hammerdance is a second channel created by Hammer Dance as a gaming channel passion project.
Bury Me In Wetlands
14 дней назад
Is Season of Discovery Thriving or Dying?
2 месяца назад
How Do YOU Prepare For A WoW Launch?!
3 месяца назад
@bash6519 11 часов назад
just a shill video for RestedXP lmao...
@wheeze9378 День назад
Strength on warriors is bugged. Gives way to little Block Value pr. strength on items. For example I get around 1 block value from 27 strength on belt, when it should be 1 block value pr. 2 strength. Rip Prot Warriors.
@everythinggaming7938 2 дня назад
No melee that can also heal should be above warrior in DPS. Blizzard is clueless
@everythinggaming7938 2 дня назад
So when is shadow priest and op lock gonna get balanced 😂
@FenrirFrostborn 2 дня назад
the best way is to dont. warrior is gutted in SoD and no amount of gear scaling can fix it now.
@peirs3071 2 дня назад
A Rested XP ad. Nice.
@badwolfxd3593 2 дня назад
I play lonewolf horde, and I've seen horde being camped at BRD as well, but not as often
@RiasxGremory 3 дня назад
Oh look a leveling guide.. "Rested Exp" Yea.. i'm out.
@Francis-of8cw 3 дня назад
Pretty sure when Warrrior's get some better gear and weapons they're going to be up there on the dps meter.
@RaiBread. 3 дня назад
Screaming no changes to classic era while actively foaming in the mouth abusing chronoboons is up there for one of the stupidest things. Blizzard needs to stop listening to the monkeys.
@cotz5461 5 дней назад
What’s your weak aura for the slice and dice duration ? And do you know or have one for Cutthroat ambush proc ? Thanks . Solid video
@Haligonian902 4 дня назад
Pretty sure that’s the foji rogue weakaura package.
@browniesbytes305 5 дней назад
Idk what they’re thinking with this tuning. 6 manned it with guildies last night had 8 but they killed themselves on first reflect I did more damage as hpal… one war, one rogue,one hunter, prot pal, hpal, resto Druid. Aff lock(kia) mage (Kia) took us 10min+ but didn’t have any real loot comp… can’t imagine bringing 40 dudes to this. Gonna try Kaz tonight will def bring more people 😅
@jamescpalmer 2 дня назад
That's brilliant XD
@Smiley_Frown 5 дней назад
can you outrange his vaccuum? or will you die
@kmburke84 5 дней назад
We wiped a few times at kazzak. Mostly was when he did supreme mode after 3 mins which puts a lot of stress on the healers. We tried to do it with 12 but didn’t have the dps to get it down on time. Bigger group makes it pretty ez though
@joelswatten9611 5 дней назад
Not that it matters but Azuregos is a male dragon 😂
@hammerdancegaming 5 дней назад
@Stang280 5 дней назад
Not much need for a guide. It was a pretty disappointing tank and spank. Cleared both easily with basic dungeon and quest gear. Is this the new standard is bosses that fall over and free gear?
@justsomeguywithamoustachea2712 5 дней назад
Bro they world bosses they are meant to be easy and free
@Stang280 4 дня назад
@justsomeguywithamoustachea2712 I disagree. We need to learn from phase 3. If the content is too easy, repetitive, and provides no challenge to players, then the phase will be dead within a month or 2. Give players a reason to stay. The fact that we killed that boss 1st try with no deaths in a PUG wearing crap gear is not a good sign imo.
@darylsdog9521 3 дня назад
@@Stang280phase 3 died cuz ST was too hard for the dads
@NopeAce631 5 дней назад
hunters being pigeon hole into one spec, and then that spec gets nerfed. yeah thats a great idea
@justsomeguywithamoustachea2712 5 дней назад
I dont understand why people on pvp servers complain then why da fck u on a pvp server
@basmong 6 дней назад
A good decision regarding the Blackrock Mountain. I really enjoy SoD, phase 4 is good.
@biglollol 6 дней назад
2:57 It was not "completely run by horde". It was run by both factions. On living flame EU it was (for me) mostly alliance camping. But I know for a fact, and seen it with ny own eyes, that on ither layers it was horde camping.
@belavet 5 дней назад
He literally quoted his server lol. Obviously he doesn't have first hand experience on all servers.
@zlatkoforic 6 дней назад
SoD ia definitely became a retail, with all of those weekly hotfixes and changes, i remember back in time with classic, we had what we had and there were never anything changed or hotfixed like this games today.
@Verybadmans 6 дней назад
Im sorry but PEOPLE weren't upset about might of stormwind buff. HORDE players were upset. it is absolutely ridiculous that alliance players dont have their own version of rend buff. in a game controlled by world buffs, this was a very welcome change. just ask yourself, why would any alliance player be upset about this change?
@dakotacummings2800 6 дней назад
What’s the difference between zygor and rested xp?
@AtrumRes 6 дней назад
They give horde all the alliance racials and benefits, when they try to give alliance one thing that horde have they retract it. Shamans are already the strongest class in the game and paladins are a joke outside of aoe threat (still the squishiest tank) and balefire bolt penetrates paladin immunity for some fucking reason but hey, let's remove alliance getting the same world buff horde have because fuck em.
@OGFarino 6 дней назад
I completely disagree with you on the hunter trap change and frankly it shows that you don't know what the issue with it was. This is the problem with these types of live hotfixes, it's based on the vocal people on the forums or reddit who don't know how the class actually plays. Removing the ability to use it was not the solution, as it was a huge part of a forced rotation. They murdered BM and Melee hunter, so this trap rotation is the only option to begin with. The frost trap wasn't the issue in pvp, it was adding a new rune this phase called resourcefulness, which lowered the cooldown a lot AND the entrapment talent that added roots to the traps. The reason this change is bad is because it makes pve feel awful, takes away a huge CC ability for dungeons and solo play and doesn't make pvp better. The entrapment talent still works with every other trap that we launch. So when you step into an explosive trap and lose half your hp? Yeah you can still get rooted. I absolutely agree that hunter is insane in AV specifically and here some solutions that would improve it instead of this asinine change: 1. Remove of alter the resourcefulness rune. 2. Remove or alter the entrapment talent or even adjust the chance it procs. 3. Limit the yard range of frost trap or even all traps in pvp environments. 4. More class-wide adjustments, because nerfing hunters just means everyone is miserable with another class (Like fkin shamans) and deathgripping warriors. 5. Adjust the map for AV to the original classic map, so that one faction doesn't have a position advantage in the BG, allowing strategy/equal amount of time to play. The issue with AV is that ally only had a chance to win if they had all hunters go stop the Horde with traps, because horde get to the boss much faster than alliance do, this is because the team decided to use the TBC version of AV with different starting positions giving on faction more time. I don't mean to criticize and I know it's fun to crap on hunters, but there are so many ridiculous abilites that are equally as annoying as this ability and removing it feels bad vs adjusting it to fit the environment. It's not different than shaman totems that slow you down or warriors that instantly put you next to them and slow you so you can't escape. Please get a better understanding if you're going to report on this and influence an audience.
@jacque3427 6 дней назад
im sorry bro and i understand how it affects your pve gameplay, but i will take anything over a ranged aoe slow that roots you over and over and does not dr. brm was unplayable unless you had multiple hunters in your group also spamming frost and explosive traps. it was more op than any other cc in the game.
@DlowSpencer 6 дней назад
Yeah this game is for no skill players who want all the rewards for little to no effort. Can’t wait for a real classic exp. All I hope is everyone still checks logs and only invites good players. /spit
@jstulpin 6 дней назад
Totally agree. I’m already full 8/8 tier .5 and it wasn’t that bad. Now everyone else gets it spoon fed to them. If they nerf the upgrade quests I’ll quit haha
@jasons.251 6 дней назад
It’s just as bad with alliance on lone wolf. Yall are bring equally as toxic there and currently being toxic at the undermine vendor in booty bay
@belavet 5 дней назад
It's a cyclical problem. People get camped and when they have the opportunity for "payback", they jump on it. Problem being, it's the players that don't want to be toxic dbags that get screwed in all scenarios. End of the day, blizz could easily fix this, and at this point, should anticipate this sort of behavior.
@dmachine123 5 дней назад
Gaming is just how much you can ruin another persons day for most people
@RjSchopp 6 дней назад
What’s your general take for alliance on lone wolf? I skipped P3 returning player only level 45. Seems like we’re way outnumbered now not sure if it’s getting better being on the lower end still
@royster4711 6 дней назад
Definitely feels that way. Every dungeon just has an army of horde waiting outside at all times pretty much… cept if you get on early in the morning
@Impius5453 5 дней назад
Everyone just raid logs on lone wolf
@RjSchopp 5 дней назад
@@Impius5453 yea it’s kinda cringe
@queenmarsia 6 дней назад
purist classic vanillla players make my skin crawl.
@soggysanga4171 6 дней назад
cool story bro, sod is trash
@SgtHouse 6 дней назад
That reverse decision was the stupidest thing I read in my life. 😢
@presidentdonaldbump150 6 дней назад
I cant believe p4 is trash this hard.
@Zutang777 6 дней назад
@@presidentdonaldbump150 no one said it was trash. it’s the same goated raids and a new 5 man dungeon that was never in classic. It just a social issue. And now it’s fixed.
@jiaan100 6 дней назад
Im on lone wolf NA too. The first event alliance kicked ass and i immediately knew horde would crush us every time from then on
@samanthabazemore7729 6 дней назад
<----- On LoneWolf Horde side. Idk if it's just me, but there seems to be WAY more Alliance on our server. Either way, Zug zug baby
@jiaan100 6 дней назад
@@samanthabazemore7729 tbh Ive barely played since that first day so I'm just going by what he said.
@solarjahra5924 6 дней назад
What about logout skips
@OldGregtv 6 дней назад
when does buying the tier0 go live?
@Abionx 6 дней назад
its already live
@sukigodx9814 6 дней назад
range hunter has nothing in pvp now u just run to him and he cant shot because the range of your bow needs 100000yards and slow trap dosent work but hey warrlock mage rogue are fucking op sso who care about hunter :) just delete your hunter and creat a fulltime healer called warrlock hunter frost traps in pvp? wtf are u talking :D if u get once 10yards to hunter he cant sshot you :D and every class has a charg or stun or step? sso wtf hunter is trash now in pvp and pve im done with wow sod it will die anyway and server getting shut down blizzard will never get a ssingle cent from me again
@dckeddownurmom6940 6 дней назад
I feel your pain. My friends wanted to roll lone wolf on launch, thank god they still play the game, but the world PvP has been miserable
@ChrisCheung73 6 дней назад
@PokePerryTCG 6 дней назад
Good video!
@hammerdancegaming 6 дней назад
@Marcus-yu6su 6 дней назад
Shittzard coming with the nerfhammer once more, only to please the vocal minority. Spineless. Great video
@roflstomplolmao 6 дней назад
Is it too late to start SoD and get into raiding etc? Also is it going all the way up to naxx?
@joshuafleet9373 6 дней назад
The leveling from 1-50 will be pretty much solo. Unless you get into a cool guild and help you with instance runs.
@pero1337 6 дней назад
it will take you few hours to get runes.. gear at 60 is not soo rep / pvp rank relavant atleast for some classes.
@InnuendoOutTheOther 6 дней назад
If you start now you'll only miss 1 raid lockout before you hit 60
@jiaan100 6 дней назад
@@InnuendoOutTheOther leveling without incursions spam is gonna be slow, especially if you can't find a dungeon leveling group
@belavet 5 дней назад
@@jiaan100 Slow is extremely relative. Compared to incursions, yes. Compared to any other version of classic, it's extremely fast. Keep in mind we only got incursions last phase. 150% exp buff to 50 is nothing to scoff at.
@evilution5185 6 дней назад
They need to do something about the cenarion circle rep. The usual ways to earn rep are not in .
@rustyshackleford3316 6 дней назад
Hunter nerf already, makes pve suck because of pvp.
@rodgoesinya9947 6 дней назад
Noone will ever feel bad for hunters just stop. They've been OP since sod came out. Still very op
@Swiftgti 6 дней назад
Typical huntard complaining lol
@jiaan100 6 дней назад
Traps are still insane in pve lmao, can't believe hunters are crying about this
@jonsnow7586 6 дней назад
@@jiaan100 actually ruins us for dungeon farming tricks, and doesn't even address the PVP issue really which is hunters spamming frost trap patches everywhere in AV and causing entrapment (which they can still do abusing rams/wolves) At least 2 better options would have been to give entrapment DR, or have a frost patch removed when a new frost trap gets triggered, but as usual Blizzard chooses the jankiest and worst option.
@jonsnow7586 6 дней назад
@@rodgoesinya9947 never been as OP as Shamans, or as broken as Druids + Spriests were in P2, we've only ever been allowed to be top DPS for about 1-2 raids in a new phase before getting insta nerfed as we could never be allowed to top damage meters, despite being the ONLY pure damage class in SOD and the absolute worst, dog tier DPS throughout all of original Vanilla & Classic to the point we were barely allowed in raids... but no, can't allow hunters to have fun, ever. And I know you'll say 'cry more' but w/e, it's the truth.
@yamine592 6 дней назад
Still nothing about shaman 2 iq, kk
@SheenBuscemi 6 дней назад
Thanks bro! Realing holding it down in these hard times. Appreciate you
@hammerdancegaming 6 дней назад
@cynic256 6 дней назад
How are these times 'hard' wtf lol
@shjelde660 6 дней назад
I've got to learn how to make thumbnails like that !😅👌
@hammerdancegaming 6 дней назад
@_blasfemy 6 дней назад
i put in a realm transfer to wild growth.. .paid for it. got an error saying the realm is not currently accepting transfers. guessing they might want to fix that by making it non purchasable or by allowing it to go through. idk. gl on devilsaur. i remember spending weeks.. literally.. farming those patterns in classic. glad to see hunters doing 3k dps every pull in LBRS. lol
@rodgoesinya9947 6 дней назад
And they still gonna complain
@Zutang777 6 дней назад
So my arms warrior still sucks until I get some end game gear. Womp Womp. I’m trying fury. But currently my 1hs worse then my 2h
@dogar3096 6 дней назад
Ey just like classic warrior 😂
@joelswatten9611 6 дней назад
Arms is a PvP spec
@corvuscorax8459 6 дней назад
What weapons are you using?
@jiaan100 6 дней назад
Warrior sucks in general until you get end game gear. Glad stance thunderclap is alright for dungeons
@Zutang777 6 дней назад
@@corvuscorax8459 I was using the 2.0 speed epic weapons from ZF. Now I have thrashblade and some other level 35 1h
@chris92like1 6 дней назад
@JohnJK 7 дней назад
Guess youre not watching BRM now. Alliance have a congo line of hunters, rogues, and cc not allowing anyone in. Speak to your community instead of blaming Horde.
@kywildcats941 7 дней назад
Rogue is 2 op like this at low level evasion GG