hitch archive
hitch archive
hitch archive
"And here is the point, about myself and my co-thinkers. Our belief is not a belief. Our principles are not a faith. We do not rely solely upon science and reason, because these are necessary rather than sufficient factors, but we distrust anything that contradicts science or outrages reason. We may differ on many things, but what we respect is free inquiry, openmindedness, and the pursuit of ideas for their own sake."

"The clear awareness of having been born into a losing struggle need not lead one into despair. I do not especially like the idea that one day I shall be tapped on the shoulder and informed, not that the party is over but that it is most assuredly going on-only henceforth in my absence. (It's the second of those thoughts: the edition of the newspaper that will come out on the day after I have gone, that is the more distressing.) Much more horrible, though, would be the announcement that the party was continuing forever, and that I was forbidden to leave. Whether it was a hellishly bad party or a party that was perfectly heavenly in every respect, the moment that it became eternal and compulsory would be the precise moment that it began to pall."

"One must state it plainly. Religion comes from the period of human prehistory where nobody-not even the mighty Democritus who concluded that all matter was made from atoms-had the smallest idea what was going on. It comes from the bawling and fearful infancy of our species, and is a babyish attempt to meet our inescapable demand for knowledge (as well as for comfort, reassurance and other infantile needs). Today the least educated of my children knows much more about the natural order than any of the founders of religion, and one would like to think-though the connection is not a fully demonstrable one-that this is why they seem so uninterested in sending fellow humans to hell."
Christopher Hitchens vs. Ed Meese
10 лет назад
Christopher Hitchens debate with Boteach
10 лет назад
Christopher Hitchens - In Depth
10 лет назад
Christopher Hitchens - Free Speech
10 лет назад
Christopher Hitchens -Books and Ideas
10 лет назад
Christopher Hitchens - H.L. Mencken
10 лет назад
@hayleyanna2625 19 часов назад
Another video I have not seen. I am in a lousy mood today. A new Hitch video will cheer this miserable fucker up. Thank you for another superb upload.
@AlcibiadesMD 21 час назад
Damn! I miss Christopher every single day since he left, I suspect I’ll miss him until my furlough here on earth is revoked. The suave good looks charm, the fierce rhetoric, the incomparable intellect. His legacy ensures his immortality. 💐 🥃 god is Not GREAT, but Christopher Hitchens is.
@AlcibiadesMD День назад
Every time I am at crossroads in my life, I always ask myself: What Would Christopher Hitchens do?
@ms.annthrope415 2 дня назад
Every time I listen to him, I am reminded how stupid I am. Yet I find such joy in basking in his intellect and feel I have evolved another step.
@hayleyanna2625 6 дней назад
Although I disgreed with Christopher on the invasion of Iraq, almost everything else I agreed with him on. It is very telling how many people miss him so much to this day, many of whom never knew him of which i am one. I live in Oxfordshire and his brother regularly goes into my local coffee shop. His political views are polar opposite to Hitchens but he is always very charming when i have stopped to say hello. Thanks for sharing this.🥂🥂
@hayleyanna2625 6 дней назад
Oh, bloody hell! This made me cry. Good man.
@hayleyanna2625 6 дней назад
Fabulous. A very intelligent debate/ conversation which is sadly lacking today. Christopher is on form and although I find most of Buckley's views unappealing, I can still recognise what an excellent orator he was and he certainly makes you think. The third guy was out of his league here.
@iceblinkmender 6 дней назад
holy shit that first question was 11 years ahead of it's time for the conservative movement globally. Hitchen's pro-Iraq invasion stance weirdly understandable (a rare thing) but I wonder how his views would have shifted had he lived long enough to see how much of an utter failure based on the actions of dishonest and cynical actors it was. it's really a shame that he was so wrong about this major issue. he claimed to be mostly a Marxist but I worry that he might have gone down a reactionary / conservative / anti-"woke" bent like so many other IDW folks/grifters. Though, realistically he probably would be somewhere in Sam Harris-land today.
@iceblinkmender 6 дней назад
wow, what a delight to hear one of my heroes speak on another.
@JenkinsTim-h2y 7 дней назад
Williams Kevin Rodriguez Sarah Smith Amy
@GuyEndore 7 дней назад
10:40 I think it is interesting to hear the rank and file left malign some conservative. The rhetoric from the so called progressives is all was heated and full of hate. They are no angles and just as dangerous as any boogeyman form the right. And hitches chuckles when hearing the rhetoric he does nothing to tamper it down. Anywhoo.
@GuyEndore 7 дней назад
It would be interesting to hear his thoughts on how S. Africa is doing in the 2020’s.
@LethalBubbles 8 дней назад
I wish he would've given up that smoking. he gained nothing from it yet we lost someone very valuable. and ironically, the money that goes to the tobacco and other sin industries typically end up supporting the religious dictatorships he fights against.
@KennethPorter 8 дней назад
Will Harris be another Clinton?
@LethalBubbles 8 дней назад
Christopher's comments about the consensus are more apparent today because we see how much worse things are now that these new forms of media are prevalent. The power of memes, personalized recommendation systems, and so on are a lot stronger than the manufacture of consent via the traditional media.
@cardinalncube5510 9 дней назад
This left black people hating each other, even to date there's nothing black South Africans hate more than Black people. Xenophobia is more prevalent than racism.
@jamesdelcol3701 11 дней назад
I was really into Thomas Paine during college. It was a big piece of my education. His writing was so excellent. Christopher Hitchens is a centerpiece of my education.
@jamesdelcol3701 11 дней назад
I understand Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain" speech. Christopher Hitchens was the greatest scholar ever.
@bunnycatch3r 12 дней назад
@44:33 Divorced four years later.
@Davidfooterman 13 дней назад
Nice to see that Hitch escaped the avant-garde doctrinal machinations of Cambridge schooling and made it to the more respectable intellectual orthodoxy of Oxford.
@Davidfooterman 13 дней назад
The Jesus freakish lady from the south was given far too much time; Hitch dealt with it beautifully by pointing out that genuflection isn’t reflection!
@Davidfooterman 13 дней назад
And then there’s the ‘pinched and scrawny faces of the pious’. Well, there, I must caution you not to overlook the slobbery, rotund faces of others who pretend to aspire to piety, but like their food a lot!
@Davidfooterman 13 дней назад
‘The fish rotting right from the head’. Beautifully put, Hitch!’
@Davidfooterman 13 дней назад
Hitch, what do you think makes Scientology, Mormonism, or Billy Graham more repulsive than some of the more long-lived religions? Is it money, power, the narcissism of the leader(s) or some combination of all of them.
@sallyspits 15 дней назад
Amazing how a man who is drunk 24/7 can somehow still be the smartest and most eloquent person in every room he walks into.
@WibblyWobblyTime 16 дней назад
Does anybody know what date this was recorded?
@cobieharrison1369 17 дней назад
Really appreciate this man. But this odious worshipping going on in every comment section of his videos is getting old. He’d hate this very thing, and the countless pseudo intellectuals waxing lyrical about a man they never met is absurd.
@stokescroftmuseum 17 дней назад
Hobsbawn has so much grace. Hitchens is such an oaf by comparison.
@bombonalvarez3802 18 дней назад
Reasoning, skepticism, doubt, irony... What can go wrong with those human banners?
@enemywithin1295 18 дней назад
@stuartlangridge5606 19 дней назад
It's not just in the states, in the UK we don't get this sort of journalism any more. Mainly I think for a couple of reasons, firstly the corporation's don't want us educated or informed and also the show wants to be the story now, not as a platform to help inform and encourage debate. Mr Hitchens is such a loss to the whole world, unless you're a radical or racist obviously.
@kellymac2404 19 дней назад
Miss him!
@j.477 22 дня назад
,,, ' don't worry,, everyone is ...
@j.477 22 дня назад
,,, such an intelligent charmer :: ' you stole,, well not stole but took up first my main point about ... " unimittable hitch ...
@j.477 22 дня назад
,,, nuff said ...
@j.477 22 дня назад
,,, not a ' fan " - kind of person ) sic! ( but if @all then aye is a hitch-acolyte ... grate-inks frum buerlin ...
@The_king567 23 дня назад
History will remember the Iraq war as a justified war saddam was a Muslim and a fascist things history will not like
@minkleymcmoo5248 23 дня назад
I miss Hitch so much.
@michaelwoodroffe3544 24 дня назад
I was born in 51.There is no doubt Britain was safer in many ways, despite the fact, that as children our play was rough and tumble a an often daring and even dangerous . We had more freedom to play and roam and have adventures, even though we had chores to do. Times were tough but we had various ways to make our own pocket money, collecting and selling scrap metal, selling old clothes to the ragman at a penny ha'penny a pound and woolens at sixpence a pound. We collected and returned soda bottles for the three pence deposits. However it was not all sweetness and light. However many of us lived in houses we could not afford to heat, and suffered the bites of bed bugs Many of us,went to school with large holes in the soles of our shoes ( we had to line the insides of them with cut out layers of cereal boxes to keep out the cold. I witnessed some children in the schoolyard retrieving the crusts from the other children's lunches from the refuse bins, picking the ants from them before eating them (the crusts not the ants). I guess it was better in some ways and worse in others.
@annaszorad 25 дней назад
An inspiration. You are missed
@TheOriginalLos 26 дней назад
Schmuley is worthless. Jews target critics. Moral terrorists.
@EDS2314 26 дней назад
"ONE HAS TO SUSPECT THE MOTIVES OF THOSE WHO DO SO... IN PARTICULAR THE MOTIVES OF THOSE WHO ARE D E T E R M I N E D TO BE OFFENDED." Enough said, exactly what is happening in the world right now.
@woodytheduke 27 дней назад
can you just imagine his thoughts on trump?
@hayleyanna2625 29 дней назад
Thank you for uploading this gem! ❤
@whitneylake2107 29 дней назад
I will watch and read Hitchens for as long as possible. I wish I were more successful at persuading others to take him up
@busterbiloxi3833 Месяц назад
Hobsbawn is such a Commie that he struggles to even admit that he's Jewish. He supported the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and followed the party line when Britain fought the Nazis alone. British Communists were forbidden to support Britain. He was a traitor and a scum-bag.
@warrenlatham6848 Месяц назад
What is the name of the book that is mentioned to contradicts the Koran by father lamnitrogen?
@hayleyanna2625 Месяц назад
We miss you Sir. A brilliant orator, a great wit, intelligence and such style.🥀
@nlkasman3347 Месяц назад
I thought the other guy was a woman by voice.
@ArslanOtcular Месяц назад
Young Cynthia Gonzalez Elizabeth Allen Sandra