The Tower of Babel
7 лет назад
Cain and Abel
7 лет назад
Buddha's Renunciation
7 лет назад
Mesopotamian Gods
7 лет назад
Egyptian Gods
7 лет назад
Kazoobie Kazobo
7 лет назад
7 лет назад
Sniper Ghost Scepter
7 лет назад
Supermoon Timelapse
7 лет назад
Gollum get ye gone
8 лет назад
Bagpipes at Queen's Park
8 лет назад
@HillAlva-z7b 7 дней назад
Gonzalez David Young Melissa Gonzalez Frank
@kylek2939 11 дней назад
Thank you :)
@adiloren13 26 дней назад
Satan is from the Hebrew for opposer or accuser.
@Thrashenizer Месяц назад
And how many "Gods" does Jordan.P have? 99?
@Thrashenizer Месяц назад
It brakes my heart to see JP project his tensor of reason onto the manifold of ignorance so confidently ! You should 1st consult the people whose history you mean to discuss! Beware professor! Disrespect is a symmetric, self-adjoint operator..
@harrypatterson8802 Месяц назад
Dude, you are a professor that know nothing about ancient African history...your lecture is laughable. One can tell that you are recirculating the false misunderstood narrative that your bias forefathers wrote and deemed themselves scholars.
@Yellow-IV Месяц назад
Cain is a gangsta in my book
@davidelliott9661 Месяц назад
What dawned onto me was the world trade towers were like the tower of Bebel.
@dimitriospolymeros1497 2 месяца назад
The two myths are similar yet the meaning is the exact opposite. Humans eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Then they are damned for their actions whereas Buddha beggins his spiritual journey the moment he escapes his Eden.
@chasemorello60 2 месяца назад
@yvonne530 3 месяца назад
Giuseppe Catapano: "Atlantida which disappeared 12,000 years ago, was the land of the Pelasgians (ancestors of Albanians), who escaped the flood of Atlantis and began new civilizations on all continents, especially in Europe, Africa and small Asia". THOTH spoke Albanian! Thot means "to say" in Albanian Language. The Albanian Language is a proto Indo-European language, the Babel language indeed. Science Magazine 2023 declared Albanian Language older than 8000 years old.
@tmeezulsingh 3 месяца назад
Yes he telling Babylonian mythology not the Mesopotamian one
@markarmage3776 5 месяцев назад
Peterson is going to be so shocked when he learns that Ancient China has about the entire population of Europe and they stayed united for about 3000 to 4000 years. Using this made up book to explain everything in the world is not a wise move, because this book barely affects 1/3 of the global population. The other 2/3 has a vastly different history and culture that he doesn't know of.
@weidchar1646 6 месяцев назад
As intelligent of a person as Peterson is, this is an example of one of his many refusals to fully acknowledge the flaws of these religious texts. In this story, God is undeniable depicted as an insecure deity who was too afraid of what man could become, so therefor had to cause chaos amongst them. Extrapolate other meanings all you want, but first acknowledge this.
@holyexcalibur3116 7 месяцев назад
Just like hitler he tried to create his own babal.
@liamsh6978 7 месяцев назад
"it isn't good enough to be the best at dominance hierarchy, what you want is to be is the best at the set of all possible dominance hierarchies"👏
@orestesvega2475 7 месяцев назад
@Suntop95 7 месяцев назад
For those that are curious: this is the enuma elish. Apsu is killed by the wisest god, Enki, bc Apsu was going to kill them for making a racket and disturbing his rest. Not really a parable of killing culture as it is a parable of the process of creation. The younger gods were a noisy and chaotic, disturbing the established order. When the established order (eg apsu) tries to subdue them they kill it in order to survive. Tiamat raises the forces of chaos to gain vengence but the gods put her down, and in the process grow up to become the new rulers of order. Creation is a tumultuous process whereby change brings destruction to make way for new things. It literally transforms the old order into a new one as we see in the story.
@nicomoreno5028 8 месяцев назад
JFK made it to the highest office, then eventually spoke with his mouth that he was going to cut the CIA into a thousand pieces. Then somebody killed him, sadly. I'm obviously skipping several story points. Anyway, this lecture reminded me of JFK for some reason.
@Emppu_T. 8 месяцев назад
I was watching meteopolis and one thing that struck me is the take that "people spoke the same language, yet didn't understand each other" feels like what's happening today. The groups have split and can't understand so the big project, like babel or a society breaks down. They don't have a common heart or a mediator.
@JayBlazingProphecy 8 месяцев назад
We are in those times again.
@absoluteRa07 9 месяцев назад
totally false reading of egyptian's mythology and belief system
@playlistofsongs 9 месяцев назад
Looking for special meaning in text like this is almost schizophrenic or paranoid type thinking. Peterson does not say "maybe" or "perhaps." He is preaching in a disturbingly narcissistic way.
@Aramondo 10 месяцев назад
AND/OR - the original language was simply a language of LOVE. YES LOVE. Thereafter, babel was the disruptive moment in time where the universal language of LOVE was remixed. “Just LOVE”
@mellow5123 10 месяцев назад
What is this guy trying to say? He's positing so many notions with no underlying thesis. It's sort of a strange rant.
@slim7934 10 месяцев назад
This is such an important video
@John19182004 10 месяцев назад
Babel?? Isnt it BAYbel? listen to the Elton John song “tower of Babel” .. Babel is rhymed with Abel .. ??
@nathanreed3857 10 месяцев назад
Close,,, giving up your eye is running on a low energy level which can be achieved by evacuation,sex. The reason is because the sun uses certain frequency to see,like a bat. Running a low wave let's other waves over take the living sun video feed to your eyes. So horus was the eyes of the sun 🌞 the sun is a living being named Satan. Now reason for pyramid construction is a wifi link through the vibrations of the cities,people to the family inside and orgone pieces are physically connected to the makers and vibrate after death allowing the dead ti have greater powers with the more objects they make and certain objects increase their waves,ahnk are vibrations increases do to compression of gold and quartz. STOP SPRAYING US....☆JEDI1 ✋️
@4everseekingwisdom690 11 месяцев назад
Really disappointed in his Egyptian knowledge Satan doesn't come from Seth he's the "ha Satan" of book of Job ie the accuser and isis isn't the Queen of the underworld she's married to Osiris who is the king of the underworld but she isn't involved in the duat
@eehlohluell 11 месяцев назад
Idk if anyone has said this before, but I think god being in "awe" of man becoming so big in this story is not positive awe, but negative, as in being almost sarcastic about praising man's hubris at pretending we are not susceptible into breaking apart socially. I think god in this instance is meant to act like a mirror, not necessarily a being, and him making them no longer being able to understand is not something he did, but rather reflecting to mankind the fragility of mankind, if that makes sense. So in essence, what I think God is teaching here, is teaching Man to not overestimate their ability of controlling(keeping social cohesion) of Man(culture, language, desire, etc.) And him making them "babble" is simply reflecting, showing that fact, as he too could not prevent Man from taking a bite of the forbidden fruit.
@duanecarr6712 Год назад
Whoever took this man in college….you got a billion dollar education that is real, be thankful
@peterkim1609 Год назад
People always wonder why there are multiple religions, the Tower of Babel is such an easy explanation. It's like the game of telephone, you know when people are dispersed the story will change and if they all speak different languages they're going to come up with their own terms for the same thing. Like is there a difference between love, 사랑? What if everyone went around fighting wars saying their language was the correct one when all words are made up and they describe the same emotion.
@HeavyK. Год назад
Economic catastrophies are magnifying. However, the time of recovery seems to be shorter and shorter.
@15nanoseconds Год назад
Sir, you're no Joseph Campbell. Nice try though.
@X001-1 Год назад
@kenowens9021 Год назад
IF Cain, instead of killing Abel, went to him and asked him to help him with his offering, that would have made God accept the offering, thus reversing what Lucifer did to Adam and Eve, and God could have sent the messiah to Adam's family right then. But, Cain got angry and slew Adam, repeating Lucifer's selfish act against God.
@paba10 Год назад
I liked Jordan when he was teaching something rather than just ranting
@veronicalopes8948 Год назад
Cain is mixer of good and evil that is pride Serpent iniquity that is jealousy and Abel is good humble heart God accepted his offering he was killed was innocent Abel spread his poison generation to generation to remove poison made bronze snake lord Jesus saviour Cain generation cannot take name of lord in vain and preach in Jesus name that is goodness of God so lord Shiva is destroyer of poison aline with God for devil is real torment no peace no love no joy dust of mouth Shiva is meditation just keeps on repeating His name so that negative energy to out leave presence and gets in positive energy it's idea
@claudiamanta1943 Год назад
Peterson. I don’t know how you managed to be SO wrong, yet… you never cease to surprise me. I would suggest you stick to politics. The gods do not fight. People do. The emergence and dominance of a particular god/ set of gods/ theological system was in Ancient Egypt (and has been everywhere) the result of a particular set of ideologues who were the priests at that time. There’s nothing archetypal per se. As for your knowledge of Ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses… bloody hell, mate. Isis is NOT the queen of the Underworld. She is the archetypal female ruler. And a dangerous one, so the news is not good for you because you insulted Her. And no, She is not like the Christian Mary who is a weak and suffering figure. As well as Osiris is not the bloody christ. Osiris was not blind. He was not old. And he didn’t come back to the world of the living. And no, Osiris’ phallus was the only part that Isis could NOT find. Also, Osiris slept with Seth’s wife. As for Seth… who the hell defends Ra during His night journey? Osiris? No. Horus? No. Seth who fights Apophis/Apep. Whose representation is on the was- sceptre (the sceptre of power) that is in the hands of all gods, goddesses, and human rulers? Osiris? No. Horus? No. Seth. Ask your mates who think themselves ‘initiated’ about what happened between Seth and Horus 😏 Stop talking shit. You’re disrespectful and embarrassing.
@veronicalopes8948 Год назад
Where are you? Hope everything is good you
@stevenyoutsey8989 Год назад
Dunbar's Number is fascinating!
@chelito1929 Год назад
So this is pretty much the yugioh anime… Osiris - the old pharaoh who represents order but can’t see (lost his memories) and was cut to pieces (millenium puzzle?) by his evil brother. Seth - Seto Kaiba (very subtle) pharaoh’s evil brother who wanted to rule Isis - Young Yugi who represents chaos/potential who brings the pieces of the old pharaoh together
@veronicalopes8948 Год назад
John 6:37 all that the Father gives Me will come to Me and the one who comes to Me i will by no means cast out there were at least two courses open to God when Lucifer sinned He could in His Omnipotence have destroyed Lucifer with a stroke had He done this He could never have created another being as high and wonderfull as Lucifer seated as prime minister of the universe possessing the gift of will of choice without seeing the same rebbellion occur again and again awareness is very important i am not against on any religion yeshua is not religion He is saviour light of life focus what's going on wrong things and expose them for making wrong use of weak people and want to take high position prime minister's earthly kings whoever may be worldly leaders pastors preachers priest doctors brothers sisters and others may be in religion or any kind of activities that doesn't bother me this is to make people aware what's going on in world by making them blind devil is making use of people to increase his kingdom of darkness dust of mouth lair to get idea how to deal with this kind of situation those who are in light be alert and watch God says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge actually light must have higher place and those who are in darkness enjoying by committing crimes cheat lair sin etc people of God must show them their place expose them in light Dr Jordan B Peterson used me to change his wrong relationship and i used him to change my wrong relationship Matthew 6-12 and forgive us our depts as we forgive our debtors. We may be thankful that God did not strike Lucifer down and so make of eternity a series of high creation wilful rebellion and powerful out bursts of judgement and suppression however the evidence of scripture and history shows that God chose rather to give the rebel of full opportunity of exploiting every Avenue of his power and wisdom so that it might is demonstrated that nothing good could ever come to the creation apart from that which originates in God Himself the full significance of this is better understood after we have considered the details of Satan's willful claim when Satan conceived a will that was contrary to God he formulated a plan of attack which is set forth in the five i wills of Isaiah's account some of people impression that all those who preach online or any kind of activities are biblical they have mixer mix masala some of pride which is destruction and some of peace which leads towards God all are confused in this way mind get's blind of having wisdom and knowledge of God but heart far from God devil has put thought that leads life to God so called you will be like God became fools this kind of is far from the truth Satan's rebellion began on this earth and proceeded toward heaven and the throne of God. I have experienced everything in my body for i was put in that situation i gave myself to slotter as sheep for muslim catholic hindu Christian and others died buried and rose again Holy spirit helped me to connect back to God i took wisdom and love from Heavenly Father we learn till we go back in mud God's spirit goes back to God i live for God and i die for God i was in Roman catholic Church 36 years for me situation was such mark of beast 666 culture religion tradition Antichrist for i was in search of love and husband i din't know what was going on although God was with me and in me earthly people worship idolatry even if they say believe in lord Jesus which means lair statue just imagine if mom Luiza condition is such she is selfish idolatry lair louis is in adultery lair Estephan denied lord Jesus love as st Peter built church on lair and mohan is in hypocrite speak one thing and do other thing lair so if anybody start preaching or become prime minister or kings for they got pride in them blind leaders lead blind what will happen destruction instead of following what lord Jesus said i am the way truth and life only way to go to our Father that is peace will start act as if God exists lawlessness worship creatures rather than creator more than one will one law broke full law broken very dengerous spirit demonic possession get's conteminated all those who follow who he or she is in chaos i mean middle made back for God love people hear all this and enjoy being in darkness loose presence of God money making buisness will not understand Bible teaching if you are not Aline with God almighty then devil gives wrong information wrong message so that don't have high level light of life focus on what's going on get's explore devil creates fear for he is real so that comes in category of destruction if we desire God's mercy what 2 things must we do ? (1) confess our sins (2) reject our sins proverbs 28:13 He who covers his sins will not prosper but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy if we confess our sins what 2 things will God do for us (1) forgive us our sins (2) cleanse us from all the wrong 1 John 1_9 if we confess our sins He is faithfull and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness what is God's remedy to cleanse our hearts from all sin blood of Jesus God's son 1 John 1:7 but if we walk in the light as He is in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ His son cleanses us from all sin if we desire to be saved what 2 things must we do (1) with our hearts believe that God raised Jesus from the dead (2) with our mouths confess Jesus is the lord Roman 10- 9:10 that if you confess with your mouth the lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead you will be saved for with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation if we come to Christ will He reject us no John 6;37 all that the Father gives Me will come to Me and the one who comes to Me i will by no means cast out if we open our hearts to receive Christ what promise has He given us Revelation 3_20 behold i stand at the door and knock if anyone heard my voice and opens the door i will come in to him and dine with him and he with Me rebellion began on earth the first i will ascend into heaven is the announcement of his general objective and includes the very important fact that the rebellion began on this earth lost presence of God lost paradise has Lucifer beginning in heaven and cast out when he gathers a host of angels to fight against God thrust out with their leader they all fell to hell where they lie after a consultation in Satan's palace which they have built in hell and named pandemonium it is recounted that a rumor has been current in heaven to the effect that God was planning to create a new world and govern it by a new creation to be called man it is decided therefore that their best policy is to investigate the rumour and if it is verified to turn their attention to man so that seducing him they might frustrate the plans of God the consequent sin of man and the loss of paradise where there is a partial mitigation of error through the presentation of the fact that redemption in through Christ. John 1:12_13 but to all who did accept Him and believe in Him He gave the right to become children of God they did not become His children in any human way by any human parents or human desire they were born of God.
@veronicalopes8948 Год назад
1 Peter 2:12 but these like natural brute beasts made to be caught and destroyed speak evil of the things they do not understand and will utterly perish in their own corruption. Selfish people don't change and don't want to be corrected for example as mom Luiza is in idolatry and her family is in religion church is built on Rock St Peter lair Estephan denied Love lord Jesus and rejected Christ faithfulness lawlessness mohan is in idolatry bow down to devil sons of disobedience hypocrite louis made back for God act as if God exists is in adultery i understand mom Luiza and her family stranger to word of God they don't understand me i don't have any relationship with them this is forgiveness which means show where they went wrong blasphemy against Holy spirit don't forgive for man think in his heart so is he gave bad words gave curses for correcting them gave for good in return evil Exodus 22:21 you shall neither mistreat a stranger nor oppress him for you were stranger in the land of Egypt i don't change others i change myself i don't have any relationship with them it's choice curses goes on generation to generation Genesis 4:11 _12 so now you are cursed from the earth which has opened it's mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand killed lord Jesus said we don't have goodness crucify goodness on cross and rejected Christ faithfulness when you till the ground it shall no longer yield it's strength to you a fugitive and a vagabond you shall be on the earth. Mom Luiza and her family is in waste stone so called status this is alien spirit Antichrist religion tradition culture four footed animal reptiles kingdom of Zoo unknown language earthly language darkness dust in mouth prince of air what light has got to do with darkness what God divided cannot joined and what God has joined may no man separate Deuteronomy 30;19 i call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you that I have set before you life and death blessings and cursing therefore choose life that both you and your descendants may live. We now look upon this question from the point of view of heaven and from the outlook of eternity time shrinks into an insignificant moment between two eternities we look back and realise that there was a forever and forever and ever before God created Lucifer we look into the future and we see that there will be another forever and forever and ever after God the lord Jesus Christ has put down all rule and all authority and power for He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet 1 Corinthians 15:24 _25 then comes the end when He dellievers the kingdom to God the Father when He puts an end to all rule and all authority and power for He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. What appears to us from our worm's eyes view of earth to be vast stretches of time covering all the generations of man's history and the ages of the earth shrinks into a single moment between two eternities during which God is permitting evil to prevail for a brief space and out of which He shall bring a multitude of sons capable of sharing His glory and of ruling the universe from a position higher than that of Lucifer before his fall though these sons shall have a dignity and a glory far above that which Lucifer knew and though they shall exercise powers and hold prerogatives far higher than those given to the first governor of the universe there shall never rise in any heart the thought of rebellion against the authority of God if we are asked why we thus conclude there are several answers first the old nature of Adam with its rebellious heart was judged at the cross of Christ and at our death or at the transforming appearance of Christ it ceases forever to have a place within us second the new creation 2 Corinthians 5'17 therefore if anyone is in Christ he is new creation old things have passed away behold all things have become new which made us partakers of divine nature 2 Peter 1:4 by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. Is a nature which cannot sin 1 John 3_9 whoever has been born of God does not sin for His seed remains in him and he cannot sin because he has been born of God. For His seed remains in us lastly if sin were ever to break out again it would demand another atonement and the scripture tells us that Christ having been raised from dies the dead no more death has no more dominion over Him Romans 6;9 knowing that Christ having been raised from the dead dies no more death no longer has dominion over Him. Moreover no son brought from the miry clay and made to stand upon the high rock will ever wish to take any glory to himself but will realise that all worship belongs to the Godhead Father son and Holy spirit no son with the indelible memory that he was lifted from the pit of sin will ever wish to arrogate to himself an authority which he knows belongs to the creator alone this God shall have with Him an infinite company of sons ruling the universe for Him and giving all of the glory to Him.
@Eye1Kemet Год назад
Jordan Peterson is simply amazing with knowledge and intellect. I would love to attend a class of his.
@mariobroselli3642 Год назад
Who is earth element personified?
@lawxs9114 Год назад
@lawxs9114 Год назад
Seth saudaranya
@lawxs9114 Год назад
ISIS dewi
@lawxs9114 Год назад
@lawxs9114 Год назад
Seth kill osiris Mutilasi Chaos isis ISIS melahirkan horus Horus dilahirkan dari chaos Falken Seth mengeluarkan matanya Di kalahkan ke baseement
@lawxs9114 Год назад
Pay attention not thinking Eye human better than all animal except burung pemangsa
@paulcrown3754 Год назад
This story seems to have perfect parallels with modern Hollywood. Particularly the idea of how it lives of the corpse of the dead past.
@duanecarr6712 Год назад
I could listen to him all day. High school should be all Jordan all day every day. Can you imagine the minds and hearts we could bring forth.
@salserokorsou Год назад
So this is the biggest pile of crap y'all ever heard, right?