I make videos of things I want to talk about on the internet, hoping that it is entertaining enough for people to want to watch.
Diablo IV PTR: A Half-Assed Attempt
9 часов назад
ARC UN Paperclip Demonstration
День назад
The State of Mop Remix
День назад
Cry More™
14 дней назад
MoP Remix: Heroic Raid World Tour Haul
21 день назад
I Got Some Things Wrong about MoP Remix
Месяц назад
MoP Remix Exploits are Out of Control
Месяц назад
So I "Finished" MoP Remix...What Now?
Месяц назад
MoP Remix: The Journey So Far
Месяц назад
Diablo 4 - Did They Fix It? - Helltide
Месяц назад
WTF Is Happening in Wild Hearthstone?
Месяц назад
Channel Update
Месяц назад
1 Million DPS Trash Pull
Месяц назад
Sarkareth Heroic Mechanics Explained
Месяц назад
The State of D4: A Nobody's Perspective
Месяц назад
Perfectly Normal Diablo 4 Gameplay
11 месяцев назад
@Kyduk День назад
Your argument partially makes sense. Sure, they want actual feedback, so being able to test as much things as possible would allow more people to bring in more varied feedback. But by opening the PTR this way, what they're getting is people who are already used to a certain level of playstyle, getting to test their current playstyle in the PTR build, attest to the differences, and have shot at their current skill level. If everyone is given top tier gear for specific builds for all classes, then what the devs would be getting is very niche feedback for those specific builds per class, only on the high end content of the PTR. By getting in with your "current" gear, means that some people will be testing the high end content, while others will be testing early to mid level content. Wider spread of tests, and thus feedback. Also by not giving out "specific" gear, they allow for experimentation, testing different tempers, etc. Let's not forget that the PTR is there to test the differences, and provide feedback on what you like and what you don't like. It's not intended to simply allow people to play for X amount of days with a build that they weren't able to get in the live game just for fun, without providing any feedback whatsoever.
@Dyelawn57 День назад
I kind of understand what you mean but having an inherent limit to the amount of testing that can be done by virtue of time and opportunity cost is not an effective way to set up a testing environment. The people who are at the top end and create a lot of the community driven player resources are limited by what they physically, humanly have time to do. Imagine it is your job to create guides on Maxroll or something. You have a meeting with your testing team. “Listen up, gang. The PTR for season 5 just dropped and we need to start texting for the upcoming build guides. Jerry, I need to you to spend the next month testing every build in the game. We have 49 builds, about a dozen gameplay features and for about a third of those builds (guessing) you need high level master working and tempers for them to function.” As it stands right now, Jerry. Would have to assemble a team of at least 10 to 15 people playing the game around the clock for a month to account for all of the variables with farming in this game to properly text everything. And that’s only the stuff that is existing, that doesn’t account for any new and emerging builds from balance changes or anything like that. Imagine having the tools to create whatever setup you wanted. Any testing team worth their salt would have a thoroughly mapped out testing methodology, including variable power level at different stages of the game and would gauge the relative power level of those builds through the game. Imagine being able to actually truly crowd source a breadth of testing without a ceiling that is purely RNG. I don’t want these features on the PTR just so I can pretend like I have a huge dick for a half hour with an OP build. Every single person who gets their hands on the most content possible is another data point toward the company making data driven, non-biased or subjective balance changes. I could not imagine how difficult it must be to balance this game for the developers because there is simply a lack of data. This, to me, seems like another example of people who don’t know their dick from a donut giving orders from atop their ivory tower. People with 0 clue about how to actually balance a game telling the people who do know and are desperately trying that there isn’t enough budget to add an interface to the game for testing because the shareholders need more money for adult diapers and to line their couch cushions.
@PharCryy День назад
You speak volumes... The nail in the coffin for this game will be the Devs philosophy of "Play the way we WANT you to play" rather than the way You want to play. But they will have enough casuals to keep it limping just as D3 does.
@PharCryy День назад
You speak volumes... The nail in the coffin for this game will be the Devs philosophy of "Play the way we WANT you to play" rather than the way You want to play. But they will have enough casuals to keep it limping just as D3 does.
@Laptican День назад
I currently only need August Celestials and Black Prince rep and i legit only login to do the dailies for those. I don't really see a reason to do the raids and dungeons/scenarios since i have unlocked all the transmog, mounts and toys
@terrypankhurst7601 2 дня назад
don't test it you whinging shit, plenty of people are.
@Dyelawn57 2 дня назад
@Brigade069 2 дня назад
I decided not to play the ptr.
@Dyelawn57 2 дня назад
Right? It’s like, “what’s the point?”
@Matt-gf4gd День назад
You're not missing out on much.
@bigmangus7 День назад
Same , tbh I think season 5 is a skip it looks shit , its the same old over and over
@xXdnerstxleXx 3 дня назад
I quit mop remix now. Had a blast playing but there are many issues that have been glaring obvious since the start or were patched in later through god awful tunig (cause ilvl 342 ppl kept nagging) and I'm kinda done with it My cape on my main is 35k main stat. I have everything purchasable for bronze. I even swapped out my entire gear for avoidance since my secondary stats are all over the cap from the cape alone. My gems are now only armor gems. I can solo throne of thunder in under half an hour on heroic. I even have 8 stacks of bones of mannaroth leftover. I'd love to keep going up to 100k mainstat on my cloak. Unfortunately the recent buff killed remix for me. Why exactly? It's because they killed every single type of content except for raids in terms of bronze, while making all sources of thread except the thunder trove irrelevant. It's such clumsy tuning. Instead of buffing every source they only buffed very specific sources. The timless isle is irrelevant. Don't even get me started on world bosses. I called out this issues 4 weeks ago. Just reduce the spawn times to a few minutes and give them a shield that reduces damage received by 90% and ticks down by 1% every second. Then they would be atleast alive for half a minute. For example Nalak spawns, I'm at the summoning stone for throne, summoning people, I cast a ranged attack on nalak and he is dead before I can hit. In literally 3 seconds. However, the real number 1 stinker of remix is what? Alts. Alts are worthless. I leveled up multiple alts and dropped them immediately upon reaching lvl 70. Why not make the cloak global like advertised? Instead of unlocking the full power on lvl 10, how about gaining a fraction of each level until you reach max level? I keep playng my main because my alts are horrible. Their gear is horrible, their cloak is even worse. Remove Role Que, 100% I'm always queing as a tank, only to swap to dps spec in the first second. I was lucky on accident and picked dh for this event. The movement speed makes it so much more fun. Whats a mount? I'll just walk. Since it's my main I can also say, it's not that skewed to melee. Other people with similar cloaks, as rare as they are, can do more dps. Warlocks, Mages and Druids actually have abilities that deal damage. My DH does only gem damage. None of my abilities matter at all and mark of arrogance ONLY works if you have aggro. I usually get it since my cloak is the highest in my raids but the second somebody plays a tank spec he gets that mark of arrogance.
@Dyelawn57 3 дня назад
Right, after I made this video it was hard to go back. I think I did one more daily cycle and that was about it. Thanks for taking the time to share your experience :)
@xXdnerstxleXx 3 дня назад
@@Dyelawn57 hopefully we get the alts fixed soon, I'd love to come back playing alts. I thought I'd share my thoughts on remix as a whole since you described it pretty spot on.
@dragon_dyce 5 дней назад
would love to test a Grand Exchange type system like the game Runescape has in a PTR.
@Dyelawn57 5 дней назад
I like this idea, yeah. They are probably going to want to stay away from the words “auction house” if they were to do anything like it at all. The only thing I would want over the GE is more filters. In RS (or at least OSRS) you don’t need to worry about the stats on an item because it is always the same. With a successful system, people would need to be able to find whichever stats they want and whether or not they are GAs. (edit:half asleep auto correct KEKW)
@volvobuddy 5 дней назад
Not auction but marketplace could work
@Dyelawn57 5 дней назад
Not super stoked on the idea because a marketplace suggest an external governing body controlling prices. I still think that prices should be determined by the player base in a capitalist system.
@HadoukenHero 6 дней назад
Speed should be uncapped, You can convert you timerunner after the remix is over. And the point of remix is stuff like tinker and meta gems otherwise it would just be back the rpg times of no lvlscaling and your abilitys do better with gear, If you could inifinatly upgrade ur gear Ilvl and then maybe have your chaosbolts or class abilitys hitting like a truck would be cool but with lvl scaling your still forever going to feel weak unless you farm shitloads of threads. And agreed as dps or healer i've just gotta run through the whole dungeon because someone else is flying through 1 hitting everything. Great video glad I found you and eager to watch more of your content.
@kimberly4275 6 дней назад
Wish they would just apply the cost reduction for upgrading account wide. Maybe not as much. Feels like ass playing on alts
@cloudcloudly 9 дней назад
With timerunner's mastery you can get max ilvl in a week if you run all the raids/dailies. It still sucks at 70 and suffering until ilvl400.
@crumblyburgers 9 дней назад
Oof. My DH catching strays up in here. They desperately need to reduce upgrade costs on alts. If I upgraded on one character it should be the same reduced cost on an alt. This would dramatically help things I think.
@Dyelawn57 9 дней назад
Big agree. I don't even mind if the cost were the same if you could transfer bronze.
@christopherlandaverde9397 9 дней назад
I just watched your recent video and this is my second video I have watched today from you. I like your vibe and realism. Keep it up!
@domjay 9 дней назад
lol that DH is haulin ass :P
@kiwi5891 9 дней назад
I think its nice that overplaying a game mode no one cares about and most people only use as a fast way to lvl alts, makes you feel so powerful and enjoy the mode - it ends up you boosting other people for free, i think thats a nice thing.
@Dyelawn57 9 дней назад
Yknow, I didn't think about it that way lmao. It really is like a low effort level boost sponsored by min maxers lol
@andrefyea2709 9 дней назад
please don't ever buy a new camera, this is perfection
@Dyelawn57 9 дней назад
This guy gets it.
@magnas1636 9 дней назад
MoP Remix isnt made for your enteraintment, MoP was the expension with the most bugs till the end of its cycle, most bugs where consistant till now. MoP Remix is Snowstorms way of a Public Bug testing. They give away these huge power items so a lot of people can get thru as much content of MoP as possible. They just want the bug reports and data for when MoP Classic launches. And as a reward for participating you allowed to buy transmog, mounts and transfer your toon to retail. That is all that is to it, end of story.
@Dyelawn57 9 дней назад
Interesting perspective. I guess MoP classic (if it happens) would be coming relatively soon. I was more thinking that the classic cycles would stop at cata and they would continue forward with remix style game modes for the most recent stuff. Good point though, never thought about it like that.
@brad325is 9 дней назад
Remix is just a bookmark to give everyone something to do in the interim.
@Dyelawn57 9 дней назад
I mean, sure. Good effort by Blizzard. But it isn't like we are talking about a small indie developer. I feel like it is something that a lot of people want to do, especially because it is a novel experience from Blizzard. I enjoyed a solid 90% of my time with the game mode. I just feel like if no one says anything they either won't do it again or will do it again but not learn from their mistakes.
@DanBJim 9 дней назад
This has to be a meme. Or severe autism. I if you dont understand why this comment was made. My question has been answered.
@Dyelawn57 19 часов назад
@xSteigix 9 дней назад
I love the fonts you use!
@nonye0 9 дней назад
u all need to chill on a temporary mode jezuz. go play cataclysm its out yes?
@DrPluton 9 дней назад
Good ideas. I've been playing a protection paladin and kind of feel like it's annoying that Mark of Arrogance deals more of my damage than my Shield spells. Tanking is starting to feel pointless because the DPS often zooms through and kills things before I can get there. I've started replacing all my gems with speed gems to try (in vain) to keep up with the group.
@Dyelawn57 9 дней назад
I understand wanting to playing Protection but Ret is a very strong spec in the game mode rn. Could be worth a shot, especially since it is a low pressure way to kind of learn the spec.
@SupachargedGaming 9 дней назад
[Just gonna look past the fact that it took 5 minutes out of a 16 minute video to get to anything resembling a point. That said, kudos, the last 11 minutes were jam packed with points being made.] "Siege of orgrimmar is not as worth doing as throne of thunder" They... aren't mutually exclusive...? You can do both. You can't do throne multiple times a day. One normal or heroic per day. If you do that, and you still want to gain bronze or just play, well there ya go. Siege is worth doing. Something has to be the best, and dark animus fully justifies that being ToT. "The searing light/lifestorm thing is boring" Again, okay? "Something has to be the best." Thundering orb is still higher value on some fights - spoils, especially. Funeral pyre has higher value for longer fights. Precipice had its moment of glory in early dark animus kills. Ward was broken AF, especially in combination with lifestorm. Chiji one is useless and genuinely horrible and terribly convoluted and a design embarassment. Soul tether doesn't even seem to work, and becomes increasingly redundant, but it is an interesting idea. Locus of Power is actually kinda nutty, it's just become redundant with cloak stats. It had its moment. I've checked wowhead for the list, and apparently there's something called "Morphing Elements" that does elemental damage? I... I have no idea. Maybe it didn't make it to live. Maybe it's in my bank... never noticed it, tbh. [Further investigation... definitely didn't make it to live.] Oblivion sphere has higher value for undergeared characters being carried. All of it's redundant, of course. If you max your gear, you could just not use meta gems, or even tinkers, and you'd still be more than capable of killing bosses. It'd just take longer. They'd still pose very little to no threat. Final note on meta gems... Lifestorms way more interesting than most of them - because most of them are boring af. There's "skill" expression to it, which the others lack. There's tricks you can [could] use to optimize it's value. "This gamemode is very skewed towards melee characters" Uh, I guess? Fire mage and spriest are both super strong. Hunters are living their best life... Warlocks had/have the broken scaling of their doomguard. But yeah, ultimately, in a gamemode with unlimited power... melee are gonna win out, just because of instant casts. You know what its even more skewed towards? Demon hunters. Not because of their damage, not because of being in melee range or stacked or any of that nonsense. Because of their significant speed advantage. [My bad, you mentioned this. I'm going to leave it anyway.] That being said, I'm not so sure they are relatively faster. Demon hunters are stupidly fast compared to other classes in regular gamemode too. Triple jump, hunt, mastery, immo aura giving movement speed, felrush/demonic leap... they have a crapload of movement speed. Enough, really. The other classes benefit more from all the movement speed. My DK is so damn fast, swapping boots out for cogwheels and having 49% speed stat. "If your not playing a demon hunter, it feels bad, because you could be playing a demon hunter" I get what you are saying, but this is always true. Every time a DH uses the hunt to charge 100 yards, or uses demonic leap b2b, or triple jumps, vengeful retreats, and double fel rushes to cross a canyon in a flightless zone... the same argument applies. Fortunately this is combatted by a complete lack of interest in the class. If someone likes DHs, great, they can play it. Not exactly the most engaging of specs, though. [Havoc, not vengeance. Tanks and healers shouldn't exist anymore in this gamemode] The point about the cape I'll give you. That's fair. The scaling side of it is the same as retail though. I guarantee you my level 11 warrior twink is stronger [and significantly faster, 190% movement speed] than any character between 30 and 69. "Transfer alts between alts" You kinda can. I agree overall, though. You can buy gems and have them traded to your alts for a ~7:1 bronze conversion rate. Bronze should really just be an accountwide resource though. Wouldn't help with the "artifact" problem - I call it this, because it's the exact same situation as legion legendaries. Every bit of artifact power you gained on an alt, or used for a different spec, was less power gained for your main class, your main spec. Same with the cape threads. Same response, too. There's a point at which the value of upgrading your main's artifact/cape becomes redundant. If you have 100k stam, 20k primary stat, 30k secondaries... you are strong enough. There's nothing in the game that should be able to [consistently] kill you, bugs and 1shot [Sha of fear] mechanics aside. Cross faction restrictions... Yes. Again, though, this is a retail problem not a remix problem. Same with scaling, for that matter. Nope, wait, started responding too early. You're wrong. There's the exact same restrictions. You can't do any queued content [dungeons, scenarios, LFR] cross faction. Its stupid, yes. It should be [and supposedly is being] removed, but it's not a remix thing. It's a wow thing. A retail thing. Role queue removal... uhh, nope. Most people? Fuck no. FUCK no. Most people queue as a DPS, and only a DPS. That's why tank and healer queues are so much shorter despite their being less spots AND the fact that tanks and healers are entirely pointless in this gamemode, at this point. There should be a solo option maybe, but honestly it's a lot of effort for something so small. It's literally only dungeons that you need to change specs for. You wanna queue as a tank for LFR but dps? That's fine, it doesn't change your spec. Only dungeon queues do. I get where you're coming from, chuck vindication on any DPS and they are effectively a healer, be geared enough and you can tank anything [although threat can be a "problem"] buuut what's the answer there? "Oh you're a warlock, you can only DPS, but we'll let you queue as a healer because 'some' warlocks run vindication and 'some' of them have upgraded their gear. What's that, you aren't running any healer gems? You just queued as a lvl 66 warlock with lvl 30 greens into a group of similarly screwed socials? Guess this solution has its flaws" "Convert to standard character" I mean, eventually, yeah? They've said that's the intent anyway. They get converted to, presumably, boosties. Being able to do it early sounds great on paper, but then it just floods the maingame with easily levelled characters. Doesn't sound like a problem? Then you're not thinking about it enough. You wanna do mog farming? Go do it. Surely you've got other characters. If not, remember when people were complaining about how levelling "isn't faster than retail"? Well retail wasn't slowed down to fix that. Go level characters for the gamemode you want to use them for... "Nerf tinkers, buff players" I mean... maybe play a different spec? Unholy still has plenty of it's damage being its own damage. You still have to use your abilities to get the most value out of your tinkers [not 'any' value], but if I afk autoswing I do about 2m dps. If I do my rotation, I do about 10m DPS. Is that 8m increase 100% from my abilities? Absolutely not... but it's from me pressing them. Other classes have to use everything in their toolkit to even remotely keep up with DHs. Yup. DHs don't really need to further their speed then, do they? Whereas the other classes, who aren't designed as speed demons, get all this increased value from speed and from cogwheels that, yes, benefits DHs too... but significantly less. Also, "something has to be the best" Playing an unholy DK with blink, heroic leap, sprint, disengage [though I'm not particularly great with that one personally], spirit walk, or even just trailblazer feels so much better than being a speedy DH. If I wanted to feel faster because I'm playing a DH, I'd be better off in retail. Naturally occurring diminishing returns. There's a point where any increase becomes, effectively, redundant. DHs are naturally much closer to that point than any other class when it comes to speed. TL:DR Of all the ideas, these are some of them...
@Dyelawn57 9 дней назад
Thank you for taking the time to provide balanced and thoughtful criticism/feedback, I really appreciate it! I understand that the raids are not mutually exclusive and that's why I used "as worth it". You absolutely can do all of the raids every day if you want to. However, if I am choosing either ToT or SoO to do in my Heroic daily grind, I am picking ToT every time. This is assuming you have limited time to raid. Durumu and Dark Animus have been trivialized at this point. There is no difficulty factor to be considered so it falls back to bronze and thread rate per hour. I agree with the "something has to be best" argument for the gems. It would just be nice if something else was best for a bit to keep things fresh. As I even stated in the video, you can absolutely use whichever gem you want. Some of my buddies have started using lightning orb because we are all kind of collectively bored of lifestorm and still perform very well. I disagree with any point related to the journey from 10 to 70 though because that journey has been trivialized through leveling exploits. Leveling, if done optimally, is only a couple of hours of your play time on a character. Also, I think that not using something the developers intended for us to use is just a waste of time and doesn't make anything any more or less engaging, compounded with some of the other issues. I think that we agree on DH being busted in general? I think the over all point is that DH is busted, mobility wise, regardless of game mode and there is a reason why other people are choosing not to play them in either mode. I think the concept of boot swapping is ridiculous and every time I hear about it I always think "why not just make everyone walk a little faster and use whichever cog they want without the hassle?" I know hassle being relative given that it is effectively slight wrists and finger movements in the real world but I am sure you know what I mean. I agree that not all of my proposed solutions are winners, just some thoughts I had. Also I was not aware of the cross-faction restrictions being the same but thanks for letting me know. I actually played during Legion and I didn't even think of it as being akin to the Artifact Power problem but that is a spot on comparison. As far as playing a different class/spec to experience more power balanced toward player abilities, I feel like that is a bit of a cop out. If the cape and bronze issues were solved I would love to do that, yes, but unless you play all day every day for a long time you aren't "effectively" playing a second, let alone a third character. Even then, I check the meters all the time to make sure tinkers procced and all that and a solid majority of player power is weighted toward the tinkers. I'm not saying to completely gut the tinkers, just adjust the numbers slightly to where the tinkers feel like a bonus as opposed to most of the pie, yknow. TL;DR: I hate that you kind of have to put a TL;DR on stuff, as a concept. It takes like 5 minutes to read. I agree with a solid portion of your points and everyone is entitled to their opinions. Thank you for taking the time to provide some of your insite :)
@mikadigital2867 9 дней назад
If they ever do this again they should do literally everything you said lol. You read my mind. 💯
@ApexWolfPR 9 дней назад
I mean it is a mode created to just have dumb fun and do what ever you want and get as crazy strong as you could, as of now everything is stupid easy to get Like making all the content trivial at a certain point was the point of the event just give dumb power to the player
@Dyelawn57 9 дней назад
I agree. It was even in their marketing lol. I just feel like, to achieve one of their goals with the mode which was to level alts for the Warband stuff, you would want to make leveling and playing alts more fun. I’d totally play significantly more if they helped out the alt scenario. It would also probably help cut down on starter account alts.
@molo5694 9 дней назад
Hey man. I dont know u and I dont want to insult you in any way but consider my thoughts on your video: 1. I watched ur whole video. I learned something from your point of view. That was nice. 2. If you really wanna go down that route, consider upgrading your video quality game. Your video quality is really not that great, maybe save some money for better video-equippment as your next goal? 3. (very important - and I am sorry to say) You radiate strong neckbeard vibes with your appearance. I know that sounds really unfair but remember you can work on your performance and your appearance to become even better at recording. Remember this is just the opinion of a stranger. Please Ignore me if you disagree and if you are content with yourself. I really think you would cut the edge and upgrade your RU-vid-Stats with a bit more self-esteem (Also consider writing a script beforehand and practise your script), better quality videos and an improved appearance (atleast nicer clothes, remember Clothes make the man) Peace and respect from germany. GL on your way man.
@Dyelawn57 9 дней назад
Thank you for taking the time to express a thoughtful opinion! No sarcasm, I really appreciate it! 🙂 I won’t lie, I am a bit of a neckbeard. I have Autism and pretty much only have like 4 shirts I wear at all, but another comment said something about not wearing the comfortable shirt so that’s an easy fix. I have a hard time taking care of myself in general due to some of my mental health struggles but I try my best. As far as the script writing and stuff, I do write an outline of the points that I want to hit but typically take a more conversational approach. I do agree though that I need to tighten up my delivery and avoid rambling or stating things multiple times on accident. As far as video quality is concerned, I definitely want to get a new camera as soon as I can. I have even thought about rigging up my phone as a webcam or something. I have this shitty Logitech webcam from like 15 years ago lol. Anyway. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and I will do my best to note your feedback moving forward. I appreciate it more than you could know. Cheers 😌
@shwnboy 9 дней назад
Great video and informative. Wear a different shirt. I almost skipped the video
@Dyelawn57 9 дней назад
😂. Noted
@bobbilling1075 9 дней назад
Put those flabs away dude
@mikadigital2867 9 дней назад
@@bobbilling1075Get a life bro he already got the message.
@Dyelawn57 9 дней назад
@@bobbilling1075didn’t know I had gotten offensively large. I get it
@bobbilling1075 9 дней назад
@@Dyelawn57 content is good tho
@badomen2097 9 дней назад
Thank mf you ❤
@Dyelawn57 9 дней назад
I got you m8 😘
@badomen2097 9 дней назад
@Junglewarfare 9 дней назад
im just trying to get all the garrosh heirlooms before the event ends.
@Dyelawn57 9 дней назад
Fortunately that is very doable. You can get up to 15 bones per day if you do Siege 3 times a day. I would recommend only doing it as often as you can on Mythic thought because you get 10 of those 15 on Mythic. There are many groups out there who will carry people through it without a problem.
@black-pebble 10 дней назад
Good stuff man A quick suggestion - maybe add in some background music relevant to WOW i.e. barrens background music maybe?
@Dyelawn57 9 дней назад
I have thought about adding music to the background of the videos but I am always afraid of getting a strike. Thank you for your suggestion, I will do some more research about how to safely make that improvement.
@pineapplesmoovey7898 14 дней назад
wtf is this cringe
@Dyelawn57 14 дней назад
Agreed, very cringe
@nickolasroper3237 17 дней назад
I watcher the whole thing and sympathize with you brother. I know how you feel.
@candimonroe3541 23 дня назад
Level up more toons I'm up to 63 70s
@Dyelawn57 23 дня назад
That is a pretty wild number of characters lol. Glad you are having fun with the format :)
@nickolasroper3237 26 дней назад
I really like the corny format. It works.
@Dyelawn57 26 дней назад
Thanks man. I actually put a lot of work into this one but tried to keep the same “kinda shitty and awkward” vibe lmao
@HarleyAMV Месяц назад
They just nerfed everyone with high cloak numbers. There were plenty of people who didn't use frogs that got nerfed and a lot of people who did use frogs but not for super crazy amounts but still massively ahead of normal players didn't get nerfed... They 100% can track who killed a lot of frogs but I guess it was too much effort to write some code that goes through the logs 😮‍💨
@Dyelawn57 Месяц назад
That’s a real shame. Small indie developer.
@nickolasroper3237 Месяц назад
Hang in there brother, you got this.
@user-hc5nh8kv7g Месяц назад
if you're depressed stop gaming to numb yourself and start exercising
@havenomouth Месяц назад
Get up off them goddamn diamonds.
@LornaCook Месяц назад
It is only an exploit when it suits, people have been farming frogs for years.......Ok they nerfed it and yes it was annoying when you can't get in a normal raid because you was too late to the party.......But to roll back and punish them was a bit too harsh
@arthurvyrin3431 Месяц назад
how i know you dont know what your talking about is you use frog farmers as the ones "exploiting". #1 it wasnt an exploit its just the only one bliz could do anything about. i was on the PTR and i reported it 6 times, #2 the top Frog farmers got to about 100k threads, thats 10k-15k main stat. there were ppl running around with 200k-600k threads. on top of that, one found out that the cape dose have a 64b cap to it( its on reddit if you want to see it) and he/she has not been banned as far as i know. there are exploiters in the game but the frog farmers were not among them, and there are still real exploiters walking around with 300k+ threads. but go ahead and tell me im wrong (fyi i didnt farm anything, didnt get nerfed, and got the 40k bronze). this is a 3 month game mode thats meant to be broken and unbalanced, and everyones acting likes it retail. i for one want bliz to stop nerfing things and give everyone power, cut gear costs, and 1to1 cloak. bliz nerfing all these farms are the reason there are RMTs for mythic SoO, bliz is 100% at fault
@Dyelawn57 Месяц назад
I said that "frog farmer" is the term that is being used. It doesn't matter what the exploit is specifically. It's the principle that exploits have created a disparity between those who where there and those who werent, which is inherently discouraging and reinforces a negative social atmosphere. I'll be more specific next time.
@nickolasroper3237 Месяц назад
I started playing the Sunday the frog farm got nerfed. At that moment I learned what others were doing to game the system to their advantage, which, good on them. However, I am a father of 4 and an ER/ICU nurse that works 12 hours a day dealing with bullshit. I have at max 1-2 days a week to play. At the moment I learned that I’ll never be able to run mythic or heroic raids because of gate keeping children, I quit. If you can’t beat them or join them, fcku em, let em have it. This game mode along with plunderstorm, of which I never played one second is not for me. I’m not swayed by childish fomo.
@Grommsh Месяц назад
You can totally farm up more than enough threads and bronze by now to be caught up to farmers. You just have to put in like 16 hours a day. I didn't partake in any of the group farms. I mainly do my daily stuff, including normal raids. And then i fly around grabbing orbs and killing rares. My gear is max and I have over 150k threads on my cloak. If you just play the game efficiently, you can get there. Always be doing something that gets your bronze and threads. If you are queued for something, be getting orbs or killing stuff. As for doing heroics, you honestly shouldn't be doing them if your average gear is below 400 (excluding jewelry, I mean just item upgrade level) cause you will probably be getting one shot by a lot of mechanics. But also, just form your own groups? There are dozens of people that will sign up almost instantly to do the raids. Blizzard should have set a gearing curve. A time gated gear upgrade so that by week 3 people can all be max gear and the cloak is left uncapped for smaller incremental gains. All of this is on blizzard and not the players who just want to do stuff fast and efficiently. Best solution they could do right now is nerf upgrade costs by half. There will always be a holes no matter the game mode, no way of avoiding that besides making and curating your own groups. If they touch my cape for farming without doing any exploits i will probably quit the game, which will cost them money. And id imagine that I'm not the only one. Clamoring for people to be nerfed or "normalized" is absurd and selfish. There is no economy in this mode. The only thing that people being higher than you does is hurt your ego, not your actual gameplay. In fact, it probably makes your lfr and dungeon runs faster, thus being a net positive. Make your own groups if you are tired of being declined. There's hundreds of people trying to get into groups.
@Dyelawn57 Месяц назад
I got stuck on the 16 hours a day part. Are you saying that you play 16 hours a day or that you would need to now? Just for clarity.
@Grommsh Месяц назад
@@Dyelawn57 I have and you kind of have to if you want to be at max gear this early in the event. Otherwise at a casual pace, doing your daily stuff and maybe some normal raids, it'll take a few weeks. Took me roughly 90 hours of playing to get the bronze to max out my gear.
@eli-en8zp Месяц назад
i’m an avg player, i have 3 70s played mop remix for like 3-5 hours a day and i’m 411 ilvl on my mage, it honesty takes a group
@nickolasroper3237 Месяц назад
You play 3-5 hours a day, you’re not average.
@eli-en8zp Месяц назад
@@nickolasroper3237 i’m sure if you really care abt mop you have 3 hours to spare at the end of your day, i haven’t even touched my characters in 3 days, it’s basketball szn + i was fishing my main is a frost mage and i’m a mythic raider / 3k io so idk i guess i can just do everything more efficiently in said 3 hours compared to said “true average player”
@jesskyrnitszke Месяц назад
the cape isnt really the main issue here its the fact the froggers are running around with 560 ilvl gear and most people are not even 400ilvl yet
@Dyelawn57 Месяц назад
@keldon1137 Месяц назад
Started playing 2 days late, 4h a day max and i just hit max ilvl today. (556 pieces/476ilvl global due to jewelery stopping at 342). Just doing as much raids daily as possible and daily quests from bazaar. 8k mainstat cloak.
@Trickproof Месяц назад
during degen hours this morning (2am) i encountered a lot of 75k ish thread people and one 150k thread person in LFR that left before the last boss. and someone with 225k threads running random heroic dungeons lol
@Dyelawn57 Месяц назад
Holy heck
@keldon1137 Месяц назад
that was easily achievable without any exploit/hyperspawn farms.
@dominic789164 Месяц назад
I am also near ilvl 370. I haven't done any raids above LFR because I hate the current meta. (ward or froggers) Froggers are removing all the fun I have. What's the point of trying to do a good job with a class you're learning if someone just comes and 1 shot everything. I've stopped spending bronze on gear and only do the dailies for bronze and farmable mounts.
@lucarios Месяц назад
370 ilvl is not some1 that plays alot
@Dyelawn57 Месяц назад
Why. Why take the time to type nonsense. AVERAGE player. AVERAGE. AVERAGE PLAYER. The scope of an AVERAGE player. AVERAGE.
@SweaggerRexxar Месяц назад
@@Dyelawn57 I consider myself an Average Player... and I'm at 376 ilvl.
@lucarios Месяц назад
@@Dyelawn57 even AVERAGE players are above that u are talking out of the perspective of some1 who plays 1 hour a day and does fuck all ive had a sub for maybe 50 hours and 2 characters at 70 both above that ilvl