WaltXander The GameKeeper
WaltXander The GameKeeper
WaltXander The GameKeeper
Gamer, Wrestling Fan, Anime Fan(a fan of a bunch of of stuff really), Artist, and I speak my mind.
XanderDubs - 177 #Fallout2
2 месяца назад
@COUNTVLAIDMIR 4 часа назад
Are you seriously defending a tone-deaf company who has offended Japanese culture multiple times, even without the Yasuke issue?
@Walt_Xander94 4 часа назад
@@COUNTVLAIDMIR Where is this "offensive" crap, besides from you non-Japanese people? Also, the Yasuke issue is the main thing. When Japanese devs put in Yasuke as a Samurai, you guys didnt complain. But now, its all of a sudden a problem. Not only am I defending, I will still buy AC Shadows, and Ghost Of Yotei as well. Screw you hypocrites.
@COUNTVLAIDMIR 3 часа назад
​@@Walt_Xander94 Ubisoft stealing the banner design from the Sekigahara rifle corps? Using One Piece merch as their own merch? Specifically zoro's sword? using a destroyed Torii gate (which is tied to the atomic bombings of Japan_ as a feature in a figurine? using a lamp design WITHOUT permission from the temple where design originated? How are you not aware of these issues? if Ubisoft was "innocent" why did they pussy out of Tokyo Game show?
@Walt_Xander94 Час назад
@@COUNTVLAIDMIR What merch? I just checked, Funko pop-looking things. And katana merch, but considering the various looks that Katana sheaths have, that seems coincidental. UNLESS Tite Kubo himself, said something. And all the other accusations certainly haven't been the talk of AC Shadows that has been going around. Just the Yasuke bitching is. If merch based on the Torii Gates is taboo, youre a little late because there's TONS of merch on those. And the gate you're talking out, SURVIVED the nukes somehow. Seems more like a positive image, still standing after tons of destruction. And a goddamn lamp? That one seems like nitpicking. Lastly, if it wasnt for all the Yasuke bitching, Ubisoft wouldve shown off game at that show. But you people wouldve been looking for something to complain about. Heck, if most complaints Ubisoft got today were all legit, I'd take those claims seriously. But its just alot of bitching, on TONS of franchises today. Im just sick of it. I'll wait until AC Shadows is actually out, to judge it. And I swear, all this bs is gonna make nearly all Western devs stay away from making any ancient Japan game. Samurai, Ninjas, the various Japanese periods & their conflicts, etc. If that happens, don't ask why no one besides Japan, makes such games anymore.
@draatrom 34 минуты назад
@@Walt_Xander94 a positive example is GOT. The devs did their homework and research and the game was received very well in japan and SP even became ambassadors of Tsushima. The game itself had no historical accuracy, but respected the japanese culture and traditions so well. And UBI on the other end just f up all the time. Either they are full of incompetent persons or they do it on purpose
@draatrom 33 минуты назад
@@Walt_Xander94 besides, UBIs "research" team is a woman who wrote a book about monks making love with boys and Thomas Lockley who made the whole "Yasuke was a samurai" story up
@czemuniestawiaszoporu 7 часов назад
0:40 ''female samurai's were KIND of a thing'' and then he shows Onna-musha THEY ARE NOT SAMURAI XD ofc women fought along samurai but they weren't samurai you said it yourself 1:00 as you said HE BECAME A SAMURAI Yasuke wasn't a samurai he was a slave in comments you even said it yourself: ''Also, Yasuke was a freakin' slave that ended up in Japan. Its crazy how people can't handle that a black man was in ancient Japan.'' maybe listen to japanesse goverment next time ok? 1:28 no complains because this games weren't made to represent real history while assasin creed WAS (it no longer is as they said it themselfs their reaserch failed and now they know Yasuke wasn't a samurai) a game representing a real life history (btw i didn't see any ''complainers'' when Ghost of Tsushima released and there were women that were PERFECTLY and i mean that perfectly writen i loved the history that was created there and how Tomoe made the game way more interesting that it would be without her) TLDR: listen to real historians not that one guy that tried to change history by changing sources on Wikipedia to his book
@Walt_Xander94 5 часов назад
@@czemuniestawiaszoporu Yotei is still FICTION. So its silly to complain about the protag being a woman. You people are the ones not listening. Japan made that Yasuke anime, had Yasuke be a Ni-Oh boss fight & be playable in Samurai Warriors 5. The Japanese Government & Historians had no problem with those. Its just you non-Japanese people that can't handle that there was one black man in ancient Japan & tell yourselves that people are changing Yasuke's history. Assassin's Creed always been Historical FICTION. The games even had that disclaimer about such works of fiction being INSPIRED by historical events & the dev teams being multicultural and having various beliefs. So saying that AC represented real history is a goddamn lie & you obviously didnt play AC since the start. If you did, you wouldn't be saying that past AC stuff like Leonardo building a BATTLE TANK, represented real history. Lastly, people didn't complain about Tsushima's female characters because THEY WERENT PLAYABLE. You can't talk about things being well written when Yotei will have the same damn good writing. Yet all those AC Shadows complainers became hypocrites real quick.
@luciferverone 21 час назад
With the entire drama behine Yasuke. Id say gamers were pretty spot on with AC. Not sure about GoT but it surely is going to be nonsense if they are using a female ronin.
@Walt_Xander94 19 часов назад
@@luciferverone Theyre not. Yasuke was a REAL person that was a Samurai, and when Jaosn puts him in their games because they love the guy, who are "gamers" over here to say otherwise? And those people damn well arent AC fans either. I'll tell you what they are, racist & hypocrites. How tf is it nonsense for Yotei to use a female warrior? Hell, I didn't play Tsushima yet because I hated all the stupid comparisons people were making to AC Shadows(as if there werent many Samurai games in the past), but I do know that Tsushima's protag was FICTIONAL, and goes with the Ghost mantle. Not exactly loyal to anyone(except his uncle). So Yotei is just another "Ghost". Nay-sayers just hate black & female Samurai, yet they were cool with a white man being a Samurai.
@luciferverone 18 часов назад
@@Walt_Xander94 You are wrong already. Yasuke was never a samurai he was a retainer. Having a title of samurai doesn’t automatically make you one. Just because he was real doesn’t mean you revise history to portray him as something he wasn’t. Let’s be honest here he wasn’t important at all to Japanese history. And with all the hot water the author is in I’d say it’s revisionist history at its finest. Why isn’t it nonsensical for Yotel to use a female ronin? Since when were there female ronins in Japan? Let’s be real here it’s another unnecessary push for ideology and nothing else. Anyone who says otherwise is lying. Its very easy for people to write off fans complains and concerns and label them as “Not fans” when in reality its the people who are quick to dismiss them the fake fans, majority of them never buy the game. “Cool with a white man being a samurai” I’m sorry are you new here or did you miss the articles written about Niohs protagonist? Hell in this culture which is being pushed in games having a white male character is considered bad and there is backlash against it, Nioh protagonist is one, next is Cal from Star Wars, let’s not forget devs going out of their way to advertise that their game does not have a single white male in it, as if that’s something to boast about. I mean you cannot ignore all this and just focus on people pointing out blatant flaws and revisionist history.
@Walt_Xander94 14 часов назад
@@luciferverone YOU are wrong. All of ya'll use the Retainer excuse, but you clearly don't know what it means & you never explain it because if you did, there goes your point. I went over that in my other video that I mentioned, but I'll answer it here: Retainers provide MILITARY SERVICES! Theyre given a sword, retainter armor that is just Samurai armor(or just one type) & a house. But here's one thing I didn't mention in that video, in that ancient Japan society, guess who were only ones allowed to carry a sword. The SAMURAI CLASS. Yet you people still want to say otherwise? It was more than just a title Yasuke was given. He was Oda's bodyguard & he later fought along side him. It was more than a title for William Addams too. How was anything revised when JAPAN SAYS YASUKE WAS A SAMURAI? Japan even made that Yasuke anime. That should end the argument right there. Unless youre Japanese, you cant say shit. Onto Yotei, for f sake, look at all the anime & manga alone that have female warriors. Kunoichi, Onna-Musha & Samurai. Oh, and Geishas, the ones that can assassinate tf outta you & you wouldn't know until its too late. Look at Bleach, Demon Slayer, Samurai Champloo, Afro Samurai & Blue Eye Samurai. I've good things about that last one, an Onna-Musha thats half-white & is hunting for vengeance. She mustve been an outsider for having blue eyes, yet she's a badass. So why is Yotei having a female warrior protag, an issue now? How come the female warriors in the first game didn't get complaints? Oh right, they weren't playable. And Ghost Of Yotei is Historical FICTION. A female ronin existing at the wrong point in time to you, doesnt matter anyway because that "Ghost" wont be in the history books. Like all the Assassins in AC. And Ni-Oh, William Addams did not get the controversy that AC Shadows & Yotei are getting now. That did not happen. Heck, its a Souls Clone, so its not like the majority were playing to even see William & make that complaint. I certainly would've known about it, because I tried out the demo, that was before the game released. And Star Wars' Cal didn't get complaints. Unlike Outlaws' protag did, mainly because its another situation were the model actress looks beautiful, but the game character is purposefully designed to look unappealing as most Western games do right now, and Male characters NEVER put up with it. And which game advertises no white males in it? I'm sure Dustborn & other ACTUAL woke games did it. But AC Shadows & Ghost Of Yotei arent that.
@Walt_Xander94 14 часов назад
@@luciferverone "Another unnecessary push", so you people just turn your backs on SuckerPunch? You people werent really fans of Ghost Of Tsushima? Or just leave after the devs go a different direction YOU dont like? You mofos would call Kill Bill vol 1 & 2, woke if they came out today. All this harping on Historical Accuracy in FICTION, I doubt ya'll bitched about The Last Samurai either. The Tom Cruise film based off a novel of the same name. And that film made money at box office, so ya'll didn't about that white Samurai. Who unlike Willam Addams, is completely made-up.
@luciferverone 10 часов назад
@@Walt_Xander94 Turn our backs? What is this nonsense. If they make good games then we will play them, if they make bad games then we will leave. We don’t owe them anything.
@newphonewhodis7152 22 часа назад
I kinda agree with you, a lot of japanese studios treated yasuke as a black Samurai and no one gave a fuck, but now its a big deal for some reason. Im currently playing nioh2 and just thought about that weird topic although i try to stay as far away from social media bull as i can. Just seems weird to me that its suddenly a problem, did they think the Assassins creed franchise was straight up history? I wanted to have a game focusing on yasuke for a long time, to bad its from ubisoft.
@czemuniestawiaszoporu 7 часов назад
Ubisoft said that Yasuke in Assasin creed shadows is historically accurate so its not like we called Assasin creed shadows historically accurate its ubisoft xD (after a backslash from real historians and even japanesse goverment ubisoft said sorry we didn't know he wasn't a samurai xD)
@newphonewhodis7152 7 часов назад
@@czemuniestawiaszoporu given that a lot of japanese entertainment depicts him as a samurai i think is somewhat forgivable but im out of the loop and did not know they claimed this to be accurate.
@josephstalin7044 День назад
I’d support abortion if we knew if the kid was going to be trans
@josephstalin7044 День назад
The “ppl” who died at that trans club were pdfiles
@Walt_Xander94 День назад
@@josephstalin7044 Pardon? Youre definitely commenting on the wrong video?
@josephstalin7044 День назад
Nex benedict the trans kid is dead lmao
@draatrom День назад
my biggest problem with yasuke isn't that he's black, but how UBI is portraying him. He is more like an Oni who found some Armor and cosplays a samurai while enjoying to murder japanese people... the Anime, Manga and Games you mentioned did a way better job in portraying him right. besides that, ACS has done so much more to disrespect japanese culture, that are upsetting me more than Yasukes portrayal. But yeah, those who complain about a female samurai / ronin are brain dead
@Walt_Xander94 День назад
@@draatrom What disrespect? You say that as if the setting is wrong, or Japanese society doesn't match the time period. And the game isnt even out yet. In fact, I found out the game is set 3 years before the Honno-ji Incident. So its safe to say Yasuke in ACS is a Samurai because of Oda Nobunaga, and he AND the Assassin wont be able to save him.
@draatrom День назад
@@Walt_Xander94 things like mixing up buddhism and shintoism, like mixing up architecture with chinese and myanmar architecture, like effing up family symbols, like using banners of modern groups without permission. they can craft his story as a time travelling samurai who was granted samurai rank as soon as he arrived in japan because fictional oda liked the eel in yasukes pants, how they want, i dont care. but it doesnt change that he behaves like a barbarian oni
@Walt_Xander94 День назад
@@draatrom Time Travel? That's not how Assassin's Creed works. Not in the traditional sense. Also, Yasuke was a freakin' slave that ended up in Japan. Its crazy how people can't handle that a black man was in ancient Japan. Yet they can handle a white dude bring there back then. And if there were actually symbol errors, then a 5-month delay is actually warranted. But to be fair, alot of Japanese & Chinese symbols look similar.
@draatrom День назад
@@Walt_Xander94 your reply shows me you didn't understand what i meant, but it's fine. Look, if they make slight changes to him and the other aspects i mentioned, then everybody would be happy and japanese people would also stop complaining. the only remaining to complain would be racists, but their opinion doesnt matter
@czemuniestawiaszoporu 7 часов назад
@@Walt_Xander94 you said it yourself he was a slave in japan not a samurai thats the problem people have with him in assasin creed (assasin creed shadows WAS advertised as history accurate) and if they really changed the symbols of familys like draatrom said you can't defend it with: but but they are similiar! I won't change Maria's (Maria Skłodowska-Curie) last name to only Skłodowska or change it to something else and say: but polish is similiar so its okay xD (instead of Skłodowska something like Śklodovska so making it more Russian or something like that)
@IS-hk6cw День назад
Yasuke did actually exist, but there’s no historical record that says Oda Nobunaga gave him a name and a samurai armor. Yasuke served for Nobunaga only for 15 months. It usually takes more than 15 months to make a samurai armor for Busho and Daimyo class. No historian says that Yasuke became a Busho or a Daimyo. Also, it is debatable that Yasuke actually became a samurai because he was poorly documented and there’s no consensus in definitions of samurai of the Sengoku period. People don’t need to change someone else’s history to have Yasuke as a samurai in a game and just mention the game is a historical fiction.
@Walt_Xander94 День назад
@@IS-hk6cw No hist...why that info a amound then? Plus, we do know why he would've took Yasuke into his services. He saw this tall beast thats straight out of a folktale, and wanted that on his side, in his army. Samurai Yasuke is not a change. For f sake, I used examples of JAPANESE games he was in. Why would 2 Japanese devs have Yasuke whoopin' ass? Why was Yasuke a Samurai boss fight in Ni-Oh? Why was his playable in SAMURAI Warriors 5? How come people didn't complain then? Speaking of that, look at Dynasty Warriors. Those Chinese Dynasty eras arent exactly real. Its not clear if periods like The Three Kingdoms happened the way China retells such history. Yet no one complains about all those playable warriors like Lu Bu. Especially China themselves, because the Three Kingdoms is all over Chinese Pop Culture. One more thing, Assassin's Creed has ALWAYS been historical fiction. Just like Ghost Of Tsushima & Ni-Oh. So what are you talking about? Not once has Ubisoft treated the AC games as non-fiction history. Those games are alwae set AROUND historical periods. And there's always that disclaimer at the start of every AC: A work of FICTION thats INSPIRED by historical events. And the dev teams have multiple beliefs, culture, etc. So, where have ya'll been? Yasuke is part of Japan's history & Ubisoft just used that. Just like they used Leonardo DaVinci, but had him build a goddamn Battle Tank in the 1500s.
@Walt_Xander94 День назад
@@IS-hk6cw Also, look at that Yasuke anime. Who helped work on that? A JAPANESE people. A Japanese director AND animation studio. Nay-sayers of Yasuke being a Samurai are either racist or dont know shit about him. And all despite what Japan has said & done with the guy in their pop culture.
@IS-hk6cw День назад
@@Walt_Xander94 I’m confused. So you’re saying that assassin’s creed is a fictional game but Nioh, samurai warriors & yasuke’s anime aren’t historical fiction? Or you’re saying all these games and anime are 100% historical accurate? Did you even look up primary source documents like Shinchō Kōki, Ietada Nikki and Jesuit documents? I did and also listened to what actual historians said about him. Except the Honnoji incident, there’s no historical record that he fought. The honnoji incident was a coup d'etat to Nobunaga. Yasuke didn’t fight with Nobunaga at the honnoji temple. He fought somewhere else and we don’t know for sure how he fought. Also, Nobunaga had more than 1400 retainers and some regional warlords as his ally. My point is that assassin’s creed has been historical fiction. People don’t need to change history to have Yasuke as a samurai in a historical fiction game.
@weilysium 10 часов назад
@@Walt_Xander94your whole argument fell upon itself when you talk about historic fiction. ubisoft specifically came out to say this is authentic japanese history in an interview or q&a, i find it weird that they have to specifically state it. if they just kept silent on it i doubt anyone would care and now there’s zero mention and it’s all historic fiction from their side. i mean i probably wouldnt even know about this whole drama until it was blown so out of proportion plus yasuke being a samurai isnt even the biggest issue here
@Mickle1011 2 дня назад
cant lie this is just a massive skill issue
@Walt_Xander94 2 дня назад
@@Mickle1011 You have a no-life issue. I can't believe someone defends such a poorly designed boss fight.
@Mickle1011 2 дня назад
@@Walt_Xander94 I beat it in about 10 minutes an hour ago
@Walt_Xander94 2 дня назад
@@Mickle1011 So, luck.
@Walt_Xander94 2 дня назад
And another thing when it comes to these complaints(thanks to a reply here): No one complained about Leonardo DaVinci back in AC2 making weapons & a TANK in the 1500s or so, for Ezio. Dude was Ezio's Lucius Fox. Yet Yasuke gets complaints? Hell, the Honno-ji Incident where Oda Nobunaga died, Yasuke was there, it was 1582. AC Shadows' past story is set just 3 years before that. And the Onna-Musha date back to the 1100s. Ghost Of Tsushima's fictional story was set around the Mongol Invasion in the late 1200s(just like AC always sets fictional stories around historical events), and the Onna-Musha existed at that point. The first game had female warriors, yet no one complained. Yet Yotei, which will be set in 1603, having a female Samurai is an issue? Complainers just cherry pick these things & dont care about historical accuracy.
@schmenfleor9050 2 дня назад
i agree with you in some points but the main factor is that female ninja = not really accurate female warrior = pretty accurate I don't mind the black samurai but the only argument is the fidelity in those accuracies. Also the nioh argument isn't pretty good since you're literally fighting giant monsters in the game. At the end of the day it IS just a game so I don't know why people can't just play whatever both game seems good to me (ghost is better tbh) but yeah, Female ninjas we're not "historically" accurate at THAT time period but female warriors WERE based on my 30 minute google search lol.
@Walt_Xander94 2 дня назад
@@schmenfleor9050 Isn't good? My point is that Ni-Oh's protag was based off a real person too. That's the one positive thing about the game I still remember after all these years. Also, the game's setting was 1600s Japan. The late Sengoku Period, just with a fictional story. And here's one thing about the game I didn't know, the final boss: Edward Kelly, also based off a real person of that same name. Yet no one complained about a white Samurai. That is not any different from Ghost Of Tsushima using the real Mongol Invasion of Japan from the late 1200s, but with a fictional character & his own story. We dont know what real historical period Yotei will use, but its a fictional character, but such female warriors did exist. The first game also had female warriors, yet no one complained about them. And the whole Assassin's Creed franchise used various time periods & real historical events, and had fictional characters & stories set around them. Yet Assassin's Creed gets complaints NOW? Forget Yasuke, remember back in AC2 when Leonardo was the Lucius Fox for Ezio? Making weapons & gear for him? And a freakin' TANK in the Italian Renaissance era? Only sketches & notes of that existed, Leonardo never actually built that. Point is, no one complained about a 1500s Battle Tank built by Leonardo DaVinci. Not to mention, the rest of Yasuke's life, after the Honno-ji Incident where Oda died in 1582, is unknown. Fictional stories can do anything with him at that point. Heck, AC Shadows is set just 3 years before Oda's death. So we know where that game's past story is going. Lastly, female Ninjas are Kunoichi. Thats a different thing. They seem to date back to the 1600s. Onna-Musha date further back to the 1100s. So the Onna-Musha existed BEFORE the Mongol Invasion. Yotei takes place way after that, so you can't say those warriors arent accurate.
@schmenfleor9050 2 дня назад
@@Walt_Xander94 That's great info that i didn't know. But i think another factor that i personally have been affected on are the people making these games. Ubisoft is just a bad company and is continuing to produce mediocre games while sucker punch is in my opinion so much better. Though i do recognize the blatant sexism and hypocritical takes being made especially being led by people like asmongold I'll still be trying out both games though i don't expect much from assassin's Creed.
@Walt_Xander94 2 дня назад
​​​@@schmenfleor9050 There's nothing mediocre about Assassin's Creed. It became a franchise for a reason. And what's funny is that AC was originally supposed to be a Prince Of Persia game, but it became its own thing. I know Star Wars Outlaws & xDefiant are flops & the Tom Clancy series hasnt been good in decades. But no one can say Assassin's Creed & Far Cry are flops. At best, people bitch about Ubisoft's open world, which I'll never get because its just not broken & there's no need to fix it. And I recall the newest Prince Of Persia being good. Then there's Rainbow Six Seige. And its not sexist to prefer to play as a male character like Asmongold does.
@schmenfleor9050 2 дня назад
​@@Walt_Xander94 cool, I'm not trying to drag this out or whatever i just genuinely want to broaden my mindset or become more "mature" as a kid but i have 2 questions sir. How are they not mediocre when they've recently swayed from the previous generations of games like valhalla? maybe there's an argument there or maybe the game just doesn't feel like ac to me but everything doesn't feel GOOD to play for me so i call it "mediocre" which is of course opinion based. Another thing is how is it not sexist? i understand what sexism and preference mean. But maybe i just haven't experienced much of it? "Sexism is prejudice or discrimination based on one's sex or gender. Sexism can affect anyone, but primarily affects women and girls. It has been linked to gender roles and stereotypes, and may include the belief that one sex or gender is intrinsically superior to another" i genuinely have a hard time understanding, maybe because english is not my first language and i don't live in america but refusing to play a whole game just because of the gender of the character is not sexist? especially since the game is about warriors. I'd just like to genuinely understand more about this topic because u seem like an older person. Also isn't preference means just liking something over another thing? Or does it mean disliking the other thing and liking one thing. sorry for the bad example
@Walt_Xander94 День назад
​​@@schmenfleor9050One, they didnt stray. They went BACK to AC's roots. Also, Valhalla is the highest selling AC to date. That being said, the RPG AC trilogy: Origins, Odyssey & Valhalla had bs bitching over the open world & RPG style gameplay. Those people wanted AC to be linear again & they got it. I havent heard any complaints on Mirage. Heck, I don't mind AC games going back to the old stealth style. At least it'd be perfected nowadays, no flaws like in AC3 alone. If you think Ubisoft strayed, you need to play AC 1 or 2. Either would do, really. But there is an AC 1 through 3 collection these days. Two, if you prefer to play male characters, or female, neither is sexist. That's just your choice. By that logic, its sexist if you create a male custom character & not female, or vice-versa. I'm cool with playing either since the PS1, but I wont bash on others for having a different preference than my own.
@kzwei2 3 дня назад
Got him down to 27% on my first time and most revivies were cuz im trash at the game,im just collecting revives for this guy rn its really not that hard once you get him down from the first phase,learn how to intercept better imo,one skill in act 6 kabam doesnt fuck with
@Walt_Xander94 3 дня назад
@@kzwei2 There is no learning intercepts, because the AI is bullshit. Only Juggernaut makes this fight tolerable(sucks that my video on that, isnt going around).
@Walt_Xander94 3 дня назад
UPDATE: Kabam just screwed up with the tags. And the search system itself. Why are those checkboxes on the bottom, when just adding certain tags for champs you're looking for shouldve been it? And it WAS just that when I had to use an XL champ, and a Kree champ after I posted this video. Its the Spring Of Sorrow Gauntlet all over again. Too many tags instead of JUST ONE!
@AscendedPotato 4 дня назад
Your complaints about constant bugs are valid, but lady deathstrike isn't control: denial. She's offensive: raw damage. That's why the objective isn't working
@Walt_Xander94 4 дня назад
@@AscendedPotato Yes she is. I selected the tags to see which champs are there, multiple times. Lady D was there in the Size Small & Control: Denial champs.
@lloydkjose9839 4 дня назад
@@Walt_Xander94you forgot to make "all tag applied" instead of "any"😊
@Walt_Xander94 3 дня назад
@@lloydkjose9839 I was actually told that on Reddit. Kabam still screwed up with these damn Tags. Why is that checkbox there? Especially when every other time I ever had to search for tagged champs for an Objective, things went fine. Hell, I did the Kree Objective after this video with my R3 Vox, only selected the tag I wanted to see who tf can be used for it & that was it. Kabam didnt learn from Spring Of Sorrow's Objectives mess. Too many tags.
@redscorpion9325 5 дней назад
I think it will see more for Nintendo Switch than PS5
@chrisc2813 5 дней назад
It is frustrating!
@TSP-p9l 6 дней назад
noob get good skill issue+touching grass will increase ur skills😂😂😂😂
@Walt_Xander94 6 дней назад
@@TSP-p9l You have no life. You pathetic elitists need to touch grass.
@TSP-p9l 5 дней назад
@@Walt_Xander94skills of grass😂😂
@HENDRIXLLAMES 6 дней назад
5.38) skilled in the world😂😂
@dryice0v030 7 дней назад
I agree herc doesn't work with bahamet but Shang chi does wonders
@Isaiah_Drake 9 дней назад
@keekee4522 9 дней назад
Wrestling is not only rock music I have heard rap theme music but and a big But those songs was dope asf I mean im not a Meg fan and im not tryna be cynical but she ain't that great especially to be on a smackdown theme
@Walt_Xander94 9 дней назад
@@keekee4522 It is not & you have some bad test in music.
@keekee4522 9 дней назад
@@Walt_Xander94 I have great TASTE in music I listen to everything I like change but again I said she isn't that great.
@Walt_Xander94 9 дней назад
@@keekee4522 If you did, why are trying to say otherwise about Wrestling being Rock Music? And if youre gonna start mentioning rap entrance music, then youre further proving my point.
@keekee4522 9 дней назад
@@Walt_Xander94 wrestling is not only Rock music was my point, but I said her song for the theme song wasn't great. I said I've heard Rap/Hip Hop theme and entrance music before in my lifetime I don't believe Wrestling is in a box as only being one thing for music. I did again mention I didn't like the theme doesn't mean I don't have great taste in music when my taste span decades and genres
@keekee4522 9 дней назад
@@Walt_Xander94 I'm not going to argue over difference of opinions you have yours and I have mine we can agree to disagree, but you can't determine if I have bad taste because I gave my opinion
@RickMoren477 9 дней назад
I agree with everything except calling mystic force intro the worst that shit is actually a good opening that was succeeded by a pile of dung shit.
@Walt_Xander94 9 дней назад
@@RickMoren477 No its not. Its Rap Music in POWER RANGERS. They tried way too hard to be hip with the kids & one attempt wasnt enough. Power Rangers & Rap Music RARELY mix. I say that, because the 2017 film had Kanye's Power track in it, and it fit. But every other time, Power Rangers is rock music. The only ones that can even try to say otherwise, are definitely 2000s babies. The ones that didn't grow up with the MMRP era. And I mean Mighty Morphin to Turbo, because whole teams changing every season didn't start until In Space.
@josephstalin7044 День назад
@@Walt_Xander94I’d support abortion if we knew if the kid was going to be trans.
@josephstalin7044 День назад
I wish Putin would stop going after Ukraine and just go after trans ppl
@josephstalin7044 День назад
@@Walt_Xander94real black ppl don’t support trans “ppl”.
@josephstalin7044 День назад
@@Walt_Xander94not surprised that only trans Mrbeast member was a pdfile.
@The1ArtKing 10 дней назад
This is why people miss 1980s-2000s wrestling. Most of the themes would have an electric guitar or hints of rock in it in some way.
@TheFinalBoss24 11 дней назад
That’s 100% facts. wwe is still predictable and the fall that it has taken 🙄
@JeanGeorgeWashingtonThe8th 11 дней назад
Idgaf what anyone says you said complete fax this video .
@dryice0v030 11 дней назад
This actually one of the easier fights once you understand it 😅
@crackheadgrandad4208 13 дней назад
10/10 ragebait. Can't wait to see your future videos on act 9!
@Walt_Xander94 13 дней назад
@@crackheadgrandad4208 I'm not even all that pissed at this, like with the bs paths in Quest 1 through 5, and past Act bosses. I'm more annoyed by the handicaps, if anything. I didn't even put "F*** 9.1 6 Orochi" as the title like I usually do with the other Act bosses. So if that doesn't show that a boss fight didnt really piss me off for once, Idk what does.
@crackheadgrandad4208 13 дней назад
Oh i'm not on about you getting pissed, It's nice hearing you not pissed off and actually having fun with the game. I'm more on about this quote from you; "These boss fights still handicap you to certain things, it's still not just a normal fight" stuff like that is dumb because it's a boss fight. Boss fights are meant to be unique to other fights. no offence ofc.
@Walt_Xander94 13 дней назад
@@crackheadgrandad4208 There is nothing unique about handicapping the player, which Kabam KEEPS DOING! So its not even unique to their Act bosses. For f sake, Shuri cant be parried in NORMAL fights unless you're using Guardian. Boss Fights ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FAIR! Dark Souls really brainwashed you people. Not to mention, we're talking about a MOBILE game. They're supposed to be simple. No parries & no other way to deal big dmg only serve to make the boss a unit hog. Orochi would be truly fun if it wasn't for the handicaps that hold us back.
@josephstalin7044 День назад
@@Walt_Xander94yeah marvel heroes wouldn’t save trans ppl if they existed irl
@josephstalin7044 День назад
@@Walt_Xander94they don’t protect evil
@TheFinalBoss24 13 дней назад
She wasn’t to bad the only knock that I have is that stupid green wall buff that is so annoying I knew when serpent had that this is going to be their new thing. But the paths jeez bad combination of nodes
@Walt_Xander94 13 дней назад
@@TheFinalBoss24 The bleed path is the only tolerable one, I did a video on that already. Jane & Void were the only annoying ones though, especially Void.
@TheFinalBoss24 13 дней назад
@@Walt_Xander94 on that path I used Baron Zemo n chee w/nick fury but Zemo carried I just use chee on void n she melted him
@migueljaggassar1256 14 дней назад
I used Cheelith for the whole path and Lady D for the boss
@Walt_Xander94 14 дней назад
@@migueljaggassar1256 How many potions did it take? Especially after Jane, if you had ONE champ handling the whole Bleed path?
@migueljaggassar1256 14 дней назад
@@Walt_Xander94 4 for the whole path, and about 5 for the boss.
@REDTHURSDAYDOG 15 дней назад
ive passed u now
@Walt_Xander94 15 дней назад
@davion5393 15 дней назад
That fight was difficult for me dammit I’m using 5 stars😂
@Kalexyg 16 дней назад
@777mustdie 16 дней назад
@Walt_Xander94 16 дней назад
UPDATE: 7 Star R1 Black Cat can do the early fights as well.
@joehispanico 16 дней назад
Wait wtf? I have black cat there not Thor Rags. I did the fight yesterday.
@Walt_Xander94 16 дней назад
@@joehispanico What? You sure that wasn't a different path?
@joehispanico 16 дней назад
@@Walt_Xander94 9.1.4 power tech path starts with ice man and ends with domino. Black cat is before domino for me. I added a video on my page. Looks the same to me but with black cat instead.
@mohammedtariq22 15 дней назад
yup i had blackcat too
@Walt_Xander94 5 дней назад
​​@@joehispanico WTF?! I had to check mine again, and now Black Cat is there. Kabam's screwing up Act quests now. Good thing I screencapt Ragnarok Thor m.
@nicksmith8993 17 дней назад
Did it last week. Spent 200 units, plus some revives I had saved. It honestly wasn’t that bad.
@Walt_Xander94 17 дней назад
@@nicksmith8993 "Wasn't that bad", you had to spend units. The fight is bullshit until you have R3 7 Stars, because they can handle entire phases in one go(as long as the AI isn't stubborn).
@nicksmith8993 14 дней назад
@@Walt_Xander94 I don’t have R3 7 stars.
@kR1t1calbatteryOfficial 17 дней назад
I totally agree, why would they put Thor Ragnarok on the path? And the scourge paths are so annoying too, ESPECIALLY the one in 9.1.3
@Walt_Xander94 17 дней назад
@@kR1t1calbatteryOfficial I haven't touched those Scourge paths, so Idk how bad they are.
@diaz2985 18 дней назад
😂 lmao bro ive tried 3 times and thats my exact reaction
@TheFinalBoss24 18 дней назад
Yeah the combination of nodes in this is very stupid. Wait until you do the scourge path it’s so dumb and unbelievable.
@Walt_Xander94 18 дней назад
@@TheFinalBoss24 I won't. Ever.
@The_Wedge1 18 дней назад
@butchiethomas9931 18 дней назад
How is it fair that we keep playing a broken game month after month, only things consistent anymore are dropped inputs, bugged game play and a rigged A.I., which had been happening for years, but it's OK to tell us to play perfect in a imperfect game, total pieces of shit at kabam, along with putting profile pics in the crystal cleanse event is a fkn scmbg dick move..then if we don't open the crystals kabam will..gtfoh...game and company are fkn trash..no fun what so ever playing a broken, rigged game!
@planetN 18 дней назад
That thor Rangnarok was a pain ngl. I used doom, 316 hits fight. Took me 7 minutes but got the solo
@kR1t1calbatteryOfficial 18 дней назад
Dude, you got to stop expecting every boss to not be infuriating, or annoying, or frustrating, you just think everything is gonna be handed to you easy? You have units and revives for a reason. This is actually 8, not act 3. Another thing storm does work, but in the nicest way I can say it, for you, it may be a skill issue. Please start preparing for bosses instead of just going in too.
@Walt_Xander94 18 дней назад
@@kR1t1calbatteryOfficial To NOT be infuriating? It'd be a change of pace, but what annoyed me in this case is og Storm not being a Glykhan counter as many people have said. Fairness doesn't equate to everything being handed to you. You people have no clue what a fair & ACTUAL challenge is. "You have units & revives for a reason", you did not just say that when bosses are bullshit to incentivize spending. Act 3 way back, WASN'T bullshit btw. It wasnt a cake walk either.
@kR1t1calbatteryOfficial 18 дней назад
@@Walt_Xander94 Dude, your roster is better than mine and I still beat act 8, I’m still using 5 stars in act 9, and my act 3 comment wasn’t used to compare, it was used to tell you everything ain’t gonna be so easy. For the final time, too, storm does work, there are many videos using storm and she cooks. I’ll be honest, when I first did this, I got demolished, I made it to phase 3 but had to quit out, but when I went in a second time, I did much better. Sure I still used some revives and units but that’s what they’re there for, meant for bosses and fights.
@brainblastmemes 18 дней назад
Fuk this dlc. All it does is give u debuffs and make u fight tyr thousand times
@zacharyhsieh9358 19 дней назад
I don't know if he's been nerfed, but I literally just fought him after watching 1 and half videos on how to beat him. Fought him with fantman first try and got him down to 1%, only died because his intimidate for some reason didn't change hi AI behavior and he was still playing super aggressive. He's by far the easiest out of the 3 act 8 bosses I've fought so far. Easy to dex sp1, basically only need 1 gameplay loop to beat him (with some slight tweaks after he's 50%). The trick is to just striker into sp1 or striker into knockdown. Those two actions will never repeat each other. Then, you just time it so that right as you armor break him on both the striker and special, you bait his sp1 and punch his autoblock. You can also make this easier by punching is block during one of the instances of striker special combo before you've armor broken him. That way, you only ahve to punch his block twice to get him wounded. Phase 3 he gets random amounts so it's a little more difficultl, but most of the time it's easy because striker, punching his autoblock, and knocking him down are all relatively easy to deal with. PS: the first video I watched that gave me the striker special combo idea was literally one of the top viewed vids, but maybe since this video was made 10 months ago, that strategy hadn't been discovered yet? Anyone who ignores autoblock is probably bad in my personal opinion (maybe I'm wrong), because the AI plays super aggressive and it's basically impossible to get windows to punch his normal block, so I just punched his autoblock instead.
@Walt_Xander94 19 дней назад
@@zacharyhsieh9358 He has not been nerfed. I went back & 100% it with the team I got now. Things were more tolerable, but it doesn't change that its another P2W gimmick.
@zacharyhsieh9358 19 дней назад
@@Walt_Xander94 It's literally not a p2w gimmick. It's the least p2w boss I've ever fought. Bahamet and black widow (forgot her name) were harder than this guy. A p2w boss is one that doesn't have much skill expression and requires a specific counterpick to beat and/or requiring excessive skill to the point where the average player needs to spend a ton of revives. This fight is neither of those things, considering the fact that I'm not even that good at this game and I did fine. I think you just had the wrong strategy because 8.3 was new at the time. striker into special trivialized 90% of the fight.
@Walt_Xander94 18 дней назад
@@zacharyhsieh9358 NO ONE is doing that fight in one go. Especially in the first attempt. And more so if they dont have Herc. If these bosses were just simple fights & didn't have descriptions that are the length of a Bible page, there'd be no gimmicks. You're guaranteed to die & use revives. The ONLY way revives arent needed, is if you have a team of R5 6 Stars & R2/R3 6 7 Stars. So when one dies, another champ with stats just as high will finish the fight. These Act bosses will never just be normal fights. Look at Act 9, its starting today, the 9.1 boss has FIVE phases & a huge ass description, forcing players to look up guides just to know wtf to do.
@zacharyhsieh9358 18 дней назад
@@Walt_Xander94 and that’s fine. It’s a boss and it’s supposed to be hard. Can you improve your skills in the fight? Yes. Again. I looked up guides and did like 15 minutes worth of research. Yes, I had a r5 fantman ascended, but it wouldn’t have made a difference if he was r4 because I lost all my health 80-90% at the end when his intimidate bugged out. Not saying all bosses are easy. I’m just saying that this one is.
@agares5571 19 дней назад
lololololololololololololololololol noob git gud kid
@Walt_Xander94 19 дней назад
@@agares5571 Get a life.
@agares5571 18 дней назад
@@Walt_Xander94 lololoololololololooololololololol booty player booty booty booty
@leonardopampaloni7325 19 дней назад
Am i the only One Who thinks that was a fun fight?
@abdsllah5701 20 дней назад
I spent 400 units tbh. It was fucking painful. Idk why youtubers don't tell you how to do entire fight when it comes to cheesy vids like soloing abs man in 3 mins on gwenmaster LIKE WTF WHY
@Suarez23-z1w 21 день назад
The second easiest boss out of the 4 lol also you did a lot of mistakes like hitting him 2 times in block after face 2 not dexting his sp1 at the start. Also stun immune is interesting cause makes it harder and its more fun.
@Walt_Xander94 21 день назад
@@Suarez23-z1w There's NOTHING fun about these fights taking parries away. Its the OPPOSITE, its unfair. You have no idea what fun is, probably because youre most likely a Souls Masochist.
@Suarez23-z1w 21 день назад
​@@Walt_Xander94 LOL masochist really🤣. Winning a boss when you die all the time and then beat it makes you happy and you know you became better. An easy boss doesn't make you better and it's just boring so is that fun for you? Or by fun you mean beating a easy boss without trying and thinking you are good when you are not.
@Walt_Xander94 21 день назад
@@Suarez23-z1w No it doesn't. Youre just proving my point. When victory is gained, there is only the "About damn time. Fuck this game!", which I certainly had after going back & 100%ing Act 8. By fun, I MEAN FUN! A tough, but fair boss fight(I'd still be trying) that doesn't need to purposefully piss off the player, and doesn't need to be a unit hog. You masochists know nothing about ACTUAL fun.