Basic Homesteading and Survival
Basic Homesteading and Survival
Basic Homesteading and Survival
Prickly Pear Cactus Syrup
9 месяцев назад
EDS: I Wasn't Expecting This
Год назад
My Latest Batch Of Soap Art!
Год назад
Hand Poured Bees Wax Candles
Год назад
Saddle Cleaning #1
Год назад
No Sugar Blackberry Jam!
Год назад
How to Make Candied Roses
Год назад
Easy Dropper Bottle Hacks!
2 года назад
Dream Catcher Trellis
2 года назад
Pioneer Soap, From Beef Tallow
2 года назад
Making a Machete Sheath
2 года назад
Poo Soap Soup: When Soap Behaves Badly
2 года назад
Lots of Bamboo!
3 года назад
Cinnamon Soap
3 года назад
Magnolia Rose Soap
3 года назад
Peach Mango Soap
3 года назад
Wild Dandelion and Lemongrass Soap
3 года назад
Make Your Own Clay!
3 года назад
@abduvohid147 15 дней назад
it grows here in arid zones. I ate it fresh during sunshaine and noticed that in a hot waether it keep cold in its leaves like refregirator
@Taxidermist47 15 дней назад
Salt and Borax does not tan a deer hide
@bjg4002 15 дней назад
Can this be eaten raw?
@Knife_Collector 26 дней назад
I don't understand the "pulled everything off". Did you drain most of the water, but then isn't the liquid what you wanted by cooking it? Or, did you mean you took it off the stove after cooking it down till most of the water was gone? This looks really interesting.. and may come in useful someday. Thank you.....
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 26 дней назад
Yes, you are correct, "Pull every off" as in, I just removed my pot with the water and lettuce off my stove top. This is a great method. If you cook even more water off, it gets thicker, and you can make a resin from it. The resin has a very long shelf life, but it's so highly condenced that a little bit goes a very long way. This makes it easier to store large amounts of shelf stable herbs in a small area. I'm glad you found this video helpful!
@anio6865 Месяц назад
What is the wood block with the holes called ? I would like to order one.
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 Месяц назад
It is actually a homemade leather stamp holder. You can make one out of any piece of wood by using a large gage drill bit, or by using a drill press. This tool holder came in an old leather tooling suitcase that was found at a thrift store. A friend of mine bought it for $5 dollars and gave it to me as a gift. You can probably find a local woodshop group who can put some holes in a wood block for you, or you can try to find one on amazon.Amazon. best of luck to ya.
@nicolenevandermerwe9484 Месяц назад
O have a sliver la vder, no blooms. Can u help me out please of how to turn them into oil
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 Месяц назад
I don't know what that is, but I'd be willing to give it a try.
@NeznanSedan Месяц назад
(Hey,i am posting my new reply as a new comment becuse, i think it didn't work again. Sometimes comment reappear if i change comment order from" top comment first" to "newest comment first".I tried that as well as refreshing page several times but i can't find it, so i try to post it as a new comment. Anyways,my comment is somewhat off-topic,so you can delete it after if you want ) This thing with google lens is really helpfull,i knew abot that just a little ,but you explained it very well. Now i have old phone with no internet and no camera.I might consider buying smartphone. Or meaby i can buy digital camera,so i can take and transfer photos to my laptop and use google lens,maybe that would work too. And about medicinal plants, good advice. I should learn more, i want to learn more, but sometimes, like these days, I didn't feel very good, so i was just wasting time. I would like to tell something more about myself, since you mentioned the term neurodiversity. (I dont expect you to reply,but if you want to,you can reply to my e-mail becouse it might be more apropriate .My e-mail is neznannulasedan@outlook.com. If you are interested in my opinion on psychology or religion, feel free to ask and I will try to answer. The only thing is that I can't promise that I will answer, but i might try to. One of the difficulties i have is to take even the smallest obligation ) When i was about nine years old,i become aware that i have diffculties in life. Now i am 32. These difficulties motivated me to look for a solution to problems, or at least some kind of consolation for the problems. In order to find a solutions,i started to learn more about religion and psychology. To admit right away, I haven't found a solution. I would say that psychology, although i consider it full of wrong assumptions and conclusions, nonetheless made my life somewhat easier. As for religion,I would say that it made my life somewhat more difficult. On the other hand, becouse of religion,I feel constant peace inside me, so I still have some immediate benefit from it. As I said, those difficulties motivated me to look for a solution to problems, or at least some kind of consolation for the problems. Since I could not find a solution, I realized that it might comfort me to find out the truth about life, and what is actually the cause of problems and pain in life. In short, that truth for me is in the Catholic faith. The reason i mention this is not just to advertise my religion, becouse I would not advertise something that is already publicly known. The reason why I mention this is to say that the Catholic faith has changed after the death of Pope Pius XII, and that the original one is one that was taught before that change. It took me very long time just to find that one piece of information. What is the use of religion if I still have problems, maybe even bigger ones? I do not know. Maybe it will help me for the next life if there is one, and I believe that there is one. At least I think it is true, and for some reason,knowing the truth for me is somehow comforting. Anyways, if you are interested in my opinion on religion or psychology in more detail, feel free to ask. Okay,that is it. God bless ;) .
@timwade1389 Месяц назад
Makes it look really simple, it's an excellent video, thank you for sharing your knowledge
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 Месяц назад
You are most welcome! Thank you for stopping by! It's appreciated!
@AlsanPine Месяц назад
instead of wasting all that water, just use ice in the water. with ice, you will cool better and lose less in steam as well. also, instead of a sauce pan, use a separation funnel ($25) which enables you to get the oil separated.
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 Месяц назад
The ice melts incredibly fast and heats up from the coils. You have to keep cycling the water out, in order to keep the coil pot a constant temperater, with out it overflowing. I still use my sauce pan to collect my distillutes, as I can approximately measure how much fluids remain in my pot. This method works for me, so I dont accidentally run my pot dry. My distilutes I poor into a larger 2 gallon pot, to settle and seperate. When that's done, I drain off the hydrosol, so extracting the oil is much easier. I use dropper bottles to help remove every drop of water from my oils, for the last finishing work. This method worked for me, especially since I had to use the tools I had on hand at the time.
@AlsanPine Месяц назад
@@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 yes with your setup. you really should not have the condenser on top of the pot. putting a metal condenser on top of a metal steam chamber is inefficient. it is not just the steam that heats it, the metal conducts heat as well. this is why i do not use these setups. but you have purchased it so now you need to optimize it. the condenser should be moved a couple of feet away for proper cooling of your steam. then you will find ice in water woks quite well. yes you will have to babysit it but you will get better results. for anyone who has not already bought one of these, save your money. you can make a still that is efficient and far more useful. yes it will cost more than $60 but it will allow you to be much more efficient and get better quality and quantity of oil from diverse plants without having to watch it every second. here, you cannot run the steam chamber dry which will allow you to let the setup simmer for hours and walk away safely because the water condenses back in the steam chamber continuously. the main expense will be 3 must have parts for your still: vigreux separating column (~300mm) with a clevenger (no valve necessary) above it and a water jacket condenser (~300mm) above that (when you order glass, make sure the flanges of all your pieces match). they are the only expensive parts of the setup (about $100). for the steam chamber, best bet is to take an old pressure cooker (as long as it does not leak steam from seal) and remove gauge and release valve and put in a hose to a chemisty flange. now the 3 part column we talked above is placed in that flange and your distilling column is done. if your hot plate is close to your sink, you can use your sink as a cooling reservoir or you could use a regular bucket or a pot of anything that holds water. use a little fountain pump(make sure it has enough head rating to pump up to your column) to pump water to the water jacket condenser and you are ready to go. fill the pressure cooker to just above the steamer platform, bring it to a boil, then place your plant material above (do not pack it in too much, you want space between branches and leaves and leave a couple inches gap to the lid), put the lid on, your column on, turn on the pump. you want to simmer consistently. altogether this should cost around $150 if you have to buy everything but now you have a real distilling setup very much like we use in most chemistry labs. you can get a lab heating plate with more accurate temperature regulation but that is not necessary for most essential oil work. the column can also be modified a bit to separate material with different boiling points. the clevenger allows very efficient oil separation without fiddling.
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 Месяц назад
You stated that I should not put the condenser on top of my pot. First of all, I didn't build this, it came this way, and for me, it works fine. You sated that just cause I bought it, now I have to use it. This statement is untrue, because I will use whatever tool I decided works best for me in my situation, not because I bought it, but because I find it useful. frankly, I like my distiller, and enjoy it immensely. There may be a better one, but I have not found resources to make this possible, so I use it, because its useful to me, and I enjoy it. Regardless of what your opinion or personal preference is, you can share your knowledge without being condescending and rude. Dictating what others should and should not do with their resources is not your job. You can share information you find is helpful, but telling others what they should not do, because you say so, is very off putting. I'm happy to take your sugestions, but I will be unable to utilize it right now, which is nothing I should be ashamed of, or discouraged from doing simplebecausei found something I can use something else that works in the mean time. There is a better way to communicate your sugestions,, with out putting others down, when they don't do things you're way. Simply being able to do it with the tools I have, is enough for me, for right now, and im ok with that. Knowledge comes by experience, and I have little of that, but I'm willing to share what I know, with out chastizing others for doing it differently than I do. There is more than 1 way to distill lavender essential oil, this way works for me, and I'm happy with it, so I'll continue to use it, my way. Thank you for your comments. When I am able, a d have resources, I'll look into your methods more. Right now, it's just not something I'm able to do.
@AlsanPine Месяц назад
@@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 learning is not condescension. you have two stated issues with your setup and i have the solution. as a research chemist of many years i know a few things about distilling things. the equipment is readily available on ebay. you do not need a phd to work one. you do, however, need to be willing to learn and not take instruction as order. this says much more about you than me. as a professor, i give instruction. it is not opinion. it is how it is done. if you are attached to your own wasteful way, then by all means continue to use what you have. my help is for those who are interested in improvement.
@jamalarja5071 Месяц назад
Just unnecesarly expanding time
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 Месяц назад
I'm sorry. I did my very best when making this video. I shall try to keep my videos shorter in the future. Thank you for your comments. Have a great day.
@lydiachotiswatdi3512 Месяц назад
How long does the oils last
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 Месяц назад
The infused oil can cast about a year, as long as you keep it in a cool dark place. Coconut oil lasts longer, but in my experience, the olive oil infusions may not last as long as a year. Most of the time, I use my oils up in my soap making and other projects pretty quickly, so I generally dont worry about shelf life because of it.
@outdoors4life884 Месяц назад
How do you figure out the right dosage?
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 Месяц назад
The dosage will be different for everyone. Only way to know is to try it.
@outdoors4life884 Месяц назад
@@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 😳
@Outdoor.wilderness.adventures Месяц назад
Very cool .
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 Месяц назад
Thanks for commenting! I'm glad this was helpful!
@g-lurk Месяц назад
You should be filling the coil tank up from the bottom tube and drain from the top tube. This way you'll never not have vapors condensing. Looks like you have a valve on the bottom tube which would be used to slow down the fill rate and prevent the tank from overflowing. A cooler with ice water and an aquarium pump is an easy way to circulate. I don't think your oil will be more or less pure based on amount of water. More water will have more hydrosol. Your main pot isn't creating pressure, at least not enough to be a bomb. The only way it would be any amount of pressure is if the vapor tube gets clogged. If it's not clogged then you're distillate output tube is what releases pressure therefore no explosions. It's not the same as a pressure cooker. Like someone else said, a separately funnel is best for separating oil from hydrosol. If you don't want that you can get a tall cylindrical beaker (graduated cylinder) with a small diameter, then use a pipette to extract
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 Месяц назад
Yes, I have been told many times to switch the tubes around, which would have been nice to know, 4 years ago when I started making these videos. Unfortunately, the instructions on my unit said to run the tubes this way, and since I had no other reference point, I followed the instructions. All anyone can ask is that you do the best you can, with the knowledge and tools you have. I have aquired pipets and beakers, but I still find myself using this method, as it works for me. As for water: you are correct. Water has no effect on the oil yield, as they do not mix. But how much water you run through your pot can absolutely affect the saturation, quality, and your final yield from your hydrosol. For instance, if you have 1 table spoon of ground coffee, and you decide to run 8 cups of water through it, your finished coffee is going to taste watered down because your water to coffee ground ratio was too high. You might have 8 cups of coffee but it won't be very good. If you take that same 1 table spoon of coffee, and run one cut of water through it, it might be strong enough to punch you in the face. You can always dilute it down, and get 8 cups of no good coffee, or you can water it down and get 3 cups of strong coffee, just as you like it. Making a high-quality hudrosol is basically the same. I'm not trying to get a bunch of hydrosol, by starting with too much water, or by diluting the hydrosol down after I made it. I want the highly saturated stuff that's just right. Anyone can water it down and get more, but not everyone can make a consentrated hydrosol out of the spout, and that's what I enjoy most. I can always dilute it later if i want to, and having the option to do so, is nice. The higher the concentration, the higher the quality, especially if you can get crystal clear in the meantime. You can always correct the concentration if it's too strong, but you can really fix it, if it's not strong enough. As for the still being a bomb... ya, if the plant mater starts to burn, it builds smoke and pressure inside the can very fast, and it doesn't escape out the coils. Because of this, it's bowed the bottom of my pot a couple times. You might not realize it, but many stills have exploded over the years because of similar events. I appreciate your comments on my video! I like to learn from others who are more experienced than I am! I am sure I have a lot to learn as I am still new at this!
@g-lurk Месяц назад
@@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 i misunderstood about the yield thing - i didn't know you were keeping the hydrosol, i thought you were talking about the oil. My bad. I'm still not sold on the exploding thing though!
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 Месяц назад
Ya ya, no worries! I do keep my hydrosols! It works to remove smoke damage and pet odors in the house. It's the best deodorizer I've ever used, and when the scent goes away, your house just smells clean and fresh. Many people use my hydrosol as a facial tonars or as an after shower refreshing body mist. The hydrosol is fantastic stuff to use, and most of the hydrosols have medicinal properties and uses! Rose hydrosol and lavender hydrosol are great for soothing summer sunburns. Helps ease the burning, and sooths the skin. But like I tell everyone, please always do your own research before blindly trusting someone's word as an unverified source. As for stills exploding, that's OK if you don't believe me. Im not offended by it in the least, and its wise to be a little skeptical of any unverified sources of information. I'm still learning and growing, so my answers to questions may change over time. Just cause I say something works for me, in my situation, doesn't mean it will work for someone else. So I applaud you for not blindly trusting others on social media! I wish more people did this. But if you want answers "can moon shine stills explode" I suggest you spend some time resurching it. The verified answers you may find may suprise you! After all, nobody can know everything about everything. Thanks again for your comments on my channel! I will definitely look into the supplies you mentioned. Maybe it will work better than the way I've been doing things. I'm not optimistic that it would work better, but I'll definitely keep an open mind about it. I'll never know if I never try! Please have a fantastic day, and thanks again for your response! It is appreciated!
@nobodysanything2330 Месяц назад
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 Месяц назад
@montaybarnes8850 Месяц назад
how do you store it after extraction? i found several in my backyard
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 Месяц назад
Once I've made my extract, I store it in my refrigerator for 1-2 weeks.
@montaybarnes8850 Месяц назад
@@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 thanks
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 Месяц назад
You are most welcome!
@lelearmi6186 2 месяца назад
Is it edible?
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 2 месяца назад
Yes it is. Some people will use a tiny piece and melt it in water, to drink as a tea, for the cold and flue season. Some people say that the pine resin tea helps them with allergies. I've never tried it personally, so you will need to do further research than I have. I use the resin as violin rosin.
@oceans1259 2 месяца назад
Thank you so much for explaining this.I just got a vevor distiller and I definitely needed more ice when I tried making essential oils today.
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 2 месяца назад
I have been there! Ive even blown through all my ice! Instead, try to get your condensing pot to drain faster. If the water doesn't drain or refill fast enough, the coils just blows steam, cause the condensing pot isn't staying cold enough. When the ice melts, your back with the same problem again. Ice helps, but it's definitely not the solution, it's just a temporary bandaid. So if you cycle the water in your condensing pot fast enough, you can avoid the nessesaity and extra leg work of adding ice. I hope this helps, and best of luck to ya!
@timothybuchanan1611 2 месяца назад
Do you have to pull the cotton out to start the fire or do you just light the straw?
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 2 месяца назад
I light the straw. It works perfectly fine for me.
@NeznanSedan 2 месяца назад
Hey. I made longer reply and i was trying to post it several times but it seems that somehow it did not work,my comment is not posted, i dont know why. That comment was including several links to youtube and one link for free book of john kallas (first book). I will try now without links and with shorter comment,and also to post it as a new comment,i hope it will work now :) . I only read first book from john kallas and i wanted to order second book ,but meanwhile i changed my mind. I think these books are very helpful if u are afraid to try new plants,and i am not anymore afraid to try new plants.These books are only describing about 40 plants all together whitch is not many .I think is best to learn,if possible and if u have time,all edible plants in your area,bouth wild and cultivated,and learn how to preserve them without fridge. For wild edible plants i think is best to go over lists of plants created by youtubers or book writers,then from that list take latin names of plants,then search on Internet with latin names of plants for their photos and try to recognise them and try to cook them,and lern to preserve them.For preserving food dehydrating is very powerfull method,only controversal food for dehydrating is food with lot of fats in it becouse that food can go rancid (which is not dangerus as i read).Most of fruit and vegetables have less then 1 procent fats which is ideal for dehydating.For saving more vitamins,they say its better to not overheat fruit while dehidrating,and not overheat fruit when rehidrating later.
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 2 месяца назад
Absolutely accurate. Learning all local edible and non etible plants in your area is a must, as well as how to preserve foods without the need for refrigeration. The most self sustainable you can be, the better off you are!
@ValyraBeth 2 месяца назад
That's awesome!
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 2 месяца назад
Thank you! I hope you find it helpful!
@elliscrawford7026 2 месяца назад
Thank you for this! Have a pair of boots I've been looking to redo the stitching on and this was very informative.
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 2 месяца назад
I'm glad I could help!
@NeznanSedan 3 месяца назад
Hello. Usualy i dont comment on youtube videos, but you seem like a nice person and i wanted to help. I dont know about this particular plant,but i have some general knowledge. Generally, to preserve food form bad microbes,you need to dry it as much as posible.If you dont wanna dry it extremly, u can prserve it from microbes by doing this things: saving it in very cold place, or incerse sugar concentration, or increse salt concentration,or combine it with something highly acidic, o infuze it with cold smoke.You can also do combinations of this antimicrobe strategies,but thats not always going to be very tasty for eating. My eye opening video on this topic was video from youtuber “ Adam Ragusae- How smokes preserves food“ .Talking about wild food,i would also recomend books from “ John Kallas: 1. Edible Wild Plants: Wild Foods From Dirt To Plate (possible to find online in pdf), 2. Edible Wild Plants : Wild Foods From Foraging To Feasting.“ I write this comment in rush becouse my friend is waiting me,sry for mistakes i make (my bad english). Have a great day, God bless.
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 2 месяца назад
Thanks for your feedback! Most of the pain fighing qualities in this plant come from the milky fluid sap in the plant. When the plant is dry, you can't extract the wet sap anymore. An extract is done with the infusion of the plant's wet sap, in water. A tincture is when you extract the wet sap with alcohol or vinigar. An extract and a tincture are 2 different things, and for the purpose of this video, I was only making an extract, and just as you say, extracts don't have a long shelf life, on their own, even if you store it in the refrigerator. Tinctures can be shelf stable for a very long time, but still must be stored in a cool dark place. The other resources you provided are fantastic! I look forward to reading those! Thank you so much for your feedback, it's greatly appreciated! Also, out of the books you listed, which one is your favorite? I'd like to start reading, with your favorite book first.
@NeznanSedan 2 месяца назад
@@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 Okay thats nice,i didnt know much about tincture or anything medicinal,but i think i will try to learn some medicinal plants later. I am glad u find my comment helpfull. You asked which of these 2 books i prefer. I have to admit,on my shame, that i recomended them without reading them. I read most of the first part:“edible wild plants:wild foods from dirt to plate“,i read it online from laptop,here is link,i hope this link works for you: (after posting this comment and refreshing page my comment wasnt apearing under video,i tried few times and it didnt work and after clicking link for book it said something like „page blocked“,so i try now post comment without link for book,meaby it will work now ). I couldnt find second part online for free. My plan was to save some money and buy both books and read both books from papar. I still might do that but its not my priority now becouse these 2 books are discribing only about 40 plants in total,i still have to use Internet to identifiy other 200 plants ( i dont know how many). I think these books are just little help in begining if you are afraid to try new plants,and im not afraid anymore to try new plants. Im not employed. Almost every day i walk 1 or 2 hoers and try to identify or remeber different edible plants,i try to have plastic bag always with me in pocket and collect some of them. Then when i go home i cook plants i know ( with potatos and olive oil for exemple),and plant that im not sure about i compare with photos from google.I find the easyest way to serch specific photos on google is to use latin name of plants. Then later in day i try to serch on Internet for other wild edible plants,im just trying to go over lists of edible wild plants,use their latin name so i can find photo,then i walk around my area trying to recognise edible wild plants that i recently saw on photos that i looked (or any other edible plants in my area,about 10 km from where i live). I try to read only about plants that i will eat soon .Al this resherching can take lot of time,i will try to tell other things that i learned about surviving in last few months , meaby it can save some resherching time if u are intersted in that . I will put some youtube links but i really dont expect that you whatch them, and i dont expect that u reply on this comment,i just wanted to be helpfull (but im really just bigginer in reserching). These vidoes are related to making water safe to drink (if you dont have pot) . Here is video about boiling water in wooden pots ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-jGd6YOE-_8c.html but it can be dangerous if you warm up rock to much,or if you put to hot rock in to cold water. Next video is showing too hot rock exploding ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-TYJN7fsjIWM.html and next video is showing too hot rock expoding in contact with too cold water ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-zsCFaZSUD2g.html . Here is how to make wooden pots ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-aVbnj4sEgks.html . How to identify clay in nature ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-nqiJJDzR3vw.html and how to make clay pot ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Oboza8SfaZI.html .Here are some ideas of destiling water ,for exemple if u have sea water and u want to make it drinkable: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-4sqRvUzqDCE.html and ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-UfU-suzlpVI.html . Here is boiling water in cactus ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-poxszatyzCQ.html . Here are some informations surviving ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-vS3G_tnPUBM.html ,now i cant find original video that i wacthed for „rule of threes“,you can find „rule of threes“ on Internet but that video was good becouse he expained that if u are hungry and thirsty,and find only food ,is better to note eat that food becouse it will dehydrate you faster if u eat and not drink,compare to not eat and not drink. I have plan to dehydrate most of my food and put them in glass jars, and after few months not use refrigerator any more.Only two electrical devices im planing to use are dehydrator and water boiler (to prepare dehydrated food) .I plan preparing dryed vegetables with hot water and fruit with cold water to save some fruit vitamins,also to dehydrate fruit at lower temperatures below 120 f /48 c . Food can have proteins,fats,carbohydrates,minerals and vitamins. I think any of those can survive little higher temperatures, only vitamins cant. For getting minerals are also good teas (like olive leaf tea and others) .For carbohydrates ,i plan to save them by drying fruit and acorns ,or if i have lot of fruit,save it as a sirup. In next two videos is shown how to make apple sirup,but i think its same with all fruits . As water evaporates from juice,juice has more concetration of sugar,i think, which as i understan it,makes it undrikable to microorganisms (As i understand it now ,food can be bad for us in only two ways.One is becouse of microorganisms .Other is becouse of chemical. Microorganisms can use food that we use,so we fight microorganisms by removing them water to drink,or making that water undrinkable to them with sugar or salt or acid or some other way). Here are videos : ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-HsO3HpSnFxg.html and ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-4-4H5YVFJyE.html . For dehydrating foods its best if they have less then 2 procent fats. Most of vegetables and fruits have less then 1 procent fats. About fats i still need to lern,i know you can save them sepetely ,like olive oil or lard, but people say they dont dehydrate them with original food. Fats in combination with water or oxigen canbecome rancid (which in not very dangerous,it is more „unpleasent“).I think (but i dont know yet) that the reason to separate them is becouse when dehydrating with higher temperatures its more likely that fats will make chemical reaction with water and oxigen becouse of higher temperature (i think thats why they choose low fat food to dehydrate). Animals also have everithing (except vitamins i think,becouse you cook them) . I think most of animals can be used as a food .Vegetarian animals are more safe to use. Meat eating animals,epecialy vultures,they eat raw meat that can contain parasite trichinella. In order to safely eat meat contaminated with parasite trichinlla,it should be cooked very hot (more than 72 celsius) so every peace of meet is deeply cooked. In this comment i choose rather to write more then less,so you can pick some ideas from that if u find it useful. Before i make this comment i thought that i will take time to think what i will write and to take time to be sure i didnt make mistakes with english,but that way i would probably not write anithing at al.When i realised i will not write anithing at all i said to myself i will try to write it without thinking a lot,and that is it 😊.
@Finchersfarmstead 2 месяца назад
​@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 so drying it will not be beneficial? I was going to dry some for tea n have you tried making a salve or oil infusion?
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 2 месяца назад
I am sure it would still be beneficial, as the plant has many properties that can be used, but the sap is the primary source of pain medicine that is most sought out by this plant. Some folks hang dry and grind the herb for teas or topical compresses. A fine powder could be used to make homemade vitamins. Oil infusions could be used in salves. There are so many things you could do with this herb, including eating the fresh leaves! I haven't explored all the depths of this herb personally yet, but there are many ways you can use it. Extracts and tinctures barely touch the surface, but these 2 methods are some of the best and most sought after method, for achieving pain relief. I have a bunch of dried herbs right now, and I am exploring the possibility of using it in many of the ways I have described. I would spend some time reaching the many uses of the plant and find ways to use them. I haven't tried this personally yet, but it may be possible that an oil infusion mixed with yarrow might make a fantastic topical would healing salve. I have not researched this, so I don't know if it would work, but in theory, it certainly could. But please, before trying anything, make sure you always do your own research and never take blind advice from random folks online. Im still learning, and I'm prone to making mistakes, too. Remember, just cause one method may not work for one thing, doesn't mean it would be useless for another. Only way to gain knowledge is to search, and the only way to gain experience is to try it. I hope my answer was helpful. I wish you the best of luck!
@akbarrezai3297 2 месяца назад
درود معمولا باید تلخ باشد ولی مزه ترش میداد وقتی من درست کردم چرا
@kennethhart3904 3 месяца назад
You have your cooling hoses backwards
@kennethhart3904 3 месяца назад
I've been running a whiskey still for a long time (same concept)
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 2 месяца назад
Yes, I have ben told this by some of my viewers. However, my user manual for my distiller told me to run my lines with this configuration, so that's what I did. I didn't have a teacher to tell me any different, at the time of filming. Unfortunately, I can't edit the videos to reflect the knew knowledge after I've already uploaded it to RU-vid. If a little switch of the line is the only thing I got wrong (when the user manual says I did it correctly), then I suppose I'm doing better than I thought! At least the end result was the same. Thanks for your feedback, though. Maybe in a year or two, I'll make a follow-up video to include that new information.
@Muhammed1884 3 месяца назад
Very helpful video. Thanks.
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 2 месяца назад
You are very welcome.
@jakovkozina2443 4 месяца назад
Dose it smel like lavander
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 4 месяца назад
Absolutely! It smells as strong as lavender essential oil! Because I use less water in my pot, to a high amount of herbs, the hydrosol is quite consentrated and very strong. The more water you have in the pot, the more diluted it is. Everything smells and tastes like lavender. I'm not sure what specific variety my lavender is, but it has a sweeter and more floral fragrance than most other types of lavender. Frankly, I tend to use my lavender oil much more frequently than any other variety because it smells and feels nicer to me. I don't sell my EO, but I do sell my hydrosols. If you are interested, you can contact me on my Facebook page and order a bottle from there!
@user-io6pj8bz8h 4 месяца назад
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 4 месяца назад
You are most welcome.
@Doctor_Al 4 месяца назад
Monitoring volume out is a reasonable way to gauge the volume left in the boiler. If you had a lid with a fill port, you could replenish on the fly. Good video, thanks!
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 4 месяца назад
Good tip!
@nunyabusiness7623 4 месяца назад
Wild lettuce is used mostly for insomnia, it doesn't do much for pain. Use the stalks along with the leaves for a stronger medicine.
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 4 месяца назад
Everyone's biology is different. I've heard some people say it's stronger than morphine for their pain, while others just fall asleep. Our body all tend to matablize or disgaurd different parts of plants, in their own unique way. Sounds like that is the experience you must be having. I've not heard of people using this plant for insomnia. I think I will test this out and see if it works like that for me as well! Thanks for your comment!
@Barbaralee1205 5 дней назад
Works for arthritis pain for me.
@ifyouloveChristyouwillobeyhim 4 месяца назад
Wow SO cool! Thank you! You are a good teacher. I hope you can pass this on to children. It is such a relief to watch this video; I thought you had to buy an expensive loom the size of a wall in order to be a weaver!! But you gave me hope. . .
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 4 месяца назад
No worries at all! When I was a child, I actually learned to weave on a tiny cardboard loom! It wasn't the greatest, but it was enough to teach me some basics. I've never actually had a loom to weave on, but because of my experience, I've learned that pretty much anything can be turned into a loom with a few adaptations. This was just one of those things. I'm glad this video was so helpful for you, and I wish you the best of luck in your own weaving adventure
@pridon5 4 месяца назад
Cluster f__k video very boring.
@curtischadd 4 месяца назад
What still kit is that?
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 4 месяца назад
One I found on Amazon. You can search for them as a 2 part stainless steel distillery kit. Just make sure it's legal to own one, in the area you live in.
@chrispeerman7445 5 месяцев назад
Good video straight to the point
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 5 месяцев назад
Thank you! Glad it was helpful!
@FloatingIdeasonanarrowboat 5 месяцев назад
Can I suggest you feed cold water in bottom pipe and then the hottest water will overflow naturally out the top pipe to you sink. It should be more efficient to cool as well. Mark
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 5 месяцев назад
Thanks, I appreciate that. I had a few other folks mention that over the last year. I'm sure in future videos, I'll try that arrangement instead.
@FloatingIdeasonanarrowboat 5 месяцев назад
@@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 thanks. I've found similar stills on eBay in different sizes. Hope to try this some day. Not much room living on a narrowboat though.
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 5 месяцев назад
@FloatingIdeasonanarrowboat I hear ya! Just a little FYI, some states it's not legal to own a still for some things, with out a license, so just be careful in case you live in one of those wanky donkey states, lol.
@FloatingIdeasonanarrowboat 5 месяцев назад
@@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 UK. Not sure. I think it's what comes out that's policed 😀
@wa-kentaurians3050 5 месяцев назад
Some states in the USA it's illegal to own a still with out a license, never mind what you make with it. In my state, I can own a still for the soul purpose of making EOs and hydrosols, but anything else, a license is required. Pretty crazy to be told that you can and can't do inbyour own home.
@caseyh6626 5 месяцев назад
You can use a Groument with the tool to flare it out.
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 5 месяцев назад
Yes you can.
@sethstatler8480 6 месяцев назад
I have shrunken boots from brine water and need them rehydrated please help. Please
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 5 месяцев назад
It's hard to know how to help, with out knowing the exact type of booth in question is. Shiney boots, or rough out boots, there may not be a way to fix it, with out damaging them badly. But for top grain or full grain booths, you can soak them in warm or hot water to loosen the hide, then put them on, and wear them till they are dry. After that, polish them with a high quality boot leather polish and water proof them. That should help get you by for a while. Brines have a way of destroying boots, so be prepared for them to rip or tear out in the near future. Sorry this happens to ya.
@user-pi7pr3uy7i 6 месяцев назад
Great! imformative! inspirational! I watched it on double speed the first time. Your giggle in high speed is really cute, like the chipmunks :)
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 4 месяца назад
Haha! That's awesome!
@anthonykenny2631 6 месяцев назад
Thanks a bunch😁
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 4 месяца назад
You are most welcome!
@lacywolfe3885 6 месяцев назад
What kind of oil?
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 4 месяца назад
You can use mink or neats foot oil
@lindabates3756 6 месяцев назад
My twine is tightly wound. Yours seems loose and flatter. Did you loosen the strands before weaving?
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 4 месяца назад
I actually washed and dried my twine in my washing machine to remove all dirt off of them. Getting them really clean made the ends melt and stick together better. It's possible that the washer and dryer had a "loosening" effect, but it wasn't my intent to do that.
@Themachinewon 6 месяцев назад
It's not speed your looking for, its the filter mesh size. Particulate matter. The finer you filter, the wick won't clog and you'll have a large flame
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 4 месяца назад
Actually I was looking for a good way to clean my wax, with faster results, because the slower the wax filtered, the cooler, and more solid the wax got. This actually reduced the amount of clean wax I got, for the same effort. As for the larger flame, everyone should always trim their wick to 1/4 inch. If the wick is longer, your candle will not burn as long, and you will run the risk of causing heat and stress fractures in your candle, which could cause it to explode. Sure, a cleaner wax will make it burn better and be more stable, but it shouldn't make a bigger flame. A bigger flame is typically a sign that something is wrong with your candle.
@philjohnston7920 7 месяцев назад
clamp the hide to the table would make your life easier.
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 6 месяцев назад
Like I said, I was unprepared and had no access to good tools. I used what I had, and sometimes that's all most people have. Now, if I had a power washer, this could have been done in minutes, and would have been tons easier, but again, you use what you got. I had knowledge, a knife blade, and a table. It still beats stone tools, and sticks!!!
@crazysquirrel9425 7 месяцев назад
Lucky me I know how to make a braid from a single strand. No doubling and such either. Does require a sturdy anchor point to make it. After made, no need for the anchor. You need at least 60% alcohol. I wouldn't go less than 65% (aka hand sanitizer strength). Each lamp should have a small hole in the lid as a vent. Also, try using carbon felt as your wick. Never needs trimming for life.
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 6 месяцев назад
That is technically called a twisted cord, instead of a braided cord, but yes, that works too.
@donnataylor2686 7 месяцев назад
You sound like a complete moron.
@jonsantiago7549 7 месяцев назад
I think you should put a separating flask that would catch condensed liquid... at least, you would have controlled environment on the output rather than an open tube... moreover, you could have an indicator on the output side, how much water you have left in the pot.
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 6 месяцев назад
I don't leave much water in the bottom of the pot. Any left over water, I collect, and run through my still again. In the lavender water, or tea that is left over, still has extractable hydrosol and essential oil in it, so I run it till there is almost nothing left to extract, with out burning my pot, which sometimes I'm not always successful at doing. My left over tea water run, I save for the very last, that way nothing truly extractable gets wasted.
@sextwister 7 месяцев назад
How do you wash the strainer?
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 6 месяцев назад
I wash the strainer with fingernail polish remover. It gets the big stuff off, then I add warm oil to remove any sticky residue, then wash again with soap and water. There is very little scrubbing involved when I use this method. If you do this a lot, I would suggest getting dollar store strainers which you can use exclusively for this method.
@pamelablessing1571 5 месяцев назад
Throw away
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 5 месяцев назад
@@pamelablessing1571 with my cheap dollar store strainers, yes, I typically throw them away, but not always.
@saunga1 7 месяцев назад
This is fascinating. I would love to try this with my students! I do have one question, the wick aside, which burns longer (or causes the flame to burn longer before it goes out), the oil or the high proof alcohol?
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 6 месяцев назад
I found for this exact method, the alcohol was better. The flame lasted longer, and the wick lasted longer.
@SaijeMage 7 месяцев назад
So do I eat it after I extract it?
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 4 месяца назад
@lgaines4086 7 месяцев назад
Great video!
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 4 месяца назад
Thank you!
@juanitamoffatt1496 7 месяцев назад
Thanks forr the info 😊 just wondering if the wild lettuce always has spikes on the stalk. Im in Australia and i see something that has the spikes under the saw tooth leaves but doesnt seem to have stalk spikes. It looks very much like lettuce does when it goes to seed.
@basichomesteadingandsurviv3699 4 месяца назад
There are several different types of wild lettuce. If you have problems identifying it, I would contact your local herbologist or spend time googling your local wild lettuce variety with Google images or other high-quality plant identification books for your local area. If you can't identify the herb and differentiate between its look-a-likes, my best advice would be to leave it alone. I wish you the best of luck, and good health.