Zootopia News Network
Zootopia News Network
Zootopia News Network
ZNN After Dark Podcast
3 года назад
TRUE LOVE?  ZNN Interviews Sprinkah
6 лет назад
@I_love_drifting 2 дня назад
He never did💀
@I_love_drifting 2 дня назад
@VinodDunks 3 дня назад
Taylor Amy Young Sandra Robinson Joseph
@DX16 9 дней назад
12:57 Don't be, it's thanks to you that I know about Zootopia 2
@WolfX1120 11 дней назад
I think if Nick and Judy don't become a couple, The Asian market just might mutiny. Alongside most of the world.
@irikmon 13 дней назад
Love it!!
@HegeRoberto 15 дней назад
Weird to hear that it was Andrew Stanton that made the comment that steered the movie away from the shockcollar storyline. And I must a 100% agree with him, that version of the world would've been very hard to love.
@BikeEdward 22 дня назад
@D-Trolencion11-nd6ru 27 дней назад
Nick wilde: You know seeing my best friend Honey without clothes on for the first time in the video above is kinda cu...😏🍑
@EvripidouM 29 дней назад
All this time when people asked what did orefators eat, i would say that only mammals are sentient , so they eat fish reptiles etc. will i be a liar?
@EljorindoBerJack-Rachket-lx6lg 29 дней назад
Nice fic
@RunningManBusted Месяц назад
So glad to see this! Probably one of the movies that can bring back Disney. For the past eight years we've been wanting to see more of Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps. Now, it's finally confirmed! I'm Wild for Nick Wilde!
@ixiahj Месяц назад
Wonder if any old ideas that never made it to the first movie will make it to the sequel.
@yoshifan3077 Месяц назад
I can't believe they added more creatures in zootopia which that's awesome
@irikmon Месяц назад
Glad to see you again. Love this.😊
@brianachim2670 Месяц назад
Great podcast!
@irikmon Месяц назад
Love this!!! Keep it up
@juantorres4173 Месяц назад
hope there'll be birds in the sequel
@brianachim2670 Месяц назад
I feel like they’ll be saved for the third movie
@WolfX1120 Месяц назад
Sapient birds are most likely going to pop up at some point... I am not happy they did it this way... I was hoping reptiles would not be sapient... But i knew there was a strong possibility of it going that way... I got to say... I feel sorry for the poor obligate carnivores, eating just bugs and fish, that has got to be hell for there taste buds and not that great for there dietary needs :/
@brianachim2670 Месяц назад
@@WolfX1120 I think the lions and bears get by okay on fish
@WolfX1120 Месяц назад
​@@brianachim2670 I don't know about you, but i don't like eating similar food all the time... And with just two food groups on the menu, that is exactly what the cats and polar bears are going through :/
@brianachim2670 Месяц назад
@@WolfX1120 I suppose. How crazy would it be if it in the sequel the antagonists are predators choosing to go savage?
@WolfX1120 Месяц назад
You all did a great job :3
@benmh0269 Месяц назад
hmm, why are likes hidden? 6:50 beeeeeep was my favourite character. hehe 9:34 based on concept art by man arenas from 2011, it is safe to assume the city was called "animalia" initially. that name is still in the final version as the purple line on the transit map, that connects zootenniel stadium with savanna central and headds off south towards outback island. 12:16 i'm gonna make a bold claim and say that i think he did not compile everything that is out there. just when i think i have everything, i keep finding scenes or concept art that i've not seen before. oh and the links to those videos isn't in the description yet. 12:50 "a world where... *eVeRyBoDy WaS nAkEd* " xD 15:20 i've never heard of that scene before. 15:35 if that scene got fully rendered, it sure wasn't released anywhere. even the scene as it is available right now is stitched together from lots of different sources (animator's protfolio reel, imagining zootopia, etc.) oh and the dream sequence is only in 2d. i guess that is also where the idea for the mso came from, since they are all naked there too :p 18:09 i assume the abandoned warehouse in the background of the apology scene is exactly how wild times looked before nick bought the place and built the amusement park. also, i love how even nick's office was finished in 3d. (speaking of the mso, yax was part of the tame collar version. he worked at the palm hotel and got guests's luggage to their rooms) 21:14 in this version the affected animal also doesn't stay savage until they get an antidote. the affects wear off after a while. 22:50 i don't know if this is from davvid's video or if you edited it that way, but instead of the clip from weaselton's chase, there could be instead be a clip of the unrendered but mostly animated version you are talking about. 23:13 "and we have an awesome...." and the video shows a picture of judy's butt. "coincidence, i think not!" xD 25:32 this might mean nothing but potentially, since none of those license plates are paired up with a jaguar, it is another indication that renato manchas did not exist yet in this version. 27:18 i wouldn't call that fully animated. only blocked out at most. there is almost no facial animation, things clip through other things, all the motions are only very basic, etc. you skip over the scene where bogo calls in the sniffers. finished storyboard with temporary voice acting and sound effects. not sure if it was here or later on but there is a 2nd scene by the same story artist where bogo actually fires judy. she does get suspicions of the sheep tho and it sounds like she didn't even know about the sheep until looking through woolie's hotel room, so maybe this scene was later on. 29:13 note how he has no tame collar on when all other predators, even in concept art, were always shown with a collar. 30:30 initially it is the way you describe it. later on, after they got rid of the collars but while nick was still the main character, the "safe house" scene would have taken place. 30:59 what do you mean the original version? i always just assumed it is the same in the final movie, maybe less hilly than in the concept art. we just only get to see the train station and the carrot day festival, so it's not much to go off of. 31:48 that place had several names during development. "golden palm hotel" (in the rainforest district). there is also concept art where it is just the "palm hotel" in the center of the oasis in the middle of the desert. on the transit map it is labelled "oasis hotel". in the znn scene you talked about earlier, one of gazell's bodyguard responds to a reporter asking questions with "save it for the oasis". i guess that meant she was gonna have some sort of public appearance there too. anyways. while a lot of concept art of it exists, i don't think it was nearly as far into development as wild times. you skip over the scene at the hotel where bogo is being manipulated by swinton and set up to be her successor. also swinton tells her cronies to "find the fox and kill him. or i will find someone who can.". i think maybe the scene i mentioned earlier (where bogo fires judy) might take place here instead. i'm not sure. 34:26 i believe "animalia" was the name of the show there. lots of acts, sort of like a circus maybe. the stadium itself is called "zootenniel stadium" according to the handbook. (hmm, in one scene koslov says "anyways. lots of business with zootenniel". not sure what he was referring to). 35:06 this reminds me of the fanfic "embrace it". 35:50 yes, there is concept art by byron himself with both nick and judy at the amusement park and it's no longer "wild times". instead they now call it "wilder times".
@benmh0269 Месяц назад
39:00 wait what? really? they kept the collars until november 2014? 41:16 nick still remained the main character for a while longer, after they scrapped the collar idea. i don't know if it is, but maybe the deleted jumbo pop scene is from a version where nick is still the main character. there is also the scene "van bait" where judy, nick and finnick are in finnick's van and together with clawhauser orchestrate a call for another savage predator attack right where they are hiding. there was no savage predator but now they could follow the van that took manchas to cliffside. i guess that scene was replaced with the jam cam scene. 47:17 at this part of the scene there is a deleted clip... a deleted clip from a deleted scene. it can be seen on the animator's animation reel but not on the dvd in the extras where the rest of the scene is shown. "do not smirk please. he has lived with this confliction his entire life, every day is a battle. we even talked about species re-assignment, but i can barely afford the peanuts as it is, so instead i got him this little trunk right there. buddy, give us a little toot." 47:54 heh, i think a real toddler might have fallen over when being pushed by the head. 48:42 there is even a short clip of it as finished 3d animation, where bobby catmull is struggling on the tree, mrs armadillo is scared and rolls up into a ball and judy takes the laser pointer from her. 49:42 i assume that is from after they got rid of the collars, since nick does not appear to have one on. this scene was after the manchas chase and apparently nick was injured. 49:55 note how this is judy's apartment almost as we see it in the final movie, except it's decorated. judy has a tv and a wallpaper of bunnies. that wallpaper was put up by judy in a deleted scene between the train ride and judy's first day where she walks home from the train station, decorates her apartment, unpacks her clothes and then takes the underground to the plaza (we see the underground station at night in the deleted homesick hopps scene but this shot would have had it at daytime), then judy holds on to a giraffe's leg (i guess to get from the underground station to precinct 1 a little faster). dan cooper has that deleted scene in his portfolio. there is even one super short clip (in mark a. williams's animation reel) fully rendered out, where the camera gets stepped on by a walking elephant. 51:36 higgins is the hippo that says "atteeeeention". this is the desk of an elephant officer named bob. idk what's his last name. 52:37 i can also think of the "get to the zpd" scene where instead of stealing the whole night howlers lab, they take just the briefcase and escape by climbing onto a moving underground train. they have a fight with woolter and jesse on the roof of that train but get saved by the afternoon blizzard or something as the train passes through tundra town. now that i think about it, as cool as this scene would have been, it would have made no sense geographically. the lab appears to be near the docs and the zootenniel stadium, south west part of savanna central. the zpd is in the middle of savanna central. there is no reason why they would travel through sahara square and tundra town to get from the lab to the zpd. 52:50 i forgot where i found this, i guess it was from the animator's portfolio. there is also another clip with extended dialogue. there are lots of little clips here and there that got cut. there is a whole graduation scene where all the officers say their oath "we are protectors of the heard, we are guardians of the flock. we are zpd. we will defend the greater good against all who threaten it. divided we were animals. together we are zootopia." i already mentioned the first day in zootopia scene there is a clip from after judy talks to clawhauser for the first time. a bear suspect is being brought in and asks "is that a bunny cop?" and clawhauser responds with "yeah and she is adoreable" (they replaced that with just clawhauser saying "she's gonna get eaten alive". during the meter maid duty scene there was a clip of the old goat (officer mabel) saying "hey there, rookie. keep it up and in 50 years you'll be promoted to this job." some extra dialogue from before they enter the parking lot of tundra town limo service "you know what i think? i think you don't want me to prove i'm more than a bunny, cause if i do, you'd have to accept the fact that you could be more than a fox" (storyboard shown in the imagining zootopia documentary). during the canopy scene where they go to manchas's place, there is a scene where judy mispronounces "tujnga" and nick corrects her. he later corrects her again during the chase, as we see in the movie. there is also a clip where nick and judy have to wait for manchas to open the door. manchas turns off the lights. nick looks at his mailbox and finds the same magazine with "fancy cat" on it, that lionheart holds during the credits. an extended clip of nick and judy hanging off of the vine before part of it snaps and they start swinging. i already mentioned "van bait" there is alternate dialogue between dr. madge honey badger and lionheart "it may be time to consider their biology." "biology, doctor? spare me." "we both know what they have in common, we can not keep it a secret." a bit of concept art where after the press conference judy sits in the train next to a zebra and sees a talkshow called "real time with bull maher" where a bull and a leopard are debating something. there is an alternate take from the apology scene where instead of sniffling, judy actually breaks out in tears. an early version of "make the weasel talk" where duke is scamming someone with a magic trick. nick tells him "why don't you come say hi to my little friend." i already mentioned the train roof fight. that's all i know of from the final version. i'm sure there's more from the tame collar version. oh and of course the blooper clip where instead of pushing judy to the ground, gideon snaps her neck. the animator sure had some fun with that one haha.
@Cyra_The_Jedi Месяц назад
Wow, you know a lot! Is Zootopia one of your special interests, by chance?
@benmh0269 Месяц назад
@@Cyra_The_Jedi it's a nice movie
@Cyra_The_Jedi Месяц назад
@@benmh0269 it is! I love it :)
@irinagolova8943 Месяц назад
It very dangerous situation
@liamguthrie7027 2 месяца назад
Disney Crossy Roads was pretty epic
@WolfX1120 2 месяца назад
It is a great fic ;3
@garethdean6382 4 месяца назад
That Dream game needs more content, there seems to be practically nothing on youtube or other sites abut it.
@irinagolova8943 4 месяца назад
im always play games that my hobby
@LimAmli 4 месяца назад
@juantorres4173 4 месяца назад
crime files was great it reminded me of my childhood book i spy the book of picture riddles.
@Jean_Castell 4 месяца назад
It's great to see it's still an option to download Crime files, now I can finally finish the game 🤩 Thanks guys! Enjoying the podcast!
@anthonyhanssens7011 4 месяца назад
I miss Zootopia crime files 34:02 😢 but the rest looks good ❤😊
@irikmon 4 месяца назад
I'm glad to see more quality content. And a new list of games to download. Keep it up 😀 !!!!!!
@VannyDjpon3 5 месяцев назад
Me acabo de enterar que existe esto y llegó la gran coneja
@janesart1413 5 месяцев назад
A great fanfic is guardian blue by Sarsis, it's just the right mix of slice of life and overarching story. I feel like the characters are really well done, and the world is greatly expanded upon. Sadly Sarsis passed away last year, but it would be a great hommage if you could talk a bit about it! This podcast is a great idea btw. I love it!
@janesart1413 5 месяцев назад
Wait I clicked on your channel and saw you already did a memorial, I'll watch it next!!!
@liamguthrie7027 5 месяцев назад
I love the idea of a book club!!! I got a few suggestions for it. One is Multitopia by QuillPoutine (who may or may not be the one writing this comment) on AO3, but if you do that one it would be very funny if you did it in a sophisticated manner. Other ones that would be epic for a book club is A Good Dog Is Hard To Find by theepsizet, Someone Special In Zootopia by voleitor, and Armellotopia by Pandora (paperclipbutterfly), all on AO3.
@Moegami93 5 месяцев назад
Highly recommend the stories “it’s a wonderfox life” by BeecroftA and “the Santa Clause” by Sapperjoe85 for book club
@JaevhonDouglas 5 месяцев назад
I'd Like Both Of Them In My Fanfiction They Mix Pretty Well Together If Done By A Great Writer
@Frostwind2077 5 месяцев назад
I like this new series you guys have started. Hope to see you more often. Have a great day btw ^w^
@roli_geriner 6 месяцев назад
The podcast was really good and without it, I'd probably never come across Thicker Than Blood. I had something to pass the time while I was sick. Thanks.
@RaiKuDoesStuff 6 месяцев назад
This is great ❤ can’t wait for the next episode
@redsoilstudiosreal 6 месяцев назад
8 years? Wow? I watched it 11 times when it first came out and it never got old! It is a wonderful movie! I’m so glad there is a sequel
@WolfX1120 6 месяцев назад
It's great to see a new video from you ;3
@ZootopiaNewsNetwork 6 месяцев назад
Thanks! We're planning on making it a monthly series, so there'll be more to come!
@mysticwolf2842 6 месяцев назад
This was a very good first episode to start, and great news about Zootopia 2 coming out soonyouentioned anumber of FanFicts that is also good news if you can repost them, I watched them often and enjoyed those episodes as well
@declanflannery7377 6 месяцев назад
Congrats to PinkStar, Andy and Skul for all their hard work on a great first episode!
@sapperjoe8523 6 месяцев назад
I think her name was Julie in "Judy is dead". Great work!
@alphanightfury9799 6 месяцев назад
Some of my favorites zootopia Fanfictions that doesn’t seem to get much love is A Mountain I am willing to die on on A03 by Vee (Vera DragonMuse), and chronicles of Zootopia by Anheleder. Some of my favorite comics are Zootopia disarmed by Mr. Punctual and sense of duty by Asestrada157.
@russdarracott395 6 месяцев назад
@LiamDyC 7 месяцев назад
I fell in love with Relaxable's Nick and Judy fanarts on DeviantArt, and this is coming from someone who sees the two of them as a couple.
@Kevin-sy7rx 11 месяцев назад
😀 *Promosm*
@CLU1968 Год назад
Thank you for uploading. Sad passing, but stories live forever.
@Dusk_Sarsis Год назад
Thank you, again.
@Jack-mb4jx Год назад
I must first state that while I am glad to see this channel post in such a long time it is sad to do so on such a solem note. I did not know Alps Sarsis though looking through the art he posted online he truly had talent. And looking at everything now he will be missed but still loved, and remembered.