Crispy's Tavern: DnD Tips and Stories
Crispy's Tavern: DnD Tips and Stories
Crispy's Tavern: DnD Tips and Stories
Simple tavern keeper making his way through the universe and talking about D&D.

Monday: RPG Horror Stories
Wednesday: Tavern Adjacent / Q&Play / Tabletop Tavern Tips
Friday: RPG Horror Stories

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Crispy's Happiness
21 день назад
@skadi6750 47 минут назад
To the title story...thats what being a woman in the world sadly is. Thats what makes us nervous, distrustful, what makes us often avoid male-dominated places. Its not because men are better at it. Its not that women would not want to do it. Its because of the treatment. Its never all men. its even far from most men. But its still too many. And the ones who are the problem are rarely aware they are the problem. And they will fight you to the death that they are not the problem.
@akun50 51 минуту назад
Saddest part of Story 2 is that I could see Session 0 being used in a not-so-serious campaign as a magical DMV for character creation and laying rules, and at the end of it, the team is assigned to each other and a basic task to start the adventure, with various personnel from the DMV showing up as NPCs to help out the party, applying multi-classing, etc., each with varying levels of helpfulness.
@Thegenderfluiddinosaur Час назад
I've played two characters at the same time and it worked okay kinda awkward but it worked okay
@HedgieDaUmbrehog Час назад
... Im buying the armor, the ships, the emotes, all of it tomorrow... even for the classes I dont run... I am ashamed of myself, truly...
@grumpygoosegg3514 Час назад
Not me saying I don’t do session zeros because I just want more the “Wasted” effects in Crispy videos lol
@user-sf1pv9om4j 2 часа назад
I laughed so hard at the rant at the end of the video about the seven hour sessions. Because I was like damn yeah that's sooo long... then I realised our group (5 players 1 DM) plays round about 2 times a month something like 7-10 hour (sometimes even more) sessions in an on going campaign 😂 If someone can't come we will play one shots (mostly in the absolut fantastic Homebrew world of our DM, she is absolutely amazing!)
@LiracyonLeague 2 часа назад
Druid and Rogue beating Paladin Cleric tells me this entire story is nonsense lol.
@JPG.01 3 часа назад
I think I have an answer for the BG3 vs. Cyberpunk question on sidequests. In BG3 the sidequests aren't just sidequests, most of them link back to the main quest in some way. And even those that don't have proper closure. Like Grymforge, the whole sidequest with the forge doesn't really have to do with the main quest, yet it ends with a cool boss fight and really nice gear. The Ethel sidequest starts out with her offering help with the main problem of act 1. The... unwelcome insertion in the ocular region as Gale said it. Something that quite heavily weighs on all the main characters' minds. Literally and figuratively. But it's just a coincidence that she is doing business in the region as she lives nearby. The world feels lived in because everybody has their own agenda. Why I mention Ethel specifically is because there is that scene with Mayrina's brothers. Your party offers to help them, yet they refuse your help and try to save her themselves which leads to a violent end of their story. A nice subversion of expectations as in an Elder scrolls game for example those two would have stood around until you returned. NPCs you meet aren't just props for a videogame, just disposable quest dispensers. In the narrative you it's just a coincidence that your paths converge temporarily, you meet people with their own lifes and stories. The more sidequests you do in BG3, the more complete the main story of the game feels. Which by the end comes together in the final fight in the way that you receive help from all the people you have helped on your travels. While other open world games like Skyrim and Cyberpunk treat sidequests differently. There sidequests are just "content". Something to do, aside from the main story. Content islands they may be called.
@ravenartistofficial 4 часа назад
The death note reference sent me into a coma, while simultaneously awakening me through hilarity!! Love it when you make cool references like this.
@seraphilight 5 часов назад
...You don't just Demon in WoD canon lore. As far as I know that's not how they work.
@hannahnohlgren989 6 часов назад
So... Uh. Mothebee! Did I get that right?😅
@devoteeofmediocrity821 7 часов назад
Not even gonna to watch the video. The answer is to play them like you would any heterosexual character, but they like their sex. End of story. You’re welcome.
@Obstreperous_Octopus 8 часов назад
Here's my take on "edgy" or "badass" characters: I had a character once: he was a tiefling fighter with an over-sized greatsword, and he was a certifiable badass. BUT when you make a character like that, you have to make sure the people at the table don't think that YOU take your character too seriously. So even though my tiefling was tough and kicked ass and took himself very seriously, I let him be the butt of the joke on several occasions. There's a thing on the internet called "the Howl ratio" (in reference to Howl's Moving Castle), which states that for every 3 or 4 scenes of being cool and impressive, they should have a scene of being vulnerable, pathetic, etc. I think that the problem with edgy characters isn't that they're edgy, it's that the player takes them too seriously-- as if everyone at the table is supposed to be impressed because you selected drow, rogue, and neutral-evil from the list of options available to you.
@HeraldofHelios 8 часов назад
I’d say Tharzidun is the ultimate BBEG in D&D. He was imprisoned by all the good and evil gods after he created the Abyss with the Shard of Elemental Evil
@suziwolf4830 9 часов назад
"Critical Role is for D&D what porn is for sex: don't let professionals skew your expectations of what the real thing is like." - All Things D&D
@TigerKirby215 9 часов назад
"Oh hey Twitter notification" he he dat wuz me
@thekenyonsquad5672 9 часов назад
I think the biggest baddest evil guy would be Strahd. his name is on one of the most popular campaign books in D&D 5E and everyone talks about it.
@sophiescott143 9 часов назад
As a player, with one notable exception, all characters I've ever run have been queer. Mostly bisexual or lesbian. Some intersex girls. As a GM of course the question is kind of incoherent lol
@elizaquinn06 10 часов назад
So mote it be or not to be that is the question
@The50thCanadianKiwi 10 часов назад
here is how i would do the whole losing emotion things from being brought back. I would let the players choose something of there character to half lost. so rather there emotions out right it could be there honor or there courage or what ever. in this why the player agency is never really taken away since its up to the player to choose what they have lost.
@jordanhunter3375 11 часов назад
Honest talk. Until recently, I always misunderstood the "Theyre the same picture" meme to represent someone who, due to some deeply-rooted bias or ignorance or what have you, is unable to tell the difference between two distinct topics, even when told there is one.
@jordanhunter3375 11 часов назад
16:00 Or mayhaps Ex told Host a sercet that she made him vow to keep, and he not only broke that promise, not only told it to people that had *NO* business knowing it, but told it disrespectfully and nonchalantly
@angiep2229 11 часов назад
I used to pre-plan my characters' orientations, but I gave up. I've created a character to be a lesbian only to feel like it didn't work. I created a character who had a boyfriend, but found myself really feeling like she had a thing for warrior women. I have played one character who was ace. I have a bard who is demi (not specifically planned but it makes sense for the character), who might be into the paladin in our group. We're both tiefling women. So I just kind of see what feels right as I start playing the character. Planning it in advance just leads to me feeling like I'm trying to force the character to be something that isn't right for them.
@rachelmerrill6881 10 часов назад
This lol. I always say “I don’t choose my characters’ orientations, they tell me what they are.”
@IronLordEXO 11 часов назад
I have a bit of a story to share, some might think it a horror story, but I don't think it's long or loaded enough to warrant a full ass submission, and it is somewhat relevant to some of the topics discussed on this video. Here goes: My barbarian, whom I have talked about on this channel previously in a story I submitted, is asexual. It's never come up or been relevant to any session in any way (and good thing too because I don't wanna make it his entire identity) until one in a bathhouse scene where he got some snarky remarks about how "oddly comfortable" he seems to be around female PCs/NPCs (real OOC words from one of our players, I wish I was making it up), and I said "well, he's asexual and even if he wasn't, sexual orientation has nothing to do with common decency". The response I got was "asexual? Sounds like a coping mechanism because who would wanna sleep with a minotaur?" The crazy thing is I'm not even asexual irl, I'm heterosexual and in a relationship. But something about that comment really bothered me, like is that how a lot of people see ace folk? Cuz that's kinda messed up 😐
@noyoquese.. 11 часов назад
@LizBlizzard 12 часов назад
I'm ace lesbian irl, and all of my PCs have been lesbians so far, although I flip-flop between making them ace vs allo depending on the vibes they give off to me as I'm crafting their personality and backstory. I have no trouble making straight, bi, pan, aro, and etc NPCs when I GM, but when I'm going to stick with just one character for months or maybe even years if scheduling allows, I do have a preference for making characters who I can connect with on a deeper level. With that said, unless I specifically state my PCs are lesbian, there's no overt signs. It's not like I give my Paladins flannel shirts and an undercut lol The same kinda happens irl with my aceness. Even my girlfriend, who is very much allo, only remembers of "oh, right, you're ace" when she shows me the pic of a girl in skimpy clothing and goes "omg, she's so hot" and I reply with "her face is very cute :3" because I'm sex-positive enough she doesn't notice anything amiss in day-to-day life lol I do think there's a very real place for coming-out stories, disaster lesbians, characters who are still exploring their sexuality, and etc...but I do tend to view them more favorably when the author is queer themselves. There's nothing inherently wrong with a straight author writing those kind of characters, it can resonate very well with a queer audience, but there's *also* a lot of space in the market for more "normal, but not straight" characters, which I feel like non-queer authors might be able to pull off more reliably.
@trublgrl 12 часов назад
"Melting the cheese" is very intimate. If you wake up together, you make pancakes, if you had a quickie in the afternoon, you grill him up a cheese.
@LizBlizzard 13 часов назад
Answering before watching the video: make a character, same exact process as you would make any other character. Now give them a non-straight situationship, either current or in their past. Done. You made a queer character. Queer people are just normal people who don't happen to be straight. Any attempts to emphasize how queer we are will either A) not need to be taught since the author is already queer, or B) probably come off as theme-parky if the author has no queer experience themselves. So my advice is "less is more."
@bloodybutterflygaming1242 13 часов назад
My DM doesn't enforce any permanent injury stuff unless it's something that happens in RP rather than combat, but there have been two times I *elected* to take ones. The first was when my Hexblade stabbed a spy who had just pulled the cyanide pill trick so that instead of going out in his own terms he would die by her blade and thus his soul was reaped for her Patron. He spit the acid into her face, and I elected to have that leave a permanent scar on her face. The second was when my Monk/barbarian took a swing in her rival NPC and was hit with an upcast Hellish Rebuke as a result. I elected to have the flames leave a permanent burn scar up her arm.
@ultrakitten674 14 часов назад
one of my players in my pathfinder game is playing a Fetchling(Changeling heritage) Rogue with the Shadowdancer archetype.. she is not an edge lord at all.. she is more like a naïve and bubbly creepy girl, She was raised by her Hag mother and has some.. strange quirks. She sometimes doesn't quite understand why people thinks she is a weirdo and personally I am loving the character! I think there are a lot of ways to subvert the idea of a certain combo coming off as an edge lord.
@IronLordEXO 11 часов назад
Clive Rosfield from FF16 is someone who comes to mind when I think that a character can be edgy and look edgy without actually being an edgelord
@DnDAddictUK 14 часов назад
As a bisexual female, most of my characters are bi, but I am currently playing an aro/ace bard character as a way to break the class stereotype. I also played a non-binary barbarian, and a bisexual male Harengon. I like to explore all aspects of other lives and other experiences through my characters.
@darkspartan119 14 часов назад
Destiny 2 is just a fashion show with space magic and guns.......and that's why we love it.
@williammyers4997 14 часов назад
Paladins are the ultimate “Karen” class with the general view from popular culture making them “white knights”/“knights in shining armor” which any “Karen” would jump at the chance to be as they appeal to heir innate need for “sic”-ing a higher authority figure on anyone who disagrees with their worldview or questions their perceived authority. (In short they have the moral high ground, a likely good amount of influence among the npcs due to having a position among the clergy, and the ability to send the divine’s wrath upon their opponents.)
@aequoreavicq 14 часов назад
5:00 if you want a dnd podcast with great sound design the the JRWI (just roll with it) short campaigns of The Suckening (vampire the maskerade)and Blood in the Bayou (call of cathulu) are great! Especially the VtM campaign. Their main campaign Riptide has some great music sound design, even original songs later on too.
@trublgrl 14 часов назад
Your katana is historically inaccurate.
@Puzzles-Pins 14 часов назад
Half the reason I clicked was the fact you were playing Hades 2.
@VI_VA. 15 часов назад
AAAAH you answered my question!! 🥹🥹 i loved these answers! And what a curious way to play the Nat1/Nat20 👀 so mote it be!!! Just reached the end 😂
@hannahbennett253 15 часов назад
The destiny cross over armor is cool but I also probably won’t buy it. I was disappointed that the Hunter armor doesn’t feel equal to the other two. Like a displaced beast just isn’t on par with a mind layer or a fucking gold dragon. And I’m a hunter main.
@IdiotinGlans 16 часов назад
The biggest villain for me is Tharizdun, mostly because Vecna actually helps keeping him in check. You know a guy is bad when guy put out as a main villain is scared of him.
@williamzinedineh 16 часов назад
Why are we using Hades 2 gameplay? i don't want to be spoiled so i haven't looked at it yet. waiting for full release :(
@hayhay509 16 часов назад
god hearing dice camera action and knights of evening star, those were so fun. did you ever give nate's "dark and dicey" a try? it was very goofy.
@TheMightyBattleSquid 16 часов назад
A not-weird queer character? Isn't that an oxymoron? (Is joke about the old definition of queer, not homophobia lol)
@alexlabelle3049 17 часов назад
Oh man, that pots story. I have multiple overlapping conditions that can cause seizures and epileptic fits, and I cannot COUNT the number of times I as a DM have been right in the middle of a big combat or scene and woken up on the floor. Thankfully everyone in my group is some flavor of disabled and we had a long talk during session zero about the possible realities of having a DM with catastrophic brain+nervous system damage, but man. MAN. I sympathize completely.
@foolycoolytheband 17 часов назад
Oh god, dice camera action. Really miss that show, really wish things had ended up differently
@LyrinaeSings 17 часов назад
SO MOTE IT BE!!! I was very excited to see you playing Hades 2!! Glad you're enjoying it :)
@jondawson7911 17 часов назад
Me currently playing a Bi Eladrin as a straight guy: 😐 But in seriousness it's not a major part of her character unless delving into her history. She has an ex boyfriend who she's still on good terms with but currently has a crush on a Dryad in the Seelie court, who was fond of her music.
@lanfae9353 13 часов назад
Sounds fun! I think it's awesome to have a variety of characters, and your character sounds cool. Approval from strangers on the internet isn't worth much, but for what little it is worth, you have my stamp of approval as a bi person
@bagredecartola1289 17 часов назад
I mean, just make a interesting character that happens to be queer, should be easy right?
@rommdan2716 17 часов назад
I mean yeah, but then never comes out in the story and you wonder why you did it
@bagredecartola1289 16 часов назад
@@rommdan2716 what kind of d&d campaign it is is this where there is never casual talk between characters where the topic of romance and relationships never comes up?
@-Mushroom_Kid- 15 часов назад
@@rommdan2716you underestimate how horny D&D players are. There’s literally a sex speedrun in bg3
@Thrythlind 17 часов назад
Some illusions do have some level of physical reality, but yeah, D&D doesn't have MANY options like that. On 2d VTT there's often a number attached to tokens that usually defaults to 0... and filling that in is usually where altitude can be marked.
@tomatowhale414 17 часов назад
The answer is you don't make it their primary and defining character trait
@donniejefferson9554 10 часов назад
Exactly. Play them exactly how you'd play a character who isn't lgbt until there is a reason to mention otherwise. If you want to play an asexual character, just play them doing normal advrnture stuff and then on the off chance someone is hitting on them, just say "No thanks. Not really in to that."
@BenGTheSun 6 часов назад
Yes, if you can't describe the character without mentioning that they are gay/bi or whatever, then you probably messed up.
@user-pi8pi3wj7h 4 часа назад
Unless the defining trait is "romantic" or "flirt". Something like scanlan from critical role. Then you can have their sexuality play more of a role in how they interact with others. But that takes skill and understanding consent
@nardopolo7407 18 часов назад
i can tolerate the mariah carey song....but simply having...nah never again noteeven once.