Wonder Science
Wonder Science
Wonder Science
Hi, We are Wonder Science! We are passionate about exploring and sharing the wonders of science with you. From mind-blowing facts about the universe to the mysteries of the human body, we are dedicated to uncovering the most interesting and exciting facts about science. Our goal is to make science accessible, entertaining, and fun for everyone. So hit that subscribe button and join us on this incredible journey of discovery!
@medianna Час назад
our closest star is just over 8 light minutes away, not 4.25 light years
@NatividadAlonsoCabo 23 часа назад
Apon watching again I must admit that: the kid is smart! His line of questioning is rationalised by an understanding of certain relevant fundamentals (his citation of a physics based fact, see his question for clarification) and motivated by a sincere and rather serious point of inquiry. I think below i attempted to diminish the kids input here but after watching again and more carefully i confidently withdraw my former view and happily express support for the "kid is smart" comments. He is very smart. Nieve perhaps in his scope and point of focus but clearly smart and independant thinking in testing his understanding backed with decent reasoning for his probing question. Definetly a kid on the path of discovery and learning. Well done to him. I take back my initial criticism fullheartedly
@raultorres3427 День назад
I would trade my brain with this guy
@velink5972 День назад
Boom!! Thanks for the explanation
@JahSun-eg8yv День назад
❤ when the rain 🌧 fall 🌈 🏳️‍🌈 🌈 🏳️‍🌈 🌈 🏳️‍🌈 🌈 🏳️‍🌈 🌈 🏳️‍🌈 🌈 🏳️‍🌈 8 ❤
@2006Nissan_murano День назад
Bayer has done worse than work with Monsanto
@DoubleE5135 2 дня назад
The album literally ends with “There is no Dark Side of the Moon”
@uncletom4871 2 дня назад
These ppl are crazy
@asdfasdfasdadsfasd 2 дня назад
I know we are not in a simulation because I have first person experience of consciousness. In a simulated world, there is no first person experience, there is no consciousness either, just bots running around.
@ZigZagKid_AZ 3 дня назад
The fact that somebody though deeply about this and wanted to figure it is amazing. That how I was trying to calculate earth to the moon the other night. Then I realized I don’t know calculus or trigonometry I don’t even know physics
@aug9301 3 дня назад
This kid give me hope for humanity!
@geneybaby 4 дня назад
To die but it's still damaging your health
@shadow_of_darkness5666 4 дня назад
Mmm sounds appetizing. Freeze dried fish
@Mm17297 4 дня назад
The brain is not you. The brain is made of atoms, all atoms do is move around, thinking is not a motion of atoms, you don't interpret concepts or make a true/false judgement from the motion of atoms, therefore the sould is immaterial and it is who you are.
@jorgesanchez5097 5 дней назад
The most impressive thing is that people still consider Neil a scientist when he clearly is not.
@JosefK-ud8io 4 дня назад
The most impressive thing is that you so confidently believe in what you just said without looking at his background.
@jorgesanchez5097 4 дня назад
@@JosefK-ud8io Any person who says there are more than 2 genders obviously doesn't know or believe science. So you're dumb, And no he isn't a scientist.
@quirky.science 3 дня назад
​@@jorgesanchez5097 XD 😂
@quirky.science 3 дня назад
​@@jorgesanchez5097oh, man 😂
@krisshnapeswanipeswani3190 3 дня назад
gender is a social construct. sex is a biological one. it is non of your damn business what people want to be
@herbertholland924 5 дней назад
So I can eat 29 pints.
@jayanthlaxman9188 5 дней назад
Chinese space station will be the best for space exploration of the future. I think America showed it's arrogance towards China and fear of Russia by inviting the latter. America under estimated China. It was always " Whats the f**k can Chinese do ?" Now they are spinning conspiracy theory that they kept China out because they needed " COMPETITION ! " Wait until China occupies the other side of the Moon with a China Town and red lanterns 😅😅😅
@cLaw27 6 дней назад
This is why dumb people should take a test before posting. The sheets in Greenland and Antarctica are land sheets. The ice cube experiment applies to a marine sheet, like the Arctic.
@johngonzalez4934 6 дней назад
That will take a few thousand years
@SusanBloodgood-o5s 7 дней назад
This is the same Guy who constantly tells us that we are All made from Recycled, Rearranged and Reassembled Star Dust, whether we believe it or not , so according to Science we are all Reincarnated Stars 💫⭐️🪐🤔
@BobHill-s2c 7 дней назад
For once he's not talking about vaccines, airline safety or other topics he has no clue about. 😂
@MrTantarian 8 дней назад
@icelbustamanteneira3857 8 дней назад
26 years of my life, and im just ''yeah, i float in a earth ball in the middle og nothing , living each day basically for a great matemathical god, or just luck''......
@1GaBoy001 8 дней назад
When faced with facts most religions crumble. But someone at some time said. " If GOD doesn't exist. We would have to invent one. "
@martyslaught51 8 дней назад
What's with the background music? Remove it please.
@dannytennial5311 9 дней назад
That was a tossed word salad Neil. Do you need the imported vinegar?
@amirreza2612 9 дней назад
What I love about NDT is that he didn't try to dumb it down to him. He explained it with same words that he would use to explain to his colleagues, only with more passion.
@JuicySmellrot 9 дней назад
Dude obviously doesn't understand how light works, anyone who's looked at the sun enough knows its to small to cover the whole planet at once
@Mary-lk8eq 9 дней назад
They must of sent what was left to Dollar tree.That ice cream made me sick as hell 😡🤨
@Rhal63 10 дней назад
Kind of harsh don’t you think? It was a joke. Like I would know this to be true. Enjoy your day
@mikmorpheus 10 дней назад
Well the difference is the damage over time... And the unknown factors
@JohnsonThe_son_the_third 10 дней назад
I like this guy so much, because I see him in me
@BobMenery-r8p 11 дней назад
Dont care. Don't want glyphosate in my ice cream
@lifeeverlastingnextedition3657 11 дней назад
@heavylift9582 11 дней назад
When a child is born it has a spirit and consciousness, the consciousness cannot attach to flesh without the spirit, consciousness is the soul, The soul is life force energy which causes the child to take its first breath. When the flesh dies they both leave, the spirit will return for another life death cycle with another soul, the soul has the option to return or to proceed to another dimension.
@DanH-u3f 11 дней назад
Yes, it can. They can merge.
@dark243stone 11 дней назад
so if we make miniature black holes and collide them we could send information along a trajectory that will be received before we sent it, adding to what is sent and compiling to end up as the complete answer before you asked it eliminating processing time constraints so only scaling and energy requirements would be a constraint, no longer time being a constraint on simulations it would be considered fourth demensional communication and processing systems.
@prodigy_xd 11 дней назад
interesting, but how does the answer come about without knowing the future? If i write the question down, and the message already repeats from the past, and i have not followed up the answer, where does the answer then come from? Probably from myself, as i have yet to write it. And as i do so time continues to pass. But that would defeat the benefit of the reversal as i would expect it to deliver the answer prior to me writing it down. I think it would only work if i am traveling slower than noticing it myself, and the faster version of me would have probably written the answer by now, so it feels to me as if it gets delivered before writing it. So effectively, i think we would had to be within a black hole to experience the benefit of the reversal, as we are somewhat delayed. However, the self-awareness about that would probably drive us crazy and this type of communication probably impossible to sync with multiple peers. Also there is the minor problem of having 2 tiny black holes merge and become twice the size every time we send a message.
@AlexIsModded 9 дней назад
I think what he's saying is that a black hole distorts time, so as the two black holes are coming closer together, they orbit around each other, forcing their distortions to collide. So you'd have these distortions existing simultaneously, and as you enter the event horizon you orbit around the black holes and within those distortions, so you'd experience multiple times (past, present, future) all at once.
@Last_Chance. 12 дней назад
I love this content. Please post more videos.
@ScottHenry-cv9do 12 дней назад
turn the music up i almost hear them talking
@roxane7432 12 дней назад
If that 2nd grader comprehended what the Dr, said; Im dumber than a box of rocks
@17bruary 12 дней назад
We have no clue how consciousness arises. Could be from the brain, could be outside of the brain. We don’t know. So Neil “Interupt F*cking Everyone” DeGrass Tyson, is speculating.
@VirusDeliveryProgram 13 дней назад
I'm curious to where this kid will be in 15 years.
@avinashjagdeo 13 дней назад
Well he clearly doesn't know anything.
@dewyjr1008 13 дней назад
So the theory is when time travels from that star to Earth we are looking at the past what you're saying debunks that theory
@1GaBoy001 14 дней назад
We have become blind to the facts and focus on the negative of anything now. If I can find something else even slightly dangerous I can sue and get rich. Who cares how ridiculous it is. We need to change the mind set or we have a very bumpy ride ahead. I have my seatbelt on but really hoping for the full restraint system please.
@chrismyco7950 14 дней назад
water in general has some really amazing emerigent properties.
@englishjona6458 14 дней назад
Wheres the water
@Havok3v1L719 14 дней назад
there is a 140 mile wide metal rich asteroid near mars at an estimated worth of $10 quintillion with a possible magnetic field, so it also wouldnt be too hard to smash it into mars to help with the terraforming process. its also not the only asteroid in the solar system like it.
@lorenzodossantos1111 15 дней назад
if we continue on after we die it's a simulation
@peacesound1101 15 дней назад
This hangs on the power to simulate themselves? Doesn't defeat the problem, or change the odds, because it isn't a chance no matter the odds if we include the possibility that there is no "real" world that is being simulated, ie., the simulation has no beginning or end. The fact remains that a perfect simulation means there cannot be a world that is simulated.