Asad Anjum
Asad Anjum
Asad Anjum
i make videos about games and stuff
Your Favorite Games Are Being Deleted
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Ragdolls, And Why They Matter
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PAX Games That Blew My Mind
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The Game That Begged People To Stop Buying It
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Little Devil Inside Is Back. But It's Changed
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I Made A New Game Every Week. Again.
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Video Games And The Fight For Legitimacy
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The Scuffed Game Awards 2
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Wait...Did They Actually Fix Redfall?
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I Made A New Game Every Week
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The Future Of Open World Games
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My Weird Obsession With Moving Levels
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PlayStation's Billion Dollar Gamble
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From Software's Design Has A Big Problem
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The New Cuphead Sucks
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The Modern Renaissance Of Animation
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Designing the Unremarkable
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Purposeless Dialogue
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The Weird, Worrying Future of Bioshock
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You Should Play These Games
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What Is Ubisoft Doing?
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We Need More Endings
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Ranking Video Game Apologies
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Grapple Hooks
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You Had To Be There
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@EcchiOtakuTM Час назад
Did you make dead cells because you created it or did you make dead cells because you worked on its meaningful updates?
@raelimperialaerosolkid 6 часов назад
there's a bad trend of game studios being taken over with new management who often shit on the old guard and only keep them around to have a "FROM THE CREATORS OF" sticker on their trailers
@dyll_pyckle 11 часов назад
I remember playing Dead Cells a few years ago and enjoying my multiple hours where I only able to beat the game with 0 Boss Cells lmao. I didn't know about this story and found it super interesting! And I've never heard of Windblown before and probably won't play it. Great vid!
@Argomundo 11 часов назад
5:21 Even from what youve shown in this video I can very clearly see what his values are, so no its really you whose misinformed. Im not surprised about it though. Gamergate was in fact about jounalistic integrity, the journalists that were under attack then started a smear campaign against gamers. That got people angry, which they wanted, because that got some of those idiots sending threats, which they then used as cannonfodder to further their smear campaign. As much as some gamers nowdays love to claim we won that war, unfortuantely we didnt. You here being prove of that. So let us take solace in the fact that they didnt win either. A lot of them did eventually end up losing their jobs because they are in fact sht journalists and no one actually read their garbage. And no self respecting gamer takes games journalist opinions seriously anymore.
@-elthiccy-1388 12 часов назад
Those rhombuses behind you look like dead by daylight perk loadouts
@BlueSR 16 часов назад
apparently Evil Empire were excluded from the credits of the animated dead cells show, which is absolutely absurd to me
@sirwngland 20 часов назад
It's okay bro, the game is still perfect... I'm coping so hard rn
@henriquecesar8859 22 часа назад
I said it in the Dead cells reddit and i bassically stand by this point now; they feared having dead cells still on activity would hurt windblown so they basically short-ended the games lifespan. Most important of all, the last uptade was stated, some time before the drama, to not be the games last (or close to last) uptade, despite its name, which when we consider the whole DLC planned ahead by EE, just gets worse for MT. I personally will not buy their new game and i feel most of the Dead Cells community aware of the drama feels the same, and just for the sake of it: Dead Cells was made by Evil Empire.
@Toksyuryel День назад
Here's my perspective: Motion Twin released Dead Cells in a very incomplete state and were not doing a great job of patching it into a complete state before passing it off to Evil Empire. I was interested in Windblown but now I think I'm probably going to be skipping it.
@albertoshitsneeze1774 День назад
Im kinda pissed off a little. We were basically promised at least one or two more updates after the one currently in developement. It was named The End Is Near for a reason, we expected the end to be around a corner that we would eventually turn, but it was more like a cannonball to the face that had a sticky note attached saying "goodbye". I was ready to have the game settle and age after a proper goodbye and maybe in a few years see a modding community rise up, like Gungeon. The current situation just feels unjust not only for Evil Empire but the players as well and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth about a game that I literally grew up with.
@Snugbrrrr День назад
Hey the image of Bobby you used at 6:15 is fanmade. Might wanna credit the author
@harald_smth День назад
I watched first 8 minutes of the video and you basically say nothing about the topic. People in game companies, especially decentralised, leave after working on projects. Duh. Game marketing is scummy. Duh. You even say it yourself - a game is a game. Nobody cares for who particulary "made" Dead Cells, both teams and developers contributed enough to be considered creators, even if only thing they did was one 1 KB push request. If you farm engagement, at least talk about something other than basic knowledge of 2-minute google research. It just looks lazy and scammy. Edit: After watching whole video - this is basically all talks, no deeds. The main source is a biased developer who doesn't work in the studio for *four* years. If Evil Empire shutted Dead Cells because of "competitors" in Motion Twin(I kinda don't understand, are these two companies under one lead or two separate companies?), did they do that becuase Twin's directly ordered them to? I don't think so. Supporting Dead Cells, a 6 year old game, wouldn't bring financial profit, and frankly, if there's another game in the genre, as you say, "by the og creators", it will just be worthless. Indie companies constantly change plans, all their 2025 support is just plans, not concrete decisions. So I think they just scrapped their plans, and move on to the new project. Not like it's killed a studio. The FAQ review is cringe. "Corporate talk", allegations of lying. My brother, have you read FAQs before? They all are written like that. And after reading that - yeah, that's just normal. Do you think developers in Twins knowingly made other team stop? From my perspective, after finishing dead cells they just wanted to create something better, and move on to the new game. Considering it's an indie, they probably didn't even know if they'll gonna release it and didn't tell Evils about that. A communication problem, not a decision by company to screw their partners. And that's why Evils changed their plans so hastily - because Twins didn't tell them about new game.
@Kids-qv3kx День назад
If disney made a good movie, and then a lot of their team changes and they say in a new trailer made by the creators of the good movie, would they be wrong?
@helloofthebeach День назад
Indie studios tend to wear their influences on their sleeves, and I guess Motion Twin is inspired by Konami.
@greedtheron8362 День назад
I remember hearing the ship of Theseus paradox a lot and always though it was a neat idea, but not really leaning one way or another towards it. Then I heard someone mention the ship of Theseus idea in relation to 'is the Disney of today the same company that made your childhood classics?', and my intuition imminently slid to them being two different ships.
@BOO1101 2 дня назад
I’ve known that there’s been a bit of drama between the two teams, and I think you touched upon some great points including that teams change over time. The original game is not what it is today and that’s important to remember. I love this game, I’d say I’m about 99% completion for the game. Have two bosses left to flawless, the spoiler boss and mama tick, but the game is truely beautiful and I sunk a solid 200 hours into it and enjoyed sinking that time, as there’s so much awesome stuff, castlevania dlc was banging tbh.
@hollowmatthew 2 дня назад
they should change the "from the creators of dead cells" to "from some of the creators of dead cells"
@RoF_SI 2 дня назад
10:07 I loved this transition. Anyone know how to do it?
@SOBEKCrocodileGod 2 дня назад
So, somehow I, a Hotline Miami fan, did not know you can play as Jacket in Dead Cells until watching this video
@Swamp_Hound 2 дня назад
i feel like the theseus paradox is right to apply when games try to cell "from the creators of" because Hollywood had been doing it for decades and its what sold movies. so why wouldn't companies borrow power from the names attached to other great works to help inspire confidence in current projects.
@IPODsify 2 дня назад
As far as the theseus paradox, ive always made sure not to trust a "from the creators of" tagline since its one of the most overused taglines especially in cinema, and when they say that 9/10 times its JUST the director. Never the screenplay writer, or dialog writers
@zefellowbud5970 2 дня назад
so this is like the opposite of terraria where the devs keep saying its the last update but then big new update.
@Cure_Diarrhea 2 дня назад
Thx for talking about this
@aeijlpanda9500 2 дня назад
I don't want to be rude but, wow this video turns out to be a nothing burger or maybe I'm not just attached to Dead Cells like that.
@agvomverma 3 дня назад
the most funny is that this vid has 69 dislikes lol
@Fexxis_ 3 дня назад
not quite my tempo, am i right?
@Dr.Frankture 3 дня назад
I've only played till Fatal Falls expansion (I think the giant and the plant DLC were earlier) and I loved the game. Why there's so much hate for this game now, what happened?
@meilet 3 дня назад
i have beaten dead cells with 4 boss cells active and i like this video so your okay
@Daniel._.. 3 дня назад
The best analogy I heard for this is a football team. They wear the same shirts, but they are not the same team
@yonosukemihata8270 3 дня назад
The gaming community tends to put a lot of stock in company names when we should be paying more attention to the actual people attached to these projects. People have wondered why games like Suicide Squad and Redfall came out in the state they were in when they are made by such prolific studios, but one look at the list of major staff involved with these projects and comparing it to that of those older, better games reveals exactly what happened. But by that same token, just because one big name changes studios doesn't mean their new game is gonna be like their previous work. Kojima fans followed him to his new studio and many love Death Stranding and attribute it to him being freed from Konami, but some seem to forget it wasn't just him, a huge chunk of his studio is also former Konami staff.
@MrDrewwills 3 дня назад
One of the first gaming experiences my second cousin has was sitting on my lap "playing" Dead Cells. As in I found the giant hammer weapon and he mashed attack whilst I desperately tried to dodge so we didn't die. Years later he still remembers playing that game with me. Video games are art and art has real power over people. It's so disgusting to see MT treat the game like this.
@HimslGames 3 дня назад
Wow most of this video is completely pointless, I don't care how small the percentage of "the creators of deadcells" is!
@Silas_Kow 3 дня назад
Let me say as someone that played the DLCs and paid close attention to the game during its full lifetime, Evil Empire did such a good job (atualization, balance, DLC, and collabs). To me they do deserve credit too as creators they did a lot for the game and put their heart and love into it (if you have the DLCs the game basicaly triple in content, and has some of the best content in my opinion, so they did a lot...). I bleeds me to see the resentifullness
@478CKniggaa 3 дня назад
Bought a alligator I ain’t talking La Coste
@drinkwater1917 4 дня назад
The graphics you use in your video makes everything so much more enjoyable and easy to understand Physically breaking the logo and placing a beard on it lowkey helped me wrap my head around it so much more
@dextro808 4 дня назад
can anyone explain what "supporting a game" actually means? i mean the game's finished, it's done, it'a a good game, anyone can play it from now up until the heat death of the universe, what more do people want? what's the point of constant updates if the the product is already good?
@Hi45999 3 дня назад
Fr finally a good opinion on this
@dextro808 3 дня назад
@@Hi45999 i'm genuinely asking what i'm missing here, as i hail from a distant, pre-internet age, when "supporting a game" wasn't a thing and developers were releasing finished products
@Hi45999 2 дня назад
@@dextro808 oh
@karthikeyanv661 2 дня назад
​@@dextro808 I think it's a grey area between a live service game and a classic game. It's cost effective to continually develop a single game over a span of in this case 7 years than to develop say a sequel or two sequels. I think that's the major reason why we don't get sequels as often
@dextro808 2 дня назад
@@karthikeyanv661 ok but what's live servicey about Dead Cells?
@chenchen6150 4 дня назад
I'm just mostly stay away from game they advertise always banking on "from the creator of xxx popular game" to dry, most case we end up see them don't deliver the expectation people think due to that "from creator of". Remember B4B? They banking on "from creator of l4d" people expect alot of og creator work on the development, only to be found just count by finger that actualy the og developer, the rest are too busy with other project, retired and goes on other profession because harsh reality of being game dev tend to have low salary.
@Wyrmwould-Star 4 дня назад
I think it's easier to say " *These* people started Dead Cells, *these* people worked on it, here's what they're all doing right now" rather than "Some of this company and some of that company, but this company mostly *started* it while this company did *these* parts" etc etc.
@40footwolf 4 дня назад
I did get clickbaited but the video was worth it
@The_Dying_Rose 4 дня назад
Its kind of like bands that are completely different than what it used to be. Equilibrium is one of my favorite bands, but now they are a bunch of people who had nothing to do with the original band, dont sing about the same subjects, are a different genre and dont even sing in the same language. Modern day Equilibrium has no business being called Equalibrium
@qwp1884 4 дня назад
I used to be a giant dead cells fan, I put over 900 hours in the game. I 100%ed it every update, at some point even had two save files that were 100%ed. I got all achivments, I beat the game on the hardest difficulty hitless. Went through the tens of hours of grinding the hardest things possible in the game such as the boss rush. It used to be my favorite game of all time, I played I since 2020 and this was Soul crushing. Motion twin made dead cells but evil empire MADE dead cells, the game would be nowhere near how good it is without them. Every single update better and better, weapons being cooler and even more fun and satisfying to use. When I saw windblown was "made by the team behind dead cells" I got justifyingly, very excited and I thought I would buy it day one but after all of this, more and more coming out about MT I think I won't get it. I was already thinking of buying the price of Persia game but I'm definitely getting it to support EE, they don't deserve this and it is a shame what MT did to them. Let alone a shame that MT made dead cells instead of them, literally putting away an incredible game that could be even better, served on a silver platter away from their hands. And the fact that the EE logo and name is blurred out of the credits of the dead cells animated show is a disgrace and whoever was behind it should be ashamed. (the show sucks btw and does not have the essence or lore of dead cells)
@user-zf4kv9ou2i День назад
Wait the show is out?
@MarrsJ 4 дня назад
My takeway im gonna grab from this, no matter how socialist a company's model is, it's reputation and it's decisions will eventually be ruined by the advent of capital as long as it drives the interests of production
@ArjunTheRageGuy 4 дня назад
So Evil Empire isn't evil (yet), but MotionTwin is? bruh.
@Topunito 4 дня назад
Honestly I'm gonna say personally this situation seems fairly obvious to me. Indie studios usually have less reason to be so corporate and lack transparency so the fact that that's the case seems to me like it's because they're trying to hide something. From your video (correct me if I'm wrong) it seems that Motion Twin were literally the ones who made the decision to shut down development and "the game felt complete" is obviously a terrible excuse for such a sudden decision that cancelled so many ideas that were in the middle of being developed. A terrible lie. I choose to believe the accusations. A shame since Windblown looks really nice, but all of this really taints its image. Though I don't necessarily think the whole team was on board with shutting down Dead Cells for these petty and greedy reasons, but still, it's a cooperative, so...
@renon1946 4 дня назад
I suppose, would it not be true that Dead cells wouldn't exist without motion twin? Evil empire put in a ton of work, but they wouldn't exist without motion twin starting it off
@Player-re9mo 4 дня назад
Dead Cells had the potential to grow even bigger and have more crossovers like the Castlevania dlc. Although the game is good as it is, it's a shame we'll never get to see it reach its full potential. My brother wanted to see a Demon Slayer dlc in the same vein as the Castlevania dlc. And I think it could have been great (although improbable to happen).
@NoshuHyena 4 дня назад
Theseus's Ship as it relates to video games reminds me of Metroid Prime 4. It was exciting to hear that Retro Studios was working on the series again, but it's been so long since Prime 3 that there's a high likelihood that the studio has turned over its whole staff by now. I'd guess that few, if any, people working on 4 are the same ones who worked on the Trilogy, and that has me worried.
@pedrol5004 8 часов назад
The remaster had a lot of respect for the og material and the trailer looks great, when the new team respects the old team it really pays off
@NoshuHyena 38 минут назад
@@pedrol5004 Yeah, that's definitely good. But no matter what, the new team will have a different vision for the game than old Retro would. And that does bring a ton of benefits with it, but at the same time, it has a risk of not feeling cohesive with the others, like it's not the "real" Metroid Prime that I'm guessing a lot of fans are expecting.
@mr.nobodyx 5 дней назад
why is this video about fucking politics instead of the game and game news. I dont fucking care about any of that.
@nanosmokex6998 5 дней назад
Haven't heard the name Dead Cells in years
@kemasalauddin1604 5 дней назад
Who made dead cells. Wtf? Why that section exist?