable). What he also does not point out, is the Communist Regime in East Germany after World War 2, which acted on the same premises of morality through governance, all be it with less death as a final consequence (human suffering remains human suffering either way). I also do not like that the AfD is made up to be the only political party that tries to enforce morality through governance. Any political party has moral principles that guide their expression of politics and if given power by the people, will enforce them through said government. The argument he makes is, that right wing populist movements will always follow the same path into moral purity with no stopgap to be found in a reasonable sense; basically any right wing political party, even if they are moderate will lead into said moral purity, something which is highly questionable.
@BioChemistryWizard 4 дня назад
Ironically the EU's commitment towards "humanism" is part of the reason the project is failing. It delegitimizes and demeans the various ethnicities in Europe, their identities and the prospects of why they should collective together. If anyone can be European then the value European itself loses descriptive value and just becomes some uninteresting machine that should be fought against it. Germany winning WW2 was likely the actual best chance of a single unified EU from Portugal to Russia because of its would be unmatched power and organizing metanarratives towards culture, nation, and life. We probably would have seen a single Reich Confederation with the most power centered in Germany as it is with Germany and Belgium controlling the EU but not having absolute power over it.