
Christopher Hitchens vs. Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) 

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Christopher Hitchens vs. Islamic State
The essential point--that a religiously neutral state is the chief guarantee of religious pluralism--is the one that some of today's would-be theocrats are determined to miss.
Liberty, Theocracy, Tyranny, Freedom, Extremism, Takfirism, Jihadism, Islam, Christopher Hitchens, Islam debate, ISIS, Islamic extremism, radical religion, paris attacks, Syria
.the larger danger is ISIS’s growing ability to win the allegiance of geographically distant groups or individuals beyond Syria or Iraq. It is doing so partly through its sophisticated propaganda channels, but mainly by the power of its example. As long as ISIS is in the fight and undefeated by the U.S. or other “apostate regimes,” it becomes a natural pole of radical attraction-the proverbial “strong horse” in the race for ideological sympathy among young Muslims around the world.

That’s what makes the Obama Administration’s lackadaisical approach to fighting ISIS so dangerous. Local battlefield reverses such as ISIS’s conquest of Ramadi in May don’t stay local. They amplify a growing Mideast and world perception that the U.S. has no stomach for a real fight and is prepared to tolerate the existence of Islamic State over the long term.
The longer ISIS holds large chunks of Iraq and Syria, the stronger its offshoots in Sinai, Afghanistan, North Africa and elsewhere will grow.
The greatest folly of the Administration’s Mideast policy has been to imagine that an arms-length approach to the region’s troubles would keep its problems away from us. But as with the refugee crisis in Europe, or ISIS-inspired jihadist attacks in the U.S., the tragedy in Sinai is another reminder that trying to downplay the threat of terrorism only brings its risks closer to home.



28 сен 2024




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@Kevo216666 10 лет назад
Can someone get Ben Affleck to watch this.
@MuireKnight 9 лет назад
K Russell Affleck is too big of an idiot to see the truth ,even if it was under his nose.
@RayMartini 9 лет назад
+K Russell He is busy protecting Gotham city!
@Johnconno 9 лет назад
+K Russell Why? He's too stupid to understand any of it, and a lousy actor.
@SagarSagaya 9 лет назад
The very reason - Lord Jesus came - was to destroy the work of the devil, sin and death and abolish Religion, Religiosity but Muhammad came to establish Religion and Religiosity to keep mankind as slaves
@Liveforever898 4 месяца назад
My boy is wicked dumb !
@ztaylor9891 9 лет назад
2:51 "You will be told you can't complain because you are being 'Islamophobic" It's as if he had a crystal ball.
@GodlessReason 9 лет назад
+ztaylor9891 No he was just prominent enough to be heard by at least some. There were numerous people who uttered this exact same concern, but were disposed of quickly in the same corners with rightwing christian nutbags and racists, as if Hitch was any of the above...
@EmperorsNewWardrobe 7 лет назад
And so those school readings of 1984, for its ideas about language manipulation, and The Crucible, for its reflections on witchhunting hysteria, are becoming all the more relevant and important
@joefresh7790 9 лет назад
I share 100% of Christopher's ideas. I'm an ex-Muslim
@ghayath2011 9 лет назад
Joe Fresh Same here
@muhammadhabibalfarabi568 3 года назад
Exactly the same
@Liveforever898 Год назад
Respect mate 👍
@NostalgiaMan 8 лет назад
This man was a prophet in many ways so to speak. What he said 3 min. in was 100% true right now. April 20 , 2016
@pez--- 10 лет назад
Miss you Hitch.
@PianoXfan1 9 лет назад
I feel I am such a minority to oppose islam in my country of Canada. I feel I am a target of charges of hate to speak openly against islam. I will continue to do so, but I worry about my future. What in the world can I do to help fight this terrible ideology being pushed on my country and others? What can one person do? What can non violent people do to combat peacefully against an enemy who would cut my head from my body? Currently, I see no way of the west winning unless the people wake up... I am terrified that islam will take over my country and others in my life time. I believe it is likely to happen based on whats going on... And I can do nothing to stop it.... Shameful... I wish I could contact Christopher for guidance.
@fisforfitness8225 9 лет назад
+PianoXfan1 My partner and I are in Canada at the moment on vacation. Beautiful country and beautiful people! Do not think that you are in a minority, and do not be put off by any attempt by others to stop you criticising Islam. The most dangerous thing you can do is to stop speaking out. That is what they want; for you to not be able to criticise it, which will be the next thing. Also, do not feel that you cannot criticise Islam for fear of being called a racist. This is a common tactic designed to stem criticism. Islam is an ideology, not a race or ethnic group, and as such it is open to as much ridicule as any other ideology. I would not worry about it taking over. It is impossible for it to succeed. Just look at the countries where it has it all its own way, and you will see that to run a society based on the precepts of Islam is impossible. It cannot be done. Can they cause damage in the short term? Of course, but the way to combat it is to write, speak, and educate your friends who are willing to put up with this nonsense. I will say that the most dangerous thing for any person to do in this situation is to become complacent, to cry before you are hurt, and to give in before anything has been asked of you. Do not give in to demands to stifle free speech, to change laws based on their weird cult, and to alter secular and democratic principles that are the true basis of a successful and pluralistic society.
@PianoXfan1 9 лет назад
+Ashley Kalym the oroblem is, being open has gotten people jail time in Canada already. Islam has also changed our laws and culture. like i said, i will always speak out against it, but i fear losing employment for it, and I fear being put in jail for hate charges.
@fisforfitness8225 9 лет назад
If being open and discussing and criticising ideas gets jail time, then that is the beginning of the end for civilisation. As Hitchens has said elsewhere, the criticism of religion is the beginning of all criticism, and if you do not have that right then you have no right at all. Pressure on these ideas must be constant and intelligent, as the only way to defeat ideology like this is to show how utterly farcical it is, and to show its inherent absurdities. As long as you are reasonable, use logic, and do not use violence or threats, then I cannot see how you would get in trouble. If you do these things and STILL get in trouble, then it is hard to know what to recommend.
@PianoXfan1 9 лет назад
Here is an example of a man who made no threat, but was sent to jail for 18 months. He is currently in a Toronto jail. His name is Eric Brazau. This world is pathetic and such a joke. As I said, I will continue to speak out against this sickening ideology. Islam itself is the definition of bigotry and hate.
@PianoXfan1 9 лет назад
@jasoncamenzind513 9 лет назад
I really wish he was alive today to see all his predictions come true. He tried to warn everyone back then but no one listened and they still arent listening.
@M00NDANCEMIKE 10 лет назад
What a legend
@69MrBunny 9 лет назад
Salute you Mr Hitchens wish you was still here with us mate.
@Kevo216666 10 лет назад
Fuck... We need him. ;'(
@CuttinBlade 10 лет назад
We need him? You could be him.
@ideasandwich3975 9 лет назад
Missing Hitch? Boo-hoo and Bullocks! Get over the loss. Pick up that damn ensign banner that fell with him and lift it, carry it forward. For godless' sake, man. There is a battle to be fought. A man falls. Another takes his place as best he can. While we can.
@todafett5865 9 лет назад
.... Says the wimp peeling the potatoes back at base far, far away from the enemy lines
@ideasandwich3975 9 лет назад
Yeah, I know. That was one of my worst paragraphs. It was way too "over the top."
@henrikpettersson2886 5 лет назад
That guy at 10 asking them to kneel. What a sadist.
@sigthor1945 9 лет назад
I miss Hitch too. He was the voice of reason. The short clip of cowardly masked men ranting incoherently and chopping that poor guys head off brought tears to my eyes. It seems that middle eastern countries are gaining traction in the UN in attempting to get countries to pass laws that prohibit anyone from criticising Islam because to do so is religious intolerance and their feelings would be hurt. Someone has to criticise these Islamic butchers, they revel in causing pain and suffering. Blood is like an aphrodisiac to them. It's time the liberals pulled their heads out of their arses and opened their eyes before we all become the slaves of Islam, those of us that aren't murdered that is. Hitch is right, this is a real threat to liberty and it won't end well. I'm scared!
@sigthor1945 9 лет назад
To Moe Munney who commented "Christopher Hitchens is a saint". Hitch would not only have disagreed, but would have thought you an idiot. He was an intelligent man with a great deal of knowledge, experience and insight, but never a saint. I've got to agree though that he's sorely missed. His intelligence and outspokenness is more needed than ever in keeping apologist liberals heads on straight. Islam is like a swaying cobra that mesmerises you and then it strikes. They've taken from the Koran that it's perfectly fine to lie to the infidel to lull him into a false sense of security and these people are falling for it hook line and sinker. Islam IS a religion of violence and deceit. I've never been religious and am not singling out Islam when I say that religion is dangerous.
@butchr4850 9 лет назад
I have no time for religions or religious fanatics or their views I am anti-theist in my thinking and I found great comfort in knowing that I chose this path without the threat of violence or death by other anti-theists.
@zohrebashtani2990 4 года назад
I love him. He is openminded
@lexiewhitcombe7282 8 лет назад
The man is a LEGEND, simple
@jasoncamenzind513 9 лет назад
Great video
@nmcvicker03 9 лет назад
Were those guys executed at 10:43?
@brettperry3737 8 лет назад
Yep, all three of em. There are still a few videos on here that have slipped through the cracks, and show the whole thing.
@EmperorsNewWardrobe 7 лет назад
nmcvicker03, the whole scene played out like a real Tarantino scene. Absolutely terrifying.
@MrJohnybirchall 9 лет назад
all you need is love. the prejudice deviding our brothers and sisters is the most trivial. namely race, politics, ultimately ideology. but even though im saying this in my semi hippie , drunk mode. im no pacifist. human solidarity is worth fighting for.... I just hope i have the courage to do whats right in what ever form it takes.
@ArnellaMaturin 10 лет назад
When was this?
@Kevo216666 10 лет назад
It covers about 20 years of Mr. H's thoughts and opinions. Chilling isn't it?
@ArnellaMaturin 10 лет назад
K Russell How badly we still need him!
@ds-lz7mp 7 лет назад
hitchens wins
@ZobaK1 9 лет назад
how to "cut off the supply"............. from 07:30...... empty trucks... are you sunni, are you a ...
@TheClassicWorld 9 лет назад
Let's in one terse statement render you onto one side of the moral compass, shall we. - One is, if you felt okay, or anything more than this with the almost beheading you just saw at the start of the video. - The latter being, if you felt nothing less than sick by the beheading. I know which side I stand firmly on, and to the grave by it I stand, if it comes to that..
@anthonywoodroffe9642 9 лет назад
When bandits rule lol
@ryanmercermmacoaching.3446 3 года назад
Hitchend literally supports the right to jihad in Palestine under international law against israel in the full video of the first clip lmao
@33heis 9 лет назад
**To good muslims!** 2:122 Sahih International: O Children of Israel, remember My favor which I have bestowed upon you and that I preferred you over the worlds. 10:94 Sahih International So if you are in doubt, [O Muhammad], about that which We have revealed to you, then ask those who have been reading the Scripture before you. The truth has certainly come to you from your Lord, so never be among the doubters. Here is proof when CHRIST said "I am SON of GOD." John 10:33-38 33 The Jews answered him, “It is not for a good work that we are going to stone you but for blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself God.” 34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I said, you are gods’? 35 If he called them gods to whom the word of God came-and Scripture cannot be broken- 36 do you say of him whom the Father consecrated and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, "I AM THE SON OF GOD ?" 37 If I am not doing the works of my Father, then do not believe me; 38 but if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.” I love all the people. You are mislead. Please open your eyes to the TRUTH of CHRIST. Be saved from satan and his eternal fire of hell. Don't be doomed into damnation like satan. Don't be eternally sorry for making a big mistake like lucifer made. Throw satan in hell and come to the TRUTH by simply coming to CHRIST. Our LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST is the TRUTH to Salvation. Don't be the antichrist. Be a Christian. Here is more for you: "1 John 2:22-23 22 Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist-denying the Father and the Son. 23 No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also. 2 John 1:7 7 I say this because many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist." Hebrews 1:1-3 God’s Final Word: His Son 1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. 3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. Joel 2:27 27 Then you will know that I am in Israel, that I am the Lord your God, and that there is no other; never again will my people be shamed.
@muhammadfauzan4699 8 лет назад
astahgfirullah what is this vedeo i only have one regilion it is islam
@rumaisabaig895 4 года назад
Haha you're dumb, son.
@Ngooo 10 лет назад
I really miss Hitch. I feel at times like this he left a void that nobody else can fill. The contrast between and those subhuman pieces of shit is painful to watch.
@OrionB1498 7 лет назад
There will ALWAYS be people that resist.
@WildPhotoShooter 9 лет назад
Someone Made a comment elsewhere which said " Christopher HItchens a soldier for humanity ". Enough said.
@CatPerez2012 9 лет назад
Is 1% of cancer acceptable...?
@ursie1986 8 лет назад
What do I do, vote for as far right a party as I can in the next election, or support internationalism, vote remain and try to get Corbyn in next time? I'm lost as to how to combat primitive savagery using a democratic system. We'r told not to pick up machetes and join in, and I fully understand why. But the only thing that stopped my playground bullies wasn't telling a teacher or trying to avoid my tormentors - it was when I plucked up the courage to grab them by the scruff of the neck and land a headbutt.
@hazeshi6779 Год назад
An underrated and and often unspoken sentiment.
@garryablett100 7 лет назад
We must never surrender to peoples fears about being insignificant. There is no heaven no paradise . Make good of what we have here. It's all we have.
@moemunny4903 9 лет назад
@divinejacobmathew1503 3 года назад
@frannieo6128 21 день назад
Hitch would hate you saying so.
@slupperd 9 лет назад
What I think it is that so diverts people from paying Hitchens the attention his ethical viewpoints deserve, is the sense that he's talking down to them and taking away their spiritual impulse. I've never seen anything from him to indicate that this is the case, and having now seen those Syrian truck drivers attempt to reason with the unreasonable in a futile attempt to save their own lives, I can see all the more clearly that Hitchen's example and the concepts of secular humanism are all the more warranted today.
@bryanbradley6871 2 года назад
How many ISIS fighters actually believe in Quran? I don't think many do, especially if they grew up in the west and passed 1st grade
@wotmot223 9 лет назад
Why do these thugs always wear masks and hoods? If they believe what they are saying, and believe in what they are doing why hide?
@PandemoniumMeltDown 5 лет назад
Taqiyyah plausable deniability, unrestricted travel and employment... as a right to reinvent himself into a cover identity, until the time comes and reveal his real self, in the kingdom of allah for he created all and all will go back to its rightful owner and on this day there will be a rekoning. Moderate, love, peace... yeah, right. To punish and enslave. Worst thought is the ones who say they are not religious anymore... Taqiyyah, check it out.
@aeris2001 5 лет назад
Islam is such a bland religion as well, I mean all monotheisms are bland, but Islam is a particular kind of boredom. The stories of Odin and the pantheon of Zeus, the philosophy of Buddhism and the variety of Hinduism are so much more interesting.
@Soda-nv4je 9 лет назад
Someday I'll teach my future children the bible, but it will be like any other classic to be looked on as work of fiction.
@idspiel 6 лет назад
poor them ..religion fanatics them more than love
@TheLATman 3 года назад
“But a jihad on me? I’ll but a jihad on you too” Christopher Hitchens
@Miopop58 5 лет назад
Shared on Facebook and joined Secular Party of Australia.
@roy_for_real2674 3 года назад
Did he think Malcolm X was a good guy?
@BaronVonBlair 9 лет назад
The contrasting clips were stirring. Well put together.
@EmperorsNewWardrobe 7 лет назад
BaronVonBlair, agreed. We need more of this kind of edited argument.
@forestlaw733 6 лет назад
He's rotting in hell now
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