패밀리워십 Family Worship
패밀리워십 Family Worship
패밀리워십 Family Worship
샬롬! 안녕하세요
저희는 중고등학생 아이 둘과 함께 가정에서 악기로 가족찬양을 드리고 있어요
평범한 일상과 가정에서부터 예배와 찬양이 흘러가길 소망하며 영상을 담고 있습니다

부족하지만 가족찬양으로 하나님을 찬양할 수 있음에 감사하며
어렵고 힘든 시기를 지나가는 모든 분들에게
하나님의 사랑과 은혜가 전해지길 기도하며 찬양을 나눕니다.♡

영상관련 문의사항은 janepraiseworship@gmail.com 로 주세요 ♡

[ Family Worship Band ]
Vocal & Piano : Mommy
E.Guitar & A.Guitar : Daddy
A.Guitar : 2nd Son
Drums : 1st Son
Mixing : Daddy

Shalom! Hello
We're having a family service with two middle and high school kids
I'm capturing this video, hoping to be full of worship and praise from my normal daily life and home

Thank you for praising God through family worship, even though it's not enough
To all those who are going through difficult times,
We share praise, praying for God's love and grace to be delivered.♡

If you have any questions about the video, please contact janepraiseworship@gmail.com ♡
The calling of GOD (covered by Family Worship)
8 месяцев назад