Marco Paleari
Marco Paleari
Marco Paleari
@carlodamianodamiano8985 10 дней назад
Ma pensa un po si crede un principe questo stronzo di Burke
@user-cm2tm3ud9z Месяц назад
@aromeo428 Месяц назад
Avevo una grande stima di Lei ma si è sottomesso all'antipapa francesco, solo lei e pochi altri avrebbero potuto rendere nullo il suo papato ma non ne ha avuto il coraggio perché pauroso di perdere i suoi privilegi. Una volta le sue cerimonie erano cariche di significato e tradizione, ora alla luce dei fatti, sono delle carnevalate perché lei non ha scelto Cristo ma ha scelto il proprio interesse. Si salvi l'anima caro Cardinale perché il suo vestito prima di tutto ricorda il sangue versato da nostro Signore ed è quel sangue che anche lei, se necessita, deve versare per la VERA SANTA CHIESA.
@pietrotoppetta-kz4rt Месяц назад
@lluismartirovira1909 3 месяца назад
Por Dios, que verguenza. Ni que fuera la reina de Saba. No se como le consintieron tanta pompa a este fantoche. Esto es lo que estropea a la Iglesia Catolica.
@gustavo5989 3 месяца назад
Apostasy from hell
@amadeusmedusa134 3 месяца назад
Are they worshipping God or Cardinal Burke ??
@pierrebougraud2533 3 месяца назад
Quelle horreur ce vieux débris qui veut éliminer le Pape 🤮🤮🤮
@piotrpietruszewski8367 5 месяцев назад
Oh, how long path Church passed from modest house of Jesus and his mather...
@andreac3322 5 месяцев назад
@colinlavelle7806 6 месяцев назад
How bloody ridiculous Burkie....go do something useful and help out in a soup kitchen.
@blazel462 6 месяцев назад
Those religious need to read the Bible more: "For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." -Matthew 23:12 (NIV)
@harrydonahue1657 6 месяцев назад
Pompous ass. Can you imagine Jesus or Peter parading thru Jerusalem in that get up!!
@filippocastelbarco8965 6 месяцев назад
Ma vergognatevi ipocriti 😂😂
@albertotramontana9339 7 месяцев назад
Qué triste espectáculo y vergonzoso. Jesús debe estar llorando. 😢
@louis-marieantona8626 5 месяцев назад
Pourquoi ?
@joelcameron749 7 месяцев назад
Beautiful! Is there a full recording?
@joeberta368 7 месяцев назад
Ahhh the CAPA MAGNA - the long cloth train historically designed to cover the HORSE’S ASS.
@user-ho8yt2fn5d 7 месяцев назад
Could you help me? I cannot bring comprehension to those who need comprehending, and, those who comprehend they claim to not be able to help. Many are not here in homeless population, just pushed away into the background, or to neighborhoods. Many of us homeless people need to be inside all the time, many of us need to leave this place of downtown outside near the Bishop William K. Weigand Resource Center for the Homeless. I need inside an apartment to live, please. I do not have any money though, so how can you help me. I am almost destitute and a Virgin. SLC UT. Dependent on the charitable charities of people. I am usually obedient to authority especially my own parents, but God has acted towards me with a question of obedience, to not always look at the situation as if to be obedient because persecution, abuse, and holocausts are lived and sometimes come again. Discern and know strife is lived. He talked with other softer tones of 'to end" a wrong direction pf path. To welcome and to bless your journey is not what Catholicism catechized is saying as if we belong to a hippie generation of long-haired, or a Mork and Mindy moment of greeting and goodbyes, or a Vulcan peace hand sign is not what we strive for, it is the true Kingdom of Heaven and Earth is where our Lord and God is King of Kings and our Lady is Queen of Heaven and Earth Queen of Angels and Saints.
@fredphilippi8388 8 месяцев назад
This is unreal. It's a drag show on steroids.
@colinlavelle7806 6 месяцев назад
Exactly....silly old fart of a drag queen.
@zuarbrincar769 3 месяца назад
A modernist being irritated by the clothes of a Cardinal, how original
@silvanonicoletto4018 8 месяцев назад
Ma questo non è abuso della liturgia?
@DanFree7 9 месяцев назад
Just sick. Jesus was nailed to the cross and this guys walk around like they are gods, worshiped by the fools.
@MM-se6yp 9 месяцев назад
@plcwecub 9 месяцев назад
He's a pretentious old troll. Who loves to play dress up
@RG-li5zq 11 месяцев назад
Queen for a Day.
@athosnogueira6755 11 месяцев назад
Everyone complaining about how its pompous and extravagant and ignoring the total of your own clothing would add up to much more than this cape, and whereas his was made by sweet old ladies, yours were made by child slaves.
@colinlavelle7806 6 месяцев назад
No darling this drag was made by the tailors which surround the Pantheon.
@tiefano 11 месяцев назад
Monseñor Burke no tiene escrúpulos en hacer de la liturgia un verdadero show de sedas, terciopelos y bordados suntuosos. El hubiera querido nacer en la edad media en la que habría sido un príncipe. Da vergüenza tener en la iglesia un prelado tan conservador. En primer lugar por lo que piensa. Es un caso perdido. Lo peor es que el cree tener siempre razón. No es loyal al Papa Francisco 😢
@antontomsic7438 Год назад
pride parade
@albertomoralesperez702 Год назад
Y esto, en dónde es? y de qué iglesia pues después del concilio se acabaron las representaciones tipo carnaval
@charlysosa3103 Год назад
Ni el que fue REY de REYES predico con tanta parafarnalia, aayy Sr perdonalos 😔
@williamcallaghan2023 Год назад
this is outrageous goes against everything Jesus stood for, no wonder anyone takes Cardinal Burke seriously
@RiccardoP1983 Год назад
Questa sarebbe stata considerata una carnevalata anche prima del Concilio Vaticano II.
@Oxygen0317 Год назад
Co to bałbochwalstwo!? Ohyda!
@oscarmaixealtes4516 Год назад
@bernardmousse4152 Год назад
Beurk 😢😢😢 poor guy and poor fellows...I realise now why this guy can t stand Francis. Burke is just ridiculous and disgracious about Jesus Christ. I can t imagine this guy adoring baby Jesus among poor shepherds and enjoying the situation. With so much pride he is expecting to be worshipped and not a baby.
@colinlavelle7806 6 месяцев назад
he wouldn't be able to get through the doorway wearing all that drag...and oh tut tut he might get his watered silk drag soiled!
@pacificrules Год назад
@rrickarr Год назад
Wow!!!! If only Jesus had it this grand!
@johnmulvey5121 Год назад
Can you imagine Jesus wearing one of those? Even for symbolism
@beuvron4178 Год назад
@briandelaney9710 Год назад
Him and his 30 foot cappa magna 😂😂😂😂
@albertotramontana9339 7 месяцев назад
Qué triste espectáculo!😢
@colinlavelle7806 6 месяцев назад
What a joke....compared to Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey!
@redmi9834 Год назад
I thought the Capa Magna was abolished after Vatican 2.
@peacemaker9289 Год назад
Was für ein Theater! Und angeblich steht Christus im Mittelpunkt! Tatsächlich dreht sich der ganze Quatsch um den Burke! Bekloppte Welt!
@zabieraj6544 Год назад
@brianruane8505 9 месяцев назад
Clown - and not even a good one!!!
@josephcade3541 Год назад
There's only two ways to look at it. Being right about this guy will only get you into heaven being wrong about this guy will send you straight to hell there is no in-between !!!! But just like the blind being, not selective, but in darkness , everywhere and in everything. If you can't see the darkness hear you won't see it anywhere else !!!!!!
@purtou1 Год назад
Mi sembra un po' eccessivo
@nicolasantoro4049 Год назад
Santo subito
@zarbetan5993 Год назад
Horrible attires. Look like the spanish inquisitors coming into session at the tribunal to condemn witches
@beuvron4178 Год назад
@tadeusz4745 Год назад
Zbyteczny patos i przepych .Parodia życia i prawdy .Parodia szczerej wiary i prostej Parodia religijna. Religia robi czuba .Religia jest prawdą dla ludu ,kłamstwem dla mędrców ,a dla władzy użyteczna Oto wielka tajemnica wiary :"euro złoto i dolary"
@luisalbertorodriguezch3199 Год назад
This bishop thinks he is a king😂😂😂😂 ...he is not humble at all......I'm sure the Lord doesn't approve his behaviour....and do not come now to tell me this is tradition, it is just his arrogance!!!!!
@neptunofc Год назад
@jmccallion2394 Год назад
Bet Francie did not like this!