Ihsan Alexander
Ihsan Alexander
Ihsan Alexander
Awaken Your Potential
The Problem of the Self with Jon Abdus-Samad
19 часов назад
The Virtues of Travel
День назад
How What You Fear Manifests as Reality
Месяц назад
The Primordial Origins of Ethno-Supremacy
2 месяца назад
Embracing the Process
2 месяца назад
Death is a Gift for the Living
2 месяца назад
Dehumanization and the Demise of Humanity
2 месяца назад
Trials and Tribulations of the Anti-Christ
2 месяца назад
Strength Is Required
5 месяцев назад
The Divine Purpose of Hell
7 месяцев назад
The Foundation of Faith is Love
7 месяцев назад
I Went to Disneyland
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The Cardinal Sin: Pride
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The God of Jesus: Allah
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Self-Love Versus Divine Love
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@diana77 14 часов назад
Are you still doing the monthly global meditation ? 🧘🏻‍♀️
@missfabidia 14 часов назад
Thank you ❤
@RumiDivineLight 15 часов назад
Dear Person I would suggest you do a little deeper research like perhaps watch Gabo Matte (Jewish) and Norman Finkelstein to understand the history of this region and conflict if you want non Muslim sources. All life is precious in the eyes of God. And Muslims mourn all loss of life ❤ May you find the answers you seek.
@KainaluDaKing 20 часов назад
jesus said submit to god , in aramaic the literal translation of submit to god is “islam” google it and dont blindly follow what the government has spoonfed you . the blind following the blind will fall into a ditch🔥
@AsmaKhan-zh6cg 20 часов назад
Thank u..it does feel like we are being squeezed constantly.cannot enjoy my own pleasure knowing others are suffering..just praying for the oppressed daily
@jahvarino1770 День назад
Wow thank you so much for speaking about this at such a crucial time for this earth and all humans and creatures! My heart aches for humanity at the moment particularly for the state of affairs in the middle east. I'm praying for them and for you and all of humanity right now, may Allah bless you for making this content available to us. Peace Peace Peace to you Ihsan! God bless!
@Makeyourbetterself День назад
I recently found your channel watched so many of your videos and learning a lot jazakallaha khair One request I have for you to make a video guiding woman to create a mindset to attract good husband or recommend any book which can help me because I am attracting only wrong man for so many years on loop I am so tried and afraid of having same bad experience again Please help me brother please 😊
@putrihapsari8596 День назад
Alhamdulillah, thank you brother Ihsan, may Allah always bless and protect you. Aamiin 🤲🏻 My heart been confuse for all this time, then suddenly I found this video notification on my phone, really on much needed for on time! ❤️ May I know brother Ihsan, how spesific practical things to do to heal from all trauma / a not good attitude from our ancestors? Besides dhikr and etc.? Thank you brother Ihsan. Jazakallahu khairan katsiran 🤲🏻🙏🏻😇
As Salamu Aleikum brothers. Great video. Are you going to do mindfulness meditation adapting it to the religious and spiritual context of Islamic Sufism? And will they use Murakkaba and Zikr? Greetings from Brazil.
@user-lb1ov5sw4s День назад
I have gotten to the point where I no longer keep up with the news, it has affected me too much. I know it is selfish of me, but it is no longer sustainable for my mental health.
@desmondmccabe8321 День назад
the hideous events in Gaza (& in the ukraine proxy war) are impossible to keep out of one's mind and heart - but keeping awareness of the realities there feels like authentic human responsibility in a time of gross mass deceit and propaganda - it's one of the few things one can do and it is good that so many of us have tuned into decent reporting online and elsewhere - but i can't deny that sense of hopeless misery that overwhelms and brings tears and grief most days - as a Christian i have been heartened by the dignity of Palestinian Muslims in their distress (and in their honest resistance) and it has certainly deepened my sense of the beauty of Islam. It pains me awfully to see Judaism so viciously betrayed by so many though i know there is disgust among true followers of Judaism and many secular Jews. If you follow the fascinating interviews by Corey Gil-Schuster in Israel today (on youtube) and over the last few years it is extraordinary how lost in delusion many 'nice' Israeli people are - likeable people who are possessed by deranged thoughts. Just writing this comment i can hardly keep from crying, to be honest. And there is rage there too, no doubt about it. We need to believe in each other - but at times like this we have to be examples of 'belief' in truth and fidelity to God and love - even when we feel as if we are lost in darkness or maybe especially then.
@1aninterpreter1 2 дня назад
Long time no see, my brother. I remember you from Sheij Hisham's group. I knew you would do great things for Allah one day.😊
@alijassat5456 2 дня назад
This is the second time I have listened to this conversation Brothers Jon and Ihsan. I found it to be much more clear, concise and interesting. Many valuable lessons came to the surface. Thank you both for this engaging debate. Alhamdulillah
@anas6939 2 дня назад
Thank you brother ihsan you are on point and speak directly to my heart 🙏 may Allah raise your darajat infinitely 🤲 I am so thankful to have found you
@farmazony6373 2 дня назад
@hasanh5345 2 дня назад
Thank you. May Allah be pleased with you, and bless you!
@1qR4 2 дня назад
Much needed topic for the hour! ❤ Was waiting for it. What people do is completely ignore the situation like ostriches to maintain their sanity or on the other extreme become anxious and depressed. Thank you for showing the right path. JazakAllah!
@thetruthfulness4240 День назад
You realize this is all a show right. The real war is between Jesus and Satan. Keep in your sin is all the devil wants. Politics, celebrity’s , everything is just a show made to distract you from your spirituality. Our American food system kills more people then all the minor deaths in the Middle East. Why not fight for that. These people don’t know they are being fed poison, in their Meds , food and supplements. I think that’s more unpsetting.
@hectormiranda7553 2 дня назад
I enjoy your videos very much. Your wisdom and spiritual insight. However, the conflict between Israel and Palestine is very complex. Israel a very small country is fighting for its existencial survival. Unfortunately for decades many Palestinians hate to the core anything associated to Israel and Jews. It is more saddening hearing many brothers and sisters in Islam hating so much Israel and its inhabitants. Within the last 48 hours 12 Druze kids were murdered by an attack from Lebanon. Where is the outcry for that. What you may recommend. Respectfully. Salam Aleikum brother. Wa Allah barakatu.
@1qR4 2 дня назад
I recommend you “fact check”. Facts have been established of “who committed atrocities on Gaza” and Facts established on “lies of beheading of children in Israel”. Whether the 12 children attack committed by who Israel and US say did so- not fact checked. Just an allegation specially when the alleged party is refuting claims of doing so. And as usual allegations are proving to be false when facts are established later.
@SN-xi7xg 2 дня назад
Before the 20th century, Palestine was part of various empires and states, including the Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman Empires. Throughout these periods, the land saw a diverse mix of peoples, cultures, and religions coexisting, often with varying degrees of harmony. During the Ottoman rule, which lasted for centuries until the early 20th century, Palestine was a multi-ethnic and multi-religious society. Muslims, Christians, and Jews lived together in towns and cities across the region. Jerusalem, in particular, was a center of religious significance for all three Abrahamic faiths, and its diverse population reflected this. Jewish communities had existed in Palestine for centuries, albeit in smaller numbers, often living alongside Arab and other communities. These communities were involved in various economic activities, including agriculture, trade, and crafts. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, with the rise of nationalist movements and changes in global politics, including the decline of the Ottoman Empire, the Jewish and Arab populations in Palestine began to undergo significant demographic and political shifts. Jewish immigration increased due mainly to the persecution in Europe and the rise of Zionism. The British Mandate for Palestine, established after World War I, further transformed the region. The British administration implemented policies that favored Jewish immigration and land acquisition, which led to tensions with the Arab population. The 1947 United Nations partition plan proposed dividing Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states, which was accepted by Jewish leaders but rejected by Arab leaders. The ensuing conflict, known as the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, resulted in the establishment of the State of Israel and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, leading to ongoing tensions and conflicts. Understanding the historical context of coexistence, demographic shifts, and geopolitical changes is essential for comprehending the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. So, let's start by putting the facts into context, shall we? They arrived as refugees, with hidden agenda, from Europe seeking safety from oppression, and they were welcomed by Palestinians, the native communities. However, the Zionists took their land and resources, and when they resisted, they responded with violence, intimidation, and terror. Now they seek validation for their actions, but the injustice began from the day 1. The history of Palestinian resistance and their eventual defeat is common knowledge to anyone with even a modicum of intelligence, and the injustice they faced is undeniable. And yes, It's widely recognized that many resistance movements aimed to win wars but were ultimately defeated. So what!! you're profoundly mistaken, if you excuse the atrocities inflicted by colonizers on the colonized, who are unequivocally victims. Even in defeat, resistance against colonizers does not diminish the victimhood of the oppressed.
@SN-xi7xg 2 дня назад
And please Don't let anyone convince you that it started on o 7th. What about this list of massacres: 1. Haifa Massacre 1937 2. Jerusalem Massacre 1937 3. Haifa Massacre 1938 4. Balad al-Shaykh Massacre 1939 5. Haifa Massacre 1939 6. Haifa Massacre 1947 7. Abbasiya Massacre 1947 8. Al-Khisas Massacre 1947 9. Bab al-Amud Massacre 1947 10. Jerusalem Massacre 1947 11. Sheikh Bureik Massacre 1947 12. Jaffa Massacre 1948 13. Khan Yunis Massacre 1956 14. Jerusalem Massacre 1967 15. Sabra and Shatila Massacre 1982 16. Al-Aqsa Massacre 1990 17. Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre 1994 18. Jenin Refugee Camp April 2002 19. Gaza Massacre 2008-09 20. Gaza Massacre 2012 21. Gaza Massacre 2014 22. Gaza Massacre 2018-19 23. Gaza Massacre 2021 24. Gaza Genocide 2023/24 of still ongoing.
@SN-xi7xg 2 дня назад
FYI, not all Jews endorse Zionism. Zionists have been associated with terrorism, and many Jews are against their actions and ideologies. A lot of love and much light for your guidance ❤
@SN-xi7xg 2 дня назад
@YunusKorganovitsj 2 дня назад
Jazak Allahu Khairan
@YunusKorganovitsj 2 дня назад
@jncc1701 2 дня назад
@user-hp5ck2vq2h 2 дня назад
Read a little further in your Quran, you are dependent on Jesus to return and then tell you who was right or wrong…that’s what the Quran says…to wait to the last second. Why don’t you just read the Bible and rationally figure out killing and heaven do not match. Whoever has the son, personal relationship with Jesus, has eternal life and whoever doesn’t the wrath of God remains on him. Careful crazy spirits out there can make one think fallacies are true without the Bible to back up common sense.
@user-hp5ck2vq2h 2 дня назад
Allah or any form in spelling is not a name it’s the Arabic word for god. Jesus did not call out or depend on your god. False.
@jamellaazadzoi1085 2 дня назад
Jazakallah Khairan Ustadh Ihsan and Brother Jonathan for this beautiful discourse. Alhamdulilah, it has clarified the spiritual path in a clear, concise and meaningul manner Alhamdulilah. The key as you have mentioned is to continously practise the Art and Skill of Meditation to remain in this paradisial state of existence (tranquil soul) until it becomes a more permanent state of existence insha'allah. May you both be blessed with Jannatul Firdaws and all goodness in this world and the next 🤲
@mar1no124 3 дня назад
Apologies, I hear your videos all the time but I only pay attention somewhat as I listen to your videos as a sleep aide. No, I'm not speaking of boredom. It is simply the sound of your voice and style. Not my usual ASMR channel but I don't care , thank you again!
@khadijakhatib6446 5 дней назад
Asalam alaykum! Totally heartbroken about what's happening in Palestine but at the same time feeling proud of their resilience and strength of iman. The solace is that they are the chosen people of Allah, and this is a test not only for them but also for the rest of the ummah.
@adeebidroos9197 5 дней назад
@Idishrkdmd 6 дней назад
no he wouldn't have he was a Jew he would have referred to him as YHWH in the temple to whom he prayed. Allah just means God in Arabic and other languages in that region it doesn't mean that Arabic Christians are actually Muslims.
@bobbobertbobberton1073 6 дней назад
LOL Just because Jesus spoke Aramaic doesn't mean the name of God is also in Aramaic. Its Elohim, the Torah was in Hebrew and the Abrahamic God was called Elohim. Muslims always say this, yes Jesus' name was Isho in Aramaic but why would Gods name also be in Aramaic lol.
@Alfitrah2023 6 дней назад
May Allah reward you for this information ❤️
@Sahresh.azeemi 6 дней назад
Thank you so much, brother. This video helped me so much. We need these reminders in our spiritual path. May Allah reward you manifolds and always keep you close to him.
@ummshaheed 7 дней назад
JazakAllahu Khairan Kathira
@teresalesher2973 7 дней назад
What an excellent conversation and explanation! I realize how difficult it is to describe the meditative state that surrenders and opens to Divine Presence, so this was very helpful. Allah blessed me, undeservedly, with such an experience and it truly was the beginning of a new perspective and the start of a new jihad -- trying to invite that experience again and hold greater space for it... for that encompassing and permeating love. As a way of inviting that state, I try to keep ritual purity (wudu) as much as possible, recall the names of Allah, and engage in gratitude and supplication in the background of whatever I am doing. (Do you have more ideas?) I think the best time to get into this state is in the middle of the night... making wudu and praying in total darkness -- when the self is not visible -- then slowing the prayer waaaaay down... words, ruku', sujood, dua.... leaving empty spaces to experience emptiness... The self diminishes and consciousness of Allah emerges. It's wonderful. May He bless us with His Grace that allows us to constantly witness Him, ameen.
@SaadMohammedGhori 7 дней назад
I've been confused about whether I should go with the flow and just trust. It feels good but I seem to be lazier when I do so. I'm just watching RU-vid all day not doing anything productive. It seems like everything points to the fact that I should go with the flow though (even this video) so I'm confused. Any thoughts anybody?
@user-lb1ov5sw4s 7 дней назад
truly, I believe that many muslims these days are too close minded and just follow the rules and do not delve into the spiritual aspect of Islam. There is many ways to gain understanding of islam apart from the quran and the hadiths, I myself have gained a deeper understanding of islam when I was reading a book on taoism. We as an ummah must broaden our horizons.
@lanrelawal2532 3 дня назад
really? taoism? you gained more understanding reading about polytheist religion? am so confused!
@user-lb1ov5sw4s 2 дня назад
@@lanrelawal2532 how is taoism a polytheistic religion? I think you're confusing this with Hinduism.
@user-lb1ov5sw4s 2 дня назад
@lanrelawal2532 also taoism is not a religion, it is a philosophy. Lau tzu himself warned his followers NOT to worship him. I advise you to open your mind and read about taoism, you'll find many similarities to islam therein.
@user-lb1ov5sw4s 2 дня назад
@lanrelawal2532 here is a passage that has greatly inspired me: " If you go searching for the Great Creator, you will come back empty handed. The source of the universe is ultimately unknowable , a great invisible river flowing forever through a vast and fertile valley. Silent and Uncreated, It creates all things."
@lanrelawal2532 2 дня назад
@@user-lb1ov5sw4s reading about such shows and taking things from other "philosophy" i believe you you say our deen is deficient. Think about it, ibn al jawzi books, hadith sciences , islamic philosophy from our greatest scholars of all time, there is sooo much knowledge in our islam, we dont need to broaden our horizon because Allah swt as complete our religion for us! You shouldnt have time reading about taoism because our islam is more than enough to get whatever philosophy we are looking for. Ibn al jawzi has so much books its crazy , i advise you to look into that than "Taoism".
@yasminabdelfattah3048 7 дней назад
Thank you for this talk ! No need to apologise you were perfectly clear and present your thoughts with such grace. I wanted to hear your opinions on Wim Hof (the ice man) I have recently adopted his method to may routine ( cold exposure & a particular breathing technique) He basically believes if you are to adopt these practices in will reach those deeper dimensions of yourself & basically will get back to your natural state . He advocates that all people have the potential to heal themselves and it is as easy as doing those practices.I have to say the cold exposure has amazing physical effects on the body but I love the discipline & control it helps me develop. However in my experience his breathing techniques ( which are quite simple) has a profound effect . I’ve never been able to reach this state through meditation of letting go into total surrender. However with this breathing technique I am so much closer and you can feel the the tremendous effects it has on your body. Would you be able to link this back to Islam ?
@Kimossab3 8 дней назад
Going to Istanbul, Turkiye & staying in the Sultanahmet area for about week, insha Allah. Any special recommendations on places to visit to get closer to The One/purify/ascend self outside of being a tourist?
@spiritualexcellence 2 дня назад
Hopefully you get this message in time, but I would highly recommend visiting Eyup Sultan, one of the most blessed sites in all of Turkey. The Hagia Sophia is a must. And see where your heart guides you. Safe and blessed travels.
@Kimossab3 2 дня назад
@spiritualexcellence got this in time. Thank you brother. May Allah facilitate our obedience
@robertopatrone7532 8 дней назад
it is certainly true that meditation is part of islam, but while in buddhism it's the focus of the practice, everywhere you can find a buddhist temple either theravada or mahayana like zen, teaching a different set of tecniques, maybe some in a better way other less, in Islam nowadays where is possible to learn it? How much is actually integrated in Muslims modern life? In very few places you can find communities or people that teaches it, at the moment I still have to find one. Maybe some tariqa, but it seems difficult to find one.
@viktoriadeebklint6268 8 дней назад
This is so good and clear! Beautiful conversation. Thank you. May Allah bless and protect you both.
@bluesky45299 8 дней назад
How would you prove robot has consciousness using empirical data. How do you prove to blind man what color red is using empirical data. In theory, robot can be programmed to move its hand when it touches hot surface. How do I know its having the experience of hot using test tube(Deduction/induction). The only thing i am certain of is that i have experience of hot. This experience can only come from entity that can already experience existence (Allah-one/indivisible/self-sufficient/unique/All-Loving infinite perfection). If you cannot prove your own consciousness using “scientific method”, then how can you reject the existence of Perfect/infinite metaphysical being(Allah)? “Cogito ergo sum”( I think therefore I am) should be read as “cogito ergo est”(I think therefore Allah is).
@julinaonYT 8 дней назад
I want to express my thanks to the guest brother for demystifying the whole matter. The pragmatic person loves to make best use of time and energy, its true, tabarakAllah
@julinaonYT 8 дней назад
I also wanted to ask about lifestyle because along ago there was shepherds or people on caravans traveling vast distance and people had time to be still and observe and do tafakur, now we have a rat race so does the problem of modernity influence how the modality of religion, becoming more exoteric etc
@julinaonYT 8 дней назад
I have adhd so sitting still is a challenge but i found doing art or creative pursuits takes my focus far away from self i am in a flow state and away from self. Is that like doing a meditation. (Also going for a walk with no thoughts just experience) So can i ask about those, is it possible for creativity or walking can be like a meditation?
@1qR4 8 дней назад
“As Muslims we are just scratching the surface and Non- Muslims have no idea what this religion (way of life) is about!” Sums it up❤ JazakAllah! Heartfelt thank you to you both. Thank you for this conversation! Please have a conversation on •Salah and how it is deeper meditation, and •How does Islam help reach God (a question from a non-muslim friend) May your blessings multiply manifold. Ameen ❤
@julinaonYT 8 дней назад
Joy ➡️ shukr ➡️ baraka Happy is the affair of the Believer
@1qR4 8 дней назад
I have been asked several times about the practice of “meditation” in Islam - something which is present in all world religions. Have never heard a better explanation. Thank you - JazakAllah💓 May Allah increase your blessings manifold and guide us all stronger towards him
@kevinadeoti7443 8 дней назад
Thanks from France brothers
@soumayaviljoen3580 8 дней назад
May Almighty Allah bless Br. Ihsaan n Br. Jon in abundance, آمين
@1qR4 8 дней назад
May we all become More dearer and beloved to Allah swt … Ameen 🤲🏻 (I say “more dear” because we all are already dear to Allah almighty and hence breathing the air we do only because of his love, mercy and grace) Ya Allah make us all your beloved- may of hearts beat each moment in not only subconscious but also conscious remembrance of you ❤
@JanisSierra-ku8fq 8 дней назад
Jesus Christ is Lord and savior!