New Catholic Generation
New Catholic Generation
New Catholic Generation
As a teen, Renee Shumay had the idea of making a website featuring Catholic teen and young adult vloggers from around the world. After creating the New Catholic Generation website in 2012, she began collaborating with fellow Catholic vloggers at Franciscan University. Through the collective effort from NCG members both in Steubenville and around the United States, the New Catholic Generation RU-vid channel came to be!
VERY Important Announcement...
5 лет назад
Catholics Return
5 лет назад
@CatholicIrish11 18 часов назад
Ridiculous question really
@OrangeBulbs 8 дней назад
Come back!
@clivejames5058 16 дней назад
I'm thinking that my Church has been over run with wolves in sheep's clothing. Do I run or do I stay and fight against such evil?
@SheenHunter-SeattleFreeze 18 дней назад
What's about drying hair?
@Wolede 21 день назад
Now show them The Book of Genesis Illustrated by R. Crumb
@pearlgirl7826 22 дня назад
1:59 wait, I do that. I personally don’t think that’s lazy, it’s just a lot of saints to remember.
@pearlgirl7826 22 дня назад
lol! Fellow Catholics beings funny.
@freewill8218 22 дня назад
Hat boy. 😂😂😂😂😂
@freewill8218 22 дня назад
@DavidLukoson-om7rl 24 дня назад
😅I'm not Catholic but as a Christian I understand some of their problems.
@lol-uo7it 29 дней назад
for the love of God, please never have that idiot monica on ever again
@Sonic2Chronicles Месяц назад
I miss this channel. I wish you guys would do just one little reunion.
@NewCatholicGeneration 17 дней назад
@@Sonic2Chronicles We did film something recently with Renee, Joe and Aimee. The plans we talked about in it though are on hold for now. We may give it another try once some NCG babies are a little older and can travel for filming! It would be so fun to film again.
@teop7887 Месяц назад
I miss this channel.
@edinshealtiel3754 Месяц назад
1 of The greatest films Ever made .....😮
@Catholicity-uw2yb Месяц назад
ST. PADRE PIO: “You must have boundless faith in the divine goodness, for the victory is absolutely certain. How could you think otherwise? Isn’t our God more concerned about our salvation than we are ourselves? Isn’t he stronger than hell itself? Who can ever resist and overcome the King of the heavens? What are the world, the devil, the flesh and all our enemies before the Lord?” ST. PADRE PIO: “I trust Jesus so completely that even if I were so see hell open up before me, and find myself on the brink of the abyss, I should not lose confidence. I should not despair but continue to trust Him. Such is the extent to which His meekness inspires me.”
@JoeyJoe-JoeJrShabadoo Месяц назад
"Mature stories and themes from the Bible." Republicans think the fairytale Bible should be in public schools
@ShamrockRagEll Месяц назад
I didn’t get the crocs joke. Anyone mind to explain? :)
@NewCatholicGeneration 17 дней назад
@@ShamrockRagEll Sure thing! Joseph showed up to serve Mass in croc shoes with holes. David was expecting Joseph to dress in nicer shoes for Mass. We thought we would use crocs in the skit to stand in for the most casual shoe we could possibly think of, that would realistically make a priest ask the server to change shoes. Thanks for watching! :). -Renee
@russriley3005 Месяц назад
aww, the Catholics first time reading the book that they have believed in for 2000 years but never read.do they need something so simple to illustrate what the bible says? maybe if the bible had pictures, they would know the genocidal god they believe in
@BeaulieuTodd Месяц назад
I love how they claim an atheist doesn’t know the Bible. An atheist surely couldn’t be educated.
@SmugGar Месяц назад
Sorry to say but there are lots of Catholics are idiots of the world inbreeds devil's in sheep's clothing
@lastsaint4162 Месяц назад
And they teach this to kids? The Bible is an evil fictional book.
@johnathan651 Месяц назад
A graphic novel version of the Bible sounds really interesting, but as a mature reader, I wouldn't want the nasty bits covered up. There are plenty of mature graphic novels out there, so a true adaptation, with the good and bad shown, would actually interest some non-religious people.
@Wolede 21 день назад
Have you ever heard of The Book of Genesis Illustrated by R. Crumb?
@tomasleiva5587 2 месяца назад
You guys, this fake bible is demonic. It is sad to see how you guys were praising it in half the video
@huyenanhong 2 месяца назад
Wow…. I use to be a catholic but now I am a follower of Christ. I am not part of any denomination and I only follow the Word of God. The only way to know truth is to read the inerrant Word of God cover to cover and the Holy Spirit will reveal truth. I learned on my own from the Lord that there are so many false doctrines including the Catholic Church. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 He is our true and loving God. “For God so loved the world that he sent his only Begotten Son that whoever believes in him will not persih but have eternal life” John 3:16. Jesus is the only person who died for our sins so that we may have eternal life and he is the ONLY person we should put our trust and faith in. There is no Virgin Mary or saints who deserve to be prayed, worshiped, or venerated. It is only Jesus for he is the only person who can save us from our sins. He deserves all our time. He is a jealous God and pur Heavenly father and wants a relationship with us. We are the temple of God, which is where the Holy Spirit dwells. There is no need to have a statue to focus our prayers to especially if its not even Jesus. The Word of God will always stand true and has always stand true through the test of time for thousands of years. Even the Catholic Church change their doctrine to accept transgender and homosexuality, which in the bible considers it a sin, and it’s a sin for a reason. God created us and knows what’s best for us. When man decide to be disobedient to God’s Word by changing his laws and the Word, it will cause bad consequences in our lives. I had a lot of questions about the religious rituals of the Catholic Church which caused me to do research and read the bible, the Holy Spirit revealed truth and became reborn again. I highly recommend reading the bible for yourself and come up with your own conclusions. Just because you are born into a religion does not mean it is truth. That is a stronghold that will inhibit us from knowing the true God. I pray for anyone who reads my testimony here that the Holy Spirit will come upon you and bless you and give you discernment that any strongholds will be torn down so that you may know the True and Living God in Jesus Mighty name!
@Taterstiltskin 2 месяца назад
wondering how the idea that he was so repeatedly misinterpreted has aged in those young minds after these 8 years and all of these many other... things... cheers from noonewantsustocallourselvesreformed-baptistanathemaland
@Zack-f6p 2 месяца назад
@robertfield5904 2 месяца назад
Mark 7:18-23, Luke 18:18-27,
@Maldoror1972 2 месяца назад
I'm not a christian and i think that this movie is a cinematic masterpiece!!!
@Lemuel928 3 месяца назад
Nah,people..Veggietales are Veggietales.😎
@ERENA771 3 месяца назад
バビロン捕囚後の歴史を書く エズラ記、ネヘミヤ記などを見ると ユダの一部の住民は ユダ、エルサレムへ戻ってきたようです しかし それは 文字通り一部であり ユダ族の中心をなす王の一族や高官たちが みな帰ってきたようには思えません エズラ記、ネヘミヤ記には ユダ族の王の記述や その王がユダ、エルサレムに帰還したとの記述は皆無だからです エズラ記、ネヘミヤ記に帰還した 人の名前が記載されていますが その中にユダの王の名前もその子の名前もありません すなわち 王を始めとした ユダ族の王族は バビロン捕囚を機に どこか別の地方へ移ってしまった可能性が高いのです この紀元前6世紀頃起きたバビロン捕囚を契機に ユダ族の民は その住む地によって分けられ 少なくとも2種類の地に住むことになったと言えるのです 1つは ユダ、エルサレムへ戻った人々です もう1つは バビロン捕囚後 ユダ以外の地へ移ってしまった人々です その中には ダビデ王朝の血筋を受け継ぐ 王族及びその家来高官などが含まれます そしてその王族を始めとした ユダの中心グループが東へ東へと移動し 最後に東の島国 日本にまでたどり着いたと考えることは あり得ないことではありません バビロン捕囚が起きたのは紀元前6世紀 今から2600年ほど前 日本の皇室の起源も 2600年ほど前です
@ERENA771 3 месяца назад
なぜ日本人は 無神論者が多いのか その謎は 日本は南ユダの人々が日本に渡来したからである ローマ人への手紙 11章8節 「神は今日に至るまで 彼らに鈍い心と見ない目と聞かない耳を与えられた」と書いてあるとおりです
@thatonefrenchguy9109 3 месяца назад
@sofkitty878 3 месяца назад
Joe a baby fr
@LookForTheDay 4 месяца назад
I got baptized and confirmed in the Catholic Church last year. It’s amazing to look at church history and see that it all started like that!! We believed the same for 1517 years until Martin Luther!!! That’s amazing to think about how I’m in the first church lol. I was a southern Baptist. Now I’m catholic wow, what a great feeling!!!
@alfredogonzalez3421 4 месяца назад
I find it strange that it's been a well known fact in knights of Columbus circles that Raymond is a closeted gay man.
@DerMelodist 4 месяца назад
8 years later and nothing has changed.
@grahamdano776 4 месяца назад
The woman who said he is unintelligent went too far. That borders on apostasy. The rest of the critiques are fine.
@d_n_j6298 4 месяца назад
c@tholics nowadays talk like those were saints but dont remember how they terrorized murdered and manipulated the whole southern hemisphere just to impose their faith
@filmmajor-qx3ys 4 месяца назад
I would be very interested in hearing other interpretations of the last shot in Garcia’s Last Days in the Desert. I have my own idea but whatever Garcia’s meaning, I feel that it is going to be missed by most viewers.
@kathrynsue1986 4 месяца назад
What was he trying to do to her hair?
@kevinkatima4975 4 месяца назад
@alvaroochoa5238 4 месяца назад
Man you'll just talking childish things, that's too systematic.
@CarolynBoudreaux-je3gf 5 месяцев назад
Toby Man is better. change my mind
@CarolynBoudreaux-je3gf 5 месяцев назад
the Holy water XD I get it I cried for the first time on good friday it was very meaningful, this year especially
@CarolynBoudreaux-je3gf 5 месяцев назад
I love the old youtube better!!
@hismajesty6272 5 месяцев назад
Pope Francis is horridly bad at communicating.
@Mariamaria-eq6us 5 месяцев назад
@New Catholic generation this video came on time. I am so sorry you went through that from so young. May i make a suggestion that you pray for God's help to help you manage your health issues. I started changing my prayer from take this pain away from me,to God give me strength to endure this pain. You also opened my eyes that truly we not perfect and we all have body insecurities. You truly don't know what the next person is going through.
@hellosupnamesdannydandanie2703 5 месяцев назад
This makes me really sad. You guys were considered our brave and bold youth. But you stopped uploading videos because of a virus. Disappointing and upsetting.
@NewCatholicGeneration 5 месяцев назад
We were very sad too. We moved far from each other in 2018 I believe. It was long before the virus. Everyone got jobs, multiple people got married and had children right away, and some even have different views now and so did not wish to continue in ministry.