Lowest Expectations
Lowest Expectations
Lowest Expectations
Countdowns, commentary, Low-IQ Smash Bros. plays, bad jokes and dad jokes.
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Smash extras #33
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@DragonChief157 4 часа назад
Osbourne was such a good antagonist, his speech in cs 1 and 2 always steal the scene, he have such a presence, you never really hate him because his role as the chancellor justifies his action to make his empire great but you kinda hate him because he is so good at his job. I hope we have someone as great as him for the future of trails, maybe the grandmaster.
@tman4241 День назад
4:02:01 Smash4 moment
@CaptainAmerica2k7 День назад
Your #1 choice would have been less impactful if those two games were in one single game as the developers intended imo. The decision to split the game into first and second chapters probably forced many gamers to buy the sequels including myself. I could not wait to continue after the FC was done. Same goes for CS2 after CS1 was completed and CS4 after CS3 was completed. Exceptionally masterful story telling. I did not find CS4 lacking in story. I quite enjoyed it probably because i get to control the characters from previous arcs. I admit the huge roster was a bit overwhelming.
@RyeAkai День назад
This is going to be my longest comment ever (prolly spoilers in it) I was agreeing way too much in the other videos, so it's kinda fun to find some disagreements here even though I do agree with a lot of what's said too. Starting with Trails: I agree Kevin is amazing. He was presented as a nice guy who liked to joke but was also serious, didn't feel like the typical protagonist at all (who uses a crossbow as a protagonist. Ries actually had the protagonist sword). I think I prefer Estelle, but that also has to do with Falcom forgetting about Kevin's existence (until now!) and Estelle shining through 4 games (and appearing in 7 total games). While quality over quantity, quantity does matter when there's quality in both cases. Both of them are top tier any ways. Now, my point of disagreement, to a degree, is Lloyd. I mean, I totally agree he can be way too preachy. I was getting tired with the speeches... but at the end of the day, I do like Lloyd (I prefer both Kevin and Estelle... and Van, but that guy obviously wasn't gonna be considered in this 1year+ old video). I think Lloyd shares a great quality with Estelle and that's the fact that he's not the chose one, he's not the edgy teenager with a sword who somehow has the world revolving around him and he's not the super powerful protagonist that goes and beat legends with 30 minutes of training. While he can be cringy with his stuff at times, I do like the fact of him being a detective and the games using that a fair amount in discovering what the hell happened in many cases through both Zero and Azure, with one huge mystery through both games that's of course Guy's death. Of course, all I just said connect to what I'm gonna say now that's gonna anger some fans, and that's the fact that I personally think he's easily a better protagonist than Rean, especially CS1-2 Rean. This is because I am also tired of the Kirito protagonists everywhere that will have the world revolving around them. Of course he was Class 7 leader because... Sara randomly grabbed him, of course he was the awaited chosen awakener of precisely Driechel's former giant mech, of course he was pretty much the core of Erebonia's curse, of course he had every single girl behind him in about a couple months... it kinda annoys me that they made him so centric in a series that was never centric towards a character... even 3rd managed to not be that Kevin centered even if the plot made it Kevin centered. I do think Reans feels better as a teacher in CS3 though and even in 4, although the plot does not help him in the last one. He's also pretty cool in Reverie. And he's even worse than Lloyd in the preaching department... I am also kinda tired of high schools, especially in a game like Kiseki, but that's not just a Rean thing. Velvet is amazing. She's my favorite Tales character. Her backstory feels pretty much like a more family-friendly version of Berserk, and I'm all up to that. But while being edgy, she still managed to be fun and not cringy. I'll use the chance though to talk about one of the disagreements, which would be Luke Fon Fabre (although I do agree Jade is king). I mean, disagree in a way. Yes, he is incredibly annoying during the first part of the game, so in a sense, of course I can agree with him being a "least favorite", but at the same time, in the grand scheme of things, he's annoying for reasons to the plot. I think that, while I do agree with "Tales" not being particularly good at tales, Abyss is actually the one where I think the story is actually good, and Luke being the annoying brat he was is part of that story. I do think there are reasons for which the party does go with him. I don't remember the details for all of them, but I do remember it was pretty much Guy's (was it guy the name of the other swordsman?) job, and I definitely remember Tear was doing it for a sense of responsibility because he was taken away from the palace because of her mistake. Pretty sure there were reasons for the rest too, and that does make a difference. It's true he becomes a bit of a "typical protagonist" after the big incident, but contrary to most typical protagonists, at least he had a journey and growth to get there. So it's kinda tough for me... I won't go and say he's among my favorite characters of all-time, but he is the protagonist of my favorite Tales overall, and his role, even the negative aspects, play a role on that. Laharl is pretty much with everything there. He's fun, he somehow has development in that ridiculous plot and generally speaking worked great. Most memorable Disagea character for me. I didn't finish Fairy Fencer F, but I did play it. A big part of the reason I didn't finish it is because I found the protagonist to be quite annoying. A jerk can be an interesting character, but this just felt... annoying, like it was for the sake of being... yeah, bad one for sure. Kinda agree with Ar Tonelico to an extent. I wouldn't say Lyner is one of my least favs, and I would not call Croix my fav, but I do think Lyner is bland, Croix is great and the protagonist upgrade was huge. 2nd biggest elephant would be Xenoblade. As a whole, I mostly agree with Shulk. To be honest, out of the 3 Xenoblades, 1 was the one I enjoyed the least, and a good part of that was that I felt the party was incredibly boring, but it's also true that I think the party felt boring because the game was incredibly Shulk-centered, and contrary to other swordsman chose protagonists, Shulk had a good head on his shoulders, was overall a nice guy with clear flaws and even at his worst, he wasn't a guy dragging everyone down in his depressions or something like that. So as a whole, I think him being in the list is actually something I can agree (also, while I say XC1 was the one I enjoyed the least, that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it). Now the biggest disagreement would be Rex. I guess this also shows the big disagreement on XC2. As a whole, I will say I'm a firm believer that XG and Saga are easily the best part of the Xeno franchise. I enjoy XC, but I think their storytelling is nowhere near Xenosaga or Xenogears, like, not even remotely close, not even in the same stratosphere. But I think the game when kinda shounen with Xenoblade. I mean, I do think Shulk is the better character, but he's still quite shounen in my book. Still I still think Xenoblade (1, 2 and 3) have a better story than the norm of games, and while 2 may have more anime tropes and such, it does have the best villains in the Blade series and I did enjoy the party as a whole. I did dislike Rex's design though, I will agree on that part. And he could be annoying at times, but again, he's a character that does show a ton of growth in many aspects, and was generally speaking still a good kid who worked a ton and sent most of the money he earned to his hometown and such. Also going into XC2, I think it actually has the best combat in the series, although the game is horrible at explaining said combat. As a whole, I won't go and defend Rex saying he's among my favorite, but I definitely didn't dislike him, and XC2 didn't particularly kill my love for the Xeno franchise (XC as a whole did make me accept I'll never get to the levels of story expositions Saga and Gears, but that was a realisation I had with Xenoblade 1 back in the Wii days... I already recovered from that). By the same line, by the way, I do think Shion, Rubedo (he is kinda protagonist in XS2) and KOS-MOS are better than Rex, and Shulk, and Noah, for that matter. I would recommend you reconsider giving a chance to Torna though, if it helps you. Rex is nowhere to be seen in that DLC. And since I'm talking Xeno, I'll just go and say Fei in Xenogears is great. He's of course a huge part of why the story of Xenogears is as good as it is, and he's mostly a great guy too. Definitely worthy of being in a top 10 for me too. I'm not the biggest fan of Neptunia games, but I did enjoy the first game and Neptunia was really likeable. Didn't play Atelier Meruru, so 0 opinion there. Again, cute girl I guess. Same with Firis, but the annoying english voice thing did remind me I never said that I do agree about Lyner's voice in Ar Tonelico. And speaking of Ar no Surge, haven't played that one. Still have it for the PS3 gathering dust in my shelf since I bought it when it was a new game. Just noticed I skipped Van... I shouldn't have done that while writing this, but Square probably should've when writing FFXII script. I agree FFXII is a good game. The plot is fun and it does have some really good characters like Balthier, but Van just sucks as a protagonists. Not only he feels irrelevant, but whenever he kinda tries to get some spotlight, he tends to be annoying. He definitely deserves a spot in least favorite, imo. I do consider Tidus annoying at the beginning, and at the middle at times too, but I do think his growth is incredible and it's written in a very clever way to help us understand the world of Spira. By the end of the game, I definitely did appreciate him a lot. I love Alicia in VP2, and Silmeria 2. I like their inner interactions. I love that game as a whole. She would probably be a part of my top 10 favorite protagonists beyond the honorable mentions in my case. Still, it does make me smile to see her mentioned because Valkyrie Profile 2 is, nowadays, a relatively forgotten gem. Daddy NieR is amazing. I have a weak spot for older protagonists, so there's that. And that's actually one of the reasons I've never actually played Replicant, because while I did love the NieR story, I kinda don't want to play as teenager 203835825 when I went through it as Chad Dad. I promise this will be the longest youtube comment I ever write. Actually had to shorten it because it was too long to send
@chikupachi День назад
This is the only Dragon Quest game I spent too much time on.
@JetTheBaron 2 дня назад
Rean is definitely on my top 10 favourites. Sure, he's a harem protagonist, but his character arc over his 5 games is really good. You failed to mention the events that happened to him and his classmates throughout the games, and only covered his harem. The ending of both Cold Steel 1 and Cold Steel 3 are enough to place him in the top 10. Also Van Arkride has to be on the top 10 favourites too. I won't spoil his arc, but he is by far the most relatable and my favourite Trails MC.
@toolman4745 3 дня назад
Really enjoyed the video. Great editing and script. Definitely throwing a sub your way to continue seeing what you do. If I might make a request, please lay off the R word in future.
@RyeAkai 4 дня назад
4 and a half years. That's how much those of us who played FC on PSP back then when it first released had to wait after THAT cliffhanger. 4 and half years. It was gruesome. And the game even did have a trailer of SC at the end. We knew the game existed in japanese, so it was right there, but we couldn't reach it. To think we now even have Kuro 2 confirmed for next year, and we'll likely be on par with Japan for the first time by the end of 2025 or start of 2026 when they release Kai (which at this point is kind of a given it'll happen, contrary to back when we didn't even know for sure if we'd get Sky SC because while it was announced, the PSP was kind of in its last legs, so everyone knew it was likely not the best financial decision).
@KatieT97 5 дней назад
My least favorite moment has to be in cold steel 4 when you get to the basin and find Musse again. I hated Musse throughout the entire new class VII arc and only keep her on the team for healing but goddammit her entire personality is just sexual harassment. Anyway she goes through the speech about how she’s been creating a 3rd faction for the war, talking with major powers into joining the cause, not to mention planning this since CS 3 barely begins and I thought oh wow Musse is actually really intelligent and cunning I respect the hustle. Then as soon as the other characters get on it they’re like “oh so all of that weird stuff you do is just a diversion from your real plans?” And Musse replies something like “No I really do just want Instructor Rean’s *Divine Blade*” I immediately wanted to kill off Musse
@LowestExpectations 2 дня назад
Maybe Falcom could redeem her and kill her off by heroically sacrificing herself to save Rean and the others... Gahahaha just kidding they would never do that. See #2 in the video lol. I don't like Musse all that much either. She's like the personification of Falcom's bad direction post-Azure.
@RyeAkai 5 дней назад
I already disliked the bonding mechanics in Zero, but at least the romance option in that game was clearly just Elie. This got a bit worse in Ao because now Rixia and Noel were kinda there too and it does show in Reverie later too. But at least, I think even after Reverie, no matter who (likely Rixia) your favorite Crossbell waifu is, everyone will accept Elie has the more realistic choice for Lloyd due to the many scenes, both optional and obligatory, that kinda throw things in that direction. As you said, in CS1 the game kinda did the same with Alisa in CS1, as she clearly feels like a more "canon" option in that game due to many obligatory scenes... but contrary to Crossbell they quickly threw that away and for CS3, Laura and Emma felt just as canon, and by CS4... oh god.. this is the lowest point. Duvalie became my favorite playable girl likely because she didn't have a Sky or Crossbell crush already (Lianne doesn't count) and she didn't love Rean. That's it. The bonding events went to the extreme in the romance with pretty much every single old enough girl (younger one were just kinda left on hold, but they're there too). And while the events weren't that relevant to the main plot, a lot of things of different bonding events are assumed to have happened, or there are things that lead to them, etc. Every single girl loves Rean, which ironically makes them victim of the second biggest curse that took hold Erebonia with Rean at its center: All erebonian females are bound to be single for the rest of time. Even is Rean chooses one of them, they'll just forget in a while (next game). I don't give a damn who Falcom picks. At this point they could even pick Elise for all I care (she annoys me, but whatever), just pick something (I guess this is more on that refusal to commit problem). Pick someone, let the other girls get someone. Millium somehow managed to escape the curse and thanks to that she ends up having some nice moments with Jusis, Gaius is a male so he manages to have some nice moments with the nurse twin (not Vivi, forgot name right now), Machias is likely building something with that crazy girl that works in the department store in Crossbell... but girls? yeah, nothing. Elise, ironically speaking, could have something with Patrick and that would actually be nice to see, but of course it can't happen. I sure hope at least Lloyd and Elie become something official at some point and Rean -not the player- just chooses someone and we can all move one. I don't know, now that we're moving to Calvard it might be hilarious if Rean meets a completely new girl and just leave his complete harem behind for her. Oh, the reactions would be hilarious. Years of waifu wars and no victor. But that won't happen.
@LowestExpectations 2 дня назад
Yeah the bonding mechanics were not fit for this series at all imo. Lloyd and Elie are the most natural fit for each other, it's no contest, and Rean is kind of up in the air, but I'd want them to just choose one and be done with this nonsense too. I don't know if you've seen the Kai no Kiseki previews, but we may get an answer for one of them in that game... maybe.
@Karryu1995 5 дней назад
if you spoiled yourself, fuck you just kidding unless?
@LowestExpectations 2 дня назад
@Karryu1995 2 часа назад
@@LowestExpectations just in case: joke regarding 44:33
@RyeAkai 5 дней назад
You really had me when you mentioned Lezard. He was definitely not a plot twist for me as a VP1 player, but it was still really fun being like "the hell's he doing in my party, hide Alice! He's a valkyrie freak!" Incredibly memorable in both games. At first I was "wait, a Kiseki villain in the bad list" then it was Cayenne and I was like "oh right, that guy. Makes sense". Love to see Weissman, Loewe and Osborne in the list. All 3 are so incredibly different, yet amazing for different things. Also very happy to see Ar Tonelico alive in the minds of other people. I think Mir was especially cool as she returned as playable in Ar Tonelico 2. OST of this franchise isn't talked about enough. It's funny you mention Team Aqua and Team Magma. I can't talk about the red-hair guy, but it's precisely the 3rd gen where I decided my time with pokemon was up. Finished the game, but didn't ever touch a pokemon game again. You didn't mention this, but I think that, ironically speaking, besied his cool appearance, one of the things that make Sephiroth so special in the first game is that he actually barely appears, and that just adds to his mystique (edgy) aura. We can see his trail of blood, so to speak, but we don't actually see him, we just know he's ahead of us, but eerily close at the same time. I love Xenoblade 3, but I do absolutely agree about Moebius. I think they had potential as this 3rd party controlling both sides to battle each other, but as a whole was kinda horribly executed. Z was very plain too. This would've definitely been my favorite Xenoblade game with better villains (something 2 did great and 1 was good, imo), but I can't easily call it the best because this is actually a big problem. Takes a lot away from what generally speaking a nice setting and some amazing party interactions. Loved the fact that Future Redeemed barely had any Moebius. Finally, opening up with Sergius and finishing up with Albedo... kudos for that. Sergius was indeed kinda bland, especially in a series full of great protagonists and antagonists, and even some amazing in-betweens. I'm not sure if he'd be among my "10 least favorites" but it does kinda stand out considering the game he's from... and one of the reasons is precisely because that same saga has Albedo, the biggest maniac out there who's absolutely amazing at his job of being a villain. Xenosaga 2 tends to be considered the black sheep of the saga because of its combat and art direction, but I actually love the game, and Albedo is likely the biggest reason. I do kinda miss here the Suikoden 2 antagonists. I think those are the first that came to mind as missing characters in the good list. In the same light, Delita from FFT. For antagonists, maybe because I just played it recently, but first that comes to mind is Ultima from FFXVI, which felt very underwhelming in what I otherwise consider a really nice story overall.
@LowestExpectations 2 дня назад
Thanks for all the long comments recently. If you're interested, there is still a small community of Ar Tonelico fans out there, with one of the biggest contributors Aquagon having done a relocalization of Ar Tonelico 2 back in 2017 that was very good, and is currently working on a fan translation of Ciel Nosurge, which we never got in the west. FF7: I should have gone into more detail on Sephiroth, but it had been quite a while since I played the game, so I didn't want to say anything that would sound wrong. Xenosaga: I'm glad you liked it. I love this series, and Xenosaga 2 has many of my favorite moments in the entire Xeno series, even though it's a pain to play through. I do hope that they will re-release the trilogy some day, but it seems like Bamco doesn't want to. As for Suikoden, I have not played it but I hear a lot of good things, so maybe I will one day.
@RyeAkai День назад
@@LowestExpectations I'll check the Ar Tonelico thing. Might even be an excuse to replay the games, since it's been a long while since I played them. I sure recommend Suikoden. Like, considering the videos I've seen lately, I don't see how you wouldn't like them, especially 2 and 4 (they also used to be like the go-to franchise of related games before Trails became a thing). Not sure if you played Future Redeemed, but without saying much, I will say that DLC gave me at least a tiny bit of hope about Xenosaga maybe getting some form of rerelease at some point. Or maybe it's just me dreaming, but it'd be nice.
@MandalorOrdo 7 дней назад
Im so glad i found another Alisa hater. I hope she never becomes playable again. EVER.
@LowestExpectations 2 дня назад
Fortunately she hasn't been confirmed for Kai.... yet.
@KiryuZer0 8 дней назад
Moebius are like Powerranger Monsters of the week they come do their stupid stuff transform and die. Still liked Xenoblade 3 though. Also, I think the pure disrespect not even mentioning Kefka, the clown who manipulated an Empire and became a god, is worth a dislike Kefka is such a good Vilian, he at least would have deserved an Honorable mention.
@LowestExpectations 7 дней назад
That's a good comparison lol. Did you watch the honorable mentions? He's at 59:08, and the reason he isn't on the main list is because I didn't finish FF6 due to being spoiled.
@KiryuZer0 8 дней назад
This List reminded me why Ar Tonelico 2 is one of my favorite JRPGs. I was so hooked I played through the game in 4 settings, good thing you don't need much sleep when you are younger... Also, I don't have such a great dislike with Rex I am more meh about him like with Xenoblade 2 it's just too much of a mesh of stuff that's unbearable at times. They did redeem themself with Noah and Mio in Xenoblade 2 though who even top Shulk for me.
@LowestExpectations 7 дней назад
Oh yeah, AT2 is one of those games that gets its hooks in you and never lets go. To me, Noah and Mio are just okay. Not great but not bad either.
@JetTheBaron 8 дней назад
No Doomsday Trance? The name itself should be able to put it on the list. Also yes, I know the ''trance'' part probably refers to the genre of music, but it could also mean you're in a ''half-conscious state'', befitting of when it plays.
@LowestExpectations 8 дней назад
It is a good song. I just like the others more!
@JetTheBaron 7 дней назад
@@LowestExpectations It's not even in the top 100? That's crazy
@LowestExpectations 7 дней назад
That's the thing about Falcom music, most of it is so good, pretty much any top 10 or 100 is valid. It's all just down to preference.
@JetTheBaron 5 дней назад
@@LowestExpectations Fair
@oatmellofi 8 дней назад
thanks for shouting out dreamsweeper <3
@LowestExpectations 8 дней назад
As a Minesweeper aficionado, how could I not? 😉 Thanks for checking out the video!
@oct.23mike64 9 дней назад
Best fighters Pass 1 character *starts licking old fan salt*
@Jeshjuan 11 дней назад
This stream will Cum back to haunt me in my nightmares. This stream will feel sticky and yucky from our commentary. This isn’t likely, but someone will feel very creamy from our commentary.
@amacandtheswordoflight310 13 дней назад
Eating my dinner while watching this
@LowestExpectations 13 дней назад
Hope you enjoyed it
@Anewyou1337 14 дней назад
Great wrap-up as always LE. The change seems alright: can't count your gaming chickens until they hatch.
@LowestExpectations 13 дней назад
Thanks, and good to know, this will solve a lot of annoying issues with that segment lol.
@QuillpigGaming 14 дней назад
SimAnt can never be replaced!
@LowestExpectations 13 дней назад
Won't stop some devs from trying!
@LowestExpectations 14 дней назад
Here's a link to my Steam curator: store.steampowered.com/curator/44980999/ Top 10 Best and Worst Games from the June Summer Showcases: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-m0ri2GMkNTQ.html Also please let me know your thoughts on what I brought up at 17:26 regarding the release list.
@mliler1405 2 дня назад
I honestly feel bad for you. This is the kind of stuff that you make your life literally depends on playing this game wow. That’s just beyond sad because it proves my point people like you have gotten so sick of failing to compete and games that people like me are great and so now it’s gotten to the point where you are literally just making up things saying that nobody wants to even be good at these games, which is sad Saying that nobody wants to be good at battlefield or nobody wants to be or nobody wants to be good at Apex is just beyond broken It’s just the viewpoint of somebody who has always been a failure and wants other people to not look at them like that so they’ll say something like nobody even wants to be good at this. I’m not a failure for not being. Like I said this is just for you.
@LowestExpectations 2 дня назад
@@mliler1405 Bro you are so mad that you came to my channel from a completely different video and wrote this unintelligible gibberish. Stay salty, pony 🐎🧂
@mliler1405 2 дня назад
@@LowestExpectations I just came to put it in the perspective. You’re a crazy person and they’ll always be consequences for those actions. I can only imagine how broken of a person you must be some menial job and when you’re not doing that, you’re creating some piss poor personality on this RU-vid channel, highly analytical people like me look down on people like you Was a Roman times you would be a plebe.
@mliler1405 2 дня назад
@@LowestExpectations let me put it in perspective for you then you might not be a bot but you’re definitely a loser. Sucks to suck Nana boo-boo. I’m better than you stick your head in Doodoo.
@tman4241 2 дня назад
you done coping yet
@ne2359 14 дней назад
Im surprised that you could have Estelle and Tidus be some of your favorite protagonists but hate Rex so strongly. I think that his being thrusted into the role of hero works really well for the overall depressing state of Xenoblade 2's world. Everyone in that game was done dirty by the state of their world and only someone like Rex could solve it.
@PurpYoshii 14 дней назад
I'm gay and i approve this message.
@LowestExpectations 13 дней назад
@eduardocantos2141 15 дней назад
I agree
@LowestExpectations 15 дней назад
@andremuniz9928 16 дней назад
That Vivec was AWESOME
@LowestExpectations 16 дней назад
Thanks! So sad I couldn't finish it 😭
@lublife 17 дней назад
DQB director Kazuya Nino said he loves to make DQB3 if SquareEnix request him.
@LowestExpectations 16 дней назад
I hope it comes true 😭
@amacandtheswordoflight310 19 дней назад
😂😂😂 just Dance One kills me that hilarious
@LowestExpectations 19 дней назад
@amacandtheswordoflight310 19 дней назад
I'm really excited for Dragon Quest I can't wait
@LowestExpectations 19 дней назад
Yeah it looks really good
@deadman3140 20 дней назад
#7 best; Mecha Break looks like the Nvidea GeForce tech demo.
@LowestExpectations 19 дней назад
Hmm I don't think I saw that.
@GameZard 20 дней назад
Dragon age Veilguard will be trash.
@LowestExpectations 19 дней назад
Yeah probably. Kind of baffling how many were willing to give a company like EA and current year Bioware another chance after the gameplay showcase dropped.
@mysterysynergy8211 20 дней назад
Most of the games shown on these showcses more and more look like games done before, but probably worse. Expedition 33 was definitely a big highlight of the showcases, looks to have a more mature story and the gameplay looks solid, cant wait to see how it will perform.
@LowestExpectations 19 дней назад
That was kind of my problem with the Metroid Prime 4 trailer, but we'll have to see more first. As for 33, I haven't been so optimistic about an upcoming game in such a long time. I hope it will be as good as it looks when it comes out.
@PurpYoshii 20 дней назад
good memes #1 best looks sick
@LowestExpectations 19 дней назад
Thanks, and yeah it does!
@Official_RetroMania 20 дней назад
I disagree that Monopoly is a bad boardgame, it is very fun I remember playing it all the time with my friends and family HOWEVER, when it comes to this Ubisoft game I absolutely 100% agree with you.
@LowestExpectations 19 дней назад
It can be kinda fun for the first 15 minutes or so, then it usually gets drawn out into this mind-numbing forever stalemate. I remember having to sit through 3-4 hour games in the past, it was misery lol
@Official_RetroMania 19 дней назад
@@LowestExpectations Yeah some games can take that long, sometimes you win or lose in like 30 - 60 minutes and sometimes a game can take 3 or 4 hours.
@kandykat77 19 дней назад
​@@LowestExpectationsThe one time it was fun, was when my sister and I played the Rick and Morty (No I'm definitely not a fan lol) Monopoly, that only lasted like two hours. After that we tried Lion King Monopoly, and I just forfeited because it was like 4 hours, and like midnight lol
@LowestExpectations 19 дней назад
@@kandykat77 Lol. At least the Rick and Morty version would be amusing in some way I guess.
@kandykat77 19 дней назад
@@LowestExpectations Yeah it had some funny cards, references to the show I'm sure, but ya know lol
@LowestExpectations 20 дней назад
By the way, the song at 0:07 is called "Crossroads" by Southern Empire. Fantastic 29-minute epic song. You can check out a live version here: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-B2wl2iSB8W4.html
@Official_RetroMania 20 дней назад
I think the problem with these showcase is that at least the previous E3 ones and Summer Games have way too much fluff, way too many devs going on camera on stage, way too many sponsored advertisments, way too many filler games, dlc whatever and I honestly felt burned out. The best showcases by far were done by Microsoft and Nintendo this year.
@LowestExpectations 19 дней назад
Yeah, just show me the games! That's why I loved the Best Indie Showcase on June 4th so much.
@OhNoAlexxStreams 20 дней назад
Almost 1K subs! Congratulations!
@LowestExpectations 20 дней назад
Thanks! Hope I can make it before 2025 lol
@OhNoAlexxStreams 20 дней назад
@@LowestExpectationsI wasn’t ready for the Harman clips 😆
@LowestExpectations 19 дней назад
@@OhNoAlexxStreams I T ' S O V E R
@sjenson6694 21 день назад
I've beaten both of them on PS and switch a dozen times.. been waiting for a third one forever.
@DarkAngel42027 21 день назад
Lmao, I miss playing smash bros with you:)
@tman4241 22 дня назад
7:14:13 Certified Penishole moment
@tman4241 22 дня назад
@wpower7435 23 дня назад
7:45 the disrespect is too much damn DK 8:57 king of darkness heavily disrespected by two kruel kings *Which one is the most salty between those two moments I'm curious to know*
@OJvdH 23 дня назад
I agree with a lot of things on this list. Especially the stupid Cs4 ending. The normal ending would have been better where it not for the fact that it ruins Reans character development! I also think that the herun bulshut really started in cs3 and got worse in Cs4. In coldsteel 1 you can just dance with anyone including the boys and it was a very sweet friendship moment. In cs2 you can romance all girls but they only confess to you in after you make your romance choice. So it never becomes a herun. In cs3 and 4 though you get the persona 3 vanilla problem where completing all of a character social events makes them confes to you. I hate it. Cs4 is my least favorit trails game I played.
@LowestExpectations 2 дня назад
Yeah from a story perspective, I think CS4 is the worst in the series. Pretty much just the gameplay/battle system is what holds it up from being completely bad. Thankfully the harem crap is heavily reduced in the Calvard games.
@OJvdH 2 дня назад
@@LowestExpectations yeah I agree. The gameplay is good. I overal still enjoyed Cs4. But it's still the weakest of the games!
@GameZard 24 дня назад
This is why I don't buy consoles.
@EVOLV-ur1ob 25 дней назад
I don’t get why they don’t make DQB3 I mean the second game was a full succeed, I’m still waiting 😢
@TheStampede_ 29 дней назад
I genuinely hated playing through CS4. The moments of bad writing and general fan service cringe really soured my thoughts on CS as a whole. The ending and Reverie are what saved it.
@LowestExpectations 2 дня назад
Honestly the ending of CS4 was ridiculous to me, and I thought Osborne was the only one who got a proper conclusion to his story. Reverie didn't do enough to pick up the pieces, but I did really like that game because of its gameplay.