Cubcos - A Star Wars Channel
Cubcos - A Star Wars Channel
Cubcos - A Star Wars Channel
A collection of shorts focused on little pieces of cool Star Wars trivia, lore and facts. Follow Cubcos on TikTok for more
What's To Come for Star Wars in 2024
14 дней назад
The Acolyte Trailer Breakdown | Star Wars
2 месяца назад
The Bad Batch Brought Her Back | Star Wars
2 месяца назад
Does The Acolyte BREAK CANON???
3 месяца назад
@vadersfather1248 21 час назад
So how did you take the lore breaking Mundi moment he’s not even supposed to be alive yet and in phantom menace he even states the sith haven’t been seen for a Millenia
@cubcos 21 час назад
He wasn't on Khofar and didn't see the "Sith" - if that is what he is at all. Red lightsaber does not equal Sith remember. Ki-Adi-Mundi was not born at this point in the EU/Legends timeline - we are no longer in that timeline, so nothing in canon has been broken yet.
@vadersfather1248 20 часов назад
@@cubcos how can you say that with a strait face his name is in the credits so it’s the Mundi from phantom menace he’s not supposed to be even alive and your timeline argument is utterly ridiculous whose timeline?so now it’s not a long time ago in a galaxy far far away it’s now a new time long ago in a galaxy far far away stop making poor excuses for poor writing this is what happens when you hire people who have no idea about what they are working on headland even said it herself we hired writers who have never seen or read Star Wars
@dodjer День назад
Why is Ki-Adi-Mundi in the episode - or don't you care about Star Wars lore and continuity?
@cubcos День назад
Legends does not equal canon, my dude. There is a new continuity since 2014 or did you forget that?
@dodjer День назад
@@cubcos Legends EXCEPT the ORIGINAL SIX Star Wars films produced by George Lucas.
@cubcos День назад
Cool, point out to me where in the prequel trilogy movies it says Kid-Adi-Mundi's birth date? Because it isn't in there, it was in ancillary material that eventually became non-canon after 2014.
@darththor3982 День назад
another good episode. Should we have spent more time on the Khofar, hell yes we should have. I also think the "Sith" person is Mother Koril. she had some crazy yellow sith eyes in ep3 and you can kinda see yellow eyes under the helmet.
@RinkyDunk День назад
It was Ki-Adi-Mundi. Dude wasn't even born yet and they put him in the show. It's just embarrassing....
@cubcos День назад
eh, it's just a new canon addition. He has a legends birth date but not a new canon one. It's fine.
@dodjer День назад
@@cubcos wtf does that mean? Gibberish.
@cubcos День назад
You do realise that a new canon was established in 2014, right? Most previous works became "legends" and "not canon". It's only been a thing for the last...ten years...
@dodjer День назад
@@cubcos Correction my nubewan - the thread is strong in you, but misguided. Legends prior to 2014 >>>EXCEPT<<< the ORIGINAL SIX Star Wars films produced by George Lucas!
@SaladVonBaco 22 часа назад
@@dodjer Where in the ORIGINAL SIX Star Wars films was Ki Adi Mundi's birth year stated? It wasn't. Therefore, it was not canonically established.
@theamazonprince7132 4 дня назад
I love this episode and The witch coven I need to know more. They may have conceived mae and OSHA differently than aniken was. But I have a theory if it is the same it only enhances his story. OSHA is light and mae is dark aniken is conflicted between the light and dark. The force is creating balance since aniken was the only one made at that time is why he's conflicted and mae and OSHA have light and dark paths.
@cubcos 3 дня назад
I think Mae and Osha were made by the witches using the Force, whereas Anakin was made by the Force itself. I think there is a clear difference and people are going a little too crazy. Excited to see how it plays out.
@theamazonprince7132 3 дня назад
​@@cubcos I totally agree with you people are being a bit dramatic. But I have to say I find it refreshing that you are be positive and not complaining about everything. New subscriber here
@Zenforcer 4 дня назад
Bullshit, that movie series never happened.
@cubcos 4 дня назад
@tomanderson3092 6 дней назад
I got one too. I sorta want to open it up.
@marcuspitts2482 7 дней назад
"The Crapolyte" didn't break Star Wars. It was broken as soon as DEIsney took over the IP. DEIsney Woke Wars is not considered cannon by any real Star Wars fan. The only Woke Wars fans at the moment are tourists and Hetrophobes!
@cubcos 7 дней назад
You can't even bring your own talking points, you just regurgitate whatever you heard from somewhere else. Also it is spelled canon. Cannon is a large boom-tube thing.
@marcuspitts2482 7 дней назад
@@cubcos Oohhh. So I made a typo. And I also don't suck any old shit that DEIsney craps out like a brainwashed fool!
@cubcos 7 дней назад
The irony of you saying someone else is brainwashed when you can't stop using words like woke and DEI is fucking hilarious
@marcuspitts2482 7 дней назад
@@cubcos I'd be willing to bet you live in Melbourn. The "Woke" capital of Australia! Just for you I used Woke again. And seeing how my other comment has been removed I'm guessing my words hurt your delicate feelings!
@cubcos 7 дней назад
Nah I just remove comments because I can. I'm not obligated to leave them up. Sorry, bud. Also Google is free, there is no excuse for this many spelling errors in this day and age.
@Ilurblur 7 дней назад
Wait that's what people are mad about? Really?!? 😂
@cubcos 7 дней назад
I'm not going to lie I was expecting something CRAZY when I saw people losing it and then when I watched I was like..."oh...okay?"
@Ilurblur 7 дней назад
@@cubcos Yeah like if you ask me it breaks nothing. I heard people scream that "this breaks canon" and other things just more toxic
@eddiemelville5576 8 дней назад
Too far off from canon for my liking
@marcuspitts2482 7 дней назад
Nothing DEIsney has done with the Star Wars is cannon!
@Guts-DemonSlayer 8 дней назад
Lol, of course a smooth brain like you would gobble up this garbage writing. Massive contradictions with actual lore already written. Are you saying that the original trilogy isn't cannon? What about the prequels? Plot holes after plot holes. Worse than, "he came back some how."
@Guts-DemonSlayer 8 дней назад
The redefining of the force by Disney is nothing but a narcissistic power trip. Its obvious the person who wrote this "story" hasn't even watched episode one or the clone wars or read anything at all about the Jedi or know their objectives at all. Nothing about this "Star wars story" makes and sense at all. By the way, witches in SW dknt use the force. If you would have seen the clone wars you would know that. Also, Yoda already explained the force, so did Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. It definitely isn't a thread that can be manipulated "at will". 😂😂
@cubcos 8 дней назад
Learn to spell, mate. Cannon? A big boom-tube? You mean canon. Also the so-called contradictions (I assume you mean the birth of someone through the Force, because your comment is horribly structured) isn't a contradiction of current canon. No one is saying that Mae and Osha are now the Chosen Ones. They may get mistaken for them if the Jedi believe in the prophecy but you've got to remember that not all Jedi even believed in it. Even when provided with someone "born without a father" a lot of the Jedi didn't buy into it. The "Thread" that they talk about using could be the Force, it could be just Magick - which I say in the video but I guess you couldn't comprehend that. Anyway, thanks for clicking into a video about the third episode of a show you are hate watching - glad to see support for the show.
@loganwells9950 8 дней назад
How do you have a channel
@cubcos 8 дней назад
I went to Google and made an account.
@Vaille32 8 дней назад
I don’t hate this show, but neither do I love it. So far Ive found it to be pretty “meh.” *shrug*
@cubcos 8 дней назад
That's perfectly reasonable.
@VideosGalacticos 8 дней назад
Ok, a little candle destroys the whole village
@cubcos 8 дней назад
Did you not hear/see the explosion of the reactor thing? Mae obviously went and did a bit more damage OR we haven't seen everything that went down that night. More flashbacks are coming from a different point of view.
@ccam7802 7 дней назад
that's clearly not the entire story, we don't see what actually happened to the temple or the witches who weren't burnt, but dead. someone obviously killed them. star wars fans as well as getting angered and incredibly triggered by this lacklustre episode also seemed to loose basic thinking skills
@tonyf8167 8 дней назад
its modern SW... they are probably running from the all powerful spirit of manliness...
@cubcos 8 дней назад
They'll be safe around you, then
@tonyf8167 7 дней назад
@CraigPorter-sm5uj 8 дней назад
At last a balanced reviewer. I’m loving it to be honest, and genuinely can’t see what all the fuss is about. Let’s just enjoy the fact that there is new content
@VideosGalacticos 8 дней назад
"Do you like the fact that there are new episodes?" And what does more content matter if it's more shit content?
@CraigPorter-sm5uj 8 дней назад
So sorry you are this angry Hun, there’s always the off button or if too traumatised by the whole thing I would recommend counselling , toodles
@john_wolfspain 8 дней назад
Midas am I right.
@jamst123 8 дней назад
It's fucking shite. Simple.
@cubcos 8 дней назад
Yeah but you still watching
@jamst123 8 дней назад
@@cubcos am I fuck! Bag of disney shite.
@cubcos 8 дней назад
Well which is it? Are you watching it and you know its shite or are you just saying it is without watching it? Either way, kind of weird to click into a video about a show you don't watch. You seem to want to know all about it. Funny that
@jamst123 7 дней назад
@cubcos I appreciate what you're doing. It's a good thing having a crack at a youtube page etc, but let's be fair and honest.. this show is nothing but agenda laden crap. The viewership is dropping, the agenda is see through, the audience score is dropping, people don't want agenda driven, poorly written, excuses for tv shows any longer. This thing will join the trash with every other woke, anti male attempt at pushing a narrative, show that we've all had to suffer for the last 10 years. Disney star wars is dead.
@techspider9517 8 дней назад
My Reaction I Love This Episodes Now I Do Understand This Show Not For Everyone But It Not That Bad Of A Show But Over All And Happy You Kyle Star Wars Explained Star Wars Wave Squadron Gave Some Understand Of Pro And Cons
@pachecofernandojr3487 9 дней назад
I hope they build a love couple relationship
@W9HJBill 9 дней назад
How to tell me you don't know the difference between a hull breach and atmosphere escaping, thus feeding a fire during an explosion and when there is a fire in space and you can CLEARLY see the fire no where near where the gas is escaping ... without telling me you don't know the difference.
@zorrder6594 9 дней назад
Bro its a MOVIE, it's not supposed to be realistic lmao
@cubcos 9 дней назад
TV show, and I agree. That's why I'm showing a bunch of clips of the things people are mocking.
@JimmyTheGhost16 10 дней назад
People want to hate😂 and it’s funny for those hating and not remembering what Yoda said about hate.
@whitelotus1960 10 дней назад
I saw this and was done with the series. The writers obviously did take science classes.
@cubcos 9 дней назад
@spikefishnetwork1118 10 дней назад
Different fucking type of fire.
@bertkears6208 10 дней назад
It could be possible if it’s off gassing a flammable gas. It wouldn’t be a sustained burn.. but it’s possible for fire to be present in space.. what do you think a star is?
@cubcos 10 дней назад
is there any chance, considering the second half of this video, that I am making fun of the people who are having a problem with the fire in space part...
@bertkears6208 10 дней назад
Oh, well I missed that point. I took it as you saying that all those clips of the fire in space were silly too. I guess it just wasn’t very clear to me. But now that I know.. I agree with you!
@Quillyik 11 дней назад
cope lmao. As if fiery explosions are anywhere near the disbelief of watching a slow burning flame in space.
@suddenimpulse030 11 дней назад
yeah we know you folk will ignore 90% of these things with star wars and immediately laser target something else as too far or not acceptable. This goes way beyond fire or explosions but Star Wars content in general. There is zero consistency in your complaints, not unlike the arguments small children would make, and that is why no one takes you guys seriously.
@offgridRC 11 дней назад
They did it a few times but it was when a ship was being destroyed, and it was quick. The acolyte made this fire a charachter and gave it wayyyy to much screen time. That's what makes it awkward. Also it's acting like a God damn camp fire
@JimmyTheGhost16 10 дней назад
Clone Wars has Venators burning in space. But you can hate, just remember what Yoda said about it.
@offgridRC 10 дней назад
@@JimmyTheGhost16 That's what I said in my comment. They've done fire in space plenty of times. If an atmospheric gasses such as o2 are being expelled from the hull of a ship flames will be visible in space until the fuel source is out. The problem with the acolyte scene is that it looks like a campfire in my fire pit, and it's the main character in the scene. Please compare the clone wars space fires to this lame ass scene. It's a lot quicker and not as much time spent on it, because Dave Filoni had a story line that was actually good.
@icLllliIIIIlILLilLlIjigel 11 дней назад
No one on screen ever reacts to sounds in space. Only the audience has their ears everywhere. Also, there is an orchestra playing, but we are on a POV in space, how can we hear this? This never bothered onlookers. This is, where the difference is: characters on screen should behave to things that are there. Virtual camera and virtual hearing are for the audience's sake.
@chasonsnotes 11 дней назад
It looks cool 🤣
@ezgames6925 12 дней назад
I think if people want to criticize a fire existing in space, it would make more sense if it was to criticize how scientifically illogical the whole franchise has been, not just this show. Nothing I’ve seen from this new show has been as ridiculous as the time the millennium falcon landed inside a giant worm, that not only had walkable surfaces and gravity on an asteroid, but was somehow able to walk outside the ship without spacesuits on. Also even as I type that, I realize having a lifeform on an astroid with no atmosphere in space is more ridiculous than a fire in space.
@CTFlyer7 12 дней назад
All the clips you used have a venting oxygen source.
@ezgames6925 12 дней назад
Didn’t Phantom Menace have a scene with a similar fire as the one in the show? It’s not like that scene was insignificant either, that was R2D2’s origin.
@cubcos 12 дней назад
Yeah that's the point. The ship in the Acolyte is also venting something (oxygen, fuel, gas etc)
@Zettifar 12 дней назад
Mate this is insane!!!!! Amanda seems incredibly talented
@cubcos 12 дней назад
She is great. I hope they release this full track.
@Martyisruling 12 дней назад
You will literally defend ANYTHING to maintain your SHILL credibility. This wasn't the primary complaint. People will tolerate breaking of physics in small doses and if it makes a moment or scene SPECTACULAR. But a slow lingering casual camp like fire in space looks stupid. At least make it look cool. The other scenes were in an ACTION sequence. There were several things on screen at that moment, and those breaks conveyed destruction. Of course you want to dumb the criticisms down. Enjoy your new Star Wars. It's all yours.
@cubcos 12 дней назад
Cheers, mate, I will enjoy it. Hope to not see you again!
@suddenimpulse030 11 дней назад
yeah we know you folk will ignore 90% of these things with star wars and immediately laser target something else as too far or not acceptable. This goes way beyond fire or explosions but Star Wars content in general. There is zero consistency in your complaints, not unlike the arguments small children would make, and that is why no one takes you guys seriously.
@Darkest209 13 дней назад
Oh... one other thing. Trek uses Light Speed. Star Wars doesn't use Light speed they use Hyperspace. Hyperspace travel in FTL because you're not traveling through Normal Space. You enter Subspace. Travel between planets becomes days or weeks or months... Instead of millions of years. When the Falcon's HyperDrive fails in Empire. Han uses his Back Drive to Hop to Bespin. That trip took weeks. They just didn't show it. Otherwise, the Trip would have taken 50,000 years at the speed of light. it's like 17 parsecs between Bespin and Hoth or 50,000 light years.
@Darkest209 13 дней назад
The examples you used are incorrect. You showed plasma, thinking it was fire. It's like confusing the flames on the sun for Fire. If a Ship bursts into flames in space it means the shielding is down and plasma is leaking which means the ship goes boom and everyone is dead. The reason no one bursts into flames and dies in the room when some nut lights a saber... it's because it is the shielding that refocuses the heat into the blade. No shielding on the blade and you don't need to swing the blade to hit someone. You're dead they're dead, anyone nearby is Dead when you turn the Fucking this on.{{ Why anyone not in a CULT would want to use a plasma sword is beyond me. The Jedi do it because the Cult fucks are crazy.}} That shit burning on the acolyte ship was clearly a fire in space. If it was plasma the ship would be engulfed killing the fools walking on the ship. This stuff is mentions in some of the books and games if you dig a little. Just google what a lightsaber is. They all say...Plasma. They just never go into details for the freaks like me that want to know this shit. Like TV SHOW RUNNERS. Every wonder why TREK was so much into the DETAILS... BECAUSE Fans want them to know the Details and Use them! This means the Laser weapons are also not Lasers... They are plasma weapons. You get hit by one and it's like a Star Trek weapons... Set on a Billion. It's the reason why a 40K Guardsman's plasma weapon overheats... He DIES! But he's not killed by Fuckin' Fire... It's a Plasma weapon... FIRE has nothing to do with it.
@MariMari-mz8mp 13 дней назад
yea they have done it before, and it was always very stupid.
@suddenimpulse030 11 дней назад
ok cool, go cry about it some more
@Mr.Bimbpleton 13 дней назад
What if its the oxygen tanks hit?
@theonesithtorulethemall 13 дней назад
1. it’s does not make the fire in space any better thou 2. only 2 scenes where actual fire in space the others where expulsions, something totally possible 3. there can be oversights, this is a major plot point
@SaucyAlfredo 13 дней назад
Rocket exhaust is just fire in space. All the ships on fire can be explained by a liquid hydrogen coolant mixing with heat and an oxygen line. The acolyte fire has neither explanation
@johnpajestka5022 13 дней назад
This is proof all men have left Star Wars. The showrunners have no idea how fire works and the fans are attempting to womansplain how fire works.
@cubcos 12 дней назад
I've read a lot of dumb comments in my time but yours is certainly one of the dumbest
@johnpajestka5022 12 дней назад
​@@cubcosThank you ma'am.
@jaegerbomb269 13 дней назад
You're defending Acolyte? You got bad taste.
@cubcos 12 дней назад
oh no. how ever will I recover from this, the sickest of burns.
@vermas4654 13 дней назад
Of all the things to complain about, fire in space in star wars is not a criticism thats valid
@cubcos 13 дней назад
@AlexDeBrema 13 дней назад
thank you <3
@Zikk0_o 13 дней назад
I can forgive the ignorance of the past. I won't accept the laziness of today.
@ezgames6925 12 дней назад
Calling what Star Wars did in the past as “ignorance” is some genuine cope. It was lazy back then too.
@Zikk0_o 12 дней назад
@@ezgames6925 Tell me you know nothing of history without telling me you know nothing of history.
@grahamhill676 13 дней назад
The fire in the space battles I imagine is the oxygen and fuel being burned up. People are silly when they say there's no fire in space. Explosions are the same. If fuel & oxygen is present then fire can burn, but violently and not very long. HOWEVER, the fire in Acolyte seems to be running steady and for a long time. It looks like a campfire, not oxygen being burned up quickly and aggressively like the others. Fires aboard ships are a death sentence because the whole ship is made of pressurized gas. The fire look or behave like that, it just looks stupid.
@Latinum-Tortoise 13 дней назад
I 100% agree, it's not that fire that's the problem, it's the state of the fire, it's not a blazing inferno it's just a standing fire
@suddenimpulse030 11 дней назад
and...90% of people don't care.
@LoveShaysloco 9 дней назад
exactly till the o2 or fuel which ever is burned up first it will keep going
@tamashorvath224 13 дней назад
In Clone Wars the Malevolence travels in deep space on fire.
@cubcos 13 дней назад
I had so many more clips to add but youtube shorts only allow 60 seconds sadly. I had so many Clone Wars ones.
@lee-grolierfamily9254 14 дней назад
Jedi sentinels use yellow lightsabers. Jedi guardians use blue. Consular use green and other colors are in canon besides mace windu
@327tharethebest3 14 дней назад
i was about to rant about how many times there has been fire in space in the movies shows etc
@impureerik9973 14 дней назад
You got me. Can't even lie, I completely fell for this.