Mel & Dave's Life
Mel & Dave's Life
Mel & Dave's Life
So my wife recently got diagnosed with terminal cancer. This channel has been started as a place to share our thoughts, talk about things or just to connect with people who are either going through something similar or have been through something similar. Anyone is welcome

Email davidtyler4164@gmail.com
Devastating News
Год назад
Cancer Update
Год назад
Sad News
Год назад
latest scan results
2 года назад
Not the news we wanted.
2 года назад
A Few Rough Days, living with cancer
2 года назад
Diagnosis & Cancer Treatment
2 года назад
@PhilsWorkshop1953 Год назад
Hi Dave as you know I’m now going through the process with Sue she’s started with the cancer tablets hoping for time but time will tell like you I’m lost frustrating and a whole lot of anger the times I’ve felt like screaming. I understand and know your pain my friend
@VailsMom Год назад
Dave, this is the most challenging time of your life. It’s impossible to make sense of this kind of loss. It’s a hard, cruel time. There’s no way around that. Give yourself some time to come to grips with how you are feeling. But please remember this: Your wife is with you - she’s part of you because of the happy times and hard times you shared. No matter where you go or what you’re doing or what you are thinking of, you cannot abandon her. You are part of her and she is part of you. As you begin to process your loss, try every day to remember at least one happy memory. Even something as simple as her standing at the sink or enjoying her silly house slippers or a way she had of looking at you. Try to think of some one thing not related to her illness. What you’ve experienced is harrowing, look for pieces of the joy you shared to comfort you as you heal. We are all thinking of you.
@VailsMom Год назад
😊So very sorry for your loss, Dave. Thank you for sharing with us, as difficult as it must be. So many are thinking of you and holding you and your family in our hearts.
@FixitFingers Год назад
Beautiful video mate, and yes, track down the carers. Keep this channel for cheap therapy. Get in the shed when you can, cry when you want, and randomly get everything off your chest. Much love Dave, you did the best she could ask for and Im sure she is looking down on you with love and admiration.
@tomchambers8686 Год назад
So sorry to hear of the news Dave, thoughts with you and the rest of the family. Take care of each other mate.
@scrapwoodandy6600 Год назад
Ramble all you want. My thoughts are with you and the family. I am always here to listen ❤
@RpR_Makes Год назад
Dave, never apologise we are listening to a man going through grief. Look after yourself mate.
@dy1an Год назад
Everything you're thinking, the way you're feeling, it's all normal and no one will think any less of you for taking time to get your mind together. You need to look after yourself though. Just little things. Have a shower, cuddle the cat, eat something. Even if it's just a cup of soup, you need to eat something. Go and see the grandkids, or get your daughter to bring them over. You shouldn't be on your own. Lastly, stay out of the workshop for now, at least until you can think straight and are able to concentrate. But once it's safe, go out there, spend some time making something to remember her by.
@andrewmidwinter8153 Год назад
Sorry Dave to hear you sad news. Can’t imagine what you must be feeling. Incredibly brave of you to come on here and share this story. Thoughts with you and your family at this difficult time.
@trevorwilson9369 Год назад
Dave, please accept my deepest condolences. Eleven years ago - on 23 December-2011, my wife lost her battle against cancer. Whilst everyone's situation is unique, I, to some degree, know what you are going through. Please take care of yourself, use those around you for support, and if you wish I am willing to talk on a one to one basis. Wishing you God's richest blessings at this very difficult time.
@trevorb1239 Год назад
Ramble all you want, you have been through a lot you need to grieve you need time to heal and recover physically and mentally as others have said don't give up we all enjoy watching your videos,I would not have an interest in working In my shed with my tools and wood if not for your videos, bought my DeWalt 7491 & 7485 because of your use of one of these,if things get too much to handle out a short video or message on here on your & Mel's channel and we can arrange to talk on Facebook,I have had depression anxiety for years so I know what he'll you are experiencing, take care Dave,in my thoughts mate always and if you need to talk as I said give me a yell wish you all the best and stay safe mate 🙏🙏🙏
@benjaqsonworkshop9974 Год назад
Everything you said rings true to the experience of so many others so nothing sounds strange or odd. This type of grief hits hard and although we learn to handle emotions like laughter and sadness this type of emotion is completely new and so hard to come to terms with. You need to heal and to grieve in your own way and at your own pace and the support of those who are interested is genuine and is there because of the person you are. No advice, just support and understanding.
@theswime945 Год назад
Thanks for sharing so honestly mate, some of us ARE interested. Yeah, things will never be the same, that's true. All you have to do tomorrow is feed the cat, have a wash, brush your teeth & try not to sink into booze and drugs. DO NOT cash in your chips, you have to teach me some more jigs yet. Watching every day. Cheers.
@jesseaton3455 Год назад
Love you loads ❤
@Simon-kh2dd Год назад
Dave, Ramble anytime you like, if it helps you, then ramble all you need.....you are in our thoughts.
@AMG63 Год назад
Mate its a traumatic thing you have all just been through so let yourself mourn and don't rush,but please don't ever give up.
@AndyCPugh Год назад
Oh Dave, I'm so sorry for your loss> please accept my condolences.
@chriswest1301 Год назад
So so sorry to hear this Dave, incredibly sad. You have both been extremely brave, thank you for being you and try to remember that we are all here to support you if you need us. Take care.
@IanWilliams-mw8mg Год назад
so sorry to hear this please take care of yourself and your family
@thesmallshed Год назад
Thinking of you and your family at this difficult time, just shout out if you need anything.
@keefykeef Год назад
So sorry Dave. Our thoughts are with you. Be kind to yourself
@davidhonan4803 Год назад
So sorry 😒
@FixitFingers Год назад
A solemn Christmas Dave. I'm sure that was the toughest thing you've ever done. I hope it brings you some solace.
@jeffcarr392 Год назад
I'm so sorry for your loss
@trevorb1239 Год назад
So sorry to hear about your loss of your wife ,I offer my condolences Dave,be strong we are all here for you , always in our prayers take your time to recover you need to 🙏🙏🙏
@martinrs03 Год назад
Thank you for being so thoughtful in you time of need and sharing with us and keeping us updated. Heartbreaking news Dave! You are, as always, in our thoughts and prayers. 🙏🏼
@sandman2651 Год назад
Oh dave, im so sorry for your loss mel was such a good lady from what you have told us about her, i feel your loss my heart goes out to you and your family. Please be sure to look after yourself and be strong as you can for your family in this sad time.
@RpR_Makes Год назад
Dave I responded on your other channel, but wanted to say how gracious you are to wish your subscribers a Happy Christmas when your heart is breaking. I am here for you mate.
@AMG63 Год назад
Absolutely heart breaking 💔, my thoughts are with you and the family.
@ChrisLoganToronto Год назад
It is unfortunate that only people at the brink of losing someone or having just lost someone say what you said. "don't take your loved ones for granted" It's a good reminder. Boy, it's a rough business having to go through what you are. Both emotionally, but also the physical side of looking after someone who can't look after themselves. And we know you certainly not complaining. Just explaining how things are. I hope others beginning this same journey discover your videos. They would be comforting to someone to know that others are going through the same thing. Cheers from Canada
@VailsMom Год назад
I watched this when you first posted, but couldn’t comment at the time. My heart is with you both; Dave, you have amazing reserves of strength, and we can understand that, though exhausting, it is better for you, in many ways, to be able to support Mel to the best of your ability. It can be “easier” to be strong when you are focused on her and occupied with her care and the running of the household. I’ve been there, and for me, the focus and drive required to manage the moment-to-moment and daily requirements, actually helped me stay together. As you say, you can do things you never imagined, because they need to be done and you need to do them. Please do take a little time to rest. So many friends and supporters are here, wishing we could do more to help you. As it is, we offer our wishes for tender mercies. Thinking of you.
@carlculpepperimages Год назад
My heart goes out to you, Dave. I'm praying for you and your wife. May God's perfect peace cover you both in this time, in Jesus' name.
@GrumpaLoz Год назад
Tnx for the update Dave. words fail. Thoughts and prayers bud.
@PhilsWorkshop1953 Год назад
I am now going through the same as your self my wife has just been diagnosed with cancer of the liver and kidney so I feel like my life is coming to an abrupt halt not been in the shed can’t concentrate on tools at the time prayers and thoughts with you my friend
@meldaveslife Год назад
Oh no thats not good. Is her cancer curable?
@PhilsWorkshop1953 Год назад
@@meldaveslife unfortunately not Dave she’s had all the scans but because she’s asthmatic they don’t think she’ll be safe under the anaesthetic so it’s now biopsy time to see what if anything can be done to prolong life we hope. It’s hard my friend as me and the wife have been together for 52 years it’s a lot of living and a whole lot of loving as well
@meldaveslife Год назад
@@PhilsWorkshop1953 well I met my wife in 2008, got married in 2012 so been married for 10yrs. Was hoping for a long happy marriage but it's not looking so good. I totally understand how you feel. When we first found out it was like our life had come to a screeching halt. The thought of losing my lover, my best mate, my soul mate scares me to death. Can't imagine life without her. One thing I've learnt is don't stop living. Your wife is still here & you can still share precious time together. Live every day, tell her you love her & make memories together. Stay strong for her & look after yourself.
@PhilsWorkshop1953 Год назад
@@meldaveslife that is so true Dave we are just going from day to day and trying to carry on as normal but like my best mate is going away and it’s not something I’m looking forward to but with a bit of luck we can prolong things as much as she wants to go she’s frightened but I don’t know who’s frightened more me or her. Being to get her for this long you would have thought it would be easier but it’s so difficult 😥 sometimes I cry my self to sleep silently but the tears still come back like now trying to talk to you is difficult as the board gets distorted any way thanks for your concern it’s much appreciated and our heart felt prayers go out to you and your best mate I think sounds better for that what they are to us and big hugs all round 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
@trevorb1239 Год назад
So so sorry to hear what is happening with your wife, you are so strong to be able to talk about it with all of us most of who you have never met as we are all over the world, but this has brought us all together for you , you are dealing with something incredibly painful and my wife bronwynne and my self feel for you , take care of Mel , your family yourself and don't worry about losing subscribers, I'm standing by for you mate, and I'm sure All of us will Too, take care Dave spend time with Mel,that's what matters mate 🙏🙏
@thesmallshed Год назад
Thinking of you both Dave, and can't imagine what you are going through, it's humbling to see how you are dealing with this.
@jonathangreenwood793 Год назад
You are showing incredible strength in the face of something so frightening to you both. Don't be afraid to release the floodgates sometimes just to let some tension out. You are doing everything within your power to keep your wife comfortable and where she wants to be. Be proud, you know you are strong, and seek every assistance in your journey you can. You are an inspiration and a rock. May your chosen god bless you.
@benjaqsonworkshop9974 Год назад
What an incredibly strong man you are Dave. In explaining what Mel is suffering, you have pretty much described my dad in 2018. He had my mum caring in the same way you are doing and though he mostly was confused and lost, those moments of clarity let them appreciate the love they shared. I know it's tough, but you obviously have great family and neighbours who share Mel's kind nature. All the best mate; we are thinking of you.
@creepycrawlything Год назад
I don't know how support plays out in England, but in Scotland McMillan ans Marie Curie nurses can be a godsend, allowing primary carers respite. I talk about you and Mel with my immediate family (two retired nurses and one still practicing). What you are sharing is radiating out helpfully to many. As Fixit says, inspirational.
@David.M. Год назад
Thanks for the update. I have been thinking of you and your family. This is a difficult time, you are doing a great job.
@Geowebbie Год назад
This man is someone to aspire too. Salt of the earth!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@davidhonan4803 Год назад
Keep strong
@RpR_Makes Год назад
My heart breaks for you Dave, nobody deserves to go through this. However, you are so brave for sharing such personal thoughts. I relate to your story about not being able to pick your wife up when she fell, I had to call the fire service to lift my mother when she was I’ll,stay strong mate.
@keefykeef Год назад
You're doing amazing things mate. Wishing you and your family all the best ♥️
@FixitFingers Год назад
You're an inspirational man Dave. My heart was breaking for you watching this and the courage you're showing is immense. Enjoy every minute... even the gross ones :)
@bighig88 Год назад
Well done bud you couldn't do anymore to make your wife comfortable and surrounded by loved ones. Stay strong
@tuesboomer1623 Год назад
I think of you and Mel often and send up a prayer for your needs.
@theswime945 Год назад
You must be absolutely exhausted mate. Thanks for the update. Cheers.
@sandman2651 Год назад
Hi dave and mel, thanks for the update i did think about emailing you to say hi and thinking of you all but thought best not as didnt want to impose. Its good to see you looking and sounding so strong for mel and yourself and the rest of the family, im sure mel loves all that you all do for her. Give my love to mel and family and you will have to go with a man hug. Life can be hard but knowing your all there for each other makes the difference, mike
@SteveMonk1956 Год назад
Thanks for the update, Dave, as always, my thoughts are with you and the family and my best wishes too. I am a little disturbed to hear that the NHS messed you around with the ankle scan, we all hold the NHS in high regard, but that sort of mismanagement is just not good and if it added to your family's stress it is just not on. But at least they tried I suppose. Take care mate, as I say thoughts are with you all.