Peterborough Dawah
Peterborough Dawah
Peterborough Dawah
Spreading authentic Islamic knowledge as practiced by the Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه و سلم, his companions & the early generations of Muslims.
The Day Of Reckoning | Abul-Abbas Naveed
4 года назад
We Have The Best Example To Follow!
4 года назад
The Final Rites Workshop
4 года назад
@Zddoesdrawings 26 дней назад
@Zddoesdrawings 26 дней назад
@rahanarabegum945 Месяц назад
How do I I contact u for a ruquah
@MuhammadUsman-ez5ct 2 месяца назад
جزاكم الله خيرا بالجنة
@soniawasim 2 месяца назад
Aslamualikum I hope I'll get reply... in my case I strongly believe in what ALLAH has instructed us through quran and sunnah of hazrat Muhammed (SAW) ... But my in laws practice these biddats... even my husband too...I tried to convince them but they consider me wrong... now for avoiding fights n all I help them in their khatam practice but not from heart definitely... its my forced practice...Will I be punished by ALLAH for that
@minecraftgamerz4172 4 дня назад
No Sister You won't But i recommend you be patient with your husband in showing proof that it is biddah if he cant tolerate it and goes against your will then divorce him !
@nassah2010 3 месяца назад
Disagree his example of maghrib is irrelevant because khatam do not change any well practiced know and established prayers i.e. 3 rakahs to 4 rakah for maghrib is clear innovation. One can pray and do dhikr at most occasions and ways as long as the actions are not haram. The sahaba did not do salah on a train but we do, my mum do dhikr when she cooks both actions combined are allowed they are not bidah, I can do dhikr when doing burpees it doesn't mean everyone should start it as an established practice it's common sense. My issue with khatam is more that people are concerned with eating than the rest of it and it becomes a gossiping festivity which is why I oppose it.
@aoife_m_ 3 месяца назад
Thanks and I'm not a Muslim but I agree with most of this lecture. Social media is an illness and it leads to so many problems. Its getting worse by the day. Really disgusting things are being promoted as normal on social media.
@Adam-nl9ox 5 месяцев назад
Cancel this guy. Wibble wobble
@rickycolon9465 6 месяцев назад
Masha Allah
@latif4613 7 месяцев назад
Read the surah ikhlas 3 times surah falaq 3 times and surah annas 3 times and Ayat alkursi and last 2 verses of surah Baqarah inshallah it will help you
@andriodhackz8452 7 месяцев назад
It is working in reality
@latif4613 7 месяцев назад
@@andriodhackz8452 alhamdulillah all that is from mentioned is from ahadiths of prophet Muhammad صلي الله عليه وسلم
@mohandak8631 10 месяцев назад
wow a famous muslim speaker saying all this nonsense when for example in syria the assad regime before people started protesting was mass killing many people since the 1980s like the hama massacre and also prisoning and torturing innocent civilians to death
@strivingslave5962 10 месяцев назад
0:11 For any act of worship to be accepted has to have 2 conditions: 1. Sincerity - For ٱللَّٰه alone 2. Must be from Sunnah of Prophet ﷺ
@altunahaliti1337 11 месяцев назад
Theres good and bad bidah, taraweeh and tahajjud in congregation on ramadan is also bidah but thats not haram?! Im confused
@talibahmuslimah8922 9 месяцев назад
The Phrophet sallaah alayhi wa selim performed taraweeh
@Anonymous_56789 8 месяцев назад
It’s a sunnah that got revitalised, watch Muslim lantern video on bidah being good
@hxxwk 8 месяцев назад
There are two types of Biddah: Biddah Lughawiyyah, and Biddah Shari'. Lughwaiyyah refers to the worldly bid3ah, e.g. cars, television, electric heaters: these are all bid3ahs that are not linked with the religion whatsoever. The dangerous essence of this is that people, south asians in particular, have no understanding in the arabic language: therein we find that their lack of knowledge is deep rooted from this. Bid3ah, is a word, that is contextually used, just like any other word in english. When we refer to an innovative experience, it means something new: something that you haven't experienced before. Similarly, the Prophet, has used "innovation" contextually. You must know to understand the Arabic language before you comment upon these matters. The Prophet always expressed his love for worldly bid3ahs that helped others, like the instance where he commended a bid3ah of a warm cloth that kept hands warm. But then he also condemns bid3ah in another khutbah. Is this a contradiction! Of course not. The bid3ah he refers to in his khutbahs are deep-rooted within the creedal affairs. Umar Ibn Al-Khattab innovated the congregational aspect of Taraweeh, proclaiming "this is indeed a good bid3ah." The Prophet told us, to follow his Sunnah, and the Sunnah of the rightly guided caliphs. Are your innovative pirs among the ranks of the Khalifas? Of course not! The Bid3ah of Umar, is the Sunnah for the Muslimeen!
@thelegend6951 6 месяцев назад
There is no such thing as good or bad bidah all innovation is bad and all innovators will be in the hellfire as narrated by the prophet (saw ) himself
@gangraa2408 Месяц назад
there's no good/bad bid'a. Bid'a is bid'a.
@Imam-Zaki 11 месяцев назад
I think I should give this lecture next Friday In-sha-Allah
@strivingslave5962 Год назад
The rising (isti’wa) -is known in the Arabic language -believing it is an obligation -As for the HOW, it’s unknown (was not stated in Quran or Sunnah) -Asking HOW is a bid’ah (stick to info given in Quran and Sunnah)
@strivingslave5962 Год назад
42:30 Yahya ibn Yahya reported: We were with Malik ibn Anas, may Allah have mercy on him, and a man came to him, saying, “O Abu Abdullah, ‘The Merciful rose above the Throne,’ (20:5). How is this rising?” Malik bowed his head silently until he raised it, dripping sweat, saying, “The rising is not unknown, its modality is inconceivable, faith in it is an obligation, and asking about it is an innovation. I do not see you as anything but a heretic.” Then, he ordered the man to be expelled. Al-Bayhaqi said, “Most of our scholars followed this example in the issue of the divine attribute of ‘rising,’ as well as the issues of ‘coming,’ ‘going,’ and ‘descending.'” Source: al-I’tiqād lil-Bayhaqī 1/116
@strivingslave5962 Год назад
42:19 Abdullah ibn Nafi’ reported: Imam Malik, may Allah have mercy on him, was asked about the saying of Allah Almighty, “The Most Merciful rose above the Throne,” (20:5). The man said, “How is His rising?” Malik said, “The rising is acknowledged, its modality is unknown, and asking about it is an innovation. I see you are a man who intended evil with this question.” Source: al-Istidhkār 2/529 Ibn Abdul Barr said, “The people of the Sunnah agreed upon affirming the divine attributes as reported in the Book and the Sunnah, interpreting them as reality and not as a metaphor, except that they do not ask ‘how’ is the modality of any of that.” Source: al-‘Ulūw lil-‘Alī al-Ghaffār 1/250
@strivingslave5962 Год назад
38:27 First principle, stick to what has been stated in Quran and Sunnah
@strivingslave5962 Год назад
22:47 ‏ {‏لَيْسَ كَمِثْلِهِ شَيْءٌ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ البَصِيرُ‏}‏ [27] {There is nothing like unto Him and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.} (ash-Shooraa (42) aayah 11)
@EramHashmi-cf9fu Год назад
You r biddaa as well As you were not at the time of RasoolAllahi saw You r the innovation as well
@strivingslave5962 Год назад
22:14 What is aqeedah?
@strivingslave5962 Год назад
10:30 Look at how -Allah gave humans a rank better than angels because He made angels bow down to humans -They we’re in Jannah where there is no death Iblis deceived them
@strivingslave5962 Год назад
8:39 Seeking path of knowledge will NOT BE EASY
@strivingslave5962 Год назад
6:45 Iblis used to be a PIOUS WORSHIPPER of ٱللَّٰه. He became ARROGANT. Racism is following way of Iblees
@strivingslave5962 Год назад
2:30 - Want to remove Lack of knowledge
@strivingslave5962 Год назад
0:26 Worship ٱللَّٰه based on KNOWLEDGE
@strivingslave5962 Год назад
3:07 What is worship//Ibadan? Anything which ٱللَّٰه loves and is pleased with from: 1. Actions of heart -Tawakkul 2. Actions of tongue -Enjoining good, forbidding evil 3. Actions of limbs -Prostration
@strivingslave5962 Год назад
13:02 LEGISLATED form of tawassul - getting close to ٱللَّٰه
@strivingslave5962 Год назад
1. Using ٱللَّٰه s names 2. Virtue of good deeds - use those to get closer to ٱللَّٰه By virtue of having Iman, Oh ٱللَّٰه, we believe so forgive us Oh ٱللَّٰه, because we have done something good, please do this for use
@muhammadsatria69 Год назад
10:10 Any proof for this iblis story? Hadith or quran.. Anyone with Knowledge can tell.. Thank u..
@faisalkaithayil9512 Год назад
Jazakkallah khair
@babyareme Год назад
@Gog3453 Год назад
This the work of Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab. The Salaf had nothing to do with this
@musajorge471 11 месяцев назад
Wrong, Ibn Battah Al 'Ukburi (died 387AH) divided tawheed into three categories, so this is not something Abdul Wahhab came up with.
@Gog3453 11 месяцев назад
@@musajorge471 produce your proofs
@Gog3453 11 месяцев назад
@@musajorge471 and you call yourself a Wahhabi. Your not worthy of being a Wahhabi
@musajorge471 11 месяцев назад
@@Gog3453 Ibn Battah al-Ukbaree said in his work (الإبانة عن شريعة الفرقة الناجية), "al-Ibaanah", (2/172-173): “And this is because the foundation of al-eemaan (faith) in Allah whose belief is obligatory upon the creation in affirmation of of belief in Him is [comprised of] three things: The first of them: That the slave believe in his Rabbaaniyyah (his Lordship over all creation) so that by this he separates from the doctrine of the negators who do not affirm a maker (creator). And the second: That he believes in his Wahdaaniyyah (his sole right to be worshipped) so that by this he separates from the people of shirk (associationism) who affirm the Maker (Creator) but they associated others with Him in worship. And the third: That he believes Him be to be described with [such] attributes which are not permitted except for Him to be described with, such as knowledge (ilm), power (qudrah), wisdom (hikmah) and all of what He has descrbed Himself with in His Book. Since we know that many of those who affirm Him (in His Rabbaaniyyah) and single Him out [in His Wahdaaniyyah] with a generalized saying, but who deviate in [the subject of] His Attributes, and thus his deviation in the Attributes is damaging to His Tawhid. And also because we find that Allaah, the Most High, has addressed His slaves by inviting them to have belief in all of these three types and to have faith in them. As for His inviting them to affirm His Rabbaaniyyah (Lordship) and His Wahdaaniyyah (sole right to be worshipped alone), then we shall not mention this here due to its length and the vastness of the speech regarding it. And also because the Jahmee claims the affirmation of them both for himself, even if his denial of the Attributes invalidates his claim regarding them both.”
@musajorge471 11 месяцев назад
@@Gog3453 I never claimed to be a 'Wahhabi' so I'm not sure how you came to this conclusion. And if I never claimed to be a 'Wahhabi', how did you establish I'm not worthy of being one? I'm looking forward to your reply بارك الله فيك
@rizwanali649 Год назад
It's very sad though I 100% agree with this But the family background I come from does exactly the same thing My young sister is arguing the same case Then she is asking me why I go to these places if I agree it is Bidat I give her answers. 1. At least I get to see my wife reading the Qur'an. And I also get some free time to read the Qur'an. Whereas in our house there is no environment of doing so. 2. Your own father doesn't know anything but how turn on or switch off a Television. From one button to Islam channel to the other button Fitnah channel so much hypocrisy. 3. You yourself are taking your own children to cinema. Is the Fardh? Is this Sunnat? Is this Nafl? I know my local Imam has said that this act is Bidat. But if my family members. My father for whom I am supposed to show respect and my own sister who is already confused .Com are not ready to listen to the truth Then I just have to keep quite and salvage the happiness that at least my wife will read the Qur'an for that particular day. And by getting to these places early, myself I get to read the Qur'an and communicate with Allah, not for the deceased as some people may think. but for myself.
@marianisse4031 Год назад
@MasterNinja786 Год назад
Wait this is in Peterborough i live here and i did not know he came
@abdullahjaber3577 Год назад
@tyrizek9460 Год назад
Lol this is a terrible perspective. There is no wrong place wrong time for quran.
@Beautyofnature3613 7 месяцев назад
Really? Can you recite entire quran in your prayer? Can you read quran in toilet? Can you recite long verses of quran while you leading many people in prayer?
@Naufalalhassan Год назад
Please Can you get the questioners microphone
@justislam5556 Год назад
Why theres khatam in haramain durung ramadan? Why do they do khatam when talking ijazah in the Quran? Saudi royal family makes millions inivation, but none of our beloved shuyuk say anything? I like the sympathy
@muhammadiqbal6165 Год назад
انظر نا يا رسول الله عليه واله وسلم سيدي صلى الله عليه واله وسلم سيدي الله رسول پاک رسول صلى الله عليه واله وسلم سيدي صلى الله عليه واله وسلم سيدي صلى الله عليه واله وسلم سيدي
@syedmowla Год назад
My biggest addiction is youtube
@syedmowla Год назад
عَنْ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ عَنْ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ الْعَيْنُ حَقٌّ
@fahadhasan446 Год назад
May Allah increase your ilm and elevate your rank. Ameen ya rabbul Alameen.
@saifullahabdulsabur746 Год назад
جزاكم الله خيرا وبارك الله فيكم.
@judged007james9 Год назад
Narrated Anas bin Malik: A group of three men came to the houses of the wives of the Prophet asking how the Prophet worshipped (Allah), and when they were informed about that, they considered their worship insufficient and said, "Where are we from the Prophet as his past and future sins have been forgiven." Then one of them said, "I will offer the prayer throughout the night forever." The other said, "I will fast throughout the year and will not break my fast." The third said, "I will keep away from the women and will not marry forever." Allah's Apostle came to them and said, "Are you the same people who said so-and-so? By Allah, I am more submissive to Allah and more afraid of Him than you; yet I fast and break my fast, I do sleep and I also marry women. So he who does not follow my way in religion, is not from me (not one of my followers)." (Sahih Bukari Book #62, Hadith #1)
@mizzcrazygal Год назад
my mum forces me to go to thse khatams lol even though i tell her i dont believe then she gets angry.
@princessstar5480 Год назад
May Allah swt reward you for sticking to the sunnah of our beloved Prophets pbuh x
@luluah1198 5 месяцев назад
No one can force you to do khatham. I mean the words are uttered from your own voice box . Say I will do only that which our prophet (saw) Himself did in strong authentic Hadith . Do you wish Allah to be displeased with me , whilst you are pleased with me?
@Muhammadalindonisi Год назад
@fesreh5001 Год назад
Food take spot core
@brownintrovert4445 Год назад
Mash’Allah. May Allah accept the efforts of this brother. A much needed anecdote for the youth and young adults living in these modern times of extreme ignorance. Please continue uploading beneficial content. Also, a point to insh’Allah help the uploader; this new generation doesn’t have the attention span for full lectures - so please try to cut out main points for extra shorter videos that the youth can click on and obtain benefit. TikTok has eliminated their patience and drastically reduced their attention span. I pray Allah makes this advice a means of benefit for the channel. As-salaamu-alaykum.
@muhammadabdurahman3121 Год назад
Alhamdulillah you are back