Here, I hope to share my love for synthesizers. I'll be uploading some videos about patch design, and sharing the sounds that I create with you, so that you can enjoy them and use them too.
@LegendaryfromTCI 5 месяцев назад
It's mostly about curiosity...
@AutisticCuriosity 6 месяцев назад
What would be really great is you showing a diagram of your final matriarch settings so we can get the same sound on out matriarch
@AutisticCuriosity 6 месяцев назад
Thank you that was a beautifully clear interesting lesson
@christoroppolo8742 6 месяцев назад
It needs an editor.🫤👽
@christoroppolo8742 6 месяцев назад
The ONLY thing this instrument has needed since day one is an app editor for mobile phones tablets etc to get at the hidden functions only accessible via a pain in the butt shift routine that utilizes the keys and some other buttons ( primitive to the point of stupid ) on a beautiful instrument like this. Moog claimed no one wanted an editor for the matriarch which is total nonsense. They were just incapable of getting things done for their customers after the fact even though they have a ton of experience with ios etc. it still makes the hair on my neck stand up every time I think about it. SO ANNOYING! Hopefully their new owners will be more capable and forward thinking and give us a tool to improve using the matriarch it deserves it badly. 👽✌️🫤
@AutisticCuriosity 6 месяцев назад
So look up ‘Moog matriarch & touch OSC’ A way of changing hiddenen functions on the instrument whilst playing live from a tablet! It’s not the answer but it’s a lot closer to what we want.