Kyle Sullivan
Kyle Sullivan
Kyle Sullivan
Welcome, to Sullivaynia! We talk about horror novels and movies and sobriety and behind the scenes with my modeling shoots and so much more! (Soon anyway, I’m just getting the ball rolling but that’s the plan.)

I hope you stick around while I slowly build this channel up for all my spooky Halloween loving goth friends, and also people who aren’t those things. I hold no hate in my heart, and everyone is welcome!

So you soon!

Momento Mori
I’m back!
9 месяцев назад
5 Years Sober
3 года назад
The Return of Sam!
3 года назад
Let me start by saying I’m sorry...
3 года назад
4 Years Sober and Global Shutdown
4 года назад
The Choice Is Yours
4 года назад
Goals and Rambling from Yours Truly!
4 года назад
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
Three Years Sober!
5 лет назад
5 лет назад
Dealing with the Holidays
5 лет назад
The focal point of your life.
5 лет назад
My First Powerlifting Meet Recap
5 лет назад
Look UP.
5 лет назад
On Death and Hard Times
6 лет назад
The Fear of Missing Out
6 лет назад
Let Go Of Those That Need To Go.
6 лет назад
What To Do If You Slip Up.
6 лет назад
You DESERVE To Be Happy!
6 лет назад
@musicblogger87 26 дней назад
Are you well, Kyle? Your videos helped me early on in my sobriety, I’m going on 8 years clean.
@RuthAndMax Месяц назад
I stopped feeling safe in AA been going hard core in AA for the first three years then went less and less and even less in the last year. The drama is the most so much drama it will drive you to drink. All those people and nobody to talk to.
@FloridaMan786 Месяц назад
I’ve been sober for almost 5 years. I am not going to identify myself as an addict or alcoholic, that’s ridiculous. I did AA for a year, then one day I looked around and I was like wtf am I doing here?? Like not to belittle anyone’s experience but I was a hardcore junky, I was homeless for 5 years, I have 6 felonies, I’ve been in and out of rehab and AA many times, like 99% of people have no clue what that’s like. How am I going to take suggestions from someone who hit rock bottom while they were attending college, living in an apartment paid for by mom and dad, and never went to rehab? Whats kept me sober is the idea that I don’t want to suffer again. When I was using I was suffering beyond belief. That’s enough for me to stay sober.
@canaldeautoayuda6089 Месяц назад
Number one. You were court appointed.. most folks who accept aa are desperate.. and the books also says you may not be a true alcoholic but just a person who drinks too much .. number 2 .. the religious aspect you talk about is not imposed as they suggest you create a God of your own understanding. That's all. .no Jehova or Allah or Jesus is even talked about .... number 3 if you are a person who is not interested in mingling with others which is very uncomfortable I'm speaking as a person who has sat down in the rooms for over 1000 days... you are not going to like mingling with others .. I fully understood that being ntroverted it was definitely going to be a challenge for me .. but like Tum ferriis says.. just practice being uncomfortable until the u co.fortable becomes comfortable.. aa is not for the fainnt of heart .. definetley it take a lof ot courage to work this program..however if a person decides to take full resoponsability for their actions and decides to become spart of society again and a productive member thats wha the program is all about .. is very dificutl is very stoic is very discipline focused and it is for the people who really want a transformation a life atyle design .. not just quit the drinking. Anywho. Wish you the best in your joiurney kid❤❤
@brandonstanley9125 Месяц назад
Grew up in meetings. Developed a drinking problem for like 6-7 years. Quit. Went to two meetings, one in jail to get out of the cell. Couldn't stomach the religion. If I wanted church, I'd fucking go.
@sneakerfreak2002 3 месяца назад
It always strikes me as a platform that attracts narcissists who use it as a source of narcissistic supply. Always with the elaborate and dramatic stories
@etrebelle9812 3 месяца назад
blah blah. blah. I've done this for YEARS and absolutely no relationship in sight. Plenty of people I see though... getting in relationships without following any great passion!
@kemiro87 5 месяцев назад
maybe u free from alochol but u lying ur video fans
@darrenhadden1037 5 месяцев назад
Awesome 🎉 Love to know your gym routine.
@beckyblake8254 5 месяцев назад
I’m trying to get sober at the moment and your videos help so much. 🙏🏻 Looking forward to the eventual podcast! 🤩
@afrazer388 5 месяцев назад
Im jelly of your deadpool. My pop and figure collection is too thick. I jave a serious deapool problem.
@afrazer388 5 месяцев назад
Wow all that virgin skin you still had. Congratulations on the huge life charge and all this time you have into it. Now., you're setting a whole new idea on Jesus. He was a carpenter. But Depicted as a skinny little thing. Whatever brings the people lol. Again, fuck yeah on your accomplishments.
@afrazer388 5 месяцев назад
As a side note where's all the celtic jumper stuff. Maybe I'm going full re#@$@# but.....
@philparisi9175 5 месяцев назад
I think there’s a possibility that you’re not as important as you think you are I could be wrong, but you should be open to because you aren’t that important nobody’s world is revolving on whether or not you make RU-vid video.
@VinnieSweet15 6 месяцев назад
Goals 💫
@chris1317 6 месяцев назад
"How drunk can kyle get" to "how to hang with drunk family members" is my favorite pipeline
@adityacob 6 месяцев назад
I so much love your videos, have followed you from the time i thought i will quit but never focused. Keep rocking, will give it a try again.
@child3248 6 месяцев назад
I'm 480 days sober and having a rough time. These videos help me stay on the right track 🎉
@MsSheilaC 6 месяцев назад
Wow thats a fantastic accomplishment. I hope you continue 🙏🏻
@Rogue_Strummer 17 дней назад
I respect your struggle.. I am 18 days sober, and hit the worst of it last night.. I nearly grabbed a bottle. I am also finding these videos are helping somewhat.. I think the Kyle who does the videos is more relatable in comparison to other people I have seen. It sort of keeps things moderately in perspective.
@odyssey_healing_journey 6 месяцев назад
LOVE your sense of humour. Only recently discovered you on insta and really wished you had a youtube channel and longer form videos. And boom - here you are! I had no idea you had a RU-vid channel already. I have gone back over your earlier videos on here and as a recovered alcoholic and addict myself i am blown away by your transformation - you give people like me hope that there is more beyond addiction, there is a whole life to build and live beyond these struggles. So yah. Excited to see more you fabulous spooky cat loving human bean.
@karl-lo1up 7 месяцев назад
Stay sober
@godhelpus2day 7 месяцев назад
I'm glad you said AA doesn't work for you. That's the absolute truth AA doesn't work for anyone. I've been sober and happy as hell because I WORK FOR AA. I was a the grocery store and a lady behind me buying vodka said AA didn't work for her either. When I explained AA is for real alcoholic people and we work 12 steps to stay sober and sane at the same time. I work fo AA. She described the car she was driving and as I left the parking I saw she was behind me. I stopped to let a family of 4 cross the street, she was barrelling towards me. I was able to learn forward enough for her not to hit my car, but who knows if the drunk lady who left AA would have run over that family of 4 if I hadn't been a sober alcoholic. Good luck to you, I often 12 step alcoholic people when think they have a better way.
@Last_Green_Man 4 месяца назад
I heard that same shit in a "speaker" meeting and it honestly was the straw that broke the camel's back of your disgusting killer organization that has a 5-10 percent success rate by your own GSO numbers.. Your whole thing about "working for AA" is patronizing and condescending. Hey, you should not even be watching videos like this. You're clearly not spiritually fit. I'm telling your sponsor.
@JuniperJax 7 месяцев назад
Wish I would have watched thus a week ago...did a 5 day trip to SoCal for uncle's funeral where everyone drank..but...I made it sober
@buesi4life 8 месяцев назад
@bennetriley1988 8 месяцев назад
Here’s how I resolve the “is it a disease?” debate. People can bring diseases on themselves because of their own actions. That doesn’t mean it’s not a disease. People bring diseases on themselves on the time. Lung cancer can be caused by smoking, we all know smoking is bad for your health, but that doesn’t mean lung cancer isn’t a disease. I think that upholds personal responsibility while honoring the medical and psychological reality of addiction. 🖤
@bennetriley1988 8 месяцев назад
Habitual drinking leads to alcoholism, habitual drinking is the choice, addiction and alcoholism is the resulting disease.
@osooutdoors 8 месяцев назад
I was drinking multiple bottles a day for years, when I first started trying to quit I found your videos. I am now 16 months sober and about to be done with school with a great job lined up! Thank you man no telling how many other people used your videos as a tool!!! Happy new year brother
@garrettboyd1000 8 месяцев назад
I hope you’re still on the path of sobriety! Thanks for sharing your testimony.
@Witchywoman13 8 месяцев назад
I’m glad you made a decision that was healthy for you. I respect that. I think if you can drink responsibly and in moderation that’s one thing. If you’re not drinking to party and or get drunk that’s a different story.
@lamborghinicentenario2497 8 месяцев назад
Never thought I'd be getting advice from Machine Gun Kelly
@rachelgarrison992 8 месяцев назад
Thank you:) this is great- very helpful words, especially with family during holidays. Sharing yourself takes major major-ness:)) Keep it up, man:) Love it!
@user-mf7ll4nm4n 8 месяцев назад
I did not got get a sober in aa.
@tatianaersemusic 8 месяцев назад
It’s so true when it comes to influencing others…! I’ve started my gym regimen in June and it definitely affected some of my closest friends. Also, in music. Some have reached out to ask about ways to go about it so they can also succeed. It’s a really cool feeling to be able to help by example… anddddddd … how cute r u on getting better w the videos? I’m the same exact way hahahah . Get it! ❤
@tatianaersemusic 8 месяцев назад
@lazygagalxxxv 8 месяцев назад
I just discovered your reels on IG so came on RU-vid to look for the same stuff but didn't find any shorts. I think by uploading your reels as shorts here you can grow your YT channel which is a no brainer. There's clearly an audience for it here and your IG peeps can migrate here too. All the best for 2024.
@j-rod4217 9 месяцев назад
Glad to have you back. Ive checked your youtube channel periodically to see if youve posted any new vids (like I did tonight). I dont have the other socials just use youtube these days. Just wanted to say I'm glad to see your posting again always apriciate your insight brother.
@violentmelody90 9 месяцев назад
I’m so glad you’re back on here. I just wanted to tell you that I am 10 months sober from alcohol and your videos were one of the main things early on that made that possible for me and it means a lot.
@ctk381 9 месяцев назад
This video shows you more
@ladylucifire 9 месяцев назад
Oof you called me out a little with this one.
@ctk381 9 месяцев назад
You should be very proud to have found yourself at a young age.
@ctk381 9 месяцев назад
Proud of you Kyle 🙏 How long did it take you to feel like yourself, complete core self?
@LouisXavier-go5km 9 месяцев назад
The bad thing about addictions is that when we leave them a part of us dies... LOVE U...
@ladylucifire 9 месяцев назад
Wow, I am so proud of you as well as happy for you. This video resonated with me deeply. And I loved the part where you brought up sobriety being boring then said "go outside idiot" lol
@ladylucifire 9 месяцев назад
Omg I can't stand you 😂
@evanstookey3677 9 месяцев назад
“A man takes a drink. Then the drink takes the drink. Then the drink takes the man” - Chinese proverb I’m an addict too. So grateful for choosing to recover myself from addiction. Way to go brother.
@_menteinquieta 9 месяцев назад
Para promover a inovação e gerar empregos, é crucial adotar práticas sustentáveis no solo e no meio ambiente. Isso pode incluir investimentos em tecnologias verdes, agricultura sustentável e energias renováveis, criando oportunidades de emprego nessas áreas. Além disso, programas de treinamento para capacitar as pessoas nas novas tecnologias e práticas ambientais também contribuem para impulsionar o emprego. A integração de políticas públicas e parcerias entre governo, setor privado e sociedade é fundamental para garantir o sucesso dessas iniciativas. Você bem que moderia a me ajudar nesse projeto né 🤗 o que você acha ? 😙
@_menteinquieta 9 месяцев назад
A tecnologia e a educação podem desempenhar um papel significativo na reeducação de pessoas com problemas de dependência química. Aqui estão algumas maneiras pelas quais elas podem influenciar positivamente esse processo: 1. Acesso à informação: A tecnologia e a educação proporcionam acesso a informações sobre os efeitos prejudiciais das drogas e estratégias para superar a dependência. As pessoas podem acessar recursos online, participar de fóruns de discussão e assistir a vídeos educativos para aprender sobre o assunto. 2. Aplicativos e ferramentas para automonitoramento: Existem diversos aplicativos disponíveis para ajudar na reabilitação de dependentes químicos. Eles podem auxiliar na monitoração do consumo de substâncias, no registro de sintomas de abstinência e no rastreamento do progresso no processo de recuperação. 3. Terapia online: A terapia online tem se tornado cada vez mais popular e acessível. Através de plataformas digitais, as pessoas podem obter aconselhamento e suporte com profissionais qualificados, mesmo à distância. Isso facilita o acesso ao tratamento para pessoas que não podem comparecer a sessões presenciais. 4. Comunidades de apoio online: Existem comunidades online cheias de pessoas que estão passando pela mesma situação. Nesses fóruns e grupos de apoio, as pessoas podem compartilhar suas histórias, buscar conselhos e receber encorajamento dos outros membros. Isso proporciona um sentido de pertencimento e camaradagem durante o processo de recuperação. 5. Plataformas de aprendizado online: A educação pode ajudar as pessoas a desenvolverem habilidades e conhecimentos que as auxiliem em sua recuperação e proporcionem oportunidades para sua independência. Plataformas de ensino à distância fornecem acesso a cursos e treinamentos sobre assuntos variados, incluindo habilidades profissionais e pessoais. 6. Realidade virtual: Algumas instituições estão explorando o uso da realidade virtual no tratamento da dependência química. Essa tecnologia permite a criação de ambientes simulados, nos quais as pessoas podem praticar habilidades de enfrentamento de situações de risco e receber feedback imediato, sem se exporem a reais gatilhos de recaída. Em resumo, a tecnologia e a educação podem desempenhar um papel fundamental na reeducação de pessoas com problemas de dependência química, fornecendo informações, suporte, recursos e oportunidades de aprendizado para ajudá-las a superar seus desafios e conquistar sua independência. Oiê lindoooo
@bipolarexpress9827 9 месяцев назад
I believe in you, Kyle. And the most important thing is believing in yourself. Here’s to you growing channel. Review the new move Talk To Me!
@Wiizardii 9 месяцев назад
Another awesome video man - it left me with a lot of different thoughts. I really liked the Bruce Lee/Krishnamurti sort of mindset/philosophy at the end there when you told us that these are your tools/beliefs and we're supposed to pick the ones we like and disregard the rest. We should have the same mindset about everything else in life - books, philosophies, talks, etc. You pick the best parts from different sources and create your own philosophy, instead of blindly following someone else's path.
@NekoOnyx 9 месяцев назад
Just followed from Tik Tok 🤘
@BetsyMuller58 9 месяцев назад
Doing all this and working full time, GO YOU!!!
@hanneskbig4462 9 месяцев назад
Dude, im glad you´re back. totally resonate with me, but still strugglin. continue what you´re doin! great work
@soberman4679 9 месяцев назад
I watched your videos all the time in the spring of 2018, trying to stay sober but always fell back to drinking. It was painful. I used to go to bed drunk af, put one of your videos on my speaker hoping the message would come through. Eventually got sober in july 2018 and have stayed so since. Obviously life took a complete 180 and everything is so good for me now. In that regard I have nostalgia for your style of doing these vids, just you talking to the camera and no flashy intros or music. Please don't put any music on the background at LEAST! 😂 Thanks for sharing your story and experience, it's valuable.