Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible
Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible
Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible
THE 2024 KEYS OF THE KINGDOM HOLY BIBLE ~ translated by Christopher Sparkes

Translating Laws:
1. Grammar
2. Internal Harmony
3. Logic
4. Research
5. Text

Translating Targets:
1. Accuracy
2. Clarity
3. Literariness


Preface to First Edition (also on website):
The Preface is 50 pages. It gives some history of English translations. It describes its Translating Laws and its Translating Targets. It gives over 100 examples.

There are 5,300 footnotes (with Strong's Concordance reference numbers), so that readers can make checks for themselves.

There are ten appendices, all giving further information so readers can check for themselves.

~ the ORGANIC restoration of the teachings of the prophets and apostles.
Published by Filament Publishers, London UK
Available in hardback or Kindle.
@indyV7 11 минут назад
God Bless you Nikki, God is not a God of confusion. I don’t know why they have done this to the word of God, but blessed are we to be set free by this truth. God’s word will not be chained. I enjoyed your newsletter and look forward to reading them. It’s lonely not being part of a physical church. Bless this beautiful holy word, and work. Bless you brothers and sisters in Christ. Sending love to you all, holding out in the wilderness and online fellowship 🙏🏼
@rell7773 11 часов назад
Chris your an absolute legend! Love your work and bible translation thanks
@keysofthekingdomholybible 11 часов назад
@@rell7773 Thank you so much. Glory to Yahweh! The truth is all coming out now with his holy wilderness remnant. Those with ears to hear … 🙏🙏🙏 Just praying “Your will be done.”
@kurteger1228 20 часов назад
So inspirational Christopher! I’m thinking we should write a song called “In the Wilderness”- I’ve made some notes (and musical notes) already. Praise Yahweh!
@keysofthekingdomholybible 20 часов назад
@@kurteger1228 What a fine idea. I look forward to that. Be thinking on it myself too. Praise Yahweh always.
@NicoleNetherland321 22 часа назад
How nice that Nikkie wants to help you to make the biblical truth more and more know. I read her newsletter. She shows beautifully how God works. God bless Nikkie for this special work for Him.
@keysofthekingdomholybible 22 часа назад
@@NicoleNetherland321 Thank you for your appreciation of her story, Nicole. Amen to that!
@stevegold7307 День назад
In a sense, tho, regardless of which translation, aren't we still kind of at the mercy of Strong's Lexicon or other Lexicons in interpreting words from Hebrew and Greek to English? How do we know that Strong's got those definitions correct???
@keysofthekingdomholybible День назад
@@stevegold7307 I totally agree. Some of them are plugged straight into the KJV - and give you a fatal electric shock. ⚡️ that’s why I have Research as one of my 5 translating laws.
@stevegold7307 День назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybible Absolutely true!....I love and respect the work you have done! ...
@keysofthekingdomholybible День назад
@@stevegold7307 Thank you so much. Glory to God.
@NicoleNetherland321 День назад
I have never had a Bible study like this before. Now I am learning to see connections that I never saw. Thanks for all your efforts Chris. You are helping us to walk the right path. We thank You, O Elohim, we give thanks, for men make declaration of Your wonderful works, for Your name is near. Ps 75/1
@keysofthekingdomholybible День назад
@@NicoleNetherland321 Thank you, Nicole, for your mighty encouragement, and for persevering through your non-native language. And thank you for your ears to hear. It is not given to all; it’s an election (see Romans 9/18). For myself, I owe him everything. He knows. Once the translation is corrected, and even one passage is opened up to us, the connections fizz like divine electricity right through the Scriptures. All thanks to Elohim for the beauty of his word and his graciousness to us. I hope you will enjoy video 143 and Nikki’s story on my website. God bless you.
@claudiasmith5257 День назад
Bravo! 👏🏻 💥 Glory To God❣️Excellent! 🤗♥️
@indyV7 День назад
Amen 🙏🏼
@keysofthekingdomholybible День назад
For those who have ears to hear. Which is not all. Some God has hardened and blinded; others He has had mercy on, and we can only give Him thanks. God bless you.
@kurteger1228 2 дня назад
Many thanks for this wonderful teaching and clearing up SO much misunderstanding!
@bardowesselius4121 2 дня назад
Mystery Babylon is that city inhabited by people with a religious mindset. 1st century Jerusalem is a type and shadow of this. Soulish religion and confusion instead of worship in spirit and truth. All church denominations fall in this category. We have to leave that mindset of slavery, into the freedom in Christ. We are living in the New Jerusalem, the city of God's peace.
@ManyThingsSeem 2 дня назад
No, you are wrong."Unless you believe that I AM, ye shall die in your sins" AND, Thomas called Jesus God and was not corrected or rebuked.
@keysofthekingdomholybible 2 дня назад
@@ManyThingsSeem You do not understand the I am statements in relation to Yahweh. And Thomas was only exclaiming as many people do. The 3 gods system is pagan.
@ManyThingsSeem День назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybible You don't understand that Satan only does what he's seen... communism for instance is his Book of Acts, tr☠️nsvestite is his "two become one flesh", georgia guidestones are his 10 commandments... and where do you think his Problem - Reaction - Solution tactics came from? He ONLY does what he's seen works.
@ManyThingsSeem День назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybible and it's not 3 Gods, "I and my Father are One"... you need to study a lot more before you try to "teach".
@ManyThingsSeem День назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybible repent or perish foolish one.
@keysofthekingdomholybible День назад
@@ManyThingsSeem It is three gods. Bible believers can count. We reject the teachings of the sleeping pharisaical church system bibles like the NIV and the KJV as the teachings of demons. Paul too was a blasphemer and an insulter also, but he was shown mercy because, being ignorant, he did it in unbelief (1 Timothy 1.13.
@kurteger1228 2 дня назад
You cannot be filled with angels- I love the simple truth!
@indyV7 2 дня назад
Thank you for this series. Praise God for all that you do. Blessings 🙏🏼
@keysofthekingdomholybible 2 дня назад
@@indyV7 Thank you so much. Praise God.
@raeannnelson1431 2 дня назад
So lost!
@keysofthekingdomholybible 2 дня назад
@@raeannnelson1431 Sure. And you don’t believe the Bible. Yet you watch a biblical channel.
@jmc9507 2 дня назад
Jesus Christ is His son ,yet they are one... We are baptized in One God = Father,Son,Holy Ghost ,don't waste your time on this rubbish
@keysofthekingdomholybible 2 дня назад
@@jmc9507 So the scriptural truth is rubbish to you, is it? “Come out from among them and be separate.“
@TheChevynut2 День назад
You may not agree, but I see the holy spirit as the FATHER'S holy motivation. It comes in different forms. You call it an angel and I call it HIS motivation. Keep up the good work my friend!
@keysofthekingdomholybible День назад
@@TheChevynut2 In some places it is that. Be he is named as an angel in Isaiah and Exodus.
@jmc9507 День назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybible reformers as well as early christians understanded same way. they would call "your truth "rubbish ,you can call our the same if you like
@keysofthekingdomholybible День назад
@@jmc9507 The Reformers’ doctrines are to be rejected. “The sins of some men are shown openly, going on ahead into judgment, but some trail behind as well” (Timothy 5.24).
@r.clewis6157 2 дня назад
‘But when the Counsellor comes, whom I will authorize to you from beside the Father, the Spirit of Truth, who goes out from beside the Father, he will give testimony about me. 27 And you also will give testimony, because you have been with me from the beginning.’ John 15:26 John 13:16 ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, the servant is not more eminent than his master, nor a messenger more eminent than him having authorized him. these passages are evidence against the claim that the Holy Spirit is co-equal with God,
@keysofthekingdomholybible 2 дня назад
@@r.clewis6157 Brilliant insight, brother. Thank you.
@r.clewis6157 2 дня назад
Angels don't have free will, and aren't co-equal with God, proving the Holy Spirit is not God or Jesus
@keysofthekingdomholybible 2 дня назад
@@r.clewis6157 Superb! They don’t.
@kevinskinner4019 2 дня назад
Thanks for putting out this series Christopher. Could you make it a Playlist like you did with Hellfire ?
@keysofthekingdomholybible 2 дня назад
@@kevinskinner4019 Yes okay. Praise God for his truth.
@keysofthekingdomholybible 2 дня назад
@@kevinskinner4019 Done.
@barryvallen1072 2 дня назад
Thanks for putting out the truth
@claudiasmith5257 2 дня назад
Yes! We are taught by God❣️Alleluia! ~ Isaiah, Paul & John knew it! The Great One True God ~ I pressed ahead in that revelation sooo many years ago when I saw and witnessed the corruption in these pagan churches and their practices and so called leaders! ‘Come out from among them’ I took to heart ♥️ ~ the wilderness experience, a Divine Place of God’s Everlasting Truths. Thanks Christopher for all you’ve been through & done in preserving and presenting God’s Glorious Truths. Such Divine Harmony! His Love and Merciful Goodwill to ALL! ~ Amen. ♥️ 🙏🏻
@keysofthekingdomholybible 2 дня назад
@@claudiasmith5257 Oh so you’ve been out years? Me too. It’s such a blessing and honour to be among Yahweh’s wilderness people, my brothers and sisters. This is the best life that can be lived.
@claudiasmith5257 2 дня назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybibleMost definitely it IS the Best! ♥️📕🔥📣♥️🙏🏻
@billkane4823 2 дня назад
Dear Christopher One of my favourite hymns is "and can it be that i should gain" After listening to your 6 part exegisis on the Ruach Ha Chodesh which was wonderfully given...think about one of the verses of the hymn "Tis mystery all the immortal dies, who can explore its strange design" How can immortality die? If Christ had not died then our faith is in van and we are but vile men The mystery is that Christ became flesh and died on the hill of goliath for a sinner like me, to bruise the advesaries head and their pagan offspring for all time or eons. Blessed be His name as we are the firrstfuits of all our Saviour's work on the cursed tree and His glorious ressurection of which we are co heirs Thank you Christopher once again
@keysofthekingdomholybible 2 дня назад
@@billkane4823 Praise God! Thank you so much for your appreciation. I’m going to play that hymn now. Guitar and harmonica together.
@CamperVan-K 2 дня назад
Wow Christopher, I hadn't realised this. Will take a little while to adjust to this way of thinking about this subject. But, as you've given us such an excellent presentation of the truth of the Bible so far, I'm pretty sure truth will shine through. Thanks for your continuous work. Kaye
@keysofthekingdomholybible 2 дня назад
@@CamperVan-K Thank you so much for your appreciation, Kaye.
@donnamarieholland3682 2 дня назад
Amazing. I have enjoyed every single one of these magnificent videos. Praise God for the truth always. 🙌
@r.clewis6157 2 дня назад
Praise God for this wonderful truth...
@keysofthekingdomholybible 2 дня назад
Thank you for your wonderful input.
@r.clewis6157 2 дня назад
I believe this is a call for God's people to come out of CHURCH religion, Thou shalt have no other gods before me" if the Holy Spirit is someone's god, then they're in PAGAN religion...
@keysofthekingdomholybible 2 дня назад
@@r.clewis6157 Yes, it is. 2 Corinthians says "be separate".
@keysofthekingdomholybible 2 дня назад
@@r.clewis6157 What is extraordinary is that after all this explanation over six videos, passage after passage, angle after angle, some people still won’t get it and will write silly things. Indoctrinated.
@r.clewis6157 2 дня назад
Some are forever learning but never able to come into the knowledge of Truth
@michelhaineault6654 3 дня назад
The Spirit of Christ and of God is the Holy Spirit in us : John14:15 “If you love Me, keep My commandments. 16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever- 17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. This clearly identify the Spirit OF GOD and OF CHRIST as being the SAME SPIRIT who dwell in us ,the Holy Spirit it's CHRIST COMING IN US.... the Lord is the Spirit.
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@michelhaineault6654 He’s an angel.
@michelhaineault6654 3 дня назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybible God is an angel ?
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@michelhaineault6654 No! Surely you know? The Holy Spirit is an angel, not God. The three gods system is an evil teaching of the religion of the flesh.
@michelhaineault6654 2 дня назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybible yes the trinity is a pagan god(s) only one God the Father ...who was manifest in the flesh and great is this mystery 1Tim.3:16 We are God temple not an angel temple and God is Spirit and Holy. The Holy Spirit is God presence in us, we are is temple. v.17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you........Jesus perfectly say the the H.Spirit to come will be HIM IN US this is why he didn't leave us as orphans because HE LIVE IN US AND WE LIVE IN HIM and if someone do not have Jesus Spirit i.e. if someone is not IN Christ he do not belong to Him ...
@keysofthekingdomholybible 2 дня назад
@@michelhaineault6654 God is spirit, Jesus said. Not flesh.
@ChrisMusante 3 дня назад
I think that I have asked you before, but would you be willing to speak with me about the interpretation errors that I have uncovered? I have yet to hear you offer any conflicting details against my own 'lost' information. I can explain the reason that a 'gap' appears in Genesis (between verse 1:1 & 1:2). The 'trinity' is also found in the 1st two chapters of Genesis. I also have 'the' THEODICY. I say 'the' theodicy because there can only be ONE. A definition requires a 'truth' and drug only comes in ONE package. Let me know if we can chat. Shalom my brother. 💞
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@ChrisMusante I used to believe in the gap theory. But not now. There is no “Trinity”. As this videos have been showing over and over. One more to come.
@ChrisMusante 3 дня назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybible - well on what is and what is not we can discuss. The idea that someone 'sees' this trinitarian 'structure' means that there IS something of it... as people can be convinced with our doctrine that IT exists. ANY beliefs that one has creates a 'thing' - the 'thing' may not exist, but it still has an 'effect'. I refuse to type all of what I know in here... but if you want to see the 'trinity', start here... Elohim YHWH YHWH Elohim YHWH can be represented as 'word' - laws and statutes defining the 'character' of YHWH and thus 'what' or 'who' YHWH 'is'. In order to be sovereign... 'God' has to reign over evil as well as good. And in order to do that, you need to play BOTH sides of the fence. Revelation 22:11 and Isaiah 45:7 should be considered 'companions' in the scriptures.
@r.clewis6157 3 дня назад
Praise God! Powerful Truth brother Christopher.. This subject is very urgent.. Christianity is doing what Paul said not to, We don't worship the Holy Spirit and every Christian denomination does this..Repent come out of this reformed pagan religion
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@r.clewis6157 Exactly. Amen.
@kurteger1228 3 дня назад
Ah, but we thought that wisdom and understanding was intricate and complicated and could only be understood by robed men wearing zucchettos. But once unraveled it really is so simple.
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@kurteger1228 Ha, yes exactly. It is simple.
@stevegold7307 3 дня назад
Why is the word "Our" used in Genesis 1:26??? Doesn't seem to be a separate word in Hebrew. Also, in Genesis 2:24 where it says the two shall become one flesh.... could that be a sense of "one" being used with the trinity in the sense of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" being used as one???
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@stevegold7307 The trinity is false teaching of the pastors of the religion of the flesh.
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@stevegold7307 “Our” means with the angels.
@stevegold7307 3 дня назад
@keysofthekingdomholybible hmmm, ok, never thought about that before.... I had read in one of the Hebrew word commentaries on that word that in Hebrew, the plural form would be used to denote the supremacy of God compared to other so called gods, even though it was in reference to a singular God..... not sure how true that is... I also noticed in Exodus where Moses asks who shall I say sent me, the "I Am" is singular.... so in essence, God saying Himself, He is One, singular.... thanks for the reply!
@lestrangemd 2 дня назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybible I don't think anywhere do scriptures say the angels were created in the image of God. Only Man was created in the image of God.
@keysofthekingdomholybible 2 дня назад
@@stevegold7307 There is no “trinity” in the Bible. That “our” is communication with angels. The disciples were also said to be one.
@brotherhebert6137 3 дня назад
I'm just not seeing how the HS is considered a separate God. I've never considered the HS as a god. I don't consider Yahweh, Jesus and the HS as 3 gods or separate entities. It's rather simple to me. Yahweh is Alpha and Omega, the whole lump. Jesus is God in the flesh/physical, a part of the lump. The Holy Spirit is the mind of God. The presence of His mind and will, His Divine Influence upon us. All from the same source....Yahweh.
@bardowesselius4121 3 дня назад
Yes it is quite simple. God is Spirit, so God is the Holy Spirit. It is not who He is but it is what He is. His power and presence, His mind. Jesus inherited this Spirit, and became life giving Spirit as well. And that Spirit has effect in the natural world and this effect is what is visible. Like the wind moving the branches of a tree or bringing clouds of rain. The power/presence of God working in and through us.
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@brotherhebert6137 Well, you believe in three gods. Are you listening to the monumental evidence?
@brotherhebert6137 3 дня назад
@@bardowesselius4121 Yes. Why can't others accept it? Maybe they have 'another' spirit.
@brotherhebert6137 3 дня назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybible No, I don't believe in 3 gods. I am not understanding how believing that the HS is God's mind/will makes the HS 'another' god. I've never worshiped or prayed to the HS. And all this 'monumental' evidence is not really proving anything, other than being mental gymnastics to try to get around the fact that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are ONE. Just like Me, Myself, and I are ONE. I'm not 3 entities am I?
@brotherhebert6137 3 дня назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybible My comment was removed immediately. Not sure why. But I wanted to say, NO, I do not believe in 3 gods. Just because someone believes the HS is the mind, or will, of God, does not mean we believe the HS is a god. I believe Yahweh, Jesus, and the HS are ONE. Just like Me, Myself, and I are ONE. I'm not 3 separate entities am I? No.
@nationaldrone.services867 3 дня назад
Christopher, great series, The Logos and now the holy spirit what more can you do for your brethren! Please give me your thoughts on the virgin birth and christ's pre-existing? Great work Yehovah bless you and keep you safe!
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@nationaldrone.services867 Thank you so much. You also. So glad you’re enjoying it. Conclusion to go up shortly. Virgin both is fake. Pre-existence of Christ is fake. Even the word “preexistence” is dumb. How can you pre-exist yourself!
@donnamarieholland3682 3 дня назад
Awesome truth. Praise God 🙌🙏🏼❤️
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@donnamarieholland3682 Yes, praise God, Donna! It’s for those who have ears to hear. A dividing line between those who want the word of God, and those who want the religion of the flesh.
@donnamarieholland3682 3 дня назад
well yes I think these amazing words of God’s truth will cause a divide between the people who have ears to hear and the religion of the flesh people who like to say God is Holy and therefore the Holy spirit!! But these verses of scripture refutes everything that they are saying. I have enjoyed this series so much and I am looking forward to part 6. Praise God.
@donnamarieholland3682 3 дня назад
I believe a few people will be quite embarrassed if they were to watch this series. Because they got it so wrong. @@keysofthekingdomholybible I
@brotherhebert6137 3 дня назад
Maybe I'm not seeing something, but it seems like you are making much ado about nothing, other than trying to prove Jesus and the HS are not God. God has, in various ways, reached down to man in order to communicate His will and interests, The Bible, in John 1, shows that God has been revealed in every manner by which man understands: 1. We heard Him (John 1:1- The Word). 2. We saw Him (John 1:14 - The Flesh). 3. We felt the power of His presence, i.e. His "Spirit" (John 1:32-33 & Acts 2:17 and many others). These Biblical descriptions did not even hint at a tripartite God. Rather, they describe one God who, in order to make Himself known to the limited senses of man, revealed Himself within those restricted channels by which man under stands. Man cannot look upon nor comprehend God in His total or literal state (John 1:18 & Ex. 33:20). By revealing Himself in limited form (Word, Flesh, Spirit) - the Infinite God makes Himself known to finite man. To make this clearer to those who have, in the past, accepted the doctrine of "the trinity," let us say this another way: 1. We find God expressed in WORD, both written and spoken (as with Moses and the Prophets); 2. Later, we find God expressed in the form of a MAN (Jesus), when He became flesh and walked among men. 3. Then we find God expressed in POWER to convert hard Israelite hearts of stone into believing hearts of flesh through the Holy Spirit, the animating power behind' 'The Body of Christ." This change of heart is done in accordance with the provisions of His Covenant to Abraham (Gen. 17:7) and the New Covenant (Jer. 31:31, Ez. 36:26, Heb. 8:8-12). All of these are ways in which 3 God makes Himself known to man, they are not three different "persons. "
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@brotherhebert6137 John 1.1 is wrong in the church bibles. This is a highly important subject, to understand who the Holy Spirit is - and to deny the false teachers their three gods.
@wewrestlenotfleshandblood4789 3 дня назад
Let me ask ya somethin brother. The Lord divorced HIS wife (Jeremiah 3, Hosea 1,2,3) and then HIS (GOD'S) wife is given to HIS SON by GOD?
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@wewrestlenotfleshandblood4789 The first died - was long dead - so God made a new covenant announced through His son. He didn’t give His first wife to Jesus. The first wife was king dead, so God could, by the terms of the law, marry another wife. Simple!
@claudiasmith5257 3 дня назад
Brilliant and Marvelous Divine Presentation ~ Easy Clear Understanding❣️Glory to God❣️ 🔥📣❤️📕
@r.clewis6157 3 дня назад
Thanks brother Christopher for all your labor, Nothing but 100% TRUTH
@claudiasmith5257 3 дня назад
Yahweh Elohim’s Truth Being Restored❣️~ Refreshing and Wonderfully Authentic This Divine Truth❣️💥🙋🏼‍♀️🔥📣📕❤️ ~👂🏻~ ❤️
@waltherppk2 3 дня назад
You’re teaching heresy, naturally. I’m almost certain, like the Jehovah’s Witnesses, no scholarship, non-degree, wanna-be “scholar” misquoting scripture and historical fact. But, that’s okay, Satan does too so you have company.
@timothywolfenden4478 3 дня назад
You are lost...for that Holy Unction teaches all truth....and He is God....For there are three that bear record in Heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit...and these three are One.....and there are three that bear witness on the earth, the Spirit, the water, and the blood and these three agree in One. I don't need another heretical translation to refute what the Holy Spirit reveals to each true born child of God.
@moname56 3 дня назад
I’m guessing that most of the charismatics will hate this video since all their gifts of tongues, healings, prophesies are attributable to the Holy Spirit.
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@moname56 Haha, yes, I suppose so! But the Bible isn’t really their thing, is it? It’s all about their “gifts”.
@moname56 3 дня назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybible Well I do have one charismatic friend that loves your Bible but I’m not sure how she would feel about your conclusions. I haven’t asked her her opinion on this one yet. I personally believe that the Holy Spirit is God.
@jondouglas571 3 дня назад
Hear O Israel, our Lord is God, our Lord is One
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@moname56 Well you would have to disprove all my hundreds of pieces of evidence that he is indeed an angel who “does not speak from his own initiative”, Jesus said. Have you listened to the videos?
@@moname56 Ofc the Holy Spirit is God. Many will not make it because they do not walk in God’s Holy Spirit, they follow human intellect rather than God’s way. Acts 5:3-4 (The Holy Spirit is called God) In this passage, Peter confronts Ananias for lying to the Holy Spirit: "Then Peter said, 'Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit... You have not lied just to human beings but to God.'" Here, Peter equates lying to the Holy Spirit with lying to God, affirming the Holy Spirit's divine status. People can study all their lives and they wont understand God’s Holy word since only those who walk in humility, he will give them understanding and wisdom and he will put his Holy Spirit in them and teach them all his ways.
The Holy Spirit is God. If you know you will know because God will let you know. I know because I am an ex Buddhist saved by God himself. People who do not heed God will not make it. ‘Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, And seeing you will see and not perceive; For the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, And their eyes they have closed, Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, So that I should heal them.’
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@JesusSavesTheLostBrokenConfuse You need to study to show yourself approved. Your opinion is not the way to determine doctrine. I’ve laboured in this for decades. I provide evidence. You don’t show us one passage even. What you know is error. Please listen to the evidence and learn the passages. .
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@JesusSavesTheLostBrokenConfuse The Holy Spirit is an angel, the Angel of God.
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@JesusSavesTheLostBrokenConfuse The Holy Spirit was seen. Nobody has seen God.
@@keysofthekingdomholybible Acts 5:3-4 (The Holy Spirit is called God) “Then Peter said, 'Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit... You have not lied just to human beings but to God.'" Peter equates lying to the Holy Spirit with lying to God, affirming the Holy Spirit's divine status. 1st Corinthians 3:16 (The Holy Spirit dwells in believers as God) “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?" The Spirit dwelling within believers is the presence of God Himself. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 (The Spirit is the Lord) "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." This passage directly identifies the Holy Spirit as the Lord, affirming His divinity. Matthew 28:19 (The Holy Spirit in the Trinity) "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Jesus commands His disciples to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, placing the Spirit on the same level as the Father and the Son.
@@keysofthekingdomholybible Your doctrine is not God. Its of man. God’s Holy Spirit is God, he has shown me so. You do not know what you are saying and its against God. Maybe you forgot when Ananias and his wife were both killed by God and Peter told them theyve lied to God when theyve lied to the Holy Spirit. You do not know God in Spirit so you used human intellect that goes against Spiritual wisdom of God. And you cannot study biblical doctrine without God’s Holy Spirit revealing it to you otherwise it would be the intellect of human beings rather than spiritual teachings of God. Jesus said “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you”.
@donnamarieholland3682 3 дня назад
I am loving all these videos of Truth about the Holy Spirit.
Basically you admit to love being deceived. God is Spirit and until you walk with God in Spirit you do not know him nor will he reveal himself to you.
@donnamarieholland3682 3 дня назад
Great title. And marvellous truth. 🙌🙏🏼❤️
@donnamarieholland3682 3 дня назад
Absolutely amazing truth. 🙌 praise God always.
@SonicGrace 3 дня назад
So when John say's God is Love you don't believe it ?
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@SonicGrace I do.
@maxbarker1428 3 дня назад
Study the ancient marriage ceremony to understand the parables better. Example: Christ is going to prepair a mansion for the bride. Christ is the bridegroom, the righteous are the brides. Many many more corelations to the wedding ceremony. God lives, Christ lives again.
@r.clewis6157 3 дня назад
Awesome truth... I ❤ This truth
@brotherhebert6137 4 дня назад
I'm not sure what you are trying to say/prove. I agree the spirit/holy spirit is not Yahweh, but rather a 'quality' I guess OF Yahweh. His presence. Yahweh Himself cannot come down to earth otherwise He's burn everything up just by His very being of righteousness in fulness. That is why He sends the Angel of His presence. I see it as Yahweh is the Great I AM. "I" Jesus is the physical manifestation of Yahweh in the flesh. "Me" (touch Me, feel Me) The Holy Spirit is His presence. "Myself" (My mind, My will) I see it like Me, Myself, and I. They are all the same thing. Yahweh is the lump, Jesus and the HS are parts of the lump. "I" am here. If you were next to "Me" you could touch "Me". If you read/listen to "My words/My voice" you can know My mind/will. I am always where I am. You can only touch Me if you were where I physically am. You can experience My presence if you hear me/ream my words/know my mind. My friend in California knows who I AM. He has been around ME in person and we have shook hands/wrestled/etc.. And when we talk on the phone he knows it is MYSELF, though he can't see me or touch me. Does that make sense at all? I also find this interesting: Neh 9:20 “You also gave Your good 'Spirit to instruct'(c) them, and did not withhold Your manna from their mouth, and gave them water for their thirst. Footnote: c Pro_1:23, Eze_36:27, Zec_7:12. Pro 1:23 “Turn at my reproof. See, I pour out my spirit on you, I make my words known to you. (My will, my desire, my mind) Eze 36:27 and put My Spirit within you.(a) And I shall cause you to walk in My laws and guard My right-rulings and shall do them. Footnote: a See Eze_11:19-20, Eze_37:6-14, Eze_39:29. (The new spirit/mind He promised to guide us with) Zec 7:12 “And they made their hearts like flint against hearing the Torah, and the words, which יהוה of hosts had sent by His Spirit through the former prophets. Therefore great wrath came from יהוה of hosts. (He sent His mind/will through the prophets) It certainly appears as if the 'spirit' is Yahweh's Divine Influence. Just another one of the many ways the Great I AM dishes Himself out to us. I AM = I will be whatever I will to be Just wanted to get some of my thoughts out there. Maybe you will reveal something different/more perfect. I will continue to listen with an open mind.
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@brotherhebert6137 i’m saying that the Holy Spirit is an angel.
@brotherhebert6137 3 дня назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybible gotcha, thanks. Waiting for parts 4-6. Thankx
@keysofthekingdomholybible 3 дня назад
@@brotherhebert6137 I've just changed the titles.
@claudiasmith5257 4 дня назад
Marvelously Divine❣️💥🙋🏼‍♀️📣🔥❤️ ~ 🙏🏻 ~
@kurteger1228 4 дня назад
Precious and wrong- Oh how we cling to what we believe to be right and what we have been taught from an early age! One must have the courage to strip away the dogmas and realize that if we constantly lean on faulty blueprints (the old church bibles) the foundation and the house we build will eventually crumble into a heap.
@keysofthekingdomholybible 4 дня назад
Amen, brother Kurt! Speak soon ...
Bless the Lads