Dr. Steven Hassan - Cult Expert
Dr. Steven Hassan - Cult Expert
Dr. Steven Hassan - Cult Expert
Steven Hassan, PhD, is one of the leading experts on cults and undue influence in the world and the director of the Freedom of Mind Resource Center. A former member of the right-wing Moonie cult, Hassan was deprogrammed 45 years ago and has dedicated his life to helping people out of cults and destructive situations. Dr. Hassan is a licensed mental health professional and has written four books, including The Cult of Trump and the seminal book Combating Cult Mind Control. For over forty years, Dr. Hassan has helped thousands of individuals and families recover from mind control. Dr. Hassan is one of the foremost authorities on undue influence and the creator of The BITE Model and the Influence Continuum. We believe everyone deserves the right to live their life free from undue influence and to discover their own way to the truth.
@Bellaquesta1970 День назад
Salve, scrivo dall’Italia: conosce il tragico omicidio di PIERINA PAGANELLI? È curioso come la Watchtower stia cercando di sfruttare questo tragico evento per ergersi a vittima di odio religioso. Questo atteggiamento sembra mirato a distogliere l’attenzione dalle pratiche discutibili dell’organizzazione, come l’ostracismo e il divieto delle trasfusioni di sangue, senza tralasciare le numerosissime cause di pedofilia, che continuano a causare sofferenza e morte tra i suoi membri. È per questo che, in tutto il mondo sta perdendo velocemente terreno e…finanziamenti. Ricorrere o insinuare che l’organizzazione è vittima di odio religioso anche in questa vicenda è come nascondere un elefante dietro un dito. Ultimamente hanno anche fatto concessioni agli adepti: gli uomini possono portare la tanto sognata barba e le donne i tanto sognati pantaloni, anche durante la predicazione. Sono dei piccoli contentini che servono a buttare un po’ di fumo negli occhi degli ingenui, giusto per far sembrare che qualcosa stia cambiando.
@marief3007 День назад
Life saving video! Thank you! ❤❤
@jodydavison33 День назад
So it was only $75,000 cost to the APA? Compare that cost to what real life consequences are already raining down upon this country.
@ajpisharodi День назад
If they were really "speaking in ancient tongues" they would spund like they're, well, speaking. Just in a different unknown language. They wouldnt sound like theyre making turkey noises.
@bryanando5492 День назад
Would have liked to hear more about the dynamics involved in trafficking such as the subjective perspective of coerced "choice" or something similar. I wonder if she has social psychologists in her organization working with and informing case managers. 🤔
@FreeSpeechblacklistedsmeared 2 дня назад
"Tell me what you need to help yourself live you're best life " Bull.They wanted to know to make sure I didn't get what I needed. Cancel culture doesn't belong in healthcare let alone socialist drs,therapists,SW's who cancel patients
@MichaeldeSousaCruz 2 дня назад
Millennials aren’t donating because they don’t have the funds that Boomers have. Boomers have a net financial wealth 10 times that of Millennials. A majority of Millennials are just scraping buy, living paycheck to paycheck. You’ve got to get in the market to increase your wealth passively, and you need to vote in Democratic Party candidates who will spend brand new federal dollars, public money, on public goods and services so those funds will eventually make it into our Millennial pockets.
@darkhorse7460 2 дня назад
Like someone else said that would only embolden their side and wouldn't successfully destroy their ideology. Meanwhile Biden has stepped down... Hope you address the current situation soon, Steve!
@cindiloowhoo1166 2 дня назад
Per the Global Population Demographics, approximately 121 BILLION souls have walked this planet since the Dawn of Time.... That's a lot of "books" to go thru, eh? Why would an Omniscient God need to count anything? If He did, why not a supercomputer, instead of angels holding quills in ledger books, especially since angels are not supposed to have bodily forms?!?
@cindiloowhoo1166 2 дня назад
In Adventism, calling someone a "Jesuit" is the equivalent of calling one the most vile cuss word in today's urban dictionary...
@cindiloowhoo1166 2 дня назад
"The Older Generations" are looking back with more wisdom and education, and wondering, what the FluFF did I let them do to me, and exiting, with Bibles in hand, EGW books in garbage bags...
@cindiloowhoo1166 2 дня назад
The Little Flock was instructed to sell everything and give the proceeds to "The Cause/Church," i.e. Ellen G White.
@globalheartwarming 2 дня назад
Thank you for your work and your book, which I've read and listened to. I recommend people read Steven Hassan, _The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control_ Mary L. Trump, _Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man_ Alice Miller, _For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence_ (entire text available free online)
@FunkyMunky-w2m 2 дня назад
I'm glad you're speaking against it. As we know from the Bible, God is a loving and righteous Judge. He has a sovereign will that is ultimately for the best even if it's hard at the time. I always rejoice over His protection, both in my life and others. And I accept when He deemed it time for the end of someone's life. Job 14:5 "Since his days are determined, The number of his months is with You; You have appointed his limits, so that he cannot pass." God has kept our lives for a reason, He kept your life and body in the car accident that saved you from an evil cult💙 And He has kept Trump alive for a reason as well.
@MaryWallace-wv2bn 2 дня назад
XJdumb here. Thank you !
@MamaAng323 3 дня назад
This was a really wonderful collaboration. Thank you for both for sharing!
@MoureeneTaylor 5 дней назад
JW "new light" is a strobe light. It's purpose is to confuse and cause self-doubt
@Rick_Alden 5 дней назад
Spot on, Steven
@Plasmafox 5 дней назад
5:40 Objects don't have free will. Screens don't cause these problems, bits don't cause these problems- it's mainly advertising companies creating these problems on purpose for money and if you punished them it would stop! But we're more receptive of the idea of stunting our children's ability to seize these new, powerful technologies than holding the people misusing them accountable.
@michelejashinsky8409 6 дней назад
JWs destroy all their old literature….hmmmmm 🤔
@user-bi5op9bu9d 6 дней назад
I have to say how incredibly arrogant and presumptuous to tell somebody what terminology they oughta use from their experiences. Hassan might be helpful in areas, but he comes across as a very arrogant horse’s Hind end . He can just respect other people and how they feel about things and allow them to use the terminology that they feel applies best. It is their experience, not his. And a guy who fell for the Moonies and needed rescuing himself should know better.
@Plasmafox 6 дней назад
The #1 thing driving radicalization is denial of empathy. The #2 thing driving radicalization is social alienation. The #3 thing driving radicalization is exposure to opposite-polarity extremism.
@Plasmafox 6 дней назад
We have already spent 8 years listening to increasingly extremist rhetoric. Screaming and wailing in the streets, vitriol and sadism in the media, no regard for reality at all just whipping up extreme negative emotions towards him and anyone who doesn't vote Blue- or votes for the "wrong" Red. Accusing him of raping his kids! Making an AI video of his father attacking him. Putting a fake picture of someone holding a decapitated head on magazine covers. Everyone who participated in that culture of deranged hatred is complicit in this act of terrorism.
@Rick_Alden 6 дней назад
Hi Steven, I appreciate your scientific work and wonder if you would enjoy some friendly 'push-back' on some of your arguments about Jehovah's witnesses. I'm 71, baptized a JW at 16, attended Bethel at 19. Maybe I'd be considered a POMI because thoughts about the organization have never left me even though inactive for many years.
@kawehionalani 6 дней назад
As of July 2024, on the JW Broadcasting they’re teaching them how to critically think by being aware of apostate videos like these. They speak so infantile, it’s creepy.
@margielogman1355 6 дней назад
Thank you. I needed to hear this.
@zerobar777 6 дней назад
I’m almost finished with the book. I appreciate the history presented. I grieve for the many good folks who surround me and are supporters of Trump in spite of their own values and beliefs.
@rodneymcgough9456 6 дней назад
At the twelve tribes cult, they actually demonize victims. They have all this deep understanding and revelation of the "victim spirit", so when you are victimized you will despise whatever critical thought that would come to you about the villain. They have no revelation or vigilance against a villain spirit. Wonder why.?? I guess they're okay with those guys. They see all righteous indignation about injustice as coming from demons. They don't see that the injustice committed by leaders is coming from demons, its only the emotional reaction by the victim about the level of betrayal that they think is demonic. I confront them with the fact God was indignant about injustice, and they don't respond accept to tell me I have no right to quote the scriptures.
@thunderbird3694 7 дней назад
Great presentation!
@ericl5512 7 дней назад
Thank you for sharing your thoughts
@happyhippie2853 7 дней назад
Thank you!
@Libbyerality 7 дней назад
Thank you, Steven.
@hellwiw9150 7 дней назад
Good Job Steven as always. I really like to listen your wishdom.
7 дней назад
There are some who think it was staged because of the discrepancies between the comments and recorded events from people who were there and what the official comments and actions were. Indeed, the foreign news outlets seem to be more on the ball regarding reporting. I kind of think it was staged. He telegraphed his location, he didn't react in a normal manner consistent which his character, he departed from the script and his Secret Service men had to remind him what to do, and he departed from the script in not staying sheltered behind his people as he would have been trained to do when he first received Secret Service protection. And that waved fist? That seemed like a planned reaction. I could be wrong. I hope I am because that would mean that a vulnerable young man was exploited to his death.
@LaPiedra-ok7rl 7 дней назад
Yo,,,Steven go fishing or hunting politics are not 4 you ,,plzzzzzzzzzzzz
@hellwiw9150 7 дней назад
why you write like russian?
@Morna777 7 дней назад
He's a cult expert. Trumpism is a cult.
@LaPiedra-ok7rl 7 дней назад
Steven if you have PH, degree , you will know that this even was poorly pre-stage by SS,,, it was a joke , stop that nonsense plzzzzzzzzzzzz. You will know that bin Laden couldn't flay 5 plains in the same time , and so on,,,
@calinasagilitypartner4444 7 дней назад
Alex Jones was talking about this scenario 5 months ago!
@cma4127 7 дней назад
His horde has been talking about this for years now. Predictive programming.
@gregnietsky 7 дней назад
Here I thought he just got a ear piercing.... It's been big news here in South Africa
@Jerry-hq5yy 8 дней назад
To clarify: I’m a Holy Ghost filled believer myself and speak in tongues nearly every day. Thank you Lord
@Jerry-hq5yy 8 дней назад
Sounds like mocking the Holy Spirit to me.
@XY-rh3if 8 дней назад
The fact that the western world, led by the i🇺🇸 labeled Mandala, Malcolm X, Luther King, Hamas, and BLM terrorists, doesn't necessarily mean that they are terrorist. It's like a bank robber labelling the bank cashier a thief, just to make himself feel better or deflect attention away from the real bad guy
@bryanando5492 8 дней назад
Certainly the idea of the authoritarian personality is important across all contexts. 🤔 Maybe bringing up Adorno and the historical context of his work would be more pertinent to people... I think the F in F-scale should stand for "follower", not necessarily "fascist."😂
@BeckyUSA 9 дней назад
Great show Steven!
@BernardoRojasdeLuna 9 дней назад
You’re studying a cult and you consider yourself an expert on the topic, while thinking progressive churches are Biblical? I’m sorry . Have you read the Bible? No offense. But promoting sexual immorality is not it. I have same sex attraction, but Hod called me out of acting on it. Our identity comes from jesus. Not from our fleshly desires.. God asks all of us to deny ourselves and pick up our cross.
@isaiah30v8 9 дней назад
I tell Jehovah's Witnesses to go through the narrow gate that is on the cramped road leading to life. . Matthew 7:13-14 “Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road ** LEADING OFF INTO LIFE ** and few are the ones finding it. . I ask them to read what Jehovah said would happen at the time of the end that is in every Christians bible and yet, few are the ones finding it: . Isaiah 66:5 Hear the word of Jehovah, YOU men who are trembling at his word: “YOUR brothers that are hating YOU, that are excluding YOU by reason of my name, said, ‘May Jehovah be glorified!’ He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part, and they are the ones that will be put to shame.” . [Name of person] is no longer one of JEHOVAH's Witnesses ---->> "excluding YOU by reason of MY NAME" . I ask them if they can see Jehovah's promise to disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witnesses: . "He must also appear with rejoicing on YOUR part"! . I then warn them that, if they go through this narrow gate they will lose their family as a consequence of the Watchtower Societies shunning policies. . Then I ask them to read what Jesus Christ said about everlasting life: . Mark 10:29-30 Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news 30 who will not get a hundredfold now in this period of time, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and fields, with persecutions, and in the coming system of things ** EVERLASTING LIFE ** . I then ask them if they want to live forever. . I also tell them that they can leave the organization and their congregation with dignity by telling everybody that they believe Jehovah, Jesus Christ and everything else in the bible. . Walk out with your head held high and jump for joy when you do. . What Jehovah said would happen, is now really happening! . That's Good News ................... right! . Jesus said: “Truly I say to YOU men, No one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and FOR THE SAKE OF THE GOOD NEWS. .
@NicoleMarie-k5w 9 дней назад
How can you give a professional opinion about an organization or program without an interview or actually experiencing the program?
@flame2262 5 дней назад
It's called being an expert. Conducting an interview or participating in their training (imagine that) is not needed to form a professional opinion.
@sunyellow703 10 дней назад
Good conversation. Much appreciated.
@ShainaODonnell-zo1om 10 дней назад
I have thought about it and consulted God Lord Almighty Yahweh, Jesus Christ and several apostles and profits in Heaven. We are unavailable to validate what is not true fact. We are in the no boloaney business and this is our show welcome to our house. Unfortunately the NAR or New Apastolic Refermation will not be referred to as such instead Heaven has suggested New Awakening Christian Revolution or NRCA seeing as they are not apostles or profits. A profit doesn't mean somebody that knows hidden information a profit is from a prophecy. God has come God Bless Shaina ODonnell The Biblical Messiah
@southernbawselady7092 10 дней назад
Elders are really "company men" who act as human resource agents for the Watchtower organization. Remember, human resource agents act only in the best interests of the company. Elders search out any who are not loyal to the company, and those who are not actively supporting the policies and mission; as well as, individuals who are not reaching established goals within the corporation. All of these individuals threaten the profitability and outward reputation of of the company, and may affect others in the organization. When individuals inside of the organization/corporation have learned of hypocritical actions, deceitful policies, or lies regarding the actions of representatives of corporation, departments or heads of the corporation (Governing Body) and begin exposing these... Elders (human resource agents of the Watchtower ) are assigned to eliminate or lessen the effects of "whistle blowers" by labeling them "apostates". Once they identify an individual as a "whistle blower" they follow well established company rules and actively pursue any threat that may expose secretive practices, hypocrisy, or harmful or illegal actions that may impact company's profitability. Elders follow corporation guidelines set forth in the exclusive manual for elders, entitled: "Shepherd the Flock of God" published by the WTBTS. 1. To become informed as to the level of knowledge and information a potential whistle blower possesses. 2. Have a formal meeting (Judicial Committee hearing) with them to ascertain the level of dissent or waning support for the organization and threat they pose to the corporation. 3. Formally put the whistle blower on notice their actions constitute disloyalty to the corporation and they will be "fired" from the company losing all benefits and any ties to other members of the corporation. 4. During a congregation meeting ( regularly scheduled corporation workshop) announce the "firing" of those who have failed to follow company rules.
@southernbawselady7092 10 дней назад
Awesome Interview! JWs are heavily indoctrinated to believe the Watchtower Organization is their salvation! The JW's believe everything the Governing Body ( "Anointed" Leaders ) says because they are captive of a concept. One scripture can shut the whole WT/GB Fairytale down... Isaiah 2:22 "For your own sakes, quit trusting in men, who is the mere breath in his nostrils, who is he to be taken into account"