@Jean-Luc-sh2pg День назад
is Mounk straight? serious question
@advocate1563 2 дня назад
Il a bien raison. Macron is the very worst product of the grande ecole, 16eme arondissement tradition. He thinks he's above it all and wants to be a global "fixer". I've never seen the French elite so far removed from the citizens. The centre cannot hold.
@unnamed3932 2 дня назад
Some men are more forgiving about the 'trans' fetish fakery b/c they are men and are not affected by it as women are by the primarily heterosexual paraphilic men w/ sexual fetishes who appropriate women's rights and spaces and want to colonize and dominate 'woman' itself. Women who claim to be men are not the threat that men who pretend to be women are, the threat is not symmetrical, women are the losers when this 'trans' lunacy is protected in law and indulged in society.
@josephsmyth832 2 дня назад
It sounds like what is being promoted and proposed in this conversation, is the agreement that there’s no such thing as eternal and absolute truth, and that we should agree on humanism which promotes Satanism. Satan simply means adversary.
@josephsmyth832 2 дня назад
Men and women aren’t social constructs as what we are to believe, in relation to positive law. Jurisprudence relates to natural law and equity. People should be aware of game theory in relation to topics like economics. There’s numerous strategies that are involved such as the prisoner’s dilemma, battle of the sexes, and zero sum game. So the topic of animal rights should also include knowledge of the different strategies of game theory and the legal consequences that could include fraud and negligence. There’s many people who have flourished eating animal foods and regained their health by avoiding commercial products. There’s certainly an agenda for a new world order and fourth industrial revolution, that shouldn’t be ignored simply based on ignorance and bias. I have issues with manipulating diets and trying to benefit off the loss of other players, not just because it’s not rational, but because it’s a zero sum game.
@GlobalShutterNY 2 дня назад
Pulling the curtain back to expose the 'Wizard' - all smoke and mirrors - let's hope enough clear-headed people listen and learn before we destroy our country from within! I used to think the Right-Wing fear-mongering about the media (and Universities) was crazy - now I know it was and is not...
@willdorten6867 5 дней назад
just coincidentally search my main guy from the University of Virginia and bam! there he is.
@r.i.p.volodya 8 дней назад
I've never known anyone as relentlessly calm as Sam Harris. What would him losing his temper actually look like...?
@sabrinashelton1997 8 дней назад
Where are the alpha males?
@digitalvei 8 дней назад
Sam looks more like Ben Stiller than Ben Stiller himself
@dambar7486 8 дней назад
Why aren't you talking about proportional representation when both factions are so dire?
@harryschiller5368 13 дней назад
“There is a part of the Republican base that doesn’t want to be part of a multiracial working class party.” Yascha, seriously, have you ever spent significant time in the American South or the Midwest? How do you know these people are racist? From looking at survey data from Princeton asking people about American history, which obviously was created mostly by white people? You are not from small town America and should have more humility about calling conservatives in America racist. I thought you were getting more clear eyed about the silly dogmas on the left, but your Spectator article praising British and European education endlessly, while decrying America, makes me think you still just love Europe and think America is too racist and culturally lacking.
@peternilsson7133 13 дней назад
This guy is such a bad interviewer. He doesn't take anything in but instead jump to the next talking point even if it's in contradiction to what has just been said. He's awful.
@Tunick1902 14 дней назад
What most people don’t understand is that a large number of Americans are bad people with rotten values and they don’t believe in the core principles of America as articulated in the Declaration of Independence. All these bad people vote for Republicans.
@advocate1563 14 дней назад
As someone on the other side of the world I have tried to follow the Trump legal case as much as any foreigner can. Candidly it looks like.lawfare starting with Letrtia James's stated intent upon election to get Trump, which is an astonishing thing from the perspective of my country's political norms. Irrespective, I suspect it has corrosive consequences. If nothing else it will give an embittered Republican party an open door to "up the anti". At this point the US has a very real "fin d'epoque" feel to it. Self indulgent, laissez faire, extractive. Hofstede analysis on.steroids!
@jodieiscool9351 15 дней назад
So when Patricia says she's happy to pat down Gemma, the trans woman --- does Jenny (the staff member who refused) does she get called names like bigot and trans phone. Like when Sonya is happy for Debbie (x-David) to go into toilet but Linda is not happy for Debbie to be on there. ...what happens to Linda. She gets called a trans phobe????
@bennguyen1313 15 дней назад
Seems much can be done by the Scientific community, FEDERAL, STATE/LOCAL, CORPORATE and INDIVIDUAL level for the next pandemic. Research on Un-Patenable / Low-Profit *PHARMACEUTICAL INTERVENTIONS * Ivermectin, Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) / quinine vaccine? Black Cumin Seed/Oil / L-arginine / iodine antiseptic / Vit.D / Omega-3? Green Tea /ECGC Research on *NON-PHARMACEUTICAL INTERVENTIONS* : a) covid sniffing dogs at airports and other high density areas b) Far UV-C disinfectant or Cedars-Sinai UV-A Healight, Hydrogen-Peroxide (H202), and essential-oils containing masks c) Increasing Nitric Oxide d) role of metabolic -health and exercise e) Keeping indoor humidity > 50% , and use if ceiling fans to lower viral load especially in nursing homes f) Research into effect of closing borders early vs economic impact *FEDERAL LEVEL* : Warp-Speed vaccine development, including human challenge trials (ARR, RRR?) Allow doctors to tele/practice across state/country borders Increasing what Registered Nurses are allowed to do Setup infrastructure to allow quick ramp up production of: Antigen Tests, N95 masks that have some far-UVC/hydrogen-peroxide , antibody cloning machines , Generic lab/vaccine supplies and reagents/vials *STATE/LOCAL* : Virus tracking via waste water / sewer Recording cases with pertinent information (age, if/when vaccinated, which vaccine(s), etc) Road-Bridge Repair/Construction since many will choose to isolate Coordinating how to best distribute vaccines, including the option of STARTING vaccination with those least at risk (young) in order to open the economy sooner... or, given that supplies will be limited, concentrating on everyone getting the first dose (as to be ~90% protected), rather than using the 2nd dose for 95% protection to fewer people. Create Mobile drop-off / pick-up centers for home-good donations *CORPORATE* Incentive Google/Apple/Microsoft/Amazon to develop a contact-tracing app for those that would voluntarily use it. *INDIVIDUAL* : Daily use of rapid-cheap-antigen-tests (when available), tracing apps (when available), and/or measuring of one's Nitric Oxide levels, silent hypoxia / Oxygen saturation (SpO2) percentage, Sense of smell Physical Distancing, Wearing N95 masks and work on improving overall metabolic health Get you and your home in order first.. living trust, cleaning/donating, repair.. then if you can, check and help on your neighbors/community! Using your downtime to gain more marketable skills Comparing outcomes among countries, regardless of strategy, seems tricky as there's too many other variables: Genetics, average-age, obesity, smokers, vitamin-d level, population-density (% living alone), (natural) borders, religiousness (ex. large indoor church gatherings), community-oriented vs personal-freedom mindset, etc.
@shalevedna 16 дней назад
The stigmas by parents are millennia old
@shalevedna 16 дней назад
People are not going to learn their lesson until this transitioned generation matures and all the tragic results start coming out. Expect massive law cases!!!!
@shalevedna 16 дней назад
Is there a study comparing g this phenomenon in kids of poor classes (those who have real life issues to overcome like housing, jobs, food… and kids from wealthy, privileged, bored out of their mind families?????
@joeewell4846 16 дней назад
Keep in mind that the same puberty blockers which you and others declare are unsafe have been used for over 50 years as treatment for precocious puberty in children.
@GreggGiblin-sy5og 16 дней назад
The real transphobes....and mysoginists are the ones pushing this nonsense.
@RosalindMartin-cw1nj 17 дней назад
"Only women" ha ha ... No enforceability
@RosalindMartin-cw1nj 17 дней назад
We of elderly age know that any reasonable law WILL be contested. Any reasonable seeming law will be CONTESTED. That is what will take place.
@RosalindMartin-cw1nj 17 дней назад
Scusi. Today and forever everything that can be publicized is made public. Gay marriage on social media sets up a challenge ... We deserve these legal rights and social status. Equally trans promotion.
@AndyJarman 17 дней назад
The 2016 national census in Australia was the first to enable people to identify as neither male or female. 0.0073% took the opportunity to claim male and femaleness was not related to sex. The idea there is a "trans" community, or a "trans" movement is an artefact of a political drive to encourage conflict between groups by identifying disprovable claims that one group is oppressed and another is its oppressor. This drive has gained traction because the political parties reached consensus over the need for the state to support less able people with support using taxation to fund it. The low tax argument that the right of centre once voiced lost credibility and as the right and left rushed to the centre they lost an ability to differentiate themselves and maintain their position in office. The exploitation of "oppression" or "identity" politics has been seized upon as a means of indicating that a political party embraces sympathy for "underdogs". The collapse of the Soviet Union, and the liberalisation of China under Deng Zao Ping in the 1990s clearly pulled the rug out from under old fashioned class struggle. Wokeism has rushed to fill the void, picking at issues like sexism, racism, and any grouping they can find as cause celebre to gain votes.
@AndyJarman 17 дней назад
I have to say, I don't believe a "marriage" between gay and lesbian people is equivalent to a marriage between heterosexual people. Heterosexual marriage maximises access to reproduction to an optimum number of men, it sets a fundamental level of pre-requisites in which children's flourishing can be optimised. It is an undeniable aspect of the human condition that children have a need to identify which individuals have a genetic connection with them.
@AndyJarman 17 дней назад
A famous postmodern philosopher Jean Baudrillard wrote a book " Simulacre and Simulation". Baudrillard points out that modern industrialised society is rapidly losing a first hand experience of the authentic. Everything about us is a simulation of the authentic, or even a simulation of a simulation, of a simulation of the authentic. For example, our furniture is no longer made from natural timber - it is reconstituted from woodchip if it has anything to do with timber at all. Our food is so heavily processed the colours, texture and flavours are all artificially contrived to hyper stimulate as an "enhanced" simulation of the experience of eating fresh food. Our version of the authentic experience is now so "enhanced" that it holds little appeal for us. Unprocessed food does not provide the brightly coloured, high fat, high sugar, high sodium, or the consistency and immediate availability that the hyper real version of food provides. Baudrillard explains our hyper real world is now lying like the wreckage of a notion of the real in a "desert of the mind"- little to no authenticity remains. The authentic has been lost sight of and we only value ideas and "products" not a first hand experience of the world. The trans movement is one symptom of this situation. Hyper marketed promotions of masculinity, femininity, alongside political messaging promoting rebelliousness against "heteronormativity" (so called "queering") has provided the youth with a new avenue to exploit in their authentic desire to separate from their parents. In a hyper real world the likelihood that the body can be engineered, the idea it is not fundamentally one thing or another, is a simple extension of us accepting fibre board is 'real' wood and the idea MacDonalds provide food not through farming, but through manufacture. Once we normalise the idea that synthetic leather IS leather, and the internet IS real socialising, then first hand experiences cease to hold value or even validity. It is more important that a boy can simulate a girl than it is that he ACTUALLY is now a girl. In the film "The Matrix" the key protagonist hides contraband software in a HOLLOWED OUT COPY of Baudrillard's book "Simulacre and Simulation". The inclusion of this item, and a lot of the dialogue of the film's introduction to The Matrix (a computer simulation) is directly lifted from Baudrillard. It is interesting to note the closing shot of this film involves the camera zooming in on the words System Failure. The camera leaves the viewer looking at the letters M and F as the camera passes between the two words. The Wauchauski Brothers wrote and directed The Matrix. Today they are referred to as the Wauchauski sisters.
@AndyJarman 17 дней назад
This whole business is a byproduct of a fad for destabilising society by questioning fundamental presumptions. Wokeism is inspired by Marxist tropes such as 'false consciousness'. Engels, and various members of the Frankfurt school justify revolution by promoting the idea society is a huge conspiracy set up to oppress the majority by brainwashing. False consciousness means we are living a delusion. This is the central narrative of the film the Matrix.
@AndyJarman 17 дней назад
Irrespective of informed consent, irrespective of harm reduction, science has no business dressing people up in skin suits to match their delusion. The objective of medicine must be to disabuse people of superstition and other benighted unfounded beliefs.
@AndyJarman 17 дней назад
Helen loves that particular pink. Her cardy matches her wallpaper!
@AndyJarman 17 дней назад
I think conceding that standpoint epistemology has any standing in science is a fundamental question that needs to be exposed. Because somebody believes something is real does not mean it is more valid than objective critique reveals. Scientists (and psychologists are quick to claim their discipline is an applied science) have no business treating a psychological delusion as though it were ontologically valid. This is a religious belief in personal subjective perception over critical interrogation of objective observable reality. This is not western medicine because it has no scientific basis.
@mattweems7842 17 дней назад
I wish we could see a split screen. When Helen speaks I feel like she is informing the interviewer, and I want to see his face so I can know if she is getting through to him.
@user-qf7nu7px1r 17 дней назад
Ah, the incomparable Ms Joyce. Thanks for an entertaining and enlightening discussion. 💡💡💡💡💡
@cgpcgp3239 17 дней назад
Summers: I’ve heard it said. I don’ know if it’s true. But I’m going to repeat it anyway.
@jones2277 18 дней назад
In addition to the competitive advantage, what about the safety of female competitors???
@paulschultz2751 18 дней назад
I keep hearing people claim that the experimental product line not a vaccine reduced death in the elderly patients. That’s a pretty extraordinary claim, is that backed by extraordinary evidence? The products claim of success seems to me to be based on assuming a nonevent (death) was prevented only by the medical intervention of the experimental product line and nothing else. How does Pfizer/ Moderna go about proving a negative event? Does this assumption go the other way, every unvaccinated person who got covid died because they did not have the medical intervention? The assumption that every elderly person who got Covid and the shot who survived did so only by taking the shot and no other factor caused the person to survive. Sounds like a rather nonsensical claim. I assume these claims are based on some global statistical model where there are massive variables and unproven assumptions. Without a magical crystal ball how does Pfizer Moderna know that a person who took their shots would have died but for the shots?
@ALavin-en1kr 18 дней назад
When Sam Harris can explain Consciousness, is it fundamental? And Mind, does it emerge with quantum events? I might begin to take him seriously. Someone who posits the nature of reality, bases it on matter, what is elemental, I cannot take seriously. We are currently in a material age and in science, as a consequence, materialism reigns. However, the brightest minds still see the whole picture. Sam Harris, is not in that category.
@janetta98 19 дней назад
Bowles is also minted. She needn't have concerned herself with politics, tbh.
@presidentpotato222 20 дней назад
Muslims are so peaceful
@TheBullFather_ofAll 20 дней назад
She is right about Judith Butler, She/he has created a mess and now hides away just watching the world burn. Doesnt Butler care about the detransitioners?
@paulmathis3232 20 дней назад
If you're going to belong to most religions, you pretty much have to give up on the laws of physics.
@paulmathis3232 20 дней назад
George Bush and I talk to each other and God thru our hair dryer.
@JolexLaris 21 день назад
Help, this podcast doesn't appear in the new RU-vid Music plataform :(
@stevenlightfoot6479 22 дня назад
NYT is horseshit.
@gardener3017 23 дня назад
I wish this young man was as passionate about women’s rights as he is gay & trans rights. Like perhaps the plight of 18 million women in Afghanistan.
@281992pdr 24 дня назад
I have recently read "Trouble With Gender". It is a brilliant book. I recommend it without reservation.
@mauricefinn1320 24 дня назад
You guys are so far behind....
@neetlukako 24 дня назад
She will go where all Nazis go when she passes.
@rfora540 24 дня назад
The scariest thing about this conversation is that Lind is right and in a tiny tiny minority. 😢