Andrew McMillen
Andrew McMillen
Andrew McMillen
Andrew McMillen is a freelance journalist and author based in Brisbane, Australia. His work has been published in Rolling Stone, The Australian, The Monthly, Qweekend, BuzzFeed, TheVine.com.au and Mess+Noise.

Andrew's first book, 'Talking Smack: Honest Conversations About Drugs', was published in July 2014 by University of Queensland Press. 'Talking Smack' features intimate interviews with some of Australia's best musicians - including Paul Kelly, Tina Arena, Gotye, Steve Kilbey (The Church) and Phil Jamieson (Grinspoon) - who share their thoughts on (and experiences with) illicit, prescription and legal drugs. By having conversations about a subject that's rarely discussed in public, and much less often dealt with honestly, the book explores the truths of a contentious topic that isn't going away. For more information, visit talkingsmack.com.au/

To learn more about Andrew's work, visit his website (andrewmcmillen.com/) or follow him on Twitter (@Andrew_McMillen).