Retired Geek Woman
Retired Geek Woman
Retired Geek Woman
ABOUT 👇 Click this link to make a retired senior gamer's day! 👇
bit.ly/RetiredGeekWoman 🤓
I'm a retired senior who has loved gaming for 30+ years. I am sharing game play of my favorite games! This includes Role Play Games (modern and retro - think Baldur's Gate and Oblivion), farm simulation games (think Stardew Valley and Kynseed) and who knows what else. NOTE: I do not swear on my videos so they are clean for kids (except for any adult type content the games might have).
See the Community tab for information, messages to my subscribers and any upcoming changes to the upload schedule:
Upload Schedule as of February 2024:

MON 11am EST - Stardew Valley
WED 11am EST Kynseed
FRI 11am EST Baulder's Gate 3
SAT 11am EST Oblivion

Upload Schedule as of May 2024:

MON 11am EST - Stardew Valley
WED 11am EST Supermarket Simulator
FRI 11am EST Baulder's Gate 3
SAT 11am EST Oblivion

👉 Subscribe for free advice: bit.ly/RetiredGeekWoman 👈
Fun Frolic Friday Announcement
Месяц назад
@3devious 33 минуты назад
My home is in Blandon, PA
@torresilk4277 47 минут назад
Autosave is always a good thing!
@alicelufenia3648 4 часа назад
Also, welcome to Moonrise Towers, the source of the big bad! One of the things I love about act 2 is, depending on how you play, either Moonrise or Last Light can become your "friendly town" in the area, while the other becomes a battlefield. Or, they both could be!
@3devious 7 часов назад
That's a fair deal 🤭
@alicelufenia3648 8 часов назад
When the die roll comes up as 20 before any of your bonuses (called a natural 20 or nat 20), that counts as a critical success. You'll automatically succeed on any checks that roll a nat 20, even if your bonuses would not be enough to meet the difficulty (there are some difficulty 25 or 30 checks that most characters need to roll a natural 20 in order to have a chance at passing).
@Retired_Geek_Woman 7 часов назад
Thank you for explaining that! I never have played any D&D or board RPG games so this is completely new territory for me.
@3devious День назад
You should start liking combat for the times they die when talking 💩
@Retired_Geek_Woman День назад
That's true. It's very satisfying to take them out when they are right in the middle of smack-talking me for no apparent reason.
@yvesabdurahman5045 5 дней назад
I love the Character looks like a younger version! Good work
@Retired_Geek_Woman 4 дня назад
A younger version of me? I had showed my mom my BG3 character and she said "look at her hair! It's beautiful!" I told her I wished my hair could look like that 24/7!
@heythatsprettygood9906 5 дней назад
Once i am retired i hope to enjoy my games the same as now. Really cool you're playing! Playing multiple times does help with taking all of the story in. Don't stress if its hard sometimes, you'll get trough! Keep it up!
@Retired_Geek_Woman 4 дня назад
Thank you for the encouragement! I'll keep playing even when it seems hopeless! I think retirement is what you make it. There's no "rule" for how you are after retirement. From what I've read and witnessed over the years, it's important to do SOMETHING. I have a very busy life with my huge family. Plus I love reading which I do multiple times per day and evenings I relax and watch tv with the hubs. I'm only spending 15-20 hours a week on my RU-vid channel. 😳
@InfamousRafe 5 дней назад
Every Haggered needs a Hagrid 🤣
@Retired_Geek_Woman 4 дня назад
I will admit that I had to look up "Hagrid". I've never read Harry Potter or watch a single movie. Please don't unsubscribe. 😥
@bonkersbusy 5 дней назад
Oh, yes, you can put sprinklers on your island farm. I'm not sure where you checked, but you definitely can use sprinklers of all types on the yellowish soil. I'll send you a picture of my most recent island farm in Discord.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 4 дня назад
I don't think I actually CHECKED. I just remember when 1.5 first came out, you couldn't. At least that's my memory of that time period. So therefore, it can't be trusted...
@bonkersbusy 5 дней назад
The skeletons are level 70-79 in the regular mines, not the skull cavern. There are mummies in the skull caverns.
@bonkersbusy 5 дней назад
I can't leave the coral on the ground, it's a personal problem 😅. I pick it up and sell it. I'm always impressed by speed runners running by all the forage. Meanwhile, I end up filling my inventory with all the forage.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 4 дня назад
I am obsessive about it the first game year. Then it tends to fade as other things take priority. Now that we don't need coral for making deluxe speed gro, I may never pick up another coral again...
@bonkersbusy 5 дней назад
You and that watering can!😅
@Retired_Geek_Woman 5 дней назад
@bonkersbusy 5 дней назад
The squires helmet is a drop from the metal heads in the lava levels. They are kind of cute on the kids. 😊
@Retired_Geek_Woman 5 дней назад
I'm thinking I need to get a bunch of scarecrows for all these funny/cute hats
@LadyBernkastel92 5 дней назад
I love love love the Tiefling's especially the kids, I think they did such a good job making them likeable even if they are little jerks sometimes. I usually buy the Ring of Resistance to Ants from Mattis for no good reason other than I think it's cute.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 5 дней назад
Some of the small details in this game blow me away. I love it that you buy that ring just because. I do thinks like that for role playing reasons. For instance I'm VERY picky about how my clothes/armor look. I've been known to have lower AR because I like a particular piece of armor. I wanna look good even in death!
@Jules_Diplopia 6 дней назад
Not going to give you extra helpful clues, but your character has a cantrip called Light. Especially in the Shadow Lands light is great, cast light on the weapon of one of your team and they will illuminate the way for your team. I had never considered ambushing the Dryder at that point, but then at the first point where you encounter the Dryder I usually have the Harpers from Last Light who conduct the ambush. Of course as Last Light has been destroyed, for you they are already dead. Fascinating. Now that you have the moon lantern And/or the Pixies blessing, you don't need light cantrip.
@torresilk4277 6 дней назад
I found that the light spell didn’t work for the curse in some area and had to get the torch out 🤷🏻‍♂️
@Retired_Geek_Woman 6 дней назад
@@torresilk4277 ah HA! I KNEW being a torch hoarder would come in handy eventually!
@Retired_Geek_Woman 6 дней назад
Thank you for the kind words about the Harpers. I was SO incredibly clueless, I stood around and watched an entire town die. I'm sure it won't happen next time around. As for the ambush, in case I didn't make it clear, I got my entire team killed TWICE before I finally succeeded. I didn't "cheat" by checking a wiki or asking on Discord. I just kept at it. I'm sure MY journey through BG3 will be stranger than most who have a clue what they are doing. But I'm having a blast!
@torresilk4277 6 дней назад
@@Retired_Geek_Woman 😝 One each is enough 😜
@Retired_Geek_Woman 6 дней назад
@@torresilk4277 So they never burn out? Asking for a friend...
@torresilk4277 7 дней назад
A tip for your character: you are a sorcerer but I’ve never seen you use the class defining abilities… this is relating to the three buttons on the right side of the action bar. Those are there so that you can modify the spells you cast. For example Twinned Spell - this one lets you cast a spell that has a single target but modified to let you select two targets. The spell will affect both targets. You can investigate the others with their tooltips. These abilities use a limited supply of sorcery points which are refreshed on a short or long rest. To use them you would click the button before you select the spell you want to use.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 6 дней назад
Thank you for that tip! Now if I can just remember it the next time I pull up the game!
@torresilk4277 7 дней назад
Regarding editing out failures, that’s obviously up to you. If we saw a failure we could make suggestions as to how to avoid it… but you might have figured it out yourself anyway. Cloud of daggers is good to use at a choke point where enemies have to cross to get to you. And obviously where you’re not going to be yourself. You can push enemies back into it although your current party make up doesn’t include anyone with high strength which would make it easier to succeed.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 6 дней назад
I pretty much figured all of that out. Cloud of daggers worked pretty well with the Kar'niss group. I'm realizing my current team doesn't have strength but those greater strength potions sure come in handy sometimes!
@lewzealand4717 7 дней назад
Wow, Hannibal Traven using himself as the soul in the Black Soul gem? I'm always torn between dramatic writing and realistic and this swings wayyy towards the dramatic side. We'll see how it plays out in the next episode!
@Retired_Geek_Woman 7 дней назад
I think Hannibal knew the only way to take out Mannimarco was to sacrifice himself. He was truly a man or honor. But yeah, I bit dramatic. It also sets up the whole
@torresilk4277 7 дней назад
When you passed a perception check, at the same time there was a light column that appeared that was highlighting a brick in the wall. That is the thing the character noticed. You do have to be fairly quick to notice it yourself because the light show only lasts a couple of seconds
@Retired_Geek_Woman 7 дней назад
I noticed it when I was editing the video. I'm not sure my brain is fast enough to see things like that in real time which is another reason I don't do live streams.
@alicelufenia3648 8 часов назад
@@Retired_Geek_Woman in all fairness, even experienced players like myself miss those sometimes. It's usually not a critical thing at least.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 7 часов назад
@@alicelufenia3648 Hopefully it is NEVER a critical thing. Otherwise, I'm toast...
@torresilk4277 7 дней назад
It seems like you collect torches like Aunt Clara collected doorknobs! 😂
@Retired_Geek_Woman 7 дней назад
I'm used to Oblivion where they burn out quickly. I suppose I could send them to camp and free up my inventory. Thanks for pointing out I'm a torch hoarder! *laughs*
@EMbergames1995 9 дней назад
I hope you're feeling better ❤ I've been loving these episodes as well as Supermarket Simulator, they're completely different games but you make them both so cozy! What a sad episode, too much death but i'm sure Rihannon will avenge them!
@Retired_Geek_Woman 9 дней назад
I am feeling much better. Thank you! I've always enjoyed a variety of games. I know most of the YT creators I watch stick to one genre. I like games like Stardew Valley and Supermarket Simulator to chill out after a stressful run with Oblivion or worse Baldur's Gate 3 which puts my shoulders up around my ears! I figure if people don't like one type of game I play, they might like another. This episode WAS sad. And you can bet that Rhiannon and her trusty horse Wildfire will indeed avenge the fallen.
@lewzealand4717 9 дней назад
Took me a long time to watch and answer cause of the covids I got this week. It's not even my birthday but someone gave me that gift anyway! I didn't realize this would be a big old skool dungeon crawl, those are always great and I always get lost cause I never follow the rule of always turn right/the same way. Cause I don't remember which way I chose or forget to follow it as I found something shiny! Well with the map, you can usually find your way out so no biggie. And now it's time for this week's video!
@Retired_Geek_Woman 9 дней назад
first off, I'm so sorry you got Covid! True story: every single person in my family has had Covid at least once, and many more than once; except me. I hope yours is mild and you are feeling better very soon! I got my dungeon crawling training wheels with Daggerfall. So even with a game like Oblivion where the caves are small and there's a good map, I have trouble changing my old habits.
@bonkersbusy 12 дней назад
The Joja parot will find any remaining golden walnuts for you. The price decreases as you find nuts.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 11 дней назад
OH my. I didn't realize that parrot was a JOJA parrot! That explains it's greed!
@bonkersbusy 12 дней назад
It is true. The 1.6 update brought several new mine maps in all types of mines.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 11 дней назад
Hopefully I can avoid them for the most part. Although the regular mine was easy enough by the end. And now I'm getting better equipment.
@3devious 12 дней назад
It's pretty cool that you can have an island farm and I agree with you that it's not a real home unless you can bring the family!
@Retired_Geek_Woman 12 дней назад
I think it can be a good place to crash if we end up staying to late and/or want to be there again early in the morning. I plan to utilize the farm area eventually. So much to do and explore!
@alicelufenia3648 14 дней назад
So sorry to hear you're in pain! I hope it passes soon, or has past by now. Don't worry if you need to take a break or do what you need to make the videos like going without the green screen, it's all good. And yeah, this is probably the single hardest fight in the entire game, purely for how unfair it can get. You had probably the worst possible start through no fault of your own; four enemies going first, and also stunning Isobel which made her take double damage, is very difficult to come back from. Many people don't succeed here on their first playthrough. But where a normal game would make you retry, here the story continues anyway.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 14 дней назад
Thank you for your thoughts. As of this comment, I am back to my usual level 3 pain which I can handle and do most of my daily activities. I was able to do a couple of videos today with green screen so it's all good. Thanks for letting me know about this fight being super hard. As I've said all through this playthrough: I will play the cards/dice as they lay and not reload UNLESS I get my entire team killed. So my outcome will likely be a bit different than most. I was so sad about Isobel but she was alive when they took her. I'm hoping I will see her again in the future.
@torresilk4277 14 дней назад
Usually I manage to save Isobel but not always. Moving outside her bedroom before talking to her put you at a slight disadvantage unfortunately Jaheira was in both of the previous Baldur’s Gate games.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 14 дней назад
I figured there were way to save Isobel. But, this playthrough I'm play it at it comes. Only reloads are when I kill my entire team. It's gonna be interesting!
@Jules_Diplopia 14 дней назад
Respect to you for managing with that level of pain. As regards the game, I might give you hints, but they will still be behind the recording events. And I am NOT going to try and coach you. Having said all that the things that you might have missed are not crucial. The end of Act 2 is the "break point", if you get through that, then Act 3 is doable. But if you don't, then there is no shame in that. And you have a lot of Act 2 to go through yet. Best of luck, I shall be watching and cheering you on, and hope that you IRL pain doesn't get too bad, I understand what that can be like. No that wasn't the ONLY outcome. But it is a bad one. When you tried to save Isobel, you nearly used an AOE fire spell. That was what you needed to use when you got out into the courtyard. But interesting that the game ensures that even if you mess up, Jaheira comes to your rescue, with her Icestorm AOE spells. But now your don't have that support. Ensure that your team have their weapons ready. When facing superior numbers try any AOE, spells, bombs etc.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 14 дней назад
Thank you for all that you said. I'm hanging in there! As of this comment, pain level is back down to my usual 3. I can deal with that and do most of my daily activities. This time, my husband got me a wheelchair for those inevitable level 10 days to try and keep me safer. I am seeing my regular doc for annual check up in a couple of weeks and he's referred me to a pain specialist to try and see what they can do. We'll see. Otherwise, I keep plugging along! Thanks for watching and suggesting. Every episode I play of BG3,. I'm rung out. It's exhausting! But me and the team will persevere!
@3devious 14 дней назад
I think your naming system is a good way to monetize your stream just make sure you let everyone know that you reserve the right to veto horrible names like "Bacon" for pigs. 😳
@Retired_Geek_Woman 14 дней назад
Well.... If I put their name suggestions on a spinning wheel, I kinda feel obligated to use the name. Only seems fair. So far, there have been no horrible veto-necessary names.
@3devious 14 дней назад
I hope you don't run into Abigail in the upcoming fair! That's as scary as that volcano episode from before. 😂
@Retired_Geek_Woman 14 дней назад
Great use of the secret word! She is scary! I'll do my best to avoid her. For now...
@3devious 18 дней назад
Today's word is bridge and I don't mean the card game. You barely made it home in time!
@Retired_Geek_Woman 18 дней назад
Great use of the secret word! And I know, right?! I HATE running it that close.
@3devious 19 дней назад
I have petted a cow before! I loved playing with farm animals it's best when they're babies. Video games just can't compare to actual cute animals.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 18 дней назад
Great use of the secret word! And I couldn't agree more. I enjoyed petting farm animals as a kid. My kids didn't get that chance but we did take them to places like the San Diego Wild Animal park where they had a petting area.
@bonkersbusy 19 дней назад
When, in Stardew Valley, a chill can be felt in the air, it's time to put on your winter clothing. Suggestions, to try: cloth and either a normal, frozen or magma geode will give you something warm and casual. Cloth + any tree seed will make another warm piece of clothing. Hat mouse sells ear muffs and a santa had once you've unlocked the achievements (5-hearts with 10 and 20 villagers). There are many other ideas and I know you work several episodes ahead, so you have probably already found your cool winter outfit. Have a great day.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 19 дней назад
Great use of the secret word! I believe in the next episode or two, you'll see Rhiannon sporting the coolest new coat!
@bonkersbusy 12 дней назад
I saw her outfit, it's definitely cute. ​@Retired_Geek_Woman
@Retired_Geek_Woman 11 дней назад
@@bonkersbusy I absolutely love the cute outfits everyone is wearing! I'll be sad when winter is over and they go back to whatever they had on before. IF they do!
@bonkersbusy 19 дней назад
You're welcome. I'm glad the screen shot helped you. Edit- you can turn down the snow opacity in your control settings too. That might make your winter screen shots look better.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 18 дней назад
OH wow! I had no idea I could do that. The snow is pretty and I don't take a lot of winter screenshots. But if I do, I'll check that setting!
@bonkersbusy 19 дней назад
Yes, the ocean sounds do sound loud this time. The beach sound can be turned down in "ambient sound" on the control panel.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 19 дней назад
Ok. I'm behind on my recordings but I'll check it next time. Thanks!
@bonkersbusy 19 дней назад
Closing the barn and coop door now gives a small amount of friendship with your animals.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 19 дней назад
Nice! It always felt right to me to keep them safe and warm.
@bonkersbusy 19 дней назад
So, now that you understand food buffs, are you going to start cooking?🤔😁 And possibly sewing.....lol
@Retired_Geek_Woman 19 дней назад
I would LIKE to say yes, but I don't want to deceive myself....
@bonkersbusy 19 дней назад
@alicelufenia3648 19 дней назад
Welcome to Act 2! It's a horror story :D I don't know if it's come up, but if you feel the need to you can still go back to act 1 areas at this point.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 19 дней назад
Thanks for letting me know. I debated when I realized that I was actually heading into Act 2 if I should. SO much was left undone in Act 1. But I decided to push forward. We'll see if I regret this decision. But my playthrough "rule" is make a decision and stick with it.
@alicelufenia3648 19 дней назад
@@Retired_Geek_Woman before I say anything, was there any vague hints you wanted about story-relevant stuff still in act 1 that I'm pretty sure you haven't found (unless I'm forgetting) as in "try going X way"
@Retired_Geek_Woman 19 дней назад
Not really but thanks for the offer. I could follow a wiki or thousands of RU-vids on how to play and not miss everything. This playthrough, I want to truly do it blindly 99%. I have looked up one thing so far after failing (i.e. getting the entire team killed three times). I'll just blumble along and hopefully find my way to the end of the story.
@Jules_Diplopia 21 день назад
Don't smack your son, give him a big hug. Your playthrough is wonderful. But I worry that you are not going to get to Act 3. Yes you are making unique choices, and it is fantastic.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 20 дней назад
Well, if I don't make it to the end, I don't. THAT will be a different ending than most, huh? Yes, any time I get the precious time to see my son, he gets hugs. LOTS and LOTS of hugs.
@3devious 21 день назад
This is why I'm glad that I outsourced playing to you because you play the same way I would.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 21 день назад
I'm not sure in what way I play like you would but I'm glad you are enjoying YOUR playthrough! We have so many more adventures coming!
@Bongwater33 21 день назад
Im also an older gamer lady, Im glad to see you doing this channel to bring more awareness to older gamers! I wonder about labeling everything RETIRED SLOW BLIND I know what youre untention is, to label it for the kind of content, but every time I see those words strung together on my front page, i think it must be some kind of disability vlog because of the way the words string together, I think you might have more success with different title phrasing :) good luck out there!
@Retired_Geek_Woman 21 день назад
Hello older gamer lady! You make a good point. I'll give it some thought! What words would you choose if you want to draw attention to a slow type of playthrough? And gamers who are doing blind playthroughs, meaning they've never played that game before, they use the word "blind" in the title. So not sure how to change that. Maybe same words but rearranged?
@3devious 22 дня назад
I love your stories about you youth. I love tulips too there was a gorgeous tulip that grew by my house every year I never grew one from seed/bulb. Thanks for going into so much detail.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 22 дня назад
I'm just passing the time but some stories need to be told as they relate to my game play or play style, etc.
@lewzealand4717 23 дня назад
Noooooooooo, you took the right fork in the road while the Khajiit took the left! Now I'll *never* know where that cat was headed.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 22 дня назад
I figured he would swing around and end up at the Imperial City gate. I SHOULD have followed him. Ah well, we shall never know.😥
@CaseyC-bg4bb 23 дня назад
Retired slow?
@Retired_Geek_Woman 22 дня назад
I like the word "retired" because it gives a sense of one relaxing and doing their own thing. I use the word "SLOW" before "play" or "game play" because I people to know that my playstyle is slow placed. I don't min-max or power game. There are millions of power gamers out there. I like to enjoy the journey. I hope will come along!
@thedarkthesis 23 дня назад
This is like mid 2012 ealry 2013 youtube and I'm here for it.
@Retired_Geek_Woman 22 дня назад
I've always been a decade or so behind the curve. But I don't care. I do me and if people like that, then great! If they don't, great! I'm just having fun. I hope you had a great flashback!
@GeorgiannaMiller5 24 дня назад
if I didn't know better, I would say he deliberately threw it down the well. Why he would do such a thing is beyond me. Really, Falcar, really
@Retired_Geek_Woman 23 дня назад
Seemed "fishy" to me....
@KaoruJames 24 дня назад
❤❤❤ Love watching your vids!
@Retired_Geek_Woman 23 дня назад
Thank you! I'm glad you are here!
@3devious 25 дней назад
Better watch out or Abigail will steal your golden pumpkin. Lol kidding. I'm sorry that I am so behind on my watching. The game is still so good it's nice to see you go over everything in detail so that I can feel like I am doing it without all the pressure!
@Retired_Geek_Woman 24 дня назад
Great use of the secret word! I am glad to be your tour guild through Stardew Valley!
@3devious 25 дней назад
It's nice to see that you are still living your best life even though Abigail is still Abigail. Belle is a great name for your new baby calf!
@Retired_Geek_Woman 24 дня назад
Great use of the secret word! Yes. Rhiannon is definitely living her best life and it continues on!