Baltic Sea Action Group
Baltic Sea Action Group
Baltic Sea Action Group
Baltic Sea Action Group , BSAG is a non-profit foundation founded in 2008. BSAG works to bring ecological balance to the Baltic Sea by accelerating central rescue efforts. The foundation focuses on projects with the greatest impact and longevity.
Regenerativt jordbruk siktar på framtiden
5 месяцев назад
Carbon Action-samarbete
5 месяцев назад
Carlsberg och regenerativt jordbruk
5 месяцев назад
Anora och regenerativt jordbruk
5 месяцев назад
Nestlé och regenerativt jordbruk
5 месяцев назад
Verifiering av kolinlagringen i marken
5 месяцев назад
Regenerativt jorbruk lagrar kol i marken
5 месяцев назад
Vad handlar regenerativt jordbruk om?
5 месяцев назад
Hur genomförs omställningen?
5 месяцев назад
Något nytt, något gammalt och mycket liv
5 месяцев назад
Valio och regenerativt jordbruk
5 месяцев назад
Verification of soil carbon sequestration
5 месяцев назад
Anora and regenerative farming
5 месяцев назад
Nestlé and regenerative farming
5 месяцев назад
Nestlé ja uudistava viljely
5 месяцев назад
Fyra argument för regenerativt jordbruk
5 месяцев назад
Valio and regenerative farming
6 месяцев назад
Carlsberg and regenerative farming
6 месяцев назад
Regenerative farming looks to the future
6 месяцев назад
What is regenerative farming all about?
6 месяцев назад
@mahmoudrezasarv Год назад
Very nice
@Mediumrarebeef1 2 года назад
@alannahharvey1070 3 года назад
0:45 hotsisters.online
@andreasburnett643 3 года назад
0:50 girls-for-you.online
@BalticSeaActionGroup 3 года назад
Hello everyone! below we compile all the comments from the live event: Baltic Sea Action Group: Excellent! Welcome on board ! :D Please keep the discussion going! 3LM - Land and Livestock Management for Life: Is Holistic Management a part of what you are teaching? Baltic Sea Action Group: www.fieldobservatory.org/ Baltic Sea Action Group: For online field data that Prof. Liski is telling about! Layla Höckerstedt: Field Observatory is still under construction, but the data are accurate already Paul 4p1000: Very interesting presentation which could serve as example elsewhere. That is why Circasa Project needs to result in an International Research Consortium. Baltic Sea Action Group:Any questions? Do let us know! azadeh farajpour @azadeh : Soil is the fundamental of life and better soils make the world better! "better Soil - for a better world" an initiative for soil humus/carbon enhancement. Soil Capital: Thank you for sharing Juuso! Hannes Van Eynde: Question for Juuso: What are the actual results you have seen in increase of SOM? LauraJ: Does carbon farming require specific investments or equipment? Baltic Sea Action Group: Also twitter #CarbonAction works for questions! Helena Allard: Several studies show that minimal soil tillage does not increase soil carbon seen in greater depths. What results have you seen when measuring these soils in different depths? Paul 4p1000: "4 per 1000" Initiative with all partners is working on it. Finland is in good situation to inspire the countries in the same conditions. 3LM - Land and Livestock Management for Life: Yes we see and hear you Jukka Rajala: On many fields it is important to start from the top soil to make soil health better and less sensivite to soil erosion. Jukka Rajala: But at many fields the subsoil is also very compacted. Loosening f.e. with subsoiling is needed so that roots can grow well and add SOM into the deeper leyers. Paul 4p1000: Mrs. Katainen, will the new CAP consider and promote conservation and regenerative agricultures? arthur neslen: Ms Katainen - Is net zero emissions in agriculture possible by 2035 without bringing agriculture into the ETS? If so, how? And if not, when is the latest date that it would have to be brought in by? 3LM - Land and Livestock Management for Life: To what do you attribute 600 farmers signing up for the pilot, instead of the planned 100 farmers? What attracted the farmers to the pilot? Mateusz Ciasnocha: Good question, Arthur! Building on your question - how is Ms Katainen seeing the process of including agricultural carbon credits into EU ETS? Ulla Luhtasela @Ulla Luhtasela: What do you mean with "Natural packaging"? azadeh farajpour @azadeh: What are your strategies to get carbon neutral until 2030? What have you planned to implement on the farm? Baltic Sea Action Group: To Helena Allard and everyone with questions on carbon storage different soil depths: we are also looking into this by taking samples in the depth of 1 meter, so we will know more soon. 1/2 Baltic Sea Action Group: Some info also in English in this blog: carbonaction.org/carbon-actio... 2/2 3LM - Land and Livestock Management for Life: Thank you very much for interesting and inspiring programme today. Please help us keep connected with what you're doing and all best wishes! Baltic Sea Action Group: More in depth on 1 m measurements unfortunately currently only in Finnsih carbonaction.org/syvien-maake... Paul 4p1000: We need to support farmers and really increase awareness of people about the fact that most of them are working to fight climate change azadeh farajpour @azadeh : Thank you for bringing different actors together to address the issue of soil and to close its nitrogen / carbon cycles. Without multi-stakeholder partnerships, this cycles cannot be closed. Virpi Kling: @Ulla Luhtasela This question was for Juha? When possible, we replace fossil plastics with plant-based. All of Valio's milk, sour milk, cream and yoghurt cartons sold in Finland are 100% plant-based. azadeh farajpour @azadeh: @Juuso, is compost making economically feasible for farmers? Baltic Sea Action Group: Great comments and questions! Still MEP Jytte Guteland coming up! Virpi Kling: @azadeh farajpour Valio's goal is carbon neutral milk chain by 2035. Main actions are C sequestration on mineral soils, reducing emission on peatlands and replacing fossil fuels by biomethane (manure) azadeh farajpour @azadeh : Thank you very much for the answer Paul 4p1000: ANd your orgnaiztion can join the "4 per 1000" Initiative. Virpi Kling: @azadeh farajpour In addition we have several other means, eg. increasing grass yields, improving cow health, technology in barns. Jukka Rajala: And hopeful also nitrogen fertilization with biol. N-fixation and good nutrient circulation and good care of soil health. azadeh farajpour @azadeh: I am very happy that animal welfare and other Nature-based Solutions such as peatlands and wetlands play a role in your strategy. Baltic Sea Action Group: @azadeh farajpour Juuso answers: it depends, I prefer "top composting" on the field to feed soil microbes rather than in a pile, which emits CO2 and NH4. azadeh farajpour @azadeh: Thank you.
@JMCanoAriasTV 3 года назад
Great webinar, thanks a lot!