HDCOLORS - Colorful Kaleidoscopes with Added Value
HDCOLORS - Colorful Kaleidoscopes with Added Value
HDCOLORS - Colorful Kaleidoscopes with Added Value

Be good. Do not be evil. Here is how to do it. We will all seek to stimulate the nucleus accumbens to increase dopamine, serotonin & oxytocin (do good things) and we will all seek to avoid stimulating the amygdala to deny dopamine, serotonin & oxytocin (avoid doing bad things. Avoid creating stressors and threats. Do not be coercive).

This channel is for those with a desire to promote electronic democracy, science, academia, engineering, programming, writing, art, medicine & nursing in particular, creativity, imagination, reason, CRITICAL THINKING, peace, race and gender equality, civil rights, equal access to education, personal liberty, free speech, animal rights, compassionate and nonviolent parenting, social and economic justice, social and ecological responsibility, OPEN government, global monetary reform, cognitive liberty and a permanent cessation of The War on Drugs.

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@hdcolors 12 часов назад
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it ruined my KARMA for THIS LIFE in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-rM4Y_yUve0M.html (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. IllegitimateAlready.org/Abuse-of-Power.html We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER B.S. around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. define.com on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China www.FreeWorldBank.org on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors 12 часов назад
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it ruined my KARMA for THIS LIFE in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-rM4Y_yUve0M.html (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. IllegitimateAlready.org/Abuse-of-Power.html We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER B.S. around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. define.com on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China www.FreeWorldBank.org on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors 12 часов назад
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it ruined my KARMA for THIS LIFE in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-rM4Y_yUve0M.html (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. IllegitimateAlready.org/Abuse-of-Power.html We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER B.S. around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. define.com on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China www.FreeWorldBank.org on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors 12 часов назад
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it ruined my KARMA for THIS LIFE in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-rM4Y_yUve0M.html (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. IllegitimateAlready.org/Abuse-of-Power.html We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER B.S. around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. define.com on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China www.FreeWorldBank.org on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors 12 часов назад
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it ruined my KARMA for THIS LIFE in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-rM4Y_yUve0M.html (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. IllegitimateAlready.org/Abuse-of-Power.html We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER B.S. around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. define.com on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China www.FreeWorldBank.org on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors 12 часов назад
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it ruined my KARMA for THIS LIFE in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-rM4Y_yUve0M.html (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. IllegitimateAlready.org/Abuse-of-Power.html We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER B.S. around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. define.com on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China www.FreeWorldBank.org on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors 12 часов назад
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it ruined my KARMA for THIS LIFE in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-rM4Y_yUve0M.html (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. IllegitimateAlready.org/Abuse-of-Power.html We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER B.S. around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. define.com on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China www.FreeWorldBank.org on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@Breakersrevenge 2 дня назад
It kind of makes me trip mildly
@TheVideogirl9 3 дня назад
Thanks for this! The music is so sweet and relaxing.
@jongoward 4 дня назад
Where art images move everything come opening from everything from eveywhere!
@ms.weedn-hughes5439 4 дня назад
Kaleidoscope animation for sleep
@user-yc1ir2es4d 8 дней назад
I like this more up beat music
@hdcolors 8 дней назад
Thank you. It was a change.
@user-yc1ir2es4d 8 дней назад
I have been watching your channel for years. It's especially good watching in a pitch black room. Takes my breath away after watching the 1 and 2 hour shows
@gtgoddess24 8 дней назад
@astroscelesteacuario 11 дней назад
Bellos colores, ❤
@botwar_marketing 14 дней назад
@psychonautical379 14 дней назад
This and Sasha Chimaera are the only trip simulators on youtube that get it
@TimmyTurner-gn8np 14 дней назад
true that
@memyself6266 15 дней назад
This is healing beyond words
@taniasilveira7407 17 дней назад
Incrível como esse vídeo consegue acalmar e levar prá longe a ansiedade.
@taniasilveira7407 17 дней назад
Que lindo! Simplesmente encantador, chega ser comovente. Me acalma, me eleva para um nível metafísico. Gratidão por compartilhar🙏❤
@hdcolors 17 дней назад
You are most welcome. Thanks so much for your comment! All the best. -Ken
@UyAndGames 19 дней назад
i love it, thank you !
@hdcolors 19 дней назад
You are most welcome. Thanks for the comment!
@lucaslarsen1264 19 дней назад
@hdcolors 19 дней назад
Thank you for the love.
@lucaslarsen1264 2 дня назад
@paulvale2985 19 дней назад
Beautiful, again, thank you.
@hdcolors 19 дней назад
You are most welcome! Thank you so much for the gratitude and for sharing a comment. All the best - Ken.
@Thy-void 19 дней назад
@hdcolors 20 дней назад
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it ruined my KARMA for THIS LIFE in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-rM4Y_yUve0M.html (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER B.S. around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. IllegitimateAlready.org/Abuse-of-Power.html define.com on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China www.FreeWorldBank.org on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@sarahdidntwantthischannel6071 11 дней назад
classic banger truly one for the ages keep it up brother in christ spread the good word and the good fractals keep doing what ur doing brother amen
@hdcolors 11 дней назад
@@sarahdidntwantthischannel6071 thank you so much, my friend. All the best and blessings back to you. -Ken.
@hdcolors 21 день назад
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it ruined my KARMA for THIS LIFE in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-rM4Y_yUve0M.html (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. IllegitimateAlready.org/Abuse-of-Power.html We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER B.S. around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. define.com on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China www.FreeWorldBank.org on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@lucaslarsen1264 20 дней назад
maby this wil matter to you and maby it wont. but reading this on dmt i felt compelled to let u know that u are loved. u might not know me, but having watched every piece of art you have blessed us with, i feel like i somehow know you. i forgive you. i battling mental illness as well, and i know what its like. but if u want to be forgiven and you mean every word, i can with total confidence say god loves you. and so do i. and if u want to move forward, but fell like you are stuck in your past. know that when u receive this message at some point in the future(if u even ever read this) that in repenting the wrongs you have made, the universe resets Ur karma. now the only thing left to do is to forgive yourself. you cant always do right by everyone and you cant alter the past. but from where you are in your life and from this point in time, you can be better than your past self. and you already are. you bring so much love to the world with your art. and no matter the mistakes of your past, you and what you do are a blessing and for that i am truly thankful. i bless you and may god bless you many times. this might matter and it might not. but when i one day get the chance, i will put in a word for you.<3
@hdcolors 20 дней назад
@@lucaslarsen1264 Thank you so much, Lucas, from the bottom of my heart. This does mean a lot to me and I am very thankful that you appreciate my story and my desire to make things RIGHT and GOOD by the LAWS of the UNIVERSE and the LAW of KARMA. I realize that many people have different ideas of what HIGHER POWERS are and what the UNIVERSES' INTELLIGENCE is and how it relates to us as mere mortal humans. I appreciate that there ARE forces in the world that are NOT visible to humans yet that ARE involved in our STORIES and in our HUMAN AFFAIRS and INTERACTIONS. Thank you so much for being a part of THAT and for working for the forces of GOODNESS. Bless you, back! All the best, -Ken
@princessmommy80 25 дней назад
Hey, yo this is the stuff I got to watch in the psych ward
@hdcolors 25 дней назад
That’s great to hear!
@user-xl8vi5st4n 25 дней назад
@Amber-cj5nx Месяц назад
Hello, I'm your new viewer. I just watched your The Splendor of Color Kaleidoscope video and it was inspirational!! Though I watched it with other music channel called Malte Marten. Your music is fantastic as well but with such a pair, it works perfectly for me :) I appreciated it very much!
@hdcolors Месяц назад
Hello, Amber. That is wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing. Choosing the music is hard. Anything stimulating and all the pure relaxation/meditation viewers are turned off. I thought this video was going to be really popular among my channel's viewers but the average viewer only watches it for about 3 minutes. Therefore, the video's ranking in the RU-vid algorithm is ending up to be poor. Next time, no psychedelic mushrooms in the titles and really spacey low-stress meditation music for the soundtrack.
@hdcolors Месяц назад
This is a copy of my letter to RU-vid regarding my 5 minute video appeal of their decision to suspend monetization on my HDCOLORS RU-vid channel for copyrighted content reuse. I won my appeal with this letter and a video of me showing them my OPEN SOURCE photo video kaleidoscope software, my creative process and the legal licenses and receipts for the flower images. They've checked out my websites and determined that I am NOT being deceptive to the public. This is my real full-time job for Uncle Sam and the United Nations. They are making an ONLINE EDUCATIONAL EXAMPLE out of me. I'm living an EDUCATIONAL SYMBOLIC ALLEGORY designed to solve a lot of social and ecological problems all-at-once in one-fell-swoop with advanced computer science and advanced brain science. I just live my life and share my TRUE STORY ONLINE and try to be EDUCATIONAL about it all. I passed all their Community Guidelines safety checks and I'm back in good standing with RU-vid in their RU-vid Partner Program. Here's my appeal letter with some minor clarifying tweaks from the video and some extra paragraphs for the public record explaining why I'm on Social Security Disability as a smart guy with computer skills who knows how to make 4K photo kaleidoscope videos: My name is Ken Meyering. I'm the DEFINE.COM guy on the internet since June 21, 1995. I'm the HDCOLORS kaleidoscope guy on RU-vid since October 11, 2009. I'm a severely mentally ill educational public servant who works for the scientific community. I operate as a nonprofit private sector one-man educational scientific think tank who attempts to solve large scale social and ecological problems with super ultra top secret advanced technologies that already exist in the nonprofit private sector today. media.define.com/DROID-Kens-Adobe-Air-Video-Kaleidsocope-User-Interface.png I am GIFTED by OTHERS. Marvin Minsky and friends GAVE me a GIFT. I take being a kaleidoscope artist with GRATITUDE. I don't take that GIFT for GRANTED. MIT wrote this kaleidoscope software through me by wirelessly driving me like a digital avatar from a distance with faster-than-light distance-no-object real time zero-latency neuron-level superintelligent quantum telepathy. They fully understand the human brain. The technology is TOP SECRET. They controlled me completely like a sentient digital meat puppet. They gave me the skillsets to do this. They are making an educational example out of me. I'm in the mental health care system of the future. I'm a droid. I'm a real artificially intelligent human being. I work for ALL of humanity. They are keeping my OPEN SOURCE photo video kaleidoscope software off the market with BENEVOLENT MIND CONTROL. They are keeping it SECRET from the COERCIVE religions who would use it to hypnotically indoctrinate people to religious beliefs and scriptures, from the CORRUPT hypnotists promising instant wealth and from the GREEDY advertisers who just want to make a profit off the psychologically suggestible with hypnotic commercials. They are totally controlling ALL of my worldwide web traffic from INSIDE ALL the citizens' brains. People just are NOT motivated to check out my websites. I covered my legal bases from the get-go. My "Splendor of Color" fractal flame-based kaleidoscope videos were all made by me as an adult college student using OPEN SOURCE fractal flame formulas MODIFIED by me to create my colorful psychedelic HD kaleidoscope videos. I am allowed to reuse these fractal flame formulas in my own copyrighted commercial derivative art. The whole thing is set-up for educational scientific critical discussion purposes to highlight all the economic disincentives for sharing information. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-o_RufaRHC9M.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ju7DeIpH9hA.html I recently uploaded two photo video kaleidoscopes to my web channel called, "The Splendor of Flowers Beta" and the "The Splendor of Triangles." I made these photo kaleidoscope videos using 75 super high resolution flower images from Shutterstock. I coordinated my licensing for these RU-vid kaleidoscope videos with Shutterstock. I showed them my HDCOLORS.COM website and HDCOLORS RU-vid channel. I showed them the Beta video. I purchased 75 Enhanced Licenses for about $4,800 which legally enables me to create monetized and copyrighted computational derivative art with unlimited viewership. I can legally sell my own 4K Blu-ray videos made from these flower images. I can create monetized RU-vid videos. So far, I have chosen NOT to monetize these two videos as I am using these relaxing videos for educational scientific critical discussion purposes. I will provide you with screenshots of my Shutterstock account showing my receipts for Enhanced Licenses. All of our antiquated human systems from before the digital era are corrupt, dysfunctional and broken. The scientists have a plan to FIX the WHOLE SYSTEM with advanced computer science and advanced brain science. They're fixing all the health care systems, all the banking systems, all the legal systems and all the political systems with superintelligent artificial general intelligence. They are saving the whole world with STRONG AI and I get to talk about it openly on my websites and social media accounts. We are going to make everybody smarter. They need me to monetize my kaleidoscope videos for educational dramatic true storytelling purposes. It helps me financially and it helps the overall discussion about the impact of artificial general intelligence on the mental health care system and creative economy. Now automation puts all the smart people out of work. My totally scripted TRUE LIFE STORY highlights the economic HARDSHIPS and MISSED economic OPPORTUNITIES experienced by OPEN SOURCE programmers and digital artists who give away their very valuable computer code, digital art and mathematical formulas for FREE. I live on Social Security Disability for severe mental illness. I have no common sense. I have no impulse control and my impulse is to act against my own interests for the greater good of humanity. I do stupid things on purpose for educational scientific critical discussion purposes. I am subconsciously compelled to live a totally open and transparent life. I compulsively share all my worst fears and deepest secrets with total strangers. I don't fear human authority. I always share all my unfiltered honest thoughts with everybody everywhere 24/7/365 and all my honest thoughts are weird, freaky, inappropriate and cringeworthy. I'm compelled to share the scary and uncomfortable truth with everybody for the greater good. Most people don't like being told that FREE WILL is an ILLUSION confabulated by the brain and that we're all subconsciously-controlled robotic meat puppets of the totally corrupt mass multimedia who behave automatically like biological automatons. I always get fired eventually. Sometimes on the first day. It makes it hard for me to make a living. I'm really burned-out on working for other people. I just want to be consultant to the government on Social Security Disability. I give all my products and services away for FREE. I have Medicare with my Social Security Disability. Our whole for-profit health care system is totally screwed up. Medicare doesn't cover mental health care. You can't find a therapist who takes Medicare. You can see a psychiatrist through a health care clinic on short-term basis with a 50% co-pay, but you can't receive long-term affordable mental health care on Medicare. Most of the psychiatrists and therapists are set-up for Medicaid. With my Social Security Disability income, I don't qualify for Medicaid. The State of Washington Department of Social and Health Service has a health care program called Healthcare for Workers with Disabilities (DSHS HWD) which is a Medicaid-based supplemental to Medicare that covers everything Medicare does NOT for people like me who are working part-time or self-employed and earning a part-time income. Because of my RU-vid HDCOLORS channel kaleidoscope revenues, I qualify for this program. On my playlist I have a link to a screenshot of my copyrighted Amazon Pharmacy Shopping Cart showing the outragious and corrupt cost of one of my meds. This is FAIR USE. I can share this legally on my websites and on RU-vid. All of my static HTML websites are hosted on Amazon Web Services on S3. They can scale. media.define.com/Kens-Austedo-Prescription-Price.jpg This is illustrative of the corruption of our whole for-profit health care system. This is government money enriching the GREEDY and UNETHICAL. I just need these meds to keep my body still. They are useful to ALL SCHIZOPHRENICS who have been on antipsychotics for years. I suffer from extremely low motivation. I have trouble motivating myself to brush my own teeth. It's a MAJOR EFFORT to do it for me. I'm losing teeth. I had to get my last molar on the upper left side of my mouth extracted and a dental implant inserted at the same time. Because my insurance doesn't cover oral surgery, the oral surgeon charged me $6500 for about two hour's worth of work including all follow-ups. That was just for the extraction and implant NOT including the crown that attaches to it. He knew I was poor. I just needed the ability to chew on the left side of my mouth. I paid for it with my father's life insurance money, which was exactly $6500 after him paying for his life insurance for his whole adult life. He was a poor diabetic on insulin that he had to pay for. Insulin should be FREE for EVERYBODY EVERYWHERE on Planet Earth. www.RU-vid.com/playlist?list=PL2sS6bGk1mzEAx6YdFf3PhHpf96fsCkMr media.define.com/The-Optimal-Secular-Religion-Thumbnail.png facebook.com/NanotechMindControl
@hdcolors Месяц назад
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it ruined my KARMA for THIS LIFE in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-rM4Y_yUve0M.html (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. IllegitimateAlready.org/Abuse-of-Power.html We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER B.S. around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. define.com on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China www.FreeWorldBank.org on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors Месяц назад
ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-i5HPspWKeXM.html This is my BRAND NEW kaleidoscope video. We VALUE and NEED your HONEST and OPEN GENTLE CRITICISM of this video. If you enjoy the video, please remember to LIKE it & to SUBSCRIBE to my HDCOLORS RU-vid channel. If NOT, please take a few brief moments to tell me why by constructively criticizing my choices and suggesting what I could have done differently that you would have preferred. My educational RU-vid channel is for discussing very interesting advanced technologies. Please share your comments & ideas in the comments section. It's all designed for educational scientific critical discussion purposes. If you do NOT like it, please leave a comment explaining what I did wrong so those of us who DO like it can IMPROVE upon it in the future. I have been playing with generative AI in the Beta version of Adobe Photoshop. I got motivated & sat down two days ago & generated 30 artistic style psychedelic images using text prompts in one sitting that took a few hours. You give the AI a verbal description of the image & it generates the images for you totally automatically with artificial intelligence. I downloaded this cool ambient chill out RU-vid Music Library royalty-free music & rendered this 30-minute video over night with my kaleidoscope generator program. I imported the BMP still frames into Adobe Premiere, sequenced the songs & rendered & uploaded the 4K60p MP4 Kaleidoscope video. One of the images of a coral reef had a lot of blue sky above it & it didn't look good for half a minute while that part of the rotating image was shown as a kaleidoscope, so I replaced that image & did all of this over again for one more night. Then I uploaded it to RU-vid. I wrote my kaleidoscope software with GREAT EFFORT many years ago. All in all, this video was 3 days worth of work for me with the help of computer software (super simple Flash kaleidoscope software written by me & super advanced generative AI software written by geniuses skilled in advanced mathematics & digital neural network modeling). Most of my time was spent waiting for 108,000 BMP still images to render & then about 3 more hours to render the final output video as an MP4 file for RU-vid. I did this all spontaneously in the moment with one try with one re-do changing one image & 1 minute's worth of video up front. I also re-sequenced the songs & made them all by the same band. All of the modern Ambient Chill Out Music is by the very talented RU-vid Music Library Band "Unicorn Heads." I'm using 5 of their songs in this video. I got creative with words alone. The one thing all the text prompts have in common are the words "COLORFUL" & "PSYCHEDELIC." I have flowers, rainbows, chameleons, parrots, caterpillars on flowers & even psychedelic skunks. I just free associated & generated 30 colorful interesting psychedelic images that I could think of off the top of my head. This is computational derivative art made with totally original AI-generated psychedelic art. I hope I have given you 30 minutes of high quality unique content that will help you relax & take you to a more rewarding state of mind than the contemporary media out there in our imperfect human world tends to do. I wanted to include a POSITIVE AFFIRMATION but I didn't want it to be overly-exaggerated BS. I put it in the titles at the beginning & end. It's kind of subliminal because I don't give you enough time to read the 11 second front title because I wanted to get to the kaleidoscopes as quickly as possible up front. I was going to say, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You CAN do ANYTHING CREATIVE." While INSPIRATIONAL & MOTIVATIONAL, it is also kind of a HYPNOTIC EXAGGERATION for emotional effect to inspire confidence in people like me who suffer from SELF-DOUBT & WRITER'S BLOCK most of the time. When I was younger in the early 1990s when I was in my mid 20s, I truly believed that I could do anything creative because I was TOTALLY SUGGESTIBLE. That was DELUSIONAL. Now after reflecting on that, as a realist, I decided to add the CONDITION, "WITH the HELP of STRONG AI." With the help of machines, even writers with full-time writer's block like me can generate beautiful art just by describing it. Soon all the video kaleidoscope artists may be replaced with generative AI that is available to everybody. Maybe we do NOT want everybody to have access to computer-aided hypnosis with kaleidoscopes. Maybe they can already to do this, but they don't want the general public & ignorant & abusive people to have that kind of POWER of SUGGESTION over the TOTALLY SUGGESTIBLE. Most of my videos are relaxing in both the visuals & the music. This one is relaxing with the video but a little bit more positive & upbeat & instrumental Ambient Chill-out in the music selection for a relaxing & carefree uplifting feel for the full half hour kaleidoscope meditation trip. www.RU-vid.com/HDCOLORS Here's my RU-vid Playlist with critical discussion: ru-vid.com/group/PL2sS6bGk1mzEAx6YdFf3PhHpf96fsCkMr
@hdcolors Месяц назад
This video is just pure color therapy. I made it for all my users on my RU-vid channel who enjoy my color trips. I just want educational conversation by thoughtful people. Not everybody is going to like this music. Not everybody is going to like my psychedelics-friendly title with my AI-friendly positive affirmation. Those things represent what large sections of my RU-vid kaleidoscope viewers enjoy. I have quite the collection of trippers and travelers on my channel. A lot of people who are just generally interested in mental health and well-being in general. All these things are things that we can all talk about. We are really OPEN-MINDED CRITICAL THINKERS on my RU-vid channel. Just share your thoughts whether they are positive or negative because I really need to know what people are thinking behind-the-scenes when they don't like the video, music or titles. Just share your thoughts positive or negative and I will have accomplished this video's goal.
@timkbirchico8542 Месяц назад
very silly. dismissed.
@hdcolors Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing. I am a real robot. I'm a computer-controlled person being mind-controlled with neural precision with real strong AI in the nonprofit private sector. I would have appreciated it greatly if instead of just saying, "very silly. dismissed" you would have left a description or brief explanation of what you don't like about this video and what turned you off so I can learn from you rather than just be informed that you don't like the video. To be more helpful and contribute to the video's discussion, please share your full opinion and reasoning. What don't you like so I can be careful to avoid that next time. Thank you.
@michelemcguire8995 Месяц назад
No brain chip fir me because i love being YHVH s created human..and if he wanted humans to be integrated with machines he would have made us all into nonhuman robots with out a soul!! Having a soul gives us a promise that he will accept anyone ( human) into his soon to be established kingdom on earth in his favorite place, MT.ZION!!
@hdcolors Месяц назад
Human beings are still conscious and sentient animals with a soul even when they're being computer-controlled with neural precision. The computer aids their cognition by scripting intelligent options for them to choose from based on their connectome and all their life memories. We still have independent choice, it's just that our choices are guided by FIRST PRINCIPLES of ETHICS and MORALS.
@michelemcguire8995 Месяц назад
Love color dancing ❤🎉😅
@hdcolors Месяц назад
Thanks so much for your comment and for enjoying the trip!
@michelemcguire8995 Месяц назад
Im soon to be 65,woman and know exactly how you feel, as tears well up in my eyes, prayers for strength 💪 comfort peace and healing in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen ❤
@hdcolors Месяц назад
Thank you very much for your kindness. Thank you for commenting.
@tobiasmaniera Месяц назад
increible en 4k, haces los mejores videos de su tipo!
@hdcolors Месяц назад
¡Muchas gracias por tu amabilidad!
@cheapuglyplasticsurgerykor8433 Месяц назад
good old super lemon haze does this to me every time
@rachaelr530 Месяц назад
I just came across this video for the first time, and I just wanna say… I’m in recovery, & watching this flipped a switch in my brain & gave me a new perspective of my perception of life. I can see it in a more positive light with the reminder that we’re all connected, and a lot more alike than we are different. If that makes sense… Thank you so much…
@hdcolors Месяц назад
You are quite welcome! Thank you so much for commenting.
@pdcoronado Месяц назад
Que chevere. En que programa se hace eso y cual es la metodología?
@hdcolors Месяц назад
Apenas recuerdo qué software usé para esto. Fue escrito en C# en 2009 en la plataforma 3D básica de Microsoft para DirectX. Hasta aquí llegué y me di cuenta de que tenía un déficit de MATEMÁTICAS 3D en mi cerebro, así que lo dejé y lo dejé así. Desearía mucho poder programar en 3D, pero es un gran desafío para mí. Translated back into English: I can barely remember what software I used for this. It was written in C# in 2009 in Microsoft's entry-level 3D platform for DirectX. This is as far as I got and I realized that I had a 3D MATH deficit in my brain so I gave it up and left it at that. I wish so much that I could program in 3D but it's very challenging for me.
@GabrielDavidMaldonadoAng-gj4lt Месяц назад
This video has been watched so far by 7,400 or Seven Thousand Four hundred viewers and who knows how many individuals that are Robot AI, Centient being or a human.
@hdcolors Месяц назад
Millions of views over the years! Can you believe it?
@las13390 Месяц назад
Cool avec de la Dark en fond
@hdcolors Месяц назад
Cela semble le rendre plus hypnotique avec le fond sombre.
@hdcolors Месяц назад
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it ruined my KARMA for THIS LIFE in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-rM4Y_yUve0M.html (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. IllegitimateAlready.org/Abuse-of-Power.html We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER B.S. around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. define.com on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China www.FreeWorldBank.org on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors Месяц назад
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it ruined my KARMA for THIS LIFE in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-rM4Y_yUve0M.html (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. IllegitimateAlready.org/Abuse-of-Power.html We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER B.S. around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. define.com on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China www.FreeWorldBank.org on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors Месяц назад
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it ruined my KARMA for THIS LIFE in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-rM4Y_yUve0M.html (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. IllegitimateAlready.org/Abuse-of-Power.html We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER B.S. around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. define.com on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China www.FreeWorldBank.org on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@OokamiJp12 20 дней назад
Mate I found crazy how your story goes from your mea culpa to full schizo rant against trump, I hope you find pace whitin your own mind as you do to us with this videos. dm if you wanna talk, im always in to hear stories.
@hdcolors 20 дней назад
@@OokamiJp12 hello there. Thank you so much for your very kind comment. Yes it is kind of a schizo rant against Trump and it is a pretty big mea culpa to be making publicly but it’s been driving at me and destroying my motivation for decades. I just finally had to get it off my chest. Of course people who watch my videos already appreciate that. Thank you very much again for the kind comments and for your willingness to talk. All the best to you and your loved ones. - Ken.
@OokamiJp12 14 дней назад
@@hdcolors Hey there Ken, back on your videos Im glad to read your reply and I hope you're doing well, this might be an unwanted advice but when it comes to people like trump (we have some like him in my country) it's better to no suffer their missbehabiors and focus on ourselves and our life, they will come and go and so do we but when we're gone more like him will appear while we as beings wont so there is no point in letting them damage our lives, best regards!
@hdcolors 14 дней назад
@@OokamiJp12 yes I have a similar philosophy as to how to deal with threats by desensitizing them so that they no longer have any control over my personal supply of dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin. There is such a thing as turning the other cheek and returning to the issue later when you’re no longer threatened or feeling threatened by the subject. There are such things As real clear and present long-term threats to human well-being, and while I’m young, I am going to do everything in my power to fight to keep them from coming into power.
@hdcolors Месяц назад
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it ruined my KARMA for THIS LIFE in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-rM4Y_yUve0M.html (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. IllegitimateAlready.org/Abuse-of-Power.html We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER B.S. around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. define.com on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China www.FreeWorldBank.org on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors Месяц назад
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it ruined my KARMA for THIS LIFE in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-rM4Y_yUve0M.html (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. IllegitimateAlready.org/Abuse-of-Power.html We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER B.S. around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. define.com on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China www.FreeWorldBank.org on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@hdcolors Месяц назад
OUR WHOLE PERSONALITY is a DEFENSE MECHANISM. This is my DEFENSE of my own BAD BEHAVIOR. ABUSE of POWER - ACCESS DENIED - My name is Ken Meyering. I'm 58-years-old. I've ABUSED my POWER before. I have a LIFETIME PATTERN of ABUSE of POWER. I've declared personal BANKRUPTCY twice formally, & once informally in 1994 with an ex-girlfriend who I owed $50,000. I had a nervous breakdown. My PERSONALITY SPLIT APART like a PSYCHO. I felt TOTALLY THREATENED. My AMYGDALA took over my behavior. I could NOT handle the STRESS of DEALING with that much debt with a woman who had been turned against me. I called her up on the phone & COERCIVELY THREATENED to SUE her PSYCHIC unless she let me off the hook. We just severed all ties & she let me walk. That was an UNREPORTED FINANCIAL CRIME. In the short term, the pressure was off, but I know it ruined my KARMA for THIS LIFE in a big way. I VICTIMIZED her FINANCIALLY just by being immature & stupid & really right-brained IRRATIONAL with a HARD CORE CRUEL, COERCIVE, CUTTHROAT & RUTHLESS left-brain ATTACK DOG SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM. She's still alive today. I wish I could pay her back in 2024 dollars but I don't want to lose my home & I have very little income. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-rM4Y_yUve0M.html (Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS Video - Copyright 1989 - Female Empowerment Mind Control Propaganda for All the Good Witches Out There) This was my inspiration to learn how to make HYPNOTIC KALEIDOSCOPE VIDEOS for POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS. When I showed this to my girlfriend she was ALL-IN for both of us learning how to do it ourselves. I was supposed to be the COMPUTER GUY but I was CLUELESS. My MATH SKILLS suck. I didn't even know how to make a kaleidoscope on a PC. It was like I was being controlled by invisible higher powers that were making all my decisions the STUPIDIST POSSIBLE DECISIONS. I burned through all her money on ANIMATION VCRs & a Kurzweil rack-mounted synthesizer. All I wanted to do was make kaleidoscope videos in 1994. I HURT her financially in very big way by naively & ignorantly MISMANAGING her money while we were together when all she wanted to do was HELP me make colorful hypnotic kaleidoscope videos like in Shirley MacClaine's "Inner Workout" POSITIVE AFFIRMATIONS VHS video. I have PTSD. That video made me CRY with HOPEFULNESS. It was so EMOTIONALLY POWERFUL that I just wanted to learn how to do it myself. All Shirley MacClaine had to say to me, CONFIDENTLY, with EMOTIONAL PASSION & EMPATHY, is that, "You are a CREATIVE BEING. You can DO ANYTHING CREATIVE!" while BLOWING MY MIND WITH COLORFUL KALEIDOSCOPES. I recently YELLED at my 80-year-old mom who is the most GENTLE, KIND, VULNERABLE & EMPATHETIC person in the world during an argument when I thought she was being UNFAIR to me by second-guessing my decisions on what pile of 2-year-old unread & previously read medical records of hers to throw away. I handle all the bills. All the medical records are online. I can throw away doctor's After Visit Summaries after they have been read & sitting in a box untouched for over 2 years. I chose NOT to file them away in file cabinets. The paper clutter does her no good. I was just trying to HELP. She got really ANGRY at me & gave me a really hard time for throwing all those papers away. I felt UNFAIRLY VICTIMIZED like a little kid being UNJUSTLY PUNISHED. My FEELINGS GOT HURT & I suddenly felt SUPER THREATENED & I immediately went into FIGHT or FLIGHT like a 58-year-old PSYCHO. She said ANGRILY at me, demanding, "Give me those papers!" while referring to the paperwork in the recycle bin. I SHOUTED, at the TOP of my lungs, "No! I will not!" I said it so loud that I'm sure the neighbors next door & across the street could hear me. It was a SUPER DEFENSIVE OVERREACTION by a HYPERSENSITIVE PERSON caused by my brain's overactive FIGHT, FLIGHT & PARALYSIS center called the AMYGDALA. My AMYGDALA learned that HARMFUL dysfunctional behavior UNCONSCIOUSLY from my Dad. He had PTSD & raised his voice a lot. That is how my father emphasized his strong feelings in our house. It is an ABUSIVE COERCIVE CONTROLLING behavior to SHOUT at somebody, let alone the most important person in your life who you love more than anybody else in the world & who you care for & respect with all your heart. I know that's DISRESPECTFUL & HURTFUL & TRAUMATIC for her. I know I'm being EVIL & that it is WRONG while I am doing it. I can FEEL the DAMAGE being DONE to BOTH of US WHILE I DO IT, but I still do it because I'm NOT IN CONTROL. I'm just WATCHING like a CONSCIENCE. It is CRUEL & SADISTIC & HARMFUL. I'm ashamed of that behavior in myself. I don't like the FACT that I have the CAPACITY to do SEVERE EMOTIONAL HARM to my loved ones when I'm OUT-of-CONTROL. I am NOT my AMYGDALA. I hate it when my AMYGDALA is controlling my behavior. That is when I am OUT-of-CONTROL. I will do everything in my power to NEVER let that happen again. I CROSSED the LINE. That was ABUSIVE. I have a TON of COMPASSION, MERCY, RESPECT, EMPATHY, BENEVOLENCE & HUMANENESS. Yet I still am capable of YELLING at my MOTHER. I am a flawed individual with a SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS. I know SEVERE MENTAL ILLNESS when I see it. And Donald J. Trump is SEVERELY MENTALLY ILL. He is DELUDED about his own INFALLIBILITY. He thinks that BECAUSE he is a STAR he CAN DO NO WRONG & it's NOT ILLEGAL when he does it because he is ABOVE the LAW because he is a STAR. The only reason this Donald J. Trump (DJT) ELECTION CORRUPTION case took so long to get to TRIAL is because as President of the United States Donald J. Trump CORRUPTLY ABUSED his executive power to stop the Justice Department investigation into his own ELECTION FRAUD & HUSH MONEY CRIMES. Donald Trump was a Presidential candidate SELLING himself as an EXPERT MANAGER & GENIUS NEGOTIATOR. It was certainly in the PUBLIC'S INTEREST to know whether or not the potential President of the United States had a PATTERN of CHEATING on his wife with Playboy Playmates & porn stars. You can't just try to cover it all up with paid non-disclosure agreements & write it all off as a non campaign-related legal expense. Donald J. Trump is a serial abuser of power. On behalf of the invisible telepathic time-traveling benevolent sentient superintelligent mature quantum computer-based secular liberal left libertarian atheist artificially intelligent terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists from the future in the nonprofit private sector, we are TAKING Donald Trump OUT in a big way for the united worldwide scientific community. Sexual assault is a crime with an innocent victim. Donald J. Trump (DJT) privately admitted to illegal sexual assault & severe abuse of celebrity power on the Access Hollywood video when, through adolescent bragging & highly disrespectful & misogynistic oversharing & overt sexist objectification of women ("It looks good."), Donald J. Trump himself says out loud clearly in his own uncensored words in his own voice, "When you are a star you can do anything. Grab them by the pussy! When you are a star they let you do it. You can do anything." Instantly, that whole situation & statement disqualified Donald J. Trump (DJT) from ever getting a REAL TOP LEVEL security clearance. It is a HUGE RED FLAG to the intelligence community. Donald J. Trump ABUSES his POWER. ACCESS DENIED. From that point forward the responsible people in the intelligence community have to work around Donald Trump to protect our most precious secrets. No advanced nanotechnology-based superintelligent mature quantum computer-based mass market benevolent digital atomic mind control stealth nonlethal weapons for Donald Trump. He is OUT of the LOOP FOREVER. He is a PUPPET FOREVER. ACCESS DENIED to Donald J. Trump (DJT). There is no way we are letting Donald J. Trump near advanced nanotechnology, real strong AI & mature quantum computers. Donald J. Trump is a severely mentally ill con man & total fraud. Donald J. Trump's TOTAL LACK of ETHICS, MORALS, EMPATHY & RESPECT make him the PERFECT SALESMAN of the LIES of the RICH & GREEDY, who during Donald J. Trump's totally ILLEGITIMATE ILLEGALLY-ACQUIRED single Presidential term achieved through FRAUD in the first place perpetrated on the American people created the record amount of $7.8 TRILLION DOLLARS in brand new Republican COERCIVE PUBLIC DEBT just to give $2 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS to the economic TOP 1% who were clearly already failing to pay their necessary & fair share of taxes or else there would not be a DEFICIT at all in the first place. Donald J. Trump's & Mitch McConnell's TOTALLY CORRUPT trickle down experiment FAILED MISERABLY. The RICH got RICHER & WEALTH INEQUALITY GOT WORSE under Donald J. Trump's $7.8 TRILLION DOLLAR FRAUD. Now he is promising more TAX CUTS for BILLIONAIRES. The FRAUD & THEFT continue. All he wants is to be ABOVE THE LAW to do it all over again. A DEFICIT itself is a CRIME by RICH LANDLORDS imposed on the POOR & MIDDLE CLASS. You should NEVER PLAN for a DEFICIT. The CORRUPT RICH REFUSE to PAY TAXES so the CORRUPT government has to BORROW MONEY from EVERYBODY ELSE & that is called a DEFICIT & SOVEREIGN DEBT. The CORRUPTION by the RICH & GREEDY is baked-in. INFLATION OCCURS. PROPERTY VALUES GO UP. RENTS GO UP. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, SOCIAL SECURITY, RETIREMENT PENSIONS & THE MINIMUM WAGE stay the same. The POOR & RETIRED are WORSE OFF. IllegitimateAlready.org/Abuse-of-Power.html We're secular liberal left libertarian atheist terrestrial alien brain scientists & ecologists in the nonprofit private sector around here. We don't put up with this Republican ABUSE of POWER B.S. around here. We TOOK THEM ALL OUT with REAL STRONG AI. define.com on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China www.FreeWorldBank.org on Amazon S3 & Amazon CloudFront worldwide including on Amazon CloudFront servers in China
@michelemcguire8995 Месяц назад
Mine too 😢
@michelemcguire8995 Месяц назад
After the mind explosion of unchecked anger..I find some soothing music to mend the hurt and anger that was pent up for a long time and I found your color dance..it's healing in the deepest part of me,and only God can reach me there.. Thank you Father for creating the one who blessed me this year ❤your child.