@veli-pekkakultanen2353 7 месяцев назад
Olin tuolla, paras festari ikinä. Se oli kuule Raw Power!!!!!
@veli-pekkakultanen2353 Год назад
Love this Gif. Best concert ever.
@veli-pekkakultanen2353 Год назад
Katoppakö olin tuolla.
@veli-pekkakultanen2353 Год назад
Ätänä, on Raw Power hyvä. I was there. After the storm whole concert was mayhem.
@veli-pekkakultanen2353 Год назад
One of the greatest gigs I've been to.
@jtorst3789 2 года назад
Poistha jolophi thama! Parkeleen poronpurijat!!
@suomilaava371 3 года назад
:D Juuh
@ronaldostuart8142 9 лет назад
Esta musica pertence simplesmente ao melhor disco de rock de todos os tempos...
@SethLafontaine 10 лет назад
Oh man, Sid really did suck at bass.
@kvp4862 11 лет назад
Thanks mate! There will never be another Sex Pistols. Keep rocking!!!
@valentinchpn8874 11 лет назад
like 50 year grandfather. like
@kvp4862 11 лет назад
Fucking brilliant!!!! I'm a 50 year old grandad, but I was right back there in 1977. Love it!!!!
Wasn’t this they’re last show?
@kvp4862 Год назад
@@SICARIOXDGO - I think it was.
@HighestFighter 11 лет назад
They are so cool! Especially, Sid and Johnny are!! This video is so exciting!!!
@barrymendonca 11 лет назад
Sid's bass sounds a lot, watch at the beggining
@NnietBrovdiGV 12 лет назад
@cliffvicious6337 12 лет назад
did sid play?
@porfidox 12 лет назад
i have just read 12 days with the sex pistols tour book !!!
@akashalovelight 12 лет назад
I was backstage at this one too and it was seriously FUN!
@yeowrock 12 лет назад
God, they play horribly, but it's si fucking awesome x)
@maruawatea 12 лет назад
i bet the queen hates the sex pistols X D
@heroesandcons09 12 лет назад
Man what a sad story bout sid fucking nancy getting him on the shit in the first place he was a bomb but he detonated pre-maturely
@bertoide1 12 лет назад
@xHostXg Sid never had lessons... he sucked XD
@tanpiltanpil 12 лет назад
Poor old Sid should have been lead singer in another band. He starts off fine on the bass but clearly gets bored. He should have asked Wobble to form a band.That would have changed the history a bit!!!.
@machbaby 13 лет назад
Wow, the levels on Steve's guitar are way too low.
@taguhiification 13 лет назад
we mean it maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!
@Izaak247 13 лет назад
@drumsaregood. 13 лет назад
thumbs up if you noticed when the bass drum stopped sounding!
@mharrin5507 13 лет назад
Combat rock at its finest. Too bad the rest of this show got taken down.
@THEMASAYA11 13 лет назад
@robbiebryant 13 лет назад
it's all good to like Sid, he got the bad end of the deal, but his time is quite off from the rest of the band
@KarolMamot 13 лет назад
Stage destroyed, no electricity, most of microphones, only few line-in available. And He performs. This is respect for the fans! Iggy Pop is Great.
@veli-pekkakultanen2353 Год назад
Been there. One of the best performances I have ever seen and heard.
@veli-pekkakultanen2353 Год назад
He is the best performer ever.
@MrPalomita23 13 лет назад
@Metal4you100 13 лет назад
No Sid Vicious - No Sex Pistols
@stinaldinho 13 лет назад
@theRavenTrue I know, I'm like learning on how to scream right now ^-^ I've had a punkrock band for a few years but I'd like to try something new ^-^ You can always look back on things, great things but you may never forget that you could mean the same thing for someone over a few years. If only you work hard enough and have fun in it ^-^
@TheJayman213 13 лет назад
hey you! yeah, at the mixing board! TURN UP THE FUCKING GUITAR!!!
@jhendrix7911 13 лет назад
i want more!!!!!!
@stinaldinho 13 лет назад
@theRavenTrue i'm not gonna discuss this 'cause i didn't have the honor to live in that time ;( x) all I can do is read the stories 'bout it and listen to the songs, punk has changed a lot since then.
@dQminQ 13 лет назад
*oink oink oink* SAATANAN VILLISIAT! *bäng*
@TheSuppilo 13 лет назад
8-14 on ES-jonne ja 15-18 on Teini-jonne
@stinaldinho 13 лет назад
@Reaper386 search for the documentary about sid ;) sid couldn't play though vengeance is right, it wouldn't been the same without him
@Reaper386 13 лет назад
how is there bass in this song when sid couldn't even play the bass?
@zakke72 14 лет назад
Ten points to Iggy, he has guts!
@kissclassics 14 лет назад
Raw Power of IGGY !!!
@Patsix76 14 лет назад
Iggy Pelasti paljon
@madwithpower62 14 лет назад
I agree, ToaJoe. From what I've read, my expectations of Sid's playing has been rock bottom until seeing this. I guess he had the perfect chemistry flowing thru his veins on this evening. Perfect Punk!
@blixtenmusik 14 лет назад
@smeagma no sid. or simon ritchie/john beverly. either way you wanna go
@ThePunkdude4life 14 лет назад
@Aret1c no shit
@belliose 14 лет назад
@felipemejiaherrera Amen, brother.
@hammondleel94 14 лет назад
they need 2 turn sids fuckin bass down, hes all fucked up
@smeagma 14 лет назад
sid was all smacked up. SPOTs, Sex Pistols On Tour