@harkema8090 6 дней назад
Mr. Souza is trying to force a round stick in a square opening.
@joecheffo5942 25 дней назад
Why does Dinesh always shouting?
@berrylict Месяц назад
Christopher Hitchens with a bad perm.
@bazbarrett8103 Месяц назад
Religious believer...idiot... which means...I have to believe in something. But not yourself.
@woodytheduke Месяц назад
Dinesh is a trump lover,,,,need I say more? Proof that you can't fix stupid!
@BadMannerKorea Месяц назад
Unfortunately Christopher ignored these signs at 27:47 29:20 1:19:35. Would it have been too late if he went to the doctor in February 2007? I don't know.
@PrabinGolapi-ji4bf 2 месяца назад
I love you Dinesh.
@JK-br1mu 2 месяца назад
Hitchens occasionally tells outrageous lies as if they're fact, a common characteristic of Marxists.....even if he's nice to listen to on other matters......his fairytale around 5:05 that liberal journalists in the 1980s didn't make trouble for the Reagan administration on Sunday morning programs is complete nonsense. The Reagan admin would be very interested to learn that they never had an unpleasant interview, whether before 1986 or after.
@dmbindallas 2 месяца назад
Oh good lord I’m a good historian and theologian who has degrees I’ve earned and training). I definitely respect Hitchens though. If our faith is worth anything it ought to be able to hold up to solid logic and rigorous opposition (this is different than Dawkins who’s just a jackass). Hitchens was incredible. I’m not sure after a PhD in my field that I would be comfortable representing the faith. But sure let’s let the weird little jailbird D’Souza try *watches with anticipation*
@mawalir937 3 месяца назад
Its always great to listen to Hitch. But, as I listen it reminds me how some people whom he trusted, befriended for their courage to leave religion went around and stabbed in the back b y reverting back to religion. I am speaking of that illiterate broad Ayaan Hirshi Ali who now has converted to Christianity the religion that has been rendered defunct by its own scholars like Bart Ehrman and others. Also Sam Harris has gone to Buddhism which was never meant to be a religion by this fictitious character Buddha who on his death bed said to people who were crying and wailing " go find your own Buddha within yourself" They made a religion out of it and all the successive Dalai Lama;s have been milking it ever since.
@SheaSF 3 месяца назад
Holy shit, this must have been an early one. I hadn't seen it. What I''m sure of is that Dinesh honed his arguments based on responding to Christopher Hitchens over the next year or so, since I've watched the later debates. I imagine the he is embarrassed by this recording. He should be.
@Wrz2e 3 месяца назад
@kdee8166 4 месяца назад
An intelligent presentation from such erudite and articulate, and sorely missed intellectuals. The antithesis of today's hideous and ignorant discourse.
@jestermoon 5 месяцев назад
Take A Moment Relax and Enjoy a genius at play 2024 and nothing has changed 😮 You would have enjoyed Trump 😂 Thx Zeus ✔️ No god's seen or heard in my foxhole for 46 years, I am a veteran of the RAF. PTSD is my constant devil 😈 Keep Talking Stay Safe and Stay Free 41:57
@JackChessa 5 месяцев назад
These were the best days of TV journalism a form that has long since left this planet.
@abc-oq7dt 5 месяцев назад
Called out your Fox's CNN's and the lot in the 80s for things they do to this day
@francisj.opolko3728 5 месяцев назад
Black irony that Israeli now has begun a holocaust in Palestine.
@jtro77 5 месяцев назад
He is remembered with great regard. He wasn't perfect, like with many historical "prophets", but extrapolate the best of the message. There are always people of the time who are vilified by speaking 'sense'. Be good. Try.
@UrbanOspreys 5 месяцев назад
“While I might not personally hand the keys of my house to the descendants of a Hitler victim, I expect others to do it based on ethnic background.” “I hope unconscious bias isn’t a harbinger of common later-years racism." "Or fiction falling to locked-out trash, unlocked only in flashes when I, y’know, timidly confront myself.” "Thank you, Martin."
@robcoates 6 месяцев назад
Hahaha "Ports-Mouth" Loved to see him laugh at that
@althomas6045 6 месяцев назад
@johntaylor4817 7 месяцев назад
Spot on description of the Sunday morning gabfests, MTP, This Week, Face the Nation, etc.
@CatastrophicalPencil 7 месяцев назад
2023: So much for the tolerant left 1987: Mr "Bitch"ens, this is the COMPASSIONATE LEFT (55:24)
@IndependentFckr 7 месяцев назад
Does “Philo-Semitism” include Arabs since they are Semitic?
@antidy 7 месяцев назад
Two masters of the English language. Smoking and drinking on stage and still delivering a beautifully crafted and intelligent argument. Chapeau ❤
@jeffmilroy9345 7 месяцев назад
"What a horrible career. I gather it's soon to be over. I certainly hope so."
@WKRPinCINN 7 месяцев назад
I have never seen Hitchens smile as much in any video I've watched before.
@rahinc 8 месяцев назад
I see that Christopher is enjoying a glass of…hmm…Johnny Walker?
@jsb4812 9 месяцев назад
55:04 He is amused by the "Mr Bitchens" comment. It is hilarious 😅
@DavidHarrison-js3ji 10 месяцев назад
An intellectual giant talking to a donkey .
@eddieheron1939 10 месяцев назад
It becomes more and more apparent to me, that ALL religion, with all its claims, are products of human imagination. Should there be some creator of some kind, its literally unbelievable that it's some force with human existence and progress as any priority. Sure, when the Sun went round the Earth along with 5 planets, with a Milky Way up there, whatever that was, it had been easy to get all narcissistic about life and our place in existence.
@eddieheron1939 10 месяцев назад
D'Souza - the religiously minded can "love your enemy", while the evolved being will 'destroy the enemy'. How much conflict in our world is between different religions? Who used to be the evolving human's enemy? Was it wise to 'reduce' headcount of whatever group or indeed species that were impacting our evolution? But, our species Evolution was since life began on earth, while his Christian Morality(?) is but 2000 years old, him falsely(?) implying the morals I have as an atheist have anything to do with that claim - I'd claim not!
@jasonpill179 11 месяцев назад
This clip has 1987 in the title presumably suggesting this was aired that year however when talking about The Nation magazine Hitch states that it was started by 'a group of abolishionists in 1865' he then follows it up by saying that makes the magazine nearly 121 years old.... I suspect this clip was filmed at some point in 1986
@jsb4812 9 месяцев назад
They talk about a piece Hitchens wrote titled "Blabscam" . Just checked it is published in March 1987 issue of Harper's magazine
@timmothyjennings Год назад
They died of the same disease.
@BlueBaron3339 Год назад
It's funny seeing this because, 35 years on, it's even more a roleplaying exercise by an established repertory company, as he put it, for each network. There's far less mock disagreement. Jon Stewart pretty much put an end to Crossfire and The McLaughlin Group died with Mr. McLaughlin. But cable news remains an oxymoron. It's simply part of the entertainment industry delivering the illusion of informing the non-serious souls who'd prefer not to read.
@JP51ism Год назад
Talk about "bien pensant"! Such is the rationalization of pushing out Palestinians by citing that Israel is only a tiny fraction of "Arab" lands; bad enough, but borderline racist, as if all Arabs are alike & owe them a welcoming. The continued West Bank settlement incusions isn't even a topic in this love-fest, though elsewhere Hitchens liked to burnish his contrarianism & wore the Kurdish flag lapel-pin, championing their right to a homeland.
@bartonlee3594 Год назад
Strange that these two were so obsessed with Islam at this time. They truly were waylaid by their support of the wars of Afghanistan and Iraq. Especially Amis. He was a great novelist before he turned his sights on the Middle East.
@joekennedy2599 Год назад
So miss hitchens
@marcwilliams9824 Год назад
Every Dinesh response: Here's an analogy representative of nothing we're discussing...
@marcwilliams9824 Год назад
Is this gonna be another two hours of Dinesh being metaphorically beaten to a pulp by reason, logic and EVIDENCE???
@chelseapoet3664 Год назад
Generally an excellent discussion but a quite stunning level of ignorance about manic depression, or what we now call bipolar disorder. They are describing paranoia, which could co exist with it but is by no means the same thing.
@Frankie-tc1bh Год назад
They both had the same terrible cough. Sorry.
@adamzypsoul8164 Год назад
@arriuscalpurniuspiso Год назад
Young Hitch looking like Lord Byron here. Handsome man
@wearemany73 Год назад
Thx for posting this content 😊
@penguinboy561 Год назад
I don't hate Dinesh because of his religious opinions. Lots of decent people disagree on the topic. The problem is that lying and misrepresentation are like breathing to him, and that I do not forgive. There's a reason most of his movies are under 10% on RottenTomatoes.
@72940 Год назад
I’ve binge-watched Christopher Hitchens in the last 4 months. I was aware of him because of his books. Was fortunate to attend a debate he had with a Christian minister held at a community college in Ellisville, Mississippi. That was several decades ago. Wish he were still with us.
@barrvason5431 Год назад
Oh to be able to listen to the thoughts and opinions of such well educated, intellectually advanced and honest people today. TV news and commentary illiterates how we as a civilization go backwards just as fast as we can go forward.
@prettypurple7175 Год назад
Presages Drumpfian revival of America First