A Moment in History
A Moment in History
A Moment in History
Houska Castle | The Gateway to Hell
21 день назад
The Steve Bartman Incident
Месяц назад
yt final iwo jima
2 месяца назад
William the Conqueror
3 месяца назад
Conquest at Granicus: Alexander's Triumph
4 месяца назад
The Dyatlov Pass Incident Mystery
5 месяцев назад
John the Apostle | A Disciple of Christ
5 месяцев назад
Fake news... By the beginning of the 4th century, there was already around 30 Popes who were all successors of Peter (bishops that were appointed to the church of Rome), the 1st Pope Christ appointed. Do your research people, don't believe poeple on youtube because they look or sound the part of a historian..Fact check..
@beadoll8025 4 дня назад
When you read the Bible minus the false teachings of the catechism, you get nothing like the Roman Catholic Church. Just look at Jesus and the disciples and you'll see that the RCC is disgusting display of wealth, riches and corruption. Catholicism is NOT CHRISTIANITY. This is why Genuine Christian's know that the Supreme Authority is the Bible, whereas RC's do Not sure that view at all. They elevate man-made traditions above God's Word.
@Arnaldootegui_1950 4 дня назад
Yes sure there wants t anyone but English people trying to discover the ocean
@kevinfelton689 5 дней назад
Wait, no one else is gonna do it? So I'll be the first one? Oh this is so exciting! Ahem..... 🎵THEN THE WINGED HUSSARS ARRIVED! 🎶
@en6064 5 дней назад
Ottoman Turks were not Arabs, so Christendom would have fallen to the Turks, not the Arbas. Muslim does not equal Arab. Btw, I am Polish, and a patriot, but I find this video somewhat inaccurate.
@alptunaguven5189 5 дней назад
Ottoman Empire conquered by GB ?
@CharitonIosifides 6 дней назад
So enraged he was the he spent weeks negotiating pay and loot 😂😂😂😂
@SonOfTerra92 6 дней назад
Regardless... Islam will be victorious in the end. Takbir! allahuakbar!
@czciboridobromila5555 6 дней назад
François Dalerac, the French courtier of Polish King Jan III Sobieski, wrote in 1699, “The hussars never halt, they ride their horses at full speed, breaking through everything that’s in front of them"
@jakub777henderson 6 дней назад
Eastern Europe? Please learn Geography...
@vhdlx 6 дней назад
lol people really hate being called eastern europeans...
@jakub777henderson 6 дней назад
@@vhdlx especially if it's geographically incorrect...
@vhdlx 6 дней назад
@@jakub777henderson the terms arent defined by gps coordinates. they are political terms...20 years ago there was absolutely no question that poland and eastward was 'Eastern Europe.' The only reason folks like yourself get mad is because you want to distrance yourself from Soviet History, so you demand people call you central Europe. Relax man...the term is not meant to be a perjorative. When people hear 'eastern europe,' there isnt some bad connotation...That only exists in your head. Ive never once heard anyone think poland is 'lesser' because it is associated with 'eastern' europe.
@jakub777henderson 5 дней назад
@@vhdlx Let me explain in few points please: 1. it's more about Geography in general. Please check the maps and how the boundries between continents are defined. 2. It's only partially because of connotation with Russia. 3. There are many cultural differences between countries of Eastern Europe and Central Europe. 4. Please check where central points of Europe are defined... 5. Why not being a little more precise and aligned with science in 2024? :) 6. Yes, Poland is Eastern European Union Country or on the Eastern Flank of NATO but not Eastern country of Europe. Please don't ignore geographical, political, cultural reasons. that being said, I don't think the title is somehow bad or misleading.
@NoVisionGuy 5 дней назад
@@jakub777henderson Poland can be considered an Eastern European country, it's not wrong to say it is.
@ghastly389 6 дней назад
I always loved this story of the siege of Vienna and the winged hussars, but while watching this video I couldn't help but feel a disgusting anti-Ottoman bias (and no, I'm neither turk nor muslim). Then when at the end it's said "mere 250 years later" I thought come on, what's wrong with this channel, so I checked and found videos like "Redemptive History" with descriptions containing "God's will being carried out through His Mercy and Grace. It may surprise you to find that God is literally throughout all of history, being magnified through His mighty acts throughout all time", I mean, come on, don't pretend to be a history channel, you are not, you are just spouting christian propaganda, otherwise if you are so brainwashed that you can't help it then seek professional help, because you sound just like the fundamentalist muslims you seem to despise.
@johnmaddock256 6 дней назад
King Jan III Sobieski save the day
@fo2821 6 дней назад
every one and every thing has a clock above its head, when the timer hit zero there end will come, just try to remember what they have done to learn from there mistakes.
@polishgigachad7097 6 дней назад
You mean Central-Eastern Europe. About a hundred years later, the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was erased from the world map by the Germans (Austria, Prussia) and Catherine (German Tsarina of Russia) in cooperation with the little hats ✡️ and corrupt magnates. And to make things funnier, the Ottoman Empire did not recognize the partition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and many Poles found refuge in the Ottoman Empire.
@GtaSpartan7596 7 дней назад
Coming down the mountain side
@StevenJohnFrancisDenessakaStef 7 дней назад
A day just like Pearl harbor it will live in infamy
@Vincent98987 8 дней назад
@RafaReyes 8 дней назад
I arrived in this video because I was curious about the man who won the battle of Monterrey, my hometown, in 1847. Had no idea he went on to become president. So far, I've learned that he treated the defeated with honor and respect. Long live Zachary Taylor.
@GtaSpartan7596 8 дней назад
And then the winged hussars arrived!
@healersandkillers4357 8 дней назад
Facts, thanks for having the guts to tell it straight.
@Fl-Pride 8 дней назад
Wait…. Our politicians call it the religion of Peace?? 🤔 😜
@jakobtodd6640 10 дней назад
I figured it treading is standing on or walking on so saying you cant walk on me dont walk over me
@kevtherev8194 10 дней назад
this is Religious PROPAGANDA absolutely not History !!!
@louisnunez6015 12 дней назад
Jesus is the Rock and not Peter.
@jnick2698 14 дней назад
It is the original, Don't start nothing won't be nothing.
@jeffoliver970 14 дней назад
The game was also already tied once he made the error
@lukegangl8644 14 дней назад
Didn’t even link part 2
@JamesRichardWiley 15 дней назад
The Papacy began with individuals making claims of authority and attracting followers - as with all man made organizations.
@VXReef 17 дней назад
I incredibly sad that this flag and more to the point the American have been tainted by false patriots. It’s pretty cringey to see them a lot of the time now.
@marileedent8499 18 дней назад
West Virginia people were called snakes.
@kcain64 18 дней назад
Who else wants to go get lowered into the pit? Anybody? Anybody?
@King0fExist 18 дней назад
My son need a new papy
@lb3077 18 дней назад
So the nation that literally secured slavery by law and a part of its national identity does not get credit for the Gadson Flag? Your logic is a bit flawed. Sure, to saw it was to be used against British rule as a symbol of liberation from Britain is correct but now its meaning becomes twofold. And that would be a more accurate appraisal of historical symbols.
@starbug345 19 дней назад
It’s wild to me that we’ve been to the moon but haven’t gone more than a few miles in our own planets ocean
@tagbarzeev8283 20 дней назад
The jews that stayed in Babylonia/ Persia eventually became the Mizrahi Jews.
@Dungeoneer710 22 дня назад
His other nephew. A devout nazi. Was tortured to death by the soviets.
@EnclaveTrooper 22 дня назад
I like them because they have cool outfits idk about you though
@reginarobles8362 23 дня назад
Oh the guy who invaded the philippines and fail okay😅
@frederiquecouture3924 23 дня назад
Well, someone said: ' Je Suis Pierre...'.
@LIFE0FCHRIS 24 дня назад
Wait til yall hear ab Ocean X
@Indonesiankidmorelikedrama 25 дней назад
Bro forgot Don Walsh And Jacques Piccari in 1960
@mikewood8561 27 дней назад
Wow. I am so confused. I believe in Jesus and God big time and i pray everyday and I try to be the person they would want me to be. I don't know a lot about the faith although I have read the Bible numerous times. Im not sure if the pope is the holy Spirit on earth or not. Is he the number one apostle? I feel like the romans just picked some guy and called him supreme bishop so that they could have the church in their back pocket politically. How do we know the first pope was annointed by jesus and then each one after that? If i sound dumb, please give me answers. I want to love Jesus and God with all my love and if the pope is really with Jesus than i want to follow him too. I dont wanna piss god off.
@ryem1685 27 дней назад
Hitler wanted to rule the world? source?
@user-kellylanecobb0747 27 дней назад
NO WHITE PREFENCE. China does not look for white people to be ALL-CHINA in ASIA. China will pick me as a commoner of China, while living in America. that flag goes against me in the Choctaw nation. they say they pick who CHOCTAW Is when I'm picked Whos Who of America. ALL- American and ALL-China
@Anu_is_dead 28 дней назад
I would go scuba diving in Mariana trench
@mskrillz Месяц назад
Sub’d, thank you.
@fortelewisandrew2426 Месяц назад
That's indeed a historic milestone to be the only person to serve both as POTUS and SCOTUS.
@JayRedding12_12 Месяц назад
It sounds like this gentleman needs to study his history a little better. The early Christians wrote a lot about Peter's role as visible head of The Church and about him passing down this responsibility to his successors. Here is a few examples. Firstly that they understood Peter's role- The Lord says to Peter: “I say to you,” he says, “that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell will not overcome it. And to you I will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven . . .” [Mt 16:18-19]. On him he builds the Church, and commands him to feed the sheep [Jn 21:17], and although he assigns a like power to all the apostles, yet he founded a single chair [cathedra], and he established by his own authority a source and an intrinsic reason for that unity. Indeed, the others were also what Peter was [apostles], but a primacy is given to Peter, by which it is made clear that there is one Church and one chair. . . . If someone does not hold fast to this unity of Peter, can he think that he holds the faith? If he deserts the chair of Peter upon whom the Church was built, can he be confident that he is in the Church? [Unity of the Catholic Church 4; first edition (Treatise 1:4) (A.D. 251)] Then, that responsibility was passed down to Linus- Irenaeus of Lyon wrote in AD 189- "The blessed apostles, then, having founded and built up the Church, committed into the hands of Linus the office of the episcopate" [Against Heresies 3:3:3 (c. A.D. 189)]. And we can see that the Bishop of Rome had the same responsibility in the early Church- "Ignatius . . . to the Church that has obtained mercy, through the majesty of the most high Father, and Jesus Christ, his only-begotten Son; the Church that is beloved and enlightened by the will of him that wills all things according to the love of Jesus Christ our God, that presides in the place of the Romans, worthy of God, worthy of honor, worthy of the highest happiness, worthy of praise, worthy of obtaining her every desire, worthy of being deemed holy, and that presides over love, and is named from Christ, and from the Father" [Letter to the Romans, Greeting (c. A.D. 110)] "Today we have passed the Lord’s holy day, in which we have read your letter. Whenever we read it, we shall be able to draw advice, as also from the earlier letter, which was written to us through Clement" [Letter to Pope Soter (c. A.D. 170)] I strongly encourage Christians, protestant or Apostolic to read the writings of the Church fathers because there are many more examples. And we can see that it's not just the Roman Church that the Bishop of Rome over sees. Their writings are available free on line, or I recommend Jimmy Atkin's book 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘍𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘒𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘉𝘦𝘴𝘵. You'll find that early Christians not only wrote about the Papcy, but also the other offices of The Church, episkopos (ἐπίσκοπος) Presbyters (πρεσβύτερος) diákonos (διάκονος). And even the Sacroments, the role of the Ever-virgin Mary, The Litergy, Christ's Presence in the Eucharist and more. Happy reading and God bless.
@2am_lando Месяц назад
Thats crazy
@peterrodby2786 Месяц назад
That's the Cubs
@Joe-h6s Месяц назад
King of Kings!