!Avast AntiPony 9445
!Avast AntiPony 9445
!Avast AntiPony 9445
Hi. I'm !Avast AntiPony 9445, I don't post video so often here anymore. You should probably follow me on Twitter instead of something idk.

4 года назад
4 года назад
Vinebump - Autopilot 2017
7 лет назад
How to make excelent gmod videos
8 лет назад
Max Filler
9 лет назад
Team Russia 2
9 лет назад
Space Jam 1942
9 лет назад
Scout saying "f*** you" to spy
9 лет назад
9 лет назад
10 лет назад
Half-Life 2 Animation Corruption #1
10 лет назад
Heavy dances with the Spy
10 лет назад
Thoopje Is AFK
10 лет назад
Thoopje 2500 subscribers
10 лет назад
10 лет назад
GmodTest.wmv c:
11 лет назад
{YTP} ~ hoVVVoh (1337 P0t@t0 $k11L)
11 лет назад
@Bigadvendures 3 месяца назад
Spy: *sheds a tear while just standing there*
@luiscanamarvega 3 месяца назад
2 0 2 4
@foxxarie Год назад
I have no idea what this is, but I love Vinesauce and Adult Swim so this is a cool thing to stumble upon
@jeandefreitasdelvalle5787 Год назад
0:31 5:42 Seoes
@theweedsmoker20000 2 года назад
@GarbaggioGoblino 3 года назад
man i miss when sus was just a weird ytp thing
@Nyasiu 3 года назад
I want a link to that very specific PNG of a Sus jar
@jeandefreitasdelvalle5787 3 года назад
1:01 Bam!
@jeandefreitasdelvalle5787 3 года назад
0:59 "That was the beeeeest paaaaaaaart!"
@sampletext5959 3 года назад
“The guys who would go on to make unusual bricks” I unironically want an unusual brick now.
@jeandefreitasdelvalle5787 3 года назад
@personme9871 4 года назад
Very good, friend!
@jeandefreitasdelvalle5787 4 года назад
5:42 SswoowsS
@jeandefreitasdelvalle5787 4 года назад
At 0:59 i died!
@jeandefreitasdelvalle5787 4 года назад
5:42 SwoowS
@the7045 4 года назад
@spanner5686 4 года назад
I chose good day to rewatch your Jontron YTP
@jeandefreitasdelvalle5787 4 года назад
@spiraltawa6320 5 лет назад
Admit it, you all came for this 2:49
@jeandefreitasdelvalle5787 5 лет назад
0:59 1:01
@drpibisback7680 5 лет назад
Could have used more editing. This was way too subtle. A lot of this was just unedited Jontron footage.
@WingedEternitys 5 лет назад
Best 19 seconds of my life.
@thepixelqueen6844 5 лет назад
1:57 JonTron.exe has stopped working.
@radsimp5710 5 лет назад
SuS yo
@MasqueTheRedDeathDJ 5 лет назад
What's the song at 2:50? It's so good!
@RaoulDuke224 Год назад
Yes what's the song?!
@jeandelvalle1830 6 лет назад
@jeandelvalle1830 6 лет назад
@tuna9917 6 лет назад
@Fargusno7930 6 лет назад
Jon NooN
@ArkangelYT 6 лет назад
"He also had super strength, was made of metal and had the properties of W O W"
@twicethegalo 6 лет назад
Worth it.
@theamazingmoore6083 6 лет назад
I actually thought nothing would show up when I searched "jantran".
@edi3185 6 лет назад
i has subtitles *intro* -jonNoN -Once upon a time there was a land that had no swuuus -Cried read a muck -People,they were dead...sometimes in dirt gravel-and seven asses :D -And then...there was light,from the hilltops a shadowy figure emerged,it was light,but also light -They also had super strengh was made from metal and had the properties of woow -And they had great hair -IT WAS JAUNT R0N MAN AND HIS TRUSTY FALCON JON TRON MAN -*eagle sound* -Toghetar....they had really good hair -BRAAM BRAAM BRAAM MAARB -BAAM BROOOOOOOM -BAAM WROOOOOOOM -*pitched voice* BEEEM WRAAAAAAAAM -BAAAAAA-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a *jon.exe has stopped working* -And then they made a bi-i-i-i-lion swuuuus -*and here we have jonus safarinus in his natural habitat,reading a book,they say he can throw a book that makes no sound and rewind time!* -*more sightins of jonus safarinus* -Well that was a lotta shet,i think they used our likenesess,are we sue? -NO...I DONT WANT DAT -Yeah we should sue... -Socks......man FAKE socks at least there were superheroes in REALITY -Lets go play one about it..... -Lets see what game to we want to play today... -*jon.exe thinking intensifies* -Nightshade..... -Shadenight.... (shitnight) -Nightshade,start of the neighborhood watch guy -Dont let em touch yo kids o-o -Nightshade is an interesting BEAST its a game made by NIGHTSHADE software-the people who would go on and make UNUSUAL BRICKS *tf2 confurmed* -This game almost defies JOJSH it seems to place all over the place but hey...most importantly *que heyyeayeyehea* -Its a ytp! -*ninja tron throws thing in console* -Nightshade,the HEUGH of HEUGH! -So,pathetic MEEM-your career has begun before is over -DAMN U *random sounds with music rythm* -CHREHCK -*???* -aaah uhh oh! *spamming B button* -oh-oh im actually playing? well...what a start,im about to die..iey I GOT ET -*leakd footage half lief 3 for da new consul nintendo ps old* -You rattled his bones! try agein? -Dis gun be a gud gaem -I think this should be the new standard its like-hey wanna play some suus 2? bombom *oh god not banjo kazooie nuts n bolts* *jantran ded* -WELL i may have gotten blown up by a bomb but apparently thats what happens when ur unpopular..like nightshade... -Oh whats this? lets pick it up -who whoa whoa whoa -Wh-what? excuse me,i didnt believe i was playing tetrisssssssssssss *boom* -S-s-s-so apparently if you push the SQUARE button nightshade disappears and transforms into a..a blinking A -*super mario overworld* yeh-yeh yeh yeh-yeh yeh...yeh. -I suppose what we have here is some sort of point and click adventure game hybrid -When you interact with the inviroment you curse -GET THE FU-u-u-u-DOWN...OOOAAOOOWN -Now here lies the problem with nightshade -The A button is used to JUUUUMP things and the B button is used to LOOOOOUD :\ -Nightshade's hard to impress-you take him to a history museum and you go like look at that giant bronze horse from the early SUS times and hes like EEH,nothing unusual here -You take him to the future history museum and you go look at that giant hologram horse from the distant C.I tie-JOJSH times and hes like Nightshade cant do dat -So im preety tyeeety suuuursh sure youre supposed to pick this up. -Butt A dont2it and B dont2it so what 2it? this control only got-ten buttons... DAT WAS A JOEK THX 4 CUMING -So get this..you gotta walk over to it JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUST in the right spot -Push select to bring up your menu -Moseon all over the pick up icon -Move the reticule over to the crow and then Nightshade starts to be like WHO DAT LUKS SOMETHUN UNUSUAL EM GONNA BEND DAWN TO PIK IT UP -Oh boy....... -Now it dosent sound that big of a deal now but this SHIT gets so convaluted its like WHAT ARE ALL THESE MENU OPTIONS I JUST WANNA PLAY THE GAME -WHAT IS THIS SYSTEM SETTINGS? -*chuckle* By the way watch out,that button dosent QUIT the menu it QUITS the game -I learned that the hard way and it dosent even go "Are you sure?" its just like *fart! a magic SUUUS apear'd* -Big haired jon starin at suus like creep -swuuus swuuus SWUUUUUUUUUS
@superyoshibros99 6 лет назад
I can't stop laughing hahaha
@olathianwhiskey416 7 лет назад
remember when chatango was a thing I wish I didn't
@DogsRNice 7 лет назад
How was this made?
@point_hurt8675 7 лет назад
So many HL2 sounds.
@iggykoopa4537 7 лет назад
@luiscanamarvega 7 лет назад
Man, fake sucks.
@zarithial5480 7 лет назад
"jon nun"
@smoresthebird7541 7 лет назад
The TF2 reference
@Skul1ManEXE 8 лет назад
Jon Nun.
@hikarifulton7110 8 лет назад
the claws of meem!
@deffdefying4803 8 лет назад
But Ay dun do it, and Bay dun do it, so wut du it? It only got em buttons
@ChaseThePinballWizard 8 лет назад
Pathetic medic
@timbackthree7136 8 лет назад
@tasiwinn786 8 лет назад
@HunterIsRad 8 лет назад
And then he got a BIIIIIIIIILLION views on this video.
@itsmoggintime 8 лет назад
Properties of wow