

Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible
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Christopher Sparkes
is translator of
is available all over the world
from the website in the link below.
1. Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible. Hardback, first edition (2022), almost out of print
2. New 2024 Leather Edition of Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible (2024)
3. An ebook version (2023)
4. A Paperback edition (2023)
5. The Study Companion to the Keys of the Kingdom Bible (2024)
6. Searching For Hell (2024)
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/ keysofthekingdomholybible
The Translation Targets of The Keys of the Kingdom Holy Bible are:
Making it organic, grammatical, internally harmonious,
close to the prophets and apostles;
making all things clear; and making it beautiful
to read in a way no other English translation is.
The Translating Laws are:
Making a restoration of:
Making it organic, grammatical, internally harmonious,
close to the prophets and apostles;
making all things clear;
and beautiful to read.
in a way that no other English translation is.
These videos are also available as Apple Podcasts.
Interview with Richard Vobes
• What's REALLY in it?
“If anybody speaks, let it be in harmony with the oracles of God”
~ 1 Peter 4\11
This translation is the result of 27 years’ work.
I have put into it tens of thousands of hours
and tens of thousands of pounds,
so that there should be an English translation pleasing to God and Christ
and fit for the Sanctuary of God.
That has been my prayer and all my labour.



15 сен 2024




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@egerkurt Месяц назад
Christopher: this information is stunning and may be unsettling to most who are Christians and claim to be familiar with scripture. But the truth is plain to see in the Apocalypse if one has the eyes to. I first encountered the fact that Jesus’ Millennial reign had already occurred several years ago and was instantly drawn to this truth. Perhaps there is a reason that I have stayed away from attending “Churches” or reading mainstream Bibles (KJV, NIV). My desire to now delve deeply into the Word has been sparked (pun intended) by your deep, exhaustive and accurate translation.
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@egerkurt Aha, sparks of fire. Yes, it is pretty stunning. All I have done is repeat things said by Jesus and the disciples. And shown that they are in full agreement. 100% irrefutable. Catch up with you tomorrow afternoon, brother. Praise God
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@egerkurt Of course the mainstream Bibles do truly obscure these things, as I will show in full detail shortly, how they have dodged what Jesus and the disciples actually said.
@Aelnyana Месяц назад
Such an incredible blessing is this teaching! Thank you so much, Christopher, for another installment and the solidifying of my faith, which I believe I must continue to grow throughout my lifetime. 👏🏻👏🏻❤️
@YeshuaReigns2 Месяц назад
Let's bring up Esau for a moment. Esau traded his birthright for a bowl of lentils. Scripture states thus Esau despised his birthright. However, later on, when Isaac felt that his time on earth was coming to completion, he sent Esau out hunting for venison to prepare him a meal. That occasion was for Esau to receive the birthright that he despised years ago. Rebecca got wind of it and devised a plan to deceive her husband into giving the birthright to Jacob. Jacob went along with the deception and became part and parcel of it. When Esau returned from hunting, both he and Esau learned of the deception. Esau could no longer have the birthright. It was too late. It was given to Jacob. Esau wept bitterly. But under holy inspiration, Jacob prophecied a sort of compensation for Esau some time far into the future. He told him (paraphrase) When you get the dominion, you'll break the yoke from your neck. Esau was going to get a shot at the birthright. To prove himself unworthy of it. For God elected Jacob. But Jacob obtained it unlawfully. He was a deceiver. To me it is extremely ironic how events played out. Jacob deceived Issac by pretending to be Esau. Today the tables have been turned. Esau has deceived the world by pretending to be Jacob/Israel! God had to even the score for a short season so Esau could prove his unworthiness to exercise the dominion mandate. And they're doing a great job of proving their unworthiness to rule the kingdom. Idk if it is that God has a sense of humor, engineers poetic justice, or a combination of all. In any case, it appears to me that since Jacob schemed and took the birthright unlawfully, God had to both be fair to Esau as well as holding Jacob accountable for his unlawful deed. How do you see this brother? Peace.
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@YeshuaReigns2 Wonderful insights. I really like your perception of the irony.
@claudiasmith5257 Месяц назад
☁️⚡️💥🙌🏻☝🏻☁️🔥☁️🔥 Praise God❣️🙋🏼‍♀️
@deanfloyd8931 Месяц назад
It seems as if the bible is completed, and we are in the new kingdom. Seed time and harvest remains as long as the earth endures. Love thy neighbor as thy self produces beautiful fruit, however we continue to sow seeds of discord two millennia into the new covenant era. God is not mocked, Whatsoever a man soweth...
@terryburton9103 Месяц назад
Awesome work
@jondouglas571 Месяц назад
Will you be explaining this when you're in Michigan
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@jondouglas571 Heavens yes!!
@brotherhebert6137 Месяц назад
Hi Christopher. I'm still trying to see the preterism angle. I'm having a hard time, but am being open. So, did I hear you right, in this or the last vid, that you said the apostles were taken to heaven???
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@brotherhebert6137 Yes! If you look up the passages I cited it’s very plain Jesus took them and all the sheep to the Kingdom of his Father. Look at John 14 and 16 especially. Much more to come on this.
@MarkGatenby-i7y Месяц назад
Nicely done Chris as always
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@MarkGatenby-i7y Thank you!
@YeshuaReigns2 Месяц назад
Excellent presentation brother. These truths you presented are irrefutable. I'm 100% sure that we are in the little season. The conviction is beginning to take hold of me that we're at its tail end. What exactly what it will look like when the fire falls idk. But the end result of it will be the permanent destruction of the adversary. Now as far as the 1st century saints are concerned, it seems to me that those blessed brothers & sisters make up the "pillars" of the kingdom. Exactly what role us new covenant age/little season saints have I'm not sure of. Have you gained any insights through your studies on this issue? Peace.
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@YeshuaReigns2 Thank you, brother. I agree that they are irrefutable. This is because all I did was recite passages from the gospels, the letters, and Revelation. If anybody disagrees with those, then they disagree with what is written. All the passages say that those things of the days of vengeance would occur in that generation and were coming soon. Every passage cited testifies to that. I always enjoy reading your comments. We are thinking the same. The solution to this little season is “fire out of the sky“, which means an intervention from Jesus and the second resurrection. Our worship, our testimony, our witnessing, our prayers - all these themselves are fire out of the sky. But we need Jesus to destroy the enemy. Also, the Abraham covenant still stands - “they will inherit the land“ - so according to that the promised land has to be cleansed of Esau (and Ishmael). As does our land! God bless you, brother.
@YeshuaReigns2 Месяц назад
@keysofthekingdomholybible Very interesting. Therefore the 1st century saints have a different inheritance than the saints who come thereafter? Would that be a reasonable conclusion on my part? And the 2nd resurrection: is that the rising of the saints post 1st century? Therefore it would be logical to conclude that all post 1st century saints who have died in the Lord are asleep awaiting the 2nd resurrection at the end of the little season. Is that correct? Is this resurrection going to be a spectacle witnessed by the rest of humanity? It seems that something quite radical must occur to alter the current trajectory the world is on at the moment. Is that a reasonable assumption? My apologies for the barrage of questions. These are some of the things I'm unclear on that I would like to have nailed down if possible. To me faith is simple. It's believing that God will do what He says He will do. And it's important to understand what He says so that faith has a valid anchor. Else faith would be anchored to nothing. Are there scriptures you can point me to in order to validate whatever answers you provide? I appreciate you brother. Understanding these things are my food & drink. Peace.
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@YeshuaReigns2 I’m away for the day and in company so can’t say much. But in short, yes!
@YeshuaReigns2 Месяц назад
@keysofthekingdomholybible Ok...when you have the time perhaps you can elaborate. Thanks. Peace.
@ronaldmitchelll9558 Месяц назад
2thess1:7 is vivid and revealed easily than you
@ronaldmitchelll9558 Месяц назад
Thank you
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@ronaldmitchelll9558 Yes, isn’t it! And it says “to those of you”, his readers. Thank you!
@YeshuaReigns2 Месяц назад
How did the millennial reign affect life and culture on earth? Certainly the purity of the christian faith started to devolve shortly after 70ad. So what was the accomplishment of the reign as it pertains to life on earth these past two thousand years? That is, inasmuch as our time chronolgy is accurate...or not? I think the only things I see on the positive side is how to a certain extent the culture of certain nations were influenced somewhat positively due to the presence of the faith despite the imperfections thereof. And secondly, the temporary removal of the adversary until approximately the last 200 years allowed for the faith to grow and expand, again, despite the flaws that developed in the faith post 70ad. I think it's in Psalms where Yahweh declares His Son is to rule "in the midst of your enemies". So I guess the reign was never planned to be one of perfection & peace on earth. But on the other hand, what we have going on today is thoroughly unacceptable. This earth needs the fullness of the kingdom in all its glory to finally take root and become fully operational. Anything less is tragically unacceptable. May His kingdom fully take over soon, post haste. Peace.
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@YeshuaReigns2 I could not have put it better myself.
@gunnartyrsson6435 Месяц назад
Hello Christopher, I have a question. Unless I misunderstood, it seems you're saying that Jesus returned, in secret, and translated the Apostles into the Kingdom. We have historical and Scriptural proof that at least three of them were martyred, Stephen, Peter, and Paul. I got the impression that they were somehow translated like Enoch. This feels to me like Preterism.
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@gunnartyrsson6435 From the small selection of passages I cited from John 14 and 16, it is clear that they were taken up to “the Jerusalem above“, the place that Jesus said he would prepare for them. But not just them , all who were counted worthy, the sheep, the wheat, the good fish. “Come, those having been blessed, belonging to my Father, inherit the Kingdom, prepared for you from the foundation of the world order.“ This is the so-called “rapture“ of 1 Thessalonians 4. All these things were “soon to occur”, it says concerning every prophetic event in the new testament, but the corrupt translations cut out that part. I will be covering all this shortly. Some, who were “standing there”, would see the kingdom coming in power. Steven and Peter, for sure, were killed before then, but got resurrected. Paul was not martyred. He said that God had kept him safe and would take him into the heavenly realm.
@YeshuaReigns2 Месяц назад
​@keysofthekingdomholybible Paul wasn't martyred? Didn't he say my departure is at hand? What was he referring to? Very interesting. How did you come to that conclusion? Although Paul seemed to include himself in the "we" in thessalonians. If true that's a great revelation...to me at least. Peace.
@YeshuaReigns2 Месяц назад
​@@keysofthekingdomholybibleAdditionally, it seems it could be a waste of time believing what the "church fathers" wrote...amazing....I guess the question is just who hasn't lied to us in this christian age??? Peace.
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@YeshuaReigns2 I’m out just now but I think it’s 2 Timothy 4.8.
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@YeshuaReigns2 Ah yes! Well said. No need for the church fathers’ teaching! Their value is in their citations of the word of God.
@michaeljohnson2470 6 дней назад
I thought Jesus stated that his kingdom was not of this world, and not of the flesh. Didn't Pentecost bring his spiritual kingdom here with power? Also, in the garden, the death God warned of was spiritual, so it is possible for those born of the spirit to not also die in the spirit. To not taste death.
@keysofthekingdomholybible 6 дней назад
@@michaeljohnson2470 The kingdom of the heavens. Pentecost brought the power for signs and wonders by the apostles. But Jesus said he would take the disciples to where he would be, and he would prepare a place for them. That didn’t come till ad70. They had to receive the immortal body. Jesus said there were some standing there who would not taste death - that is, until they SAW the kingdom coming. So they remained alive - then in the twinkling of an eye, got changed into an immortal body.
@michaeljohnson2470 6 дней назад
@keysofthekingdomholybible Are you suggesting that we cannot abide in Christ unless we have an immortal body? Also, I compared and contrasted what God told Adam in the garden vs what Jesus spoke. You shall surely die in that day, vs you shall not taste death. Which one should we take literally?
@keysofthekingdomholybible 5 дней назад
@@michaeljohnson2470 This body goes in the grave until resurrection. When Jesus said “shall not taste death“ he just meant they would stay alive in their current mortal body, until the kingdom came in power with the resurrection. Just like today, you lived through it, and did not taste death. Same thing. You will not taste death until till you see this Thursday come around. Meaning, you will be alive to see it. So will I. It’s nothing to do with the resurrection body, which is the spiritual body described in 1 Corinthians 15. Eden is different. They were in disobedience so they became subject to death. Whereas before they were not subject to death. They began dying. It’s a different circumstance.
@michaeljohnson2470 5 дней назад
@keysofthekingdomholybible I completely disagree, it says in the day that you eat of it you shall die. They did die spiritually in that day just as God had stated. Their shame and fear were a result of losing their spiritual covering. Jesus famously said, "Let the dead bury the dead."
@keysofthekingdomholybible 5 дней назад
@@michaeljohnson2470 I agree.
@albietzaesthetics1064 Месяц назад
But GOD said that Jesus would be at his right hand UNTIL his enemies were a stool for his feet, that he would send forth the rod of his strength out of ZION… what about that brother sparkes? Those things haven’t happened yet so he can’t have returned or else that passage isn’t true..?
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@albietzaesthetics1064 John 14 and 16 - and many passages - show he did return for his sheep. Ad70. But it’s not all finished yet. Then, one day, Jesus will finish the work. What Paul calls “the end“ at 1 Cor. 15 when Jesus hands everything back to God.
@albietzaesthetics1064 Месяц назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybible ah, that would make sense when the work is finished the keys go back to GOD as he said, I just have a hard time with the fact GOD said sit at my right hand until I make you enemies a stool for your feet, I will send forth the rod of your strength out of Zion, your people will be willing in the day. I’m quoting it off of the top of my head of course. Maybe that verse is in reference to the final return like he came and scooped up those to be made pillars to judge the twelve tribes in heaven and now he will be seated at GOD’s right hand until his enemies are a stool for his feet? Idk if that makes sense brother sparkes, not trying to be argumentative I just figure iron sharpens iron maybe we can help eachother make sense of this verse specifically in reference of Jesus not moving from being GOD’s right hand until.
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@albietzaesthetics1064 Jesus IS at the right hand of God, exactly as that verse says! The passages I quote in this video show that Jesus took his disciples off to heaven, the kingdom of God. That’s really clear from John 14 and 16. Also from Matthew 25.36.“inherit the kingdom prepared for you.“
@albietzaesthetics1064 Месяц назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybible yes sir, was just trying to understand your position clearly. I can see now thank you for all your work my brother in christ GOD bless you richly 🙏🛡️❤️🙌👊
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@albietzaesthetics1064 To refute that Jesus returned for his sheep, we would have to refute all the passages that I cited, and make them mean something else. God bless you richly also, my brother. 🔥🔥🙏♥️
@kellenjones9930 Месяц назад
If what you posit is true please rectify 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 with Revelation 11:15-19? The AD 70 apocalypse did not end death on the earth, or give the final rewards and punishments, and there are still people destroying the earth (Rev. 11:18). Also, in Revelation 11:15 it says the kingdoms of the world now belong to Jesus Christ - indeed the entire realm and its outer space belong to him - but China, the Amazon jungle tribes, Pygmys…these kingdoms do not worship Jesus. I understand the language used to suggest all has been fulfilled quickly, soon, etc. but the epistles were not just written to the early churches but also to us, their children (Isaiah 59:20-21, John 8:39, Acts 2:38-39, 13:33).
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@kellenjones9930 It’s not what I say. It’s what those passages say. Further, Jesus took his sheep into the kingdom of God. Not on Earth. Meanwhile, down on Earth, it all continues the same. That’s the fact. Nobody is saying that everything changed on Earth. Furst, start with the passages I cited and see if they do not mean exactly what they say. We would have to twist them, and, in the end, reject what Jesus said as not being true.
@kellenjones9930 Месяц назад
The scriptures I cited say everything will change on Earth at the last trumpet, His appearing, transfiguration. We are his sheep and the children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Isaiah 51). This new theory gives me Matthew 24:23-27 vibes. The truth is Matthew 24:29-31 and in verse 34 the word generation means race/genea not all of those who are alive right now. This race referred to is Israel (Jeremiah 31).
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@kellenjones9930 Yes, Israel, the lost sheep of the house of Israel, not the country nation by that name.
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@kellenjones9930All I’ve done is cite passages and out them together. Correctly translated. Either they are true are or not.
@kellenjones9930 Месяц назад
I agree ✡️ are not the children of Jacob, R1b Europeans are. The book is written to the children of Adam (Genesis 5:1) and from Genesis 12:1-Revelation 22 the book is about Abraham, Isaac, and *Jacob*/Israel/their descendants.
@davegentry-pu9xm Месяц назад
Just recently became acquainted with your videos. Over the last 10 years, I've come to many of the same conclusions you have on the nature of Christ's second coming. Can't say I can readily agree with some of your other conclusions, but that's life isn't it? Perhaps you're right about everything and I'm dead wrong on some points! 😅 Either way, there is plenty of God's grace to us to go around. If you see this comment, I would ask you to address what place you think we hold today in the Kingdom regarding where we are placed in time, as contrasted with the 1st century AD saints who witnessed His return. And, I suppose, you're saying many of them "went up" when He returned. Where are we at today? Anyway, good to hear you. Glad I am not completely alone in all this. Take care. 😊
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@davegentry-pu9xm What a lovely-natured comment. I think we are in the little season at Revelation 20.9, surrounded by an enemy. And we have to get ourselves out of this by urgent prayer to God to deliver us. “Deliver us from evil.“ God bless you.
@davegentry-pu9xm Месяц назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybible I've suspected we're in Revelation 20 for the last couple of years. So here we agree again. I'll keep listening when I can. Take care!
@user-gf5nu9os2n Месяц назад
🤣🤣 God isn't real. You've been fooled my boy
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@user-gf5nu9os2n I am not a boy.
@user-gf5nu9os2n Месяц назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybible I call it as I see it. Boy
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@user-gf5nu9os2n Hm, can’t tell the difference then. Why do you go onto channels to insult and hate people? What a strange thing to do.
@user-gf5nu9os2n Месяц назад
@@keysofthekingdomholybible Telling someone they have been fooled insult necessarily an insult. It's important to tell people they are ignorant, when given the opportunity.
@keysofthekingdomholybible Месяц назад
@@user-gf5nu9os2n it’s about calling a man boy. That shows your level.
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