Ava Flanell
Ava Flanell
Ava Flanell
Anything but an average woman who loves guns!!

In 2012, I was living in NYC, working for the New York Yankees. I spent my first eight adult years there... Flash forward to now, I'm a firearms instructor, I write for various blogs and magazines, and I own and host the podcast, Gun Funny and Pew Pew Panel. I'm also an investor of DCF Guns, located in Colorado Springs and Castle Rock. Talk about a 180 change, but I love it!

Please feel free to support me on other platforms.


Social media:
Instagram - instagram.com/avaflanell_/ or @avaflanell_
Podcast Instagram - instagram.com/gunfunnypodcast/ or @gunfunnypodcast

Facebook - facebook.com/avaflanell.fb
Podcast Facebook - facebook.com/gunfunnyshow/Podcast - www.gunfunny.com

The Colorado Assault Weapons Ban Bill Is Dead
5 месяцев назад
Does Dragonman Have the Best Oldies Collection?
6 месяцев назад
My Testimony for HB24-1292
6 месяцев назад
What To Say About Colorado Gun Control Bills
6 месяцев назад
@jayman1338 3 часа назад
Hence, slide lock. It’s not a slide release. 🤷‍♂️
@deedraper9796 6 часов назад
Ballot Biology is a horrible management strategy, this is a ideology from elites. They have hide there agenda to convince the public.
@andyerickson9687 6 часов назад
Let's introduce wolves to Boulder and Denver would definitely change your veiw 😮
@andyerickson9687 6 часов назад
Absolutely not, the deer are way over populated because people feed them, cityiots should not make decisions for rural colorado, you reintroduced the scariest animals man has faced, nothing more scary than a pac hunting you, cats, you won't even see then coming. You are all idiots, we need to control populations of all animals. By the way I am the top of the food chain!
@KC-7mm 9 часов назад
Thank you ladies for having a conversation about this topic especially as a non hunter your voice in support is important especially when you bring the facts not a narrative.
@micahrichey5335 11 часов назад
I’ve hunted lions before. Lions will absolutely decimate deer populations if left unchecked. Why are urban people voting on this? Leslie are you on X?
@howlforwildlife 11 часов назад
Fantastic info. No on 127
@partydave1067 12 часов назад
Beautiful! And the girl holding looks good too😂
@MrDavidrex 13 часов назад
None hunters stay in your lane.
@JamesMorlan-tv2fr 13 часов назад
I do not hunt mountain lions but I think they should remove the dogs.we can elk hunt with dogs . So why mountain lions,there cool cats.the reason we hunt because human have screwed up the world not all hunting is bad only trophy hunting is wrong thats why some spieces are extinct stupid humans. Hunting of mountains should be done by draw only with no use of dogs. Learn to think like a big cat. Hunting and fishing in colorado pay for you antihunters to hike and view wildlife. conservation because humans screwed up the natural life style.
@sheridanlostrohoffic 6 часов назад
The reason dogs can be used is because it’s hands down the most effective way to judge the lion to see if it’s male, female, young, old, nursing, etc. it’s stationary in a tree at a close distance and all those factors can be evaluated and a decision made to release it, or harvest it. In states that do not allow dogs, they have a much much higher rate of females and young lions being harvested. Example- Oregon and Washington. The dogs can and do get outsmarted by the cats fairly often as well. Believe it or not, spending a day following behind dogs in the most rugged county is one of the most challenging hunts there is. The shot itself is not hard, but it’s quick and ethical. Nothing ever gets wounded and suffers. But the rest of the hunt up to that point is physically and mentally exhausting
@Canyoncat-i1k 3 часа назад
@@sheridanlostrohoffic "Much" higher than 47% being females or 38% being still-dependent one-year olds? (It's 64% young cats killed if you count sub-adults). Also, what is quick or ethical about spending a day being run down and treed by a pack of dogs?
@robertorvalla6727 13 часов назад
Who do people sue when this passes? This will get out of control. You shouldn’t vote on this garbage
@daves867 14 часов назад
we already have problems with big cats and bears so if yo do not want them in your back yard you better let hunters and hunting to keep them in check.
@daves867 14 часов назад
absolutely not.
@stephenalexander6721 14 часов назад
Im voting no
@robertrohde4579 14 часов назад
@greasyweezel9540 День назад
Wildlife management policies should not be determined by a ballot measure, anywhere.
@dlind24 День назад
It will pass
@zachperrego2362 День назад
Wonderful video, thank you so much for helping us hunters
@traviswagner9633 День назад
Just make sure that you look at what has happened in wyoming with the grizzly beers before you vote on this........
@user-yu2mt6gr4j День назад
Wait till the lefties starts losing their cats and dogs, they will be screaming for hunting cats!
@j.walker3498 День назад
ban ignorant politicians!
@rayc.1396 День назад
Short answer, "NO"!!!! Now I'll explain why, you have hikers, joggers and those who just like to go out of doors and breath fresh air. You stop hunting mountain lions and those persons become dinner. Don't think so, cats, especially those in the wild are cowards, you never know they are coming till you are face down in the dirt. I chased a cat from a grown adult some years back that was in that position, and defenseless. You probably should ask your outdoor folks how they feel about it, I'm sure they don't want to shoot one, but those who hunt them do just that and it makes you out of doors types much safer.
@boredvet День назад
What happens when something spreads out of control that doesn't have any natural predators? You wont see anymore elk, deer, rabbits, rams, etc etc. Then people will be next, which I mean, anyway. I don't hunt mountain lions. Not my thing, but I do understand the idea of wildlife management
@nmelkhunter1 День назад
There should not be a ban. Using the ballot box for wildlife management is nuts.
@mikecolorado6073 День назад
There is an almost 100% chance that the Dog moms of Denver will stumble over their empty wine boxes and vote this in
@Oldgreycowboy День назад
Why would these city people have any say as to how the ecolife works up in the mtns !!! They need to spend their time on keeping us safe in our own homes against the wild illegals who come and kill more of us than any wild animals that were here before any of us.
@Brian-qg9bm День назад
I'm on the fence with this. I don't want any kids to get mauled or killed and eaten, but I'm betting it'll be "liberal" adults who end up being attacked, once the populations get out of hand and the big cats start moving into neighborhoods to eat pets. It's like with the crime in blue areas - everything these bleeding heart idiots have done has backfired on them, they end up suffering the most, and hey... Mountain Lions gotta eat too.
@philippicphilodox888 День назад
If these people are truly motivated by the love of wildlife rather than the hatred of hunters, they would propose a moratorium on building permits in mountain lion habitat. But that will never happen in Colorado's real-estate based economy. So the next best thing to do is to prohibit Colorado Parks and Wildlife from taking any "problem" cats. Then the people who insist on building homes in mountain lion habitat will just have to learn to keep their pets and their children indoors. Then that problem would become self-correcting. As to addressing the funding shortfall for wildlife management, I paid an extra $29 when I registered my motor vehicle that went to support Parks and Wildlife through the Keep Colorado Wild program (which includes a state parks pass, an $80 value). Simply make that fee mandatory as an ammendment to this bill. Then we will see how much people actually love wildlife, or if they really just hate hunters.
@royharo9164 День назад
Why don’t the Californians leave their agendas in CA or fall off the west coast (CA native)
@chuckgrubb8643 День назад
Thank you for presenting the facts!!!
@papawolf60 День назад
I watched a speech given by a guy name Jared the other day. There are about 9,898,000 firearm owners in this country that are not registered to vote. That is sick. If you value your constitutional rights, get registered and vote. I appreciate all you and Leslie do for us, Ava. Since we are already taxed as much as we are just making purchases, even on things that are a constitutional right, we should not have to pay more taxes. That was part of the reason this country was founded to get away from excessive taxes as well as get away from a tyrannical monarch. It is utterly ridiculous to have to pay for a constitutional right.
@scott4482 День назад
If you out law the hunting of cougar or bear, the next thing you know they'll be in your backyard possibly feeding on your dog or even a child
@bruceclapp8836 День назад
I have the P365XL and find it to be the best pistol I've owned or shot. But the Shalo tek looks like something that is a game changer. DOES the 'thrumb throttle' make finding a holster difficult?
@wadewilson8303 День назад
Oh boy another ballot issue brought up by a bunch of big city hicks, who have never set foot outside of a metro politan center.
@LeviW2892w День назад
Thanks for this!
@Nobody-Nowhere-USA День назад
We have the largest population of bobcats and mountain lions in the country only through the efforts of hunters and CPW. We do not need morons that know absolutely nothing about wildlife management dictate how to manage these predators!
@Platoon_Guide День назад
Red dot, red hot‼️
@intelligentdesign5668 2 дня назад
Great job! Voting NO on Prop KK!
@dalehenry4694 2 дня назад
Great information girls, thank you. ps: Ava good conversation on IITv.
@intelligentdesign5668 2 дня назад
If this bill passes there will be an increase in predation to include mountain lion interactions with Colorado citizens as the big game species have to adapt and possibly shift its migratory patterns to avoid excessive predation. This possibly includes seeing mule deer and elk more prevalent even in Eastern Colorado. Not managing mountain lion and bobcat populations in Colorado could ruin the current effective wildlife conservation of big game species. This kind of irresponsible initiative under the guise of protecting wildlife species is reckless and I just hope enough Coloradans realize voting for this bill could very well cripple big game management in Colorado for future generations.
@DavidDean-k9k 2 дня назад
Vote no on this. Wildlife should not be managed by politics and emotion. This is really an attack on rural American culture. It is an attack on scientific wildlife management.
@LibertySpam 2 дня назад
Colorado will outlaw guns effectively outlawing hunting. Not understanding that that actually will shut down the ski industry because they don't know we pay for the forests! Mark my words.
@Morinehtur День назад
👍 For the username.
@carlgaroutte7597 2 дня назад
Great job ladies please keep up the good fight!:)
@imnotfunny-z5e 2 дня назад
I have lived in Colodado since 2005 (19 years) It makes me sad to see this once great state turn into California. I will be voting no on prop 127, this may be my last year living in Colorado depending on how this election turns out. I am hoping for the best but we all know its too late for Colorado
@mikecolorado6073 День назад
Been here since 2009, leaving in January. The trajectory of Colorado is nothing but bad and I don't want my life dictated to me by a bunch of crazy eyed communist women
@clayed3311 2 дня назад
They banned bear hunting now they have bears everywhere so why not mountain lions? Move all the normal people out of that state put up a bar mount line proof fence around it and let the liberals live there.
@twigsaregood 2 дня назад
Thank you both so much for bringing some light to this issue! I have a bad feeling about which way this will go, but I'm not gonna stop trying to spread this message and you've made it a lot easier to do.
@twigsaregood 2 дня назад
Mountain Lions have great tasting meat! I've eaten it here and there throughout my life and it is definitely a treat!
@brianishmael7845 2 дня назад
Ranchers aren’t covered at all for there livestock. It’s man hrs feed and other things that ranchers deal with. Do what you have to do
@LibertySpam 2 дня назад
Yeah, 300BO and a suppressor
@Canyoncat-i1k 2 дня назад
Fact check: Mountain lions regulate their own populations, in part through lower fecundity when prey availability is low. The biggest cause of mortality to deer by far is weather and hunting (ask any wildlife biologist). Mountain lions kill prion-infected deer at four times the rate of hunters - this is good for mountain lions, deer, and hunters. Using dogs to run down a random cat and trap it in a tree where it is shot at close range is cruel and unsporting. Forty-seven percent of the mountain lions killed in 2023 were female. Kittens are dependent on their mothers for 1.5 - 2 years and the young ones are left to starve. Older, inexperienced kittens ("sub-adults") are generally the ones you see getting into conflicts with people. Those cats - and the people who invite conflicts such as hobby farmers and irresponsible pet owners - will still be managed by Colorado Parks and Wildlife if Proposition 127 passes. The tooth-age data for the cats killed by hunters in 2022 shows that 38% are kittens and still-dependent sub-adults. Currently, Mountain lions and bobcats are "managed" as a recreational opportunity for hunters - there is no ecological benefit to the cats or their prey. Lastly, I suggest going into the field with a bobcat trapper to see how that process unfolds. Please go to the "Balancing Nature" section of catsarenttrophies.org/ to learn about the science and ecology of our treasured mountain lions from actual studies, and vote "yes" on Proposition 127.
@intelligentdesign5668 2 дня назад
Take your manipulated data and worst case scenario examples back to California and keep your anti-hunting ideology out of Colorado. Hunters do not abuse or mistreat the animals they harvest each year. Hunters respect the animals and want to do their part to manage all big game populations of both predators and herd animals. Colorado has strick regulations on how predators are hunted and this proposition uses trophy hunting as a fear tactic, in which trophy hunting is already illegal in Colorado. Not sure who you are but you have no respect for real wildlife managment.
@dalehenry4694 2 дня назад
Vote No asshole and go back to california with your communist views
@dalehenry4694 2 дня назад
You suck 😡
@spencerfarnik2838 День назад
Every statistic and “fact” this California commie posted is a misleading cherry picked lie. Mountain lions primarily target baby deer, moose and elk. They kill way more fawns than the few with wasting disease. Don’t listen to the propaganda from these out of state special interest people trying to destroy the traditions in our state. Don’t be manipulated and vote no.
@Morinehtur День назад
Of the mountain lion tags filled in 2023 98.3% were adults over the age of 1 year. Source: CPW Harvest Limit Data for year 2023 In 2024 there are only 217 adult mountain lions in the listed Harvest Limit total. That is out of an estimated adult population of 3,800-4,400. Source: CPW Harvest Limit Data for year 2024. In short, as of today, only 217 of the mountain lion tags issued can be filled by hunters for the 2024 hunting season. 70% of CPW funds come from hunting and fishing licenses. Source: CPW Website A treed mountain lion affords the hunter the opportunity to estimate the age and sex of a mountain lion. A process that is also used to tag and collar a portion of the mountain lion population. CPW operates one of the most premier Wild Life Management Programs in the Country.
@marktisdale7935 2 дня назад
Vote in person on Election Day.