Sanity's Cove || Joshua Jones
Sanity's Cove || Joshua Jones
Sanity's Cove || Joshua Jones
Biblical and cultural discussions to keep our sanity by Joshua Jones, pastor of Bethel Community Church in Nebraska
Is Anti-Zionism a form of Anti-Semitism?
2 месяца назад
Do we "Win Down Here"? || Joshua Jones
3 месяца назад
Is it Wrong for God to Kill?
3 месяца назад
"I wish I had a powerful testimony!"
6 месяцев назад
Can you be a Christian and a Nationalist?
8 месяцев назад
Why I'm NOT Premillenial
9 месяцев назад
Why I'm NOT Postmillenial.
9 месяцев назад
@buukkreider544 6 часов назад
For those that judge God by not reading The Holy Bible completely and thoroughly - you are the ones unfair, not God. You're like the mainstream media where you will take a few verses or words and twist it to your favor, then you call God bad names. Very hypocritical! If you really want to Judge God, it would only be reasonable to completely read his Word first... and completely before making a judgment. No, you would rather submit yourselves to the devil who has done to you as he did to the woman in the garden... these two things: 1) Cause the individual to question God's Word; and 2) Call God a liar. As it was back then so it is right now. The time is short. Repent and turn to God and believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross 2000 years ago for forgiveness of sins and justification of faith. Now is the time. Tomorrow might be too late.
@glowboyglow315 8 часов назад
People should learn history of religion before giving their lives to it. If they had done just a tiny research they would know that Jesus is a direct copy of the Egyptian god Horus (3000 years before Christ) Horus= The god of light, was born of a virgin and he had 12 disciples that made miracles and cured sick. Ancient people thought that when day came Horus had defeated Seth (The god of darkness) and sent him to the underworld. Noah´s arc is also a copy from Gilgamesh (2600 BC) Gilgamesh was a half god in Mesopotamien that nowdays is southern Iraq. The modern bible has copied many things from old ancient scripts, older than the old testament. Original scrips that was found carved into clay blocks. People would be shocked if they knew the history.
@InitialPC 7 часов назад
Horus was not born of a virgin, his parents were twin siblings who had sex and birthed Horus while still in their mothers womb. The other details are just as true. Just as ridiculous as saying Jesus means "hail Zeus!" even though hail is an english word...
@EVERBLACCK 10 часов назад
I don’t know much about anything But I choose to believe that JESUS CHRIST IS GOD AND HE LOVES AND SAVES HIS CREATION. JESUS CHRIST IS THE LORD.
@HollywoodBigBoss 10 часов назад
God doesn't send anyone to hell. People choose for themselves to go to hell. They want separation from God so he honors their wish and gives them permanent separation.
@glowboyglow315 9 часов назад
What loving God creates a hell for his children to go to, just for not follow god´s will? There you have the answer. God in the bible was angry and killed millions of people
@HollywoodBigBoss 6 часов назад
@@glowboyglow315 Under a certain age where they do not fully comprehend right from wrong, all children enter heaven. Yes God has killed billions of people. However, one thing you fail to realize is that everyone is evil. Nobody is good but God alone.
@Clay_Smith 10 часов назад
being apart from God is hell
@radfordsmith2773 7 часов назад
@Clay_Smith Are you born alone ? No ! Ideally your born to two concerned parents. If , your loved ones gave birth to you but are separated by all eternity for not doing a thing (worship) I for one would want my loved ones not the one I MUST worship.....
@mccabeianenator 11 часов назад
just an observation- Would it depend on what you believe the `Lake-0f-Fire` is? IF the Lake-of-Fire is the 7 Spirits of God....then its purpose is for cleansing and healing Why are people whom are in the Lake-of-Fire tormented in the presence of the Holy Angles and the Lamb? How often is God referred/described as `Fire`? Why is it that we read that God makes ALL things new? Why do we read that God is ALL in ALL? Is the 1 death the death of the sinful body? Is the 2nd death the death of the sinful spirit? Some of us receive our rewards ahead of others.....but we ALL make it in the end. (VERY painfully for some) just a (theological) observation.
@colonelblars9126 13 часов назад
people refuse to take accountability for their free will. it is the billions who abandon him first in this life who are without him in the next. God respects our wishes and he honors our freedom with just deserts.
@Jesusfollower-x1j 14 часов назад
God sent Jesus to save u!
@glowboyglow315 9 часов назад
@JamesDirette 14 часов назад
Is torture evil or not? Simple yes or no.
@InitialPC 7 часов назад
show me the verse in the Bible that says people in hell are tortured if youre going to argue against Christianity at least argue against what it actually teaches and not what you think it does
@radfordsmith2773 16 часов назад
Billions and billions . Some just because they failed to believe. A God would never demand this from his infinite creations. AND , you talk way too much !!!!
@InitialPC 7 часов назад
"failed to believe" if youre referring to people who could not have heard of Jesus, God will judge them according to what is in their hearts, if they in life desired to be with God and be saved from their sins that is good enough if youre referring to people who refuse to believe, that is not God's fault, God will not force you to accept Him
@radfordsmith2773 7 часов назад
@InitialPC It most certainly is ! Excluding all the problems of the Testaments themselves. Your main character who was not a prophet but the "Son Of The God Of Abraham " never wrote down anything. He (Jesus) spoke , read , wrote in a primary tongue of ARAMAIC. Yet , nowhere did this deity leave for posterity his beliefs. Why ? 12 believed him but no ARAMAIC narrative from Jesus...............
@InitialPC 7 часов назад
@@radfordsmith2773 And how do you know He spoke aramaic? Oh right, because that's what He spoke IN THE GOSPELS. You know what other languages He speaks and reads in the Gospels? Hebrew when He read from the scroll of Isaiah and Greek in the sermon on the mount and outside the tomb in the Gospel of John. You are going back and forth with the authenticity of the Gospel's whenever it suits you. If it's something you believe is true the Gospel is true about that part but if it's a part you don't like well that must be because its unreliable. It. Is. Not. God's. Fault. That. You. Make. Bad. Choices.
@radfordsmith2773 6 часов назад
@InitialPC You relie on Old Greek manuscripts with no authors. These texts written 40 to 50 years after his death. This Son left out the whole of the Asian countries for some 300 years. A Roman Emperor influenced the bibles construction on a dream. You have hundreds of separate seats. More than in the Babel story....And , "Hell" was never part ot Old Hebrew Law........Etc. etc. etc....
@radfordsmith2773 6 часов назад
@@InitialPC PS, I also know that Superman was from Krypton. But , fictional he still is...
@doltBmB 17 часов назад
is torture evil? yes. is even one second of torture evil? yes then it stands to reason that an infinite amount of torture is infinitely evil therefore anyone who would submit a person to an infinite amount of torture is also infinitely evil god cannot be held to a different moral standard
@mutantthegreat7963 15 часов назад
Where do you get your standard of evil from?
@doltBmB 14 часов назад
@@mutantthegreat7963 the holy spirit checkmate
@mutantthegreat7963 14 часов назад
@@doltBmB No one who has the Holy Spirit will end in Hell
@doltBmB 14 часов назад
@@mutantthegreat7963 no one should end in hell, there is no earthly crime which can be commensurate to endless punishment of the most vile degree
@JamesDirette 14 часов назад
@@mutantthegreat7963 Are you saying torture isn’t evil?
@henreeeef3214 18 часов назад
Ecclesiastes 9:5 makes it very clear as to the condition of the dead. Not complicated or mysterious like the pagan belief of a trinity.
@drdarrylschroeder5691 19 часов назад
HELL is ridiculous because it is man-made as explained by Archangel Michael in The Winds of Truth revealed at the Second Coming on 5 June 1941 at Glastonbury and later. Blessings
@russellnash8402 День назад
Very interesting that people think He has abandon any person. He gives us Free will to choose to be with Him, aka follow him, or not to be with Him. If you choose to not be with Him on earth then He will not force us to be with Him for all eternity.
@Gray-xo7xn 2 дня назад
He didn't abandon anyone. It is up to the individual to decide.
@yelenalll День назад
Exactly. God doesn't abandon us, we abandon Him.
@flyingpuma9729 19 часов назад
Infinite punishment for finite crimes is immoral. Your God isnt loving, and yes he abandons people.
@yelenalll 18 часов назад
@@flyingpuma9729 God is loving. It's us who isn't loving. It's YOU who isn't. And ME who isn't.
@mutantthegreat7963 15 часов назад
​@@flyingpuma9729 Trying to argue that anything is immoral whilst denying objective morality is completely contradictory.
@flyingpuma9729 9 часов назад
@@yelenalll That makes no sense. God is all knowing an created humans. Its his fault
@aqeebshahbaz3306 11 дней назад
Bro what are you talking about first of all don’t talk about Islamic worse’s like you know everything about ho stick to preaching your bible second their is proof that Arbs are descended from Ishmeal if you look at the fact that they talk a sometic language and are sometic people and because of the similarities in their dna with Jewish people. And lastly your bias reporting on what happens in the Isreal and the Palestinian war is just wrong I mean even the Jews wouldn’t say something so basic ignoring events like the Nakba or all the lived killed majority Palestinian like 2014 or maybe they would because apparently all this started at Oct the 7th not like anything happened before that get the f*ck out of here
@duketta Месяц назад
Thank you so much for posting this video. There's not enough pastors speaking about this. 🙏💖
@sanityscove8917 Месяц назад
@@duketta Glad you found it helpful.
@BannerBearers Месяц назад
That's actually a massive point - God spoke all the other things, but "let US make man..........."
@bosisek Месяц назад
Skin color means nothing, but culture does.
@forbiddenfriendships6148 2 месяца назад
Thank you. Good perspective on the Sabbath.
@aaronpawlik6605 2 месяца назад
EVERY TIME I see the beautiful, intricate and fascinating things of creation I'm awestruck by the wisdom and the Mind and the awsome power of our Creator that by and through Yeshua, (Jesus the Messiah)The living Word all things were created when God spoke them into being. To think we are the crown of His creation is truly a humbling thing. All blessing and honor and glory and power forever to our God!
@sanityscove8917 2 месяца назад
Creation declares the glory of God!
@bcc-bethelcommunitychurch4979 2 месяца назад
The glory of Christ from Genesis to Revelation!
@BannerBearers 2 месяца назад
Loving the direction of this series - not a commentary on the process or anything, but how does it reveal Christ. Brilliant
@sanityscove8917 2 месяца назад
@BannerBearers Glad your enjoying it. Hope to have more videos like this up soon.
@BannerBearers 2 месяца назад
Beautiful image of us being the moon in that sense, shining some light until the sun rises again
@BannerBearers 2 месяца назад
31:20 but did they? :D
@BannerBearers 2 месяца назад
oooh, having much fin here in the comments! Love the example of Pakistan.
@sanityscove8917 2 месяца назад
@@BannerBearers Glad someone appreciates it!
@Tony-fq3pp 2 месяца назад
So if you have one interpretation and another person has a different interpretation, how do we tell who’s right?
@fistablazin 2 месяца назад
Religion can be used as a tool to push a political agenda. The father of Zionism was an atheist. Many Jews didn't agree with the Zionist agenda. Religion and the Holocaust was a way of pushing Zionism. It worked.
@tonyrmathis 2 месяца назад
Simple answer. YES! When Jews have only one nation on the planet to call their home it most certainly is Anti-Semitic.
@samehabuerreish8785 2 месяца назад
Judaism is not an ethnicity American jews have a home ; it’s America Judaism is not an ethnicity Jews do NOT deserve a home in Palestine Muslims have no right to a home land Get it ?
@fistablazin 2 месяца назад
I find it weird every time I make a comment againt Zionism it's taken down. Is this happening to anyone else?
@jaekamei 2 месяца назад
Yeah, happens to me all the time when I talk about Cancer. It's so strange.
@fistablazin 5 дней назад
@@jaekamei apparently RU-vid is monitoring comments with the use of AI. That's why many comments are being taken down.
@kevinhummel4282 2 месяца назад
Ask The question how are could be killed in every country the only ones that protected you were muslims and now there are your enemies funny
@kevinhummel4282 2 месяца назад
Read a book to see why Jews killed them selfs for a land to call there own
@tylercompton9596 2 месяца назад
Since we're on the topic, what do you think about Jews Muslims and Christians being arrested for being Anti-zionism, from somebody who was raised Catholic for, the beginning of my life?
@tonyrmathis 2 месяца назад
Please give specifics. Your claim sounds to much like Anti-Jewish propaganda to be taken seriously without further details. What isn't propaganda is hate laws that protect everyone except christian, white, straight males.
@Home4Facts 2 месяца назад
And there is the whole problem. France is the to French As Japan is to the Japanese As Israel is the… ISRAELIS. Not JEWS!
@tonyrmathis 2 месяца назад
RIGHT! Because Jerusalem wasn't named because of anything to do with Jews.
@jaekamei 2 месяца назад
Judea is to the Jews.
@BannerBearers 2 месяца назад
As I understand it, Israeli ARABS are a thing......................
@TomShumar 2 месяца назад
Israel is antisemitic
@zmcg 2 месяца назад
This guy is manufacturing consent for the proposed legislation calling for censorship of the word Zionism, following big tech censorship. He is anti-Free Speech, which is not only antisemitic, but anti-human freedom.
@zmcg 2 месяца назад
YT keeps blocking my comment, but maybe if I keep posting: Zionism in it's current form is a colonialist ideology that believes that European Jewish settlers have more right to Palestinian land than the Palestinians themselves, those people whose familes have lived on that land for generations. It believes that land taken by the British empire from the Ottoman empire and then sold to settlers is a legal and moral transaction. It believes that land can be seized through war, openly defying international laws created after WW2 to protect Jews. It generates and feeds on antisemitism (including against Arab and North African semitic peoples) to scare Jews into occupying stolen land. It is an ethnostate extremist ideology similar to the Aryan ideal of the Nazis.
@zmcg 2 месяца назад
Zionism in it's current form is a colonialist ideology that believes that European Jewish settlers have more right to Palestinian land than the Palestinians themselves, those people whose familes have lived on that land for generations. It believes that land taken by the British empire from the Ottoman empire and then sold to settlers is a legal and moral transaction. It believes that land can be seized through war, openly defying international laws created after WW2 to protect Jews. It generates and feeds on antisemitism (including against Arab and North African semitic peoples) to scare Jews into occupying stolen land. It is an ethnostate extremist ideology similar to the Aryan ideal of the Nazis.
@zmcg 2 месяца назад
Notsees and Germans aren't the same. So no, they aren't the same.
@jaekamei 2 месяца назад
False equivalency.
@zmcg 2 месяца назад
@@jaekamei There are many Jewish Orthodox antizionists, and many zio Christians and secular war profiteers. It is a colonial ideology, based on a failed biblical prophecy, not directly connected to all Jewish people as an ethno-religious group today.
@zmcg 2 месяца назад
@@jaekamei One is a colonial ideology held by some Jewish people, Christians, and secular war profiteers. The other is an ethnoreligious group with differing views on that ideology. Close enough comparison, but if you don't like it, hopefully the above will suffice.
@jaekamei 2 месяца назад
@@zmcg Zionism is a belief that Jews have the right to live in their ancestral homeland. Most Jews do and have agreed with this. Believing that Jews don't have a right to live in their homeland (antizionism) is to stand against most Jews (antisemitism).
@zmcg 2 месяца назад
@@jaekamei What right does anyone have to return to the land of their ancestors from 2000 years ago, claim it is still theirs, and take it from the people who had lived there for generations in the interim? That land is the ancestral homeland of many peoples besides the Jewish people, and was ruled by many empires since the Israelite kingdom. That these people didn't have kingdoms of their own does not delegitimize them as people sharing multigenerational roots in that land. Anti-Hertzlism is simply a moral anti-colonial stance. That many Jewish people, Christians, and war profiteers are pro-colonial is incidental. It would not be right for any group of people to think and act in such a way, including Muslim extremists, etc.
@Useryr-m8q 2 месяца назад
Yes it is.
@partizanSquad 2 месяца назад
I can't wrap around my head that so many so called chrisitans supports any form of nationalism of ANY kind. Why do you tolerate occupation, mass murder, opresssion for decades ? What christian values align with that ? And don't dare bringing me the "bUt bUT kHamAS" argument. Hamas is filling the void that the so called International Community has failed to adress, Israel could have been easily been put under pressure, economic sanctions...Etc like South Africa Apartheid was, mandela was described as a terrorist because he was willing to fight. Hamas, for years, asked for the simple and strict application of International law, nothing happened, then you know the rest.
@partizanSquad 2 месяца назад
No it's not. Zionism is a jewish nationalism and even worse, supremacism. The same way Nazism was a german nationalism. I couldn't care less if a person is Jewish or not, but any kind of supremacism is disgusting.
@meatrealwishes 2 месяца назад
Zionism is othering of the jews and throwing them where they came from without caring about their dignity and lives. Btw, Pakistan was wiped out of Bangladesh because of the supremacy infused oppression and violence.
@the51project 2 месяца назад
Why don't you listen to Rabbis? Rabbis against Zionism in the search bar will get you started. "The story of the orthodox Jews that oppose Israel | Rabbi Elhanan Beck | UNAPOLOGETIC" --type that into the search bar and educate yourself, he's a wonderful speaker and very intelligent. He's also a real Jew. You have only displayed your complete lack of critical thinking skills, lack of knowledge of history and by your bias, your moral lack. Up to 200, 000 have been killed in the last few months by some estimates. Bombed and starved to death on their own land. By Zionists. And Jews, in the true meaning of the word - weep about it. Protest about it. I suggest you educate yourself by going to the source. Do you know who forbade the Jews to have their own land? Their God did. It's written in their Torah - go listen to Rabbis clearly explain it all to you. Revelation 3:9 - Know what a Jew is and what a Jew is not. Because being a real Jew is obviously not what you think it is. Most Zionists are genetically from Eastern Europe. They are not even semitic. It's disgusting the ignorance of people. Benjamin Netanyahu is not his real name. His real name is Banjamin Mileikowsky. Why don't you google the ENTIRE list of Israeli Prime Ministers, then lookup the family names of their parents or grandparents - and find out who they truly are.... every single one changed their families Eastern European surnames. Because that is where they come from. "Those with the eyes to see will see. And those with the ears to hear will hear." Have a nice apocalypse.
@romyclips6479 2 месяца назад
It's not inherently antisemitic but in recent times white supremacists have been using "anti-zionism" as a cynical pretext for their antisemitism. Right minded Christians should call them out rather than giving them cover.
@clementine_0 2 месяца назад
@donaldobrien9171 2 месяца назад
"Is Anti-Zionism a form of Anti-Semitism?" "Yes. ABSOLUTELY." well, can't argue with that logic.
@the51project 2 месяца назад
@@donaldobrien9171 Apples are Pears. TOTALLY
@jaekamei 2 месяца назад
@@donaldobrien9171 No, you can't because it's true.
@donaldobrien9171 2 месяца назад
@@jaekamei you don't understand. It's called sarcasm. Merely stating a position with nothing to back it up is not using logic. the joke is that "Yes. ABSOLUTELY." is devoid of logic, presenting no evidence, or countering the opposing view. You can't argue with that logic because there is no logic. Also, you can use logic to support any statement, whether the logic is fallacious is to be determined. I hope I haven't used too many big words for you.
@jaekamei 2 месяца назад
@@donaldobrien9171 Words have definitions. If someone asks me is Blue a colour I can say "Yes, absolutely". Is Anti-Zionism antisemitic? Yes, Absolutely.
@Jalcolm1 2 месяца назад
After 1948, 800,000 Sephardic Jews fled Arab countries where they would have been murdered. Israel was established to help the world control its addiction to murdering Jews. Many people who write in think that in principle murdering Jews is wrong, but in actual practice it is pretty easy. So the Jews decided to make it harder. Over 25 centuries they figured out that they needed a state if they were to defend themselves. Certainly they could not count on God to save them, could they? Zionism is not "an ideology" - that is ignorant word play. Zionism is a country of 9 1/2 million people who (mostly) don't want to kill anybody. But presently refused to be killed themselves. From the blather from the anti-semites, it is pretty clear that anti-Zionism IS anti-semitism. Don't be so hard on yourselves. Enjoy it !!!
@victoria11128 2 месяца назад
Is being anti-N@zi the same as being anti-German?
@juankiroga8470 2 месяца назад
1. False equivalence. To be French is not based on ethnicity. There are French arabs, french Jews, French slavics, French Latin American, French Nordics, French Celtics, French Africans, etc. And that it’s the case for every modern democratic nation. Zionist utopian nationalism is based on ethnicity, and on a mythological return to a homeland. 2. Because this nationalism is based on ethnicity and not on constitutional civil rights, it could only be by definition supremacist. So, Israelis apologists must decide if they want a democratic country or a Jewish country. They can’t be both by definition. 3. And it’s in the name of this utopian ethnic state ideology that Israel was created. The logical and factual consequences of this event are: ethnic cleansing, stolen land, illegal occupation, mass killings, incarceration, siege, apartheid and now genocide. 4. So, yes there are huge logical and moral differences between antisemitism and antizionism. Antisemitism is a form of racism oriented against Jews. Any antiracist person must be by definition against antisemitism. In contrast, the idea and actions of create an ethnostate where Jews and only Jews could have equal rights is racist by definition. So if you are antiracist you have to be antizionist. 5. The democratic form of an state for all Semitic peoples (Jews, Christian, Palestinians, etc) , and for everyone who born there or wants to live there, is a country from the river to the sea in which everyone has equal democratic rights. For that goal Zionism as a form of racism must be abolished.That human goal makes me an antizionist in plain conviction.
@lesweizman388 2 месяца назад
there are israeli arabs
@partizanSquad 2 месяца назад
@@lesweizman388 With lesser rights, both legally, and in society (in terms of behaviour and social dynamics). Israel defines itself as THE jewish state, that's why it has to be Jewish majority.
@juankiroga8470 2 месяца назад
@@lesweizman388 some few with lesser rights. The vast majority were ethnically cleansed or obligated to live in one of these three conditions: - in an open air prison: Gaza - in an apartheid regime: West Bank - as a tortured hostage: Israel’s prisons
@jaekamei 2 месяца назад
@@juankiroga8470 Sounds like they lost a war they started...
@lesweizman388 2 месяца назад
@@juankiroga8470 great talking points. all lies