Beating Armored Core VI in First Person?!
11 месяцев назад
@QS2435 13 часов назад
What controller is that?
@poppinsmoke1551 3 дня назад
as someone who has beaten this route with Nightfall(controller only) I commend you. This was not easy.
@TheaverageSpartan4 3 дня назад
Now do it as invisible rummy
@domomosh 3 дня назад
@@TheaverageSpartan4 that was the first video in the series
@littlelw319 5 дней назад
so schizo Walter run?
@iantune 6 дней назад
imagine the pain of carla having both rummy and honest brute lmao
@infinitysurvivor2681 6 дней назад
does maeterlink not have any melee?
@dbl_dmg_gaming5130 7 дней назад
What is this MUSIC that you're using in here?! "So, you like Castlevania?!"
@Sextistsheep 17 дней назад
Any video that starts with “let’s go back to 1923” makes me skip tbh, I find the context is useless 90%
@S4leaguer999 18 дней назад
Man, how do those peddals work? How did you configure this set up?
@kunamuta3571 18 дней назад
This game has on of the most impressive art work, design, most impressive abilities and combat system But for me to play a lot it needs story content similar to Titanfall2, impressive landscapes, terrain and enviroment (planets or space), co op missions to grind, different mode variety Also creating a character pilot if you can't mount/dismount your mech it's useless imo
@FlowerBoyDeMii 20 дней назад
@sakidickerson 22 дня назад
Mecha break model kits would break my wallet and that's okay. Snaa or somebody plz. If that's the monetization model they want to use instead of p2w then hell yeah
@gaby232323 23 дня назад
Falcon should have his 2nd ability : active camoflauge + speed this would make him more balanced and increased a bit his damage (stealth fighter jet style) with decreased cooldown because otherwise you are useless lol.... or just straight up increase his damage and leave his abilities as is.
@TheLinkhawkins 24 дня назад
I enjoyed sky City, but I see your criticism of it and you are not wrong. Model kits would be great. Long live Hurricane.
@Vimleel_Thuxis 24 дня назад
"This is 'JUNK74R6' 5CR4P.R, RaD, Boss wants to know that no matter how hard the challenge... And don't forget to smile. That's all I have to say, Later" "JUNK74R6" 5CR4P.R
@Nightmareof94 24 дня назад
Just another boring pvp game what a waste of potential
@mcbill7352 25 дней назад
bruh i didnt get to play the betas
@TheCheckeredOne 25 дней назад
The gouf custom was my first mg and my second ever kit, guess I have to sub ;)
@barnebyoconnell8176 25 дней назад
I like the concept, but duplicating lots of the same enemy are a pretty simple way to make a mission more difficult. The enemy placement is pretty awkward too. 10 MTs standing on a crane waiting just for us? lol
@barnebyoconnell8176 25 дней назад
It also seems like many weapons wont perform well because there are so many enemies. They don't have enough punch, or enough ammo, or are meant for single targets. Meanwhile we are fighting armies LMFAO
@ImReverseGiraffe 26 дней назад
The artillery has a shield in the front. If your shot hits thats, only the plasma/coral aoe dies damage. You hit the shield on the second and third artillery piece
@lyomon9981 26 дней назад
Costumization should be key
@Falzyker 26 дней назад
I spent 45min making my Skyraider look like the Zeta Gundam. It ended up beautiful, also I made Samus as the pilot.
@seb24789 26 дней назад
This game did the impossible and let an outspoken pvp hater like me have fun in a pvp match! I went into the playtest WANTING to hate it. My plan failed^^
@maxspecs 26 дней назад
This game will live or die by its monetization. What was there in the beta has me interested enough to give the full game a shot, but how much you need to invest to actually play will keep or lose me.
@errorone937 26 дней назад
Yes, I played so much of it. As a gundam fan I fell in love with the game and played a lot of my favorite Pinaka. I hope it releases successfully. Its a dope game and has great customization. It's a great game. My only obvious, and partially sad understanding, is that it will be full of micro transactions. And it will be cheap or F2P. Because a similar game i enjoyed the beta of, was exoprimal, which disappointed GREATLY by releasing for 60 or 70 euro.
@errorone937 26 дней назад
I do think PVE is a bad move. The tutorial felt like ahh. The only full multiplayer PVE game I've enjoyed , is Warframe. If it's PVE I prefer Single player games.
@domomosh 26 дней назад
That's actually why I put warframe on screen for that one moment in the video. I think they're the best example of what could ideally happen with this game. I know I'm usually more of a co-op guy than anything. The only pvp I messed with was GBO2 and ACVI. Played a little MW2 as a kid with friends in school but never clicked with me. It's growing on me but I usually have to shake off anxiety for the first couple of matches. I think PvP will be the focus but It'd be cool to see more PvE as well down the road for people who are in a similar boat but still want their mecha fix
@LimakPan 27 дней назад
The video feels like a half an hour-long advertisement. If it's not, I dunno what to tell you. You just don't sound genuine. I goddamn love mechs, but I have doubts if this one will catch a stable audience.
@domomosh 26 дней назад
I enjoyed the game, wrote a script, thought of what I could do for edits, timing, pacing, while including my weird humor and antics and went for it. I played tf out of it with the homies and don't want to see the game flop when it has a lot to offer so I gave my pros and cons. That's really all there is to it but I appreciate the feedback.
@muhammadwibisonojanuar7793 27 дней назад
9:08 Really? If it is not pay to win, then it should be one time purchase like Stellar Blade and it has to be both online and offline. And don't forget China has Black Myth Wukong, so it's counted
@domomosh 26 дней назад
Those are pretty different in their foundation though. Those are both single player games without live services or multiplayer server costs which expect to make enough money from sales to cover the expenses and make a profit. While we have bigger franchises who've sold strictly live service multiplayer games this is just the more common approach now a days. The only thing I can think of that does PvE well with a similar formula is Arknights but that doesn't have any PvP and outright a gacha so the profits all in pulling for your waifu/husbando. I think the closest Mecha BREAK might get to pay to win is getting extra loot boxes from having those monthly passes but when the real tournaments ban mods I really feel like a fair amount of players will actually choose to play without them to avoid getting acclimated with different stats than they do competitively.
@muhammadwibisonojanuar7793 27 дней назад
7:16 I think Mecha Break will be based on Daemon x Machina where we can salvage parts and customize our mech to our personalized Mech. And I think I should note that if Super Robot Wars by Bandai can be like this game and Another Century game, it will be awesome
@ReclaimerTyphoon 27 дней назад
I built a HOSAS setup to play Armored Core. It's a good time.
@domomosh 26 дней назад
As long as you're not playing the snipers it translates pretty well! What's nice is you can have hotkeys for each individual striker as well. There's a few strikers with different "modes" usually on different buttons between their loadouts and I remap them all to my equivalent of R3
@muhammadwibisonojanuar7793 27 дней назад
Actually, guys, there will be Synduality Mecha survival game by Bandai. It's both PvP and PvE at the same time, and it's also more to Armored Core in terms of supply count
@domomosh 26 дней назад
Yeah I missed the playtest on that but have been keeping an eye on it. It's been a second since we've heard anything though and unfortunately bandai handles their IPs like absolute trash so I'm a little concerned with how it's future will look
@DigitalFulcrum 27 дней назад
Honestly I had no interest in MechaBreak because it's sold as a battle royle. I guess it there are alternative game modes though?
@maxspecs 26 дней назад
There was no Battle Royale in the playtest, just a bunch of team modes.
@domomosh 26 дней назад
Idk how much I can speak on it myself cause NDA but achem others have confirmed in the original playtest that we had a Battle Royale mode but that was just one of the various modes you had in addition to the lineup I mentioned. The Mashmak PvEvP mode though is a reworking of that which I think is the right choice since everyones so burnt out on that (BR) and it feels odd with how it applies both in their universe and to the formula they got going on
@kkangpae346 27 дней назад
prolly the best thing that really appeased to me... the optimization when it comes to gfx... im not on a HIGH end maybe low/mid, but even with that, the game still ran and LOOKED AMAZING. Didnt run into much graphical issues, FPS drops werent noticeable, if there even was any... I am excited. Few things reminded me of a IP from a long time ago. Originally named Space Cowbows, then sold and renamed ACE Online, Mecha Break gave me a very similar feeling. And IM FOR IT!
@kiki123456able 26 дней назад
Would you mind sharing your spec? I'm interested in playing this but I'm not sure if my rig can handle it.
@domomosh 26 дней назад
That's awesome to hear! We have a friend in our group who's computer can't even run ACVI but they're able to run MB just fine and they're planning on optimizing it further. It's good to see they're trying to make it as accessible as they can for everyone!
@kkangpae346 26 дней назад
@@kiki123456able apparently the game will release on console. they just finished xbox testing. idk if there will be xplatform. but might be a possibility since a lot of games are starting to offer that.
@juanvaldivia8001 27 дней назад
Look, the game looks amazing, and I know you're talking about potential, but c'mon, it's a chinese game, if it's a chinese game, Tencent is most likely pulling the strings behind the devs, and with Tencent involved, sadly, the game is basically disposable
@MattH88S 27 дней назад
I really like Sky City and make the map bigger is just going to extend the matches longer than need be in a game mode where you can be eliminated and have to sit and wait. That's not a good idea imo. The fog that blinds everyone I do agree isn't fun though. Could live without that, or have it retooled to not favour melee/snipers so much.
@domomosh 26 дней назад
Before I recorded I basically saw no one say anything positive about it but then of course after I see some other opinion on it haha I personally don't want it to become a giant map for hide and seek antics once it gets down to the last player but idk I just want a little more room to breathe. I know it's elimination and supposed to be kind of fast paced but for me something about it's just not enjoyable in it's current state
@TornaitSuperBird 27 дней назад
I won't play Mecha Break unless it has more customization options, and a PvE gameplay mode. Free to play just rings too many alarm bells in my head. I avoid and any all PvP options like the plague, so this game, as fun as it looks, won't be interesting to me unless I can directly avoid PvP. PvE, I'd be fine with, as I love playing Co-Op, but not PvEvP.
@domomosh 26 дней назад
I understand completely! This is why I really wanted to address that matter because I'm usually right there with you. Unless we count couch multiplayer on smash bros I think I can literally count all the PVP centered games I've played on one hand. I really think there's a market of players who would enjoy a campaign out of this. Customization wise I kind of get both sides but here's my reasoning with MB's universe. With AC I feel like it makes more sense as we're independent/freelancers with more freedom in our loadout choice etc while this feels like these are units made for their top pilots within a small army/faction kind of similar to gundam where you won't typically see a GM with a crazy unique loadout but you might see an Ace (ex Phillips Hughs with his custom GM dominance) with something more unique . Even then it's still based on the foundation of what they currently have in production with slight variation which is what I think we'll be seeing from the pilot custom mechs they hinted at recently.
@FGMagala 28 дней назад
I actually played the extraction mode in the previous beta, and I had to say it was pretty terrible. Basically you farmed the NPC mechas and find chests to get mods, but you can only carry a certain amount (less than 20 I think). It takes a while because the NPCs are tanky and each group is spread apart (think having to travel halfway across a PVP map to reach each NPC group). It took about 20 minutes to fill up my drops, only to get killed by another group, causing me to lose everything I got. Even worse, I couldn't figure out how to actually extract, and for all I knew, the half-hour I spent on the map might not have been long enough to trigger the extraction itself. It was a miserable slog of an experience, even worse as I wasn't a person who liked extraction shooters in the first place. It's not like there was any challenge to killing the NPCs since they were all brain-dead damage sponges, and avoiding other players is nearly impossible since the game doesn't do anything to differentiate players from NPCs on the UI, so the first time I realized my group was facing other players was when two of our guys were killed out of nowhere, and the rest of the group was slowly chased down and wiped out without a chance to escape. That aside, I also hated the sky city as well, but not for the reason you did. I hated being forced into an elimination match when the entire rest of the game is objective based. It's like playing overwatch for hours, then all of the sudden the next match is CS's dust2 for some reason. While I'm not against its inclusion, I do hate not being able to opt out of it considering how different it is. It's the only game mod that isn't objective based, which means that the skills required and tactics used is completely different from all the other maps. It's frustrating to get, and I ended up AFKing whenever I got the map myself since you couldn't even quit out of the match.
@domomosh 26 дней назад
Yeah I was a part of that as well and can agree with a lot of your sentiments. I know I was just waiting for the 3rd phase to come back so I had my other game modes back lol and I'm guessing a lot of feedback reshaped this into the idea they're going for now which I think lends to it's strengths better. I know a lottttt of people are in the same boat as you for your points about sky city but I had to slim some parts of the video down or this would've been closer to an hour long
@nrrdpanda 28 дней назад
Hot take: I really liked the fog in eye of misra(mizra?) I liked the confusion and chaos it added. Now give me an 18 player ffa, and 18 v18 big team battle.
@SH1NK1R01 27 дней назад
The issue isn’t the visibility reduction. The issue is that it does constant damage and slows energy regen. Which completely dunks on most of the mechs. It also makes it so even at point blank your weapons don’t lock on but melees still do. It’s just too one sided and unfair. As soon as it rolls in any low health mechs die slowly and melee mechs run around multi killing without any way to retaliate.
@nrrdpanda 27 дней назад
@@SH1NK1R01 I feel that. That's valid, though I do like the mechanic and the no lock on, but like you said, it should be no lock on for melee also. And I never realized it did direct damage bypassing shields, I've always played Falcon and just stay in the air when ever the fog rolled in cuz yeah, being on the ground at any point during would spell death from either Panther, Alysnes, Or Welkin.
@domomosh 26 дней назад
I think limiting your lock on range is truly the way to go. If you've played ACVI think Xylem Fog messing with your FCS kind of levels where if they're not basically in front of your face it's not gonna work. This way everyone's abilities who require a target aren't completely useless and it's not so one sided but it's cool to see that some people did actually like the fog. I don't necessarily want it completely removed but I definitely think it needs to be changed in some capacity so melee/mouse players aren't capitalizing. Curious to see how it'd go on console though lmao
@nrrdpanda 25 дней назад
@@domomosh that's actually a good way to reconcile both extremes while still keeping that variety/ switch up in gameplay.
@AEspiral 28 дней назад
Nice video, but way too early to discuss balance, they already received loads and loads of stats to help tune things.
@domomosh 26 дней назад
Thank you! The balance part was really more of like a hey this needs to be addressed (or at least looked at) before launching this so the strikers feel adequate when it comes to mods though that's probably going to be it's own world of depth and balancing in the future
@neon-lake 28 дней назад
Melee focused suport mech, give it a vampire theme (no, nothing like Moira thats literally the LAMEST way to do it)
@maxspecs 26 дней назад
We already have the Moira support Luminae lol
@neon-lake 26 дней назад
@@maxspecs exactly my point its lame Lumi not a "vampire" its is clearly "angel" themed. It doesnt convert damage into healing like a "vampire"
@domomosh 26 дней назад
I just want a ravenous little mech with claws that dashes in and out of combat with hit and run tactics but I could see something that drains the enemy though I wonder if it they'd go for EN or Shields to play it safer on balance
@Skoll_Roderic 25 дней назад
I feel like a melee focused support mech would end up with brigs kit and that's perfectly fine imo
@jamcan1978 28 дней назад
Honestly I can't wait to see what other weapons will be available for each striker on release because I feel like that can really help change up how you play em while keeping the core if done correctly
@domomosh 26 дней назад
Big agree! It'll also keep you on your toes when engaging with the different variants. I'm wondering if we'll get a chance to try them out next playtest. I'm really interested in Narukami's kit as she's just a bit too stationary for me as of now. I like move and zoom in my mechs
@jamcan1978 26 дней назад
Right I also think about hurricane and how I don't quite like the primary weapon I like the rest of the kit just I think a different primary can make it interesting
@J.aime_le_pain181 28 дней назад
if this is not monetized like shit (cosmetic only would be dope) it is going to be great
@Arcadanite 28 дней назад
Here for the algorithm~ looking forward to playing with yall
@nilzero5686 29 дней назад
pity it's using genAI voices so it doesn't have to pay voice actors
@maxspecs 26 дней назад
Using AI for actual battle AI makes sense though.
@domomosh 26 дней назад
as someone who's dabbled with VA'ing the AI stuff did bug me a little. It's gotten to a point though where even official voice acting guilds are trying to figure out and set up rules and regulations on AI because it's not a matter of if but when and they want to set those boundaries as opposed to the companies who'd exploit tf out VA's but till then there's not much we can do. Can't guarantee it but hopefully the VA's represented by AI will be getting residuals for these kinds of deals
@Julez60 24 дня назад
Really? Well thats a deal breaker. Never playing this.
@ricardophdddsmd 29 дней назад
Releaseing model kits is a must.
@domomosh 26 дней назад
Mecha BREAK done by In Era+ Model Kits would be a dreammmm. 1/100 Aquila please and thank you
@LoliFoxQueen 29 дней назад
mech and space games are way too under represented in modern gaming. for Mech we got gundam and Armored core as our big titles. for space we have Elite dangerous (practically dead at this point thanks to shitty devs) and no mans sky as our big titles with some smaller lesser known titles for both. Yes space has the X series like X3 and X4 but those are pc exclusive and in X4's case has rather high requirements for less well off gamers like myself to be able to play it and in gundam's case bandai has been too hyper focused on exclusivly or primarily pvp titles leaving us in the pve crowd hanging by our necks.
@harrisonfoody7424 29 дней назад
Aa long as this comes to playstation im buying this game immediately on release
@domomosh 26 дней назад
It should be on all major consoles but switch and will be free so I think you're good there hahaha
@bluegolisano7768 29 дней назад
so long as I don't get staggered into a death spiral like AC6 and they make it so mechs aren't anti-thismech design like how Falcon was just the counter button to Narukami's stealth shenanigans, it'll probably be fine. said it before, saying it again; I'm a simple sort when it comes to this. give me a ground-based quickboosting centric mech that is good at close to medium range and fighting at a fast pace, I'll be happy. give me my 03-AALIYAH damnit. ...also for the love of god, let me skip the pre-loading screen animations, they annoyed me to no end because it's pointless eyecandy that wastes my damn time.
@motokid6008 29 дней назад
You got some S tier editing skills dude this was a fantastic video.